The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Follow - General Discussion - Giant Bomb (2024)




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Edited By DrRandle

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Here's something interesting a buddy of mine showed me, that I thought I would share with the rest of the internets. A list of 7 things that all video games should consider, and thusly all developers and publishers need to realize about making games.

Personally I shouldn't say all games need to be this way, some are after all crafted to be exactly what they need to be, and I'm never opposed to breaking rules. But I think in a large majority of cases, these rules should be followed, especially towards the end there where we talk about graphics and horse power not being important.

I agree mostly with everything in this article, so there's not really a lot of point in me regurgitating it. I'd love to see your thoughts down below, but please let's keep it intelligent, hm? I do so love a stimulating conversation.

-Make it a good one.
Randy "Dr. Randle" Marr




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#1 Edited By DrRandle

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Here's something interesting a buddy of mine showed me, that I thought I would share with the rest of the internets. A list of 7 things that all video games should consider, and thusly all developers and publishers need to realize about making games.

Personally I shouldn't say all games need to be this way, some are after all crafted to be exactly what they need to be, and I'm never opposed to breaking rules. But I think in a large majority of cases, these rules should be followed, especially towards the end there where we talk about graphics and horse power not being important.

I agree mostly with everything in this article, so there's not really a lot of point in me regurgitating it. I'd love to see your thoughts down below, but please let's keep it intelligent, hm? I do so love a stimulating conversation.

-Make it a good one.
Randy "Dr. Randle" Marr




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#2 Edited By rinkalicous

This article is great, but you linked to the 7th page! You meant to link here!




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#3 Edited By Jayge_

1. Yeah, that one's ok. Nothing really to argue about there. Although split-screen in gaming needs to go away forever. It's stupid, nearly unusable and pointless.

2. OK premise, but using things like Oblivion or HL2 as examples is just stupid. Sometimes it's necessary for the depiction of the universe and game world for large stretches of land and other objectives to exist in the game. It's not a bad design decision.

3. No sh*t sherlock.

4. Strongly a matter of opinion. That one is heavily debatable. I'm half and half on it.

5. Pointless, but whatever.

6. Idiotic. Bully for the 360 worked absolutely perfectly. I don't get why people claim there were problems with that game. Otherwise, content in this segment is not really disagreeable.

7. Pointless addition. Makes a stupid and mediocre list even more stupid.

Overall, that was a pointless list that fell back on obvious common sense for half the entries and stupid assertions about topics they don't seem to know much about for the other half.

Waste of time. Oh well.




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#4 Edited By TwoOneFive

the guy disses Shadow of theColossus. what a douche. Yeah, Jayge, that list is retarded.

#5 Edited By Origina1Penguin

I thought there was only one rule for a game:

It should be fun.




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#6 Edited By TheGodPoet

I still like parts of the list but I hate to say this but it's been posted already.




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#7 Edited By ShadowKiller

I stopped after I seen that retarded final fantasy video on the first page. No matter how much those other pages may of had a point it's not worth going through that torture again.




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#8 Edited By Pie

It's whatI like to call a "sh*tty list".




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#9 Edited By natetodamax

I actually enjoyed the list...




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#10 Edited By Coltonio7




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#11 Edited By gam3r3OOO

I love these. If I ever go into game development I will make sure and follow these. They are common sense but developers fail to follow them over and over again.




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#12 Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Lots of these are sort of stupid, at least how they went about it. The ideas are right, but the arguement just isn't. Interesting list either way
The only thing I just had a major gripe with is loading. I have yet to experience a game this generation with loading that was bad unless it was a 7 second one that you'd have to see constantly going in and out (which I haven't experienced). I sort of had a PS1, so yea....

And one that, not that I disagreed with, I just thought they were wrong about completely with their arguement was the last one. The wii isn't really home to a huge amount of innovative titles. Some, sure, but not more than other consoles. And a game doesn't need to be innovative to be good. Rather weird they use Gears as an arguement for this, that game did sort of innovate, or at least refine, the cover mechanic greatly, essentially putting forth a gameplay mechanic for other games to use.




