Selected definitions and basic equations Photon energy Eph = hy = hv; v = 2py
Attenuation in second medium in TIR 1>2 2pn2 n1 2 2 a2 = c a b sin ui - 1 d n2 lo
Photon momentum h = hk l
pph =
Photon flux Φph and irradiance (intensity) ∆Nph Photons crossing area A in time ∆t Φph = = A∆t A∆t I = hyΦph Propagation constant (wave vector) 2p k = l Phase velocity v c c v = ly = ; v = = n k 1er
1 = veoer E 2o 2
Snell’s law and the Brewster angle n2 n2 n1 sin ui = n2 sin ut; sin uc = ; tan up = n1 n1 Phase change in total internal reflection (TIR) tan 1 12f#2 =
2 1>2
[sin ui - n ] cos ui
tan 112 (f // + p)2 =
(n1 + n2)2
Fabry–Perot cavity c ym = m a b = myf, m = 1, 2, 3, c 2L yf F
; F =
pR1>2 1 - R
I(u) = I(0)sinc2(b); b =
1 (ka sin u) 2
Airy disk, angular radius, divergence l sin uo = 1.22 D Divergence = 2uo ≈ 2 * 1.22
l D
Diffraction grating d( sin um - sin ui) = ml; m = 0, {1, {2, c V-number, normalized frequency 2pa 2 2pa V = (n1 - n22)1>2 ; V = NA l l
c Ex = vBy = By n Poynting vector and irradiance
Single slit diffraction
Electric and magnetic fields
S = v eoer E * B ; I = Saverage
T = T# = T// =
dym =
Changes in wavelength and frequency dl dy l2 c = - ; dl = - dy = - 2 dy y c l y Group velocity dv vg = dk Group index c dn vg(medium) = ; Ng = n - lo Ng dlo
Reflectance, transmittance (normal incidence) n1 - n2 2 R = R# = R// = a b ; n1 + n2
;n =
n2 n1
[sin 2ui - n2 ]1>2 n2 cos ui
Normalized index difference ∆ = (n1 - n2)>n1 Acceptance angle and numerical aperture (NA) 2amax ; sin amax =
(n21 - n22)1>2 NA ; sin amax = n0 n0
Normalized propagation constant (b>k)2 - n22 (b>k) - n2 b = ≈ n1 - n2 n21 - n22 b ≈ a1.1428 -
0.996 2 b for 1.5 6 V 6 2.5 V
Single mode waveguides Planar waveguide: V 6 p>2 Step@index fiber: V 6 2.405 Mode field diameter 2w = 2a(0.65 + 1.619V -3>2 + 2.879V -6); 0.8 6 V 6 2.5 Dispersion in multimode step-index fiber n1 - n2 n1 ∆ ∆t ≈ = c c L Dispersion coefficient ∆t>L = Spread in group delay per unit length = D∆l ∆t D = L∆l Chromatic dispersion ∆t = 0 Dm + Dw + Dp 0 ∆l L Maximum RTZ bit rate 0.25 B ≈ s Attenuation in optical fibers Pin 1 adB = 10 log a b = 4.34a L Pout where a is the attenuation coefficient.
Optical gain coefficient g(y) = sem(y)N2 - sab(y)N1 Optical gain G = exp(gL) Threshold gain in lasers gth = as +
1 1 ln a b = at 2L R 1R 2
Photon cavity lifetime tph ≈ n>cat
Bandgap light and wavelength 1.24 lg(om) = Eg(eV) Responsivity of a photodetector R =
Iph Photocurrent (A) = Incident optical power (W) Po
External quantum efficiency of a photodetector he =
Iph >e
Po >hy
Phase change between e- and o-waves 2p f = (n - no)L l e
Arthur L. Schawlow is adjusting a ruby optical maser during an experiment at Bell Labs, while C.G.B. Garrett prepares to photograph the maser flash. In 1981, Arthur Schawlow shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for his “contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy.” (Reprinted with permission of AlcatelLucent USA Inc.)
The patent for the invention of the laser by Charles H. Townes and Arthur L. Schawlow in 1960 (Reprinted with permission of Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.). This laser patent was later bitterly disputed for almost three decades in the so-called “laser patent wars” by Gordon Gould, an American physicist, and his designated agents. Gordon Gould eventually received the U.S. patent for optical pumping of the laser in 1977 inasmuch as the original laser patent did not detail such a pumping procedure. In 1987 he also received a patent for the gas discharge laser, thereby winning his 30-year patent war. His original notebook even contained the word “laser.” (See “Winning the laser-patent war”, Jeff Hecht, Laser Focus World, December 1994, pp. 49–51).
Second Edition
Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices S.O. Kasap University of Saskatchewan Canada International Edition Contributions by
Ravindra Kumar Sinha Delhi Technological University India
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Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: © Pearson Education Limited 2013 The right of S.O. Kasap to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Authorized adaptation from the United States edition, entitled Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and Practices, 2nd edition, ISBN 978-0-13-215149-8, by S.O. Kasap, published by Pearson Education © 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher any trademark ownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks imply any affiliation with or endorsement of this book by such owners. Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the documents and related graphics published as part of the services for any purpose. All such documents and related graphics are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability, whether express, implied or statutory, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information available from the services. The documents and related graphics contained herein could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described herein at any time. Partial screen shots may be viewed in full within the software version specified. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 13 12 11 10 Typeset in 10/12 Times LT Std by Integra Software Services, Pvt. Ltd. Printed and bound by Courier Westford in The United States of America The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests.
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We have a habit in writing articles published in scientific journals to make the work as finished as possible, to cover up all the tracks, to not worry about the blind alleys or describe how you had the wrong idea first, and so on. So there isn’t any place to publish, in a dignified manner, what you actually did in order to get to do the work. —Richard P. Feynman Nobel Lecture, 1966
Philip Russell led a team of researchers at the University Bath in the 1990s where photonic crystal fibers were drawn. Thin hollow capillary tubes were stacked together and then fused to make a preform as shown on the left. A photonic crystal fiber was then drawn at a high temperature from this preform. Photonic crystal fibers have the ability to guide light endlessly in a single mode, and have highly desirable nonlinear properties for various photonics applications in the manipulation of light, such as the generation of supercontinuum light. (Courtesy of Professor Philip Russell.)
Peter Schultz, Donald Keck, and Bob Maurer (left to right) at Corning were the first to produce low-loss optical fibers in the 1970s by using the outside vapor deposition method for the fabrication of preforms, which were then used to draw fibers with low losses. (Courtesy of Corning.)
To Nicolette, who brightens my every day and makes me smile with joy every time I see her.
Preface The first edition of this book was written more than 12 years ago. At the time it was meant as an easy-to-read book for third-year engineering or applied physics undergraduate students; it emphasized qualitative explanations and relied heavily on intuitive derivations. As things turned out, the first edition ended up being used in fourth-year elective classes, and even in graduate courses on optoelectronics. Many of the instructors teaching at that level rightly needed better derivations, more rigor, better explanations, and, of course, many more topics and problems. We have all at one time or another suffered from how wrong some intuitive short-cut derivations can be. The second edition was therefore prepared by essentially rewriting the text almost from scratch with much better rigor and explanations, but without necessarily dwelling on mathematical details. Many new exciting practical examples have been introduced, and numerous new problems have been added. The book also had to be totally modernized given that much had happened in the intervening 12 years that deserved being covered in an undergraduate course.
Features, Changes, and Revisions in the Second Edition The second edition represents a total revision of the first edition, with numerous additional features and enhancements. • All chapters have been totally revised and extended. • Numerous modern topics in photonics have been added to all the chapters. • There are Additional Topics that can be covered in more advanced courses, or in courses that run over two semesters. • There are many more new examples and solved problems within chapters, and many morepractical end-of-chapter problems that start from basic concepts and build up onto advanced applications. • Nearly all the illustrations and artwork in the first edition have been revised and redrawn to better reflect the concepts. • Numerous new illustrations have been added to convey the concepts as clearly as possible. • Photographs have been added, where appropriate, to enhance the readability of the book and to illustrate typical modern photonic/optoelectronic devices. • The previous edition’s Chapter 7 on photovoltaics has been incorporated into this edition’s Chapter 5 as an Additional Topic, thus allowing more photonics-related topics to be covered. • Advanced or complicated mathematical derivations are avoided and, instead, the emphasis is placed on concepts and engineering applications. • Useful and essential equations in photonics are given with explanations and are used in examples and problems to give the student a sense of what typical values are. • Cross referencing in the second edition has been avoided as much as possible, without too much repetition, to allow various sections and chapters to be skipped as desired by the reader. • There is greater emphasis on practical or engineering examples; care has been taken to consider various photonics/optoelectronics courses at the undergraduate level across major universities. 5
• The second edition is supported by an extensive PowerPoint presentation for instructors who have adopted the book for their course. The PowerPoint slides have all the illustrations in color, and include additional color photos. The basic concepts and equations are also highlighted in additional slides. There are also numerous slides with examples and solved problems. Instructors should visit to access the PowerPoints. • The second edition is also supported by an extensive Solutions Manual for instructors only. This is available from the publisher at www.pearsoninternationaleditions/kasap. The second edition continues to represent a first course in optoelectronic materials and devices suitable for a half- or one-semester course at the undergraduate level either at the thirdor fourth-year level in electrical engineering, engineering physics, and materials science and engineering departments. With its additional topics, it can also be used as an introductory textbook at the graduate level. Normally the students would not have covered Maxwell’s equations. Although Maxwell’s equations are mentioned in the text to alert the student, they are not used in developing the principles. It is assumed that the students would have taken a basic first- or second-year physics course, with modern physics, and would have seen rudimentary concepts in geometrical optics, interference, and diffraction, but not Fresnel’s equations and concepts such as group velocity and group index. Typically an optoelectronics course would be given either after a semiconductor devices course or concurrently with it. Students would have been exposed to elementary quantum mechanics concepts, perhaps in conjunction with a basic semiconductor science course. Most topics are initially introduced through qualitative explanations to allow the concept to be grasped first before any mathematical development. The mathematical level is assumed to include vectors, complex numbers, and partial differentiation but excludes reliance on Fourier transforms. On the one hand, we are required to cover as much as possible and, on the other hand, professional engineering accreditation requires students to solve numerical problems and carry out “design calculations.” In preparing the text, I tried to satisfy engineering degree accreditation requirements in as much breadth as possible. Obviously one cannot solve numerical problems, carry out design calculations, and at the same time derive each equation without expanding the size of the text to an intolerable level. I have missed many topics but I have also covered many, though, undoubtedly, it is my own very biased selection. I would like to thank two very special colleagues, whom I have known for a very long time, for their comments and help: Harry Ruda (University of Toronto) and Raman Kashyap (École Polytechnique de Montréal)—two perfect gentlemen who read some of the manuscript and made valuable criticisms toward this final version. No textbook is perfect and I can only improve the text with your input. Please feel free to write to me with your comments. Although I may not be able to reply to each individual comment and suggestion, I do read all my email messages and take good note of suggestions and comments. Many instructors did, in fact, write to me on the first edition, pointed out how things could have been done better, and various mistakes one never seems to be able to eliminate totally. I hope that the second edition will at least go far in satisfying some of their criticisms. There is an important old adage that goes something like this (somewhat paraphrased), “a good diagram is worth a thousand words, but a bad diagram takes a thousand words to explain.” I used a software package called Canvas to draw nearly all the line-art in the second edition as clearly as possible, and errors are all mea culpa; feel free to email me the errors you notice in the figures. All third-party artwork and photographs have been used with permission; and I’m grateful to
Preface 7
Pearson Education for meticulously obtaining permission from copyright holders. If you like the second edition, and cannot wait for the third, you can always write your comments and recommendations directly to the Sponsoring Editor for Electrical Engineering, Pearson Higher Education, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA. This is the best way to have your input heard. Resources for Instructors • Instructor’s Solutions Manual. An instructor’s solutions manual was prepared by the author. • Presentation Resources. All art from the text is available in PowerPoint slide and JPEG format. These files are available for download from the instructor Resource Center at If you are in need of a login and password for this site, pleasecontact your local Pearson Prentice-Hall representative. Safa Kasap [emailprotected] Saskatoon (March 2012)
The publishers would like to thank Sheenu Thomas of Cochin University of Science and Technology for reviewing the content of the International Edition.
Gordon Gould (1920–2005) obtained his BSc in Physics (1941) from Union College in Schenectady and MSc from Yale University. Gould came up with the idea of an optically pumped laser during his PhD work at Columbia University around 1957—he is now recognized for the invention of optical pumping as a means of exciting masers and lasers. He has been also credited for collisional pumping as in gas lasers, and a variety of application-related laser patents. After nearly three decades of legal disputes, in 1987, he eventually won rights to the invention of the laser. Gould’s laboratory logbook even had an entry with the heading “Some rough calculations on the feasibility of a LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,” which is the first time that this acronym appears. Union College awarded Gould an honorary Doctor of Sciences in 1978 and the Eliphalet Nott Medal in 1995. (Courtesy of Union College Alumni Office.)
Fiber-coupled phase and amplitude modulators. The Pockels effect in lithium niobate is used to modulate the refractive index and hence the phase of an optical signal. In amplitude modulators, the Pockels effect is used to modulate the refractive indices of the two arms of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer, and hence the optical output. (© JENOPTIK Optical System GmbH.)
Fiber-coupled optical isolators: fiber isolators. The signal is allowed to propagate in one direction only, along the arrow shown on the device. The principle is based on Faraday rotation. (Courtesy of Thorlabs.)
Chapter 1 Wave Nature of Light 19 1.1 Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium 19 A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave 19 B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Waves 22 Example 1.1.1 A diverging laser beam 26
1.2 Refractive Index and Dispersion 26 Example 1.2.1 Sellmeier equation and diamond 29 Example 1.2.2 Cauchy equation and diamond 30
1.3 Group Velocity and Group Index 30 Example 1.3.1 Group velocity 33 Example 1.3.2 Group velocity and index 33 Example 1.3.3 Group and phase velocities 34
1.4 Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector 34 Example 1.4.1 Electric and magnetic fields in light 37 Example 1.4.2 Power and irradiance of a Gaussian beam 37
1.5 Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR) 38 Example 1.5.1 Beam displacement 41
1.6 Fresnel’s Equations 42 A. Amplitude Reflection and Transmission Coefficients (r and t ) 42 B. Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance 48 C. Goos-Hänchen Shift and Optical Tunneling 49 Example 1.6.1 Reflection of light from a less dense medium (internal reflection) 51 Example 1.6.2 Reflection at normal incidence, and internal and external reflection 52 Example 1.6.3 Reflection and transmission at the Brewster angle 53
1.7 Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors 54 A. Antireflection Coatings on Photodetectors and Solar Cells 54 Example 1.7.1 Antireflection coating on a photodetector 55
B. Dielectric Mirrors and Bragg Reflectors 56 Example 1.7.2 Dielectric mirror 58
1.8 Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index 59 Example 1.8.1 Complex refractive index of InP 62 Example 1.8.2 Reflectance of CdTe around resonance absorption 63
1.9 Temporal and Spatial Coherence 63 Example 1.9.1 Coherence length of LED light 66 1.10 Superposition and Interference of Waves 67 9
1.11 Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators 69 Example 1.11.1 Resonator modes and spectral width of a semiconductor Fabry–Perot cavity 73
1.12 Diffraction Principles 74 A. Fraunhofer Diffraction 74 Example 1.12.1 Resolving power of imaging systems 79
B. Diffraction Grating 80 Example 1.12.2 A reflection grating 83
Additional Topics 84 1.13 Interferometers 84 1.14 Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films 86 Example 1.14.1 Thin film optics 88
1.15 Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves 89 1.16 Scattering of Light 90 1.17 Photonic Crystals 92 Questions and Problems 98
Chapter 2 Dielectric Waveguides and Optical Fibers 111 2.1 Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide 111 A. Waveguide Condition 111 B. Single and Multimode Waveguides 116 C. TE and TM Modes 116 Example 2.1.1 Waveguide modes 117 Example 2.1.2 V-number and the number of modes 118 Example 2.1.3 Mode field width, 2wo 119
2.2 Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar Waveguides 120 A. Waveguide Dispersion Diagram and Group Velocity 120 B. Intermodal Dispersion 121 C. Intramodal Dispersion 122
2.3 Step-Index Optical Fiber 123 A. Principles and Allowed Modes 123 Example 2.3.1 A multimode fiber 128 Example 2.3.2 A single-mode fiber 128
B. Mode Field Diameter 128 Example 2.3.3 Mode field diameter 129
C. Propagation Constant and Group Velocity 130 Example 2.3.4 Group velocity and delay 131
D. Modal Dispersion in Multimode Step-Index Fibers 132 Example 2.3.5 A multimode fiber and dispersion 132
Contents 11
2.4 Numerical Aperture 133 Example 2.4.1 A multimode fiber and total acceptance angle 134 Example 2.4.2 A single-mode fiber 134
2.5 Dispersion In Single-Mode Fibers 135 A. Material Dispersion 135 B. Waveguide Dispersion 136 C. Chromatic Dispersion 138 D. Profile and Polarization Dispersion Effects 138 Example 2.5.1 Material dispersion 140 Example 2.5.2 Material, waveguide, and chromatic dispersion 141 Example 2.5.3 Chromatic dispersion at different wavelengths 141 Example 2.5.4 Waveguide dispersion 142
2.6 Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation 142 A. Dispersion Modified Fibers 142 B. Dispersion Compensation 144 Example 2.6.1 Dispersion compensation 146
2.7 Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth 146 A. Bit Rate and Dispersion 146 B. Optical and Electrical Bandwidth 149 Example 2.7.1 Bit rate and dispersion for a single-mode fiber 151
2.8 The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber 151 A. Basic Properties of GRIN Fibers 151 B. Telecommunications 155 Example 2.8.1 Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate 156 Example 2.8.2 Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate 157
2.9 Attenuation in Optical Fibers 158 A. Attenuation Coefficient and Optical Power Levels 158 Example 2.9.1 Attenuation along an optical fiber 160
B. Intrinsic Attenuation in Optical Fibers 160 C. Intrinsic Attenuation Equations 162 Example 2.9.2 Rayleigh scattering equations 163
D. Bending losses 164 Example 2.9.3 Bending loss for SMF 167
2.10 Fiber Manufacture 168 A. Fiber Drawing 168 B. Outside Vapor Deposition 169 Example 2.10.1 Fiber drawing 171
Additional Topics 171 2.11 Wavelength Division Multiplexing: WDM 171 2.12 Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and DWDM 173
2.13 Bragg Fibers 175 2.14 Photonic Crystal Fibers—Holey Fibers 176 2.15 Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors 179 Example 2.15.1 Fiber Bragg grating at 1550 nm 183 Questions and Problems 183
Chapter 3 Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes 195 3.1 Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands 195 A. Energy Band Diagrams, Density of States, Fermi–Dirac Function and Metals 195 B. Energy Band Diagrams of Semiconductors 198
3.2 Semiconductor Statistics 200 3.3 Extrinsic Semiconductors 203 A. n-Type and p-Type Semiconductors 203 B. Compensation Doping 206 C. Nondegenerate and Degenerate Semiconductors 207 D. Energy Band Diagrams in an Applied Field 208 Example 3.3.1 Fermi levels in semiconductors 209 Example 3.3.2 Conductivity of n-Si 209
3.4 Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E–k Diagrams 210 3.5 pn Junction Principles 214 A. Open Circuit 214 B. Forward Bias and the Shockley Diode Equation 217 C. Minority Carrier Charge Stored in Forward Bias 222 D. Recombination Current and the Total Current 222
3.6 pn Junction Reverse Current 225 3.7 pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitances 227 A. Depletion Layer Capacitance 227 B. Dynamic Resistance and Diffusion Capacitance for Small Signals 229
3.8 Recombination Lifetime 230 A. Direct Recombination 230 B. Indirect Recombination 232 Example 3.8.1 A direct bandgap pn junction 232
3.9 pn Junction Band Diagram 234 A. Open Circuit 234 B. Forward and Reverse Bias 236 Example 3.9.1 The built-in voltage from the band diagram 237
3.10 Heterojunctions 238
Contents 13
3.11 Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles 240 A. Homojunction LEDs 240 B. Heterostructure High Intensity LEDs 242 C. Output Spectrum 244 Example 3.11.1 LED spectral linewidth 247 Example 3.11.2 LED spectral width 248 Example 3.11.3 Dependence of the emission peak and linewidth on temperature 249
3.12 Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs 249 Example 3.12.1 Energy levels in the quantum well 252
3.13 LED Materials and Structures 253 A. LED Materials 253 B. LED Structures 254 Example 3.13.1 Light extraction from a bare LED chip 257
3.14 LED Efficiencies and Luminous Flux 258 Example 3.14.1 LED efficiencies 260 Example 3.14.2 LED brightness 261
3.15 Basic LED Characteristics 261 3.16 LEDs for Optical Fiber Communications 262 3.17 Phosphors and White LEDs 265 Additional Topics 267 3.18 LED Electronics 267 Questions and Problems 270
Chapter 4 Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers 281 4.1 Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers 281 A. Stimulated Emission and Population Inversion 281 B. Photon Amplification and Laser Principles 282 C. Four-Level Laser System 285
4.2 Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section 286 A. Stimulated Emission and Einstein Coefficients 286 Example 4.2.1 Minimum pumping power for three-level laser systems 288
B. Emission and Absorption Cross-Sections 289 Example 4.2.2 Gain coefficient in a Nd3+ -doped glass fiber 291
4.3 Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers 292 A. Principle of Operation and Amplifier Configurations 292 B. EDFA Characteristics, Efficiency, and Gain Saturation 296 Example 4.3.1 An erbium-doped fiber amplifier 299
C. Gain-Flattened EDFAs and Noise Figure 300
4.4 Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser 303 Example 4.4.1 Efficiency of the He-Ne laser 306
4.5 The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser 306 Example 4.5.1 Doppler broadened linewidth 309
4.6 Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth 311 A. Optical Gain Coefficient g 311 B. Threshold Gain Coefficient gth and Output Power 312 Example 4.6.1 Threshold population inversion for the He-Ne laser 315
C. Output Power and Photon Lifetime in the Cavity 315 Example 4.6.2 Output power and photon cavity lifetime Tph 317
D. Optical Cavity, Phase Condition, Laser Modes 317
4.7 Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth 319 4.8 Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking 323 A. Q-Switching 323 B. Mode Locking 326
4.9 Principle of the Laser Diode 327 4.10 Heterostructure Laser Diodes 331 Example 4.10.1 Modes in a semiconductor laser and the optical cavity length 336
4.11 Quantum Well Devices 337 Example 4.11.1 A GaAs quantum well 339
4.12 Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics 340 Example 4.12.1 Laser output wavelength variation with temperature 346 Example 4.12.2 Laser diode efficiencies for a sky-blue LD 346 Example 4.12.3 Laser diode efficiencies 347
4.13 Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation 348 A. Laser Diode Equation 348 B. Optical Gain Curve, Threshold, and Transparency Conditions 351 Example 4.13.1 Threshold current and optical output power from a Fabry–Perot heterostructure laser diode 352
4.14 Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers 354 A. Distributed Bragg Reflector LDs 354 B. Distributed Feedback LDs 355 C. External Cavity LDs 358 Example 4.14.1 DFB LD wavelength 360
4.15 Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers 360 4.16 Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 364
Contents 15
Additional Topics 366 4.17 Superluminescent and Resonant Cavity Leds: SLD and Rcled 366 4.18 Direct Modulation of Laser Diodes 367 4.19 Holography 370 Questions and Problems 373
Chapter 5 Photodetectors and Image Sensors 381 5.1 Principle of the pn Junction Photodiode 381 A. Basic Principles 381 B. Energy Band Diagrams and Photodetection Modes 383 C. Current-Voltage Convention and Modes of Operation 385
5.2 Shockley–Ramo Theorem and External Photocurrent 386 5.3 Absorption Coefficient and Photodetector Materials 388 5.4 Quantum Efficiency and Responsivity 391 Example 5.4.1 Quantum efficiency and responsivity 394 Example 5.4.2 Maximum quantum efficiency 395
5.5 The pin Photodiode 395 Example 5.5.1 Operation and speed of a pin photodiode 399 Example 5.5.2 Photocarrier diffusion in a pin photodiode 399 Example 5.5.3 Responsivity of a pin photodiode 400 Example 5.5.4 Steady state photocurrent in the pin photodiode 401
5.6 Avalanche Photodiode 402 A. Principles and Device Structures 402 Example 5.6.1 InGaAs APD responsivity 406 Example 5.6.2 Silicon APD 406
B. Impact Ionization and Avalanche Multiplication 406 Example 5.6.3 Avalanche multiplication in Si APDs 408
5.7 Heterojunction Photodiodes 409 A. Separate Absorption and Multiplication APD 409 B. Superlattice APDs 411
5.8 Schottky Junction Photodetector 413 5.9 Phototransistors 417 5.10 Photoconductive Detectors and Photoconductive Gain 418 5.11 Basic Photodiode Circuits 421 5.12 Noise in Photodetectors 424 A. The pn Junction and pin Photodiodes 424 Example 5.12.1 NEP of a Si pin photodiode 428
Contents Example 5.12.2 Noise of an ideal photodetector 428 Example 5.12.3 SNR of a receiver 429
B. Avalanche Noise in the APD 430 Example 5.12.4 Noise in an APD 430
5.13 Image Sensors 431 A. Basic Principles 431 B. Active Matrix Array and CMOS Image Sensors 433 C. Charge-Coupled Devices 435
Additional Topics 437 5.14 Photovoltaic Devices: Solar Cells 437 A. Basic Principles 437 B. Operating Current and Voltage and Fill Factor 439 C. Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell 440 D. Solar Cell Structures and Efficiencies 442 Example 5.14.1 Solar cell driving a load 444 Example 5.14.2 Open circuit voltage and short circuit current 445 Questions and Problems 445
Chapter 6 Polarization and Modulation of Light 457 6.1 Polarization 457 A. State of Polarization 457 Example 6.1.1 Elliptical and circular polarization 460
B. Malus’s Law 460
6.2 Light Propagation in an Anisotropic Medium: Birefringence 461 A. Optical Anisotropy 461 B. Uniaxial Crystals and Fresnel’s Optical Indicatrix 463 C. Birefringence of Calcite 466 D. Dichroism 467
6.3 Birefringent Optical Devices 468 A. Retarding Plates 468 Example 6.3.1 Quartz-half wave plate 469 Example 6.3.2 Circular polarization from linear polarization 470
B. Soleil–Babinet Compensator 470 C. Birefringent Prisms 471
6.4 Optical Activity and Circular Birefringence 472 6.5 Liquid Crystal Displays 474 6.6 Electro-Optic Effects 478 A. Definitions 478
Contents 17
B. Pockels Effect 479 Example 6.6.1 Pockels Cell Modulator 484
C. Kerr Effect 484 Example 6.6.2 Kerr Effect Modulator 486
6.7 Integrated Optical Modulators 486 A. Phase and Polarization Modulation 486 B. Mach–Zehnder Modulator 487 C. Coupled Waveguide Modulators 489 Example 6.7.1 Modulated Directional Coupler 492
6.8 Acousto-Optic Modulator 492 A. Photoelastic Effect and Principles 492 B. Acousto-Optic Modulators 494 Example 6.8.1 AO Modulator 499
6.9 Faraday Rotation and Optical Isolators 499 Example 6.9.1 Faraday rotation 500
6.10 Nonlinear Optics and Second Harmonic Generation 501 Additional Topics 505 6.11 Jones Vectors 505 Questions and Problems 506
Appendices Appendix A Gaussian Distribution 514 Appendix B Solid Angles 516 Appendix C Basic Radiometry and Photometry 518 Appendix D Useful Mathematical Formulae 521 Appendix E Notation and Abbreviations 523
Index 535
CMOS image sensors with wide dynamic range. (Courtesy of New Imaging Technologies (NIT), France)
Physicists use the wave theory on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the particle theory onTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. —Sir William Henry Bragg1
Augustin Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) was a French physicist and a civil engineer for the French government who was one of the principal proponents of the wave theory of light. He made a number of distinct contributions to optics including the well-known Fresnel lens that was used in lighthouses in the nineteenth century. He fell out with Napoleon in 1815 and was subsequently putunder house arrest until the end of Napoleon’s reign. During his enforced leisure time he formulated his wave ideas of light into a mathematical theory. (© INTERFOTO/Alamy.)
If you cannot saw with a file or file with a saw, then you will be no good as an experimentalist. —Attributed to Augustin Fresnel
As quoted in Alan Mackay, Dictionary of Scientific Quotes, 2nd Edition (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, 1991), p. 37.
Wave Nature of Light
1.1 Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave The wave nature of light, quite aside from its photonic behavior, is well recognized by such phenomena as interference and diffraction. We can treat light as an electromagnetic (EM) wave with time-varying electric and magnetic fields, Ex and By, respectively, which are propagating through space in such a way that they are always perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation z as illustrated in Figure 1.1. The simplest traveling wave is a sinusoidal wave that, for propagation along z, has the general mathematical form Traveling wave along z
Ex = Eo cos (vt - kz + f o) (1.1.1)
in which Ex is the electric field at position z at time t, k is the propagation constant2 given by 2p>l, where l is the wavelength, v is the angular frequency, Eo is the amplitude of the wave, and f o is a phase constant, which accounts for the fact that at t = 0 and z = 0; Ex may or may not necessarily be zero depending on the choice of origin. The argument (vt - kz + f o) is called the phase of the wave and denoted by f. Equation (1.1.1) describes a monochromatic plane wave of infinite extent traveling in the positive z direction as depicted in Figure 1.2. In any plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation (along z), the phase of the wave, according to Eq. (1.1.1), is constant, which means that the field in this plane is also constant. A surface over which the phase of a wave is constant at a given instant is referred to as a wavefront. A wavefront of a plane wave is obviously an infinite plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation as shown in Figure 1.2. We know from electromagnetism that time-varying magnetic fields result in time-varying electric fields (Faraday’s law) and vice versa. A timevarying electric field would set up a time-varying magnetic field with the same
2 Some authors also call k the wave number. However, in spectroscopy, the wave number implies 1>l, reciprocal wavelength. To avoid any confusion, propagation constant would be preferred for k.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.1 An electromagnetic wave in a homogenous and isotropic medium is a traveling wave that has time-varying electric and magnetic fields which are perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation z. This is a snapshot at a given time of a particular harmonic or a sinusoidal EM wave. At a time dt later, a point on the wave, such as the maximum field, would have moved a distance vdt in the z-direction.
frequency. According to electromagnetic principles,3 a traveling electric field Ex as represented by Eq.(1.1.1) would always be accompanied by a traveling magnetic field By with the same wave frequency and propagation constant (v and k) but the directions of the two fields would be orthogonal as in Figure 1.1. Thus, there is a similar traveling wave equation for the magnetic field component By. We generally describe the interaction of a light wave with a non-conducting matter (conductivity, s = 0) through the electric field component Ex rather than By because it is the electric field that displaces the electrons in molecules or ions in the crystal and thereby gives rise to the polarization of matter. However, the two fields are linked, as in Figure 1.1, and there is an intimate relationship between them. The optical field refers to the electric field Ex.
Figure 1.2 A plane EM wave traveling along z has the same Ex (or By) at any point in a given xy plane. All electric field vectors in a given xy plane are therefore in phase. The xy planes are of infinite extent in the x and y directions.
Maxwell’s equations formulate electromagnetic phenomena and provide relationships between the electric and magnetic fields and their space and time derivatives. We need only to use a few selected results from Maxwell’s equation without delving into their derivations. The magnetic field B is also called the magnetic induction or magnetic flux density. The magnetic field intensity H and magnetic field B in a non-magnetic material are related by B = moH in which mo is the absolute permeability of the medium.
1.1 • Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium
We can also represent a traveling wave using the exponential notation since cos f = Re 3exp( jf)4 in which Re refers to the real part. We then need to take the real part of any complex result at the end of calculations. Thus, we can write Eq. (1.1.1) as or
Ex(z, t) = Re 3 Eo exp( jf o) exp j(vt - kz)4
Ex(z, t) = Re 3Ec exp j(vt - kz)4 (1.1.2)
in which Ec = Eo exp( jf o) is a complex number that represents the amplitude of the wave and includes the constant phase information f o. Note that in Eq. (1.1.2), exp j(vt - kz) represents e j(vt - kz). We indicate the direction of propagation with a vector k, called the wave vector (or propagation vector), whose magnitude is the propagation constant, k = 2p>l. It is clear that k is perpendicular to constant phase planes as indicated in Figure 1.2. Consider an electromagnetic wave that is propagating along some arbitrary direction k, as indicated in Figure 1.3. The electric field E(r, t) at an arbitrary point r is given by
E(r, t) = Eo cos (vt - k # r + f o) (1.1.3)
because the dot product k # r is along the direction of propagation similar to kz as indicated in Figure 1.3. The latter can be shown by drawing a plane that has the point r and is perpendicular to k as illustrated in Figure 1.3. The dot product is the product of k and the projection of r onto k, which is r′ in Figure 1.3, so that k # r = kr =. Indeed, if propagation is along z, k # r becomes kz. In general, if k has components kx, ky, and kz along x, y, and z, then from the definition of the dot product, k # r = kxx + kyy + kzz. The relationship between time and space for a given phase, f for example, that corresponds to a maximum field, according to Eq. (1.1.1), is described by
Traveling wave along z
Traveling wave in 3D with wave vector k
f = vt - kz + f o = constant During a time interval dt, this constant phase (and hence the maximum field) moves a distance dz. The phase velocity of this wave is therefore dz/dt. Thus the phase velocity v is
v =
dz v = = yl (1.1.4) dt k
in which y is the frequency (v = 2py) of the EM wave. For an EM wave propagating in free space v is the speed of light in vacuum or c.
Figure 1.3 A traveling plane EM wave along a direction k.
Phase velocity
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
We are often interested in the phase difference ∆f at a given time between two points on a wave (Figure 1.1) that are separated by a certain distance. If the wave is traveling along z with a wave vector k, as in Eq. (1.1.1), then the phase difference between two points separated by ∆z is simply k∆z since vt is the same for each point. If this phase difference is 0 or multiples of 2p then the two points are in phase. Thus phase difference ∆f can be expressed as k∆z or 2p∆z>l. B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Waves Consider the plane EM wave in Figure 1.2. All constant phase surfaces are xy planes that areperpendicular to the z-direction. A cut of a plane wave parallel to the z-axis is shown in Figure 1.4 (a) in which the parallel dashed lines at right angles to the z-direction are wavefronts. We normally show wavefronts that are separated by a phase of 2p or a whole wavelength l as in the figure. The vector that is normal to a wavefront surface at a point such as P represents the direction of wave propagation (k) at that point P. Clearly, the propagation vectors everywhere are all parallel and the plane wave propagates without the wave diverging; the plane wave has no divergence. The amplitude of the planar wave Eo does not depend on the distance from a reference point, and it is the same at all points on a given plane perpendicular to k (i.e., independent of x and y). Moreover, as these planes extend to infinity there is infinite energy in the plane wave. A plane wave such as the one in Figure 1.4 (a) is an idealization that is useful in analyzing many wave phenomena. In reality, however, the electric field in a plane at right angles to k does not extend to infinity since the light beam would have a finite cross-sectional area and finite power. We would need an infinitely large EM source with infinite power to generate a perfect plane wave! In practice there are many types of possible EM waves. These waves must obey a special wave equation that describes the time and space dependence of the electric field. In an isotropic and linear dielectric medium, the relative permittivity (er) is the same in all directions and is independent of the electric field. The field E in such a medium obeys Maxwell’s EM waveequation Maxwell’s wave equation
02E 02E 02E 02E + 2 + 2 - eoermo 2 = 0 (1.1.5) 2 0x 0y 0z 0t
in which mo is the absolute permeability, eo is the absolute permittivity, and er is the relative permittivity of the medium. Equation (1.1.5) assumes an isotropic medium (as discussed later) and
Figure 1.4 Examples of possible EM waves. (a) A perfect plane wave. (b) A perfect spherical wave. (c) A divergent beam.
1.1 • Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium
that the conductivity of the medium is zero. Tofind the time and space dependence of the field, we must solve Eq. (1.1.5) in conjunction with the initial and boundary conditions. We can easily show that the plane wave in Eq. (1.1.1) satisfies Eq.(1.1.5). There are many possible waves that satisfy Eq. (1.1.5) that can therefore exist in nature. A spherical wave is described by a traveling field that emerges from a point EM source and whose amplitude decays with distance r from the source. At any point r from the source, the field is given by
E =
A cos (vt - kr) (1.1.6) r
in which A is a constant. We can substitute Eq. (1.1.6) into Eq. (1.1.5) to show that Eq. (1.1.6) is indeed a solution of Maxwell’s equation (transformation from Cartesian to spherical coordinateswould help). A cut of a spherical wave is illustrated in Figure 1.4 (b) where it can be seenthat wavefronts are spheres centered at the point source O. The direction of propagation k at any point such as P is determined by the normal to the wavefront at that point. Clearly k vectors diverge out and, as the wave propagates, the constant phase surfaces become larger. Optical divergence refers to the angular separation of wave vectors on a given wavefront. The spherical wave has 360° of divergence in all planes through the point source. It is apparent that plane and spherical waves represent two extremes of wave propagation behavior from perfectly parallel to fully diverging wave vectors. They are produced by two extreme sizes of EM wave source: an infinitely large source for the plane wave and a point source for the spherical wave. In reality, an EM source is neither of infinite extent nor in point form, but would have a finite size and finite power. Figure1.4 (c) shows a more practical example in which a light beam exhibits some inevitable divergence while propagating; the wavefronts are slowly bent away thereby spreading the wave. Light rays of geometric optics are drawn to be normal to constant phase surfaces (wavefronts). Light rays therefore follow the wave vector directions. Rays in Figure 1.4 (c) slowly diverge away from each other. The reason for favoring plane waves in many optical explanations is that, at a distance far away from a source, over a small spatial region, the wavefronts will appear to be plane even if they are actually spherical. Figure 1.4 (a) may be a small part of a huge spherical wave. Many light beams, such as the output from a laser, can be described by assuming that they are Gaussian beams. Figure 1.5 illustrates a Gaussian beam traveling along the z-axis. The beam still has an exp j(vt - kz) dependence to describe propagation characteristics but the amplitude varies spatially away from the beam axis and also along the beam axis. Such a beam has similarities to that in Figure 1.4 (c); it slowly diverges4 and is the result of radiation from a source of finite extent. The light intensity (i.e., the radiation energy flow per unit area per unit time) distribution across the beam cross-section anywhere along z is Gaussian as shown in Figures 1.5 (b) and (c). The beam diameter 2w at any point z is defined in such a way that the cross-sectional area pw2 at that point contains 86% of the beam power. Thus, the beam diameter 2w increases as the beam travels along z. The Gaussian beam shown in Figure 1.5 (a) starts from O with a finite width 2wo where the wavefronts are parallel and then the beam slowly diverges as the wavefronts curve out during propagation along z. The finite width 2wo where the wavefronts are parallel is called the waist of the beam; wo is the waist radius 4 The divergence is due to the self-diffraction of the beam—the beam is diffraction limited. Diffraction is covered later in this chapter. Further, the intensity of light will be defined quantitatively in Section 1.4. For the present discussion it represents the radiation energy flow per unit time per unit area.
Spherical wave
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.5 (a) Wavefronts of a Gaussian light beam. (b) Light intensity across a beam cross-section. (c) Light intensity vs. radial distance r from beam axis (z).
and 2wo is the spot size. Far away from the source, the beam diameter 2w increases linearly with distance z. The increase in beam diameter 2w with z makes an angle 2u at O, as shown in Figure 1.5, which is called the beam divergence. The greater the waist, the narrower the divergence. The two are related by Far field Gaussian beam divergence
2u =
4l (1.1.7) p(2wo)
It can be shown that the Gaussian beam is a solution of Maxwell’s equations when the beam divergence is small,5 and the intensity decays slowly with distance z. Suppose that we reflect the Gaussian beam back on itself (by using a spherical mirror that has the right curvature to match the incident wavefront) so that the beam is traveling in the -z direction and converging toward O; simply reverse the direction of travel in Figure 1.5 (a). The wavefronts would be “straightening out,” and at O they would be parallel again. The beam would still have the same finite diameter 2wo (waist) at O. From then on, the beam again diverges out just as it did traveling in +z direction as illustrated in Figure 1.6 (a). When we try to focus a Gaussian beam using a lens or a spherical mirror, as in Figure 1.6 (a), the beam cannot be brought a point but to a finite spot size 2wo. The relationship in Eq. (1.1.7) for the beam divergence can be used to find this minimum spot size 2wo to which a Gaussian beam can be focused. At a certain distance zo from O, the beam diameter becomes 21>2(2wo) as illustrated in Figure 1.6 (a). The distance zo is called the Rayleigh range, and is given by Gaussian beam Rayleigh range
Gaussian beam width at distance
zo =
pw2o (1.1.8) l
The Rayleigh range is also known as the depth of focus. 2zo is called the confocal parameter. The region along z far away from the Rayleigh region, z W zo, is called the far-field region. The width 2w of a Gaussian beam at a position along z increases with z and is given by
2w = 2wo c 1 + a
z 2 1>2 zl 2 1>2 b d = 2wo c 1 + a 2 b d (1.1.9a) zo pwo
5 This is called the paraxial approximation in which the normals to the wavefronts, the wave vectors, make small angles with the z-axis.
1.1 • Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium
Figure 1.6 (a) Gaussian beam definitions. The region zo is called the Rayleigh range and also the depth of focus. (b) Comparison of a real beam with M 2 7 1 with a Gaussian beam with M 2 = 1 and the same waist 2wo.
Far away from the Rayleigh range, for z W zo, in the far-field region, the beam width increases linearly with z, that is,
z 2w ≈ (2wo) (1.1.9b) zo
Gaussian beam width at distance z
Notice that the product of the beam radius wo (half the beam waist) and half the divergence angle u from Eq. (1.1.7) is given by wou = l>p, that is, it depends only on the wavelength and is a well-defined constant for a given wavelength. The product wou is called the beam parameter product. The Gaussian beam concept is so useful in photonics that a special quantity, called the M2-factor, has been introduced to compare a given laser beam to an ideal Gaussian beam. The M2 factor measures the deviation of the real laser beam from the Gaussian characteristics, in which M 2 = 1 for an ideal (theoretical) Gaussian beam shape. Suppose that 2ur and 2wor are the divergence and waist, respectively, of the real laser beam, and 2u and 2wo are those for the ideal Gaussian. The M2 factor is defined by6
M2 =
wor ur wor ur = (1.1.10) wou (l>p)
where we have used wou = l>p for an ideal Gaussian beam. According to Eq. (1.1.10), M2 is the ratio of the beam parameter product of the real beam to that of a Gaussian beam, and hence M2 gauges the beam quality of the laser beam. For many lasers, M2 is greater than unity, and can be as high as 10–30 in multimode lasers. 6 Some authors define M, instead of M2, as M = ur >u = wor >wo. In addition, the reader should not be too concerned with the terms “multimode” and “single mode” at this point, except that they represent the types of radiation that is emitted from lasers.
M2 factor definition
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
For stable He-Ne single mode lasers, it is very close to unity. We can apply the above Gaussian equations to a real laser beam by replacing wo with wor >M 2. For example, the width at a distance z becomes Beam width at distance z
2w = 2wor c 1 + a
zlM 2 2 1>2 b d (1.1.11) pwor
Far away from the Rayleigh range, 2wr = M 2(2w), where 2w is the ideal Gaussian beam width at the same location. Suppose that we put a Gaussian beam with a waist wo onto the real beam and adjust wo to be the same as wor, i.e., wor = wo. Then, from Eq. (1.1.10) the divergence of the real beam is greater inasmuch as ur = M 2u, which is shown in Figure 1.6 (b).
Example 1.1.1 A diverging laser beam Consider a He-Ne laser beam at 633 nm with a spot size of 1 mm. Assuming a Gaussian beam, what is the divergence of the beam? What are the Rayleigh range and the beam width at 25 m?
Solution Using Eq. (1.1.7), we find
The Rayleigh range is
2u =
4(633 * 10-9 m) 4l = 8.06 * 10-4 rad = 0.046° = p(2wo) p(1 * 10-3 m)
zo =
p 3 (1 * 10-3 m)>24 2 pw2o = = 1.24 m l (633 * 10-9 m)
The beam width at a distance of 25 m is
2w = 2wo 31 + (z>zo)2 41>2 = (1 * 10-3 m) 51 + 3(25 m)>(1.24 m)4 2 61>2 = 0.0202 m or 20 mm.
1.2 Refractive Index and Dispersion When an EM wave is traveling in a dielectric medium, the oscillating electric field polarizes the molecules of the medium at the frequency of the wave. Indeed, the EM wave propagation can be considered to be the propagation of this polarization in the medium. The field and the induced molecular dipoles become coupled. The relative permittivity er measures the ease with which the medium becomes polarized and hence it indicates the extent of interaction between the field and the induced dipoles. To find the nature of propagation of an EM wave in a dielectric medium, and hence the phase velocity, we have to solve Maxwell’s equations in a dielectric medium. If we assume the medium is insulating, nonmagnetic, and also isotropic, that is the relative permittivity is independent of the direction of propagation of the EM wave and the optical field, then the solution becomes quite simple and leads to Maxwell’s wave equation stated in Eq. (1.1.5). We can continue to represent the EM wave in a similar fashion to its propagation in vacuum but
1.2 • Refractive Index and Dispersion
we need to assign to it a new phase velocity v, and a new wavelength, both of which depend on er. In a dielectric medium of relative permittivity er, the phase velocity v is given by
v =
1 (1.2.1) 1ereomo
Phase velocity in a medium
c = 1er (1.2.2) v
Definition of refrac tive index
It is important to use the relative permittivity at the frequency of operation in Eq. (1.2.1) since er depends on the frequency. Typical frequencies that are involved in optoelectronic devices are in the infrared (including far infrared), visible, and UV, and we generically refer to these frequencies as optical frequencies; they cover a somewhat arbitrary range from roughly 1012 Hz to 1016 Hz. For an EM wave traveling in free space, er = 1 and vvacuum = 1>(eomo)1>2 = c = 3 * 108 m s-1, the velocity of light in vacuum. The ratio of the speed of light in free space to its speed in a medium is called the refractive index n of the medium, that is,
n =
If k is the propagation constant (k = 2p>l) and l is the wavelength, both in free space, then in the medium7 kmedium = nk and lmedium = l>n. Equation (1.2.2) is in agreement with our intuition that light propagates more slowly in a denser medium that has a higher refractive index. We should note that the frequency y (or v) remains the same.8 The refractive index of a medium is not necessarily the same in all directions. In noncrystalline materials such as glasses and liquids, the material structure is the same in all directions and ndoes not depend on the direction. The refractive index is then isotropic. In crystals, however, the atomic arrangements and interatomic bonding are different along different directions. Crystals, in general, have nonisotropic, or anisotropic, properties. Depending on the crystal structure, the relative permittivity er is different along different crystal directions. This means that, in general, the refractive index n seen by a propagating electromagnetic wave in a crystal will depend on the value of er along the direction of the oscillating electric field (i.e., along the direction of polarization). For example, suppose that the wave in Figure 1.1 is traveling along the z-direction in a particular crystal with its electric field oscillating along the x-direction. If the relative permittivity along this x-direction is erx, then nx = (er x)1>2. The wave therefore propagates with a phase velocity that is c>nx. The variation of n with direction of propagation and the direction of the electric field depends on the particular crystal structure. With the exception of cubic crystals (such as diamond), all crystals exhibit a degree of optical anisotropy that leads to a number of important applications as discussed in Chapter 6. Typically, noncrystalline solids, such as glasses and liquids, and cubic crystals are optically isotropic; they possess only one refractive index for all directions. Relative permittivity er or the dielectric constant of materials, in general, depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. The relationship n = (er)1>2 between the refractive index n and er must be applied at the same frequency for both n and er. The relative permittivity for many materials can be vastly different at high and low frequencies because different polarization 7
On occasions, we will need to use ko and lo for the free-space propagation constant and wavelength (as in the next section) and use k and l for those values inside the medium. In each case, these quantities will be clearly defined to avoid confusion. 8 We are accustomed to describing light in terms of its wavelength and often quote wavelengths in nm (or Å) in the visible and IR regions. However, there would be certain advantages to using the frequency instead of the wavelength, for example, terahertz (THz) instead of nm, one of which is that the frequency v does not change in the medium. (See Roger A. Lewis, Am. J. Phys, 79, 341, 2011.)
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light Table 1.1 Low-frequency (LF) relative permittivity Er (LF) and refractive index n Material
Si Diamond GaAs SiO2 Water
11.9 5.7 13.1 3.84 80
3.44 2.39 3.62 2.00 8.9
n (at L)
3.45 (at 2.15 om) 2.41 (at 590 nm) 3.30 (at 5 om) 1.46 (at 600 nm) 1.33 (at 600 nm)
Electronic bond polarization up to optical frequencies Electronic bond polarization up to UV light Ionic polarization contributes to er(LF) Ionic polarization contributes to er(LF) Dipolar polarization contributes to er(LF), which is large
mechanisms operate at these frequencies.9 At low frequencies all polarization mechanisms present can contribute to er, whereas at optical frequencies only the electronic polarization can respond to the oscillating field. Table 1.1 lists the relative permittivity er(LF) at low frequencies (e.g., 60 Hz or 1 kHz as would be measured, for example, using a capacitance bridge in the laboratory) for various materials. It then compares 3er(LF)4 1>2 with n. For silicon and diamond there is an excellent agreement between 3er(LF)4 1>2 and n. Both are covalent solids in which electronic polarization (electronic bond polarization) is the only polarization mechanism at low and high frequencies. Electronic polarization involves the displacement of light electrons with respect to positive ions of the crystal. This process can readily respond to the field oscillations up to optical or even ultraviolet frequencies. For GaAs and SiO2 3 er(LF)4 1>2 is larger than n because at low frequencies both of these solids possess a degree of ionic polarization. The bonding is not totally covalent and there is a degree of ionic bonding that contributes to polarization at frequencies below far-infrared wavelengths. In the case of water, the er(LF) is dominated by orientational or dipolar polarization, which is far too sluggish to respond to high-frequency oscillations of the field at optical frequencies. It is instructive to consider what factors affect n. The relative permittivity depends on the polarizability a per molecule (or atom) in the solid. (a is defined as the induced electric dipole moment per unit applied field.) The simplest and approximate expression for the relative permittivity is er ≈ 1 +
Cauchy short form dispersion equation
Na eo
in which N is the number of molecules per unit volume. Both the atomic concentration, or density, and polarizability therefore increase n. For example, glasses of given type but with greater density tend to have higher n. The frequency or wavelength dependence of er and hence n is called the dispersion relation, or simply dispersion. There are various theoretical and empirical models that describe the n vs. l behavior. The Cauchy dispersion equation in its simplest form is given by10
n = A +
B C + 4 (1.2.3) l2 l
9 Chapters 7 and 9 in Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 3rd Edition, S. O. Kasap (McGraw-Hill, 2006) provides a semiquantitative description of the frequency dependence of er and hence the wavelength dependence of n. 10 Dispersion relations like the one in Eq. (1.2.3) are always in terms of the free-space wavelength l. (It does not make sense to give them in terms of the actual wavelength in the medium.)
