Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (2025)

Forgotten Memories is a survival horror experience created by Qubix Games. It is based on the 2014 hit series Five Nights at Freddy's, originally created by former game developer Scott Cawthon, who passed the series on to a trusted friend of his.


  • 1 Gameplay
  • 2 Difficulties
    • 2.1 Normal Mode
    • 2.2 Hard Mode
    • 2.3 Nightmare Mode
  • 3 Characters
    • 3.1 Amber
    • 3.2 Jay
    • 3.3 Todd
    • 3.4 Travis
  • 4 Dangers
    • 4.1 Animatronics
      • 4.1.1 Freddy
      • 4.1.2 Bonnie
      • 4.1.3 Foxy
      • 4.1.4 Chica
      • 4.1.5 Golden Freddy
      • 4.1.6 Marionette
    • 4.2 Mechanics
      • 4.2.1 Oxygen
    • 4.3 Others
      • 4.3.1 The Blast Door
      • 4.3.2 Soul
      • 4.3.3 Face
  • 5 Character Store
    • 5.1 Flashlights
    • 5.2 Cosmetics
  • 6 Store
    • 6.1 Skins
    • 6.2 Gamepasses
    • 6.3 Cash
  • 7 Badges
  • 8 Trivia


  • Story Mode

  • Maze Mode

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (1)

In story mode, a team of 1-4 players (Amber, Jay, Todd, and Travis) work together as security personnel at Tony's Tacos' new establishment. The objective is to team up, survive, and complete all five nights without dying to the animatronics. In order to complete a night, the player(s) must survive and make it to 6:00 AM. The player(s) is greeted with a security office that comes with cameras, 2 closeable doors, and a flat screen showing the complete layout of the establishment. Each player has 3 lives. The player(s) must monitor the animatronics' movements and make sure they don't come inside the office, but while doing that, they must conserve power, keep watch of their oxygen supply, and make sure everything is functioning as it should, otherwise a system failure might occur, which will force the player(s) to roam around the establishment by themselves, and repair the generators or reset the ventilation system. The historic restaurant is filled with lockers, vents, and hiding spots for players to utilize. There are currently 3 difficulties that the individual nights can be played on. Normal, Hard & Nightmare mode, each increasing the difficulty.

In maze mode, a team of 1-5 players work together to get out of the facility. The objective is to repair generators and flip levers to access parts of facility. The player(s) needs to collect parts of terminal code to get out of the place.


Normal Mode[]

In this mode, player gets cash without any multiplier. Animatronics are less dangerous. Players have 3 lives.

Hard Mode[]

Animatronics are more dangerous and faster than in Normal Mode. Players have 2 lives. In this mode, cash multiplier is x1.5. Available only when playing Story mode.

Nightmare Mode[]

This mode will make animatronics even more aggressive and faster than in Hard Mode. Players have only 1 life. Cash multiplier is x2. Once completing Night 3, players get a special badge. Same with Night 4 and 5.



Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (2)

Amber is one of the four playable characters. She is a blonde haired girl wearing a white dress topped with a white bucket hat.


Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (3)

Jay is one of the four playable characters. He is an African-American dreadlocked boy wearing a black suit with a silver chain and modern glasses.


Todd is one of the four playable characters. He is a rich boy with a grey shirt, slate grey vest, khakis, brown hair, and aviators.


Travis is one of the four playable characters. He is a (supposedly) emo boy with a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black hair.



Animatronics behavior only applies to Story Mode. They work differently in Maze Mode.


Freddy will be activated since Night 1. Freddy mainly roams around the Dining Room to the Party Halls, and around the Arcade area near the Bathrooms and the Main Entrance. Freddy will also occasionally roam around the Office, even going as far as getting close to one of the doors. Close the corresponding door when you see him on the cameras. When you are roaming around the establishment, stay out of his line of sight as you will trigger a chase when caught. There are also rumors that sprinting right next to him will also trigger a chase, however you can still sprint around him as long as you're not close enough.


Bonnie will be activated in Night 2. He will always spawn in the Loading Docks and roam around the Cargo Bay, to the East Hallway, and sometimes to the Electrical Room, and near your Office. Close the door on him, and stay out of his line of sight to avoid being chased.


Foxy will be activated in Night 3. He will occasionally leave his cove (Pirate Cove), giving out a sound cue (His signature "Du-du-dumdumdum-dududu-dududu") and roam around the Dining Room all the way to your Office. Although he is one of the fastest animatronics, he is also one of the easier ones to deal with, due to the fact that you can slow him down IMMENSELY with a light source (e.g. Flashlight, Lighter, Lantern etc.). When Foxy leaves his cove, you can wind up his music box to call him back earlier. Foxy goes back to his cove on his own in due time, whether or not his music box has been wound.

