Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (2025)

As TikTok continues its meteoric rise in popularity, newcomers may find the array of icons and symbols overwhelming at first glance. But understanding these visual shortcuts is key to navigating the platform seamlessly.

This comprehensive guide breaks down the meaning behind every TikTok icon you’ll encounter. We’ll explore the various tools attached to these symbols so you can capitalize on TikTok’s offerings.

Let’s start deciphering those cryptic icons!

Home Feed Icons

The home feed is the central hub displaying an endless scroll of videos when you launch TikTok. Let’s decode the main icons located on this page.

Home Icon 🏠

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (1)

Clicking the home icon shaped like a house directs you back to your main “For You” feed showcasing TikTok’s recommendations based on your watch history and interactions.

This is the best place to rediscover old favorites or fall into new viral rabbit holes!

Friends Icon 👥

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TikTok consolidates videos from the accounts you follow under the Friends tab. Engage more directly with your connections here.

Inbox Icon 📨

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Direct messages from other users and system notifications populate your inbox. Check here regularly so nothing slips through the cracks!

Profile Icon 👤

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This icon redirects you to your public profile page and video feed. It allows you to monitor how your profile looks to others.

Original Audio Icon 🎵

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Discover the viral impacts of audio snippets known as “sounds” by tapping this icon. It exhibits videos employing the same clip of music, audio effect or voiceover.

Scrutinizing trending sounds allows you to pinpoint breakout memes early!

Share Icon ↗️

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The share arrow gives options for distributing videos via links or multi-platforms. Savvy creators even devise creative “Share This Video” challenge prompts within videos to spike engagement.

Heart Icon ❤️

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The hallmark heart icon registers your “Like” to applause creative videos. Liking videos also saves them to your Liked Videos roster for anytime access.

Moreover, showering your favorite creators with appreciation can catalyze their motivation and ascent!

Comment Icon 💬

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Tap this icon to access the comment feed where you can interact with creators or fellow viewers. Poll the room about video concepts here!

Bookmark Icon 🔖

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Click the bookmark to curate an ongoing folder of beloved videos not lost amidst the endless scroll. Revisit bookmarked clips for a mood boost or reference.

However, this saves videos only temporarily as your access depends on creators maintaining the original uploads.

Creator Profile Icon 🙋 + Follow Icon 👉

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This combination icon allows admiring a creator’s portfolio or following their account directly from any video.

Sparking friendships with gifted creators often leads to collaborations, shoutouts or networking opportunities too!

Search Icon 🔎

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (11)

TikTok’s mighty algorithm recommends content impressively, but the search tool grants manual control.

Look up specific sounds, challenges, creators or topics like “FoodTikTok” rather than relying solely on TikTok’s assumptions.

Live Icon 📹

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (12)

From Q&As to talent showcases, the Live icon houses real-time broadcasts from daring creators.

Interact directly with streamers or discover fresh content here before their videos join the main feed!

Video Creation Icons

Tapping the prominent central plus icon opens TikTok’s Video Editor toolkit for recording masterpieces. Let’s examine the tools attached to these icons.

Rear/Front Camera Switch Icon 📷

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (13)

This flipping arrows icon conveniently swaps your camera’s perspective. Dazzle viewers with both forward and backward facing footage in sequence!

But avoid revealing private backgrounds or locations in the process.

Flash Icon ⚡️

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (14)

Enable the flash symbol to illuminate dim scenes. But temper expectations regarding smartphone cameras battling lowlight environments.

For best results, use the natural light tools below instead!

Timer Icon ⏱

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (15)

Setting a recording time limit prevents dangerously long clips. Perfect your content precision with shorter bursts around 15-60 seconds instead.

Effects Filters Icon 🎆

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (16)

Dabble with TikTok’s diverse effects toolkit spanning filters, text overlays, stickers and augmented reality lenses galore using this icon!

Stand out by devising your own signature look. But avoid effects distracting from video quality itself.

Enhancement Icon 💄

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (17)

Enable automatic touch-ups adjusting lighting and details for prerecorded videos or live broadcasts. But filter tweaks sparingly to avoid looking disingenuous!

Speed Icon ⏩

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (18)

Accelerate or slow down footage dramatically by adjusting play speed. Highlight mesmerizing physical feats amplified in slow motion or condense educational tutorials by speeding lessons up!

Sounds Icon 🎙️

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (19)

Incorporate audio effects, voiceovers, or background music using TikTok’s licensed song library. Strategically amplify key moments with sharp sounds too!

Tip: TikTok displays sounds actively propelling viral videos under “Trending.”

Discard Icon ❌

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (20)

Before publicly posting videos, previewing via this backward arrow allows gracefully deleting drafts deemed lackluster or problematic.

Use the extra runway responsibly before clips go public permanently within the TikTok universe!

Next Icon ➡️

Conversely, proceed by tapping the next button once satisfied with video draft creations. Advance through subsequent upload steps before unveiling videos publicly!

But rewatch closely before finalizing permanent uploads.

Profile Page Icons

While creating videos is enticing, also prioritize managing your profile properly by knowing these symbols:

User Videos Icon 📼

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The icon showing a stack of videos fittingly houses your video feed exclusively featuring your own uploads.

Liked Videos Icon ❤️

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This heart icon catalogs any videos you individually Liked for safekeeping. Use it to trace your watching journey too!

Saved Videos Icon 🔖

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Unlike Liked videos centered on showing support, Bookmarked videos operate like playlists for easily referenced content you want resurfacing.

Curate subject-focused folders by saving step-by-step tutorials, recipe videos, hair examples and endless niches more via Bookmarks!