1.2 • Refractive Index and Dispersion
Table 1.2 Sellmeier and Cauchy coefficients Sellmeier
L1 (,m)
L2 (,m)
L3 (,m)
SiO2 (fused silica) 86.5%SiO213.5%GeO2
GeO2 Sapphire Diamond
0.80686642 1.023798 0.3306
0.71815848 1.058264 4.3356
0.85416831 5.280792 –
0.068972606 0.0614482 0.1750
0.15396605 0.110700 0.1060
11.841931 17.92656 –
Range of hv (eV)
n2 (eV–2)
n4 (eV–4)
- 1.07 * 10
n–2 (eV2)
8.01 * 10
1.04 * 10-4
- 2.04 * 10-8
8.15 * 10-2
1.25 * 10-2
- 1.0 * 10-8
2.2 * 10-1
1.4 * 10-1
Source: Sellmeier coefficients combined from various sources. Cauchy coefficients from D. Y. Smith et al., J. Phys. CM, 13, 3883, 2001.
where A, B, and C are material-specific constants. A more general Cauchy dispersion relation is of the form n = n-2(hy)-2 + n0 + n2(hy)2 + n4(hy)4 (1.2.4)
where hy is the photon energy, and n0, n-2, n2, and n4 are constants; values for diamond, Si, and Ge are listed in Table 1.2. The general Cauchy equation is usually applicable over a wide photon energy range. Another useful dispersion relation that has been widely used, especially in optical fibers, is the Sellmeier equation given by n2 = 1 +
A1l2 l2 - l21
A2l2 l2 - l22
A3l2 l2 - l23
where A1, A2, A3 and l1, l2, l3 are constants, called Sellmeier coefficients.11 Equation (1.2.5) turns out to be quite a useful semi-empirical expression for calculating n at various wavelengths if the Sellmeier coefficients are known. Higher terms involving A4 and higher A coefficients can generally be neglected in representing n vs. l behavior over typical wavelengths of interest. For example, for diamond, we only need the A1 and A2 terms. The Sellmeier coefficients are listed in various optical data handbooks.
Example 1.2.1 Sellmeier equation and diamond Using the Sellmeier coefficients for diamond in Table 1.2, calculate its refractive index at 610 nm (red light) and compare with the experimental quoted value of 2.415 to three decimal places. 11
This is also known as the Sellmeier-Herzberger formula.
Cauchy dispersion equation in photon energy
Sellmeier equation
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Solution The Sellmeier dispersion relation for diamond is n2 = 1 +
n2 = 1 +
0.3306l2 4.3356l2 + 2 2 l - 175 nm l - 106 nm2 2
0.3306(610 nm)2 2
(610 nm) - (175 nm)
4.3356(610 nm)2 (610 nm)2 - (106 nm)2
= 5.8308
So that
n = 2.4147
which is 2.415 to three decimal places and matches the experimental value.
Example 1.2.2 Cauchy equation and diamond Using the Cauchy coefficients for diamond in Table 1.2, calculate the refractive index at 610 nm.
Solution At l = 610 nm, the photon energy is hy =
(6.626 * 10-34 J s)(2.998 * 108 m s-1) 1 hc = * = 2.0325 eV -9 l (610 * 10 m) 1.602 * 10-19 J eV-1
Using the Cauchy dispersion relation for diamond with coefficients from Table 1.2, n = n-2(hy)-2 + n0 + n2(hy)2 + n4(hy)4 = ( - 1.07 * 10-5)(2.0325)-2 + 2.378 + (8.01 * 10-3)(2.0325)2 + (1.04 * 10 - 4)(2.0325)4 = 2.4140 which is slightly different than the value calculated in Example 1.2.1; one reason for the discrepancy is due to the Cauchy coefficients quoted in Table 1.2 being applicable over a wider wavelength range at the expense of some accuracy. Although both dispersion relations have four parameters, A 1, A2, l1, l2 for Sellmeier and n-2, n0, n2, n4 for Cauchy, the functional forms are different.
1.3 Group Velocity and Group Index Since there are no perfect monochromatic waves in practice, we have to consider the way in which a group of waves differing slightly in wavelength will travel along the z-direction. Figure 1.7 shows how two perfectly harmonic waves of slight different frequencies v - dv and v + dv interfere to generate a periodic wave packet that contains an oscillating field at the mean frequency v that is amplitude modulated by a slowly varying field of frequency dv. We are interested in the velocity of this wave packet. The two sinusoidal waves of frequencies v - dv and v + dv will propagate with propagation constants k - dk and k + dk respectively inside the material so that their sum will be Ex(z, t) = Eo cos 3(v - dv)t - (k - dk)z4 + Eo cos 3(v + dv)t - (k + dk)z4
1.3 • Group Velocity and Group Index
Figure 1.7 Two waves of slightly different wavelengths traveling in the same direction result in a wave packet that has an amplitude variation which travels at the group velocity.
By using the trigonometric identity cos A + cos B = 2 cos 3 12 (A - B)4 cos 312 (A + B)4 we arrive at Ex(z, t) = 2Eo cos 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 cos (vt - kz)
As illustrated in Figure 1.7, this represents a sinusoidal wave of frequency v, which is amplitude modulated by a very slowly varying sinusoid of frequency dv. The system of waves, that is, the modulation, travels along z at a speed determined by the modulating term, cos 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 . The maximum in the field occurs when 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 = 2mp = constant (m is an integer), which travels with a velocity dz dv = dt dk
vg =
dv (1.3.1) dk
where the velocity vg is the group velocity of the waves, since it determines the speed of propagation of the maximum electric field along z. The group velocity represents the speed with which energy or information is propagated since it defines the speed of the envelope of the amplitude variation. The maximum electric field in Figure 1.7 advances with a velocity vg whereas the phase variations in the electric field propagate at the phase velocity v. The wave packet we generated by adding two slightly different harmonic waves is periodic with a period 2p>dv. By adding many such harmonic waves with slightly different frequencies but with the right amplitudes, we can generate a single wave packet that is nonperiodic as illustrated in Figure 1.7. This wave packet travels with a group velocity vg.
It is quite common to replace small changes in expressions like dz/dt by differentials, and write it as dz>dt, which we will often do in the future.
Group velocity
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
We know that in vacuum, v = ck and the group velocity is Group velocity in vacuum
vg(vacuum) =
dv = c = phase velocity (1.3.2) dk
In vacuum or air, the group velocity is the same as the phase velocity. For an EM wave in a medium, k in Eq. (1.3.2) is the propagation constant inside the medium, which can be written k = 2pn>lo where lo is the free pace wavelength. The group velocity then is not necessarily the same as the phase velocity v, which depends on v>k and is given by c>n. The group velocity vg, on the other hand, is dv>dk, which depends on how the propagation changes in the medium, dk, with the change in frequency dv, and dv>dk, is not necessarily the same asv>k when the refractive index has a wavelength dependence. Suppose that the refractive index n = n(lo) is a function of (free space) wavelength lo, perhaps being described by one of the expressions in Section 1.2. Its gradient would be dn>dlo. We can easily find the group velocity, as shown in Example 1.3.1, by first finding dv and dk in terms of dn and dlo, andthen using Eq. (1.3.2), Group velocity in a medium
vg(medium) =
This can be written as Group velocity in a medium
dv = dk
c n - l oa
vg(medium) =
dn b dlo
c (1.3.4) Ng
in which Group index
Ng = n - lo
dn (1.3.5) dlo
is defined as the group index of the medium. Equation (1.3.5) defines the group refractive index Ng of a medium and determines the effect of the medium on the group velocity via Eq. (1.3.4). What is important in Eqs. (1.3.4) and (1.3.5) is the gradient of the refractive index, dn>dlo. If the refractive index is constant and independent of the wavelength, at least over the wavelength range of interest, then Ng = n; and the group and phase velocities are the same. In general, for many materials the refractive index n and hence the group index Ng depend on the wavelength of light by virtue of er being frequency dependent. Then, both the phase velocity v and the group velocity vg depend on the wavelength and the medium is called a dispersive medium. The refractive index n and the group index Ng of pure SiO2 (silica) glass are important parameters in optical fiber design in optical communications. Both of these parameters depend on the wavelength of light as shown in Figure 1.8. Around 1300 nm, Ng is minimum, which means that for wavelengths close to 1300 nm, Ng is wavelength independent. Thus, light waves with wavelengths around 1300 nm travel with the same group velocity and do not experience dispersion. This phenomenon is significant in the propagation of light in optical fibers as discussed in Chapter 2.
1.3 • Group Velocity and Group Index
Figure 1.8 Refractive index n and the group index Ng of pure SiO2 (silica) glass as a function of wavelength.
Example 1.3.1 Group velocity Consider two sinusoidal waves that are close in frequency, that is, waves of frequencies v - dv and v + dv as in Figure 1.7. Their propagation constant will be k - dk and k + dk. The resultant wave will be Ex(z, t) = Eo cos 3(v - dv)t - (k - dk)z4 + Eo cos 3(v + dv) t - (k + dk)z4
By using the trigonometric identity cos A + cos B = 2cos 3 12 (A - B)4 cos 312 (A + B)4 we arrive at Ex(z, t) = 2Eo cos 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 cos(vt - kz)
As illustrated in Figure 1.7, this represents a sinusoidal wave of frequency v, which is amplitude modulated by a very slowly varying sinusoid of frequency dv. The system of waves, that is, the modulation, travels along z at a speed determined by the modulating term, cos 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 . The maximum in the field occurs when 3(dv)t - (dk)z4 = 2mp = constant (m is an integer), which travels with a velocity
dv dv dz = or vg = dt dk dk This is the group velocity of the waves, as stated in Eq. (1.3.1), since it determines the speed of propagation of the maximum electric field along z.13
Example 1.3.2 Group velocity and index Consider v = 2pc>lo and k = 2pn>lo, where lo is the free-space wavelength. By finding e xpressions for dv and dk in terms of dn and dlo derive Eq. (1.3.4) for the group velocity vg.
Solution Differentiate v = 2pc>lo to get dv = -(2pc>l2o)dlo, and then differentiate k = 2pn>lo to find dk = 2pn( -1>l2o) dlo + (2p>lo) a 13
dn dn bdlo = - (2p>l2o)an - lo bdlo dlo dlo
It is left as an exercise to show that the same result can be obtained by using a sine instead of cosine function for the waves.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light We can now substitute for dv and dk in Eq. (1.3.1), vg =
dv = dk
- (2pc>l2o)dlo dn - (2p>l2o) an - lo bdlo dlo
n - lo
dn dlo
Example 1.3.3 Group and phase velocities Consider a light wave traveling in a pure SiO2 (silica) glass medium. If the wavelength of light is 1 om and the refractive index at this wavelength is 1.450, what is the phase velocity, group index (Ng), and group velocity (vg)?
Solution The phase velocity is given by v = c>n = (3 * 108 m s-1)>(1.450) = 2.069 * 108 m s-1
From Figure 1.8, at l = 1 om, Ng = 1.463, so that
vg = c>Ng = (3 * 108 m s-1)>(1.463) = 2.051 * 108 m s-1 The group velocity is about ∼0.9, smaller than the phase velocity.
1.4 Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector
Fields in an EM wave
Although we have considered the electric field component Ex of the electromagnetic wave, we should recall that the magnetic field (magnetic induction) component By always accompanies Ex in an EM wave propagation. In fact, if v is the phase velocity of an EM wave in an isotropic dielectric medium and n is the refractive index, then according to electromagnetism, at all times and anywhere in an EM wave,14 c Ex = vBy = By (1.4.1) n in which v = (eoermo)-1>2 and n = er1>2. Thus, the two fields are simply and intimately related for an EM wave propagating in an isotropic medium. Any process that alters Ex also intimately changes By in accordance with Eq. (1.4.1). As the EM wave propagates in the direction of the wave vector k as shown in Figure 1.9, there is an energy flow in this direction. The wave brings with it electromagnetic energy. A small region of space in which the electric field is Ex has an energy density, that is, energy per unit volume, given by (1>2)eoerE 2x . Similarly, a region of space where the magnetic field is By has an energy density (1>2mo)B2y . Since the two fields are related by Eq. (1.4.1), the energy densities in the Ex and By fields are the same.
Energy densities in an EM wave
1 1 2 e e E2 = B (1.4.2) 2 o r x 2mo y
The total energy density in the wave is therefore eoerE 2x . Suppose that an ideal “energy meter” is placed in the path of the EM wave so that the receiving area A of this meter is 14
This is actually a statement of Faraday’s law for EM waves. In vector notation it is often expressed as vB = k * E.
1.4 • Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector
Figure 1.9 A plane EM wave traveling along k crosses an area A at right angles to the direction of propagation. In time ∆t, the energy in the cylindrical volume Av∆t (shown dashed) flows through A.
perpendicular to the direction of propagation. In a time interval ∆t, a portion of the wave of spatial length v∆t crosses A. Thus, a volume Av∆t of the EM wave crosses A in time ∆t. The energy in this volume consequently becomes received. If S is the EM power flow per unit area, then
S = Energy flow per unit time per unit area
S =
(Av∆t)(eoerE 2x ) = veoerE 2x = v 2eoerExBy (1.4.3) A∆t
In an isotropic medium, the energy flow is in the direction of wave propagation. If we use the vectors E and B to represent the electric and magnetic fields in the EM wave, then the wave propagates in a direction E * B because this direction is perpendicular to both E and B. The EM power flow per unit area in Eq. (1.4.3) can be written as,
S = v 2eoerE * B (1.4.4)
Poynting vector
in which S, called the Poynting vector, represents the energy flow per unit time per unit area in a direction determined by E * B (direction of propagation). Its magnitude, power flow per unit area, is called the irradiance.15 The field Ex at the receiver location (say, z = z1) varies sinusoidally, which means that the energy flow also varies sinusoidally. The irradiance in Eq. (1.4.3) is the instantaneous irradiance. If we write the field as Ex = Eo sin (vt) and then calculate the average irradiance by averaging S over one period we would find the average irradiance,
I = Saverage =
1 ve e E 2 (1.4.5) 2 o r o
Average irradiance (intensity)
Since v = c>n and er = n2 we can write Eq. (1.4.5) as
I = Saverage =
1 ce nE 2 = (1.33 * 10-3)nE 2o (1.4.6) 2 o o
The instantaneous irradiance can be measured only if the power meter can respond more quickly than the oscillations of the electric field, and since this is in the optical frequencies range, 15 The term intensity is widely used and interpreted by many engineers as power flow per unit area even though the strictly correct term is irradiance. Many optoelectronic data books simply use intensity to mean irradiance. By the way, the Poynting vector was named after John H. Poynting (1851–1914), an English physicist, who was a physics professor at the University of Birmingham (known as Mason Science College at the time).
Average irradiance (intensity)
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
all practical measurements invariably yield the average irradiance. This is because all detectors have a response rate much slower than the frequency of the wave. The irradiance of an EM wave depends on the distance from the EM source. For an ideal plane wave, the irradiance at a distance r from the “infinite extended plane EM source” is independent of r. On the other hand, for a spherical wave, the irradiance drops as 1>r 2 because the electric field drops as 1>r. Suppose that the total power emitted by a point source placed at some point O is Po as shown in Figure 1.10. Then the irradiance I at a distance r from O is Irradiance of a spherical wave
I =
Po 4pr 2
For a Gaussian beam, the irradiance has a Gaussian distribution across the beam crosssection, as illustrated in Figure 1.5 (b) and (c), and also decreases as the beam propagates along z; the power in the beam becomes spread over larger and larger wavefront surfaces as the wave propagates along z. The irradiance I at a point z from O, and at a radial distance r from the beam axis (Figures 1.5 and 1.6) is given by Irradiance of a Gaussian beam
Irradiance of a Gaussian beam on axis
Total power and irradiance of a Gaussian beam
I(z, r) = Ioa
wo 2 2r 2 b exp a - 2 b (1.4.8) w w
where wo is the beam waist, w is the beam width at a distance z from O, and Io is the maximum beam irradiance, which occurs at z = 0 when w = wo. Since w depends on z through 2w = 2wo 31 + (z>zo)2 4 1>2, the irradiance also depends on z and I decreases with z. At far away from the Rayleigh range, z W zo, the irradiance on the beam axis is
z2o Iaxis(z) = Io 2 (1.4.9) z
which shows that the decay of light intensity with distance is similar to that for a spherical wave. The radial dependence, of course, remains Gaussian. The total optical power Po is the EM power carried by a wave, and can be found by integrating the irradiance. For a Gaussian beam Po and Io are related by
Po =
1 3Io(pw2o)4 (1.4.10) 2
where it can be seen that the apparent “cross-sectional area” of the beam, pw2o, is used to multiply the maximum irradiance with a factor of half to yield the total optical power.
Figure 1.10 The irradiance of a spherical wave decreases with distance from the source because the area through which the power flows increases as r 2.
1.4 • Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector
Example 1.4.1 Electric and magnetic fields in light The intensity (irradiance) of the red laser beam from a He-Ne laser at a certain location has been measured to be 1 mW cm-2. What are the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields? What are the magnitudes if this beam were in a glass medium with a refractive index n = 1.45 and the irradiance was still 1 mW cm-2?
Solution Using Eq. (1.4.6) for the average irradiance, the field in air is Eo = so that
2(1 * 10-3 * 104 W m-2) 2I = C ceon C (3 * 108 m s-1)(8.85 * 10-12 F m-1)(1)
Eo = 87 V m-1 or 0.87 V cm-1 The corresponding magnetic field is
Bo = Eo >c = (87 V m-1)>(3 * 108 m s-1) = 0.29 oT
If the same intensity were in a glass medium of n = 1.45, then Eo(medium) = or
2(1 * 10-3 * 104 W m-2) 2I = 8 C ceon C (3 * 10 m s-1)(8.85 * 10-12 F m-1)(1.45)
Eo(medium) = 72 V m-1
Bo(medium) = nEo(medium)>c = (1.45)(72 V m-1)>(3 * 108 m s-1) = 0.35 oT
Example 1.4.2 Power and irradiance of a Gaussian beam Consider a 5 mW He-Ne laser that is operating at 633 nm, and has a spot size of 1 mm. Find the maximum irradiance of the beam and the axial (maximum) irradiance at 25 m from the laser.
Solution The 5 mW rating refers to the total optical power Po available, and 633 nm is the free-space output wavelength l. Apply Eq. (1.4.10), Po = (1>2) 3Io(pw2o)4 , 5 * 10-3 W =
which gives
2 1 1 Io(p) a * 1 * 10-3 mb 2 2
Io = 1.273 * 104 W m-2 = 1.273 W cm-2
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light The Rayleigh range zo was calculated previously as zo = pw2o >l = 1.24 m in Example 1.1.1. At z = 25 m, the axial irradiance is Iaxis = (1.273 * 104 W m-2)
(1.24 m)2 (25 m)2
= 31.3 W m-2 = 3.13 mW cm2
1.5 Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
Willebrord Snellius (Willebrord Snel van Royen, 1580–1626) was a Dutch astronomer and a mathematician, who was a professor at the University of Leiden. He discovered his law of refraction in 1621 which was published by Réne Descartes in France 1637; it is not known whether Descartes knew of Snell’s law or formulated it independently. (Courtesy of AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Brittle Books Collection.)
René Descartes (1596–1650) was a French philosopher who was also involved with mathematics and sciences. He has been called the “Father of Modern Philosophy.” Descartes was responsible for the development of Cartesian coordinates and analytical geometry. He also made significant contributions to optics, including reflection and refraction. (Courtesy of Georgios Kollidas/
We consider a traveling plane EM wave in a medium (1) of refractive index n1 propagating toward a medium (2) with a refractive index n2. Constant phase fronts are joined with broken lines and the wave vector ki is perpendicular to the wavefronts as shown in Figure 1.11. When the wave reaches the plane boundary between the two media, a transmitted wave in medium 2 and a reflected wave in medium 1 appear. The transmitted wave is called the refracted light. The angles ui, ut , ur define the directions of the incident, transmitted, and reflected waves, respectively, with respect to the normal to the boundary plane as shown in Figure 1.11. The wave vectors of the reflected and transmitted waves are denoted as kr and kt. Since both the incident and reflected waves are in the same medium, the magnitudes of kr and ki are the same, kr = ki. Simple arguments based on constructive interference can be used to show that there can be only one reflected wave that occurs at an angle equal to the incidence angle. The two waves along Ai and Bi are in phase. When these waves are reflected to become waves Ar and Br then they must still be in phase, otherwise they will interfere destructively and destroy each other. The only way the two waves can stay in phase is if ur = ui. All other angles lead to the waves Ar and Br being out of phase and interfering destructively. The refracted waves At and Bt are propagating in a medium of refracted index n2( 6 n1) that is different than n1. Hence the waves At and Bt have different velocities than Ai and Bi. We consider what happens to a wavefront such as AB, corresponding perhaps to the maximum field, as it propagates from medium 1 to 2. We recall that the points A and B on this front are always in phase. During the time it takes for the phase B on wave Bi to reach B′, phase A on wave At has
1.5 • Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
Figure 1.11 A light wave traveling in a medium with a greater refractive index (n1 7 n2) suffers reflection and refraction at the boundary. (Notice that lt isslightly longer than l.)
progressed to A′. The wavefront AB thus becomes the front A′B′ in medium 2. Unless the two waves at A= and B= still have the same phase, there will be no transmitted wave. A= and B= points on the front are in phase only for one particular transmitted angle, ut. If it takes time t for the phase at B on wave Bi to reach B′, then BB′ = v1t = ct>n1. During this time t, the phase A has progressed to A′ where AA= = v2t = ct>n2. A′ and B′ belong to the same front just like A and B so that AB is perpendicular to ki in medium 1 and A′B′ is perpendicular to kt in medium 2. From geometrical considerations, AB′ = BB′>sin ui and AB′ = AA′>sin ut so that AB= =
v1t v2t = sin ui sin ut
or sin ui v1 n2 = = (1.5.1) n1 v2 sin ut
This is Snell’s law,16 which relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the media. If we consider the reflected wave, the wavefront AB becomes A″B′ in the reflected wave. In time t, phase B moves to B′ and A moves to A″. Since they must still be in phase to constitute the reflected wave, BB′ must be equal to AA″. Suppose it takes time t for the wavefront B to move to B′ (or A to A″). Then, since BB′ = AA″ = v1t, from geometrical considerations, AB′ =
v1t v1t = sin ui sin ur
so that ui = ur. Angles of incidence and reflection are the same. 16
Snell’s law is known as Descartes’s law in France as he was the first to publish it in his “Discourse on Method” in 1637.
Snell’s Law
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
When n1 7 n2 then obviously the transmitted angle is greater than the incidence angle as apparent in Figure 1.11. When the refraction angle ut reaches 90°, the incidence angle is called the critical angle uc, which is given by Total internal reflection (TIR)
sin uc =
n2 (1.5.2) n1
When the incidence angle ui exceeds uc then there is no transmitted wave but only a reflected wave. The latter phenomenon is called total internal reflection (TIR). The effect of increasing the incidence angle is shown in Figure 1.12. It is the TIR phenomenon that leads tothe propagation of waves in a dielectric medium surrounded by a medium of smaller refractive index as shown in Chapter 2. Although Snell’s law for ui 7 uc shows that sin ut 7 1 and hence ut is an “imaginary” angle of refraction, there is however a wave called the evanescent wave, whose amplitude decays exponentially with distance into the second medium as discussed below. The wave exists only in the interface region from which the reflected wave emerges (not outside). Snell’s law can also be viewed as the k-vector of light parallel to the interface being continuous through the interface, that is, having the same value on both sides of the interface. In medium n1, ki parallel to the interface is ki sin ui or kn1 sin ui, where ki = kn1, and k is the magnitude of the wave vector in free space. In medium n2, kt parallel to the interface is kt sin ut or kn2 sin ut. If k’s component tangential to the interface remains constant, kn1 sin ui = kn2 sin ut, then we obtain Snell’s law in Eq. (1.5.1). Put differently, Snell’s law is equivalent to Snell’s Law
n sin u = constant through an interface between different media (1.5.3)
Snell’s law of refraction and TIR play a very important role in many optoelectronic and photonic devices. A prism is a transparent optical component that can deflect a light beam as illustrated in Figure 1.13. There are two basic types of prism. In a refracting prism, the light deflection is caused by refractions whereas in a reflecting prism it is caused by one or more TIRs. (Some prisms such as composite prisms need both refraction and TIR to achieve their desired deflection.) The deflection d depends not only on the incidence angle of the light beam on the prism, the prism material (n), and geometry, but also on the wavelength and the p olarization state of the incident light. The reason is that the refractive index n of the prism material normally depends on the wavelength, and further, for certain materials (e.g., quartz, calcite), it depends on the polarization state (direction of the electric field) of light as well.
Figure 1.12 Light wave travelling in a more dense medium strikes a less dense medium. Depending on the incidence angle with respect to uc, which is determined by the ratio of the refractive indices, the wave may be transmitted (refracted) or reflected. (a) ui 6 uc (b) ui = uc (c) ui 7 uc and total internal reflection. (Wavefronts are only indicated in (a).)
1.5 • Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
Figure 1.13 Basic types of prism: refracting and reflecting prisms.
Example 1.5.1 Beam displacement Lateral displacement of light, or beam displacement, occurs when a beam of light passes obliquely through a plate of transparent material, such as a glass plate. When a light beam is incident on a plate of transparent material of refractive index n, it emerges from the other side traveling parallel to the incident light but displaced from it by a distance d, called lateral displacement, as illustrated in Figure 1.14. Find the displacement d in terms of the incidence angle the plate thickness. What is d for a glass of n = 1.600, d = 10 mm if the incidence angle is 45°?
Solution The displacement d = BC = AB sin (ui - ut). Further, L>AB = cos ut so that combining these two equation we find d = Lc
sin (ui - ut) d cos ut
We can expand sin (ui - ut) = sin ui cos ut - cos ui sin ut, use cos ut = 21 - sin2 ut and then apply Snell’s law n sin ut = no sin ui at the top surface to find cos ui d = sin ui £1 § L 3(n>no)2 - sin 2 ui
which is maximum with d = L when ui ≃ 90°, glazing incidence. Substituting n = 1.600, no = 1, ui = 45°, and L = 10 mm, we find, d = 3.587 mm. If the refractive index increases by 1,, n = 1.616, then d = 3.630 and the change in d is 0.043 mm or 43 om, which can be measured electronically by using, for example, CCD or CMOS photodiode arrays.
Figure 1.14 Lateral displacement of light passing obliquely through a transparent plate.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
1.6 Fresnel’s Equations A. Amplitude Reflection and Transmission Coefficients (r and t) Although the ray picture with constant phase wavefronts is useful in understanding refraction and reflection, to obtain the magnitude of the reflected and refracted waves and their relative phases, we need to consider the electric field in the light wave. The electric field in the wave must be perpendicular to the direction of propagation as shown in Figure 1.15. We can resolve the field Ei of the incident wave into two components, one in the plane of incidence, Ei, //, and theother perpendicular to the plane of incidence, Ei, ›. The plane of incidence is defined as the plane containing the incident and the reflected rays, which in Figure 1.15 corresponds to the plane of the paper.17 Similarly for both the reflected and transmitted waves, we will have field components parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, that is, Er, //, Er, ›, and Et, //, Et, ›. As apparent from Figure 1.15, the incident, transmitted, and reflected wave all have a wave vector component along the z-direction; that is, they have an effective velocity along z. Thefields Ei, ›, Er, ›, and Et, › are all perpendicular to the z-direction. These waves are called transverse electric field (TE) waves. On the other hand, waves with Ei, //, Er, //, and Et, // have only their magnetic field components perpendicular to the z-direction, and these are called transverse magnetic field (TM) waves. We will describe the incident, reflected, and refracted waves each by the exponential representation of a traveling wave: Incident wave
Reflected wave
Transmitted wave
Ei = Eio exp j(vt - ki # r) (1.6.1)
Er = Ero exp j(vt - kr # r) (1.6.2)
Et = Eto exp j(vt - kt # r) (1.6.3)
in which r is the position vector, the wave vectors ki, kr, and kt describe the directions of the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves, and Eio, Ero, and Eto are the respective amplitudes. Any phase changes such as f r and f t in the reflected and transmitted waves with respect to the phase of the incident wave are incorporated into the complex amplitudes, Ero and Eto. Our objective is to find Ero and Eto with respect to Eio. We should note that similar equations can be stated for the magnetic field components in the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves but these will be perpendicular to the corresponding electric fields. The electric and magnetic fields anywhere on the wave must be perpendicular to each other as a requirement of electromagnetic wave theory. This means that with E// in the EM wave we have a magnetic field B› associated with it such that B# = (n>c)E//. Similarly, E› will have a magnetic field B// associated with it such that B// = (n>c)E#. There are two useful fundamental rules in electromagnetism that govern the behavior of the electric and magnetic fields at a boundary between two dielectric media, which we can arbitrarily label as 1 and 2. These rules are called boundary conditions. The first states that the
The definitions of the field components follow those of S. G. Lipson et al., Optical Physics, 3rd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 1995) and Grant Fowles, Introduction to Modern Optics, 2nd Edition (Dover Publications, Inc., 1975), whose clear treatments of this subject are highly recommended. The majority of authors use a different convention, which leads to different signs later in the equations (“they [Fresnel’s equations] must be related to the specific electric field directions from which they are derived.” Eugene Hecht, Optics, 4th Edition (Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, 2002), p. 115.
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
Figure 1.15 Light wave traveling in a more dense medium strikes a less dense medium. The plane ofincidence is the plane of the paper and is perpendicular to the flat interface between the two media. The electric field is normal to the direction of propagation. It can be resolved into perpendicular (#) and parallel (//) components. (a) ui 6 uc then some of the wave is transmitted into the less dense medium. Some of the wave is reflected. (b) ui 7 uc then the incident wave suffers total internal reflection. There is a decaying evanescent wave into the n2-medium.
electric field that is tangential to the boundary surface, Etangential, must be continuous across theboundary from medium 1 to 2, that is, at the boundary, y = 0 in Figure 1.15,
Etangential(1) = Etangential(2) (1.6.4)
Boundary condition
The second rule is that the tangential component of the magnetic field, Btangential, to the boundary must likewise be continuous from medium 1 to 2, provided that the two media are nonmagnetic (relative permeability, mr = 1),
Btangential(1) = Btangential(2) (1.6.5)
Boundary condition
Using the boundary conditions above for the fields at y = 0 and the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields, we can find the reflected and transmitted waves in terms of the incident wave. The boundary conditions can be satisfied only if the reflection and incidence angles are equal, ur = ui, and the angles for the transmitted and incident wave obey Snell’s law, n1 sin u1 = n2 sin u2. Applying the boundary conditions above to the EM wave going from medium 1 to 2, the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves can be readily obtained in terms of n1, n2, and the incidence angle ui alone.18 These relationships are called Fresnel’s equations. If we define n = n2 >n1 as the relative refractive index of medium 2 to that of 1, then the reflection and transmission coefficients for E› are
r# =
Ero,# Eio,#
cos ui - 3n2 - sin2 ui 4 1>2 cos ui + 3n2 - sin2 ui 4 1>2
18 These equations are readily available in any electromagnetism textbook. Their derivation from the two boundary conditions involves extensive algebraic manipulation, which we will not carry out here. The electric and magnetic field components on both sides of the boundary are resolved tangentially to the boundary surface and the boundary conditions are then applied. We then use such relations as cos ut = 31 - sin ut4 1>2 and sin ut is determined by Snell’s law, etc.
Reflection coefficient
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
and Transmission coefficient
t# =
Eto,# Eio,#
2cos ui cos ui + 3n2 - sin2 ui4 1>2
There are corresponding coefficients for the E// fields with corresponding reflection and transmission coefficients, r// and t//. Reflection coefficient
r// =
Transmission coefficient
t// =
Ero, // Eio, // Eto, // Eio, //
3n2 3n2
- sin2 ui4 1/2 - n2 cos ui
- sin2 ui4 1>2 + n2 cos ui 2n cos ui
n cos ui + 3n2 - sin2 ui4 1>2 2
Further, the coefficients above are related by Transmission coefficient
r// + nt// = 1 and r# + 1 = t# (1.6.8)
The significance of these equations is that they allow the amplitudes and phases of the reflected and transmitted waves to be determined from the coefficients r›, r//, t//, and t›. For convenience we take Eio to be a real number so that phase angles of r› and t› correspond to the phase changes measured with respect to the incident wave. For example, if r› is a complex quantity then we can write this as r# = r# exp(-jf #) in which r› and f # represent the relative amplitude and phase of the reflected wave with respect to the incident wave for the field perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Of course, when r› is a real quantity, then a positive number represents no phase shift and a negative number is a phase shift of 180° (or p). As with all waves, a negative sign corresponds to a 180° phase shift. Complex coefficients can be obtained only from Fresnel’s equations if the terms under the square roots become negative and this can happen only when n 6 1 (or n1 7 n2), and also when ui 7 uc, the critical angle. Thus, phase changes other than 0 or 180° occur only when there is total internal reflection. Fresnel’s equations for normal incidence are greatly simplified. Putting ui = 0 into Eqs. (1.6.6) and (1.6.7) we find Normal incidence
r// = r# =
n1 - n2 n1 + n2
and t// = t# =
2n1 (1.6.9) n1 + n2
Figure 1.16 (a) shows how the magnitudes of the reflection coefficients, r› and r// , vary with the incidence angle ui for a light wave traveling from a more dense medium, n1 = 1.44, to a less dense medium, n2 = 1.00, as predicted by Fresnel’s equations. Figure 1.16 (b) shows the changes in the phase of the reflected wave, f# and f //, with ui. The critical angle uc as determined from sin uc = n2 >n1 in this case is 44°. It is clear that for incidence close to normal (small ui), there is no phase change in the reflected wave. The reflection coefficient in Eq.(1.6.9) is a positive quantity for n1 7 n2, which means that the reflected wave suffers no phase change. This is confirmed by f # and f // in Figure 1.16 (b). As the incidence angle increases, eventually r// becomes zero at an angle of about 35°. We can find this special incidence angle, labeled as up, by solving the Fresnel equation (1.6.7a) for r// = 0. The field in the reflected wave is then always perpendicular to the plane of incidence and hence well-defined as illustrated in
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
Figure 1.16 Internal reflection: (a) Magnitude of the reflection coefficients r// and r› vs. angle of incidence ui for n1 = 1.44 and n2 = 1.00. The critical angle is 44°. (b) The corresponding phase changes f// and f# vs. incidence angle ui.
Figure1.17. This special angle is called the polarization angle or Brewster’s19 angle and from Eq. (1.6.7a) is given by
tan up =
n2 (1.6.10) n1
The reflected wave is then said to be linearly polarized because it contains electric field oscillations that are contained within a well-defined plane, which is perpendicular to the plane of incidence and also to the direction of propagation. Electric field oscillations in unpolarized light, on the other hand, can be in any one of infinite number of directions that are perpendicular
Figure 1.17 At the Brewster angle of incidence ui = up, the reflected light contains only field oscillations normal to the plane of incidence (paper).
19 After Sir David Brewster (1781–1868), a Scottish physicist who was educated in theology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He became interested in the polarization properties of light from 1799 onwards, and reported some of his experiments in scientific journals, including the Philosophical Transactions of London.
Brewster’s polarization angle
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
to the direction of propagation. In linearly polarized light, however, the field oscillations are contained within a well-defined plane. Light emitted from many light sources, such as a tungsten light bulb or an LED diode, is unpolarized.20 Unpolarized light can be viewed as a stream or collection of EM waves whose fields are randomly oriented in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction of light propagation. For incidence angles greater than up but smaller than uc, Fresnel’s equation (1.6.7a) gives a negative number for r//, which indicates a phase shift of 180° as shown in f // in Figure 1.16 (b). The magnitude of both r// and r› increases with ui as illustrated in Figure 1.16 (a). At the critical angle and beyond (past 44° in Figure 1.16), that is, when ui Ú uc, the magnitudes of both r// and r› go to unity so that the reflected wave has the same amplitude as the incident wave. The incident wave has suffered total internal reflection, TIR. When ui 7 uc, in the presence of TIR, both Eqs. (1.6.6) and (1.6.7) are complex quantities because then sin ui 7 n and the terms under the square roots become negative. The reflection coefficients become complex quantities of the type r# = 1 # exp (-jf #) and r// = 1 # exp (-jf //) with the phase angles f # and f // being other than zero or 180°. The reflected wave therefore suffers phase changes, f # and f //, in the components E› and E//. These phase changes depend on the incidence angle, as illustrated in Figure 1.16 (b), and on n1 and n2. Examination of Eq. (1.6.6) for r› shows that for ui 7 uc, we have |r#| = 1, but the phase change f # is given by Phase change in TIR
tan 1 12 f #2 =
3sin2 ui
- n2 41>2
cos ui
For the E// component, the phase change f // is given by Phase change in TIR
tan 112 f // +
1 2
p2 =
3sin2 ui
- n2 41>2
n2 cos ui
We can summarize that in internal reflection (n1 7 n2), the amplitude of the reflected wave from TIR is equal to the amplitude of the incident wave but its phase has shifted by an amount determined by Eqs. (1.6.11) and (1.6.12). The fact that f // has an additional p shift that makes f // negative for ui 7 uc is due to the choice for the direction of the reflected optical field Er, // in Figure 1.15. This p shift can be ignored if we by simply invert Er, //. (In many books Eq.(1.6.12) is written without the p-shift.) The reflection coefficients in Figure 1.16 considered the case in which n1 7 n2. When light approaches the boundary from the higher index side, that is n1 7 n2, the reflection is said to be internal reflection and at normal incidence there is no phase change. On the other hand, if light approaches the boundary from the lower index side, that is n1 6 n2, then it is called external reflection. Thus in external reflection light becomes reflected by the surface of an optically denser (higher refractive index) medium. There is an important difference between the two. Figure 1.18 shows how the reflection coefficients r› and r// depend on the incidence angle ui for external reflection (n1 = 1 and n2 = 1.44). At normal incidence, both coefficients are negative, which means that in external reflection at normal incidence there is a phase shift of 180°. Further, r// goes through zero at the Brewster angle up given by Eq. (1.6.10). At this 20
Even light from a tungsten light bulb or an LED has some polarization but this is usually negligibly small.
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
Figure 1.18 External reflection coefficients r// and r› vs.angle of incidence ui for n1 = 1.00 and n2 = 1.44.
angle of incidence, the reflected wave is polarized in the E› component only. Transmitted light in both internal reflection (when ui 6 uc) and external reflection does not experience a phase shift. What happens to the transmitted wave when ui 7 uc ? According to the boundary conditions, there must still be an electric field in medium 2; otherwise, the boundary conditions cannot be satisfied. When ui 7 uc, the field in medium 2 is a wave that travels near the surface of the boundary along the z direction as shown in Figure 1.19. The wave is called an evanescent wave and advances along z with its field decreasing as we move into medium 2; that is,
Et,#(y, z, t) ∝ e-a2y exp j(vt - kizz) (1.6.13)
Evanescent wave
in which kiz = ki sin ui is the wave vector of the incident wave along the z-axis, and a2 is an a ttenuation coefficient for the electric field penetrating into medium 2,21
a2 =
1>2 2pn2 n1 2 2 c a b sin ui - 1 d (1.6.14) n2 lo
in which l is the free-space wavelength. According to Eq. (1.6.13), the evanescent wave travels along z and has an amplitude that decays exponentially as we move from the boundary into medium 2 (along y). The field of the evanescent wave is e–1 in medium 2 when y = 1>a2 = d, which is called the penetration depth. It is not difficult to show that the evanescent wave is correctly predicted by Snell’s law when ui 7 uc. The evanescent wave propagates along the boundary (along z) with the same speed as the z-component velocity of the incident and reflected waves. In Eqs. (1.6.1) and (1.6.2) we had assumed that the incident and reflected waves were plane waves, that is, of infinite extent. If we were to extend the plane wavefronts on the reflected wave, these would cut the boundary as shown in Figure 1.19. The evanescent wave traveling along z can be thought of arising from these plane wavefronts at the boundary as in Figure 1.19. (Evanescent wave is important in light propagation in optical waveguides such as optical fibers.) If the incident wave is a narrow 21 Normally the term attenuation coefficient refers to the attenuation of the irradiance but in this case it refers to the electric field.
Attenuation of evanescent wave
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.19 When ui 7 uc for a plane wave that is reflected, there is an evanescent wave at the boundary whose magnitude decays into the n2-medium.
beam of light (e.g., from a laser pointer) then the reflected beam would have the same crosssection. There would still be an evanescent wave at the boundary, but it would exist only within the cross-sectional area of the reflected beam at the boundary. B. Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance It is frequently necessary to calculate the intensity or irradiance22 of the reflected and transmitted waves when light traveling in a medium of index n1 is incident at a boundary where the refractive index changes to n2. In some cases we are simply interested in normal incidence where ui = 0°. For example, in laser diodes light is reflected from the ends of an optical cavity where there is a change in the refractive index. For a light wave traveling with a velocity v in a medium with relative permittivity er, the light intensity I is defined in terms of the electric field amplitude Eo as Light intensity or irradiance
1 ve e E 2 (1.6.15) 2 r o o Here 12 ereoE 2o represents the energy in the field per unit volume. When multiplied by the velocity v it gives the rate at which energy is transferred through a unit area. Since v = c>n and er = n2 the intensity is proportional to nE 2o. Reflectance R measures the intensity of the reflected light with respect to that of the incident light and can be defined separately for electric field components parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The reflectances R› and R// are defined by I =
R# =
0 Ero,# 0 2 0 Ero,// 0 2 2 0 0 = r and R = = 0 r// 0 2 (1.6.16) # // 0 Eio,# 0 2 0 Eio,// 0 2
Although the reflection coefficients can be complex numbers that can represent phase changes, reflectances are necessarily real numbers representing intensity changes. Magnitude of a complex number is defined in terms of its product with its complex conjugate. For example, when Ero, // is a complex number then Ero,// 2 = (Ero,//)(Ero,//)* in which (Ero, //)* is the complex conjugate of (Ero, //). 22
Strictly the terms intensity and irradiance are not the same as mentioned in footnote 15.
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
From Eqs. (1.6.6a) and (1.6.7a) with normal incidence, these are simply given by R = R# = R// = a
n1 - n2 2 b (1.6.17) n1 + n2
Reflectance at normal incidence
Since a glass medium has a refractive index of around 1.5 this means that typically 4% of the incident radiation on an air–glass surface will be reflected back. Transmittance T relates the intensity of the transmitted wave to that of the incident wave in a similar fashion to the reflectance. We must, however, consider that the transmitted wave is in a different medium and also that its direction with respect to the boundary is different from that of the incident wave by virtue of refraction. For normal incidence, the incident and transmitted beams are normal and the transmittances are defined and given by or
T# =
n2 0 Eto,# 0 2 n1 0 Eio,# 0 2
n2 0 Eto,// 0 2 n2 n2 2 0 0 = a b t# and T// = = a b 0 t// 0 2 (1.6.18) n1 n1 n1 0 Eio,// 0 2 T = T# = T// =
(1.6.19) (n1 + n2)2
Trans mittance at normal incidence
Further, the fraction of light reflected and fraction transmitted must add to unity. Thus R + T = 1. When the light is incident at an angle ui, as in Figure 1.15, then the transmitted light has an angle ut with respect to normal. The corresponding transmittances are given by
T# = a
n2 cos ut n2 cos ut b 0 t# 0 2 and T// = a b 0 t// 0 2 (1.6.20) n1 cos ui n1 cos ui
Each transmittance in Eq. (1.6.20) is with respect to the incident intensity in the corresponding polarization. C. Goos-Hänchen Shift and Optical Tunneling A light traveling in an optically more dense medium suffers total internal reflection when it is incident on a less dense medium at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle (ui 7 uc) as shown in Figure 1.12 (c). Simple ray trajectory analysis gives the impression that the reflected ray emerges from the point of contact of the incident ray with the interface as in Figure 1.12 (c). However, careful optical experiments examining the incident and reflected beams have shown that the reflected wave appears to be laterally shifted from the point of incidence at the interface asillustrated in Figure 1.20. Although the angles of incidence and reflection are the same (as one expects from Fresnel’s equation), the reflected beam, nonetheless, is laterally shifted and appears to be reflected from a virtual plane inside the optically less dense medium. The lateral shift is known as the Goos-Haenchen shift. The lateral shift of the reflected beam can be understood by considering that the reflected beam experiences a phase change f, as shown in Figure 1.16 (b), and that the electric field extends into the second medium roughly by a penetration depth d = 1>a2. We know that phase changes other than 0 or 180° occur only when there is total internal reflection. We can equivalently represent this phase change f and the penetration into the second medium by shifting the reflected wave along the direction of propagation of the evanescent wave, that is, along z,
Trans mittance at oblique incidence
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.20 The reflected light beam in total internal reflection appears to have been laterally shifted by an amount ∆z at the interface. It appears as though it is reflected from a virtual plane at a depth d in the second medium from the interface.
by an amount23 ∆z as shown in Figure 1.20. The lateral shift depends on the angle of incidence and the penetration depth. We can represent the reflection as if it were occurring from a virtual plane placed at some distance d from the interface (d is not the same as d), then from simple geometric considerations, ∆z = 2d tan ui. Actual d, however, is quite complicated to calculate, but its order of magnitude is the penetration depth d, so that for light with l = 1 om incident at 85° at a glass–glass (n1 = 1.450 and n2 = 1.430) interface and suffering TIR, d = 0.78 om, which means ∆z ∼ 18 om. Total internal reflection occurs whenever a wave propagating in an optically denser medium, such as in A in Figure 1.20, is incident at an angle greater than the critical angle at the interface AB with a medium B of lower refractive index. If we were to shrink the thickness d of medium B, as in Figure 1.21, we would observe that when B is sufficiently thin, an attenuated light beam emerges on the other side of B in C. This phenomenon in which an incident wave is partially transmitted through a medium where it is forbidden in terms of simple geometrical optics is called optical tunneling and is a consequence of the electromagnetic wave nature of light. It is due to the fact that the field of the evanescent wave penetrates into medium B and reaches the interface BC before it vanishes. The optical tunneling phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 1.21 and is referred to as frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR): the proximity of medium C
Figure 1.21 When medium B is thin, the field penetrates from the AB interface into medium B and reaches BC interface, and gives rise to a transmitted wave in medium C. The effect is the tunneling of the incident beam in Athrough B to C. The maximum field Emax of the evanescent wave in B decays in B along y but is finite at the BC boundary and excites the transmitted wave.
The actual analysis of the Goos-Haenchen shift is more complicated; see for example J. E. Midwinter, Optical Fibers for Transmission (John Wiley and Sons, 1979), Ch. 3. d in Figure 1.20 is not simply the penetration depth d. In fact, d is such that ∆z represents the right phase change observed upon TIR.
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
Figure 1.22 (a) A light incident at the long face of a glass prism suffers TIR; the prism deflects the light. (b) Two prisms separated by a thin low refractive index film forming a beam-splitter cube. The incident beam is split into two beams by FTIR.
Beam splitter cubes. (Courtesy of CVI Melles Griot.)
frustrates TIR. The transmitted wave in C carries some of the light intensity and thus the intensity of the reflected wave is reduced. Notice that the field of the evanescent wave in B decays and has a finite value at the BC interface, where the field oscillations are able to excite a transmitted wave. Frustrated total internal reflection is utilized in beam splitters as shown in Figure 1.22. Alight beam entering the glass prism A suffers TIR at the hypotenuse face (ui 7 uc at the glass– air interface) and becomes reflected; the prism deflects the light as in Figure 1.22 (a). In the beam splitter cube in Figure1.22 (b), two prisms, A and C, are separated by a thin film, B, of low refractive index. Some of the light energy is now tunneled through this thin film and transmitted into C and out from the cube. FTIR at the hypotenuse face of A leads to a transmitted beam and hence to the splitting of the incident beam into two beams. The extent of energy division between the two beams depends on the thickness of the thin layer B and its refractive index.
Example 1.6.1 Reflection of light from a less dense medium (internal reflection) A ray of light that is traveling in a glass medium of refractive index n1 = 1.450 becomes incident on a less dense glass medium of refractive index n2 = 1.430. Suppose that the free-space wavelength (l) of the light ray is 1 om. (a) What should the minimum incidence angle for TIR be? (b) What is the phase change in the reflected wave when ui = 85° and when ui = 90°? (c) What is the penetration depth of the evanescent wave into medium 2 when ui = 85° and when ui = 90°?
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Solution (a) The critical angle uc for TIR is given by sin uc = n2 >n1 = 1.430>1.450 so that uc = 80.47°. (b) Since the incidence angle ui 7 uc, there is a phase shift in the reflected wave. The phase change in Er, › is given by f #. With n1 = 1.450, n2 = 1.430, and ui = 85°
tan 112 f #2 =
ui - n 4
2 1>2
cos ui
1.430 2 1>2 b d 1.450 cos (85°)
csin2 (85°) - a
= 1.61449 = tan 3 12 (116.45°)4
so that the phase change is 116.45°. For the Er, // component, the phase change is
so that
tan 1 12 f // + tan 1 12 f // +
1 2
1 2
p2 =
3sin2 ui
- n24 1>2
n2 cos ui
1 tan 1 12 f #2 n2
p2 = (n1 >n2)2 tan (f # >2) = (1.450>1.430)2 tan 1 12 116.45°2
which gives f // = - 62.1°. (Note: If we were to invert the reflected field, this phase change would be +117.86°) We can repeat the calculation with ui = 90° to find f # = 180° and f // = 0°. Note that as long as ui 7 uc, the magnitude of the reflection coefficients are unity. Only the phase changes. (c) The amplitude of the evanescent wave as it penetrates into medium 2 is Et,# (y) = Eto,# exp ( - a2 y) We ignore the z-dependence, exp j(vt - kzz), as it only gives a propagating property along z. The field strength drops to e–1 when y = 1>a2 = d, which is the penetration depth. The attenuation constant a2 is a2 = that is, a2 =
1>2 2pn2 n1 2 2 c a b sin ui - 1 d n2 lo
2p(1.430) (1.0 * 10
1>2 1.450 2 2 b sin (85°) - 1 d = 1.28 * 106 m-1 1.430
so the penetration depth is d = 1>a2 = 1>(1.28 * 106 m) = 7.8 * 10-7 m, or 0.78 om. For 90°, repeating the calculation we find a2 = 1.5 * 106 m-1, so that d = 1>a2 = 0.66 om. We see that the penetration is greater for smaller incidence angles. This will be an important consideration later in analyzing light propagation in optical fibers.
Example 1.6.2 Reflection at normal incidence, and internal andexternal reflection Consider the reflection of light at normal incidence on a boundary between a glass medium of refractive index 1.5 and air of refractive index 1. (a) If light is traveling from air to glass, what is the reflection coefficient and the intensity of the reflected light?
1.6 • Fresnel’s Equations
(b) If light is traveling from glass to air, what is the reflection coefficient and the intensity of the reflected light?