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (4)


Chica will be activated in Night 4. She roams around the generator halls, making it more difficult for players to restart the generators on their own. Although she seems scary at first, she's actually very shy. Looking at her will cause her to stop functioning, freezing her in place. She appears to also have memory loss, as she forgets the player ever exists the second you get out of her field of view by running around a corner.

Golden Freddy[]

Golden Freddy will be activated since Night 1. He visits players who are hiding/standing still for too long. Move around to make him go away. Golden Freddy also visits you when the power is out for too long. Golden Freddy is RNG dependent as he can appear in under 10 seconds with the power going out. There is nothing you can do, other than preventing the power from going out in the first place, by conserving power, and restarting the generators whenever they're in need of repairs. Leaving the room can help, but will not guarantee your safety.


Marionette will be activated since Night 1. Marionette resides behind the curtains inside the office. Instead of repeatedly winding up a music box, you must repeatedly close the curtains on her so she doesn't get out. When Marionette gets out of her box, she will select a random player to kill. The selected player will hear her music chime starting out slow, as it gets faster and faster within time, until it stops and she kills the player. The selected player can avoid their deaths, by looking at the puppet mask that appears after her music chime ends (there is a small gap of time after the music ends and before the Marionette kills the player. There is also a sound cue that signifies when the mask appears.). The mask usually appears above the player's head.


Mechanics only apply to Story Mode.


When you or your teammates doesn't repair the ventilation in time, oxygen will run out and the remaining players that are still alive will die, resulting all of their life's taken, so be sure to check the layout in the office and fix the oxygen if time allowed.


The Blast Door[]

When you close the door on your teammate or yourself, they or you will get crushed to death. Be sure to be cautious when closing the doors.


If you hear whispers, it means the soul/purple eye has chosen you. Look around to find it. Once you do, it will jumpscare you, but it won't kill you. It is only visible to you and/or the other person it has chosen.


This is a rare occurrence. The face will only jumpscare you in a similar fashion to the soul.

Character Store[]

The shop is located near the bus (Freddy Gas) and you can buy some cosmetics and flashlights with your cash.


IconNameCost (in-game money)
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (5)FlashlightFree
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (6)Lighter$4,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (7)Jack O' Lantern (Halloween 2022)$6,500
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (8)Lantern$10,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (9)Light Bulb$15,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (10)Candle$25,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (11)Torch$50,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (12)


IconNameCost (in-game money)
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (13)Dank Shades$350
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (14)Mustache$750
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (15)Crown$1,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (16)Dominus$60,000
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (17)Heavens Delight$125,000


Store can be accessed by clicking button Store and you can buy gamepasses and skins there with Robux.


SkinCost (in Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (18))
Hazmat250 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (19)


IconNameDescriptionCost (in Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (20))
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (21)Longer BatteryLengthen your flashlight batteries' lifetime substantially!75 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (22)
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (23)Extra BatteryAdd an extra battery slot to your flashlight!100 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (24)
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (25)Faster SprintOutrun the animatronics with electric speed!150 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (26)
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (27)Double CashEarn double your check for each night you complete!250 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (28)


CashCost (in Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (29))
$10050 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (30)
$1,000350 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (31)
$10,0002700 Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (32)


Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (33)Complete Night 1You've completed your 1st night on the job!


Complete nights on any difficulty.
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (34)Complete Night 2You've completed your 2nd night on the job!

Good to see you're still alive.

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (35)Complete Night 3You survi- I mean completed your 3rd night on the job.


Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (36)

Complete Night 4You completed your 4th night on the job!

Most people don't make it this far..

I mean.. They usually "quit" heh...

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (37)Complete Night 5- .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..-
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (38)Welcome!Enjoy your stay!Join game.
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (39)20x6Complete Custom Night on 20x6.Set all animatronics to 20 in Custom Night and make it through the night.
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (40)bWVtb3J5?Clip into a wall in Electrical Room while going behind a shelf.

How to get the BWVTB3J5 badge in Forgotten Memories

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (41)[NIGHTMARE] Complete Night 3Maybe it's just a fluke...Complete nights in Nightmare Mode.
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (42)[NIGHTMARE] Complete Night 4Now you're seriously scaring me.
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (43)[NIGHTMARE] Complete Night 5You are a world class security guard!
Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (44)Evaded MarionetteYou successfully evaded an attack by the Marionette!To evade an attack by Marionette, you need to let Marionette leave from her box.

After doing that, wait for music box to play and look above to see Marionette's mask.

It will scare you and you will get the badge.

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (45)Why. . .You're selfish.Beat Night 3 and decline Non-Disclosure Contract Agreement.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

Qubix Games/Forgotten Memories (2025)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.