Private Videos Icon 🔒

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (24)

Click the closed lock to access videos set viewable to only you. Be mindful about broadcasting identifiable locations, information or situations privately.

QR Code Icon 💬

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (25)

Friends can follow you on sight by scanning this instantly generated QR code. Place the code strategically within physical collateral or even try projecting it publicly for mass scanning surprises!

Username Icon ✏️

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (26)

Alter your username or other profile details by tapping the pencil edit icon. Stand out with memorable names not already claimed!

Short witty handles often trend best.

Profile Picture Icon 🖼️

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (27)

Likewise, upload a new profile photo through the circled plus icon adjoining your current avatar.

Display your best self while keeping it professional!

Account Menu Icon 🧑‍🍳

Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (28)

Access this hidden sidebar menu by tapping the three-line hamburger icon. It leads to account settings, creator tools for monetization, live stream features and more!

But beware adjusting privacy settings, location tracking and other sensitive preferences carefully.

Extra Safety Precautions on TikTok

While mastering TikTok’s symbols opens creative possibilities, also exercise caution by:

  • Avoiding oversharing personal details publicly
  • Vetting followers and collaborative contacts wisely
  • Seeking second opinions before posting irreversible content
  • Blocking and reporting suspicious accounts promptly

Review TikTok’s extensive community guidelines and safety resources like this guide regularly as well:

The Takeaway: It Just Takes Some Getting Used To!

Initially, TikTok can resemble hieroglyphics with its slew of symbols. But tracing the meaning behind icons demystifies navigating TikTok’s powerful tools smoothly.

So venture forth, learn the lingo and icons – then start creating! The TikTok universe awaits your next viral sensation.

Related posts:

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  3. How to Get the Coveted Blue Checkmark: Your 4-Step Guide to Getting Verified on TikTok
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  7. Optimize Your Twitter Experience: An Expert Guide to Muting Words
  8. A Complete Guide to Saving Your TikTok Drafts
Your Guide to the Symbols and Tools – History Tools (2025)


What does the big idea icon mean? ›

The Big Idea icon requires students to make generalizations and develop overarching ideas around a topic. Learners construct a key principle or theory that can be supported with evidence.

What is the main idea of the depth and complexity icon? ›

The Depth and Complexity Icons are visual prompts designed to help students go beyond surface level understanding of a concept and enhance their ability to think critically. These critical thinking tools help students dig deeper into a concept (depth) and understand that concept with greater complexity.

What is an example of a big idea in a lesson plan? ›

Examples of lesson-specific big ideas include: trade is one way to get the things you need or want; it works best when each person has something the other wants; families change and adapt to changes; the money people pay the government is called taxes.

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The 🏛️ Big Idea's icon looks like a Greek temple and is itself a useful graphic organizer (yes, Depth and Complexity pairs beautifully with graphic organizers). This shape shows the relationship between Details and Big Ideas.

How do I find my Big Idea? ›

5 Tips For Finding Your Big Idea
  1. Always Be On The Lookout for Needs.
  2. Appeal to the Human Desire for Connectivity and Belonging.
  3. Improve an Already Existing Product or Industry.
  4. Look For Industries That Lack Innovation.
  5. Stop Thinking You Need To Become a Giant.

What are complexity icons? ›

The icons of Depth and Complexity are prompts used to initiate a more advanced and extensive understanding of subject matter for all learners.

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Depth and Complexity Basics
🏛️Big Idea
🌻Essential Details
👄Language of the Discipline
7 more rows

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The Depth and Complexity framework consists of icons that align with a certain way of thinking. They were designed to help students go beyond a surface level understanding of a concept and push them to think critically.

What is an essential understanding? ›

Essential Understandings are full‐sentence statements that identify the insights students are to be able to explain and demonstrate by the end of a unit of study. They are timeless “life lessons” or patterns of the discipline.

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Big Ideas is a technical term which applies to a particular set of ideas that match specific characteristics, in particular, they: are few in number provide criteria for the selection and prioritising of subject knowledge in the curriculum. set out learning outcomes in terms of what students should understand.

What is a big idea in backwards design? ›

The term “big ideas” comes from Understanding by Design (UBD), an approach to designing academic courses that values “backward design,” which means starting the design of your course with a big idea and working backward through learning outcomes, assessments, activities and lessons.

What does big idea mean in education? ›

BIG IDEAS refer to concepts that are meaningful to the lives of children. If we look beyond development to children's emerging interests as a focus of observation there is an opportunity to consider what is really important. Everyday there are opportunities for children to explore ideas that are rich and valuable.

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A successful Big Idea is more than just a catchy slogan or a clever advertisement; it is a strategic vision that guides the entire marketing effort. It is born from deep insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and brand positioning.

What is a big idea in text? ›

The main idea is a message about the topic that the author is sending the reader—minus all the details. It is the most important thing the text says about the topic. All fictional and nonfictional stories, paragraphs, poems, and articles have a main idea.

What does "what's the big idea" mean? ›

(US, colloquial, often preceded by hey) Used to express surprise or dissatisfaction with an action or statement of another person, especially to that person.

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Big ideas are concepts, debates, or theories that are at the core of a discipline and that you, as a teacher, can choose to put at the core of your course.

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The Big Idea is the foundation of our message, the powerful idea that will make the difference between our product and the competition's because it's the big reason our buyer persona needs to buy.

What does Big Idea mean in advertising? ›

A successful Big Idea is more than just a catchy slogan or a clever advertisement; it is a strategic vision that guides the entire marketing effort. It is born from deep insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and brand positioning.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 6624

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.