Solution (a) The light travels in air and becomes partially reflected at the surface of the glass that corresponds to external reflection. Thus n1 = 1 and n2 = 1.5. Then r// = r# =
n1 - n2 1 - 1.5 = = -0.2 n1 + n2 1 + 1.5
This is negative, which means that there is a 180° phase shift. The reflectance (R), which gives the fractional reflected power, is R = r 2// = 0.04 or 4,. (b) The light travels in glass and becomes partially reflected at the glass–air interface that corresponds to internal reflection. Thus n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1. Then r// = r# =
n1 - n2 1.5 - 1 = = 0.2 n1 + n2 1.5 + 1
There is no phase shift. The reflectance is again 0.04 or 4%. In both cases (a) and (b), the amount of reflected light is the same.
Example 1.6.3 Reflection and transmission at the Brewster angle A light beam traveling in air is incident on a glass plate of refractive index 1.50. What is the Brewster or polarization angle? What are the relative intensities of the reflected and transmitted light for the polarization perpendicular and parallel to the plane of incidence at the Brestwer angle of incidence?
Solution Light is traveling in air and is incident on the glass surface at the polarization angle up. Here n1 = 1, n2 = 1.5, n = n2 >n1 = 1.5, and tan up = (n2 >n1) = 1.5 so that up = 56.31°. We now use Fresnel’s equations to find the reflected and transmitted amplitudes. For the perpendicular polarization, from Eq. (1.6.6a), r# =
cos (56.31°) - 31.52 - sin2 (56.31°)4 1>2 cos (56.31°) + 31.52 - sin2 (56.31°)4 1>2
= -0.385
On the other hand, r// = 0. The reflectances R# = r# 2 = 0.148 and R// = r// 2 = 0 so that the reflected light has no parallel polarization in the plane of incidence. Notice the negative sign in r›, which indicates a phase change of p. From Eqs. (1.6.6b) and (1.7.7b), the transmission coefficients are t# = and t// =
2cos (56.31°) cos (56.31°) + 31.52 - sin2 (56.31°)4 1>2
= 0.615
2(1.5) cos (56.31°) (1.5)2 cos (56.31°) + 31.52 - sin2 (56.31°)4 1>2
= 0.667
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light Notice that r// + nt// = 1 and r# + 1 = t#, as we expect. To find the transmittance for each polarization, we need the refraction angle ut. From Snell’s law, n1 sin ui = n2 sin ut, that is (1) sin (56.31°) = (1.5) sin ut, we find ut = 33.69°. Then, from Eq. (1.6.20), T# = c
(1.5) cos (33.69°) (1.5) cos (33.69°) d (0.615)2 = 0.852 and T// = c d (0.667)2 = 1 (1) cos (56.31°) (1) cos (56.31°)
Clearly, light with polarization parallel to the plane of incidence has greater intensity. Note that R + T = 1 for both polarizations. If we were to reflect light from a glass plate, keeping the angle of incidence at 56.3°, then the reflected light will be polarized with an electric field component perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The transmitted light will have the field greater in the plane of incidence; that is, it will be partially polarized. By using a stack of glass plates one can increase the polarization of the transmitted light. (This type of pile-of-plates polarizer was invented by Dominique F. J. Arago in 1812.)
1.7 Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors Fresnel equations are routinely used in a number of applications in optoelectronics to design and fabricate optical coatings, that is, thin films, to reduce reflections and glare, and also in various components such as dielectric mirrors and filters. Section 1.14 on thin films optics provides a good example of their application for thin film coatings; but in this section we consider two practical applications in optoelectronics: antireflection (AR) coatings and dielectric mirrors. A. Antireflection Coatings on Photodetectors and Solar Cells When light is incident on the surface of a semiconductor, it becomes partially reflected. Partial reflection is an important consideration in solar cells where transmitted light energy into the semiconductor device is converted to electrical energy. The refractive index of Si is about 3.5 at wavelengths around 600–800 nm. Thus, the reflectance with n1(air) = 1 and n2(Si) ≈ 3.5 is R = a
n1 - n2 2 1 - 3.5 2 b = a b = 0.309 n1 + n2 1 + 3.5
This means that 30% of the light is reflected and is not available for conversion to electrical energy; a considerable reduction in the efficiency of the solar cell. However, we can coat the surface of the semiconductor device with a thin layer of a dielectric material, such as an a@Si1 - xNx:H (amorphous hydrogenated silicon nitride based on silicon nitride, Si3N4, and x is typically 0.4–0.6), that has an intermediate refractive index. Figure1.23
Figure 1.23 Illustration of how an antireflection (AR) coating reduces the reflected light intensity. The thickness d and the refractive index n2 of the antireflection coefficient are such that the waves A and B have a phase difference of p and hence interfere destructively. There is no reflection.
1.7 • Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors
illustrates how the thin dielectric coating, called an antireflection (AR) coating, reduces the reflected light intensity. In this case n1(air) = 1, n2(coating) ≈ 1.9, and n3(Si) = 3.5. Light is first incident on the air/coating surface and some of it becomes reflected and this reflected wave is shown as A in Figure 1.23. Wave A has experienced a 180° phase change on reflection as this is an external reflection. The wave that enters and travels in the coating then becomes reflected at the coating/semiconductor surface. This wave, which is shown as B in Figure 1.23, also suffers a 180° phase change since n3 7 n2. When wave B reaches A, it has suffered a total delay corresponding to traversing the thickness d of the coating twice. The phase difference is equivalent to kc(2d) in which kc = 2p>lc is the propagation constant in the coating and is given by 2p>lc, where lc is the wavelength in the coating. Since lc = l>n2, where l is the free-space wavelength, the phase difference ∆f between A and B is (2pn2 >l) (2d). To reduce the reflected light, A and B must interfere destructively and this requires the phase difference to be p or odd-multiples of p, mp in which m = 1, 3, 5, c is an odd-integer. Thus
2pn2 l b 2d = mp or d = m a b (1.7.1) l 4n2
Antireflec tion coating
Thus, the thickness of the coating must be odd multiples of the quarter wavelength in the coating and depends on the wavelength. To obtain a good degree of destructive interference between waves A and B, the two amplitudes must be comparable. (In fact, we have to consider multiple reflections as in Section 1.14, a subject of thin film optics) It turns out that we need n2 = (n1n3)1>2. When n2 = (n1n3)1>2, then the reflection coefficient between the air and coating is equal to that between the coating and the semiconductor. In this case we would need (3.5)1>2 or 1.87. Thus, a@Si1 - xNx:H is a good choice as an AR coating material on Si solar cells. Its refractive index can also be modified in thin film deposition by changing its composition x. Taking the wavelength to be 600 nm, d = (600 nm)> 34(1.9)4 = 79.0 nm or odd-multiples of d. Once Eq. (1.7.1) is satisfied for an AR coating, it is not difficult to calculate the minimum reflectance obtainable from such a coating. However, we need to consider all reflected waves arising from multiple reflections in the thin film, such as C and D and so on, and we need to properly account for the magnitude of the field by multiplying the field with the right reflection coefficient at each reflection, and with the right transmission coefficient at each transmission. We add all the reflected fields, A + B + C + D + c, and then square the total reflected field for the intensity. Once we have done all that, the minimum reflectance Rmin is given by
R min = a
n22 - n1n3 n22 + n1n3
b (1.7.2)
Clearly, the best choice is for n2 = (n1n3)1>2; recall that Rmin is only minimum at one wavelength that satisfies Eq. (1.7.1).
Example 1.7.1 Antireflection coating on a photodetector Consider an InGaAs photodetector for use at a wavelength of 1310 nm in optical communications. The refractive index of doped InGaAs that is used in the detector at 1310 nm is 3.61. What is the reflectance from its surface without an AR coating? What would be the ideal refractive index for an AR coating on InGaAs? What should be thickness of an AR coating that has a refractive index of 1.85. What is its reflectance?
Minimum and maximum reflectance
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Solution We use n1 = 1 for air, n2 for the antireflection coating and n3 = 3.61 for InGaAs, Without an AR coating, the reflectance is R = 3(n1 - n3)>(n1 + n3)4 2 = 3(1 - 3.61)>(1 + 3.61)4 2 = 0.32 or 32,
The ideal AR coating would satisfy Eq. (1.7.1) and would have n2 = (n1n3)1>2 = 1.90. From Eq. (1.7.1), the thickness of the AR layer should be d = l>(4n2) = (1310 nm)> 3 4(1.85) 4 = 177 nm
From Eq. (1.7.2), the minimum reflectance with the AR coating is Rmin = a
1.852 - (1)(3.61) 1.852 + (1)(3.61)
b = 7.1 * 10-4, or 0.07,, very small
B. Dielectric Mirrors and Bragg Reflectors A dielectric mirror consists of a stack of dielectric layers of alternating refractive indices as schematically illustrated in Figure 1.24 (a), in which n1 is greater than n2. It is customary to write n1 = nH (high) and n2 - nL(low) to represent the nHnL stack shown in the figure. The thickness of each layer is a quarter of wavelength or llayer >4 in which llayer is the wavelength of light in that layer, or lo >n where lo is the free-space wavelength at which the mirror is required to reflect the incident light and n is the refractive index of the layer. Reflected waves from the interfaces interfere constructively and give rise to a substantial reflected light over a band of wavelengths centered around lo as shown in Figure 1.24 (b). If there are sufficient numbers of layers, the reflectance can approach unity at the wavelength lo. Since n1 (high) and n2 (low) layers are used in pairs, the total number of such pairs of layers, or double layers, is denoted as N; as N increases, the reflectance also increases. The layers are coated, by vacuum deposition techniques, on a suitable substrate. The dielectric mirror illustrated in Figure 1.24 (a) is also known as a quarter-wave dielectric stack. Figure 1.24 (b) shows the typical reflectance vs. wavelength behavior of three dielectric mirrors with different n1 to n2 ratios and N values. The mirror has been designed to reflect at 1.55 om. The reflection coefficient r12 for light in layer 1 being reflected at the 1-2 boundary, from Eq. (1.6.9), is r12 = (n1 - n2)>(n1 + n2) and is a positive number indicating no phase change. The reflection coefficient for light in layer 2 being reflected at the 2-1 boundary is r21 = (n2 - n1)>(n2 + n1), which is –r12 or negative, indicating a p phase change. Thus thereflection coefficient alternates in sign through the mirror. Consider two arbitrary waves, B and C, which are reflected at two consecutive interfaces. The two waves are therefore already out of phase by p due to reflections at the different boundaries. Further, wave B travels an additional distance that is twice (l2 >4) (the thickness of layer d2) before reaching wave B and therefore e xperiences a phase change equivalent to 2(l2 >4) or l2 >2, that is p. The phase difference between B and C is then p + p or 2p. Thus, waves B and C are in phase and interfere constructively. We can similarly show that waves C and D also interfere constructively and so on, so that all reflected waves from the consecutive boundaries interfere constructively. After several layers (depending on the n1 >n2 ratio) the transmitted intensity will be very small and the reflected light intensity will be close to unity as indicated in Figure 1.24 (b). These dielectric
1.7 • Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors
Figure 1.24 (a) Schematic illustration of the principle of the dielectric mirror with many high and low refractive index layers. Reflected waves A, B, C, D, and so on all interfere constructively if the layer thicknesses d1 and d2 are a quarter of a wavelength within the layer, that is d1 = l>4n1 and d2 = l>4n2, where l is the free-space wavelength. The dielectric mirror is assumed to be coated on a substrate with an index n3. (b) The reflectance of three different dielectric mirrors that have N = 10, n1 >n2 = 2.35>1.46; N = 10, n1 >n2 = 1.95>1.46; N = 6, n1 >n2 = 1.95>1.46, n3 = 1.52. (Note: n(TiO2) = 2.35, n(Si3N4) = 1.95, n(SiO2) = 1.46.)
mirrors are widely used in photonics, for example, in solid state lasers such as the vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode. Since the dielectric mirror has a periodic variation in the refractive index (the period being d1 + d2), similar to a diffraction grating, it is sometimes referred to as a Bragg reflector.24 It is left as an exercise to show that if we interchange the high and low layers, n1 = nL and n2 = nH, we obtain the same result. As shown in Figure 1.24 (b), with sufficient number of double layers, the reflectance is almost unity over a band of wavelengths, ∆l. Conversely, the transmittance vanishes over the same wavelength range ∆l. This wavelength range in which the transmittance vanishes is called reflectance bandwidth; or the stop band for the transmitted light. As discussed in Section 1.17, the dielectric mirror in Figure 1.24 (a) is a one-dimensional photonic crystal in which there is a certain stop band within which there can be no propagation of waves along the z axis within the multilayer dielectric structure in Figure 1.24 (a). 24 As we will see later, a periodic variation in the refractive index is actually a diffraction grating and is able to diffract or reflect a wave in a certain direction if the periodicity is right. The dielectric mirror is also called a one-dimensional Bragg grating structure. It is also a one-dimensional photonic crystal for large N.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Various dielectric mirrors, which are quarter wave dielectric stacks on Pyrex or Zerodur substrates. (Courtesy of Newport.)
There are two general observations from the reflectance spectra in Figure 1.24 (b). The reflectance R increases with N, the number of double layers used. R also increases with the refractive index ratio n1 >n2; or put differently, with the index contrast. For a large number of layers, the bandwidth ∆l of the dielectric mirror increases with the index contrast. The maximum reflectance RN for N pairs of layers is given by Maximum reflectance, dielectric mirror
RN = c
2N n2N 1 - (n0 >n3)n2
n2N 1
(n0 >n3)n2N 2
d (1.7.3)
The bandwidth ∆l when 2N is large (for near-unity reflectance) is given by Reflectance bandwidth
n1 - n2 ∆l ≈ (4>p) arcsin a b (1.7.4) lo n1 + n2
which increases with the refractive index contrast as apparent from Figure 1.24 (b). If we interchange the low-high layers so that the high index layer is on the air side, there is very little change in the reflectance or the bandwidth in a highly reflecting dielectric mirror.
Example 1.7.2 Dielectric mirror Consider a dielectric mirror that has quarter wave layers consisting of Ta2O5 with nH = 1.78 and SiO2 with nL = 1.55 both at 850 nm, the central wavelength at which the mirror reflects light. Suppose the substrate is Pyrex glass with an index ns = 1.47 and the outside medium is air with n0 = 1. Calculate the maximum reflectance of the mirror when the number N of double layers is 4 and 12. What would happen if you use TiO2 with nH = 2.49, instead of Ta2O5? What is the bandwidth for these two dielectric stacks when they are highly reflecting (with many pairs of layers)? Suppose we use a Si wafer as the substrate, what happens to the maximum reflectance?
Solution We use n0 = 1 for air, n1 = nH = 1.78, n2 = nL = 1.55, n3 = ns = 1.47, N = 4 in Eq. (1.7.3). Thus, for four pairs of layers, the maximum reflectance R4 is R4 = c
(1.78)2(4) - (1>1.47)(1.55)2(4) (1.78)2(4) + (1>1.47)(1.55)
d = 0.40 or 40, 2(4)
If we repeat the calculation for 12 pairs of layers, we will find R12 = 90.6,.
1.8 • Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index
If we use TiO2 with n1 = nH = 2.49, we would find R4 = 94.0, and R12 = 100, (to two decimal places). Obviously the refractive index contrast is important; with the TiO2-SiO2 stack we only need four double layers to get roughly the same reflectance as from 12 pairs of layers of Ta2O5-SiO2. If we i nterchange nH and nL in the 12-pair stack, that is, n1 = nL and n2 = nH, the Ta2O5-SiO2 reflectance falls to 80.8% but the TiO2-SiO2 stack is unaffected since it is already reflecting nearly all the light. We can only compare bandwidths ∆l for “infinite” stacks (those with R ≈ 100,). For the TiO2-SiO2 stack, Eq. (1.7.4) gives ∆l ≈ lo(4>p) arcsin a
n2 - n1 2.49 - 1.55 b = (850 nm)(4>p) arcsin a b = 254 nm n2 + n1 2.49 + 1.55
On the other hand, for the Ta2O5-SiO2 infinite stack, we get ∆l = 74.8 nm. As expected, ∆l is narrower for the smaller contrast stack. If we change the substrate to a silicon wafer with n3 = ns = 3.50, we would find that the Ta2O5-SiO2 4-pair stack gives a reflectance of 68.5%, higher than before because the large index changes from nL to ns at the substrate interface provides further reflections.
1.8 Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index Generally when light propagates through a material it becomes attenuated in the direction of propagation as illustrated in Figure 1.25. We distinguish between absorption and scattering both of which gives rise to a loss of intensity in the regular direction of propagation. In absorption, the loss in the power in the propagating electromagnetic wave is due to the conversion of light energy to other forms of energy; for example, lattice vibrations (heat) during the polarization of the molecules of the medium or during the local vibrations of impurity ions driven by the optical field. The excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, or from impurities to the conduction band, in insulators and semiconductors would also absorb energy from the propagating radiation. Further, free electrons inside a medium with a finite conductivity can be drifted by the optical field in the radiation. As these electrons become scattered by lattice vibrations (or impurities) they will pass the energy they have acquired from the EM wave to lattice vibrations. There are other examples as well. In all cases, some of energy from the propagating light wave is absorbed and converted to other forms of energy. On the other hand, scattering is a process by which the energy from a propagating EM wave is redirected as secondary EM waves in various directions away from the original direction of propagation. (This is discussed later in this chapter) The attenuation coefficient a is defined as the fractional decrease in the irradiance I of a wave per unit distance along the direction of propagation z
a = -
dI (1.8.1) Idz
Figure 1.25 Attenuation of a traveling wave in a medium results in the decay of its amplitude.
Definition of atten uation coefficient
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
When the irradiance decreases, dI>dz is negative, and the attenuation coefficient is a positive number. If the attenuation of the wave is due to absorption only, then a is the absorption coefficient. It is instructive to consider what happens when a monochromatic light wave such as Lossless propagation
E = Eo exp j (vt - kz) (1.8.2)
is propagating in a dielectric medium. The electric field E in Eq. (1.8.2) is either parallel to x or y since propagation is along z. As the wave travels through the medium, the molecules become polarized. This polarization effect is represented by the relative permittivity er of the medium. If there were no losses in the polarization process, then the relative permittivity er would be a real number and the corresponding refractive index n = e1>2 would also be a real number. r However, we know that there are always some losses in all polarization processes. For example, when the ions of an ionic crystal are displaced from their equilibrium positions by an alternating electric field and made to oscillate, some of the energy from the electric field is coupled and converted to lattice vibrations (called phonons). These losses are generally accounted by describing the whole medium in terms of a complex relative permittivity (or dielectric constant) er , that is, Complex dielectric constant
Complex propagation constant
er = er= - jer== (1.8.3)
where the real part er= determines the polarization of the medium with losses ignored and the imaginary part e″r describes the losses in the medium.25 For a lossless medium, obviously er = er= . The loss e″r depends on the frequency of the wave and usually peaks at certain natural (resonant) frequencies involved in the absorption process. An EM wave that is traveling in a medium and experiencing attenuation due to absorption can be generally described by a complex propagation constant k, that is, k = k = - jk″ (1.8.4)
where k′ and k″ are the real and imaginary parts. If we put Eq. (1.8.4) into Eq. (1.8.2) we will find the following: Attenuated propagation
E = Eo exp (-k″z) exp j(vt - k′z) (1.8.5)
The amplitude decays exponentially while the wave propagates along z. The real k′ part of the complex propagation constant (wave vector) describes the propagation characteristics (e.g., phase velocity v = v>k =). The imaginary k″ part describes the rate of attenuation along z. The irradiance I at any point along z is I ∝ E 2 ∝ exp (-2k″z) so that the rate of change in the irradiance with distance is Imaginary part k′
dI>dz = -2k″I (1.8.6)
where the negative sign represents attenuation. Clearly a = 2k″ 25
See, for example, S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 3rd Edition (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Ch.7. Further, some books use er = er= + jer== instead of Eq. (1.8.3), with a positive imaginary part, but the latter normally refers to an applied field that has a time dependence of the form exp( - jvt).
1.8 • Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index
Suppose that ko is the propagation constant in vacuum. This is a real quantity as a plane wave suffers no loss in free space. The complex refractive index N with a real part n and imaginary part K is defined as the ratio of the complex propagation constant in a medium to propagation constant in free space. that is,
N = n - jK = k>ko = (1>ko) 3k = - jk″4 (1.8.7)
Complex refractive index
n = k = >ko and K = k″>ko
The real part n is simply and generally called the refractive index and K is called the extinction coefficient. In the absence of attenuation k″ = 0, k = k = and N = n = k>ko = k = >ko
We know that in the absence of loss, the relationship between the refractive index n and the relative permittivity er is n = e1>2 r . This relationship is also valid in the presence of loss except that we must use a complex refractive index and complex relative permittivity, that is
N = n - jK = 1er = 1e′r - je″r (1.8.8)
By squaring both sides we can relate n and K directly to er= and e″r. The final result is
n2 - K 2 = er= and 2nK = e″r (1.8.9)
Optical properties of materials are typically reported either by showing the frequency d ependences of n and K or er= and e″r. Clearly we can use Eq. (1.8.9) to obtain one set of properties from the other. Figure 1.26 shows the real (n) and imaginary (K ) parts of the complex refractive index of CdTe as a function of wavelength in the infrared region to highlight their behavior around a resonance absorption phenomenon, when the energy transfer is maximum from the EM wave to the material. Both ionic and electronic polarizations contribute to n (≈3.3) at low frequencies whereas only electronic polarization contributes to n (≈2.6) at high frequencies. The extinction coefficient peaks at about 72 om when the EM wave oscillations are efficiently coupled to the lattice vibrations,
Figure 1.26 Optical properties of CdTe as a function of wavelength in the infrared region.
Complex refractive index Complex refractive index
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
that is, the vibrations of chains of Cd2+ and Te2- ions in the crystal,26 so that energy is passed from the EM wave to these lattice vibrations. This type of absorption in which energy is passed to lattice vibrations is called lattice or Reststrahlen absorption. Notice that K has a clear peak whereas n shows a response that has a maximum, a minimum, and an inflection point (an S-like shape). If we know the frequency dependence of the real part er= of the relative permittivity of a material, we can also determine the frequency dependence of the imaginary part e″r; and vice versa. This may seem remarkable but it is true provided that we know the frequency dependence of either the real or imaginary part over as wide a range of frequencies as possible (ideally from dc to infinity) and the material is linear, that is, it has a relative permittivity that is independent of the applied field; the polarization response must be linearly proportional to the applied field.27 The relationships that relate the real and imaginary parts of the relative permittivity are called Kramers-Kronig relations, which involve integral transformations. If er= (v) and e″r(v) represent the frequency dependences of the real and imaginary parts, then one can be determined from the other. Similarly, if we know the wavelength dependence of n (or K), over as a wide wavelength range as possible, we can determine the wavelength dependence of K (or n) using Kramers-Kronig relations for n-K. It is instructive to mention that the reflection and transmission coefficients that we derived above were based in using a real refractive index, that is neglecting losses. We can still use the reflection and transmission coefficients if we simply use the complex refractive index N instead of n. For example, consider a light wave traveling in free space incident on a material at normal incidence (ui = 90°). The reflection coefficient is now Reflection coefficient
r =
1 - n + jK (1.8.10) 1 + n - jK
The reflectance is then Reflectance
R = `
n - jK - 1 2 (n - 1)2 + K 2 ` = (1.8.11) n - jK + 1 (n + 1)2 + K 2
which reduce to the usual forms when the extinction coefficient K = 0. The optical properties n and K can be determined by measuring the reflectance from the surface of a material as a function of polarization and the angle of incidence (based on Fresnel’s equations).
Example 1.8.1 Complex refractive index of InP An InP crystal has a refractive index (real part) n of 3.549 and an extinction coefficient K of 0.302 at a wavelength of 620 nm (photon energy of 2 eV). Calculate the absorption coefficient a of InP at this wavelength and the reflectance of the air–InP crystal surface.
Solution The absorption coefficient is
a = 2k″ = 2koK = 2 3(2p)>(620 * 10-9 m)4 (0.302) = 6.1 * 106 m-1
In physics, these would be optical phonons. The EM wave would be interacting with optical phonons, and passing its energy onto these phonons.
In addition, the material system should be passive—contain no sources of energy.
1.9 • Temporal and Spatial Coherence
The reflectance R is given by R =
(n - 1)2 + K 2 (n + 1)2 + K 2
(3.549 - 1)2 + (0.302)2 (3.549 + 1)2 + (0.302)2
= 0.317 or 31.7,
Example 1.8.2 Reflectance of CdTe around resonance absorption CdTe is also an optical material used in various applications such as lenses, wedges, prisms, beam splitters, antireflection coatings, and optical windows operating typically in the infrared region up to 25 om. It is used as an optical material for low power CO2 laser applications. Figure 1.26 shows the infrared refractive index n and the extinction coefficient K of CdTe. Calculate the absorption coefficient a and the reflectance R of CdTe at the Reststrahlen peak, and also at 50om and at 100 om. What is your conclusion?
At the Reststrahlen peak, l ≈ 70 om, K ≈ 6, and n ≈ 4, so that the corresponding free-space propagation constant is ko = 2p>l = 2p>(70 * 10-6 m) = 9.0 * 104 m-1 The absorption coefficient a is 2k > as in Eq. (1.8.6) so that a = 2k″ = 2koK = 2(9.0 * 104 m-1)(6) = 1.08 * 106 m-1
which corresponds to an absorption depth 1>a of about 0.93 om. The reflectance is R =
(n - 1)2 + K 2 2
(n + 1) + K
(4 - 1)2 + 62 (4 + 1)2 + 62
= 0.74 or 74 ,
At l = 50 om, we first read K ≈ 0.02, and n ≈ 2 from Figure 1.26. Repeating the above calculations we get a ≈ 5.08 * 103 m-1, and R = 0.11 or 11%. There is a sharp increase in the reflectance from 11% to 72% as we approach the Reststrahlen peak. At l = 100 om, we first read K ≈ 0.06, and n ≈ 3.5 from Figure 1.26. Repeating the above calculations, we find a = 7.5 * 103 m-1, and R = 0.31 or 31%, which is again smaller than the peak reflectance. R is maximum around the Reststrahlen peak. Those materials that strongly absorb light at a given wavelength inside the bulk of the sample will also strongly reflect light at the same wavelength when that light is incident on the surface of the sample.
1.9 Temporal and Spatial Coherence When we represent a traveling EM wave by a pure sinusoidal wave, for example by
Ex = Eo sin (vo t - ko z) (1.9.1)
with a well-defined angular frequency vo = 2pyo and a propagation constant ko, we are assuming that the wave extends infinitely over all space and exists at all times as illustrated in Figure 1.27 (a) inasmuch as a sine function extends periodically over all values of its argument. Such a sine wave is perfectly coherent because all points on the wave are predictable. Perfect coherence is therefore understood to mean that we can predict the phase of any portion of the wave from any other portion of the wave. Temporal coherence measures the extent to which two points,
A sinusoidal wave
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
such as P and Q, separated in time at a given location in space can be correlated; that is, one can be reliably predicted from the other. At a given location, for a pure sine wave as in Figure 1.27 (a), any two points such as P and Q separated by any time interval are always correlated because we can predict the phase of one (Q) from the phase of the other (P) for any temporal separation. Any time-dependent arbitrary function f(t) can be represented by a sum of pure sinusoidal waves with varying frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. The spectrum of a function f(t) represents the amplitudes of various sinusoidal oscillations that constitute the function. All these pure sine waves are added, with the right amplitude and phase, to make up f(t). Mathematically, the spectrum of f(t) is found by taking the Fourier transform of f(t).28 We need only one sinusoidal wave at a welldefined frequency yo = vo >2p to make up Eq. (1.9.1) as illustrated in Figure1.27 (a). A pure sine wave is an idealization far from reality and in practice a wave can exist only over a finite time duration ∆t, which corresponds to a finite wave train of length l = c∆t as illustrated in Figure 1.27 (b). This duration ∆t may be the result of the radiation emission process, modulation of the output from a laser, or some other process (indeed, in practice, the amplitude will not be constant over ∆t). It is clear that we can only correlate points in the wave train within the duration or over the spatial extent l = c∆t. This wave train has a coherence time ∆t and a coherence length l = c∆t. Since it is not a perfect sine wave, it contains a number of different frequencies in its spectrum. A proper calculation shows that most of the significant frequencies that constitute this finite wave train lie, as expected, centered around yo over a range ∆y as shown in Figure 1.27 (b). The spread ∆y is the spectral width of the wave train and depends on the temporal coherence length ∆t. In this particular case of a truncated sinusoidal wave, ∆y = 2>∆t. In general, the radiation will not be a perfect truncated sine wave, and the exact relationship between ∆y and ∆t will depend on the envelope function of the oscillations, which depends on the
Figure 1.27 (a) A sine wave is perfectly coherent and contains a well-defined frequency yo. (b) A finite wave train lasts for a duration ∆t and has a length l. Its frequency spectrum extends over ∆y = 2> ∆t. It has a coherence time ∆t and a coherence length l. (c) White light exhibits practically no coherence. 28
Fourier transformation of f(t) involves integrating f (t) exp ( - j2pyt) over time and produces a function F(y) that depends on y. F(y) is called the spectrum of f(t), and represents the pure harmonic waves (such as sine waves) that we need to reconstruct f(t). F(y) specifies the amplitudes and phases of these harmonics.
1.9 • Temporal and Spatial Coherence
Figure 1.28 A Gaussian wave packet which has sinusoidal oscillations at a frequency yo and a Gaussian envelope (amplitude variation) over time. Its coherence time ∆t between half maximum points is ∆t. Its frequency spectrum is Gaussian, centered at the oscillation frequency yo, and extends over ∆y ≈ 1> ∆t.
way the oscillations were generated or emitted. For example, if one takes the envelope of the oscillations to be Gaussian as shown in Figure 1.28 so that the wave is a Gaussian wave packet, then the Fourier transform will also be a Gaussian, centered at the oscillation frequency yo. The coherence length and coherence time then usually refer to some suitable widths of the respective Gaussian envelopes. If ∆y and ∆t are the full widths at half maximum (FWHM) spreads in the frequency and time domains, as in Figure 1.28, then approximately29
∆y ≈
1 (1.9.2) ∆t
Equation (1.9.2) is usually known as the bandwidth theorem. Although a Gaussian wave packet is useful in representing finite-length light wave packets, it still needs to be suitably truncated to be able to represent more practical pulses since a Gaussian function extends over all times. This truncation does not limit the use of Eq. (1.9.2) since it is meant to apply approximately to any wave packet. Although the exact relationship in Eq. (1.9.2) depends on the shape of the wave packet, Eq.(1.9.2) is still widely used for approximately relating ∆y and ∆t for various wave packets. Coherence and spectral width are therefore intimately linked. For example, the orange radiation at 589 nm (both D-lines together) emitted from a sodium lamp has spectral width ∆y ≈ 5 * 1011 Hz. This means that its coherence time is ∆t ≈ 2 * 10-12 s or 2 ps, and its coherence length is 6 * 10-4 m or 0.60 mm. On the other hand, the red lasing emission from a He-Ne laser operating in multimode has a spectral width around 1 * 109 Hz, which corresponds to a coherence length of 30 cm. Furthermore, a continuous wave laser operating in a single mode will have a very narrow linewidth and the emitted radiation will perhaps have a coherence length of several hundred meters. Typically light waves from laser devices have substantial coherence lengths and are therefore widely used in wave-interference studies and applications such as interferometry, holography, and laser Doppler anemometry. Suppose that standing at one location in space we measure the field vs. time behavior shown in Figure 1.27 (c) in which the zero crossing of the signal occurs randomly. Given a point P on this “waveform,” we cannot predict the “phase” or the signal at any other point Q. Thus P and Q are not in any way correlated for any temporal separation except Q coinciding with P (or being very close to it by an infinitesimally short time interval). There is no coherence in this “white” light signal and the signal essentially represents white noise; 29 FWHM is the width of the Gaussian function between the half maximum points (see Appendix A). The bandwidth theorem for a Gaussian wave train is actually ∆y∆t = 0.88 which can be derived by using Fourier transforms.
Spectral width and coherence time
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.29 (a) Two waves can only interfere over the time interval ∆t. (bSpatial coherence involves comparing the coherence of waves emitted from different locations on the source. (c)An incoherent beam.
its spectrum typically contains a wide range of frequencies. White light, like an ideal sine wave, is an idealization because it assumes all frequencies are present in the light beam. However, radiation emitted from atoms typically has a central frequency and a certain spectral width, that is, a degree of coherence. The light in the real world lies between (a) and (c) in Figure 1.27. Coherence between two waves is related to the extent of correlation between two waves. The waves A and B in Figure 1.29 (a) have the same frequency yo but they coincide only over the time interval ∆t and hence they can only give rise to interference phenomena over this time. They therefore have mutual temporal coherence over the time interval ∆t. This situation can arise, for example, when two identical wave trains each of coherence length l travel different optical paths. When they arrive at the destination, they can interfere only over a space portion c∆t. Since interference phenomena can occur only for waves that have mutual coherence, interference experiments, such as Young’s double slit experiments, can be used to measure mutual coherence between waves. Spatial coherence describes the extent of coherence between waves radiated from different locations on a light source as shown in Figure 1.29 (b). If the waves emitted from locations P and Q on the source are in phase, then P and Q are spatially coherent. A spatially coherent source emits waves that are in phase over its entire emission surface. These waves, however, may have partial temporal coherence. A light beam emerging from a spatially coherent light source will hence exhibit spatial coherence across the beam cross-section, that is, the waves in the beam will be in phase over coherence length c∆t in which ∆t is the temporal coherence. A mostly incoherent beam will contain waves that have very little correlation with each other. The incoherent beam in Figure 1.29 (c) contains waves (across the beam cross-section) whose phases change randomly at random times. (Note, however, that there may be a very short time interval over which there is a little bit of temporal coherence.) The quantitative analysis of coherence requires mathematical techniques based on correlation functions and may be found in more advanced textbooks.
Example 1.9.1 Coherence length of LED light Light emitting diodes (LEDs) emit light that is seemingly of a well-defined color, or wavelength. However, they have much broader spectral widths than lasers. For example, a red LED emitting at 650 nm will have a spectral line width of 22 nm. Find the coherence time and length of the emitted radiation.
1.10 • Superposition and Interference of Waves
Solution The frequency and wavelength are related through y = c>l, so that differentiating the latter we can find the frequency width ∆y from the wavelength width ∆l ∆y dy c ≈` ` = `- 2` ∆l dl l
so that
∆y = ∆l(c>l2) = (22 * 10-9 m)(3 * 108 m s-1)>(650 * 10-9 m)2
= 1.562 * 1013 Hz
Thus, the coherence time is ∆t ≈ 1> ∆y = 1>(1.562 * 1013 Hz) = 6.40 * 10-14 s or 64.0 fs The coherence length is lc = c∆t = 1.9 * 10-5 m or 19 microns The above very short coherence length explains why LEDs are not used in interferometry.
1.10 Superposition and Interference of Waves Optical interference involves the superposition of two or more electromagnetic waves in which the electric field vectors are added; the fields add vectorially. The waves are assumed to be nearly monochromic, and have to have the same frequency. Two waves can only interfere if they exhibit mutual temporal coherence as in Figure 1.29 (a) at a point in space where they interact. Indeed, interference phenomena can be used to infer on the mutual coherence of the waves. When two waves with the same frequency with fields E1 and E2 interfere, they generate a resultant field E that corresponds to the superposition of individual fields, that is, E = E1 + E2. Consider two linearly polarized plane waves that originate from O1 and O2, as schematically shown in Figure1.30, so that the field oscillations at some arbitrary point of interest P is given by
E1 = Eo1 sin (vt - kr1 - f 1) and E2 = Eo2 sin (vt - kr2 - f 2) (1.10.1)
where r1 and r2 are the distances from O1 and O2 to P. These waves have the same v and k. Due to the process that generates the waves, there is a constant phase difference between them given
Figure 1.30 Interference of two mutually coherent waves of the same frequency originating from sources O1 and O2. We examine the resultant atP. The resultant field E depends on the phase angle d which depends on the optical path difference k(r2 - r1).
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
by f 2 - f 1. The resultant field at P will be the sum of these two waves, that is, E = E1 + E2. Its irradiance depends on the time average of E # E, that is, E # E, so that E # E = (E1 + E2) # (E1 + E2) = E21 + E22 + 2E1 # E2 It is clear that the interference effect is in the 2E1 # E2 term. We can simply the above equation a little further by assuming Eo1 and Eo2 are parallel with magnitudes Eo1 and Eo2. Further, irradiance of the interfering waves are I1 = 12 ceoE 2o1 and I2 = 12 ceoE 2o2 so that the resultant irradiance is given by the sum of individual irradiances, I1 and I2, and has an additional third term I21, that is, Interference
Interference for mutually coherent beams
Constructive and destructive interference
Irradiance of two super imposed incoherent beams
I = I1 + I2 + 2(I1I2)1>2 cos d (1.10.2)
where the last term is usually written as 2(I1I2)1>2 cos d = I21, and d is a phase difference given by
d = k(r2 - r1) + (f 2 - f 1) (1.10.3)
Since we are using nearly monochromatic waves, (f 2 - f 1) is constant, and the interference therefore depends on the term k(r2 - r1), which represents the phase difference between the two waves as a result of the optical path difference between the waves. As we move point P, k(r2 - r1) will change because the optical path difference between the two waves will change; and the interference will therefore also change. Suppose (f 2 - f 1) = 0, the two waves are emitted from a spatially coherent source. Then, if the path difference k(r2 - r1) is 0, 2p or a multiple of 2p, that is, 2mp, m = 0, {1, {2 c, then the interference intensity I will be maximum; such interference is defined as constructive interference. If the path difference k(r2 - r1) is p or 3p or an odd multiple of p, (2m + 1)p, then the waves will be 180° out of phase, and the interference intensity will be minimum; such interference is defined as destructive interference; both constructive and destructive intensity are shown in Figure 1.30. The maximum and minimum irradiances are given by
Imax = I1 + I2 + 2(I1I2)1>2 and Imin = I1 + I2 - 2(I1I2)1>2 (1.10.4)
If the interfering beams have equal irradiances, then Imax = 4I1 and Imin = 0. It is important to emphasize that we have considered the interference of two nearly monochromatic waves that exhibited mutual temporal and spatial coherence. If the waves do not have any mutual coherence, that is, they are incoherent, then we cannot simply superimpose the electric fields as we did above, and the detector at P, which averages the measurement over its response time, will register an irradiance that is simply the sum of individual irradiances,
I = I1 + I2 (1.10.5)
One of the most described interference experiments is Young’s two slit experiment that generates an interference fringe. In the modern version of this, a coherent beam of light, as available from a laser, is incident on two parallel slits S1 and S2. There is a screen far away from the slits on which the waves emanating from the slits interfere, as shown in Figure 1.31. The result is an interference pattern that is composed of light and dark regions, corresponding to Imax and Imin. Since S1 and S2 are excited by the same wavefront, they emit coherent waves, and we can take f 2 - f 1 = 0. Consider a point P at a distance y on the screen. The phase difference d at P is then k(r2 - r1). As we move P along y, d = k(r2 - r1) changes and the irradiance on the screen goes through minima and maxima with distance y, following
1.11 • Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators
Figure 1.31 Young’s two slit experiment. Slits S1 and S2, separated by s are illuminated at the same time by coherent (nearly monochromatic) collimated laser beam. The irradiance at the screen shows bright and dark fringes dueto the interference of waves emanating from the two slits. The screen is assumed to be far away at a distance L from the slits (L >> s).
Eq. (1.10.2), generating dark and light bands or fringes. The maxima occur when d = 2m p, and minima when d = (2m + 1)p, where m = 0, {1, {2. It is not difficult to show that, if the screen is far away, (r2 - r1) ≃ (s>L)y in which L is the distance from the slits to the screen, and s is the separation of the slits, so that d is proportional to y. Assuming equal irradiances are emitted from S1 and S2, I1 + I2 = Io, the brightness on the screen changes with y periodically as
I = Io 51 + cos 3(s>L)ky46 (1.10.6)
The resulting periodic interference pattern on the screen, as shown in Figure 1.31, is often called Young’s interference fringes. In a better treatment one needs to consider not only the coherence length of the waves from S1 and S2, but also the diffraction that takes place at each slit due to the finite width of the slit. (See diffraction in Section 1.12.)
1.11 Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators
Charles Fabry (1867–1945), left, and Alfred Perot (1863–1925), right, were the first French physicists to construct an optical cavity for interferometry. (Perot: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 64, November 1926, p. 208, courtesy of the American Astronomical Society. Fabry: Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC 20540, USA.)
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
An electrical resonator such as a parallel inductor-capacitor (LC) circuit allows only electrical oscillations at the resonant frequency fo (determined by L and C) within a narrow bandwidth around fo. Such an LC circuit thereby stores energy at the same frequency. We know that it also acts as a filter at the resonant frequency fo, which is how we tune in our favorite radio stations. An optical resonator is the optical counterpart of the electrical resonator, storing energy or filtering light only at certain frequencies (wavelengths). When two flat mirrors are perfectly aligned to be parallel as in Figure 1.32 (a) with free space between them, light wave reflections between the two mirrors M1 and M2 lead to constructive and destructive interference of these waves within the cavity. Waves reflected from M1 traveling toward the right interfere with waves reflected from M2 traveling toward the left. The result is a series of allowed stationary or standing EM waves in the cavity as in Figure 1.32 (b) (just like the stationary waves of a vibrating guitar string stretched between two fixed points). Since the electric field at the mirrors (assume metal coated) must be zero, we can only fit in an integer number m of half-wavelengths, l>2, into the cavity length L, Fabry–Perot cavity modes
l m a b = L; m = 1, 2, 3, c (1.11.1) 2
Each particular allowed l, labeled as lm, satisfying Eq. (1.11.1) for a given m defines a cavity mode as depicted in Figure 1.32 (b). Inasmuch as light frequency y and wavelength l are related by y = c>l, the corresponding frequencies ym of these modes are the resonant frequencies of thecavity Cavity resonant frequencies
ym = m a
c b = myf ; yf = c>(2L) (1.11.2) 2L
in which yf is the lowest frequency corresponding to m = 1, the fundamental mode, and also the frequency separation of two neighboring modes, ∆ym = ym + 1 - ym = yf. It is known as the free spectral range. Figure 1.32 (c) illustrates schematically the intensity of the allowed modes as a function of frequency. If there are no losses from the cavity, that is, the mirrors are perfectly reflecting, then the peaks at frequencies ym defined by Eq. (1.11.2) would be sharp lines. If the mirrors are not perfectly reflecting so that some radiation escapes from the cavity, then the mode peaks are not as sharp and have a finite width, as indicated in Figure 1.32 (c). It is apparent that this simple optical cavity serves to “store” radiation energy only at certain frequencies and it is called a Fabry–Perot optical resonator. The optical resonator does not have to have two
Figure 1.32 Schematic illustration of the Fabry–Perot optical cavity and its properties. (a) Reflected waves interfere. (b) Only standing EM waves, modes, of certain wavelengths are allowed in the cavity. (c) Intensity vs. frequency for various modes. R is the mirror reflectance and lower R means higher loss from the cavity.
1.11 • Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators
mirrors and free space between them as shown in Figure 1.32 (a). It can be a solid medium, such as a dielectric (e.g., glass) plate or a rod, whose ends are used to reflect light. The ends of the solid can even have thin film coatings, or dielectric mirrors, to enhance the reflection. Optical resonators are also called etalons. Consider an arbitrary wave such as A traveling toward the right at some instant as shown in Figure 1.32 (a). After one round trip this wave would be again traveling toward the right but now as wave B, which has a phase difference and a different magnitude due to non-perfect reflections. If the mirrors M1 and M2 are identical with a reflection coefficient of magnitude r, then B has one round-trip phase difference of k(2L) and a magnitude r 2 (two reflections) with respect to A. When A and B interfere, the result is A + B = A + Ar 2 exp (-j2kL) Of course, just like A, B will continue on and will be reflected twice, and after one round trip it would be going toward the right again and we will now have three waves interfering and so on. After infinite round-trip reflections, the resultant field Ecavity is due to infinite such interferences. Ecavity = A + B + c = A + Ar 2 exp (-j2kL) + Ar 4 exp (-j4kL) + Ar 6 exp (-j6kL) + c
The sum of this geometric series is easily evaluated as Ecavity =
A 1 - r exp (-j2kL) 2
Once we know the field in the cavity we can calculate the intensity Icavity ∝ Ecavity 2. Further, we can use reflectance R = r 2 to further simplify the expression. The final result after algebraic manipulation is
Icavity =
Io 2
(1 - R) + 4R sin2 (kL)
Cavity intensity
in which Io ∝ A2 is the original intensity. The intensity in the cavity is maximum Imax whenever sin2(kL) in the denominator of Eq. (1.11.3) is zero, which corresponds to (kL) being mp, in which m is an integer. Thus, the intensity vs. k, or equivalently, the intensity vs. frequency spectrum, peaks whenever kL = mp, as in Figure 1.32 (c). These peaks are located at k = km that satisfy kmL = mp, which leads directly to Eqs. (1.11.1) and (1.11.2) that were derived intuitively. For those resonant km values, Eq. (1.11.3) gives
Imax =
; kmL = mp (1.11.4) (1 - R)2
A smaller mirror reflectance R means more radiation loss from the cavity, which affects the intensity distribution in the cavity. We can show from Eq. (1.11.3) that smaller R values result in broader mode peaks and a smaller difference between the minimum and maximum intensity in the cavity as schematically illustrated in Figure 1.32 (c). The spectral width30 dym of the Fabry–Perot etalon is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of an individual mode 30
The spectral width is also called the fringe width and m the fringe order.
Maximum cavity intensity
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
intensity, as defined in Figure 1.32 (c). It can be calculated in a straightforward fashion when R 7 0.6 from Spectral width and Finesse
dym =
yf F
; F =
pR1>2 (1.11.5) 1 - R
in which F is called the finesse of the resonator, which increases as losses decrease (R increases). Large finesses lead to sharper mode peaks. Finesse is the ratio of mode separation (∆ym) to spectral width (dym). We can also define a quality factor Q for the optical resonant cavity in a similar fashion to defining a Q-factor for an LC oscillator, that is, Q-factor and Finesse
Quality factor, Q =
Resonant frequency ym = = mF (1.11.6) Spectral width dym
The Q-factor is a measure of the frequency selectiveness of a resonator; the higher the Q-factor, the more selective the resonator, or narrower the spectral width. It is also a measure of the energy stored in the resonator per unit energy dissipated (due to losses such as from the reflecting surfaces) per cycle of oscillation. The Fabry–Perot optical cavities are widely used in laser, interference filter, and spectroscopic applications. Consider a light beam that is incident on a Fabry–Perot cavity as in Figure1.33. The optical cavity is formed by partially transmitting and reflecting plates. Part of the incident beam enters the cavity. We know that only special cavity modes are allowed to exist in the cavity since other wavelengths lead to destructive interference. Thus, if the incident beam has a wavelength corresponding to one of the cavity modes, it can sustain oscillations in the cavity and hence lead to a transmitted beam. The output light is a fraction of the light intensity in the cavity and is proportional to Eq. (1.11.3). Commercial interference filters are based on this principle except that they typically use two cavities in series formed by dielectric mirrors (a stack of quarter wavelength layers); the structure is more complicated than in Figure 1.33. Further, adjusting the cavity length L provides a “tuning capability” to scan different wavelengths. Equation (1.11.3) describes the intensity of the radiation in the cavity. The intensity of the transmitted radiation in Figure 1.33 can be calculated, as above, by considering that each time a wave is reflected at the right mirror, a portion of it is transmitted, and that these transmitted waves can interfere only constructively to constitute a transmitted beam when kL = mp. Intuitively, if Iincident is the incident light intensity, then a fraction (1 - R) of this would enter
Figure 1.33 Transmitted light through a Fabry–Perot optical cavity.
1.11 • Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators
Left: Fused silica etalon. Right: A 10 GHz air spaced etalon with 3 zerodur spacers. (Courtesy of Light Machinery Inc.)
the cavity to build up into Icavity in Eq. (1.11.3), and a fraction (1 - R) of Icavity would leave the cavity as the transmitted intensity Itansmitted. Thus,
Itransmitted = Iincident
(1 - R)2 (1.11.7) (1 - R)2 + 4R sin2 (kL)
Transmitted mode intensities
which is again maximum just as for Icavity whenever kL = mp as shown in terms of wavelength in Figure 1.33.31 The ideas above can be readily extended to a medium with a refractive index n by using nk for k or l>n for l where k and l are the free-space propagation constant and wavelength, respectively. Equations (1.11.1) and (1.11.2) become l b = L m = 1, 2, 3, c (1.11.8) 2n
ym = m a
c b = myf ; yf = c>(2nL) (1.11.9) 2nL
Further, if the angle of incidence u at the etalon face is not normal, then we can resolve k to be along the cavity axis; that is use k cos u instead of k in the discussions above. The two mirrors in Figure 1.32 (a) were assumed to have the same reflectance R. Suppose that R1 and R2 are the reflectances of the mirrors M1 and M2. Then, we can continue to use the above equations by using an average geometric reflectance, that is R = (R1R2)1>2.
Example 1.11.1 Resonator modes and spectral width of a semiconductor Fabry–Perot cavity Consider a Fabry–Perot optical cavity made of a semiconductor material with mirrors at its ends. (The mirrors have been obtained by coating the end of the semiconductor crystal.) The length of the semiconductor, and hence the cavity, is 250 om and mirrors at the ends have a reflectance of 0.90. Calculate the cavity mode nearest to the free-space wavelength of 1310 nm. Calculate the separation of the modes, finesse, spectral width of each mode in frequency and wavelength, and the Q-factor. 31
The term on the right multiplying Iincident in Eq. (1.11.7) is usually known as the Airy function.
Fabry–Perot cavity modes in a medium Cavity resonant frequencies
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Solution The wavelength of radiation inside the cavity is l>n, where n is the refractive index of the medium, which is 3.6, and l is the free-space wavelength. We need to use Eq. (1.11.8), so that the mode number for the wavelength 1310 nm is m =
2(3.6)(250 * 10-6) 2nL = 1374.05 = l (1310 * 10-9)
which must be an integer (1374) so that the actual mode wavelength is lm =
2(3.6)(250 * 10-6) 2nL = 1310.04 nm = m (1374)
Thus, for all practical purposes the mode wavelength is 1310 nm. The mode frequency is ym = c>lm so that the separation of the modes, from Eq. (1.11.9), is ∆ym = yf =
(3 * 108) c = 1.67 * 1011 Hz or 167 GHz = 2nL 2(3.6)(250 * 10-6)
The finesse is F =
pR1>2 p0.901>2 = = 29.8 1 - R 1 - 0.90
and the spectral width of each mode is dym =
yf F
1.67 * 1011 = 5.59 * 109 Hz or 5.59 GHz 29.8
The mode spectral width dym will correspond to a certain spectral wavelength width dlm. The mode wavelength lm = 1310 nm corresponds to a mode frequency ym = c>lm = 2.29 * 1014 Hz. Since lm = c>ym, we can differentiate this expression to relate small changes in lm and ym, dlm = da
(3 * 108) c c b = ` - 2 ` dym = (5.59 * 109) = 3.2 * 10-11 m or 0.032 nm ym ym (2.29 * 1014)2
The Q-factor is
Q = mF = (1374)(29.8) = 4.1 * 104 An optical cavity like this is used in so-called Fabry–Perot semiconductor laser diodes, and will be discussed further in Chapter 4.