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#13 Edited By Kiemoe

Okay this post pisses me off to no end. WHAT THE f*ck!?!?! Whoever wrote this article... I'm at a complete loss for words. This guy is f*cking retarded. I could barely read the first page you linked us to because of how wrong it is.

Obviously the Wii isn't "going backwards," but can anyone actually say it's moving forward more than either of the other consoles? Power Glove anyone? I don't really think that counts as a "new playing experience." It's just new to people who don't play games.

And aren't we all pretty much "hardcore gamers?" We're all on a forum on a video game website. So apparently that automatically means that we only like Gears of War for the graphics and that's the only reason we play it. We couldn't possibly enjoy the fun or story of it, he says. And he compares it to Mario Kart DS. Now that's a fun game, and so is Gears. But are we really comparing storylines here? Really?Well I'm pretty sure Gears 1 contributed more to gaming than Mario Kart DS. Unless you count the Blooper attack.

And the Final Fantasy X bash. Now, I'm sure you didn't know this was my favorite game when you wrote it, but, c'mon. The writers for that game flat out said in an interviewthat that scene was supposed to be that uncomfortable.In context, Tidus and Yuna weren't really having the time of their lives, and every camera angle, every shot look, showed that. They were all uncomfortable, and that laugh was forced and just made you feel dirty on purpose. Yeah, it's bad, for a reason.

And the ending thing? That seems kind of obvious. Of course gamers want a conclusion for the work they put into it. But FFVI is a SNES game that takes a long time to beat and Metroid is a NES game like under two or so? That's kind of a low blow.

I hate you, random guy on Cracked, with a passion. I wish I could hate you to death.




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#14 Edited By hotGurl

All games should have beautiful woman to look at.




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#15 Edited By gam3r3OOO

Thou shalt make a more complete list starting with this one and spread it through out the internets. Thee 7 commandments art a good start.
Thou shalt start a gamers wiki that we can all change as needed and add new things that others have missed.

1) Better graphics do not equal innovation and/or creativity
Game Sales (Wii is more popular that both PS3 and 360)
Gears of War vs Mario Kart DS (sales)
Hire Real Writers
Portal was great b/c of great writers
Hire competent Voice Actors
EX:Final Fantasy X bad voice acting scene
Put some work into the ending
EX:short Metroid esc endings (congratulations...)

2) Thou shalt make sure your game actually works

Porting games after 5 minutes of beta testing
Release games that actually run before selling them
don't wait until your fans are screaming on forums
stutter and slow down is inexcusable
Load Times
break up the action
"This is going to being the Achilles heel of this generation. It utterly breaks the spell of an immersive game to freeze the action while a "Loading ... " bar comes up. This would be like going to the theater and having the lights come up between every scene, so they can put more film in the projector. "

3) Thou shalt admit when enough is enough

No one likes escort missions
"So you've spent the first half of the game accumulating weapons and hit points and turning yourself into a zombie-killing machine. How does the game reward you? By forcing you to escort a completely helpless and unarmed dumbass through the war zone, and making so that you instantly lose if they get a scratch on them."
CPU controlled squad teammates
usually unhelpful (defeating the purpose)
First Person Jumping puzzles
"There is no possible freaking way to jump accurately from a first person perspective. All of the things that would let you do it in real life (sense of balance and momentum, awareness of your body) are gone. Also, you can't see your f*cking feet. "
World War II games
The grizzled space marine
Doom 3
Gears of War
Killzone II
Aliens: Colonial Marine

4) Thou shalt make killing fun
Don't start us out with a bullsh*t weapon
We don't want games full of tiny rodent enemies (small weak, annoying enemies)
Hard to hit, no satisfaction to kill them
Bullets that have no visible effect
"If we shoot a zombie in the arm, we want his arm to blow off. If we shoot him in the knee, we want him to limp. And if we shoot him in the head, we want his head to explode."
Swords that actually hack off limbs instead of merely inflicting damage
Filling the game with hordes of cookie-cutter bad guys
variation of faces, skin tones
"We want to know, deep down, that there are hundreds of grieving mothers out there, lamenting the terror of our dreaded blade."