1.12 Diffraction Principles A. Fraunhofer Diffraction An important property of waves is that they exhibit diffraction effects; for example, sound waves are able to bend (deflect around) corners and a light beam can similarly “bend” around an obstruction (though the bending may be very small). Figure 1.34 shows an example of a collimated light beam passing through a circular aperture (a circular opening in an opaque screen). The passing beam is found to be divergent and to exhibit an intensity pattern that has bright and dark rings, called Airy rings.32 The passing beam is said to be diffracted and its light intensity pattern is called 32
Sir George Airy (1801–1892), Astronomer Royal of Britain from 1835 to1881.
1.12 • Diffraction Principles
Figure 1.34 A collimated light beam incident on a small circular aperture becomes diffracted and its light intensity pattern after passing through the aperture is a diffraction pattern with circular bright rings (called Airy rings). If the screen is far away fromthe aperture, this would be a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern.
a diffraction pattern. Clearly, the light pattern of the diffracted beam does not correspond to the geometric shadow of the circular aperture. Diffraction phenomena are generally classified into two categories. In Fraunhofer diffraction,33 the incident light beam is a plane wave (a collimated light beam) and the observation or detection of the light intensity pattern (by placing a photographic screen, etc.) is done far away from the aperture so that the waves received also look like plane waves. Inserting a lens between the aperture and the photographic screen enables the screen to be closer to the aperture. In Fresnel diffraction, the incident light beam and the received light waves are not plane waves but have significant wavefront curvatures. Typically, the light source and the photographic screen are both close to the aperture so that the wavefronts are curved. Fraunhofer diffraction is by far the most important; and it is mathematically easier to treat. Diffraction can be understood in terms of the interference of multiple waves emanating from the aperture in the obstruction.34 We will consider a plane wave incident on a one-dimensional slit of length a. According to the Huygens-Fresnel principle,35 every unobstructed point of a wavefront, at a given instant in time, serves as a source of spherical secondary waves (with the same frequency as that of the primary wave). The amplitude of the optical field at any point beyond is the superposition of all these wavelets (considering their amplitudes and relative phases). Figures1.35 (a) and (b) illustrates this point pictorially showing that, when the plane wave reaches the aperture, points in the aperture become sources of coherent spherical secondary waves. These spherical waves interfere to constitute the new wavefront (the new wavefront is the envelope of the wavefronts of these secondary waves). These spherical waves can interfere constructively not just in the forward direction as in (a) but also in other appropriate directions, as in (b), giving rise to the observed bright and dark patterns (rings for a circular aperture) on the observation screen. We can divide the unobstructed width a of the aperture into a very large number N of coherent “point sources” each of extent dy = a>N (obviously dy is sufficiently small to be nearly a point), as in Figure 1.36 (a). Since the aperture a is illuminated uniformly by the plane wave, the strength (amplitude) of each point source would be proportional to a>N = dy. Each would be a source of spherical waves. In the forward direction (u = 0), they would all be in phase and constitute a forward wave, along the z-direction. But they can also be in phase at some angle u to the z-direction and hence give rise to a diffracted wave along this direction. We will evaluate the intensity of the received wave at a point on the screen as the sum of all 33 Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826) was a German physicist who also observed the various dark lines in Sun’s spectrum due to hydrogen absorption. 34 “No one has been able to define the difference between interference and diffraction satisfactorily” [R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Addison-Wesley, 1963)]. 35
Eugene Hecht, Optics, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2002), Ch. 10, p. 444.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.35 (a) Huygens-Fresnel principle states that each point in the aperture becomes a source of secondary waves (spherical waves). The spherical wavefronts are separated by l. The new wavefront is the envelope of all these spherical wavefronts. (b) Another possible wavefront occurs at an angle u to the z-direction, which is a diffracted wave.
waves arriving from all point sources in the aperture. The screen is far away from the aperture so the waves arrive almost parallel at the screen (alternatively a lens can be used to focus the diffracted parallel rays to form the diffraction pattern). Consider an arbitrary direction u, and consider the phase of the emitted wave (Y) from an arbitrary point source at y with respect to the wave (A) emitted from source at y = 0 as shown in Figure 1.36 (a). If k is the propagation constant, k = 2p>l, the wave Y is out of phase with respect to A by ky sin u. Thus the wave emitted from the point source at y has a field dE,
dE ∝ (dy) exp (-jky sin u) (1.12.1)
All of these waves from point sources from y = 0 to y = a interfere at the screen at a point P that makes an angle u at the slit, and the resultant field at the screen at this point P is
Figure 1.36 (a) The aperture has a finite width a along y, but it is very long along x so that it is a onedimensional slit. The aperture is divided into N number of point sources each occupying dy with amplitude proportional to dy since the slit is excited by a plane electromagnetic wave. (b) The intensity distribution in the received light at the screen far away from the aperture: the diffraction pattern. Note that the slit is very long along x so that there is no diffraction along this dimension. The incident wave illuminates the whole slit. (c) Typical diffraction pattern using a laser pointer on a single slit. Thedifference from the pattern in (b) is due to the finite size of the laser pointer beam along x that is smaller than the length of the slit.
1.12 • Diffraction Principles
their sum. Because the screen is far away, a point on the screen is at the same distance from anywhere in the aperture. This means that all the spherical waves from the aperture experience the same phase change and decrease in amplitude in reaching the screen. This simply scales dE at thescreen by an amount that is the same for all waves coming from the aperture. Thus, the resultant field E(u) at point P at the screen is y=a
E(u) = C
Ly = 0
dy exp ( -jky sin u) (1.12.2)
in which C is a constant. Integrating Eq. (1.12.2) we get Ce-j2 ka sin u a sin 112 ka sin u2 1
E(u) =
1 2
ka sin u
The light intensity I at a point at P at the screen is proportional to Eu 2, and thus
I(u) = £
C = a sin 112 ka sin u2 1 2
ka sin u
§ = I(0) sinc2 (b); b = 12 (ka sin u) (1.12.3)
Single slit diffraction equation
in which C = is a constant and b is a convenient new variable representing u, and sinc (“sink”) is a function that is defined by sinc (b) = sin (b)>(b). If we were to plot Eq. (1.12.3) as a function of u at the screen we would see the intensity (diffraction) pattern schematically depicted in Figure 1.36 (b). First, observe that the pattern has bright and dark regions, corresponding to constructive and destructive interference of waves emanating from the aperture. Second, the center bright region is wider than the aperture width a, which mean that the transmitted beam must be diverging. The zero intensity occurs when, from Eq. (1.12.3),
sin u =
ml ; m = {1, {2, c (1.12.4) a
The angle uo for the first zero, corresponding to m = {1, is given by uo = {l>a, where we assumed that the divergence is small (usually the case) so that sin uo ≈ uo. Thus, the divergence ∆u, the angular spread, of the diffracted beam is given by
∆u = 2uo ≈
2l (1.12.5) a
A light wave at a wavelength 1300 nm, diffracted by a slit of width a = 100 om (about the thickness of this page), has a divergence ∆u of about 1.5°. From Figure 1.36 (b), it is apparent that, using geometry, we can easily calculate the width c of the central bright region of the intensity pattern, given uo from Eq. (1.12.5) and the distance R of the screen from the aperture. The diffraction patterns from two-dimensional apertures such as rectangular and circular apertures are more complicated to calculate but they use the same principle based on the multiple interference of waves emitted from all point sources in the aperture. The diffraction pattern of a rectangular aperture is shown in Figure 1.37. It involves the multiplication of two individual single slit (sinc) functions, one slit of width a along the horizontal axis, and the other of width b along the vertical axis. (Why is the diffraction pattern wider along the horizontal axis?) The diffraction pattern from a circular aperture, known as Airy rings, was shown in Figure1.34, and can be roughly visualized by rotating the intensity pattern in Figure 1.36 (b)
Zero intensity points
Divergence from single slit of width a
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.37 The rectangular aperture of dimensions a * b on the left gives the diffraction pattern on the right (b is twice a).
about the z-axis. We can, as we did for the single slit, sum all waves emanating from every point in the circular aperture, taking into account their relative phases when they arrive at the screen to obtain the actual intensity pattern at the screen. The result is that the diffraction pattern is a Bessel function of the first kind,36 and not a simply rotated sinc function. The central white spot is called the Airy disk; its radius corresponds to the radius of the first dark ring. We can still use Figures 1.36 (a) and (b) to imagine how diffraction occurs from a circular aperture by taking this as a cut through the aperture so that a is now the diameter of the aperture, denoted as D. The angular position uo of the first dark ring, as defined as in Figure 1.36 (b), is determined by the diameter D of the aperture and the wavelength l, and is given by Angular radius of Airy disk
l sin uo = 1.22 (1.12.6) D
The divergence angle from the aperture center to the Airy disk circumference is 2uo. If R is the distance of the screen from the aperture, then the radius of the Airy disk, approximately b, can be calculated from the geometry in Figure 1.36 (b), which gives b>R = tan uo ≈ uo. If a lens is used to focus the diffracted light waves onto a screen, then R = f, focal length of the lens. It is worth commenting on the Gaussian beam at this point. Suppose we now examine a Gaussian beam with a waist 2wo that is the same as the aperture size D. The far field
Diffraction pattern far away from a circular aperture.
Diffraction pattern far away from a square aperture.
36 Bessel functions are special mathematical functions, which can be looked up in mathematics handbooks. They are used in various engineering problems.
1.12 • Diffraction Principles
half-divergence angle u of this Gaussian beam would be u = (2/p)(l>D) or 0.637(l>D) as in Eq.(1.1.7). The Gaussian beam has a smaller divergence than the diffracted beam from a circular aperture. The difference is due the fact that each point in the circular aperture emits with the same intensity because the aperture is illuminated by a plane wave. If we were to change the emission intensity within the aperture to follow a Gaussian distribution, we would see a Gaussian beam as the “diffracted beam.” The Gaussian beam is a self-diffracted beam and has the smallest divergence for a given beam diameter.
Example 1.12.1 Resolving power of imaging systems Consider what happens when two neighboring point light sources are examined through an imaging system with an aperture of diameter D (this may even be a lens). The two sources have an angular separation of ∆u at the aperture. The aperture produces a diffraction pattern of the sources S1 and S2, as shown in Figure 1.38. As the points get closer, their angular separation becomes narrower and the diffraction patterns overlap more. According to the Rayleigh criterion, the two spots are just resolvable when the principal maximum of one diffraction pattern coincides with the minimum of the other, which is given by the condition l sin (∆u min ) = 1.22 (1.12.7) D
The human eye has a pupil diameter of about 2 mm. What would be the minimum angular separation of two points under a green light of 550 nm and their minimum separation if the two objects are 30 cm from the eye? The image will be a diffraction pattern in the eye, and is a result of waves in this medium. If the refractive index n ≈ 1.33 (water) in the eye, then Eq. (1.12.7) is sin (∆umin) = 1.22
(550 * 10-9 m) l = 1.22 nD (1.33)(2 * 10-3 m)
giving ∆umin = 0.0145° Their minimum separation s would be
s = 2L tan (∆umin >2) = 2(300 mm) tan (0.0145°>2) = 0.076 mm = 76 om
which is about the thickness of a human hair (or this page).
Figure 1.38 Resolution of imaging systems is limited by diffraction effects. As points S1 and S2 get closer, eventually the Airy patterns overlap so much that the resolution is lost. The Rayleigh criterion allows the minimum angular separation of two of the point sources to be determined. (Schematic illustration inasmuch as the side lobes are actually much smaller than the center peak.)
Angular limit of resolution
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Image of two-point sources captured through a small circular aperture. (a) The two points are fully resolved since the diffraction patterns of the two sources are sufficiently separated. (b) The two images are near the Rayleigh limit of resolution. (c) The first dark ring of one image passes through the center of the bright Airy disk of the other. (Approximate.)
B. Diffraction Grating A diffraction grating in its simplest form is an optical device that has a periodic series of slits in an opaque screen as shown in Figure 1.39 (a). An incident beam of light is diffracted in certain welldefined directions that depend on the wavelength l and the grating properties. Figure 1.39 (b) shows a typical intensity pattern in the diffracted beam for a finite number of slits. There are “strong beams of diffracted light” along certain directions (u) and these are labeled according to their occurrence: zero-order (center), first-order, either side of the zero-order, and so on. If there are an infinite number of slits then the diffracted beams have the same intensity. In reality, any periodic variation in the refractive index would serve as a diffraction grating and we will discuss other types later. As in Fraunhofer diffraction we will assume that the observation screen is far away, or that a lens is used to focus the diffracted parallel rays on to the screen (the lens in the observer’s eye does it naturally). We will assume that the incident beam is a plane wave so that the slits become coherent (synchronous) sources. Suppose that the width a of each slit is much smaller than the separation
Figure 1.39 (a) A diffraction grating with N slits in an opaque screen. Slit periodicity is d and slit width is a; a V d. (b) The diffracted light pattern. There are distinct, that is diffracted, beams in certain directions (schematic). (c) Diffraction pattern obtained by shining a beam from a red laser pointer onto a diffraction grating. The finite size ofthe laser beam results in the dot pattern. (The wavelength was 670 nm, red, and the grating has 200 lines per inch.)
1.12 • Diffraction Principles
d of the slits as shown in Figure 1.39 (a). Waves emanating at an angle u from two neighboring slits are out of phase by an amount that corresponds to an optical path difference d sin u. Obviously, all such waves from pairs of slits will interfere constructively when this is a multiple of the whole wavelength
d sin u = ml; m = 0, {1, {2, c (1.12.8)
which is the well-know grating equation, also known as the Bragg37 diffraction condition. The value of m defines the diffraction order; m = 0 being zero-order, m = {1 being first-order, etc. If the grating in Figure 1.39 (a) is in a medium of refractive index n, that is, the incident and diffracted beams are all in the same medium of index n, then we should use l>n for the wavelength in Eq. (1.12.8), where l is the free-space wavelength, that is, d sin u = ml>n. The problem of determining the actual intensity of the diffracted beam is more complicated as it involves summing all such waves at the observer and, at the same time, including the diffraction effect of each individual narrow slit. With a smaller than d as in the Figure 1.39 (a), the amplitude of the diffracted beam is modulated by the diffraction amplitude of a single slit since the latter is spread substantially, as illustrated in Figure 1.39 (b). It is apparent that the diffraction grating provides a means of deflecting an incoming light by an amount that depends on its wavelength—the reason for their use in spectroscopy. The diffraction grating in Figure 1.40 (a) is a transmission grating. The incident and diffracted beams are on opposite sides of the grating. Typically, parallel thin grooves on a glass plate would serve as a transmission grating as in Figure 1.40 (a). A reflection grating has the incident beam and the diffracted beams on the same side of the device as in Figure 1.40 (b). The surface of the device has a periodic reflecting structure, easily formed by etching parallel grooves in a metal film, etc. The reflecting unetched surfaces serve as synchronous secondary sources that interfere along certain directions to give diffracted beams of zero-order, first-order, etc. Among transmission gratings, it is customary to distinguish between amplitude gratings in which the transmission amplitude is modulated, and so-called phase gratings where only the refractive index is modulated, without any losses.
Figure 1.40 (a) Ruled periodic parallel scratches on a glass serve as a transmission grating. (The glass plate is assumed to be very thin.) (b) A reflection grating. An incident light beam results in various “diffracted” beams. The zero-order diffracted beam is the normal reflected beam with an angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence. 37 William Lawrence Bragg (1890–1971), Australian-born British physicist, won the Nobel Prize with his father, William Henry Bragg, for his “famous equation” when he was only 25 years old.
Grating equation
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
When the incident beam is not normal to the diffraction grating, then Eq. (1.12.8) must be modified. If ui is the angle of incidence with respect to the normal to the grating, then the diffraction angle um for the m-th mode is given by Grating equation
d(sin um - sin ui) = ml; m = 0, {1, {2, c (1.12.9)
The same equation can be used for transmission and reflection gratings provided that we define the angles ui and um as positive on either side of the normal as in Figure 1.40 (b).38 Consider a grating with N slits. The slit width is a (very narrow), and d is the periodicity as before. The detector is at a distance L, far away from the grating. While the periodicity in the slits gives rise to the diffracted beams, the diffraction at each narrow slit defines the envelope of the diffracted intensities as shown in Figure 1.39 (b). If the incident plane wave is normal to the grating, the intensity distribution along y at the screen is given by Grating diffraction pattern
I(y) = Io £
sin 112 ky a2 1 2 kya
§ £
sin 1 12 Nkyd2
Nsin 1 12 kyd 2
§ (1.12.10)
where ky is the scattering wave vector defined by ky = (2p>l)(y>L) = (2p>l)sin u, and Io is the maximum intensity along u = 0. The second term represents the oscillations in the intensity due to interference from different slits. The first term is the envelope of the diffraction pattern, and is the diffraction pattern of a single slit. The resolvance or the resolving power R of a diffraction grating is its ability to be able to separate out adjacent wavelengths. If l2 - l1 = ∆l is the minimum wavelength separation that can be measured, as determined by the Rayleigh criterion (the maximum of the intensity distribution at l1 is at the first minimum of the intensity distribution at l2), and l is the average wavelength (1>2)(l1 + l2) in ∆l, then the resolving power is defined by Resolving power
Blazing angle
R = l> ∆l (1.12.11)
The separation ∆l is also called the spectral resolution. If N grooves on a grating are illuminated and the order of diffraction is m, the theoretical resolving power is given simply by R = mN. The resolving power is also called the chromatic resolving power since it refers to the separation of wavelengths. Diffraction gratings are widely used in spectroscopic applications because of their ability to provide light deflection that depends on the wavelength. In such applications, the undiffracted light that corresponds to the zero-order beam (Figure 1.40) is clearly not desirable because it wastes a portion of the incoming light intensity. Is it possible to shift this energy to a higher order? Robert William Wood (1910) was able to do so by ruling grooves on glass with a controlled shape as in Figure 1.41 (a) where the surface is angled periodically with a spatial period d. The diffraction condition in Eq. (1.12.9) applies with respect to the normal to the grating plane, whereas the first-order reflection corresponds to reflection from the flat surface, which is at an angle g. Thus it is possible to “blaze” one of the higher orders (usually m = 1) by appropriately choosing g. Most modern diffraction gratings are of this type. If the angle of incidence is ui with respect to the grating normal, then specular reflection occurs at an angle (g + ui) with respect to the face normal and (g + ui) + g with respect to the grating normal. This reflection at (g + ui) + g should occur at diffraction angle um so that 2g = um - ui (1.12.12) 38 Some books use d(sin um + sin ui) = ml for a transmission grating but the angles become positive on the incidence side and negative on the transmitted side with respect to the normal. It is a matter of sign convention.
1.12 • Diffraction Principles
Figure 1.41 (a) A blazed grating. Triangular grooves have been cut into the surface with a periodicity d. The side of a triangular groove makes an angle g to the plane of the diffraction angle. For normal incidence, the angle of diffraction must be 2g to place the specular reflection on the diffracted beam. (b) When the incident beam is not normal, the specular reflection will coincide with the diffracted beam when (g + ui) + g = um.
William Lawrence Bragg (1890–1971), Australian-born British physicist, won the Nobel Prize with his father, William Henry Bragg, for his “famous equation” when he was only 25 years old. (SSPL via Getty Images.) “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.”
Example 1.12.2 A reflection grating Consider a reflection grating with a period d that is 10 om as in Figure 1.42 (a). Find the diffracted beams if a collimated light wave of wavelength 1550 nm is incident on the grating at an angle of 45° to its normal. What should be the blazing angle g if we were to use a blazed grating with the same periodicity? What happens to the diffracted beams if the periodicity is reduced to 2 om?
Solution If we put m = 0 in Eq. (1.12.9) we would find the zero-order diffraction, which is at an angle 45°, as expected, and shown in Figure 1.42 (a). The general Bragg diffraction condition is so that
d(sin um - sin ui) = ml (10 om)(sin um - sin (45°) = ( + 1)(1.55 om)
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.42 A light beam is incident at an angle 45° to the normal on a reflection grating. (a) The grating periodicity is 10 om. (b) The periodicity is 2 om.
(10 om)(sin um - sin (45°) = ( - 1)(1.55 om)
Solving these two equations, we find um = 59.6° for m = 1, and um = 33.5° for m = - 1. Consider Figure 1.41 (b) in which the secular reflection from the grooved surface coincides with the mth order diffraction when 2g = um - ui. Thus g = (1>2)(um - ui) = (1>2)(59.6° - 45°) = 7.3°
Suppose that we reduce d to 2 om. Recalculating the above we find um = -3.9° for m = -1 and imaginary for m = + 1. Further, for m = -2, there is a second-order diffraction beam at -57.4°. Both are shown in Figure 1.42 (b). It is left as an exercise to show that if we increase the angle of incidence, for example, ui = 85° on the first grating, the diffraction angle for m = -1 increases from 33.5° to 57.3° and the other diffraction peak (m = 1) disappears.
Additional Topics 1.13 Interferometers An interferometer is an optical instrument that uses the wave-interference phenomena to produce interference fringes (e.g., dark and bright bands or rings) which can be used to measure the wavelength of light, surface flatness, or small distances. A nearly monochromatic light wave is split into two coherent waves traveling two different paths, and then the two waves are brought together and made to interfere on a screen (or a detector array); the result is an interference pattern as in the Young’s fringes in Figure 1.31. In some interferometers, the intensity of the resultant interference is measured at one location, and this intensity is monitored due to changes in one of theoptical path lengths. Even a small change in the optical path, distance * refractive index, nL, can cause a measurable shift in the diffraction pattern or a displacement in the fringes, which can be used to infer on nL. There are many types of interferometers. The Fabry–Perot interferometer is a Fabry–Perot cavity–based interferometer that produces an interference ring pattern (bright and dark rings) when illuminated from a broad monochromatic light source as illustrated in Figure 1.43. The resonator consists of two parallel flat glass plates facing each other and separated by an adjustable spacer. A piezoelectric transducer can provide small changes in the spacing between the plates. The inside surface of the glass plates are coated to enhance reflections within the cavity. (Dielectric mirrors can also be used on the inner surfaces.)
1.13 • Interferometers
Figure 1.43 Fabry–Perot interferometer.
Thelight entering the cavity will experience multiple reflections inside the cavity. The transmitted waves A, B, C, etc., are focused by a lens onto a point P on a screen. If A, B, C, etc., are in phase then the point P will be a bright spot. Suppose that L is the separation of the plates, u is the angle at which refracted rays inside the cavity are propagating with respect to the normal, k = 2pn>l is the propagation constant in the cavity (l is the free-space wavelength), and n is the refractive index of the medium inside the cavity. We can then show that the phase difference between A and B is 2kL cos u, which must be 2mp, where m is an integer, for constructive interference. Recall that for normal incidence this was 2kL. Thus, P is bright if 2nLcos u = ml; m = 0, {1, c (1.13.1)
All such points with the same u lie on a circle about the etalon axis. It is apparent that the interference pattern consists of dark and bright rings. The interference ring diameter depends on the wavelength and the optical separation nL (refractive index * distance) of the plates of the etalon. The interferometer can be used in spectroscopic applications such as the measurement of the source wavelength. In Figure 1.44, showing a Mach–Zehnder interferometer, a coherent light beam is split by a beam splitter into two paths at O. These beams are then reflected by two mirrors M1 and M2 onto a second beam splitter where they are combined at C to give rise to an output light beam onto a detector D. The resultant field at C depends on the phase difference between the waves traveling the paths OAC and OBC. We can easily monitor the changes in n or the length d of a sample by placing it into one of the paths, such as in OAC. If ko = 2p>l is the propagation constant in vacuum and k = 2pn>l is that in the sample, then the phase difference Φ between the weaves arriving at C is39 Φ = ko(OAC - d) + kd - koOBC
Figure 1.44 Mach– Zehnder interferometer. 39
OAC stands for the distance from O to A to C.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
The change ∆Φ in the phase angle due changes in the sample would be 2p ∆(nd) l Thus, the change in the detected signal represents the change in nd. On the other hand, if we can somehow modulate n or d, we have the means of modulating the intensity at the detector. The Mach–Zehnder modulators used in communications rely on changing n in a suitable crystal (such as lithium niobate) by the application of an electric field through the electro-optic effect as discussed later in the book. ∆Φ = ∆(kd) =
1.14 Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films There is much interest in the reflection of light from, and transmission through, a thin film coating of a transparent material (called an optical coating) on a substrate such as a semiconductor crystal; or even on glass as in antireflection coated lenses. The simplest case is shown in Figure 1.45 where light traveling in a medium of refractive index n1 is incident on a thin film coating of index n2 on a substrate of index n3. There are multiple reflections in the thin film, and the problem is almost identical to the Fabry–Perot optical cavity in which there are similar multiple interferences. Suppose the thickness of the coating is d. For simplicity, we will assume normal incidence. The phase change in traversing the coating thickness d twice is f = 2 * (2p>l)n2d where l is the free-space wavelength. The wave has to be multiplied by exp ( -jf) to account for this phase difference in crossing the thickness twice. The reflection and transmission coefficients for the present n1-n2-n3 system are given by,
r1 = r12 =
n2 - n3 n1 - n2 = -r21, r2 = r23 = , (1.14.1a) n1 + n2 n2 + n3
t1 = t12 =
2n1 2n2 2n2 , t 1= = t21 = , t2 = t23 = (1.14.1b) n1 + n2 n1 + n2 n2 + n3
where 1 - t1t 1= = r 21 (1.14.1c)
The first reflected beam, A1 = A0 * r, the second is A2 = Ao * t1 * t 1= * r2 * e-jf, and so on.
Figure 1.45 Light traveling in a medium of refractive index n1 is incident on a thin film coating of index n2 on a substrate of index n3.
1.14 • Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films
The amplitude of the reflected beam is Areflected = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + c that is, Areflected >A0 = r1 + t1t 1= r2e-jf - t1t 1= r1r 22e-j2f + t1t 1= r 21r 32e-j3f + c(1.14.2)
which is a geometric series. Using Eq. (1.14.1c), Eq. (1.14.2) can be conveniently summed to obtain the overall reflection coefficient r r =
r1 + r2e-jf 1 + r1r2e
Thin film reflection coefficient
Similarly, we can sum for the amplitude of the transmitted beam as Ctransmitted = C1 + C2 + C3 + c that is,
Ctransmitted >A0 = t1t2e-jf>2 - t1t2r1r2e-j3f>2 + t1t2r 21r 22e-j5f>2 + c (1.14.4)
which is a geometric series that sums to
t =
1 + r1r2e
Equations (1.14.3) and (1.14.5) describe the reflected and transmitted waves. The reflectance and transmittance are then R = r 2 T = (n3 >n1) t 2 (1.14.6)
Figure 1.46 (a) shows R and T as a function of f for n1 6 n2 6 n3. Clearly, R is minimum, and T is maximum, whenever f = p * (odd number) or f = 2(2p>l)n2d = p(2m + 1), where m = 0, 1, 2, c The latter leads to
d =
l (2m + 1); m = 0, 1, 2, c (1.14.7) 4n2
which is the thickness required to minimize the reflection, and maximize the transmission of light when n2 is intermediate between n1 and n3. The oscillations in R and T with f (e.g., as the wavelength is scanned) are sometime referred to as an interference fringes in wavelength.
Figure 1.46 (a) Reflectance R and transmittance T vs. f = 2n2d>l, for a thin film on a substrate where n1 = 1 (air), n2 = 2.5, n3 = 3.5, and n1 6 n2 6 n3. (b) R and T vs. f for a thin film on a substrate where n1 = 1 (air), n2 = 3.5, n3 = 2.5, and n2 7 n3 7 n1.
Thin film transmission coefficient
Thin film reflectance and transmittance
Thickness for minimum reflection
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.46 (b) represents the reflectance and transmittance vs. f of light through a thin layer of high index material on a low index substrate where n1 6 n3 6 n2; for example, a semiconductor film on a glass substrate. Notice the difference between the two cases, especially the locations of the maxima and minima. (Why is there a difference?) The phase change f, of course, depends on three factors, d, n2, and l. The minimum and maximum reflectances in Figure 1.46 at those particular f values can be found by using Eqs. (1.14.3) and (1.14.7). For n1 6 n2 6 n3 as in Figure 1.46 (a) Minimum and maximum reflectance
Rmin = a
n22 - n1n3 n22 + n1n3
b ; Rmax = a
n3 - n1 2 b (1.14.8) n3 + n1
and the transmittance can be found from R + T = 1. When n1 6 n3 6 n2 then Rmin and Rmax equations are interchanged. While Rmax appears to be independent from n2, the index n2 is nonetheless still involved in determining maximum reflection inasmuch as R reaches Rmax when f = 2(2p>l)n2d = p(2m); when f = p * (even number). In transmission spectra measurements, a spectrophotometer is used to record the transmittance of a light beam as a function of wavelength through a sample. If the sample is a thin film on a substrate, there will be multiple reflections and interferences in the thin film, and the measured transmittance will exhibit maxima and minima as in Figure 1.46 as the wavelength (or f) is scanned. The locations of the maxima and minima, with the knowledge of the substrate index (n3), can be used to find d and n.
Example 1.14.1 Thin film optics Consider a semiconductor device with n3 = 3.5 that has been coated with a transparent optical film (adielectric film) with n2 = 2.5, n1 = 1 (air). If the film thickness is 160 nm, find the minimum and maximum reflectances and transmittances and their corresponding wavelengths in the visible range. (Assume normal incidence.)
Solution This case corresponds to Figure 1.46 (a). Minimum reflectance Rmin occurs at f = p or odd multiple of p, and maximum reflectance Rmax at f = 2p or an integer multiple of 2p. From Eq.(1.14.8) we have
Rmin = a Rmax = a
n22 - n1n3 n22
+ n1n3
b = a
2.52 - (1)(3.5) 2
2.5 + (1)(3.5)
b = 0.080 or 8.0,
n3 - n1 2 3.5 - 1 2 b = a b = 0.31 or 31, n3 + n1 3.5 + 1
Corresponding transmittances are,
Tmax = 1 - R min = 0.92 or 92,
Tmin = 1 - R max = 0.69 or 69,
Without the thin film coating, the reflectance would be 31%, the maximum reflectance.
1.15 • Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves
Given f = 2dn2(2p>l), and d = 160 nm, and the fact that the minimum reflectance corresponds to f = odd integer * p, we choose f = 3p (by trial and error). The wavelength lmin is then given by lmin = 4pdn2 >f = 4p(160 nm)(2.5)>(3p) = 533 nm (green)
which is in the visible. The maximum reflectance in the visible occurs when f = 4p, giving lmax = 4pdn2 >f = 4p(160 nm)(2.5)>(4p) = 400 nm (violet)
1.15 Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves The interference of light waves in a thin film takes place because the waves have much longer coherence lengths than the thickness of the film so that the waves exhibit mutual coherence. We can add the electric field and interference leads to bright and dark fringes. A film would be considered too thick if it does not exhibit any interference phenomena due to the coherence length of the waves being shorter than the thickness. Such cases easily arise when we pass light through a transparent (or partially transparent) plate or when the light source is incoherent. In such cases, we cannot add the electric field to find the reflected and transmitted light irradiances. The overall reflectance and transmittance would be independent of the round-trip phase change f inside the plate and would not exhibit the behavior in Figure 1.46. We have to use Eq. (1.10.5). Consider a light beam of unit intensity that is passed through a thick plate of transparent material of index n2 in a medium of index n1 as in Figure 1.47. The first transmitted light intensity into the plate is (1 - R), and the first transmitted light out is (1 - R) * (1 - R) or (1 - R)2. However, there are internal reflections as shown, so that the second transmitted light is (1 - R) * R * R * (1 - R) = R2(1 - R)2, so that the transmitted intensity through the plate is or
Tplate = (1 - R)2 + R2(1 - R)2 + R4(1 - R)2 + c = (1 - R)2 31 + R2 + R4 + c4 Tplate =
(1 - R)2 (1.15.1) 1 - R2
Figure 1.47 Transmitted and reflected light through a slab of material in which there is no interference.
Trans mittance for a thick plate or incoherent light
90 Trans mittance for a thick plate for incoherent light Trans mittance for a thick plate or incoherent beam of light
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
By substituting for R in terms of the indices, we can write this as
Tplate =
2n1n2 n21
+ n22
For example, for a glass plate of n2 = 1.60 in air (n1 = 1), Tplate = 89.9, while the simple transmittance through an n1 9n2 interface would give 94.7%. The overall reflectance is 1 - Tplate so that
Rplate =
(n1 - n2)2 n21 + n22
One of the simplest ways to determine the refractive index of a plate is to measure the transmittance Tplate in Eq. (1.15.1), from which we can calculate n2.
1.16 Scattering of Light When a light beam propagates in a medium in which there are small particles or inhomogeneities, such as local changes in the refractive index of the medium, some of the power in the beam is radiated away from the direction of propagation, that is some of the power becomes scattered. Scattering is a process by which some of the power in a propagating electromagnetic wave is redirected as secondary EM waves in various directions away from the original direction of propagation as illustrated in Figure 1.48 (a). There are a number of scattering processes, which are usually classified in terms of the size of the scattering particles in relation to the wavelength of light that is scattered. In Rayleigh scattering, the scattering particle size, or the scale of inhomogeneities in a medium, is much smaller than the wavelength of light. The intensity of the scattered light at an angle u to the original beam depends on the scattering process; the Rayleigh scattering case is shown in Figure 1.48 (b) in which the scattering is not spherically symmetric. Consider what happens when a propagating wave encounters a molecule, an impurity in a crystal or a small dielectric particle (or region), which is smaller than the wavelength of light. The electric field in the wave polarizes the particle by displacing the lighter electrons with respect to the heavier positive nuclei. The electrons in the molecule couple and oscillate with the electric field in the wave (ac electronic polarization). The oscillation of charge “up” and “down,” or the oscillation of the induced dipole, radiates EM waves all around the molecule as illustrated in Figure 1.48 (a). We should remember that an oscillating charge is like an alternating current which always radiates EM waves (like an antenna). The net effect is that the incident
Figure 1.48 (a) Rayleigh scattering involves the polarization of a small dielectric particle or a region that is much smaller than the light wavelength. The field forces dipole oscillations in the particle (by polarizing it) which leads to the emission of EM waves in “many” directions so that a portion of the light energy is directed away from the incident beam. (b) A polar plot of the dependence of the intensity of the scattered light on the angular direction u with respect to the direction of propagation x in Rayleigh scattering (in a polar plot, the radial distance OP is the intensity).
1.16 • Scattering of Light
Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) was an English physicist (1877–1919) and a Nobel Laureate (1904) who made a number of contributions to wave physics of sound and optics. He formulated the theory of scattering of light by small particles and the dependence of scattering on 1/l4 circa 1871. Then, in a paper in 1899 he provided a clear explanation on why the sky is blue. Ludvig Lorentz, around the same time, and independently, also formulated the scattering of waves from a small dielectric particle, though it was published in Danish (1890).40 (© Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy.)
wave becomes partially reradiated in different directions and hence loses intensity in its original direction of propagation. (We may think of the process as the particle absorbing some of the energy via electronic polarization and reradiating it in different directions.) It may be thought that the scattered waves constitute a spherical wave emanating from the scattering molecule, but this is not generally the case as the re-emitted radiation depends on the shape and polarizability of the molecule in different directions. We assumed a small particle so that at any time the field has no spatial variation through the particle, whose polarization then oscillates with the electric field oscillation. Whenever the size of the scattering region, whether an inhomogeneity, a small particle, a molecule, or a defect in a crystal, is much smaller than the wavelength l of the incident wave, the scattering process is generally termed Rayleigh scattering. Typically, the particle size is smaller than one-tenth of the light wavelength. Rayleigh scattering of light propagating in a glass medium is of particular interest in photonics because it results in the attenuation of the transmitted light pulses in optical fibers. The glass structure is such that there are small random spatial variations in the refractive index about some average value. There are therefore local fluctuations in the relative permittivity and polarizability, which effectively act if there are small inhomogeneities in the medium. These dielectric inhomogeneities arise from fluctuations in the relative permittivity that is part of the intrinsic glass structure. As the fiber is drawn by freezing a liquid-like flow, random thermodynamic fluctuations in the composition and structure that occur in the liquid state become frozen into the solid structure. Consequently, the glass fiber has small fluctuations in the relative permittivity which leads to Rayleigh scattering. A small inhomogeneous region acts like a small dielectric particle and scatters the propagating wave in different directions. Nothing can be done to eliminate Rayleigh scattering in glasses as it is part of their intrinsic structure. It is apparent that the scattering process involves electronic polarization of the molecule or the dielectric particle. We know that this process couples most of the energy at ultraviolet frequencies where the dielectric loss due to electronic polarization is maximum and the loss is due to EM wave radiation. Therefore, as the frequency of light increases, the scattering becomes more severe. In other words, scattering decreases with increasing wavelength. The intensity of the scattered radiation is proportional to 1>l4. For example, blue light, which has a shorter wavelength than red light, is scattered more strongly by air molecules. When we look at the sun directly, it appears yellow because the blue light has been scattered in the direct light more than 40 Pedro Lilienfeld’s “A Blue Sky History”, in Optics and Photonics News, 15(6), 32, 2004, is highly recommended; it also provides the original references.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.49 When a light beam propagates through a medium in which there are small particles, it becomes scattered as it propagates and loses power in the direction of propagation. The light becomes attenuated.
the red light. When we look at the sky in any direction but the sun, our eyes receive scattered light which appears blue; hence the sky is blue. At sunrise and sunset, the rays from the sun have to traverse the longest distance through the atmosphere and have the most blue light scattered, which gives the sun its red color at these times. The intensity of a light beam in a medium with small particles (or inhomogeneities) decreases as the beam propagates due to Rayleigh scattering from these small particles as illustrated in Figure 1.49. The intensity at a position z inside the medium from the radiation receiving face is given by Attenuation by scattering
I = Io exp (-aRz) (1.16.1)
where aR is the attenuation coefficient due to Rayleigh scattering. aR depends on the concentration of scattering particles N, their radius a, wavelength l and the mismatch between the refractive index n of the scattering spheres and the index no of the medium Rayleigh attenuation coefficient
a R ∝ N # a6 #
1 # n2 - n2o 2 a b (1.16.2) l4 n2 + n2o
Equation (1.16.2) has been written in terms of products to identify those factors that affect aR. Mie scattering refers to the scattering of light from scatterers that have dimensions comparable with, or greater than, the wavelength of light. For example, Mie scattering would occur for light scattering from long organic molecules in a solution, or scattering from various particulate pollutants (as in smog) in the atmosphere, including dust particles. The scatterers are assumed to have a refractive index significantly different from that of the surrounding medium. The scattering depends on the ratio of the scattering particle diameter to the wavelength of light, and favors scattering in the forward direction. The dependence on the wavelength is weaker than Rayleigh scattering. The scattering of light from various particles suspended in a liquid is usually referred to as turbidity. For example, small solid particles suspended in water will scatter light and would make the water appear cloudy. The quality of water is often monitored for small particles by measuring the turbidity of water.
1.17 Photonic Crystals The dielectric mirror, or the Bragg reflector, in Figure 1.24 is a stack of alternating layers of high and low refractive index material in a periodic manner. The one-dimensional periodic variation in the refractive index n in Figure 1.24 represents one of the simplest periodic structures within
1.17 • Photonic Crystals
a general class of optical materials called photonic crystals. A photonic crystal (PC) is a material that has been structured to possess a periodic modulation of the refractive index n, just like in Figure 1.24, so that the structure influences the propagation and confinement of light within it. The periodicity can be in one- (1D), two- (2D), or three-dimensional (3D); Figures 1.50 (a)–(c) illustrates 1D, 2D, and 3D simple photonic crystals as examples. In fact, quite complicated structures can be constructed that have very interesting optical properties. The dielectric mirror or the Bragg reflector can be viewed as one of the simplest 1D photonic crystals.41 For the structure to influence the propagation of the EM wave, it has to diffract the wave, which means that the scale of periodic variations must be on the wavelength scale. As a pparent from Figure 1.24, the 1D PC has a band of frequencies over which it reflects the light and, conversely, there is a stop band over which no transmission is possible through the dielectric stack. There is a band of frequencies that represent waves that are not allowed to go through this periodic structure in the direction of refractive index variation, along z in Figure 1.50; this band is called an optical or photonic bandgap. The periodic variation in n in Figure 1.50 is normally assumed to extend indefinitely, whereas in practice, the PCs have a finite size, for example, a certain number of layers in the dielectric mirror, not infinite. As in normal crystals, the periodic structures in Figure 1.50 have a unit cell, which repeats itself to generate the whole lattice—that is, the whole crystal structure. For the 1D PC in Figure 1.50 (a), for example, two adjacent layers, n1n2, form the unit cell. We can move this unit cell along z by a distance Λ, the period (or periodicity), many times to generate the whole 1D photonic crystal. The periodicity of a photonic crystal implies that any property at a location z will be the same at z { Λ, z { 2Λ and so on; that is, there is translational symmetry along z (in 1D).
Figure 1.50 Photonic crystals in (a) 1D, (b) 2D, and (c) 3D, D being the dimension. Gray and white regions have different refractive indices and may not necessarily be the same size. Λ is the periodicity. The 1D photonic crystal in (a) is the well-known Bragg reflector, a dielectric stack.
41 The propagation of light through such a one-dimensional (1D) periodic variation of n has been well-known, dating back to the early work of Lord Rayleigh in 1887. Eli Yablonovitch has suggested that the name “photonic crystal” should really only apply to 2D and 3D periodic structures with a large dielectric (refractive index) difference. (E. Yablonovitch, “Photonic crystals: What’s in a name?,” Opt. Photon. News, 18, 12, 2007.) Nonetheless, the dielectric mirror in Figure 1.50 (a) is often considered as the simplest 1D photonic crystal to derive the concept of a “photonic bandgap,” essentially a stop band.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
TheEM waves that are allowed to propagate along z through the periodic structure are called the modes of the photonic crystal. They have a special waveform that must bear the periodicity of the structure, and are called Bloch waves. Such a wave for the field Ex, for example, has the form Ex(z, t) = A(z) exp (-jkz), which represents a traveling wave along z and A(z) is an amplitude function that has the periodicity of the structure, that is, it is periodic along z with a period Λ. A(z) depends on the periodic refractive index function n(z). As we will see in Chapter 3, the electron motion in a semiconductor crystal is also described by Bloch waves (electron wavefunctions). As in the case of the dielectric mirror, the 1D PC has a band of frequencies over which there can be no propagation along z. In a homogeneous medium of refractive index n, the relationship between the frequency v and the propagation constant k is simple, that is, c>n = v>k, where k is the propagation constant inside the medium The dispersion behavior of the medium, that is, v vs. k, is a straight line with a slope c>n. The dispersion characteristic of a 1D PC for waves along z in Figure 1.50 (a) is shown in Figure 1.51 (a). We notice several important characteristics. At low frequencies (long wavelengths), the waves propagate as if they are in a homogenous medium with a constant phase velocity (dashed straight line). As expected, there is a band of frequencies ∆v = v2 - v1 (between S1 and S2) over which no propagation along z is allowed, which is a photonic bandgap along z. The whole v vs. k curves are periodic in k with a period 2p>Λ. The point P is equivalent to P′ because k = k′ + (2p>Λ). We only need to consider k-vales from -p>L to p>L. This region is called the first Brillouin zone. At low frequencies or long wavelengths (small k values) in Figure 1.51 (a), the wavelength is so much longer than the variations in n that the propagating wave experiences essentially some average refractive index, nav, that is (n1 + n2)>2 if the n1 and n2 layers have the same thickness, and propagates through the structure as if the structure was a homogenous medium with some effective refractive index, nav. Its phase velocity is v>k, which is c>nav, and its group velocity, the slope of the v vs. k characteristic, is the same as c>nav, in this region (ignoring the wavelength dependence of n1 and n2). As the wavelength decreases (v increases), partial reflections of the waves from the boundaries become important and interfere with propagation. At sufficiently small wavelengths, diffraction becomes important as all these partially reflected waves interfere with each other and give rise to significant reflection. Eventually, a critical wavelength (corresponding to v1) is reached where the waves become fully diffracted or reflected backwards. Abackward traveling (in -z direction) wave experiences the same reflection. These forward and backward diffracted waves give rise to a standing wave in the structure; indeed, only the latter can exist and waves cannot propagate, that is, travel freely.
Eli Yablonovitch at the University of California at Berkeley, and Sajeev John (shown later in this chapter) at the University of Toronto, carried out the initial pioneering work on photonic crystals. Eli Yablonovitch has suggested that the name “photonic crystal” should apply to 2D and 3D periodic structures with a large dielectric (refractive index) difference. (E. Yablonovitch, “Photonic crystals: What’s in a name?,” Opt. Photon. News, 18, 12, 2007.) Their original papers were published in the same volume of Physical Review Letters in 1987. According to Eli Yablonovitch, “Photonic Crystals are semiconductors for light.” (Courtesy of Eli Yablonovitch.)
1.17 • Photonic Crystals
Figure 1.51 (a) Dispersion relation, v vs. k, for waves in a 1D PC along the z-axis. There are allowed modes and forbidden modes. Forbidden modes occur in a band of frequencies called a photonic bandgap. (b) The 1D photonic crystal corresponding to (a), and the corresponding points S1 and S2 with their stationary wave profiles at v1 and v2.
Consider what happens when reflections such as C and D from two successive unit cells interfere constructively and give rise to a backward diffracted (reflected) wave as illustrated in Figure 1.51 (b). Reflections from two successive unit cells must be in phase for full reflection. This means that the phase difference between C and D (2p>l)(2n1d1 + 2n2d2) must be 2mp, where m = 1, 2, c is an integer. If we define nav = (n1d1 + n2d2)>Λ, and k = nav(2p>l) then reflection occurs when 2kΛ = 2mp, that is, k = mp>Λ. These are the wave vectors or propagation constants of the waves that cannot be propagated. The waves suffer Bragg reflection in 1D. What happens to these diffracted waves? The diffracted waves in +z and -z directions set up a standing wave in the structure. If we write the two reflected waves in opposite directions as A exp ( jkz) and A exp (-jkz) they would add as A exp (jkz) { A exp (-jkz), which shows that there two possibilities S1 and S2. One of them, S1, has most of its energy inside the n2, high refractive index layers, and hence has a lower frequency v1. S2 has most of its energy in the n1 layers and has a higher frequency v2; these are shown in Figure 1.51 (b). There are no waves in the v2 - v1 interval, which we know as the photonic bandgap (PBG). The bandgap ∆v = v2 - v1 increases linearly with the index difference ∆n = n2 - n1. It is clear that the 1D crystal exhibits a photonic bandgap for light propagation along z. It should also be apparent that there would be no PBGs for propagation along the x and y direction along which there are no periodic n-variations. Since we can resolve any k-vector along x, y, and z directions, overall there is no net PBG for light propagation in a 1D PC. The PBG for a 1D crystal is called a pseudo PBG. The above ideas can be readily extended to 2D and 3D periodic structures. Again, in principle, there is no full PBG in the 2D PC. In the case of 3D periodic structures, there would be photonic bandgaps along x, y, and z directions, and for difference polarizations of the electric field. If the refractive index contrast and the periodicity in the 3D structure are such that these photonic bandgaps overlap in all directions and for all polarizations of light, as schematically depicted in Figure 1.52, the overlap frequency range ∆v becomes a full photonic bandgap in all directions for all polarizations of light—no light can propagate through this structure over this
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.52 (a) The photonic bandgaps along x, y, and z overlap for all polarizations of the field, which results in a full photonic bandgap ∆v (an intuitive illustration). (b) The unit cell of a woodpile photonic crystal. There are 4 layers, labeled 1–4 in the figure, with each later having parallel “rods.” The layers are at right angles to each other. Notice that layer 3 is shifted with respect to 1, and 4 with respect to 2. (c) An SEM image of a woodpile photonic crystal based on polycrystalline Si; the rod-to-rod pitch d is on the micron scale. (Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.) (d) The optical reflectance of a woodpile photonic crystal showing a photonic bandgap between 1.5 om and 2 om. The photonic crystal is similar to that in (c) with five layers and d ≈ 0.65 om. (Source: The reflectance spectrum was plotted using the data appearing in Fig. 3 in S-Y. Lin and J.G. Fleming, J. Light Wave Technol., 17, 1944, 1999.)
frequency range, ∆v. The structure then has a full photonic bandgap. As it turns out not any 3D periodic structure results in a full photonic bandgap. Only certain 3D periodic structures allow full photonic bandgaps to develop. One such structure is the wood pile periodic structure shown in Figure 1.52 (b). The unit cell has four layers of rods. The rods are parallel in each layer and the layers are
An SEM image of a 3D photonic crystal made from porous silicon in which the lattice structure is close to being simple cubic. The silicon squares, the unitcells, are connected at the edges to produce a cubic lattice. This 3D PC has a photonic bandgap centered at 5 om and about 1.9 om wide. (Courtesy of Max-Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics.)
An SEM image of a 3D photonic crystal that is based on the wood pile structure. The rods are polycrystalline silicon. Although five layers are shown, the unit cell has four layers, e.g., the four layers starting from the bottom layer. Typical dimensions are in microns. In one similar structure with rod-to-rod pitch d = 0.65 om with only a few layers, the Sandia researchers were able to produce a photonic bandgap ∆l of 0.8 om centered around 1.6 om within the telecommunications band. (Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.)
1.17 • Photonic Crystals
at 90° toeach other. An SEM image of a woodpile photonic crystal is shown in Figure 1.52 (c). The optical reflectance, that is, 1 – transmittance, of this woodpile PC is shown in Figure 1.52 (d). It is apparent that there is a photonic bandgap, astop band, over a range of frequencies, or wavelengths, ∆l, around 3 om. The width and the location of the reflectance or the transmittance band depends on the structure of the photonic crystal, that is, the periodicity, unit cell structure and refractive index contrast. The colors of certain butterflies and insects arise not from pigments or colorants but from a photonic crystal effect with the right periodicity. An important practical aspect of PCs, analogous to semiconductor crystals, is the importance of defects. Point and line defects that occur in normal crystals also occur in PCs, as illustrated in Figure 1.53. They are intentionally introduced to endow the PC structure with certain optical properties. A defect is a discontinuity in the periodicity of the PC. For example, if we upset the p eriodicity by removing a unit cell, we create a so-called point defect. This void can act as an optical cavity, trapping the EM radiation within the cavity as illustrated in Figure 1.53. We can, of course, remove a group of unit cells, or modify the refractive index over a few unit cells, which would create an optical microcavity. Defects introduce localized electromagnetic modes with frequencies within the photonic bandgap. Defects can tightly confine a mode of light in a very small cavity volume. We can also enhance the refractive index locally, which would also classify as a point defect. Line defects are formed when a long row of unit cells are missing, or the refractive index stays constant over a long line in the crystal. Such a line in which the index is constant allows propagating EM modes within the photonic bandgap. Since EM waves can propagate within and along the line defect, the line defect acts as an optical wave guide, guiding the radiation along its length as shown in Figure 1.53. The EM wave cannot spread into the perfect photonic crystal region since, in this region, the frequency falls into the stop band. One very important property of photonic crystals is their ability to suppress or inhibit spontaneous emission. We can understand this effect intuitively by considering a 3D PC made from a semiconductor. In spontaneous emission, an electron falls from the conduction band
Figure 1.53 Schematic illustration of point and line defects in a photonic crystal. A point defect actsas an optical cavity, trapping the radiation. Line defects allow the light to propagate along the defect line. The light is prevented from dispersing into the bulk of the crystal since the structure has a full photonic bandgap. The frequency of the propagating light is in the bandgap, that is, in the stop band.
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Sajeev John, at the University of Toronto, along with Eli Yablonovitch (shown earlier in the chapter) carried out the initial pioneering work in the development of the field of photonics crystals. Sajeev John was able to show that it is possible to trap light in a similar way the electron is captured, that is localized, by a trap in a semiconductor. Defects in photonic crystals can confine or localize electromagnetic waves; such effects have important applications in quantum computing and integrated photonics. (Courtesy of Sajeev John.)
to the valence band spontaneously and emits a photon of energy hv that corresponds to the bandgap energy Eg However, if the photon frequency hv falls into the bandgap of the PC, then thisphoton is not allowed to propagate or “exist” in the structure. It is prevented from being emitted—the photons have no place to go. Photonic crystals have also been shown to exhibit a so-called superprism effect. Under appropriate conditions, the dispersion of light by a prism-shaped photonic crystal is considerably enhanced over that corresponding to a homogeneous prism having the same average refractive index as the photonic crystal. This originates from the strong curvature of the v9k curve near the edge of the Brillouin Zone as apparent in Figure 1.51 (a). The latter may also be viewed as a high refractivity variation with wavelength.
Questions and Problems 1.1 Maxwell’s wave equation and plane waves (a) Consider a traveling sinusoidal wave of the form Ex = Eo cos (vt - kz + fo). The latter can also be written as Ex = Eo cos 3k(vt - z) + fo4 , where v = v>k is the velocity. Show that this wave satisfies Maxwell’s wave equation, and show that v = 1>(moeoer)1>2. (b) Consider a traveling function of any shape, even a very short delta pulse, of the form Ex = f 3k(vt - z) 4 , where f is any function, which can be written is Ex = f(f), f = k(vt - z). Show that this traveling function satisfies Maxwell’s wave equation. What is its velocity? What determines the form of the function f ? 1.2 Propagation in a medium of finite small conductivity An electromagnetic wave in an isotropic medium with a dielectric constant er and a finite conductivity s and traveling along z obeys the following equation for the variation of the electric field E perpendicular to z d 2E
- eoermo
02E 0t 2
= mos
0E 0t
Show that one possible solution is a plane wave whose amplitude decays exponentially with propagation along z, that is, E = Eo exp ( - a′z) exp 3 j(vt - kz)4 . Here exp ( - a′z) causes the envelope of the amplitude to decay withz (attenuation) and exp 3j(vt – kz)4 is the traveling wave portion. Show that in a medium in which a is small, the wave velocity and the attenuation coefficient of the field are given by v =
v 1 = k 1moeoer
and a′ =
s 2eocn
where n is the refractive index (n = e1>2 r ). What is the attenuation coefficient a that describes the decay of the light intensity? (Metals with high conductivities are excluded.) 1.3 Point light source What is the irradiance measured at a distance of 1 m and 2 m from a 1 W light point source? 1.4 Gaussian beam Estimate the divergence and Rayleigh range of a Gaussian beam from a He-Ne Laser with l = 633 nm and a beam width of 1.00 nm at z = 0. After traversing 10 m through vacuum, what will the beamwidth be? 1.5 Gaussian beam in a cavity with spherical mirrors Consider an optical cavity formed by two aligned spherical mirrors facing each other as shown in Figure 1.54. Such an optical cavity is called a spherical mirror
Questions and Problems resonator, and is most commonly used in gas lasers. Sometimes, one of the reflectors is a plane mirror. The two spherical mirrors and the space between them form an optical resonator because only certain light waves with certain frequencies can exist in this optical cavity. The radiation inside a spherical mirror cavity is a Gaussian beam. The actual or particular Gaussian beam that fits into the cavity is that beam whose wavefronts at the mirrors match the curvature of the mirrors. Consider the symmetric resonator shown in Figure 1.54 in which the mirrors have the same radius of curvature R. When a wave starts at A, its wavefront is the same as the curvature of A. In the middle of the cavity it has the minimum width and at B the wave again has the same curvature as B. Such a wave in the cavity can replicate itself (and hence exist in the cavity) as it travels between the mirrors provided that it has right beam characteristics, that is the right curvature at the mirrors. The radius of curvature R of a Gaussian beam wavefront at a distance z along its axis is given by R(z) = z 31 + (zo >z)24 ;
zo = pw2o >l is the Rayleigh range
Figure 1.54 Two spherical mirrors reflect waves to and from each other. The optical cavity contains a Gaussian beam. This particular optical cavity is symmetric and confocal; the two focal points coincide at F.
Consider a confocal symmetric optical cavity in which the mirrors are separated by L = R. (a) Show that the cavity length L is 2zo, that is, it is the same as twice the Rayleigh range, which is the reason the latter is called the confocal length. (b) Show that the waist of the beam 2wo is fully determined only by the radius of curvature R of the mirrors, and given by 2wo = (2lR>p)1>2 (c) If the cavity length L = R = 50 cm, and l = 633 nm, what is the waist of the beam at the center and also at the mirrors? 1.6 Cauchy dispersion equation Using the Cauchy coefficients and the general Cauchy equation, calculate refractive index of a silicon crystal at wavelengths of 200 om and at 2 om, over two orders of magnitude wavelength change. What is your conclusion? 1.7 Sellmeier dispersion equation Using the Sellmeier equation and the coefficients, obtain a graph of the refractive index of fused silica (SiO2) versus its wavelength in the range of 500 nm to 1550 nm. 1.8 Sellmeier dispersion equation The Sellmeier dispersion coefficient for pure silica (SiO2) and 86.5% SiO2-13.5% GeO2 are given in Table 1.2. Write a program on your computer or calculator, or use a math software package or even a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel) to obtain the refractive index n as a function of l from 0.5 om to 1.8 om for both pure silica and 86.5% SiO2-13.5% GeO2. Obtain the group index, Ng, vs. wavelength for both materials and plot it on the same graph. Find the wavelength at which the material dispersion, defined as the derivative of the group velocity with respect to the wavelength, becomes zero in each material. 1.9 The Cauchy dispersion relation for zinc selenide ZnSe is a II–VI semiconductor and a very useful optical material used in various applications such as optical windows (especially high power laser windows), lenses, and prisms. It transmits over 0.50–19 om. n in the 1–11 om range is described by a Cauchy expression of the form n = 2.4365 +
0.0485 l2
0.0061 l4
- 0.0003l2
in which l is in om. What are the n–2, n0, n2 and n4 coefficients? What is ZnSe’s refractive index n and group index Ng at 5 om?
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light 1.10 Refractive index, reflection, and the Brewster’s angle (a) Consider light of free-space wavelength 1300 nm traveling in pure silica medium. Calculate the phase velocity and group velocity of light in this medium. Is the group velocity ever greater than the phase velocity? (b) What is the Brewster angle (the polarization angle up) and the critical angle (uc) for total internal reflection when the light wave traveling in this silica medium is incident on a silica–air interface. What happens at the polarization angle? (c) What is the reflection coefficient and reflectance at normal incidence when the light beam traveling in the silica medium is incident on a silica–air interface? (d) What is the reflection coefficient and reflectance at normal incidence when a light beam traveling in air is incident on an air–silica interface? How do these compare with part (c) and what is your conclusion? 1.11 Snell’s law and lateral beam displacement What is the lateral displacement when a laser beam passes through two glass plates, each of thickness 1 mm, with refractive indices of n1 = 1.570 and n2 = 1.450 respectively, if the angle of incidence is 45°? 1.12 Snell’s law and lateral beam displacement An engineer wants to design a refractometer (an instrument for measuring the refractive index) using the lateral displacement of light through a glass plate. His initial experiments involve using a plate of thickness L, and measuring the displacement of a laser beam when the angle of incidence ui is changed, for example, by rotating (tilting) the sample. For ui = 40° he measures a displacement of 0.60 mm, and when ui = 80° he measures 1.69 mm. Find the refractive index of the plate and its thickness. (Note: You need to solve a nonlinear equation for n numerically.) 1.13 Snell’s law and prisms Consider the prism shown in Figure 1.55 that has an apex angle a = 60°. The prism has a refractive index of n and it is in air. (a) What are Snell’s law at interfaces at A (incidence and transmittance angles of ui and ut) and B (incidence and transmittance angles of ui′ and ut′)? (b) Total deflection d = d1 + d2 where d1 = ui - ut and d2 = ut′ - ui′. Now, b + u i= + ut = 180° and a + b = 180°. Find the deflection of the beam for an incidence angle of 45° for the following three colors at which n is known: Blue, n = 1.4634 at l = 486.1 nm; yellow, n = 1.4587 at l = 589.2 nm; red, n = 1.4567 at l = 656.3 nm. What is the separation in distance b etween the rays if the rays are projected on a screen 1 m away.
Figure 1.55 A light beam is deflected by a prism through an angle d. The angle of incidence is ui. The apex angle of the prism is a.
1.14 Fermat’s principle of least time Fermat’s principle of least time in simple terms states that when light travels from one point to another it takes a path that has the shortest time. In going from a point A in some medium with a refractive index n1 to a point B in a neighboring medium with refractive index n2 as in Figure 1.56, the light path AOB involves refraction at O that satisfies Snell’s law. The time it takes to travel from A to B is minimum only for the path AOB such that the incidence and refraction angles ui and ut satisfy Snell’s law. Let’s draw a straight line from A to B cutting the x-axes at O′. The line AO′B will be our reference line and we will place the origin of x and y coordinates at O′. Without invoking Snell’s law, we will vary point O along the x-axis (hence OO′ is a variable labeled x), until the time it takes to travel AOB is minimum, and thereby derive Snell’s law. The time t it takes for light to travel from A to B through O is
t =
3(x1 - x)2 + y214 1>2 3(x2 + x)2 + y224 1>2 AO OB + = + c>n1 c>n2 c>n1 c>n2
Questions and Problems
Figure 1.56 Consider a light wave traveling from point A (x1, y2) to B (x1, y2) through an arbitrary point O at a distance x from O′. The principle of least time from Ato B requires that O is such that the incidence and refraction angles obey Snell’s law.
The incidence and transmittance angles are given by
sin ui =
x1 - x
- x)2 + y21 4 1>2
and sin ui =
(x2 + x)
+ x)2 + y22 4 1>2
Differentiate Eq. (P1.2) with respect to x to find the condition for the “least time” and then use Eq.(P1.3) in this condition to derive Snell’s law.
Pierre de Fermat (1601–1665) was a French mathematician who made many significant contributions to modern calculus, number theory, analytical geometry, and probability. (Courtesy of Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy.) 1.15 Antireflection (AR) coating (a) A laser beam of wavelength 1550 nm from air is launched to a single mode optical fiber with a core refractive index n1 = 1.45. Estimate the refractive index and thickness of film required for an anti-reflecting coating on this fiber. (b) A Ge photodiode is designed to operate at 1550 nm, and it is required to have AR coatings to minimize reflected light. Two possible materials are available for AR coating: SiO2 with a refractive index of 1.46, and TiO2 with a refractive index of 2.2. Which would be better suited? What would be the thickness for the AR coating on this photodiode? The refractive index of Ge is about 4. (c) Consider a Ge photodiode that is designed for operation around 1200 nm. What are the best AR coating refractive index and thickness if the refractive index of Ge is about 4.0? 1.16 Single- and double-layer antireflection V-coating For a single-layer AR coating of index n2 on a material with index n3( 7 n2 7 n1), as shown in Figure 1.57 (a), the minimum reflectance at normal incidence is given by Rmin = c
n22 - n1n3 n22
+ n1n3
when the reflections A, B, . . . all interfere as destructively as possible. Rmin = 0 when n2 = (n1n3)1>2. The choice of materials may not always be the best for a single-layer AR coating. Double-layer AR coatings, as shown in
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
Figure 1.57 (a) A single-layer AR coating. (b) A double-layer AR coating and (c) its V-shaped reflectance spectrum over a wavelength range.
Figure 1.57 (b), can achieve lower and sharper reflectance at a specified wavelength as in Figure 1.57 (c). To reduce the reflection of light at the n1– n4 interface, two layers n2 and n3, each quarter wavelength in the layer (l>n2 and l>n3) are interfaced between n1 and n4. The reflections A, B, and C for normal incidence result in a minimum reflectance given by Rmin = c
n23n1 - n4n22 n23n1
The double-layer reflectance vs. wavelength behavior usually has a V-shape, and such coatings are called V-coatings. (a) Show that double-layer reflectance vanishes when (n2 >n3)2 = n1 >n4
(b) Consider an InGaAs, a semiconductor crystal with an index 3.8, for use in a photodetector. What is the reflectance without any AR coating? (c) What is the reflectance when InGaAs is coated with a thin AR layer of Si3N4? Which material in Table 1.3 would be ideal as an AR coating?
Table 1.3 Typical AR materials and their approximate refractive indices over the visible wavelengths n
(d) What two materials would you choose to obtain a V-coating? Note: The choice of an AR coating also depends on the technology involved in depositing the AR coating and its effects on the interface states between the AR layer and the semiconductor. Si1 - xNx is a common AR coating on devices inasmuch as it is a good passive dielectric layer, its deposition technology is well established and changing its composition (x) changes its index. 1.17 Single-, double-, and triple-layer antireflection coatings Figure 1.58 shows the reflectance of an uncoated glass, and glass that has a single- (1), double- (2) and triple- (3) layer AR coatings? The coating details are in the figure caption. Each layer in single- and double-layer AR coatings has a thickness of l>4, where l is the wavelength in the layer. The triple-layer AR layer has three coatings with thicknesses l>4, l>2, and l>4. Can you qualitatively explain the results by using interference? What applications would need single-, double-, and triple-layer coatings?
Questions and Problems
Figure 1.58 Reflectance vs. wavelength for a glass plate, n = 1.52, with and without AR coatings. (1) Single-layer AR coating is a quarter wavelength (l>4) thick MgF2, n = 1.38. (2) Double-layer coating is l>4 thick MgF2 andl>4 thick Al2O3, n = 1.69. (3)Triple-layer coating is l>4 thick MgF2, l>2 thick ZrO2, n = 2.05, and a l>4 thick CeF3, n = 1.64. (Source: Plotted from data appearing in Figure 2.2 in S.Chattopadhyay et al., Mater. Sci.Engin. R, 69, 1, 2010.)
1.18 Reflection at glass–glass and air–glass interfaces A ray of light that is traveling in a glass medium of refractive index n1 = 1.460 becomes incident on a less dense glass medium of refractive index n2 = 1.430. Suppose that the free-space wavelength of the light ray is 850 nm. (a) What should the minimum incidence angle for TIR be? (b) What is the phase change in the reflected wave when the angle of incidence ui = 85° and when ui = 90°? (c) What is the penetration depth of the evanescent wave into medium 2 when ui = 85° and when ui = 90°? (d) What is the reflection coefficient and reflectance at normal incidence (ui = 0°) when the light beam traveling in the glass medium (n = 1.460) is incident on a glass–air interface? (e) What is the reflection coefficient and reflectance at normal incidence when a light beam traveling in air is incident on an air–glass (n = 1.460) interface? How do these compare with part (d) and what is your conclusion? 1.19 Dielectric mirror A dielectric mirror is made up of a quarter wave layer of GaAs with nH = 3.38 and AlAs with nL = 3.00 at around 1550 nm. The light is incident on the mirror from another semiconductor of refractive index n0 = 3.40. Find out the number of pairs of layers N needed to get 90% reflectance. Find out the bandwidth of the reflected light. 1.20 TIR and polarization at water–air interface (a) Given that the refractive index of water is about 1.33, what is the polarization angle for light traveling in air and reflected from the surface of the water? (b) Consider a diver in sea pointing a flashlight towards the surface of the water. What is the critical angle for the light beam to be reflected from the water surface? 1.21 Reflection and transmission at a semiconductor–semiconductor interface A light wave with a wavelength of 890 nm (free-space wavelength) that is propagating in GaAs becomes incident on AlGaAs. The refractive index of GaAs is 3.60, that of AlGaAs is 3.30. (a) Consider normal incidence. What are the reflection and transmission coefficients and the reflectance and transmittance? (From GaAs into AlGaAs.) (b) What is the Brewster angle (the polarization angle up) and the critical angle (uc) for total internal reflection for the wave in (a); the wave that is traveling in GaAs and incident on the GaAs–AlGaAs interface? (c) What is the reflection coefficient and the phase change in the reflected wave when the angle of incidence ui = 79°? (d) What is the penetration depth of the evanescent wave into medium 2 when ui = 79° and when ui = 89°? What is your conclusion? 1.22 Phase changes on TIR Consider a light wave of wavelength 870 nm traveling in a semiconductor medium (GaAs) of refractive index 3.60. It is incident on a different semiconductor medium (AlGaAs) of refractive index
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light 3.40, and the angle of incidence is 80°. Will this result in total internal reflection? Calculate the phase change in the parallel and perpendicular components of the reflected electric field. 1.23 Fresnel’s equations Fresnel’s equations are sometimes given as follows: r# =
r// =
t# =
Ero,# Eio,# Ero, // Eio, // Eto,# Eio,#
= = =
n1 cos ui - n2 cos ut n1cos ui + n2 cos ut n1 cos ut - n2 cos ui n1 cos ut + n2 cos ui 2n1 cos ui n1 cos ui + n2 cos ut
and t// =
Eto,// Eio,//
2n1 cos ui n1 cos ut + n2 cos ui
Show that these reduce to Fresnel’s equation given in Eqs. (1.6.6) and (1.6.7). Using Fresnel’s equations, find the reflection and transmission coefficients for normal incidence and show that r# + 1 = t# and r// + nt// = 1 where n = n2 >n1. 1.24 Fresnel’s equations Consider a light wave traveling in a glass medium with an index n1 = 1.440 and itis incident on the glass–air interface. Using Fresnel’s equations only, that is, Eqs. (1.6.6a) and (1.6.6b), calculate the reflection coefficients r› and r// and hence reflectances R› and R// for (a) ui = 25° and (b)ui = 50°. In the case of ui = 50°, find the phase change f# and f// from the reflection coefficients by writing r = r exp ( - jf). Compare f# and f// from r› and r// calculations with those calculated from Eqs. (1.6.11) and (1.6.12). 1.25 Goos-Haenchen phase shift A ray of light which is traveling in a glass medium (1) of refractive index n1 = 1.460 becomes incident on a less dense glass medium (2) of refractive index n2 = 1.430. Suppose that the free-space wavelength of the light ray is 850 nm. The angle of incidence ui = 85°. Estimate the lateral Goos-Haenchen shift in the reflected wave for the perpendicular field component. Recalculate the GoosHaenchen shift if the second medium has n2 = 1 (air). What is your conclusion? Assume that the virtual reflection occurs from a virtual plane in medium B at a distance d that is roughly the same as the penetration depth. Note that d actually depends on the polarization, the direction of the field, but we will ignore this dependence. 1.26 Evanescent wave Total internal reflection of a plane wave from a boundary between a more dense medium (1) n1 and a less dense medium (2) n2 is accompanied by an evanescent wave propagating in medium 2 near the boundary. Find the functional form of this wave and discuss how its magnitude varies with the distance into medium 2. 1.27 TIR and FTIR (a) By considering the electric field component in medium B in Figure 1.21, explain how you can adjust the amount of transmitted light through a thin layer between two higher refractive index media. (b) What is the critical angle at the hypotenuse face of a beam splitter cube made of glass with n1 = 1.6 and having a thin film of liquid with n2 = 1.3. Can you use 45° prisms with normal incidence? (c) Explain how a light beam can propagate along a layer of material between two different media as shown in Figure 1.59 (a). Explain what the requirements are for the indices n1, n2, n3. Will there be any losses at the reflections? (d) Consider the prism coupler arrangement in Figure 1.59 (b). Explain how this arrangement works for coupling an external light beam from a laser into a thin layer on the surface of a glass substrate. Light is then propagated inside the thin layer along the surface of the substrate. What is the purpose of the adjustable coupling gap?
Questions and Problems
Figure 1.59 (a) Light propagation along an optical guide. (b) Coupling of laser light into a thin layer—optical guide—using a prism. The light propagates along the thin layer. 1.28 Complex refractive index and dielectric constant The complex refractive index N = n - jK can be defined in terms of the complex relative permittivity er = er1 - jer2 as = (er1 - jer2)1>2 N = n - jK = e1>2 r Show that n = c
(e2r1 + e2r2)1>2 + er1 1>2 (e2r1 + e2r2)1>2 - er1 1>2 d and K = c d 2 2
1.29 Complex refractive index Spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements on a germanium crystal at a photon energy of 1.5 eV show that the real and imaginary parts of the complex relative permittivity are 21.56 and 2.772, respectively. Find the complex refractive index. What is the reflectance and absorption coefficient at this wavelength? How do your calculations match with the experimental values of n = 4.653 and K = 0.298, R = 0.419 and a = 4.53 * 106 m-1? 1.30 Complex refractive index Figure 1.26 shows the infrared extinction coefficient K of CdTe. Calculate the absorption coefficient a and the reflectance R of CdTe at 60 om and 80 om. 1.31 Refractive index and attenuation in the infrared region—Reststrahlen absorption Figure 1.26 shows the refractive index n and the extinction coefficient K as a function of wavelength l in the infrared for a CdTe crystal due to lattice absorption, called Reststrahlen absorption. It results from the ionic polarization of the crystal induced by the optical field in the light wave. The relative permittivity er due to positive (Cd2+) and negative (Te2-) ions being made to oscillate by the optical field about their equilibrium positions is given in its simplest form by er = er= - je″r = erH +
erH - erL g v v 2 a b - 1 + j a b vT vT vT
where erL and erH are the relative permittivity at low (L) and high (H) frequencies, well below and above the infrared peak, g is a loss coefficient characterizing the rate of energy transfer from the EM wave to lattice vibrations (phonons), and vT is a transverse optical lattice vibration frequency that is related to the nature of bonding between the ions in the crystal. Table 1.4 provides some typical values for CdTe and GaAs. Equation (P1.4) can be used to obtain a reasonable approximation to the infrared refractive index n and extinction coefficient K due to Reststrahlen absorption. (a) Consider CdTe, and plot n and K vs. l from 40 om to 90 om and compare with the experimental results in Figure 1.26 in terms of the peak positions and the width of the extinction coefficient peak. (b) Consider
Table 1.4 Ionic polarization resonance parameters for CdTe and GaAs ErL
VT ( rad s-1 )
G ( rad s-1 )
2.68 * 1013
0.124 * 1013
0.045 * 1013
5.07 * 10
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light
GaAs, and plot n and K vs. l from 30 om to 50 om. (c) Calculate n and K for GaAs at l = 38.02 om and compare with the experimental values n = 7.55 and K = 0.629. (You might want to use a logarithmic scale for K.) 1.32 Coherence length A narrow band pass filter transmits wavelengths in the range 5000 { 0.5 A°. If this filter is placed in front of a source of white light, what is the coherence length of the transmitted light? 1.33 Spectral widths and coherence (a) Suppose that frequency spectrum of a radiation emitted from a source has a central frequency yo and a spectral width ∆y. The spectrum of this radiation in terms of wavelength will have a central wavelength lo and a spectral width ∆l. Clearly, lo = c>yo. Since ∆l V lo and ∆y V yo, using l = c>y, show that the line width ∆l and hence the coherence length lc are ∆l = ∆y
lo yo
= ∆y
l2o c
and lc = c∆t =
l2o ∆l
(b) Calculate ∆l for a lasing emission from a He-Ne laser that has lo = 632.8 nm and ∆y ≈ 1.5 GHz. Find its coherence time and length. 1.34 Coherence lengths Find the coherence length of the following light sources: (a) An LED emitting at 1550 nm with a spectral width 150 nm; (b) A semiconductor laser diode emitting at 1550 nm with a spectral width 3 nm; (c) A quantum well semiconductor laser diode emitting at 1550 nm with a spectral width of 0.1 nm; (d) A multimode He-Ne laser with a spectral frequency width of 1.5 GHz; (e) A specially designed single mode and stabilized He-Ne laser with a spectral width of 100 MHz. 1.35 Fabry–Perot optical cavity Consider an optical cavity formed between two identical mirrors, each with reflectance = 0.97. The refractive index of the medium enclosed between the mirrors is 1. Find out the minimum length of the optical cavity which can resolve spectral lines of a sodium lamp with line width ∆l = 0.6 nm and ∆l = 589.3 nm. Further, estimate the mode separation in frequency and wavelength. What are the finesse F andQ factors for this cavity? 1.36 Fabry–Perot optical cavity from a ruby crystal Consider a ruby crystal of diameter 1 cm and length 10 cm. The refractive index is 1.78. The ends have been silvered and the reflectances are 0.99 and 0.95 each. What is the nearest mode number that corresponds to a radiation of wavelength 694.3 nm? What is the actual wavelength of the mode closest to 694.3 nm? What is the mode separation in frequency and wavelength? What are the finesse F and Q factor for the cavity? 1.37 Fabry–Perot optical cavity spectral width Consider an optical cavity of length 40 cm. Assume the refractive index is 1, and use Eq. (1.11.3) to plot the peak closest to 632.8 nm for 4 values of R = 0.99, 0.90, 0.75 and 0.6. For each case find the spectral width dlm, the finesse F and Q. How accurate is Eq. (1.11.5) in predicting dlm. (You may want to use a graphing software for this problem.) 1.38 Diffraction A collimated beam of light of wavelength 632.8 nm is incident on a circular aperture of 250 om. Find out the divergence of the transmitted beam. Obtain the diameter of the transmitted beam at a distance of 10 m. What would be the divergence if the aperture is a single slit of width 250 om? 1.39 Diffraction intensity Consider diffraction from a uniformly illuminated circular aperture of diameter D. The far field diffraction pattern is given by a Bessel function of the first kind and first order, J1, and the intensity at a point P on the angle ui with respect to the central axis through the aperture is I(g) = Ioa
2J1(g) g
where Io is the maximum intensity, g = (1>2)kD sin u is a variable quantity that represents the angular position u on the screen as well as the wavelength (k = 2p>l) and the aperture diameter D. J1(g) can be calculated from p
J1(g) =
1 cos (a - g sin a)da pL 0
where a is an integration variable. Using numerical integration, or a suitable mathematics software program, plot 3J1(g)>g4 vs. g for g = 0 - 8 and confirm that zero-crossings occur at g = 3.83, 7.02 and the maxima at g = 0, 5.14. What is the intensity ratio of the first bright ring (at g = 5.14) to that at the center of the Airy disk (g = 0)? (You can use avery small g instead of zero for the center intensity calculation.) Using the first zero at g = 3.83, verify Eq.(1.12.5), sin uo = 1.22l>D, where uo is the angular position of the first dark ring, as defined in Figure 1.36 (b).
Questions and Problems
George Bidell Airy (1801–1892, England). George Airy was a professor of astronomy at Cambridge and then the Astronomer Royal at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. (© Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy.) 1.40 Bragg diffraction A reflection grating is made on the surface of a semiconductor with a periodicity of 0.5 om. If light of wavelength 1.55 om is incident at an angle of 88° to the normal, find out the diffracted beam. 1.41 Diffraction grating for WDM Consider a transmission diffraction grating. Suppose that we wish to use this grating to separate out different wavelengths of information in a WDM signal at 1550nm. (WDM stands of wavelength division multiplexing.) Suppose that the diffraction grating has a periodicity of 2 om. The angle of incidence is 0° with respect to the normal to the diffraction grating. What is the angular separation of the two wavelength component s at 1.550 om and 1.540 om? How would you increase this separation? 1.42 A monochromator Consider an incident beam on a reflection diffraction grating as in Figure 1.60. Each incident wavelength will result in a diffracted wave with a different diffraction angle. We can place a small slit and allow only one diffracted wave lm to pass through to the photodetector. The diffracted beam would consist of wavelengths in the incident beam separated (or fanned) out after diffraction. Only one wavelength lm will be diffracted favorably to pass through the slit and reach the photodetector. Suppose that the slit width is s = 0.1 mm, and the slit is at a distance R = 5 cm from the grating. Suppose that the slit is placed so that it is at right angles to the incident beam: ui + um = p>2. The grating has a corrugation periodicity of 1 om.
Figure 1.60 A mono chromator based on using a diffraction grating. (a) What is the range of wavelengths that can be captured by the photodetector when we rotate the grating from ui = 1° to 40°? (b) Suppose that ui = 15°. What is the wavelength that will be detected? What is the resolution, that is, the range of wavelengths that will pass through the slit? How can you improve the resolution? What would be the advantage and disadvantage in decreasing the slit width s?
Chapter 1 • Wave Nature of Light 1.43 Thin film optics Consider light incident on a thin film on a substrate, and assume normal incidence for simplicity. (a) Consider a thin soap film in air, n1 = n3 = 1, n2 = 1.40. If the soap thickness d = 1 om, plot the reflectance vs. wavelength from 0.35 om to 0.75 om, which includes the visible range. What is your conclusion? (b) MgF2 thin films are used on glass plates for the reduction of glare. Given that n1 = 1, n2 = 1.38, and n3 = 1.60 (n for glass depends on the type of glass but 1.6 is a reasonable value), plot the reflectance as a function of wavelength from 0.35 om to 0.75 om for a thin film of thickness 0.10 om. What is your conclusion? 1.44 Thin film optics Consider a glass substrate with n3 = 165 that has been coated with a transparent optical film (a dielectric film) with n2 = 2.50, n1 = 1 (air). If the film thickness is 500 nm, find the minimum and maximum reflectances and transmittances and their corresponding wavelengths in the visible range for normal incidence. (Assume normal incidence.) Note that the thin n2-film is not an AR coating, and for n1 6 n3 6 n2, R max = a
n22 - n1n3 n22
+ n1n3
and R min = a
n3 - n1 n3 + n1
1.45 Thin film optics Consider light incident on a thin film on a substrate, and assume normal incidence for simplicity. Plot the reflectance R and transmittance T as a function of the phase change f from f = - 4p to + 4p for the following cases (a) Thin soap film in air, n1 = n3 = 1, n2 = 1.40. If the soap thickness d = 1 om, what are the maxima and minima in the reflectance in the visible range? (b) A thin film of MgF2 on a glass plate for the reduction of glare, where n1 = 1, n2 = 1.38, and n3 = 1.70 (n for glass depends on the type of glass but 1.7 is a reasonable value.) What should be the thickness of MgF2 for minimum reflection at 550 nm? (c) A thin film of semiconductor on glass where n1 = 1, n2 = 3.5, and n3 = 1.55. 1.46 Transmission through a plate Consider the transmittance of light through a partially transparent glass plate of index n in which light experiences attenuation (either by absorption or scattering). Suppose that the plate is in a medium of index no, the reflectance at each n–no interface is R and the attenuation coefficient is a. (a) Show that Tplate =
(1 - R)2e-ad (1 - R2)e-2ad
(b) If T is the transmittance of a glass plate of refractive index n in a medium of index no show that, in the absence of any absorption in the glass plate, n>no = T -1 + (T -2 - 1)1>2 if we neglect any losses in the glass plate. (c) If the transmittance of a glass plate in air has been measured to be 89.96%. What is its refractive index? Do you think this is a good way to measure the refractive index? 1.47 Scattering Consider Rayleigh scattering. If the incident light is unpolarized, the intensity Is of the scattered light a point at a distance r at an angle u to the original light beam is given by Is ∝
1 - cos2 u r2
Plot a polar plot of the intensity Is at a fixed distance r from the scatter as we change the angle u around the scatterer. In a polar plot, the radial coordinate (OP in Figure 1.48 (b)) is Is. Construct a contour plot in the xy plane in which a contour represents a constant intensity. You need to vary r and u or x and y such that Is remains constant. Note x = r cos u and y = r sin u, u = arctan (y>x), r = (x2 + y2)1>2. 1.48 One-dimensional photonic crystal (a Bragg mirror) The 1D photonic crystal in Figure 1.50 (a), which is essentially a Bragg reflector, has the dispersion behavior shown in Figure 1.51 (a). The stop-band ∆v for normal incidence and for all polarizations of light is given by (R. H. Lipson and C. Lu, Eur. J. Phys., 30, S33, 2009) n2 - n1 ∆v = (4>p) arcsin a b vo n2 + n1
Questions and Problems
where ∆v is the stop band, vo is the center frequency defined in Figure 1.51 and n2 and n1 are the high and low refractive indices. Calculate the lowest stop band in terms of photon energy in eV, and wavelength 1550 nm for a 1D photonic crystal structure with n1d1 = n2d2 = l>4, made up of: (i) Si (nSi = 3.5) and SiO2 (nSiO2 = 1.445) pairs, and (ii) Si3N4 (nSi3N4 = 2.0) and SiO2 pairs. 1.49 Photonic crystals Concepts have been borrowed from crystallography, such as a unit cell, to define a photonic crystal. What is the difference between a unit cell used in a photonic crystal and that used in a real crystal? What is the size limit on the unit cell of a photonic crystal? Is the refractive index a microscopic or a macroscopic concept? What is the assumption on the refractive index?
A scanning Fabry–Perot interferometer (Model SA200), used as a spectrum analyzer, which has a free spectral range of 1.5 GHz, a typical finesse of 250, spectral width (resolution) of 7.5 MHz. The cavity length is 5 cm. It uses two concave mirrors instead of two planar mirrors to form the optical cavity. A piezoelectric transducer is used to change the cavity length and hence the resonant frequencies. A voltage ramp is applied through the coaxial cable to the piezoelectric transducer to scan frequencies. (Courtesy of Thorlabs.)
This is a tunable large aperture (80 mm) etalon with two end plates that act as reflectors. The end plates have been machined to be flat to wavelength >110. There are three piezoelectric transducers that can tilt the end plates and hence obtain perfect alignment. (Courtesy of Light Machinery.)
The introduction of optical fiber systems will revolutionize the communications network. The low-transmission loss and the large bandwidth capability of the fiber systems allow signals to be transmitted for establishing communications contacts over large distances with few or no provisions of intermediate amplification. —Charles K. Kao1
Charles Kao at the naming ceremony of Minor Planet (3463) “Kaokuen” by Nanjing’s Purple Mountain Observatory in July 1996. Charles Kao and his colleagues carried out the early experiments on optical fibers at the Standard Telecommunications Laboratories Ltd. (the research center of Standard Telephones and Cables) at Harlow in the United Kingdom, during the 1960s. He shared the Nobel Prize in 2009 in Physics with Willard Boyle and George Smith for “groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication.” In a milestone paper with George Hockam published in the IEE Proceedings in 1966 they predicted that the intrinsic losses of glass optical fibers could be much lower than 20 dB km-1, which would allow their use in long-distance telecommunications. Today, optical fibers are used not only in telecommunications but also in various other technologies such as instrumentation and sensing. From 1987 to his retirement in 1996, Professor Kao was the vice-chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Courtesy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.)
1 Charles K. Kao (one of the pioneers of glass fibers for optical communications) Optical Fiber Systems: Technology, Design, and Applications (McGraw-Hill, 1982), p. 1.
Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
2.1 Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide A. Waveguide Condition To understand the general nature of light wave propagation in optical waveguides, we first consider the planar dielectric slab waveguide shown in Figure 2.1, which is the simplest waveguide in terms of tractable analysis. A slab of dielectric of thickness 2a and refractive index n1 is sandwiched between two semi-infinite regions, both of refractive index n2 (n2 6 n1). The region of higher refractive index (n1) is called the core and the region of lower refractive index (n2) sandwiching the core is called the cladding. A light ray can readily propagate along such a waveguide, in a zigzag fashion, provided it can undergo total internal reflection (TIR) at the dielectric boundaries. It seems that any light wave that has an angle of incidence (u) at the core–cladding interface greater than the critical angle (uc) for TIR will be propagated. This, however, is true only for a very thin light beam with a diameter much less than the slab thickness, 2a. We consider the realistic case when the whole end of the waveguide is illuminated, as illustrated in Figure 2.1. To simplify the analysis, we will assume that light is launched from a line source in a medium of refractive index n1. In gene ral, the refractive index of the launching medium will be different than n1, but this will affect only the amount of light coupled into the guide. Consider a hypothetical plane wave propagating in the dielectric slab waveguide as shown in Figure 2.2. We will take the electric field E to be along x, parallel to the interface and perpendicular to z. The ray is guided in a zigzag fashion along the guide axis z by reflections from the core–cladding (n1 9n2) boundaries. The result is the effective propagation of the electric field E along z. The figure also shows the constant phase wavefronts, normal to direction of propagation, on this ray. This particular ray is reflected at B and then at C. Just after the reflection at C, the wavefront at C overlaps the wavefront at A on the original ray. The wave interferes with itself. Unless these wavefronts at A and C are in phase, the two will interfere destructively and destroy each other. Only certain reflection angles u give rise to the constructive interference and hence only certain waves can exist in the guide. The phase difference between the points A and C corresponds to an optical path length AB + BC. In addition, there are two total internal reflections (TIRs) at B and C and each introduces a further phase change of f. Suppose that k1 is the 111
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.1 A planar dielectric waveguide has a central rectangular region of refractive index n1, which is higher than the refractive index n2 of the surrounding region. It is assumed that the waveguide is infinitely wide and the central region is of thickness 2a. It is illuminated at one end by a nearly monochromatic light source.
propagation constant in n1, that is, k1 = kn1 = 2pn1 >l, in which k and l are the free-space propagation constant and wavelength, respectively. The direction of k1 is at an angle u to the normal to the core–cladding interface as shown in Figure 2.2. For constructive interference, the phase difference ∆f AC between A and C must be a multiple of 2p.
∆f AC = k1(AB + BC) - 2f = m(2p) (2.1.1)
in which m = 0, 1, 2, cis an integer. We can easily evaluate the AB + BC from geometrical considerations. BC = d>cos u and AB = BC cos (2u). Thus AB + BC = BC cos (2u) + BC = BC 3(2 cos2u - 1) + 14 = 2d cos u
Thus, for wave propagation along the guide we need Constructive interference
k1(2d cos u) - 2f = m(2p) (2.1.2)
It is apparent that only certain u and f values can satisfy this equation for a given integer m. But the phase change f depends on u and also on the polarization state of the wave (direction of the electric field, that is, Ex here). In Eq. (2.1.2), for each m, there will be one allowed angle um and one corresponding f m. Dividing Eq. (2.1.2) by 2 we obtain the waveguide condition Waveguide condition
2pn1(2a) d cos um - f m = mp (2.1.3) l
in which f m indicates that f is a function of the incidence angle um.
Figure 2.2 A light ray traveling in the guide must interfere constructively with itself to propagate successfully. Otherwise destructive interference will destroy the wave. E is parallel to x. (l1 and k1 are thewavelength and the wave vector inside the core medium n1, that is, l1 = l>n1).
2.1 • Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide
It may be thought that the treatment above is somewhat artificial as we took a narrow angle for u. It turns out that Eq. (2.1.3) can be derived as a general waveguide condition for guided waves whether we use a narrow or a wider angle, one or multiple rays. We can derive the same condition if we take two arbitrary parallel rays entering the guide as in Figure 2.3. The rays 1 and 2 are initially in phase, and represent the same plane wave. Ray 1 then suffers two reflections at A and B, and is then again traveling parallel to ray 2. Unless the wavefront on ray 1 just after reflection at B is in phase with the wavefront at B′ on ray 2, the two would destroy each other. Both rays initially start in phase; ray 1 at A just before reflection and ray 2 at A′. Ray 1 at B, just after two reflections, has a phase k1AB - 2f. Ray 2 at B′ has a phase k1(A′B′). The difference between the two phases must be m(2p) and leads to the waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3). The waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3) represents those special waves, for example, the wave with rays 1 and 2 in Figure 2.3, that can propagate in the guide without self-destruction or being lost into the cladding. These waves have special angles of incidence um that must satisfy Eq. (2.1.3). We can resolve the wave vector k1 into two propagation constants, b and k, along and perpendicular to the guide axis z as shown in Figure 2.2. Given um that satisfies the waveguide condition for a particular m, we use a subscript m to identify the particular bm and km as and
bm = k1 sin um = a
2pn1 b sin um (2.1.4) l
km = k1 cos um = a
2pn1 b cos um (2.1.5) l
The simplistic analysis as embedded in the waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3) shows quite clearly that only certain reflection angles are allowed within the guide corresponding to m = 0, 1, 2, c. We note that higher m values yield lower um. Each choice of m leads to a different reflection angle um. Each different m value leads to a different propagation constant along the guide given by Eq. (2.1.4). In Figure 2.3 we only considered an initially upward traveling wave and followed what happens to rays 1 and 2 in this wave, and derived the condition that this wave can propagate along the guide. An initially downward traveling wave would also be allowed provided that its incidence angle um also satisfied the waveguide condition. Indeed, for a given m, we would have upward and downward traveling waves, indicated as waves A and B in Figure 2.4. These upward and downward traveling waves both propagate along z with the same propagation constant bm, but travel in opposite directions along y with equal but opposite propagation constants {km as shown in Figure 2.4. We know that when two identical waves traveling in opposite directions interfere, they set up a standing
Figure 2.3 Two arbitrary waves 1 and 2 that are initially in phase must remain in phase after reflections from the core–cladding boundaries. Otherwise the two will interfere destructively and cancel each other.
Propagation constant along the guide
Transverse propagation constant
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.4 We can identify upward (A) and downward (B) traveling waves in the guide which interfere to set up a standing wave along y and a wave that is propagating along z. Rays 2 and 2′ initially belong to the same wavefront but 2′ becomes reflected before 2. The interference of 1 and 2′ determines the field at a height y from the guide center.
wave—in this case, a standing wave that is not propagating along y. We can calculate the electric field at a height y from the guide center by considering the interference of ray 1 on A and ray 2′ on B at point P in Figure 2.4, which is given as a problem in Questions 2.3 and 2.4 at the end of the chapter. The result would give us the field distribution across the guide, along y, which would be propagating along z, as illustrated in Figure 2.5. We can write the field in the waveguide as Possible waves in the guide
E(y, z, t) = Em(y) cos (vt - bmz + d) (2.1.6)
in which Em(y) is the field distribution along y for a given m and d is a phase angle that accounts for the fact that the field may not necessarily be maximum at t = 0 and z = 0, depending on where the origin is taken. Equation (2.1.6) represents a particular field distribution Em(y) across the guide that is traveling down the guide along z with a wave vector bm. Figure 2.5 shows the field pattern for the lowest mode, m = 0, which has a maximum intensity at the center. This is very similar to the lowest-order standing wave in which a halfwavelength oscillation has been generated in a string stretched between two fixed pints—two walls. In our case, the whole field distribution is moving along z with a propagation vector, b0. Also notice that the field penetrates into the cladding, which is due to a propagating evanescent wave in the cladding near the boundary. The field of the evanescent wave in the cladding (in medium n2) decays exponentially with distance from the boundary, following an exp(-a2 y′) type of behavior where y′ is measured from the boundary (y′ = y - a) and a2 is the attenuation coefficient in medium n2 (as derived in Chapter 1). The field pattern in the core exhibits a harmonic variation across the guide, or along y as it represents a partial standing wave that has resulted from the interference of two oppositely traveling waves. Figure 2.6 illustrates the field patterns for the first three modes, m = 0, 1, and 3.
Figure 2.5 Left: The upward and downward traveling waves have equal but opposite propagation constants {km and interfere to set up a standing electric field pattern across the guide. Right: The electric field pattern of the lowest mode traveling wave along the guide. This mode has m = 0 and the lowest u. It is often referred to as the glazing incidence ray. It has the highest phase velocity along the guide.
2.1 • Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide
Figure 2.6 The electric field patterns of the first three modes (m = 092) traveling along the guide. Notice different extents of field penetration into the cladding.
We have seen that each m leads to an allowed um value that corresponds to a particular traveling wave in the z-direction as described by Eq. (2.1.6) with a particular propagation constant bm as defined by Eq. (2.1.4). Each of these traveling waves, with a distinct field pattern, Em(y), constitutes a mode of propagation. The integer m identifies these modes and is called the mode number. The light energy can be transported along the guide only by one or more of these possible modes of propagation as illustrated in Figure 2.7. Notice that the rays have been shown to penetrate the cladding, as in Figure 2.6, and reflected from an apparent plane in the cladding. Since um is smaller for larger m, higher modes exhibit more reflections but they also penetrate much more into the cladding as schematically illustrated in Figure 2.7. For the lowest mode, m = 0, which leads to um being closest to 90°, the wave is said to travel axially. Light that is launched into the core of the waveguide can only travel along the guide in these allowed modes specified by Eq. (2.1.3). These modes will travel down the guide at different group velocities. When they reach the end of the guide they constitute the emerging light beam. If we launch a short-duration light pulse into the dielectric waveguide, the light emerging from the other end will be a broadened light pulse because light energy would have been broken into modes and propagated at different group velocities along the guide as illustrated in Figure 2.7.2 The light pulse therefore broadens as it travels along the guide; it suffers dispersion.
Figure 2.7 Schematic illustration of light propagation in a slab dielectric waveguide. Light pulse entering the waveguide breaks up into various modes which then propagate at different group velocities down the guide. At the end of the guide, the modes combine to constitute the output light pulse, which is broader than the input light pulse.
2 Although the spread in Figure 2.7 has been shown as “Gaussian” looking, this is not strictly so and the exact shape of the spread cannot be derived in a simple fashion.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
B. Single and Multimode Waveguides Although the waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3) specifies the allowed um values, um must nonetheless satisfy TIR, that is, sin um 7 sin uc. With the latter condition imposed in addition, we can only have up to a certain maximum number of modes being allowed in the waveguide. From Eq. (2.1.3) we can obtain an expression for sin um and then apply the TIR condition, sin um 7 sin uc, to show that the mode number m must satisfy Maximum value of m
m …
2V - f (2.1.7) p
in which V, called the V-number, is a quantity defined by V-number definition
V =
2pa 2 (n1 - n22)1>2 (2.1.8) l
The V-number also has other names, V-parameter, normalized thickness, and normalized frequency. The term normalized thickness is more common for the present planar waveguide, whereas in optical fibers (discussed later), the V-number and normalized frequency terms are more usual. For a given free-space wavelength l, the V-number depends on the waveguide geometry (2a) and waveguide properties, n1 and n2. It is therefore a characteristic parameter of the waveguide at a given wavelength. The question arises whether there is a value of V that makes m = 0 the only possibility, that is, there is only one mode propagating. Suppose that for the lowest mode, the propagation is due to a glazing incidence at um S 90°, then f S p, and from Eq. (2.1.7), V = (mp + f)>2 or p>2. When V 6 p>2 there is only one mode propagating, which is the lowest mode with m = 0. From the expressions for V and f, we can show that f … 2V so that Eq. (2.1.7) never gives a negative m. Thus, when V 6 p>2, m = 0 is the only possibility and only the fundamental mode (m = 0) propagates along the dielectric slab waveguide, which is then termed a s ingle-mode planar waveguide. The free-space wavelength lc that leads to V = p>2 in Eq. (2.1.8) is the cutoff wavelength, and above this wavelength, l 7 lc, only one-mode, the fundamental mode, will propagate. C. TE and TM Modes We have shown that, for a particular mode, the variation of the field intensity along y, Em(y), is harmonic. Figures 2.8 (a) and (b) consider two of the possibilities for the electric field direction of a wave traveling toward the core–cladding boundary.
Figure 2.8 Possible modes can be classified in terms of (a) transverse electric field (TE) and (b) transverse magnetic field (TM). Plane of incidence is the paper.
2.1 • Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide
(a) The electric field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence (plane of paper) as indicated by E#, and shown in Figure 2.8 (a). E# is along x, so that E# = Ex. (b) The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence as indicated by B#, as shown in Figure 2.8 (b). In this case the electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence and is denoted by E//. Any other field direction (perpendicular to the path of the ray) can be resolved to have electric field components along E// and E#. These two fields experience different phase changes, f // and f #, and consequently require different angles um to propagate along the guide. We therefore have a different set of modes for E// and E#. The modes associated with E# (or Ex) are termed transverse electric field modes, denoted by TEm, because E# is actually perpendicular to the direction of propagation, z. The modes associated with the E// field have a magnetic field B# that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation and are termed transverse magnetic field modes, denoted by TMm. It is interesting that E// has a field component parallel to the z-axis, shown as Ez, which is parallel to the direction of propagation. It is apparent that Ez is a propagating longitudinal electric field. In free space, it is impossible for such a longitudinal field to exist but within an optical guide, due to the interference phenomena, it is indeed possible to have a longitudinal field. Similarly, the TE modes, those with B//, have a magnetic field along z that propagates along the z-direction as a longitudinal wave. The phase change f that accompanies TIR depends on the polarization of the field and is different for E// and E#. The difference, however, is negligibly small for n1 - n2 V 1 and thus the waveguide condition and the cutoff condition can be taken to be identical for both TE and TM modes for many practical cases.
Example 2.1.1 Waveguide modes Consider a planar dielectric waveguide with a core thickness 20 om, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440. The light to be guided has a wavelength of 900 nm. Given the waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3) and the expression for f in TIR for the TE mode (Chapter 1)
tan 1 12 f m2 =
c sin2 um - a
n2 2 1>2 b d n1
cos um
using a graphical solution, find the allowed angles um for all the modes. What is your conclusion?
Solution The waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.3) can be divided by 2 to obtain 1 1 1 (2a)k1 cos um - mp = f m 2 2 2 and taking the tangent of both sides,
p tan aak1 cos um - m b = 2
csin2 um - a
n2 2 1>2 b d n1
cos um
= f (um) (2.1.9)
The left-hand side (LHS) simply reproduces itself whenever m = 0, 2, 4, ceven integer. It becomes a cotangent function whenever m = 1, 3, codd integer. The solutions therefore fall into
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.9 Modes in a planar dielectric waveguide can be determined by plotting the LHS and the RHS of Eq. (2.1.9).
oddand even m categories. Figure 2.9 shows the right-hand side (RHS), f(um) vs. um as well as the LHS, tan (ak1 cos um - m p2 ). Since the critical angle, uc = arcsin (n2 >n1) = 81.77°, we can only find solutions in the range um = 81.77° - 90°. For example, the intersections for m = 0 and m = 1 are at 89.17°, 88.34°. The values of um from the intersection points shown in Figure 2.9 are summarized in Table 2.1. We can also calculate the penetration dm of the field into the cladding using (Chapter 1)
Attenuation in cladding
1 = am = dm
2pn2 c a
1>2 n1 2 2 b sin um - 1 d n2 (2.1.10) l
Using Eqs. (2.1.9) and (2.1.10) we find the mode angles um and corresponding penetration depths dm of the field into the cladding shown in Table 2.1. The highest mode (highest m) has substantial field penetration into the cladding.
aplanar dielectric waveguide with d = 2a = 20 ,m, n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440
Table 2.1 Mode m, incidence angle Um, and penetration Dm from solving Eq. (2.1.9) for m um dm (om)
89.2° 0.691
88.3° 0.702
87.5° 0.722
86.7° 0.751
85.9° 0.793
85.0° 0.866
84.2° 0.970
83.4° 1.15
82.6° 1.57
81.9° 3.83
It is apparent that f(um) intersects the LHS tangent function once for each choice of m until um … uc. There are 10 modes. An accurate solution of Eq. (2.1.9) would show that the fundamental mode angle for the TE mode is actually 89.172°. If we were to use the phase change f m for the TM mode from Chapter 1, we would find an angle 89.170°, which is almost identical to f m for the TE mode. (The difference is in the third decimal.)