5) Thou shalt not force repetition on the player
game checkpoints
having to replay levels due to limited save points
People have busy lives.
People could stop playing at ANY moment to go to bed, go to work, eat...etc
You should be able to save anywhere in new games
Force us to watch cutscenes repeatedly
Instant failure quicktime events

6) Thou shalt not pad the length of your games

Adding an Arbitrary way to pad the length of a game
Putting huge stretch of land between objectives
Adding pointless, mandatory fetch quests

7)Thou shalt let us play your game with real friends
Game Sales (multiplayer games sold the best in 2007)
Wii Sports
Wii Play
Guitar Hero III
Super Mario Galaxy (yes it does)
Madden NFL 08
Guitar Hero II
Mario Party 8
Split screen
They did it in Golden eye (why get rid of it now?)
"You're dropping it because four players on a split screen are playing off one $60 copy of the game. Four players playing online need four copies ($240). "
Splitscreen>Online Multiplayer for some things
"So when she comes over, do you think he's going to put on his GTA IV headset, or pop in Mario Galaxy? Here's a hint: The second choice gets him closer to touching boob."




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#16 Edited By TheGreatGuero

I realize now that I read this almost a year ago.




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#17 Edited By toowalrus

Not a big fan of this list. If Grand Theft Auto, Oblivion, Resident Evil and God of War fail these commandments, then maybe it's more of a list of rules to BREAK, but break well.




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#18 Edited By DrRandle

Well I linked to the 7th page because, personally, it was my favorite.

And uncomfortable and bad are two different things. Final Fantasy 10 was bad. Pure and simple.

What else was there, oh yeah, Gears of Wars was not revolutionary, it was just more mass marketable. And it was also a bad game full of terrible design philosophies. You can argue whether a game is fun or not, and in the end that's all subjective anyway. But there are clear cute good and bad design philosophies, and in every case he's more or less spot on. For example: I like Board Game: Top Shop. On just about every level, it's a poorly designed game. It was definitely made by like two people, neither of whom were capable of fully translating it to English, resulting in a game that's partially broken. But it is fun as f*ck to play with friends regardless, at least for me. Subjective.

He wasn't saying these are necessarily all bad games, obviously. Half Life 2 is anything but a bad game. But it wasn't perfect, and the reason he listed was fairly valid. Not the best example when Oblivion was right next to it, and Twilight Princess... but a point none the less.

Also just because you disagree with a list doesn't make it poorly written or poorly argued, and trying to sell it as such just makes you come off as childish and lazy, and completely invalidates your opinion because clearly you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Just remember that next time you make an argument, kay?




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#19 Edited By NukeGoBoom

You mixed something awesome (games) and something stupid (religion)...I dont like the result.




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#20 Edited By Jayge_

DrRandle said:
"Also just because you disagree with a list doesn't make it poorly written or poorly argued, and trying to sell it as such just makes you come off as childish and lazy, and completely invalidates your opinion because clearly you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Just remember that next time you make an argument, kay?"
Is the purpose of your blogs to continuously put your foot as deep in your mouth as possible? Because both your PSP bitching one and this one make you out to be a massive hypocrite who has no idea what he's talking about, not the people he's lecturing. The list is poorly written and poorly argued; the fact that people disagree with it doesn't diminish that fact, nor does your agreement with it. Trying to chide people who don't like the precious list as childish and lazy is ridiculous.




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#21 Edited By NukeGoBoom

hotGurl said:
"All games should have beautiful woman to look at.

Thats it wheres my*t...I DONT HAVE ONE.

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The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Follow - General Discussion - Giant Bomb (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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