Example 2.1.2 V-number and the number of modes Using Eq. (2.1.7), estimate the number of modes that can be supported in a planar dielectric waveguide that is 100 om wide, and has n1 = 1.490 and n2 = 1.470 at the free-space source wavelength (l), which is 1 om. Compare your estimate with the formula Number of modes
M = Int a
2V b + 1 (2.1.11) p
in which Int(x) is the integer function; it drops the decimal fraction of x.
2.1 • Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide
Solution The phase change f on TIR cannot be more than p so f>p is less than 1. For a multimode guide (V W 1), we can write Eq. (2.1.7) as m …
2V - f 2V ≈ p p
We can calculate V since we are given a = 50 om, n1 = 1.490, n2 = 1.460, and l = 1 * 10-6 m or 1 om, V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = 76.44 Then, m … 2(76.44)>p = 48.7, or m … 48. There are about 49 modes, because we must also include m = 0 as a mode. Using Eq. (2.1.11), M = Int c
2(76.44) d + 1 = 49 p
Example 2.1.3 Mode field width, 2wo The field distribution along y penetrates into the cladding as illustrated in Figure 2.5. The extent of the electric field across the guide is therefore more than 2a. Within the core, the field distribution is harmonic whereas from the boundary into the cladding, the field is due to the evanescent wave and it decays exponentially according to Ecladding( y′) = Ecladding(0) exp ( - acladdingy′) in which Ecladding(y′) is the field in the cladding at a position y′ measured from the boundary and acladding is the decay constant (or attenuation) for the evanescent wave in medium 2, which is given by (Chapter 1) acladding =
1>2 2pn2 n1 2 2 c a b sin ui - 1d n2 l
where l is the wavelength in free space. For the axial mode, we can take the approximation ui S 90° acladding =
1>2 2pn2 n1 2 2 2p 2 V c a b sin ui - 1d ≈ (n1 - n22)1>2 = n2 a l l
The field in the cladding decays by a factor of e-1 when y′ = d = 1>acladding = a>V. The extent of the field in the cladding is about d. The total extent of the field across the whole guide is therefore 2a + 2d, which represents the mode field width for the fundamental mode in the present planar dielectric waveguide, and denoted by 2wo. Thus, 2wo ≈ 2a + 2
a V
that is,
2wo ≈ 2a c
(V + 1) d (2.1.12) V
We note that as V increases, the width of the mode field becomes the same as the core thickness, 2a. In single-mode operation V 6 p>2 and 2wo is considerably larger than 2a. In fact at V = p>2, 2wo is 1.6 times 2a. [Equation (2.1.12) is only valid for a symmetric planar dielectric waveguide.]
Fundamental mode field width
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
2.2 Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar Waveguides A. Waveguide Dispersion Diagram and Group Velocity The propagating modes that exist in a slab waveguide are determined by the waveguide condition. Each choice of m from 0 to its maximum value results in one distinct solution and one possible propagation constant bm. We see that each mode propagates with a different propagation constant even if illumination is by monochromatic radiation. The examination of Figure 2.7 gives the impression that the axial ray has the least reflections and therefore seems to arrive more quickly (sooner) than a higher-mode ray. Higher modes zigzag more along the guide and appear to have longer ray paths. However, there are two important wrong impressions with this view. First, what is important is the group velocity vg along the guide, the velocity at which the energy or information is transported. Second is that the higher modes penetrate more into the cladding where the refractive index is smaller and the waves travel faster. We know from Chapter 1 that the group velocity vg depends on dv>db in which v is the frequency3 and b is the propagation constant. For each mode m, the mode angle um is determined by the waveguide condition that depends on the wavelength, hence on the frequency v, and the waveguide properties (n1, n2, and a) as apparent from Eq. (2.1.3). Thus, um = um(v) and consequently, bm = k1 sin um = bm(v), a function of v. The group velocity of a given mode is therefore a function of the light frequency and the waveguide properties. We see that even if the refractive index were constant (independent of frequency or wavelength), the group velocity vg of a given mode would still depend on the frequency by virtue of the guiding properties of the waveguide structure. From the waveguide condition, Eq. (2.1.3), given the refractive indices (n1 and n2) and the guide dimension (a), we can calculate bm for each v and for each mode m to obtain the v vs. bm characteristics of the waveguide, which is called the dispersion diagram, as shown schematically in Figure 2.10. The slope dv>dbm at any frequency v is the group velocity vg. All allowed propagation modes are contained within the lines with slopes c>n1 and c>n2. The cutoff frequency vcutoff corresponds to the cutoff condition (l = lc) when V = p>2 and v 7 vcutoff leads to more than one mode. Examination of Figure 2.10 leads to two immediate consequences. First, the group velocity at one frequency changes from one mode to another. Second, for a given mode it changes with the frequency. The group velocity therefore depends not only on the frequency but also on the waveguide properties. In fact, it possible to relate the group velocity to the V-number as discussed later.
Figure 2.10 Schematic dispersion diagram v vs. b for the slab waveguide for various TEm modes. vcutoff corresponds to V = p>2. The group velocity vg at any v is the slope of the v vs.b curve at that frequency. 3
The term frequency implies angular frequency as it refers to v.
2.2 • Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar Waveguides
Figure 2.11 Group velocity vg vs. angular frequency for three modes, m = 0, 1, and 4, for a planar dielectric waveguide that has n1 = 1.455, n2 = 1.440, a = 10 om. TE0 is for m = 0, etc. (Results calculated by using Livemath, a mathsoftware application.)
Wecan use the slope dv>db to calculate the group velocity vg as a function of frequency v for three different modes as in Figure 2.11. Notice that vg starts high, with a value close to c>n2 (the phase velocity in the cladding), on the onset of a mode, when the mode is excited, then it undershoots the c>n1 (the core phase velocity) and eventually becomes c>n1 at higher frequencies. B. Intermodal Dispersion In multimode operation, well above vcutoff , the lowest mode (m = 0) has the slowest group velocity, close to c>n1, and the highest mode has the highest group velocity. The reason is that a good portion of the field in higher modes is carried by the cladding where the refractive index is smaller (see Figure 2.6). The lowest mode is contained substantially in the core. The modes therefore take different times to travel the length of the fiber. This phenomenon is called modal dispersion or intermodal dispersion.4 A direct consequence of modal dispersion is the following. If a short-duration light pulse signal is coupled into the dielectric waveguide, then this pulse will travel along the guide via the excitation of various allowed modes. These modes will travel at different group velocities. The reconstruction of the light pulse at the receiving end from the various modes will result in a broadened signal as illustrated in Figure 2.7. It is clear that in a single-mode waveguide in which only one mode can propagate (the m = 0 mode), there will be no modal dispersion. To evaluate the modal dispersion of a signal along the waveguide, we need to consider the shortest and longest times required for the signal to traverse the waveguide, which is tantamount to identifying the slowest and fastest modes excited in terms of their group velocities. If ∆t is the propagation time difference between the fastest and slowest modes over a distance L, then modal dispersion is defined by ∆t =
L vgmin
L vgmax
in which vgmin is the minimum group velocity of the slowest mode and vgmax is the maximum group velocity of the fastest mode. 4
Also simply called intermode dispersion.
Modal dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
The lowest-order mode (m = 0), when v 7 vcutoff , as apparent in Figures 2.10 and 2.11, has a group velocity vgmin ≈ C>n1. The fastest propagation corresponds to the highest-order mode, which has a group velocity very roughly c>n2. Thus, approximately, Modal dispersion
n1 - n2 ∆t ≈ (2.2.2) c L
Equation (2.2.2) considers only two extreme modes, the lowest and the highest, and does not consider whether some intermediate modes can have group velocities falling outside the range c>n1 to c>n2 (consider the slope dv>dbm in Figure 2.10 and notice that the group velocity can undershoot the lower value c>n1). Neither does it consider how the light energy is proportioned between various modes. Taking n1 = 1.480 (core) and n2 = 1.460 (cladding), we find ∆t>L ≈ 6.7 * 10-11 s m-1 or 67 ns km-1. In general, intermodal dispersion is not as high as indicated by this estimate due to “intermode coupling,” which is the exchange of energy between the propagating modes. The spread ∆t in Eq. (2.2.2) is between the two extremes of the broadened output light pulse. In optoelectronics we are frequently interested in the spread ∆t1>2 between the half intensity points that is smaller than the full width. The determination of ∆t1>2 depends on the temporal shape of the output light pulse, but as a first-order approximation, when many modes are present, we can take ∆t1>2 ≈ ∆t. C. Intramodal Dispersion Figures 2.10 and 2.11 show that the lowest mode (m = 0) has a group velocity that depends on the frequency v or wavelength l. Thus, even if we use the guide in single-mode operation, as long as the excitation source has a finite spectrum, it will contain various frequencies (there is no such thing as a perfect monochromatic light wave). These frequencies will then travel with different group velocities, as apparent in Figure 2.11, and hence arrive at different times. The longer the wavelength (lower the frequency), the greater the penetration of the field into the cladding, as illustrated in Figure 2.12. Thus, a greater portion of the light energy is carried by the cladding in which the phase velocity is higher. Longer wavelengths propagate faster, even though by the same mode. This is called waveguide dispersion inasmuch as it results from the guiding properties of the dielectric structure and it has nothing to do with the frequency (or wavelength) dependence of the refractive index. Since increasing the wavelength decreases the V-number, a characteristic property of the guide, the dispersion can also be stated as due to the wavelength dependence of the V-number. There is no simple calculation for the waveguide
Figure 2.12 The electric field of TE0 mode extends more into the cladding as the wavelength increases. As more of the field is carried by the cladding, the group velocity increases.
2.3 • Step-Index Optical Fiber
dispersion because we have to incorporate the spectrum of the input light and calculate the group velocity from the dispersion diagram in Figure 2.10. (This is discussed later in this chapter.) The refractive index of the guide material will also depend on the wavelength and thus modify the v vs. bm behavior in Figure 2.10. The change in the group velocity of a given mode due to the n vs. l dependence also gives rise to the broadening of a propagating light pulse. This is called material dispersion. Thus both waveguide and material dispersion act together to broaden a light pulse propagating within a given mode. Combined dispersion is called intramode dispersion.
Light is guided along a water jet as demonstrated by Jean-Daniel Colladon. This illustration was published in La Nature, Revue des Sciences, in 1884 (p. 325). His first demonstration was apparently around 1841 (Comptes Rendes, 15, 800–802, October 24, 1842). A similar demonstration was done by John Tyndall for the Royal Institution in London in his 1854 lecture. Apparently, Michael Faraday had originally suggested the experiment to John Tyndall though Faraday himself probably learned about it either from another earlier demonstration or through Jean-Daniel Colladon’s publication. Although John Tyndall is often credited with the original discovery of a water-jet guiding light, Tyndall, himself, does not make that claim but neither does he attribute it to someone else.5 (The fountain, courtesy of Cnum, Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers, France; Colladon’s portrait, courtesy of Musée d’histoire des sciences, Genève, Switzerland.)
2.3 Step-Index Optical Fiber A. Principles and Allowed Modes The general ideas for guided wave propagation in a planar dielectric waveguide can be readily extended, with certain modifications, to the step-index optical fiber shown in Figure 2.13. This is essentially a cylindrical dielectric waveguide with the inner core dielectric having a refractive 5
Jeff Hecht, “Illuminating the Origin of Light Guiding,” Optics & Photonics News, 10, 26, 1999, and his wonderful bookThe City of Light (Oxford University Press, 2004) describe the evolution of the optical fiber from the water jet experiments of Colladon and Tyndall to modern fibers with historical facts and references.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Figure 2.13 The stepindex optical fiber. The central region, the core, has greater refractive index than the outer region, the cladding. The fiber has cylindrical symmetry. The coordinates r, f, z are used to represent any point P in the fiber. Cladding is normally much thicker than shown.
index n1 greater than n2 of the outer dielectric, cladding. In practice, the cladding has a protective polymeric coating put on it as soon as the fiber is drawn, which is not shown or needed in understanding the basic fiber operation. The normalized index difference ∆ is defined by Normalized index difference
∆ =
n1 - n2 (2.3.1) n1
For all practical fibers used in optical communications, n1 and n2 differ only by a small amount, typically less than a few percent so that ∆ V 1. We recall that the planar waveguide is bounded only in one dimension so that reflections occur only in the y-direction in Figure 2.4. The requirement of constructive interference ofwaves then leads to the existence of distinct modes each labeled by m. The cylindrical guide in Figure 2.13 is bounded in two dimensions and the reflections occur from all the surfaces, that is, from a surface encountered along any radial direction at any angle f to the y-axis in Figure2.12. Since any radial direction can be represented in terms of x and y, reflections in both x and y directions are involved in constructive interference of waves and we therefore need two integers, l and m, to label all the allowed traveling waves or guided modes that can exist in the guide. (The description of standing waves in one dimension needs only one integer, such as m in the planar guide, whereas in two dimensions, we need two.) We also recall that in the case of a planar waveguide we visualized a guided propagating wave in terms of rays that were zigzagging down the guide, and all these rays necessarily passed through the axial plane of the guide. Further, all waves were either TE (transverse electric) or TM (transverse magnetic). A distinctly different feature of the step-index fiber from the planar waveguide is existence of rays that zigzag down the fiber without necessarily crossing the fiber axis, so-called skew rays. A meridional ray enters the fiber through the fiber axis and hence also crosses the fiber axis on each reflection as it zigzags down the fiber. It travels in a plane that contains the fiber axis as illustrated in Figure 2.14 (a). On the other hand, a skew ray entersthe fiber off the fiber axis and zigzags down the fiber without crossing the axis. When viewed looking down the fiber (its projection in a plane normal to the fiber axis), it traces out a polygon around the fiber axis as shown in Figure 2.14 (b). A skew ray therefore has a helical path around the fiber axis. In a step-index fiber both meridional and skew rays give rise to guided modes (allowed propagating waves) along the fiber, each with a propagation constant b along z. Guided modes resulting from meridional rays are either TE or TM type as in the case of the planar waveguide. Skew rays, on the other hand, give rise to modes that have both Ez and Bz (or Hz) components and are therefore not TE or TM waves. They are called HE or EH modes as both electric
2.3 • Step-Index Optical Fiber
Figure 2.14 Illustration of the difference between (a) a meridional ray and (b) a skew ray. Numbers represent reflections of the ray.
andmagnetic field can have components along z. They are called hybrid modes. It is apparent that guided modes in a step-index fiber cannot be as easily described as those in the planar guide. Guided modes in a step-index fiber with ∆ V 1, called weakly guiding fibers, are generally visualized by traveling waves that are almost plane polarized. They have transverse electric and magnetic fields (E and B are perpendicular to each other and also to z), analogous to field directions in a plane wave but the field magnitudes are not constant in the plane. These waves are called linearly polarized (LP) and have transverse electric and magnetic field characteristics. A guided LP mode along the fiber can be represented by the propagation ofan electric field distribution E(r, f) along z. This field distribution, or pattern, is in theplane normal to the fiber axis and hence depends on r and f but not on z. Further, because of the presence of two boundaries, it is characterized by two integers, l and m. The propagating field distribution in an LP mode is therefore given by Elm(r, f) and we represent the mode as LPlm. Thus, an LPlm mode can be described by a traveling wave along z of the form
ELP = Elm(r, f) exp j(vt - blmz) (2.3.2)
in which ELP is the field of the LP mode and blm is its propagation constant along z. It is apparent that for a given l and m, Elm(r, f) represents a particular field pattern at a position z that is propagated along the fiber with an effective propagation constant, or wave vector, blm. Figure 2.15 (a) displays the electric field pattern (E01) in the fundamental mode of the stepindex fiber that corresponds to l = 0 and m = 1, the LP01 mode. The field is maximum at the center of the core (or fiber axis) and penetrates somewhat into the cladding due to the accompanying evanescent wave. The extent of penetration depends on the V-number of the fiber (and hence on the wavelength). The light intensity in a mode is proportional to E2, which means that the intensity distribution in the LP01 mode has a maximum along the fiber axis as visualized in Figure 2.15 (b), brightest zone at the center and brightness decreasing toward the cladding. Figures 2.15 (c) and (d) also show the intensity distributions in the LP11 and LP21 modes. The integers l and m are related to the intensity pattern in an LPlm mode. There are m number of maxima along r starting from the
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.15 The electric field distribution of the fundamental mode in the transverse plane to the fiber axis z. The light intensity in the fundamental mode is greatest at the center of the fiber. Intensity patterns in LP01, LP11, and LP21 modes. (a) The field in the fundamental mode. (b)–(d) Indicative light intensity distributions in three modes—LP01, LP11, and LP21.
core center and 2l number of maxima around a circumference as apparent in Figure 2.15. l is often called the radial mode number. Within the ray picture, l represents the extent of helical propagation, or the amount of skew ray contribution to the mode. In the fundamental mode this is zero. Further, m is directly associated with the reflection angle u of the rays as in the planar guide. We see from the discussions above that light travels along the fiber through various modes of propagation, with each mode having its own propagation constant blm and its own electric field pattern Elm(r, f). Each mode has its own group velocity vg(l, m) that depends on the v vs. blm dispersion behavior. (We have to use the slope of this dispersion diagram to obtain vg for a particular mode, l, m.) When a light pulse is fed into the fiber, it travels down the fiber through various modes. These modes propagate with different group velocities and therefore emerge at the end of the fiber with a spread of arrival times, which means that the output pulse is a broadened version of the input pulse. As in the case of the planar guide, this broadening of the light pulse is an intermodal dispersion phenomenon. We can, however, design a suitable fiber that allows only the fundamental mode to propagate and hence exhibits no modal dispersion. For a step-index fiber, we define a V-number, or a normalized frequency, in a similar fashion to the planar waveguide V-number definition
V =
2pa 2 2pa (n1 - n22)1>2 = (2n1 n∆)1>2 (2.3.3) l l
in which a is the radius of the fiber core, l is the free-space wavelength, n is the average refractive index of the core and cladding, that is, n = (n1 + n2)>2, and ∆ is the normalized index difference, that is Normalized index difference
∆ =
n1 - n2 n21 - n22 ≈ (2.3.4) n1 2n21
When the V-number is less than 2.405, it can be shown that only one mode, the fundamental mode (LP01) shown in Figures 2.15 (a) and (b), can propagate through the fiber core. As V is decreased further by reducing the core size, the fiber can still support the LP01 mode,
2.3 • Step-Index Optical Fiber
but the mode extends increasingly into the cladding. The finite cladding size may then result in some of the power in the wave being lost. A fiber that is designed (by the choice of a and ∆) to allow only the fundamental mode to propagate at the required wavelength is called a single-mode fiber (SMF). Typically, single-mode fibers have a much smaller core radius and a smaller ∆ than multimode fibers (MMFs). If the wavelength l of the source is reduced sufficiently, a single-mode fiber will become multimode as V will exceed 2.405; higher modes will also contribute to propagation. The cutoff wavelength lc above which the fiber becomes single mode is given by
Vcutoff =
2pa 2 (n1 - n22)1>2 = 2.405 (2.3.5) lc
Singlemode cutoff wavelength
When the V-parameter increases above 2.405, the number of modes rises sharply. A good approximation to the number of modes M in a step-index multimode fiber is given by
M ≈
V2 (2.3.6) 2
The effect of varying the various physical parameters of a step-index optical fiber on the number of propagating modes can be readily deduced from the V-number in Eq. (2.3.3). For example, increasing the core radius (a) or its refractive index (n1) increases the number of modes. On the other hand, increasing the wavelength or the cladding refractive index (n2) decreases the number of modes. The cladding diameter does not enter the V-number equation and so it may be thought that it plays no significant role in wave propagation. In multimode fibers, light propagates through many modes and these are all mainly confined to the core. In a step-index fiber, the field of the fundamental mode penetrates into the cladding as an evanescent wave traveling along the boundary. If the cladding is not sufficiently thick, this field will reach the end of the cladding and escape, resulting in intensity loss. For example, typically, the cladding diameter for a singlemode step-index fiber is at least 10 times the core diameter.
Narinder Singh Kapany was born in Punjab in India, studied at the Agra University, and then obtained his PhD from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, in 1955. He held a number of key positions in both academia and industry, including a Regents Professor at the University of California, Berkeley; the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC); and the Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development at UCSC. He made significant contributions to optical glass fibers starting in the 1950s, and essentially coined the term fiber optics in the 1960s. His book Fibre Optics: Principles and Applications, published in 1967, was the first on optical fibers. (Courtesy ofDr. Narinder S. Kapany.)
Number of modes when V W 2.405
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Example 2.3.1 A multimode fiber Calculate the number of allowed modes in a multimode step-index fiber that has a core of refractive index of 1.468 and diameter 100 om, and a cladding of refractive index of 1.447 if the source wavelength is 850 nm.
The V-number for this fiber can be calculated by substituting a = 50 om, l = 0.850 om, n1 = 1.468, and n2 = 1.447 into the expression for the V-number V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = (2p50>0.850)(1.4682 - 1.4472)1>2 = 91.44. Since V W 2.405, the number of modes is M ≈ V 2 >2 = (91.44)2 >2 = 4181
which is large. There are numerous modes.
Example 2.3.2 A single-mode fiber What should be the core radius of a single-mode fiber that has a core of n1 = 1.4532, cladding of n2 = 1.4483, and is to be used with a source wavelength of 1.55 om? What is the V-number of a fiber that has a diameter of 8.2 om and is operating at 1.55 om?
Solution Single-mode propagation is achieved when V … 2.405. Thus we need V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 … 2.405 or
32pa>(1.55 om)4 (1.45322
- 1.44832)1>2 … 2.405
which gives a … 4.98 om or a core diameter of 9.96 om. As suspected, this is rather thin for easy coupling of the fiber to a light source or to another fiber, and special coupling techniques must be used. We also note that the size of a is on the same order of magnitude as the wavelength, which means that the geometric ray picture, strictly, cannot be used to describe light propagation. Typical single-mode fibers operating at1.55 om have a core diameter of 899 om. (Corning’s standard single-mode fiber SMF@28e + has a core diameter of 8.2 om and a cutoff at 1.260 om.) For a fiber that has a diameter of 8.2 om at l = 1.55 om V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = 32p(4.1 om)>(1.55 om)4 (1.45322 - 1.44832)1>2 = 1.982
which clearly is an SMF since V 6 2.405.
B. Mode Field Diameter As apparent in Figure 2.15, the field of the fundamental mode penetrates into the cladding. The mode field diameter (MFD) (denoted as 2w) is the extent of the field distribution across an optical guide in the fundamental mode. The field penetrates the cladding so that the mode field diameter is not simply the diameter of the core. We need to know the optical power or field squared, E(r)2, distribution across the fiber as a function of the radial distance r from the fiber axis.
2.3 • Step-Index Optical Fiber
Figure 2.16 The power density (proportional to E2) distribution across a single-mode fiber. 2w is the mode field diameter.
It is quite common in practice to represent the field distribution across the fiber as a Gaussian function, as shown in Figure 2.16, which can then be used to define an MFD, that is6 E(r)2 = E(0)2 exp 3-(r>w)24 (2.3.7)
Fundamental mode field
where E(0) is the field at the center. At r = w, the power has dropped by 1>e and the field by 1>e2. One useful approximation for w in terms of the V-number is the Marcuse MFD equation7
2w = 2a(0.65 + 1.619V -3>2 + 2.879V -6); 0.8 6 V 6 2.5 (2.3.8)
Mode field diameter
Since V is typically 2, the MFD is about 1.27 times the core diameter. In the range 1.6 6 V 6 2.4, the MFD can be calculated by an even simpler equation 2w ≈
2.6(2a) (2.3.9) V
Clearly, as V decreases, the field penetrates more into the cladding; the MFD is wider.
Example 2.3.3 Mode field diameter Calculate the cutoff wavelength for single-mode operation for a fiber that has a core with diameter of 8.2 om, a refractive index of 1.4532, and a cladding of refractive index of 1.4485. What is the V-number and the mode field diameter for operation at l = 1.31 om?
Solution For single-mode operation V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 6 2.405 Substituting for a, n1, and n2 and rearranging we get
l 7 32p(4.1 om)(1.45322 - 1.44852)1>24 >2.405 = 1.251 om
6 The actual mathematical approach involves Bessel functions, which are hard to manipulate. The Gaussian represen tation in Eq. (2.3.7) turns out to provide a good fit, and is widely used. 7 This is known as Marcuse’s MFD equation; D. Marcuse, Bell Syst. Tech. J., 56, 703, 1977.
Mode field diameter in 1.6 6 V 6 2.4
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Wavelengths shorter than 1.251 om will result in a multimode propagation. At l = 1.31 om
V = 2p 3(4.1 om)>(1.31 om)4 (1.45322 - 1.44852)1>2 = 2.30
The mode field diameter from Eq. (2.3.8) is
2w = 2(4.1) 30.65 + 1.62(2.30)-3>2 + 2.88(2.30)-64 = 2(4.1) (1.134 ) = 9.30 om
The simpler formula in Eq. (2.3.9) yields
2w = (2a)(2.6>V) = 2(4.1)(2.6>2.30) = 9.28 om
whereas if we use the equation for the planar waveguide for the present fiber we get
which overestimates the MFD.
2w = 2a 3(V + 1)>V 4 = 11.8 om
C. Propagation Constant and Group Velocity Since propagation constant blm of an LP mode depends on the waveguide properties and the source wavelength, it is convenient to describe light propagation in terms of a “normalized” propagation constant that depends only on the V-number. Given k = 2p>l (in free space) and guide indices n1 and n2, the normalized propagation constant b is related to b = blm by the definition Normalized propagation constant
b =
(b>k)2 - n22 n21 - n22
According to the definition above, the lower limit b = 0 corresponds to b = kn2, propagation in the cladding material, and the upper limit b = 1 corresponds to b = kn1, propagation in the core material. The dependence of b on the V-number has been calculated in the literature for various modes as shown in Figure 2.17 for a few lower-order LP modes. Such b vs. V curves are universal, that is the same, for all step-index fibers, and therefore they are very useful in predicting the nature of light propagation in such fibers. Notice that the fundamental mode (LP01) exists for all V-numbers and LP11 is cut off at V = 2.405. There is a cutoff V and a corresponding cutoff wavelength for each particular LP mode higher than the fundamental mode.
Figure 2.17 Normalized propagation constant b vs. V-number for a step-index fiber for various LP modes.
2.3 • Step-Index Optical Fiber
Given the V-parameter of the fiber we can easily find b, and hence b, for the allowed LP modes from Figure 2.17. Once we determine b from V the propagation constant is easily calculated. b>k = 3n22 + b(n21 - n22)4 1>2 (2.3.11)
For nearly all step-index fibers, the refractive index difference ∆ is small, that is, they are weakly guiding. Equation (2.3.10) can then be approximated to a simpler form (see Question 2.14) (b>k) - n2 b ≈ (2.3.12) n1 - n2
The calculation of the group velocity of the fundamental mode in a single-mode fiber involves examining the frequency dependence of b, which depends on V as in Figure 2.17. Over the range 1.5 6 V 6 2.5, a simple empirical relationship gives b as8 b ≈ a1.1428 -
0.996 2 b (2.3.13) V
Equation (2.3.13) turnsout to be quite useful in calculating the propagation characteristics of light in a single-mode fiber as shown in Example 2.3.4.
Example 2.3.4 Group velocity and delay Consider a single-mode fiber with core and cladding indices of 1.4480 and 1.4400, core radius of 3 om, operating at 1.5 om. Given that we can approximate the fundamental mode normalized propagation constant b by Eq. (2.3.13), calculate the propagation constant b. Change the operating wavelength to l′ by a small amount, say 0.1%, and then recalculate the new propagation constant b′. Then determine the group velocity vg of the fundamental mode at 1.5 om, and the group delay tg over 1 km of fiber.
Solution To calculate b from V in Eq. (2.3.13), we need V
V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = 2p 3(3 om)>(1.5 om)4 (1.44802 - 1.44002)1>2 = 1.910088
Substituting the above V in Eq. (2.3.13) gives b = 0.3860859. At l = 1.5 om, k = 2p>l = 4,188,790 m-1. In addition, v = 2pc>l = 1.255757 * 1015 rad s-1. Thus, from Eq. (2.3.11) we have b = k 3n22 + b(n21 - n22)4 1>2
= (4,188,790 m-1) 31.44002 + (0.3860859)(1.44802 - 1.44002)4 1>2
= 6,044,818 m-1
Table 2.2 Calculation of the group velocity at two different wavelengths Calculation S
l = 1.50000 om l′ = 1.50150 om
V (rad s−1)
B (m−1)
1.910088 1.908180
4,188,790 4,184,606
1.255757 * 1015 1.254503 * 1015
0.3860859 0.3854382
6.044818 * 106 6.038757 * 106
8 See J. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications, Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition (Prentice-Hall, Pearson Education, 2009), Ch. 2.
Propagation constant of a mode
Approximate normalized propagation constant
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Calculations are summarized in Table 2.2. We can repeat the calculations for l′ = 1.5(1 + 0.001) = 1.5015 om. The group velocity is vg =
(1.254503 - 1.255757) * 1015 v′ - v = 2.07 * 108 m s-1 = b′ - b (6.044818 - 6.038757) * 106
The group delay tg over 1 km is 4.83 os. Since we were after small changes in v and b, we kept several decimal places in the calculations.
D. Modal Dispersion in Multimode Step-Index Fibers We know from the planar waveguide that a light pulse fed into the guide breaks into different modes and these modes propagate with different group velocities as shown in Figure 2.7, provided the guide is operating as a multimode guide (with V 7 p>2). Exactly the same arguments apply in the case of a multimode fiber that has V 7 2.405, and Figure 2.7 can easily represent the situation for light propagation in a multimode fiber. Equation (2.2.2) gives the intermodal dispersion ∆t at the output of a planar guide of length L, that is Modal dispersion between extreme points
n1 - n2 n1 ∆ ∆t ≈ = (2.3.14) c c L
We can use the same equation to estimate the intermodal dispersion in a step-index multimode fiber, which, essentially, depends on the slowest (lowest mode) and fastest (highest mode) velocity difference, (n1 - n2)>c. A proper calculation should consider the way in which modes propagate and find the difference in the arrival times at the output, but for an MMF with many modes and for which ∆ V 1, the result leads to Eq. (2.3.14). There is, however, an important condition attached to Eq. (2.3.14). It applies between the first and last exiting modes, and therefore represents the full spread in the output pulse.
Example 2.3.5 A multimode fiber and dispersion A step-index multimode fiber for use at 850 nm has a core diameter of 100 om and a refractive index of 1.4599. The cladding has a refractive index of 1.4565. Calculate the V-number, the number of modes and the modal dispersion per km of fiber.
Solution The V-number of the fiber is V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = 3(2p50)>(0.850)4 3(1.4599)2 - (1.4565)24 1>2 = 36.8
The number of modes, M ≈ V 2 >2 = 677. The modal dispersion is
∆t>L ≈ (n1 - n2)>c = (1.4599 - 1.4565)>(3 * 108 m s-1) = 11.3 ns km-1 Such a modal dispersion, as will be shown later, is very significant and restricts their use to low frequency work or to communications over short distances.
2.4 • Numerical Aperture
2.4 Numerical Aperture Not all source radiation can be guided along an optical fiber. Only rays falling within a certain cone at the input of the fiber can normally be propagated through the fiber. Figure 2.18 shows the path of a light ray launched from the outside medium of refractive index n0 (not necessarily air) into the fiber core. Suppose that the incidence angle at the end of the fiber core is a, and inside the waveguide the ray makes an angle u, with the normal to the fiber axis. Then, unless the angle u is greater than the critical angle uc for TIR, the ray will escape into the cladding. Thus for light propagation, the launching angle a has to be such that TIR is supported within the fiber. From Figure 2.18, it should be apparent that the maximum value of a is that which results in u = uc. At the n0–n1 interface, Snell’s law gives sin amax n1 = n0 sin (p>2 - uc) in which uc is determined by the onset of TIR, that is, sin uc = n2 >n1. We can now eliminate uc to obtain sin amax =
(n21 - n22)1>2 n0
The numerical aperture (NA) is a characteristic parameter of an optical fiber defined by
NA = (n21 - n22)1>2 (2.4.1)
so that in terms of NA, the maximum acceptance angle, amax, becomes
sin amax =
NA (2.4.2) n0
Definition of numerical aperture, NA Maximum acceptance angle
The angle 2amax is called the total acceptance angle and depends on the NA of the fiber and the refractive index of the launching medium. NA is an important factor in light launching designs into the optical fiber. We should note that Eq. (2.4.2) is strictly applicable for meridional rays. Skew rays have a wider acceptance angle. Since NA is defined in terms of the refractive indices, we can relate the V-number to NA
V =
2pa NA (2.4.3) l
Figure 2.18 Maximum acceptance angle amax is that which just gives total internal reflection at the core– cladding interface, that is, when a = amax, u = uc. Rays with a 6 amax (e.g., ray A) experience total internal reflection at the core–cladding interface and can propagate if u satisfies the waveguide condition. Rays with a 7 amax (e.g., ray B) become refracted and penetrate the cladding and are eventually lost.
V-number and NA
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Multimode propagation in a fiber involves many modes, the majority of which are usually skew rays. The acceptance angle is larger for these skew rays than that predicted by Eq. (2.4.2), which is for meridional rays. Some authors use the NA definition based on NA = (n21 - n22)1>2 >n0. In this case Eq. (2.4.2) becomes sin amax = NA. The preference for using the definition in Eq.(2.4.1) is that nearly all data sheets and technical specifications quote NA as defined in Eq.(2.4.1). This value then can be used in Eq. (2.4.2) with any n0. Further, the definition in Eq. (2.4.1) refers only to the fiber properties without any reference to the medium from which light is launched.
Example 2.4.1 A multimode fiber and total acceptance angle A step-index fiber has a core diameter of 100 om and a refractive index of 1.4800. The cladding has a refractive index of 1.4600. Calculate the numerical aperture of the fiber, acceptance angle from air, and the number of modes sustained when the source wavelength is 850 nm.
Solution The numerical aperture is NA = (n21 - n22)1>2 = (1.48002 - 1.46002)1>2 = 0.2425 From sin amax = NA>n0 = 0.2425>1, the acceptance angle is amax = 14° and the total acceptance angle is 28°. The V-number in terms of the numerical aperture can be written as V = (2pa>l)NA = 3(2p50)>(0.85)4 (0.2425) = 89.62
The number of modes, M ≈ V 2 >2 = 4015.
Example 2.4.2 A single-mode fiber A typical single-mode optical fiber has a core of diameter 8 om and a core refractive index of 1.4600. The normalized index difference is 0.3%. The cladding diameter is 125 om. Calculate the numerical aperture and the acceptance angle of the fiber. What is the single-mode cutoff frequency lc of the fiber?
Solution The numerical aperture is NA = (n21 - n22)1>2 = 3(n1 + n2)(n1 - n2)4 1>2
Substituting (n1 - n2) = n1 ∆ and (n1 + n2) ≈ 2n1, we get
NA ≈ 3(2n1)(n1 ∆)4 1>2 = n1(2∆)1>2 = 1.4600 (2 * 0.003)1>2 = 0.113
The acceptance angle is given by
sin amax = NA>n0 = 0.113>1, or amax = 6.5°
The condition for single-mode propagation is V … 2.405, which corresponds to a minimum wavelength lc given by Eq. (2.4.3), lc = (2paNA)>2.405 = 3(2p)(4 om)(0.113)4 >2.405 = 1.18 om
Excitation wavelengths shorter than 1.18 om will result in a multimode operation.
2.5 • Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers
2.5 Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers A. Material Dispersion Since only one mode propagates in a single-mode, step-index fiber, it should be apparent that there is no intermodal dispersion of an input light pulse. This is the advantage of the singlemode fiber. However, even if light propagation occurs by a single mode, there will still be some dispersion because the input light source cannot be perfectly monochromatic and has a finite spectral width, that is, a range of l values. For example, even excitation from a laser will result in a spectrum of source wavelengths fed into the fiber as schematically illustrated in Figure 2.19. The wavelength width ∆l of the spectrum will depend on the nature of the light source but it is never zero. Each radiation with a different l will propagate, via the fundamental mode, at a different group velocity vg because the group index Ng of the medium (related to n1) depends on the wavelength. The waves will therefore arrive at different times at the end of the fiber and hence will give rise to a broadened output light pulse as illustrated in Figure 2.19. The broadened light output means that we have to separate out the output pulses so that they do not overlap, which means that dispersion reduces the maximum bit rate for sending signals along a fiber. It limits the fiber bandwidth, a point that is quantified in Section 2.7. This type of dispersion that results from the wavelength dependence of the material properties of the guide is called material dispersion. Its manifestation is the result of no practical light source being perfectly monochromatic so that there are waves in the guide with various wavelengths, that is, a range of l values. The group index, Ng, for the silica glass (Chapter 1) is almost constant at wavelengths around 1.3 om, which implies zero material dispersion around this wavelength. Material dispersion can be evaluated by considering the dependence of the group velocity vg on the wavelength through the Ng vs. l behavior, and the spectrum of the light source that defines the range ∆l of emitted wavelengths from the light source. We consider a very short-duration light pulse as the input signal with a spectrum of wavelengths over ∆l as in Figure 2.19. Then, the output is a pulse that is broadened by ∆t due to the spread in the arrival times t of these waves with different l. ∆t increases with the fiber length L because slower waves fall further behind the faster waves over a longer distance. Dispersion is therefore normally expressed as spread per unit length and is given by
∆t = 0 Dm 0 ∆l (2.5.1) L
Figure 2.19 All excitation sources are inherently non-monochromatic and emit within a spectrum, ∆l, of wavelengths. Waves in the guide with different wavelengths travel at different group velocities due to the wavelength dependence of n1. The waves arrive at the end of the fiber at different times and hence result in a broadened output pulse.
Material dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
in which Dm is a coefficient called the material dispersion coefficient. It is approximately given by the second derivative of the refractive index Material dispersion coefficient
Dm ≈ -
l d 2n a b (2.5.2) c dl2
Note that although Dm may be negative or positive, ∆t and ∆l are defined as positive quantities, which is the reason for the magnitude sign in Eq. (2.5.1). To find ∆t>L in Eq. (2.5.1) we must evaluate Dm at the center wavelength lo of the input light spectrum. The dependence of Dm on l for silica as a typical fiber core glass material is displayed in Figure 2.20. Notice that the curve passes through zero at l ≈ 1.27 om. When silica (SiO2) is doped with germania (GeO2) to increase the refractive index for the core, the Dm vs. l curve shifts slightly to higher wavelengths. The transit time t of a light pulse represents a delay of information between the output and the input. The signal delay time per unit distance, t>L, is called the group delay (tg) and is determined by the group velocity vg as it refers to the transit time of signals (energy). If b01 is the propagation constant of the fundamental mode, then by definition Fundamental mode group delay time
tg =
db01 1 = (2.5.3) vg dv
which will be a function of wavelength. Material dispersion in Eq. (2.5.1) is the spread in tg in Eq. (2.5.3) due to the dependence of b01 on wavelength through Ng. The spread ∆l in the input wavelengths, due to the wavelength dependence of group index Ng, leads to a spread ∆tg in tg, ∆tg =
d 1 d Ng l d 2n a b ∆l = a b ∆l ≈ - a 2 b ∆l c dl dl vg dl c
which leads to Eq. (2.5.2) for Dm.
B. Waveguide Dispersion Another dispersion mechanism, called the waveguide dispersion, is due to the dependence of the group velocity vg(01) of the fundamental mode (l = 1, m = 0) on the V-number, which depends on the source wavelength l, even if n1 and n2 were constant. It should be emphasized that waveguide dispersion is quite separate from material dispersion. Even if n1 and n2 were wavelength independent (no material dispersion), we will still have waveguide dispersion by virtue of vg(01) depending on V and V depending inversely on l. The waveguide dispersion arises as a result of the guiding properties of the waveguide, which imposes a nonlinear v–blm relationship, as discussed in Section 2.2. Therefore, a spectrum of source wavelengths will result in different V-numbers for each source wavelength and hence different propagation velocities. The result is that there will be a spread in the group delay times of the fundamental-mode waves with different l and hence a broadening of the output light pulse as illustrated in Figure 2.19. If we use a light pulse of very short duration as input, as in Figure 2.19, with a wavelength spectrum of ∆l, then the broadening or dispersion per unit length, ∆t>L, in the output light pulse due to waveguide dispersion can be found from Waveguide dispersion
∆t = 0 Dw 0 ∆l (2.5.4) L in which Dw is a coefficient called the waveguide dispersion coefficient. Dw depends on the waveguide properties in a non-trivial way.
2.5 • Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers
The group velocity vg depends on dv>db and hence the group delay tg, inversely proportional to vg, depends on db>dv. The variation of tg with the wavelength, due to different excitation wavelengths being fed in, means that we are interested in dtg >dl. The next step is to consider V as depending on v only and keeping n and ∆ as wavelength (frequency) independent. We also need to substitute for b in terms of b from Eq. (2.3.12) since b vs. V is a universal curve for step-index SMFs. A proper analysis9 shows that the evaluation of d 2b>dv2 requires that we consider d 2b>dV 2 (recall that V is the normalized frequency) and hence d 2(bV)>dV 2. The final result for Dw is
Dw =
n2 ∆ d 2(bV) cV d (2.5.5) cl dV 2
Waveguide dispersion coefficient
0.025l (2.5.6) a2cn2
Waveguide dispersion coefficient
Thus, as expected, a second differential is involved, which can be evaluated by using Figure 2.17. The variation of the term in square brackets with V has been given in the literature, and one can easily find Dw. For V-numbers in the range (see footnote 9) 1.5 6 V 6 2.4, Dw ≈ -
where Dw is in s m-2, and to convert to ps nm-1 km-1, we multiply Dw by 106. If l and a are both in om, substituting for c as well, Dw (ps nm-1 km-1) ≈ -
83.76 l(om)
3a(om)4 2n2
in which om in parentheses refers to the units of l and a in Eq. (2.5.7). First note that the magnitude of Dw increases with the wavelength. Second, it is apparent that Dw depends on the guide geometry through the core radius a. Figure 2.20 also shows the dependence of Dw on the wavelength for a core radius of a ≈ 4.2 om. We note that Dm and Dw have opposite tendencies with wavelength.
Figure 2.20 Material dispersion coefficient (Dm) for the core material (taken as SiO2), waveguide dispersion coefficient (Dw) (for a = 4.2 om), and the total or chromatic dispersion coefficient Dch ( = Dm + Dw) as a function of free-space wavelength, l. 9
See Question 2.18, where this is derived.
Waveguide dispersion coefficient
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
C. Chromatic Dispersion In single-mode fibers, the dispersion of a propagating pulse arises because of the finite width ∆l of the source spectrum; it is not perfectly monochromatic. Dispersion mechanism is based on the fundamental mode velocity depending on the source wavelength, l. This type of dispersion caused by a range of source wavelengths is generally termed chromatic dispersion and includes both material and waveguide dispersion since both depend on ∆l. As a first approximation, the two dispersion effects can be simply added so that the overall dispersion per unit length becomes Chromatic dispersion
∆t = 0 Dm + Dw 0 ∆l (2.5.8) L
This is shown in Figure 2.20 where Dm + Dw, defined as the chromatic dispersion coefficient, Dch, passes through zero at a certain wavelength, l0. For the example in Figure 2.20, chromatic dispersion is zero at around 1320 nm. Since Dw depends on the guide geometry, as apparent in Eq. (2.5.6), it is therefore possible to shift the zero dispersion wavelength l0 by suitably designing the guide. For example, by reducing the core radius and increasing the core doping, l0 can be shifted to 1550 nm where light attenuation in the fiber is minimal. Such fibers are called dispersion shifted fibers. Although chromatic dispersion, Dm + Dw, passes through zero, this does not mean that there would be no dispersion at all. First, we should note that Dm + Dw can only be made zero for only one wavelength, l0, not at every wavelength within the spectrum, ∆l, of the source. Since the spread in the signal delay, that is dispersion, ∆t, along a fiber depends on ∆l, the linewidth of the source, we can expand ∆t as a Taylor series in ∆l. Consider the expansion at l = l0 where Dch = 0. The first term with ∆l would have d∆t>dl as a coefficient, that is Dch, and at l0 this will be zero. But, the second term with (∆l)2 has a second differential, d 2 ∆t>dl2 or dDch >dl, that is finite. Thus, the dispersion at l0 would be controlled by the slope S0 of Dchvs. l curve at l0. A proper mathematical analysis gives the dispersion at l0 as (Question 2.19) Chromatic dispersion at l0, Dch = 0
∆t =
L S (∆l)2 (2.5.9) 2 0
where S0, the slope of Dch vs. l at l = l0 and is usually given as ps nm-2 km-1. For the standard single-mode fiber in Figure 2.20, S0 is about 0.9 ps nm-2 km-1 so that a laser source with a linewidth of 2 nm results in a dispersion of 1.8 ps km-1. D. Profile and Polarization Dispersion Effects Although material and waveguide dispersion are the chief sources of broadening of a propagating light pulse there are other dispersion effects. There is an additional dispersion mechanism called profile dispersion that arises because the group velocity, vg(01), of the fundamental mode also depends on the refractive index difference ∆, that is, ∆ = ∆(l). If ∆ changes with wavelength, then different wavelengths from the source would have different group velocities and experience different group delays leading to pulse broadening. It is part of chromatic dispersion because it depends on the input spectrum ∆l. In the case of profile dispersion Profile dispersion
∆t = 0 Dp 0 ∆l (2.5.10) L
2.5 • Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers
in which Dp is the profile dispersion coefficient, which can be calculated (though not in any simple fashion; see Question 2.19). Typically, Dp is less than 1 ps nm-1 km-1 and thus negligible compared with Dw. The overall chromatic dispersion coefficient then becomes
Dch = Dm + Dw + Dp (2.5.11)
It should be mentioned that the reason ∆ exhibits a wavelength dependence is due to aterial dispersion characteristic, that is, n1 vs. l and n2 vs. l behavior, so that, in reality, profile m dispersion originates from material dispersion though its effects appear through the wavelength dependence of ∆ = ∆(l). As apparent from Eq. (2.5.11), the sign of the dispersion coefficient is important, since individual dispersion coefficients, Dm, Dw, and Dp, are added to get the chromatic dispersion Dch. In Figure 2.20, Dm pass through zero at l0. The group index Ng of glass, from Chapter 1, has a negative slope for l 6 l0 and positive for l 7 l0. Consider sending two pulses along the fiber, one at a wavelength l1 and the other at l2 7 l1; both less than l0. The group velocity vg1 at l1 is smaller than vg2 at l2. The pulse at l2 comes out first and then later the pulse at l1. This situation in which longer wavelengths travel faster and come out first is assigned negative dispersion.10 When l 7 l0, the situation for Dm is reversed, and longer wavelengths come out later; Dm is then positive. In the case of Dw for a simple step-index fiber, its sign is always negative as in Eq.(2.5.6)—longer wavelengths travel faster. As apparent in Figure 2.12, at longer wavelengths, a greater portion of the fundamental mode propagates in the cladding. Polarization dispersion arises when the fiber is not perfectly symmetric and homogeneous, that is, the refractive index is not isotropic. When the refractive index depends on the direction of the electric field, the propagation constant of a given mode depends on its polarization. Due to various variations in the fabrication process, such as small changes in the glass composition, geometry, and induced local strains (either during fiber drawing or cabling), the refractive indices n1 and n2 may not be isotropic. Suppose that n1 has the values n1x and n1y when the electric field is parallel to the x- and y-axes, respectively, as shown in Figure 2.21. Then the
Figure 2.21 The core refractive index has different values along two orthogonal directions corresponding to two orthogonal electric field oscillation directions (polarizations). Take x- and y-axes along these directions. An input light will travel along the fiber with Ex and Ey polarizations having different group velocities and hence arrive at the output at different times, which leads to the dispersion of the light pulse. 10 Clearly, the assignment of positive or negative sign must be somewhat arbitrary, but the definition here is the one most commonly used.
Chromatic dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
propagation constant for fields along x-and y-would be different, bx(01) and by(01), leading to different group delays and hence dispersion even if the source wavelength is monochromatic. The situation in reality is more complicated because n1x and n1y would vary along the fiber length and there will be interchange of energy between these modes as well. The final dispersion nonetheless depends on the extent of anisotropy, n1x - n1y, which is kept minimum by various manufacturing procedures (such as rotating the fiber during drawing). The term polarization mode dispersion (PMD) represents this type of dispersion. When an optically anisotropic medium exhibits different refractive indices in two different orthogonal directions of field oscillations, it is said to be birefringent.11 As mentioned, stresses experienced by the fiber during and after manufacturing can easily induce different refractive indices, n1x and n1y, in different directions in a fiber, that is induced birefringence, which would lead to a finite PMD. The dispersion does not scale linearly with fiber length L. It scales very roughly as L1>2 and hence PMD is often quoted as ps km-1>2. While it is possible to minimize or even compensate for chromatic dispersion, the control of PMD involves a high quality of control in the manufacturing process. The PMD of a fiber that is cabled can be significantly higher than when it is first manufactured. The effect of PMD on the fiber bandwidth is one of the ultimate hurdles in long-haul communications, and manufacturers are well aware of the importance of keeping PMD as low as possible, especially in cabled fibers. Its value is typically a fraction of a ps km-1>2. For example, many commercial SMFs are reported as having a PMD less than 0.1ps km-1>2 for an individual fiber. The dispersion ∆t due to PMD can be written as Polarization mode dispersion
∆t = DPMD L 1>2 (2.5.12)
Note that DPMD has different units than Dch, and does not depend on the spectral linewidth of the input source.
Example 2.5.1 Material dispersion By convention, the width ∆l of the wavelength spectrum of the source and the dispersion ∆t refer to halfintensity widths and not widths from one extreme end to the other. Suppose that ∆t1>2, called the linewidth, is the width of intensity vs. wavelength spectrum between the half intensity points and ∆t1>2 is the width of the output light intensity vs. time signal between the half-intensity points. Estimate the material dispersion effect per km of silica fiber operated from a light-emitting diode (LED) emitting at 1.55 om with a linewidth of 100 nm. What is the material dispersion effect per km of silica fiber operated from a laser diode emitting at the same wavelength with a linewidth of 2 nm?
From Figure 2.20, at 1.55 om, the material dispersion coefficient Dm = 22 ps nm-1 km-1. This is given as per nm of spectral linewidth and per km of fiber length. For the LED, ∆l1>2 = 100 nm and ∆t1>2 ≈ L Dm ∆l1>2 ≈ (1 km)(22 ps nm-1 km-1)(100 nm) = 2200 ps, or 2.2 ns For the laser diode, ∆l1>2 = 2 nm, and ∆t1>2 ≈ L Dm ∆l1>2 = (1 km)(22 ps nm-1 km-1)(2 nm) = 44 ps, or 0.044 ns 11 Birefringence is discussed in Chapter 6. It is essentially a phenomenon in which a propagating light wave in an anisotropic optical medium experiences two different refractive indices that depend on the electric field directions and the direction of propagation of the light wave.
2.5 • Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers
There is clearly a big difference between the dispersion effects of the two sources. The total dispersion, however, as indicated by Figure 2.20, will be less. Indeed, if the fiber is properly dispersion shifted so that Dm + Dw = 0 at 1.55 om, then dispersion due to excitation from a typical laser diode will be a few picoseconds per km (but not zero). Further, Dm vs. l behavior depends on the composition of the core material and can be readily calculated from the wavelength dependence of n1 using Eq. (2.5.2).
Example 2.5.2 Material, waveguide, and chromatic dispersion Consider a single-mode optical fiber with a core of SiO2-13.5%GeO2 (actual silica content is 86.5%) for which the material and waveguide dispersion coefficients are shown in Figure 2.22. Suppose that the fiber is excited from a 1.5@om laser source with a linewidth ∆l1>2 of 2 nm. What is the dispersion per km of fiber if the core diameter 2a is 8 om? What should be the core diameter for zero chromatic dispersion at l = 1.50 om?
Figure 2.22 Material and waveguide dispersion coefficients Dm and Dw in an optical fiber with a core SiO2-13.5%GeO2 for a = 2.594 om.
In Figure 2.22, at l = 1.50 om, Dm = + 10 ps nm-1 km-1 and, with a = 4 om, Dw = - 5 ps nm-1 km-1 so that chromatic dispersion is Dch = Dm + Dw = 10 - 5 = 5 ps nm-1 km-1 Total dispersion or chromatic dispersion per km of fiber length is then ∆t1>2 >L = 0 Dch 0 ∆l1>2 = (5 ps nm-1 km-1)(2 nm) = 10 ps km-1
Dispersion will be zero at 1.50 om when Dw = -Dm or when Dw = - 10 ps km-1 nm-1 . Examination of Dw vs. l for a = 2.594 om shows that a should be about 3 om. It should be emphasized that although Dm + Dw = 0 at 1.50 om, this is only at one wavelength, whereas the input radiation is over a range ∆l of wavelengths so that in practice chromatic dispersion is never actually zero. It will be minimum at around 1.50 om when, as in the present case, the core radius a ≈ 3 om.
Example 2.5.3 Chromatic dispersion at different wavelengths Many fiber manufacturers quote the wavelength dependence of the chromatic dispersion coefficient as
Dch =
l0 4 S0l c1 - a b d (2.5.13) 4 l
Chromatic dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers in which l0 is the wavelength at which Dch = 0 and S0 is the slope (dD>dl) of the dispersion curve at l0. Consider a standard SMF that has l0 = 1310 nm, and S0 = 0.090 ps nm-2 km-1. Calculate Dch at 1550nm and compare with the value in Figure 2.20.
Solution We can substitute the values into Eq. (2.5.13) Dch =
(0.09 ps nm-2 km-1)(1550 nm) l0 4 S0l 1310 nm 4 c1 - a b d = c1 - a b d = 17.1 ps nm-1 km-1 4 l 4 1550 nm
This value is not far out from Dch at 1550 nm in Figure 2.20.
Example 2.5.4 Waveguide dispersion One particular single-mode optical fiber has a core diameter of 8.2 om, n2 = 1.4485, ∆ = 0.323,. What is the waveguide dispersion coefficient at 1310 nm?
Solution We only need to apply Eq. (2.5.6) or Eq. (2.5.7), that is Dw (ps nm-1 km-1) ≈ -
83.76 l(om)
= -
83.76 (1.31 om)
34.1 (om)24 (1.4485)
= - 4.50 ps nm-1 km-1
which is approximately the value shown in Figure 2.22.
2.6 Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation A. Dispersion Modified Fibers Many fibers are named in terms of their dispersion characteristics, because dispersion ultimately controls the bandwidth for information transmission and the way in which the fiber can be used in communications. The standard silica single-mode fiber has its chromatic dispersion zero at around 1300 nm as shown in Figure 2.23. A fiber that has this dispersion curve shifted to have the zero in the middle of the useful 1500–1600 nm (approximate) range of communication channels is called the zero dispersion-shifted fiber. The nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber has the “zero” dispersion point outside this range. Reduced slope fiber has been designed to have the dispersion slope, that is Dch vs. wavelength slope, S, reduced in the same region for use in such applications as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), which is discussed later. The term nonzero dispersion fiber generally defines a fiber that has a nonzero dispersion in its range of operating wavelengths. The 1460– 1625 nm region is of special interest in telecommunications due to low fiber losses in this range. It contains three of the communications bands labeled as S(1460–1525 nm), C (1525–1565 nm), and L (1565–1625 nm). Figure 2.23 shows the dispersion characteristics of the above fibers. The basic idea of controlling the chromatic dispersion, that is Dch vs. l behavior, is straightforward and involves modifying the waveguide dispersion coefficient Dw. The waveguide dispersion characteristics (Dw vs. l) can be adjusted by changing the waveguide geometry. Waveguide dispersion arises from the group velocity vg dependence on the wavelength l. As the wavelength increases, the field penetrates more into the cladding, which changes the proportion of light energy carried by the core and the cladding and hence changes vg. We can thus alter the waveguide geometry, that is, modify the refractive index profile, and thereby control Dw to yield
2.6 • Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation
Figure 2.23 Various fibers named after their dispersion characteristics. The range 1500–1600 nm is only approximate and depends on the particular application of the fiber.
a total chromatic dispersion that is close to the desired behavior, often either zero at a certain wavelength or has the right slope over a range of wavelengths. The dispersion-flattened fiber is an optical fiber that has a refractive index profile that results in chromatic dispersion being small and flat over a wavelength range, that is, flattened between the wavelength l1 and l2 as shown in Figure 2.24. The refractive index profile of such a fiber looks like a W in which the cladding is a thin layer with a depressed refractive index; the fiber is called doubly clad. The simple step-index fiber is singly clad. Greater control on waveguide dispersion can be obtained by using multiply clad fibers. Such fibers are more difficult to manufacture but can exhibit excellent chromatic dispersion 193 ps nm-1 km-1 over 1.3–1.6 om. Low dispersion over a wavelength range, of course, allows wavelength multiplexing, for example, using a number of different wavelengths as communication channels. It should be apparent that an important characteristic of a fiber is not only the magnitude of the dispersion but also its slope with respect to the wavelength, which is denoted by S = dD>dl and measured in ps nm-2 km-1. Fiber specifications normally specify not
Figure 2.24 One type of dispersion-flattened fiber. The material dispersion coefficient (Dm) for the core material and waveguide dispersion coefficient (Dw) for the doubly clad fiber result in a flattened small chromatic dispersion between l1 and l2.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
only typical dispersion values at various wavelengths of interest but also the dispersion slope. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has defined certain fiber types for various uses, such as telecommunications using wavelength division multiplexing, by specifying their dispersion characteristics, as well as numerous other properties, including the attenuation along the fiber, mode field diameter, etc. For example G.655 is a nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber that has its l0 outside the 1500–1600 nm range, a dispersion magnitude less than 6 ps nm-1 km, PMD less than 0.5 ps km-1>2 and other specifications such as an MFD between 8 om and 11 om and an attenuation along the fiber that is less than 0.35 dB km-1. Table 2.3 gives three examples of standard f ibers defined by ITU for three single-mode fibers: a standard SMF, and nonzero dispersion-shifted fibers for WDM (wavelength division multiplexing), and DWDM (dense WDM) applications, respectively. A few selected commercial SMF properties are also given. The waveguide geometries and refractive index profiles can be quite sophisticated to generate the required fiber characteristics. B. Dispersion Compensation One technique to control and keep the overall chromatic dispersion low is to use a dispersion compensation. The idea is to have positive chromatic dispersion build up along a transmission fiber and then use a second fiber, called a compensating fiber, with opposite (negative) chromatic
Table 2.3 Selected single-mode fibers Fiber
Dch(ps nm−1 km−1) S0 (ps nm−2 km−1) DPMD (ps km−1,2) Some attributes
Standard single mode, ITU-T G.652
17 (1550 nm)
6 0.5 (cabled)
Nonzero dispersionshifted fiber, ITU-T G.655 Nonzero dispersionshifted fiber, ITU-T G.656
0.1–6 (1530 nm)
60.05 at 1550 nm
6 0.5 (cabled)
60.045 at 1550 nm
60.20 (cabled)
Corning SMF28e + (Standard SMF)
18 (1550 nm)
OFS TrueWave RS Fiber
Dch = 0 at l0 ≈ 1312 nm. MFD = 8.699.5 om at 1310 nm. lc … 1260 nm. For 1500–1600 nm range. WDM application. MFD = 8911 om. For 1460–1625 nm range. DWDM application. MFD = 7911 om (at 1550 nm). Positive Dch. lc 6 1310 nm Satisfies G.652. l0 ≈ 1317 nm, MFD = 9.2 om (at 1310 nm), 10.4 om (at 1550 nm); lc … 1260 nm. Satisfies G.655. Optimized for 1530–1625 nm. MFD = 8.4 om (at 1550 nm); lc … 1260 nm. Higher performance than G.655 specification. Satisfies G.656. For DWDM from 1460 to 1625 nm. l0 … 1405 nm. MFD = 8.6 om (at 1550 nm)
Note: ITU-T is the International Telecommunications Union with the suffix T representing the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in ITU. G.652, G.655, and G.656 are their standards for three single-mode fibers: a standard SMF, nonzero dispersion-shifted fibers for WDM (wavelength division multiplexing), and DWDM (dense WDM) applications, respectively. A few selected commercial SMF properties are also given. l0 is the wavelength at which Dch = 0.
2.6 • Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation
dispersion characteristics to bring down the overall dispersion. The compensating fiber has dispersion characteristics that nearly cancel the dispersion in the transmission fiber. The transmission fiber for use is produced with some chromatic dispersion, for example +10 ps nm-1 km-1, anddispersion is allowed to build up to say ∆t1 over a certain length L1. Then dispersion ∆t1 is “canceled” by using a second fiber, the compensating fiber, that has negative dispersion characteristics with respect to the first fiber, that is, modes that travel fast in the first fiber are slow in the second fiber as illustrated in Figure 2.25. If D1 and D2 are the chromatic dispersion coefficients of the transmission and compensating fibers with lengths L1 and L2, respectively, then the overall or net dispersion per unit spectral linewidth is D1L 1 + D2L 2. We can write this net dispersion in terms of an effective or net chromatic dispersion coefficient Dnet, that is,
Dnet L = D1L 1 + D2L 2 (2.6.1)
in which L is the total length (L 1 + L 2).12 The compensating fiber has the right D2L2 such that the overall dispersion DnetL is reduced below a certain desirable level. Since D1 and D2 have opposite signs, Dnet can be made small as shown in Figure 2.26. The dispersion D1 in the transmission fiber is normally positive, and D2 in the compensating fiber has to be negative to compensate for the dispersion in the transmission fiber, which means that waveguide dispersion in the compensating fiber has to be made dominant and appropriately shaped in terms of D2 vs. wavelength behavior by suitably engineering the fiber index profile.
Figure 2.25 The chro matic dispersion D1L1 in the transmission fiber over its length L1 is compensated by using a second fiber, a compensating fiber, which has the opposite chromatic dispersion. The length of the compensating fiber is L2 and the dispersion in it is D2L2. The overall dispersion ∆t> ∆l = D1L 1 + D2L 2.
Figure 2.26 Dispersion D vs. wavelength characteristics involved in dispersion compensation. Inverse dispersion fiber enables the dispersion to be reduced and maintained flat over the communications wavelengths. 12 An astute reader would have recognized Dnet as the average or effective chromatic dispersion coefficient for the whole combined fiber (transmission + compensating fibers together).
Dispersion compensation
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Dispersion compensation is also used in generating a flat dispersion over the communication wavelengths as illustrated in Figure 2.26. For example, for ultralong-haul communications the so-called UltraWave fiber that is designed for dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) communications has a large cross-sectional area to enable more power to be fed into the fiber—it is a super large area (SLA) fiber with positive dispersion. The inverse dispersion fiber (IDF) has a negative dispersion slope that mirrors the dispersion slope in the SLA fiber so that the combination of SLA and IDF, the dispersion managed set, has a small and flat dispersion over the DWDM wavelengths. The introduction of DWDM has led to certain requirements not only on the magnitude of dispersion but also on its dependence on the wavelength (dispersion slope). Consequently, dispersion management in fibers is one of the most active areas of current research and development. However, while compensating fiber enables dispersion to be controlled, one should note that the compensating fiber has higher attenuation, due to the more heavily doped core region, and needs to be of shorter length. Compensation depends on the temperature. It is more susceptible to nonlinear effects. Different cross-section(s) between the transmission and the compensating fiber can lead to splicing or coupling losses. They are generally used at the receiver end. Manufacturers provide the transmission fiber spliced to a compensating fiber for a well-defined D vs. l behavior. The inverse dispersion slope fiber (mentioned above) has the inverse dispersion of the transmission fiber, and cancels the detrimental effect of dispersion across the spectrum of communication wavelengths to allow wavelength division multiplexing to be used.
Example 2.6.1 Dispersion compensation Calculate the total dispersion and the overall net dispersion coefficient when a 400 km transmission fiber with Dch = + 10 ps nm-1 km-1 is spliced to a compensating fiber that is 30 km long and has Dch = - 100 ps nm-1 km-1. Assume that the input light spectral width is 1 nm.
Solution Using Eq. (2.6.1) with ∆l = 1 nm, we can find the total dispersion
∆t = (D1L 1 + D2L 2)∆l = 3( +10 ps nm-1 km-1)(400 km) + ( -100 ps nm-1 km-1)(30 km)4 (1 nm)
= 1000 ps for 430 km
The net or effective dispersion coefficient can be found from ∆t = Dnet L∆l Dnet = ∆t>(L∆l) = (1000 ps)> 3(430 km)(1 nm)4 = 2.3 ps nm-1 km-1
2.7 Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth A. Bit Rate and Dispersion In digital communications, signals are generally sent as light pulses along an optical fiber. Information is first converted to an electrical signal that is in the form of pulses as illustrated in Figure 2.27. The pulses represent bits of information that are in digital form. For simplicity we have taken the pulses to be very short but generally there is a well-defined pulse duration.
2.7 • Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth
Figure 2.27 An optical fiber link for transmitting digital information and the effect of dispersion in the fiber on the output pulses.
Theelectrical signal drives a light emitter such as a laser diode whose light output is appropriately coupled into a fiber for transmission to the destination. The light output at the destination end of the fiber is coupled to a photodetector that converts the light signal back to an electrical signal. The information is then decoded from this electrical signal. Digital communications engineers are interested in the maximum rate at which the digital data can be transmitted along the fiber. This rate is called the bit rate capacity B (bits per second) of the fiber and is directly related to the dispersion characteristics.13 Suppose that we feed a light pulse of very short duration into the fiber. The output pulse will be delayed by the transit time t it takes for the light pulse to travel down the fiber. Due to various dispersion mechanisms there will be a spread ∆t in the arrival times of different guided waves—for example, different fundamental modes for different source wavelengths. This dispersion is typically measured between half-power (or intensity) points and is called full width athalf power (FWHP), or full width at half maximum (FWHM). To clarify the definition of ∆t we can use ∆t1>2 to represent the extent of dispersion based on FWHM. Intuitively, as apparent from Figure 2.27, clear distinguishability between two consecutive output pulses, that is no intersymbol interference, requires that they be time-separated from peak to peak by at least 2∆t1>2. Thus, we can only feed in pulses at the input, at best, at every 2∆t1>2 seconds, which then defines the period (T) of the input pulses. Thus the maximum bit rate, that is the maximum date rate,14 B, at which pulses can be transmitted is very roughly 1>(2∆t1>2)
B ≈
0.5 (bits s-1) (2.7.1) ∆t1>2
The maximum bit rate B in Eq. (2.7.1) assumes a pulse representing the binary information 1 that must return to zero for a duration before the next binary information. Two consecutive pulses for two consecutive 1’s must have a zero in between as in the output pulses shown in Figures 2.27 and 2.28. This bit rate is called the return-to-zero (RTZ) bit rate or data rate. On the other hand, it is also possible to send the two consecutive binary 1 pulses without having to return to zero at the end of each 1-pulse. That is, two 1-pulses are immediately next to each other. 13 The discussion in this section is more intuitive than rigorous; and we are using delta-pulses at the input to simplify the arguments. The input pulses are normally rectangular pulses of finite duration. Mathematical derivations may be found in more advanced textbooks on optical communications. Eqs. (2.7.1) and (2.7.2), however, remain valid. 14 The data rate or the bit rate (B) is the average number of symbols or characters or a block of characters (bytes) being transferred through a communication system. It is measured in bits per second (symbols per unit second) or in bytes per unit second. For example, 1 megabit per second would be 1 Mb s-1, which is 125 kilobytes per second, 125 kB s-1.
Intuitive RTZ bit rate and dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Figure 2.28 A Gaussian output light pulse and some tolerable intersymbol interference between two consecutive output light pulses (y-axis in relative units). At time t = s as measured from the pulse center, the relative magnitude is e-1>2 = 0.607 and full-width root mean square (rms) spread is ∆trms = 2s (the RTZ case).
The two pulses in Figure 2.28 can be brought closer until the repetition period T = 2s and the signal is nearly uniform over the length of these two consecutive 1’s. Such a maximum data rate is called nonreturn to zero (NRZ) bit rate. The NRZ bit rate is twice the RTZ bit rate. The maximum bit rate and dispersion discussions below refer to the RTZ data rate. In a more rigorous analysis we need to know the temporal shape of the output signal and the criterion for discerning the information; for example, what is the extent of allowed overlap in the output light pulses? There is a general approximate relationship between the bit rate and the root-mean-square (rms) dispersion (or the mean standard deviation from the mean15) s, which is shown in Figure 2.28. Notice that the full-width rms time spread ∆trms of the pulse between its rms points is 2s. For a Gaussian output light pulse, s and ∆t1>2 are related by s = 0.425∆t1>2. The relationship is different for other light pulse shapes. The maximum bit rate B in terms of s requires that two consecutive output pulses be separated at least by 4s between their peaks as shown in Figure 2.28. Thus Maximum RTZ bit rate and dispersion
B ≈
0.25 (2.7.2) s
For a Gaussian pulse, s = 0.425∆t1>2 so that B = 0.59> ∆t1>2, and the bit rate is ∼18% greater than the intuitive estimate in Eq. (2.7.1). In some cases, the Gaussian pulses are taken to be separated by at least 5s, which makes the numerator in Eq. (2.7.2) equal to 0.20 instead of 0.25.16 In the case of Eq. (2.7.2), about 95% of the pulse energy remains within the identifiable pulse and not in the overlap region (Figure 2.28). In general, the input pulses are not infinitely short and have a certain time-width that must also be considered in the discernibility of the output information along with the method of information decoding. All these factors typically modify the numerical factor in Eq. (2.7.2). 17 Dispersion increases with fiber length L and also with the range of source wavelengths ∆l1>2, measured between the half-intensity points of the source spectrum (intensity vs. wavelength). This means that the bit rate decreases with increasing L and ∆l1>2. It is therefore customary to specify the product of the bit rate B with the fiber length L at the operating wavelength for a given emitter (LED, laser diode, etc.). Suppose that the rms spread (or deviation) of wavelengths in the light output spectrum of the emitter is sl. For a Gaussian output spectrum, for example, sl = 0.425∆l1>2. The shape g(t) of a perfectly Gaussian output light pulse centered at t = 0 is g(t) = 31>(2ps2)1>24 exp 3 - t 2 >(2s2)4 where s is the root mean square deviation; ∆trms = 2s. When t = s, g(s) = g(0)e-1. In practice, Gaussian is only an approximation to the actual light output pulse. (See Appendix A.) 16 Indeed, Eq. (2.7.1) is approximately 0.20>s and hence equivalent to taking the separation of two consecutive output pulses as being 5s. The use of 4s and 5s in finding B is mixed in the literature but the difference is not significant given the extent of approximations involved. 15
The maximum bit rate depends on the input pulse shape, fiber dispersion characteristics and hence the output pulse shape, and, not least, the modulation scheme of encoding the information. The treatment is covered in optical communications courses and obviously beyond the scope of an elementary book.
2.7 • Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth
If Dch is the chromatic dispersion coefficient, then the rms dispersion of the output light pulse is LDchsl. Then, the BL product, called the bit rate * distance product, is given by
0.25L 0.25 (2.7.3) = s 0 Dch 0 sl
Maximum bit rate * distance
s2 = s2intermodal + s2intramodal (2.7.4)
Total rms dispersion
BL ≈
It is clear that BL is a characteristic of the fiber, through Dch, and also of the range of source wavelengths. In specifications, the fiber length is taken as l km. For example, BL for a step-index single-mode fiber operating at a wavelength of 1.3 om and excited by a laser diode source is several Gb s-1 km. Dividing this by the actual length of the fiber gives the maximum operating bit rate for that length. When both chromatic (or intramodal) and intermodal dispersion are present, as in a graded index fiber (discussed later), we have to combine the two effects taking into account that their origins are different. Both material and waveguide dispersion arise from a range of input wavelength (i.e., ∆l) and the net effect is simply the linear addition of the two dispersion coefficients, Dch = Dw + Dm. The same is not true for combining intermodal and intramodal dispersion simply because their origins are different. The overall dispersion in terms of an rms dispersion s can be found from individual rms dispersions by
or, in terms of FWHM dispersion widths
(∆t1>2)2 = (∆t1>2)2intermodal + (∆t1>2)2intramodal (2.7.5)
and s can then be used in Eq. (2.7.2) to approximately find B. Equation (2.7.4) is generally valid for finding the resultant rms deviation from individual rms deviations whenever two independent processes are superimposed. Equations (2.7.2) and (2.7.3) seem innocuously simple due to the fact that they have been written in terms of the rms dispersion. To determine B from ∆t1>2 we need to know the pulse shape. It is common to assume Gaussian pulse shapes as in Figure 2.28, and for an ideal Gaussian pulse, s = 0.425∆t1>2 and B = 0.25>s = 0.59>∆t1>2. For a rectangular pulse with a full-width ∆T, the FWHM, ∆t1>2, is the same as ∆T. Further, s = 0.29∆t1>2 = 0.29∆T, which is quite different than the Gaussian pulse case. The maximum bit rate in Eq. (2.7.2) for Gaussian pulses does not make intuitive sense for a rectangular pulse. The rectangular pulses must be separated by at least ∆T so that B 6 1>∆T.Table 2.4 summarizes the relationships between ∆t1>2, s, and B for different optical pulse shapes. B. Optical and Electrical Bandwidth The emitter in the simple optical fiber link in Figure 2.27 can also be driven, or modulated, by an analog signal that varies continuously with time. We can, for example, drive the emitter using a sinusoidal signal as shown in Figure 2.29. The input light intensity into the fiber then becomes modulated to be a sinusoidal with time at the same frequency f as the modulating signal. The light output intensity at the fiber destination should also be sinusoidal with only a shift in phase due to the time it takes for waves to travel along the fiber. We can determine the transfer characteristics of the fiber by feeding in sinusoidal light intensity signals, which have the same intensity but different modulation frequencies f. Ideally, the light output should have the same intensity for the various modulation frequencies. Figure 2.29 shows the observed optical transfer characteristic of the fiber, which is defined as the output light power per unit input light power (Po >Pi), as a function of
Total FWHM dispersion
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Table 2.4 Relationships between dispersion parameters, maximum bit rates,
and bandwidths
Dispersed pulse shape Gaussian with rms deviation s
Pulse shape and FWHM width, 𝚫T1,2
Triangular pulse with full-width ∆T
Rectangular with full-width ∆T
𝚫T1,2 FWHM width ∆t1>2 = 2.353s
B (RZ)
0.75B = 0.19>s
0.99B = 0.247>s
6 1> ∆T
0.69B = 0.17>s
s = 0.425∆t1>2
∆t1>2 = 0.5∆T = (61>2)s s = ∆t1>2 >2.45 = 0.408∆t1>2 s = 0.289∆T = 0.289∆t1>2 ∆t1>2 = ∆T = (2)(3
(Source: Data from J. Gowar, Optical Communication Systems, 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 1993) Chapter 1.) Note: RZ = Return@to@zero pulses.
Optical bandwidth for Gaussian dispersion
modulation frequency f. The response is flat and then falls with frequency. The reason is that as the frequency becomes too high, the pulse separation period becomes too short, so that dispersion effects smear out the light at the output. The frequency fop at which the output intensity is 50% below the flat region defines the optical bandwidth fop of the fiber and hence the useful frequency range in which modulated optical signals can be transferred along the fiber. Intuitively, the optical cutoff frequency fop should correspond roughly to the bit rate, that is, we would expect fop ≈ B. This is not entirely true because B can tolerate some pulse overlap depending on the shape of the output pulse and the discernibility criterion. If the fiber dispersion characteristics are Gaussian, then
fop ≈ 0.75B ≈
0.19 (2.7.6) s
Figure 2.29 An optical fiber link for transmitting analog signals and the effect of dispersion in the fiber on the bandwidth, fop. Po >Pi has been arbitrarily set to 0.1 to allow for some attenuation in the fiber.
2.8 • The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber
in which s is the total rms dispersion through the fiber. The optical bandwidth and fiber length product fopL is then approximately 25% smaller than the BL product. It is important to realize that the electrical signal from the photodetector (photocurrent or voltage) does not exhibit the same bandwidth. This is because bandwidth fel for electrical signals is measured where the signal is 70.7% of its low frequency value as indicated in Figure 2.29. The electrical signal (photocurrent) from the photodetector is proportional to the fiber-output light power and when this is 50% below the flat region at fop, so is the electrical signal. This fop is therefore greater than fel. It is, of course, fel that is of interest in optical receiver system design. The relationship between fel and fop depends on the dispersion through the fiber. For Gaussian dispersion, fel ≈ 0.71fop. The use of the term bandwidth alone normally implies an optical bandwidth, and is commonly denoted BW. Table 2.4 summarizes the relationships between various dispersion parameters, maximum bit rates, and bandwidths for Gaussian, triangular, and rectangular dispersed pulse shapes. Remember that digital information transmission using a nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) scheme has twice the bit rate of the RZ scheme.
Example 2.7.1 Bit rate and dispersion for a single-mode fiber Consider a single-mode optical fiber for use in medium-haul communications at 1310 nm. It has a dispersion coefficient 4 ps nm-1 km-1. Calculate the bit rate distance product (BL) and the optical and electrical bandwidths for a 10-km fiber if a laser diode source with an FWHP linewidth ∆t1>2 of 3 nm is used.
Solution For FWHP dispersion, ∆t1>2 >L = 0 Dch 0 ∆l1>2 = (4 ps nm-1 km-1)(3 nm) = 12 ps km-1
Assuming a Gaussian light pulse shape, the RTZ bit rate * distance product (BL) is BL = 0.59L> ∆t1>2 = 0.59>(12 ps km-1) = 49.2 Gb s-1 km The optical bandwidth distance product fopL = 0.75 BL = 36.9 GHz km. The maximum bit rate, optical and electrical bandwidths for a 10 km-fiber is
B = (49.2 Gb s-1 km)>(10 km) = 4.9 Gb s-1 fop = 0.75 B = 0.75(49.2 Gb s-1 km)>(10 km) = 3.7 GHz
and fel = 0.71 fop = 2.6 GHz For comparison, the 100-om core MMF in Example 2.3.5, operating at 850 nm, has full-width dispersion, ∆t>L = 11.3 ns km-1. Its maximum bit rate (see Table 2.4) would be BL ≈ L> ∆t = 1>(11.3 ns km-1) = 87 Mb s-1 km
2.8 The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber A. Basic Properties of GRIN Fibers The main drawback of the single-mode step-index fiber is the relatively small numerical aperture (NA) and hence the difficulty in the amount of light that can be coupled into it. Increasing theNA means only increasing the V-number, which must be less than 2.405. Multimode fibers
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
have a relatively larger NA and hence accept more light from broader angles. The greater NA and wider core diameter of the multimode fiber allows not only easier light coupling but also more optical power to be launched into the fiber. Multimode fibers suffer from intermodal dispersion. In terms of visualizing rays this means that the rays representing the modes travel along different path lengths and hence arrive at different times at the end of the fiber as shown in Figure 2.30 (a). In the graded index fiber the refractive index is not constant within the core but decreases from n1 at the center, as a power law, to n2 at the cladding as shown in Figure 2.30 (b). The refractive index profile across the core is close to being parabolic. Such a refractive index profile is capable of minimizing intermodal dispersion to a virtually innocuous level. All the rays (e.g., marked 1, 2, and 3) in the graded index fiber arrive at the same time as illustrated in Figure 2.30 (b). The intuitive reason for this is that the velocity along the ray path, c>n, is not constant and increases as the ray is farther away from the center. A ray such as 2 that has a longer path than ray 1 then experiences a faster velocity during a part of its journey to enable it to catch up with ray 1. Similarly, ray 3 experiences a faster velocity than 2 during part of its propagation to catch up with ray 2, and so on. Suppose that we consider the graded index fiber to consist of many thin concentric layers each of constant refractive index, na 7 nb 7 nc, etc., as illustrated in Figure 2.31 (a) above the fiber axis. We have essentially stratified the medium. If ua is the incidence angle of ray 1 in layer a on the interface a–b, then the refracted ray in b will have an angle ub such that na sin ua = nb sin ub. Similarly, ray 1 would be refracted going from b to c such that nb sin ub = nc sin uc and so on, until the incidence angle reaches that for TIR at the f–g interface as shown for ray 1 in Figure2.31(a). Ray 2 starts with a wider ua and hence it reaches TIR at c–d below ray 1. If we engineer the n-variation just right, then the rays 1 and 2 leaving from O on the fiber axis will arrive at the same time at O′ further along the axis, which is essentially what happens in a graded index fiber. In a graded index fiber, the index changes continuously, which is analogous to having a ray travel from layer to layer almost immediately so that there is an immediate sequence of refractions as shown in Figure 2.31 (b). The ray path then becomes bent continuously. As the ray propagates, it obeys Snell’s law, n sin u = constant, which means that u must continuously increase, while n continuously decreases along r, until TIR is reached and the ray is reflected. The ray then continues on a continuously bent path to O′. A proper analysis shows that ray trajectories in a graded index
Figure 2.30 Multimode fibers. (a) Multimode step-index fiber. Ray paths are different so that rays arrive at different times. (b) Graded index fiber. Ray paths are different but so are the velocities along the paths so that all the rays arrive at the same time.
2.8 • The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber
Figure 2.31 (a) We can visualize a graded index fiber by imagining a stratified medium with the layers of refractive indices na 7 nb 7 nc c as shown for the portion of the fiber above the fiber axis (z-axis). Consider two close rays 1 and 2 launched from O on the fiber axis at the same time but with slightly different launching angles. Ray 1 suffers total internal reflection at the f–g interface. Ray 2 becomes refracted at the c–d interface exactly below that for ray 1. Both rays arrive at the same time at O′ if we have a perfectly optimized graded index fiber. (b) Graded index medium in which the ray trajectory is continuously bent.
fiber are sinusoidal-type continuously bent curves as in Figure 2.31(b).18 All the modes have their maxima at the same location on the z-axis and at about the same time. These ideas apply essentially to meridional rays, those rays that cross the core axis. In addition, there are also continuously bent skew rays, which are helical rays that result from rays entering the fiber core off the axis. When we examine intermodal dispersion, we have to also consider these helical rays. When we consider the propagation of all the modes through the graded index fiber, intermodal dispersion is not totally absent though it is reduced enormously in magnitude from the multimode step-index fiber. The refractive index profile can generally be described by a power law with an index g called the profile index (or the coefficient of index grading) so that19 n = n131 - 2∆(r>a)g41>2 ; r 6 a, core (2.8.1a)
n = n2;
r = a, cladding (2.8.1b)
which looks like the schematic refractive index profile shown in Figure 2.30 (b). Also note that n2 = n1 31 - 2∆4 1>2, so that the definition of ∆ remains the same as in a step-index fiber. The V-number definition is retained as before in terms of n1 and n2, that is, V = ka(n21 - n21)1>2, where k is the free-space propagation constant. The intermodal dispersion becomes minimum when the fiber index profile (i.e., g) is optimized when it has a certain value go, i.e., g = go. To find go we need to consider EM wave propagation in the graded index fiber, and find the right g (g = go) that shortens the time interval ∆T between the earliest and latest arrival (delay) times of propagating modes. From ∆T we can find the rms dispersion s (and hence the optical bandwidth) if we also make an assumption on the dispersed light pulse shape. Further, we also need to consider the wavelength dependence of ∆, that is, d∆ >dl, which is profile dispersion. With the assumption that the fiber is weakly guiding, that is, ∆ V 1, the optimized profile index is20 go ≈ 2 + d - ∆
(4 + d)(3 + d) ≈ 2 (2.8.2) 5 + 2d
See B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd Edition (John Wiley & Sons, 2007), Ch. 1.
Some books use a, q, or g instead of g. Since a is used for attenuation in this chapter, and a and a are visually close in small print, g is used. 20
This was derived by Robert Olshansky and Donald Keck, Appl. Opt., 15, 482, 1976.
Graded index profile definition
Optimal profile index
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
in which d, the profile dispersion parameter of the graded index fiber, is defined by Profile dispersion parameter
d = -a
n1l d∆ b (2.8.3) Ng1 ∆ dl
The profile index go in Eq. (2.8.2) is called the optimal profile index. Since d is small, go is close to 2 (parabolic). Since d depends on the wavelength, so does g. A graded index fiber that has been optimized at one wavelength would not be optimized at another wavelength. With this optimal profile index, the rms dispersion sintermode in the output light pulse per unit length is usually given by21 Dispersion in graded index fiber
Numerical aperture for GRIN fibers
Effective numerical aperture for GRIN fibers
Number of modes in graded index fiber
sintermode n1 ≈ ∆ 2 (2.8.4) L 2013c
There have been other theoretical treatments of the graded index fiber with the result that the full delay time spread ∆T is Ln1 ∆ 2 >(8c). If we assume a triangular pulse shape, the resulting rms dispersion is not far out from that in Eq. (2.8.4). It is straightforward to show that the above optimized dispersion is easily a factor of 10 3 smaller than the dispersion in a corresponding step-index multimode fiber (see Example 2.8.1). However, a cautionary note is in order. As the profile index g deviates from the optimal value go, the dispersion worsens very rapidly. A 2.5% change in g can increase sintermode by a factor of 10. The definition of the numerical aperture (NA) in Eq. (2.4.1) for the step-index fiber is generally also retained for graded index fiber, i.e.,
NA = NA(r) = 3n(r)2 - n2241>2 (2.8.5)
but now NA depends on the radial position (r) since n(r) decreases with r. The NA of a graded index fiber is maximum and the same value as the step-index fiber only at the center of the core; and then decreases with r. It is customary to average NA(r)2 to obtain an effective NA for graded index fiber. For g ≈ 2, the effective NA is approximately given by
NAGRIN ≈ (1>21>2)(n21 - n22)1>2 (2.8.6)
which is a factor of 21>2 or 1.414 less than the NA for a step-index fiber with the same n1 and n2. Even if a graded index fiber has the same NA at the core center as the step-index fiber, it nonetheless accepts less light than the corresponding step-index fiber. The number of modes M in a graded index fiber is given by
M ≈ a
g V2 b (2.8.7) g + 2 2
Note that, as expected, M reduces to V2>2 for g = ∞, i.e., for the step-index MMF. Further, for the graded index fiber with the optimal index (g = 2) M = V 2>4; there are half as many modes as in the multimode step-index fiber. If we examine Figure 2.31 (b), we see that for an optimized graded index fiber, all rays emanating from a point O on the fiber axis are bent and then eventually brought to the same point O′ on the axis. Clearly, the core, just like a lens, bends and focuses the rays to a point O′ 21 See Olshansky, Rev. Mod. Phys., 51, 341, 1979 or J. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications, 3rd Edition (Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 2009), Ch. 3.
2.8 • The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber
Figure 2.32 Graded index rod lenses of different pitches. (a) Point O is on the rod face center and the lens focuses the rays onto O′ on to the center of the opposite face. (b) The rays from O on the rod face center are collimated out. (c) O is slightly away from the rod face and the rays are collimated out. GRIN rod lenses and a spherical lens (a ball lens) used in coupling light into fibers. (Courtesy of CVI Melles Griot.)
on the axis. A graded index rod lens is a glass rod whose refractive index changes parabol icallyfrom its central axis where the index is maximum. It is like a very thick, short graded index fiber whose diameter is perhaps 0.5–5 mm. Such GRIN rod lenses of different lengths can be used to focus or collimate light rays in fiber optics, as illustrated in Figure 2.32. The principle of operation can be understood by considering ray trajectories in the graded index medium shown in Figure 2.31 (b) in which the ray trajectories are sinusoidal paths. One pitch (P) is a full one period variation in the ray trajectory along the rod axis. Figure 2.32 (a), (b), and (c) show halfpitch (0.5P), quarter-pitch (0.25P), and 0.23P GRIN rod lenses. The point O in (a) and (b) is on the rod face center whereas in (c) it is slightly away from the rod face. Such GRIN rod lenses, along with spherical lenses, are used to couple light from emitters and detectors into optical fibers, from fibers into photodetectors, or couple one fiber to another. B. Telecommunications Graded index fibers are widely used in optical data communications, especially in short- and medium-haul communications, usually over distances up to about 1 km. Local area networks (LANs) invariably use graded index fibers. Manufacturers produce carefully profiled graded index fibers to maintain low dispersion. They are operated mainly at two wavelengths, either 850 nm or 1310 nm, but the 850 nm is much more common today in LANs due to reasonably priced laser emitters as narrow spectral width sources. At present, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs)22 are used most commonly, which have a spectral width less than 1 nm. The 10 Gb s-1 GRIN MMF fiber systems are available and 40 Gb s-1 and higher are expected soon. Table 2.5 summarizes typical graded index fiber characteristics and standards for LAN applications at 850 nm. For example, the OM4 standard would allow 10G networks with bit rates of 10 Gb s-1 to reach distances of 550 m at an operating wavelength of 850 nm. The overall dispersion s in the graded index fiber limits the maximum bit rate (data rate) and the optical bandwidth of the fiber. The overall dispersion s includes both intermodal dispersion sintermode and intramodal dispersion sintramode so that
s2 = s2intermode + s2intramode (2.8.8)
The characteristics of VCSELs are described in Chapter 4. In this section, we are only interested in their spectral width, 6 1 nm, and maximum modulation rates, 10 Gb s-1.
Total dispersion in a graded index fiber
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Table 2.5 Graded index multimode fibers MMF (d , D)
Compliance standard
50 >125 50 >125
62.5 >125
Reach in 10G and 40G A(dB km−1 ) networks
Typical Dch (ps nm − 1 km − 1 )
Bandwidth (MHz # km)
4700 (EMB) 3500 (OFLBW)
550 m (10G) 150 m (40G)
300 m (10G)
2000 (EMB) 500 (OFLBW) 200 (OFLBW)
33 m (10G)
Note: d = core diameter (om), D = cladding diameter (om). Typical properties at 850 nm. VCSEL is a vertical cavity surface emitting laser. a is attenuation along the fiber. OM1, OM3, and OM4 are fiber standards for LAN data links (Ethernet). a are reported typical attenuation values. 10G and 40G networks represent data rates of 10 Gb s-1 and 40 Gb s-1 and correspond to 10GbE (Gigabit Ethernet) and 40 GbE systems.
The intramodal dispersion is due to chromatic dispersion, which is essentially material dispersion, and depends on the spectral width of the light source. If the fiber is operated at the wavelength of zero chromatic dispersion, usually around 1300 nm, and if the spectral width is kept small, then the bit rate is essentially limited by intermodal dispersion. Thus, the graded index profile, and its quality control during manufacturing, plays an important role in determining the final bandwidth of the fiber. Most MMFs used in telecommunications are graded index fibers. When the fiber is used at 850 nm, one must include the chromatic (material) dispersion in the bandwidth calculation, which requires the source spectral width; VCSELs have a spectral width that is typically less than 1 nm. Laser diode excitation allows a wider bandwidth to be attained. However, the laser beam, unlike an LED beam, is narrow with a small spot size, and does not cover the whole core of the MMF. The fiber bandwidth then depends on what narrow portion of the core the laser beam hits, a small region of the core area, or the whole area. Effective modal bandwidth (EMB) is used to specify the bandwidth of MMFs that are excited from a small spot size laser source. EMB is also known as the laser bandwidth. The overfilled launch bandwidth (OFLBW) refers to the bandwidth when an LED is used to excite the whole core. Since LEDs cannot usually be modulated at speeds far exceeding 600 Mb s-1 even if the MMF has a wide bandwidth, the actual bottleneck may well be the LED bandwidth rather than the length of the fiber. VCSELs can be easily modulated upto 10 Gb s-1.
Example 2.8.1 Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate Full width of dispersion in an optimized graded index fiber
Consider an optimized graded index fiber. The theoretical temporal time spread in the output light pulse due to the delay times of the first and last modes arriving at the output has been evaluated and quoted in the literature as23 ∆Tgraded ≈
Ln1 ∆ 2 (2.8.9) 8c
Compare the above full-width dispersion with that for a step-index MMF, assuming a ∆ of 0.01. 23
See, for example, J. Gowar, Optical Communications Systems, 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 1993), Ch. 9.
2.8 • The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber
What would you expect for the rms dispersion for a rectangular and triangular pulse shapes, and how do these compare with Eq. (2.8.4)?
Solution The full pulse spread ∆Tstep for a step-index MMF is Ln1 ∆ >c so that the ratio of the two dispersions is ∆Tgraded > ∆Tstep = (Ln1 ∆ 2 >8c)>(Ln1 ∆ >c) = ∆ >8 = 1.25 * 10-3
which shows that the graded index fiber should decrease the dispersion by a factor of 800. In practice the reduction is not as much as this. To obtain the rms dispersion, we need to make an assumption on the shape of the output light pulse given that the input light pulse is a delta function. For rectangular and triangular pulses, thedispersions sr and st, respectively, are sr =
∆Tgraded (2)(3)1>2
Ln1 ∆ 2 27.7c
and st =
∆Tgraded (2)(61>2)
Ln1 ∆ 2 39.2c
On the other hand, Eq. (2.8.4) is s =
Ln1 ∆ 2 2013c
Ln1 ∆ 2 34.6c
In fact, if we assume a rectangular pulse shape, Eq. (2.8.4) corresponds to a full spread ∆T that has a factor of 10, instead of 8 in the denominator of Eq. (2.8.9). While theoretical predictions differ in the exact numerical factor in the denominator, in practice, the actual dispersion is limited by deviations from the optimal index profile and various other factors.
Example 2.8.2 Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate Consider a graded index fiber whose core has a diameter of 50 om and a refractive index of n1 = 1.4750, ∆ = 0.010. (The corresponding NA at the core center is about 0.20.) The fiber is used in LANs at 850 nm with a vertical cavity surface emitting laser that has a very narrow linewidth that is about 0.4 nm (FWHM). Assume that the chromatic dispersion at 850 nm is - 100 ps nm-1 km-1 as shown in Table 2.5. Assume the fiber has been optimized at 850 nm, and find the minimum rms dispersion. How many modes are there? What would be the upper limit on its bandwidth? What would be the bandwidth in practice?
Solution Given ∆ and n 1, we can find n 2 from ∆ = 0.01 = (n1 - n2)>n1 = (1.4750 - n2)>1.4750. Thus, n2 = 1.4603. The V-number is then V = (2pa>l)(n21 - n22)1>2 = 3(2p)(25 om)>(0.850 om)(1.47502 - 1.46032)41>2 = 38.39
For the number of modes we can simply take g = 2 and use
M = (V 2 >4) = (38.392 >4) = 368 modes
The lowest intermodal dispersion for a profile optimized graded index fiber for a 1 km of fiber, L = 1 km, is sintermode n1 1.4750 ∆2 = (0.010)2 ≈ L 2013c 2013(3 * 108) = 14.19 * 10-15 s m-1 or 14.19 ps km-1
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Thus, assuming a triangular output light pulse and the relationship between s and ∆t1>2 given in Table 2.4, the intermodal spread ∆tintermode (FWHM) in the group delay over 1 km is ∆tintermode = (61>2)sintermode = (2.45)(14.19 ps) = 34.8 ps We also need the chromatic dispersion at the operating wavelength over 1 km, which makes up the intramodal dispersion ∆tintramode (FWHM) ∆tintramode = L 0 Dch 0 ∆l1>2 = (1 km)( -100 ps nm-1 km-1)(0.40 nm) = 40.0 ps
Note that the chromatic dispersion is essentially material dispersion. The overall dispersion ∆t (FWHM) from Eq. (2.8.8) is ∆t2 = ∆t2intermode + ∆t2intramode = (34.8)2 + (40.0)2 so that ∆t = 53.0 ps
The corresponding maximum bit (data) rate B from Table 2.4 (assuming a triangular pulse) is B =
0.25 0.25 0.61 0.61 = = = 11.5 Gb s-1 = s 0.408∆t ∆t 53.0 * 10-12 s
so that the BL product is 11.5 Gb s-1 km. The optical bandwidth ( fop) would be 0.99B, which is 11.4 GHz. This is the upper limit since we assumed that the graded index fiber is perfectly optimized with sintermode being minimum. Small deviations around the optimum g cause large increases in sintermode, which would sharply reduce the bandwidth. If this were a multimode step-index fiber with the same n1 and n2, then the full dispersion (total spread) would roughly be n1 - n2 n1 ∆ (1.4750)(0.01) ∆t ≈ = = = 4.92 * 10-11 s m-1 or 49.2 ns km-1 c c L 3 * 108 To calculate the BL we assume a rectangular pulse shape as in Table 2.4, BL ≈
L 1 = = 20 Mb s-1 km ∆t 49.2 * 10-9 s km-1
which is nearly ∼ 575 times smaller. Note: LANs now use graded index MMFs, and the step-index MMFs are used mainly in low-speed instrumentation.
2.9 Attenuation in Optical Fibers A. Attenuation Coefficient and Optical Power Levels In general, when light propagates through a material it becomes attenuated in the direction of propagation as illustrated in Figure 2.33. The electric field and hence the intensity decrease in the direction of propagation, usually in an exponential manner as shown in Figure 2.33.
Figure 2.33 The attenuation of light in a medium.
2.9 • Attenuation in Optical Fibers
Wedistinguish between absorption and scattering, both of which give rise to a loss of intensity in the normal direction of propagation (z-direction). In addition, extrinsic factors such as fiber bending can also lead to light attenuation. As light propagates through an optical fiber it becomes attenuated by a number of processes that depend on the wavelength of light. Suppose that the input optical power into a fiber of length L is Pin and the output optical power at the end is Pout and power anywhere in the fiber at a distance z from the input is P. The optical power attenuation coefficient a is defined as the fractional decrease in the optical power per unit distance, that is, a = -
1 dP (2.9.1) p dz
Definition of attenuation coefficient
We can integrate this over the length L of the fiber to relate a to Pout and Pin by
a =
Pin 1 ln a b (2.9.2) L Pout
Attenuation coefficient
We can just as well define attenuation in terms of light intensity but we have used power to follow convention since attenuation tests on optical fibers measure the optical power. If we know a then we can always find Pout from Pin through
Pout = Pin exp (-aL) (2.9.3)
The units for the attenuation coefficient a in exponential decays with distance is simply m-1. However, in general, optical power attenuation in an optical fiber is expressed in terms of decibels per unit length of fiber, typically as dB km-1. The attenuation of the signal in decibels per unit length is defined in terms of the logarithm to base 10 by
adB =
Pin 1 10 log a b (2.9.4) L Pout
Substituting for Pin >Pout from above we obtain adB =
10 a = 4.34a (2.9.5) ln (10)
Exponential power decay
Attenuation coefficient in dBl -1
Conversion to decibels
The attenuation of the electric field, of course, also follows an exponential decay but its attenuation coefficient is a>2 (see Chapter 1). The attenuation adB in Eq. (2.9.4) represents relative power values and does not say anything about absolute power values. Often, we would like to indicate the power level involved in a fiber link. Since the attenuation is in terms of dB (per km), we would like to somehow maintain the dB unit. In fiber optic communications, the power level PdBm is measured in dBm and is defined in terms of the actual power level PmW in mW by using a 1-mW reference power level, that is,
PdBm = 10 log a
PmW b (2.9.6) 1 mW
Clearly, this definition is similar to that for adB in Eq. (2.9.4) though different quantities are defined. Thus a power level of 1 mW is 0 dBm. Positive dBm values represent power levels greater than 1 mW and negative values less than 1 mW. A laser emitter with a power of 50 mW has a power level of 17 dBm.
Power level dBm
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Example 2.9.1 Attenuation along an optical fiber The optical power launched into a single-mode optical fiber from a laser diode is approximately 1 mW. The photodetector at the output requires a minimum power of 1 nW to provide a clear signal (above noise). The fiber operates at 1.31 om and has an effective attenuation coefficient of 0.40 dB km-1. What is the maximum ideal length of fiber that can be used without inserting a repeater (to regenerate the signal)?
Solution We can use adB = so that L =
Pin 1 10 log a b L Pout
Pin 1 1 10-3 10 log a b = 10 log a -9 b = 150 km adB Pout 0.4 10
There will be additional losses, such as fiber-bending losses which arise from the bending of the fiber or splice losses (two fibers fused together to make a connection between the two). These losses will reduce this length to below this limit. A simple calculation shows that if we increase the attenuation to 0.6 dB km-1, Lbecomes 100 km. For long-distance communications, the signal has to be amplified, using an optical amplifier, after a distance of a few hundred kilometers, and eventually regenerated by using a repeater.
B. Intrinsic Attenuation in Optical Fibers Figure 2.34 shows the standard attenuation coefficient, as dB per km, of a typical silica glass– based optical fiber as a function of wavelength. The sharp increase in the attenuation at wavelengths beyond 1.6 om in the infrared region is due to energy absorption by “lattice vibrations” of the constituent ions of the glass material. Fundamentally, energy absorption in this region corresponds to the stretching of the Si–O bonds in ionic polarization induced by the EM wave. Absorption increases with wavelength as we approach the resonance wavelength of the Si–O bond, which is around 9.2 om. In the case of Ge-O glasses, this is further away, around 11.0 om. There is another intrinsic material absorption in the region below 500 nm, not shown in the figure, which is due to photons exciting electrons from the valence band to the conduction band of theglass.
Figure 2.34 Attenuation vs. wavelength for a standard silica-based fiber.
2.9 • Attenuation in Optical Fibers
There is a marked attenuation peak centered at 1.38 om, and a barely discernible minor peak at about 1.24 om. These attenuation regions arise from the presence of hydroxyl ions (OH -) as impurities in the glass structure inasmuch as it is difficult to remove all traces of hydroxyl (water) products during fiber production. Further, hydrogen atoms can easily diffuse into the glass structure at high temperatures during production, which leads to the formation of hydrogen bonds in the silica structure and OH - ions. Absorbed energy is mainly by the stretching vibrations of the OH - bonds within the silica structure, which has a fundamental resonance in the infrared region (2.72 om) but overtones or harmonics at lower wavelengths (or higher frequencies). The first overtone, twice the fundamental frequency, at around 1.38 om is the mostsignificant as can be seen in the figure. The second overtone is around 0.94 om and in high-quality fibers this is negligible. A combination of first overtone of the OH - vibration (at 1.38 om) and the fundamental vibrational frequency of SiO2 (at 9.2 om) gives rise to a minor loss peak at around 1.24 om.24 There are two important windows in the a vs. l behavior in which the attenuation exhibits minima. The window at around 1.3 om is the region between two neighboring OH - absorption peaks. This window is widely used in optical communications at 1310 nm. The window at around 1.55 om is between the first harmonic absorption of OH - and the infrared lattice absorption tail and represents the lowest attenuation. It can be seen that it is important to keep the hydroxyl content in the fiber within tolerable levels. There is a background attenuation process that decreases with wavelength and is due to the Rayleigh scattering of light by the local variations in the refractive index. Glass has a noncrystalline structure, which means that there is no long-range order to the arrangement of the atoms but only a short-range order, typically a few bond lengths. We know that the structure of a liquid is noncrystalline, that is, disordered. The glass structure is as if the structure of the melt has been suddenly frozen. The disorder in the liquid becomes frozen in the glass structure. We can only define the number of bonds a given atom in the structure will have. Random variations in the bond angle from atom to atom lead to a disordered structure. There is therefore a random local variation in the density over several bond lengths, that is, from one small region to the next, that leads to fluctuations in the refractive index around some average value for the whole sample. These random fluctuations in the refractive index give rise to the light scattering and hence light attenuation along the fiber. In addition to fluctuations in the density, there can also be changes in the chemical composition over several bond lengths, which introduce more random changes in the refractive index. The compositional fluctuations are small in pure silica glasses but not negligible in multicomponent glasses. It should be apparent that since a degree of structural randomness is an intrinsic property of the glass structure, this scattering process is unavoidable and represents the lowest attenuation possible through a glass medium. As one may surmise, attenuation by scattering in a medium is minimum for light propagating through a “perfect” crystal. In this case the only scattering mechanisms will be due to thermodynamic defects (e.g., vacancies) and the random thermal vibrations of the lattice atoms. There is another strong fundamental absorption region (not shown) in the short (UV) wavelength range at wavelengths shorter than 600 nm. This absorption is due to the excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, and is very strong with a tail that extends into longer wavelengths. Its effect over the wavelengths of interest in telecommunications, from 800 nm to 1600 nm, is negligible. 24 If fo is the fundamental frequency (c>lo) of vibrations associated with a particular bond such as OH, the first overtone will be at 2fo. However, because of the nature of the bond (so-called unharmonicity), it is actually at a slightly lower frequency than 2fo.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.35 Typical attenuation vs. wavelength for a standard single-mode optical fiber and also in a low water peak fiber. These fibers are called all-wave fiber.
By proper design, the attenuation window at around 1.5 om may be lowered to approach the Rayleigh scattering limit. The OH - peak at around 1.38 om has prevented the use of the E-band in optical communications around this wavelength. However, recent developments in fiber manufacturing have almost totally eliminated the water peak as apparent in the a vs. l characteristic of a newly developed low water peak (LWP) fiber shown in Figure 2.35. LWP fibers are commercially available with the attenuation being near the scattering limit from 1290 nm to 1625 nm. The ITU-T G.652D standard defines what we expect from commercial LWP fibers. C. Intrinsic Attenuation Equations The tail of the fundamental infrared absorption can be represented by a simple exponential Fundamental lattice absorption
Rayleigh scattering in silica
aFIR = A exp a-
B b (2.9.7) l
where for silica fibers A = 7.81 * 1011 dB km-1, B = 48.5 om. Although A may seem unreasonably large, Eq. (2.9.7) predicts the right values in the tail region of lattice absorption. These values depend on the composition of the core. Rayleigh scattering represents the lowest attenuation one can achieve using a glass structure. As mentioned above, the Rayleigh scattering process decreases with wavelength, and it is inversely proportional to l4. The attenuation aR of a silica fiber due to Rayleigh scattering can be written as
aR =
AR l4
in which l is the free-space wavelength and AR is a coefficient that depends on the composition of the core. It also depends on the thermal history involved in manufacturing the fiber. Many books quote AR ≈ 0.90 dB km-1 for estimating the Rayleigh scattering loss. As shown in Example 2.9.2, it serves as a good rule of thumb, given that it contains no information on the core composition or the refractive index difference. For pure silica (undoped) preforms from which fibers are drawn, AR is smaller and about 0.63 dB km-1. This attenuation increases as dopants are introduced.
2.9 • Attenuation in Optical Fibers Table 2.6 Approximate attenuation coefficients for silica-based fibers for use
in Eqs. (2.9.7) and (2.9.8)
AR (dB km−1 )
Silica fiber SiO2-GeO2 core step-index fiber
0.90 0.63 + 2.06 * NA
SiO2-GeO2 core graded index fiber Silica, SiO2
0.63 + 1.75 * NA 0.63
(SiO2)1 - x(GeO2)x
AR(silica) * (1 + 0.62x)
Comment “Rule of thumb” NA depends on (n21 - n22)1>2 and hence on the doping difference.
Measured on preforms. Depends on annealing. AR(Silica) = 0.59 dB km-1 for annealed. On a preform. AR >AR(silica) = 1.19 x = 3GeO24 = Concentration as a fraction (10% GeO2, x = 0.1). For preform.
(Source: Data mainly from K. Tsujikawa et al., Electron. Letts., 30, 351, 1994; Opt. Fib. Technol., 11, 319, 2005; H.Hughes, Telecommunications Cables, John Wiley & Sons, 1999, and references therein.) Note: Square brackets represent concentration as a fraction. NA = numerical aperture. AR = 0.59 used as reference for pure silica, and represents AR(silica).
Table 2.6 summarizes some typical values for the Rayleigh scattering coefficient, AR in Eq.(2.9.8). AR increases as silica is doped, for example, with GeO2 (germania), to modify its refractive index, and the increase depends on the dopant concentration. Further, given one type of dopant, for example, GeO2, the refractive index change is approximately proportional to the concentration of dopants so that AR can also be expressed in terms of the numerical aperture (NA). The lowest attenuation at 1.55 om for a silica fiber has been reported to be about 0.15 dB km-1.
Example 2.9.2 Rayleigh scattering equations Consider a single-mode step-index fiber, which has a numerical aperture of 0.14. Predict the expected attenuation at 1.55 om, and compare your calculation with the reported (measured) value of 0.19–0.20 dB km-1 for this fiber. Repeat the calculations at 1.31 om, and compare your values with the reported 0.33–0.35 dB km-1 values.
Solution First, we should check the fundamental infrared absorption at 1550 nm. Using Eq. (2.9.7) aFIR = A exp ( - B>l) = 7.8 * 1011 exp 3- (48.5)>(1.55)4 = 0.020 dB km-1
which is very small. Next, for the Rayleigh scattering at 1550 nm, the simplest equation with AR = 0.90 dB km-1 om4, gives aR = AR >l4 = (0.90 dB km-1 om4)>(1.55 om)4 = 0.156 dB km-1
This equation is basically a rule of thumb. The total attenuation is then
aR + aFIR = 0.156 + 0.02 = 0.176 dB km−1 The above “rule of thumb” predicted value is very close to that reported for the Corning SMG28e + SMF.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers The current fiber has NA = 0.14. Thus
AR = 0.63 + 2.06 * NA = 0.63 + 2.06 * 0.14 = 0.918 dB km-1 om4
aR = AR >l4 = (0.918 dB km-1 om4)>(1.55 om)4 = 0.159 dB km-1
which gives a total attenuation of 0.159 + 0.020 or 0.179 dB km−1. We can repeat the above calculations at l = 1.31 om. However, we do not need to add aFIR. aR = AR >l4 = (0.90 dB km-1 om4)>(1.31 om)4 = 0.306 dB km−1
and using the NA-based value for AR from above
aR = AR >l4 = (0.918 dB km-1 om4)>(1.31 om)4 = 0.312 dB km−1
Both close to the measured value.
D. Bending losses External factors, such as bending, can also lead to attenuation in the optical fiber. Bending losses are those losses that arise whenever a fiber is bent as illustrated in Figure 2.36. Bending losses are classified into two broad categories: microbending and macrobending losses, which are illustrated in Figure 2.36. Microbending loss occurs whenever the radius of curvature of the bend is sharp, that is, when the bend radius is comparable to the diameter of the fiber as shown in Figure 2.36 (a). Typically microbending losses are significant when the radius of curvature of the bend is less than 0.1–1 mm. They can arise from careless or poor cabling of the fiber or even from flaws in manufacturing that result in variations in the fiber geometry over small distances. Macrobending losses are those losses that arise when the bend is much larger than the fiber size, typically much greater than 1 mm, as illustrated in Figure 2.36 (b). They typically occur when the fiber is bent during the installation of a fiber optic link such as turning the fiber around a corner. There is no simple precise and sharp boundary line between microbending and macrobending loss definitions. Both losses essentially result from changes in the waveguide geometry and properties as the fiber is subjected to external forces that bend the fiber. Typically, macrobending loss crosses over into microbending loss when the radius of curvature becomes less than a few millimeters. Below we simply use the term bending loss to describe those significant losses arising from the bending of the fiber.
Figure 2.36 Definitions of (a) microbending and (b) macrobending loss and the definition of the radius of curvature, R. (A schematic illustration only.) The propagating mode in the fiber is shown as white-shaded area. Some radiation is lost in the region where the fiber is bent. D is the fiber diameter, including the cladding.
2.9 • Attenuation in Optical Fibers
Figure 2.37 Sharp bends change the local waveguide geometry that can lead to waves escaping. The zigzagging ray suddenly finds itself with an incidence angle smaller than u′ that gives rise to either a transmit ted wave, or to a greater cladding penetration; the field reaches the outside medium and some light energy is lost.
When a fiber is bent, the guide geometry and the refractive index profile change locally, which leads to some of the light energy radiating away from the guiding direction. A sharp bend, as illustrated intuitively in Figure 2.37, will change the local waveguide geometry in such a way that a zigzagging ray suddenly finds itself with an incidence angle u′, narrower than its normal angle u (u′ 6 u), which gives rise to either a transmitted wave (a refracted wave into the cladding) or to a greater cladding penetration. If u′ 6 uc, the critical angle (which would have been modified by the bent), then there will be no total internal reflection and substantial light power will be radiated into the cladding where it will be lost, by, for example, reaching the outer coating (polymer coating, etc.) where losses are significant. Attenuation increases sharply with the extent of bending; as u′ gets narrow and TIR is lost, substantially more energy is transferred into the cladding. Further, highest modes propagate with incidence angles u close to uc, which means that these modes are most severely affected. Multimode fibers therefore suffer more from bending losses than single-mode fibers. While Figure 2.37 provides an intuitive explanation, it is important to understand bending losses in terms of the mode field diameter of the fiber and what happens to the evanescent wave in the cladding upon bending. When a fiber is bent sharply, the propagating wavefront along the straight fiber cannot bend around and continue as a wavefront because a portion of it beyond some critical radial distance rc, as shown in Figure 2.38, has to travel a longer distance and to
Figure 2.38 When a fiber is bent sharply, the propagating wavefront along the straight fiber cannot bend around and continue as a wavefront because a portion of it (black shaded) beyond the critical radial distance rc must travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum. This portion is lost in the cladding, that is, radiated away.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
stay in phase it must travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum, c. Since this is impossible, this portion is lost in the cladding, i.e., radiated away from the propagating mode, which reduces the power in it. The bending loss aB increases rapidly with increasing bend sharpness, that is, with decreasing radius of bend curvature, R. Figure 2.39 (a) shows how the bending loss aB depends on the radius of curvature R for three types of single-mode fibers: a standard SMF and two trench fibers. Trench fibers have the refractive index profile as shown in Figure 2.39 (b). There is a refractive index trench placed in the cladding where the refractive index n3 is lower than the cladding index (n2). Note also that the outer cladding, after the trench, has a different refractive index, n4. The confinement of the light wave in trench fibers is such that they are relatively insensitive to bending compared to standard fibers. As apparent, aB increases exponentially with decreasing R as shown in Figure 2.39 (a), which is a semilogarithmic plot, that is, Bending loss
aB = A exp ( -R>Rc) (2.9.9)
where A and Rc are constants that depend on the fiber properties. Note that aB is normally reported in dB/turn of fiber for a given radius of curvature as in Figure 2.39 (a). For single-mode fibers, a quantity called a MAC-value, or a MAC-number, NMAC, has been used to characterize the bending loss. NMAC is defined by MACnumber
Mode field diameter MFD = (2.9.10) Cutoff wavelength lc
Figure 2.39 (a) Bending loss in dB per turn of fiber for three types of fibers: standard single mode and two trench fibers, around 1.55–1.65 om. (b) The index profile for the trench fiber 1 in (a), and a schematic view of the fibercross-section. Experimental data used to generate the plots have been combined from various sources. (Source:Standard fiber, M.-J. Li et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 27, 376, 2009; Trench fiber 1, K. Himeno et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 23, 3494, 2005, Trench fiber 2, L.-A. de Montmorillon et al., “Bend-Optimized G.652D Compatible Trench-Assisted Single-Mode Fibers,” Proceedings of the 55th IWCS/Focus, pp. 342–347, November, 2006.)
2.9 • Attenuation in Optical Fibers
The above definition is based on observations that aB generally increases with increasing MFD and decreasing cutoff wavelength. The bending loss increases exponentially with the MAC-number. It is not a universal function, and different types of fibers, with very different refractive index profiles, can exhibit different aB vs. NMAC behavior. NMAC values are typically in the range 6–8. It is clear from Figure 2.38 that bending losses involve the escape of power from the propagating mode when the waves beyond the critical distance rc in the cladding cannot keep up with the overall propagation of the mode. The extent of penetration into the cladding is therefore important. It should, in principle, be possible to shape the refractive index profile in the “cladding” to better contain the radiation to the core, and hence avoid losses. Indeed, bending losses can be reduced by designing a suitable cladding that constrains the power in the propagating mode along the core even when the fiber is bent. The simple step-index fiber cannot constrain the power to stay within the core when the fiber is sufficiently bent. The trench fibers shown in Figure 2.39 (b) are able to reduce the bending loss by ensuring that the fiber has to be bent much more sharply than the standard fiber for the field to reach rc. Thus, the optical power is better confined within the core region. Bending loss is of particular interest in MMFs. Since MMFs are used in short-haul networks such as links within buildings, they invariably become bent in installation. Technicians would like to bend a fiber just like a copper or a coaxial cable in laying down connections. Bending losses of a fiber are typically measured by wounding the fiber for N turns on a drum or a mandrel of certain radius R, and then measuring the attenuation of the fiber. The standard OM1 MMF for use at 850 nm and 1310 nm optical links has been specified to have a maximum bending (macrobending) loss of 0.5 dB when the fiber is wound 100 turns with a radius75 mm, i.e., a bending loss of 0.005 dB turn-1 for a bend radius of 75 mm. Bendinsensitive fibers have been designed to have lower bend losses. For example, some fiber manufacturers specify the allowed bend radius for a given level of attenuation at a certain wavelength (e.g., 1310 nm).
Example 2.9.3 Bending loss for SMF Experiments on a standard SMF operating around 1550 nm have shown that the bending loss is 0.124 dB turn-1 when the bend radius is 12.5 mm and 15.0 dB turn-1 when the bend radius is 5.0 mm. What is the loss at a bend radius of 10 mm?
Solution We apply Eq. (2.9.9), aB = A exp ( - R>Rc), for the two set of values given, 0.124 dB turn-1 = A exp 3- (12.5 mm)>Rc4
and 15.0 dB turn-1 = A exp 3-(5.0 mm)>Rc4
We have two equations, and two unknowns, A and Rc. Dividing the first by the second and separating out Rc we find Rc = (12.5 mm - 5.0 mm)>ln (15.0>0.124) = 1.56 mm and A = (15.0 dB turn-1) exp 3(5.0 mm)>(1.56 mm)4 = 370 dB turn-1
Thus, at R = 10 mm, aB = A exp ( - R>Rc) = (370) exp 3-(10 mm)>(1.56 mm)4 = 0.61 dB turn-1. The experimental value is also 0.61 dB turn-1 to within two decimal places.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
2.10 Fiber Manufacture A. Fiber Drawing There are a number of processes for producing optical fibers for various applications. We will consider the outside vapor deposition (OVD) technique, which is one of the widely used processes and produces fibers with low loss. It is also known as the outside vapor phase oxidation process. The first step is to prepare a preform, which is a glass rod that has the right refractive index profile across its cross-section and the right glass properties (e.g., negligible amounts of impurities). This rod is typically 10–30 mm in diameter and about 1–2 m in length. The optical fiber is drawn from this preform using special fiber-drawing equipment that is schematically illustrated in Figure 2.40. The preform rod is slowly fed into a hot furnace that has a hot zone around 1900–2000°C, where the glass flows like a viscous melt (resembling honey). As the rod reaches the hot zone and its end begins to flow, its tip is pulled, with just the right tension, to come out as a fiber and is spooled on a rotating take-up drum. The diameter of the fiber must be strictly controlled to achieve the required waveguide characteristics. An optical thickness monitor gauge provides information on the changes of the fiber diameter that is used (in an automatic feedback control system) to adjust the speed of the fiber-winding mechanism and the speed of the preform feeder to maintain a constant fiber diameter, typically better than 0.1%. In some cases, the preform is hollow, that is, it has a thin central hole along the rod axis. The hollow simply collapses during the drawing and does not affect the final drawn fiber. It is essential that, as soon as the fiber is drawn, it is coated with a polymeric layer (e.g., urethane acrylate) to mechanically and chemically protect the fiber surface. When a bare fiber glass surface is exposed to ambient conditions, it quickly develops various microcracks on
Figure 2.40 Schematic illustration of a fiber drawing tower.
Figure 2.41 The cross-section of a typical single-mode fiber with a tight buffer tube (d = diameter).
2.10 • Fiber Manufacture
the surface and these dramatically reduce the mechanical strength (fracture strength) of the fiber. The applied polymeric coating is initially a viscous liquid and needs to be cured (hardened), which is done as the coated fiber passes through a curing oven, or with ultraviolet lamps if it is UV hardenable. Sometimes two layers of polymeric coating are applied. Cladding is typically 125 om for many types of fibers, and the overall diameter with the polymeric coating can be 250–500 om. A schematic diagram of the cross-section of a typical single-mode optical fiber is shown in Figure 2.41. In this example, there is a thick polymeric buffer tube, or a buffer jacket, surrounding the fiber and its coating to cushion the fiber against mechanical pressure and microbending (sharp bending). Some fibers are buffered by having the fiber loose within a buffer tube. The tube may then contain a filling compound to increase the buffering ability. Single and multiple fibers are invariably used in cable form and the structure of the cable depends on the application (e.g., long-haul communications), the number of fibers carried, and the cable environment (e.g., underground, underwater, overhead). B. Outside Vapor Deposition Outside vapor deposition (OVD) is one of the vapor deposition techniques used to produce the rod preform used in fiber drawing. It was mainly pioneered by Donald Keck, Bob Maurer, and Peter Schultz at Corning during the late 1970s. The OVD process is illustrated in Figure 2.42 and has two stages. The first laydown stage involves using a ceramic rod such as alumina (or even a graphite rod) as a target rod, also known as the bait rod, as shown Figure 2.42 (a). This acts as a mandrel and is rotated. The required glass material for the preform with the right composition is grown on the outside surface of this target rod by depositing glass soot particles. The deposition is achieved by burning various gases in an oxyhydrogen burner (torch) flame where glass soot is produced as reaction products. Suppose that we need a preform with a core that has germania (GeO2) in silica glass so that the core has a higher refractive index. The required gases, SiCl4 (silicon tetrachloride), GeCl4 (germanium tetrachloride), and fuel in the form of oxygen (O2) and methane (CH4) or hydrogen (H2)
Figure 2.42 Schematic illustration of OVD and the preform preparation for fiber drawing. (a) Reaction of gases in the burner flame produces glass soot that deposits on to the outside surface of the mandrel. (b) The mandrel is removed and the hollow porous soot preform is consolidated; the soot particles are sintered, fused together, to form a clear glass rod. (c) The consolidated glass rod is used as a preform in fiber drawing.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Donald Keck, Bob Maurer, and Peter Schultz (left to right) at Corning shortly after announcing the first low loss optical fibers made in 1970. Keck, Maurer, and Schultz developed the outside vapor deposition (OVD) method for the fabrication of preforms that are used in drawing fibers with low losses. Their OVD was based on Franklin Hyde’s vapor deposition process earlier at Corning in 1930s. OVD is still used today at Corning in manufacturing low loss fibers. (Courtesy of Corning.)
are burnt in a burner flame over the target rod surface as shown in Figure 2.42 (a). The important reactions of the gases in the flame are SiCl4(gas) + O2(gas) S SiO2(solid) + 2Cl2(gas) GeCl4(gas) + O2(gas) S GeO2(solid) + 2Cl2(gas) These reactions produce fine glass particles, silica and germania, called “soot” that deposit on the outside surface of the target rod and form a porous glass layer as the burner travels along the mandrel. The glass preform is built layer by layer by slowly running the burner up and down along the length of the rotating mandrel either by moving the mandrel, or moving the burner (the same result). First, the layers for the core region are deposited and then the gas composition is adjusted to deposit the layers for the cladding region. Typically, there may be about 200 layers in the final preform. The composition and hence the refractive index of each layer can of course becontrolled by adjusting the relative amounts of SiCl4 and GeCl4 gases fed into the burner for the chemical reaction. Indeed, any desired refractive index profile, in principle, can be obtained by controlling the layer compositions.
Peter Schultz making a germania-doped multimode fiber preform using the outside vapor deposition (OVD) process around 1972 at Corning. Soot is deposited layer by layer on athin bait rod rotating and translating in front of the flame hydrolysis burner. The first f ibers made by the OVD at that time had an attenuation of 4 dB km-1, which was among the lowest, and below what Charles Kao thought was needed for optical fiber communications, 20 dB km-1. (Courtesy of Peter Schultz.)
2.11 • Wavelength Division Multiplexing: WDM
Example 2.10.1 Fiber drawing In a certain fiber production process a preform of length 110 cm and diameter 20 mm is used to draw a fiber. Suppose that the fiber drawing rate is 5 m s-1. What is the maximum length of fiber that can be drawn from this preform if the last 10 cm of the preform is not drawn and the fiber diameter is 125 om? How long does it take to draw the fiber?
Solution We assume that a length Lp of the preform is drawn as fiber. Since the density is the same and mass is conserved, the volume must also be conserved. If df and dp are the fiber and preform diameters, and Lf and Lp are the lengths of the fiber and drawn preform (110 cm - 10 cm), respectively, then, L f d 2f = L p d 2p i.e., Lf =
(1.1 - 0.1 m)(20 * 10-3 m)2 (125 * 10-6 m)2
= 25,600 m or 25.6 km
Since the rate is 5 m s-1, the time it takes to draw the fiber in minutes is Time (hrs) =
Length (km) -1
Rate (km hr )
25,600 m = 1.4 hrs (5 m s )(60 * 60 s hr -1) -1
Typical drawing rates are in the range 5–20 m s-1 so that 1.4 hrs would be on the long-side.
Additional Topics 2.11 Wavelength Division Multiplexing: WDM A simplified block diagram of a wavelength division multiplexed optical communication system is shown in Figure 2.43. N optical information channels are generated by modulating N light waves, each with a different wavelength from l1 to lN . The N optical channels are then multiplexed into a single fiber for transmission. Optical amplifiers are used at various points along the transmission medium to amplify the attenuated signal. If a particular information channel, for example, the third channel at l3, needs to be dropped and another information channel (at the same wavelength) needs to be added, then this can be done by using a dropadd multiplexer. The new channel is labeled as l′3. At the destination, the optical signal has to be separated into its constituent N channels by a wavelength demultiplexer. Each channel is then fed into a receiver which, like the transmitter, can be quite complicated in terms of electronics. An examination of WDM system in Figure 2.43 illustrates a number of important basic functions: (a) generation of different wavelengths of light each with a narrow spectrum to avoid any overlap in wavelengths; (b) modulation of light without wavelength distortion, that is, without chirping (variation in the frequency of light due to modulation); (c) efficient coupling of different wavelengths into a single transmission medium; (d) optical amplification of all the wavelengths by an amount that compensates for attenuation in the transmission medium, which
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.43 Wavelength division multiplexing, an example of an optoelectronic system.
depends on the wavelength; (e) dropping and adding channels when necessary during transmission; (f)demultiplexing the wavelengths into individual channels at the receiving end; (g) detecting the signal in each channel. To achieve an acceptable bandwidth, we need to dispersion-manage the fiber (use dispersion compensation fibers), and to reduce cross-talk and unwanted signals, we have to use optical filters to block or pass the required wavelengths. We need various optical components to connect the devices together and implement the whole system. Channel density is an important quantity in designing WDM systems. It is usually measured in terms of frequency spacing between two neighboring optical channels. If the frequency spacing ∆y is less than 200 GHz then WDM is called dense wavelength division multiplexing and denoted as DWDM. At present, DWDM stands typically at 100 GHz separated channels, which is equivalent to a wavelength separation of 0.8 nm. DWDM imposes stringent requirements on lasers and modulators used for generating the optical signals. It is not possible to tolerate even slight shifts in the optical signal frequency when channels are spaced closely. As the channel spacing becomes narrower as in DWDM, one also encounters various other problems not previously present. For example, any nonlinearity in a component carrying the channels can produce intermodulation between the channels—an undesirable effect. Thus, the total optical power must be kept below the onset of nonlinearity in the fiber and optical amplifiers within the WDM system. (Nonlinear effects are discussed in Section 2.12.) The WDM example in Figure 2.43 is one of many examples on optoelectronic systems. The complexity of such systems depends not only on whether individual optoelectronic devices can efficiently implement the required function, but also on the availability of various optical components that are needed to properly interconnect the devices. Optoelectronics today is an interdisciplinary activity. Advances at the device level are enabling systems that would have been thought impossible a couple of decades ago (DWDM being an excellent example).
2.12 • Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and DWDM
2.12 Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and DWDM The refractive index n of the optical fiber material is not only a constant material property at a given wavelength but also depends on the intensity of light. As we know from Chapter 1, n depends on the relative permittivity through n = e1>2 r . For linear materials, or at sufficiently low optical fields, er is constant. If we consider just one channel at a frequency y1, the induced polarization P in the medium is proportional to the field E, that is, P = eo(er - 1)E. This represents a linear response. At high fields, er becomes field dependent and the polarization P depends not only on E but also on E2 and E3, and the material is said to be nonlinear; the medium responds nonlinearly. Put differently,
P = a1E + a2E 2 + a3E 3 (2.12.1)
Nonlinear behavior
where a1, a2, and a3 are the coefficients in the expansion of P in terms of E. We ignored the higherorder terms. The effect, the polarization P, that is, the response, is a function of the cause E. For isotropic materials such as glasses, a2 must be zero, as explained in Chapter 6, but a3, though small, is finite.25 Thus P = a1E + a3E 3 (2.12.2)
Nonlinear behavior for glasses
If we now have three channels with fields E1, E2, and E3 at different frequencies y1, y2, and y3, respectively, then the polarization P would also have a nonlinear term proportional to a3(E1 + E2 + E3)3 as apparent from Eq. (2.12.2). The term a3(E1 + E2 + E3)3 would have various cross product terms of the type E1E2E3, etc. The channel E2 at y2 can therefore modulate the channel E1 at y1 and E3 at y3, which is called cross-modulation. It arises from the nonlinearity of the medium. Further, the E1E2E3 term is proportional to cos (2py1t) * cos (2py2t) * cos (2py3t). The product of cosines can be written in terms of sums of cosines (from straightforward trigonometry) with frequencies that correspond to various sum and difference frequencies, i.e., y1 + y2 + y3 and y1 + y2 - y3. This type of mixing that occurs at high optical powers leads to a phenomenon called four-photon mixing. In four-photon (wave) mixing, the nonlinearity of the glass medium results in three signal frequencies, y1, y2, and y3, as above mixing together to generate a fourth frequency y4 that acts as a noise source on another channel in the form of cross channel interference. Consider three optical signals at y1, y2 = y1 + 100 GHz, and y3 = y1 + 200 GHz. The nonlinearity in the optical fiber mixes signals to generate a new signal at y4 = y1 + y2 - y3 = y1 - 100 GHz, on top of the channel below y1. Four-photon mixing thus adds noise into the communications system. The refractive index n depends on the relative permittivity er , which depends on the polarization to the field ratio, so that n2 = er =
a3 a1 P + 1 = a + 1b + a b E 2 eo eo eo E
We can now readily obtain n by square-rooting the right-hand side. Since the a3E2 term is small, and E2 represents the light intensity, a simple expansion gives n as
n = no + n2I (2.12.3)
25 It can easily be seen that a2 must be zero for glasses that are isotropic—the same properties in all directions. When we change the direction of the field and use a negative field, - E, in Eq. (2.12.1), we should get the same magnitude for P but in the reverse direction, that is, it should be - P. This is only possible if a2 = 0.
Nonlinear refractive index
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
where no is the constant refractive index at low intensities and n2 is a coefficient that gauges the extent of the nonlinear effect and is called the nonlinear refractive index. The phase f of a propagating wave at a point z depends on n(2p>l)z where l is the freespace wavelength. The change ∆n in n with the light intensity I changes the phase by ∆f, that is, Self-phase modulation
∆f =
2pzn2I 2pz∆n = (2.12.4) l l
The dependence of the phase of a wave on its light intensity, as expressed in Eq. (2.12.4), represents self-phase modulation (SPM). Phase changes result in frequency changes since, by definition, the frequency v = df>dt. The shift in the frequency ∆v, due to ∆f is Frequency chirp
∆v =
d∆f 2pzn2 dI = (2.12.5) dt l dt
The initial rising intensity of the pulse increases the frequency and falling intensity in the pulse tail decreases the frequency as shown in Figure 2.44. The frequency becomes chirped, that is, it varies along the pulse. The frequency spectrum of the pulse becomes broader, an undesirable effect in DWDM. Further, changes in n with the light intensity cause changes in the group velocity with intensity. The waves at the peak intensity travel more slowly. Thus, there is an additional pulse dispersion mechanism arising from self-phase modulation, called SPM dispersion. Cross-phase modulation (XPM) occurs when two light pulses (say from different channels) are present at the same time, so-called overlapping pulses. The high intensity in one light pulse modifies the index n and hence affects the phase of the other pulse. One pulse distorts the other when both are at the same place and leads to “cross talk,” or interchannel interference. While SPM appears as an undesirable phenomenon, it can also have a number of useful applications. For example, it can be used to generate short pulses, all optical switches, wavelength conversion, demultiplexing among other beneficial applications. There are limits to how much optical power that can be efficiently transmitted in a fiber. The transmitted optical power through a fiber does not increase linearly with the input power when the latter is sufficiently high to cause stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). SBS occurs when at sufficiently high optical powers, the interaction of a propagating EM wave with acoustic vibrations in the glass leads to some of the optical power being reflected back. From basic physics, we know that atoms in the solid exhibit thermal vibrations. These atomic vibrations give rise to traveling waves in the bulk, which are normally described by phonons. Collective vibrations of the atoms in a solid give rise to lattice waves26 inside the
Figure 2.44 Schematic illustration of the effect of self-phase modulation on the frequency and the resulting chirps.
26 Even if the solid is not crystalline, the term lattice wave nonetheless is used to describe waves in the glass that arise from atomic vibrations.
2.13 • Bragg Fibers Figure 2.45 (a) Scattering of a forwardtraveling EM wave A by an acoustic wave results in a reflected, backscattered, wave B that has a slightly different frequency, by Ω. (b) The forward and reflected waves, A and B, respectively, interfere to give rise to a standing wave that propagates at the acoustic velocity va.As a result of electrostriction, an acoustic wave is generated that reinforces the original acoustic wave–stimulates scattering.
solid; a sound wave is an example of a lattice wave that has a long wavelength. Acoustic lattice waves in a solid involve periodic strain variations along the direction of propagation. Changes in the strain result in changes in the refractive index through a phenomenon called the photoelastic effect. (The refractive index depends on strain.) Thus, there is a periodic variation in the refractive index which moves with an acoustic velocity va as illustrated in Figure 2.45 (a). This moving diffraction grating reflects back some of the forward propagating EM wave A to give rise to a back scattered wave B as shown in Figure 2.45 (a). The frequency vB of the back scattered wave B is Doppler shifted from that of the forward wave vA by the frequency Ω of the acoustic wave, i.e., vB = vA - Ω. The forward wave A and the back scattered wave B interfere and give rise to a standing wave C. This standing wave C represents a periodic variation in the field that moves with a velocity va along the direction of the original acoustic wave as shown in Figure 2.45 (b). The field variation in C produces a periodic displacement of the atoms in the medium, through a phenomenon called electro striction. (The application of an electric field causes a substance to change shape, that is, experience strain.) Therefore, a periodic variation in strain develops, which moves at the acoustic velocity va. The moving strain variation is really an acoustic wave, which reinforces the original acoustic wave and stimulates more back scattering. Thus, it is clear that a condition can be easily reached in which Brillouin scattering stimulates further scattering: stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). The SBS effect increases as the input light power increases, and the spectral width of the input light becomes narrower. The onset of SBS depends not only on the fiber type and core diameter, but also on the spectral width ∆l of the laser output spectrum that is coupled into the fiber. SBS is enhanced as the laser spectral width ∆l is narrowed or the duration of light pulse is lengthened. For example, for a directly modulated laser diode emitting at 1550 nm into a single-mode fiber, the onset of SBS is expected to occur at power levels greater than 20–30 mW. In DWDM systems with externally modulated lasers, that is, narrower ∆l, the onset of SBS can be as low as ∼10 mW. SBS is an important limiting factor in transmitting high power signals in WDM systems.
2.13 Bragg Fibers Bragg fibers have a core region surrounded by a cladding that is made up of concentric layers of high low refractive index dielectric media as shown in Figure 2.46 (a). The core can be a low refractive index solid material or simply hollow. In the latter case, we have a hollow Bragg fiber. The high (n1) and low (n2) alternating refractive index profile in Figure 2.46 (b) constitutes a Bragg grating which acts as a dielectric mirror. There is a band of wavelengths, forming a stop band, that are not allowed to propagate into the Bragg grating. We can also view the periodic variation in n as forming a photonic crystal cladding in one-dimension, along the radial direction,
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.46 (a) A Bragg fiber and its cross-section. The Bragg grating in the cladding can be viewed to reflect the waves back into the core over its stop band. (b) The refractive index variation (exaggerated). (c) Typical field distribution for the circumferential field Eu.
with a stop band, that is, a photonic bandgap. Consequently light is bound within the core of the guide for wavelengths within this stop band. Light can only propagate along z. It is apparent that the waveguiding principle in the present case is not based on total internal reflection but the containment of light in the core by a concentric dielectric mirror. Optimal optical confinement in the core is obtained when the cladding is such that the reflections from the cladding are maximized. We know from Chapter 1 that the reflectance of a dielectric stack mirror (Bragg reflector) is maximum when the thickness of each later is a quarter of wavelength. If d1 and d2 are thicknesses of layers n1 and n2, respectively, and l is the free-space wavelength, then d1 = l>n1 and d2 = l>n2. Consequently, we need d1n1 = d2n2. As illustrated in Figure 2.46 (c), some of the field obviously penetrates into the cladding but its magnitude decays after several layers. One of the advantages of Bragg fibers is that they can be made to have a hollow core. A hollow core would allow higher optical powers to be used without the adverse effects of glass nonlinearities. In principle, the attenuation can be made very small but there would still be some scattering from the small irregularities in the smoothness of the inner cladding interface along the fiber. Further, the material dispersion in the hollow core is smaller than that in a glass core (there is still some field penetrating into the cladding), and allows dispersion-flattened Bragg fibers to be designed. Bragg fibers, like photonic crystal fibers below, are currently specialty fibers.
2.14 Photonic Crystal Fibers—Holey Fibers Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are fibers that have been prepared to have a periodic array of holes in the cladding region while the core region is either solid or hollow as shown in Figures 2.47 (a) to (c). The holes run like thin hollow capillary tubes along the length of the fiber. The situation is quite different than the Bragg fiber because the cladding is now a two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal not 1D. The principles involved in the guiding of light along the core of a PCF are different
2.14 • Photonic Crystal Fibers—Holey Fibers
Figure 2.47 (a) A solid core PCF. Light is index guided. The cladding has a hexagonal array of holes. d is the hole diameter and Λ is the array pitch, spacing between the holes; (b) and (c) a hollow core PCF. Light is photonic bandgap (PBG) guided.
for the solid and hollow core PCFs. The PCFs shown in Figure 2.47 have a hexagonal lattice of holes in the cladding; other lattice types are also possible. The guiding of light along the solid core PCF is straightforward to understand. Both the core and cladding use the same material, usually silica, but the air holes in the cladding result in an effective refractive index that is lower than the solid core region. The cladding has a lower effective refractive index than the core, and the whole structure then mimics a step-index fiber. Total internal reflection then allows the light to be propagated just as in a step-index standard silica fiber. Light is index guided. There are, however, distinct advantages. The solid can be pure silica, rather than germania-doped silica, and hence exhibits lower scattering loss. There is one distinct and unexpected advantage to having a photonic crystal as a cladding. It turns out that single-mode propagation can occur over a very large range of wavelengths, almost as if the fiber is endlessly single mode (ESM). The reason is that the PC in the cladding acts as a filter in the transverse direction, which allows the higher modes to escape (leak out) but not the fundamental mode. Figure 2.48 (a) and (b) illustrate the principle of ESM operation
Figure 2.48 (a) The fundamental mode is confined. (b) Higher modes have more nodes and can leak away through the space.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
by comparing the behavior of the fundamental and a higher mode. A high mode of radiation has many nodes (zeros) in the field, that is, it is made of many small volumes of optical power. These small volumes can “leak” through the spaces between the holes and be lost. The fundamental mode is stuck in the core because of its large volume of optical power; it is unable to “squeeze” through the holes. The PC in the cladding in Figure 2.47 (a) has a hexagonal lattice of holes in which the hole diameter is d and the spacing between the holes (pitch) is Λ, which represents the periodicity of the lattice. If the ratio d>Λ is kept below 0.43, then the light propagation is ESM. Other periodic arrangements of holes are, of course, also possible, and provide more flexibility in PCF design. As a result of ESM operation, the core of a PCF can be made quite large without losing the single-mode operation. The refractive index difference can also be made large by having holes in the cladding. Consequently, PCFs can have high numerical apertures and large core areas; thus, more light can be launched into a PCF. Further, the manipulation of the shape and size of the hole and the type of lattice (and hence the periodicity, that is, the lattice pitch) leads to a much greater control of chromatic dispersion. Hollow-core PCFs operate on a different principle. First, notice that the core has a lower refractive index (it is hollow) so that we cannot rely on total internal reflection (TIR) to explain light propagation. Light in the transverse direction is reflected back into the core over frequencies within the stop band, that is, photonic bandgap (PBG), of the photonic crystal in the cladding as illustrated in Figure 2.47 (c). When light is launched from one end of the fiber, it cannot enter the cladding (its frequency is within the stop band) and is therefore confined within the hollow core. Light is photonic bandgap guided. As recalled by Philip Russell, “My idea, then, was to trap light in a hollow core by means of a 2D photonic crystal of microscopic air capillaries running along the entire length of a glass fiber. Appropriately designed, this array would support a PBG for incidence from air, preventing the escape of light from a hollow core into the photonic-crystal cladding and avoiding the need for TIR.”27 Thus, the periodic arrangement of the air holes in the cladding creates a photonic bandgap in the transverse direction that confines the light to the hollow core. The hollow core provides certain distinct advantages. First, obviously, material dispersion is absent. Second, the attenuation in principle should be potentially very small since there is no Rayleigh scattering in the core. However, at present, scattering from irregularities in the air–cladding interface, that is, surface roughness, seems to limit the attenuation. A third advantage is that high powers of light can be launched without having nonlinear effects, such as stimulated Brillouin scattering, limits the propagation. There are other distinct advantages that are related to strong nonlinear effects, which are associated with the photonic crystal cladding. One can view both the solid and hollow core PCFs as a perfect photonic crystal in which a defect has been introduced along the center. The defect disrupts the periodicity in the core and runs along the fiber. We know from Chapter 1 that such defects in PCs can trap light, that is, confine light at the defect. Thus, light becomes confined in the defect region along core, and can only propagate along the core (see Figure 1.53). PCFs can be manufactured by stacking together many capillary (thin hollow) tubes and the required number of thin solid tubes to represent the cross-section of the final fiber. These tubes are heated and fused together to make a preform. The preform is subsequently fed into a drawing furnace to draw out a PCF.
P. St. J. Russell, J. Light Wave Technol, 24, 4729, 2006.
2.15 • Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors
The first solid core photonic crystal fiber prepared by Philip Russell and coworkers at the University of Bath in 1996; an endlessly single-mode fiber. (Courtesy of Philip Russell.)
One of the first hollow core photonic crystal fibers, guiding light by the photonic bandgap effect (1998). (Courtesy of Philip Russell.)
A commercially available hollow core photonic crystal fiber from Blaze Photonics. (Courtesy of Philip Russell.)
Philip Russell (center), currently at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany, led the team of two postdoctoral research fellows, Jonathan Knight (left) and Tim Birks (right) (both currently professors at the University of Bath in England), that carried out the initial pioneering research on photonic crystal fibers in the 1990s. (See reviews by P. St. J. Russell, Science, 299, 358, 2003; J.C. Knight, Nature, 424, 847, 2003. Courtesy of Philip Russell.)
2.15 Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is a fiber in which there is a region along its length that has been given a periodic variation in the refractive index of the core as illustrated in Figure 2.49. The periodic variation in the refractive index n(z) along the core (along z in the figure) results in a Bragg diffraction grating, and since this is embedded within the fiber, the Bragg grating is called a fiber Bragg grating. The rectangular periodic variation in the core index shown in Figure 2.49 is highly idealized; the variation in the refractive index n(z) is usually less sharp, often sinusoidal, and depends on the way in which the grating was inscribed into the core. For simplicity, an idealized variation is assumed in which, as shown in Figure 2.49, n(z) changes as a step from n1 to n1′, which is n1 + 2∆n, and then back to n1 over the period Λ. ∆n is therefore the amplitude of the index change about the mean (n1 + n′1 )>2. Typically the fiber is a singlemode fiber with a core diameter that is 5–10 om and a total fiber diameter of 125 om. The periodic variation in n in the grating acts like a dielectric mirror in Chapter 1. Partial Fresnel reflections from the changes in the refractive index add in phase and give rise to a back reflected (back diffracted) wave only at a certain wavelength lB, called the Bragg wavelength, that satisfies
qlB = 2nΛ (2.15.1)
where q is an integer, 1, 2, …, n is the effective or average refractive index experienced by the propagating mode, also called the modal index, and Λ is the periodicity of the grating or the
Bragg wavelength, FBG
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
Figure 2.49 Fiber Bragg grating has a Bragg grating written in the core of a single-mode fiber over a certain length of the fiber. The Bragg grating reflects any light that has the Bragg wavelength lB, which depends on the refractive index and the periodicity. The transmitted spectrum has the Bragg wavelength missing.
grating pitch. (n is quite close to n1, the core index.) The integer q, as we know from Chapter 1, is called the diffraction order. There are many Bragg wavelengths but usually we are only interested in the fundamental, corresponding to q = 1. We will use Eq. (2.15.1) with q = 1. Further, as explained below, in practice, the variation of n(z) is almost sinusoidal rather than step-like changes, in which case q can only be 1. If we were to couple light with a broad spectrum into the FBG, as shown in Figure 2.49, we will observe that there is a reflected light at lB with a certain bandwidth ∆l, both of which depend on the characteristics of the Bragg grating. The transmitted spectrum would have lB missing. One can also use a tunable laser whose wavelength can be varied at the input. We would observe reflected light at lB, which is missing from the transmission spectrum. It should be immediately apparent from Eq. (2.15.1) that changes in the temperature and strain will modify Λ and n, and hence shift the Bragg wavelength. Thus, FBGs can be used as temperature and strain sensors; we expand this application below. The reflectance R of a FBG can be calculated by considering all the partial reflections in the grating, not only in the backward direction but also in the forward direction, and multiple interferences. Further, the idealized rectangular variation in Figure 2.49 should be replaced, at least as an approximation, by a sinusoidal of the type ∆n sin (2pz>Λ). The final result for the maximum reflectance R at lB28 Reflectance of a FBG at lB
R = tanh2 (kL); k = pa
∆n b (2.15.2) l
28 The equation, as one might have surmised, is somewhat simplified. It also assumes that the propagating mode fully overlaps the Bragg grating region. Further, the n-variation is only approximately sinusoidal, and hence one must consider the higher harmonics as well to represent the index variation. The interested student can find an extensive treatise in Raman Kashyap, Fiber Bragg Gratings, 2nd Edition (Academic Press, Elsevier, 2010).
2.15 • Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors
where L is the length of the grating as shown in Figure 2.49, and k is a characteristic FBG parameter, called the coupling coefficient that depends only on the amplitude ∆n of the index variation and the operating wavelength l. (The EM waves inside the grating are coupled due to multiple reflections.) In Eq. (2.15.2), kL values of 1>2, 1, and 2 result in R values that are 21%, 58%, and 93%, respectively. The quantity kL serves to measure the strength of the grating. Gratings with kL 6 1 are weak, whereas those with kL 7 1 are strong. The bandwidth, or the spectral width, ∆l of the Bragg reflected light is most easily defined between the zeros of the side lobes as indicated in Figure 2.49. ∆l depends on whether the gratings is weak or strong, that is,
∆lweak =
l2B nL
∆lstrong =
4kl2B (2.15.3) pn
Bandwidth of an FBG
While for weak gratings, the spectral width is inversely proportional to the grating length, for strong gratings, it is proportional to the coupling coefficient, and independent of L. It can be seen that FBGs have the ability to filter the wavelength lB from the spectrum of input light and reflect light at lB. They are therefore used in telecommunications for adding or dropping a channel at a wavelength lB in WDM. Further, since they act as a wavelength selective mirror, they are used in fiber lasers. Inasmuch as the reflection of light results from dielectric changes that are distributed over a length of the fiber, the FBG is sometimes called a distributed Bragg reflector. Various techniques have been used to fabricate FBGs. In one common technique the photosensitivity of the Ge-doped silica core fiber is used. The refractive index of Ge-doped silica increases upon exposure to UV light. An interference pattern (an interference fringe) is generated from a UV laser source. The core of the fiber is placed in the interference pattern. High light intensity regions go through a photoinduced refractive index change (n increases). Thus, a diffraction grating is generated in the core. Although the change ∆n is normally small, 10-6 - 10-3, the length L can be long, yielding good reflectance at lB. Some of the most important applications of FBGs is in sensors. First, consider a small increase in the temperature, dT. The fiber will expand and hence Λ will increase. The refractive index of silica will also increase. Thus there will be a shift (increase) in lB. This shift can be calibrated to measure the temperature. From Eq. (2.15.1), the change in lB is
dlB = 2Λdn + 2ndΛ (2.15.4)
and dividing by lB, and using the fact that the linear expansion coefficient aL = (1>Λ)(dΛ>dT) and the temperature coefficient of the refractive index (TCRI) aTCRI = (1>n)(dn>dT), we have
dlB = (aTCRI + aL)dT (2.15.5) lB
For silica, aL ≈ 0.5 * 10-6 K-1, and aTCRI ≈ 7 * 10-6 K-1 at 1550 nm, so we get (dlB >lB) ≈ 7.5 * 10-6 K-1. At 1550 nm, this is a change of 0.011 nm or 11 pm for a 1°C rise. The shift of 0.011 nm is small and we would need a high-end optical spectrum analyzer to measure it. There are however other optical techniques (based on using Fabry–Perot cavities) to measure such small changes. Suppose we stretch the fiber and induce a strain e in it. By definition, dΛ>Λ = e. The refractive index will also be affected because of the photoelastic effect, that is, the displacement
FBG temperature sensor
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
of atoms in the glass due to an induced strain e causes a change dn in the refractive index. The photoelastic effect can be written in a simple manner as Photoelastic effect
dn = - 12 n3pee (2.15.6)
where pe is the photoelastic or elasto-optic coefficient of the medium.29 (The negative sign implies that extending the fiber, positive e, decreases n.) If we differentiate Eq. (2.15.1) with respect to Λ and then divide by lB, and use Eq. (2.15.6), we can easily show that FBG strain sensor
dlB = ( 1 - 12 n2pe ) e (2.15.7) lB
The photoelastic coefficient pe of silica glass is approximately 0.22, which means that for a strain of 10-4, and operation (lB) at 1550 nm, dlB = 0.12 nm. If the fiber diameter is 125 om, this strain would represent a force (load) of roughly 0.1 N on the fiber. FBG strain sensors are already in use in the measurement of strain, load and pressure in monitoring the structural health of various structures, especially in earth quake prone regions, such as buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels, ships, aircrafts, deep sea oil rigs, pipelines, large power generators, wind turbines, etc. FBG sensors are immune to EM interference and changes in the light intensity. They are light, flexible, and easily embedded in structures. One distinct advantage is that they can be multiplexed. By having Bragg gratings with different lB (different Λ) on different locations on a fiber one can have a number of sensors distributed along the fiber as shown in Figure 2.50. One can therefore construct a sensor array to measure the temperature or strain at different locations on the fiber. There would be a series of Bragg wavelengths, lB1, lB2, . . . , in the reflected light, each associated with a different sensor on the fiber. The reflected light is fed into an optical spectrum analyzer or a polychromator to monitor the changes in the Bragg wavelengths. One can therefore easily monitor the shifts in lB and hence measure the temperature or strain at various locations almost simultaneously.
Figure 2.50 A highly simplified schematic diagram of a multiplexed Bragg grating-based sensing system. The FBG sensors are distributed on a single fiber that is embedded in the structure in which strains areto be monitored. The coupler allows optical power to be coupled from one fiber to the other.
29 This is actually an effective photoelastic coefficient equivalent to p12 - n(p11 + p12), where n is the Poisson ratio, and p11 and p12 are the true coefficients of the photoelastic coefficient tensor that relates n and strain e.
Questions and Problems
A polychromator is an instrument in which a diffraction grating separates out different wavelengths (different lBs) of light, which are then made incident on a CCD (charge coupled device) optical image sensor array (a pixelated photodetector). As the wavelength lB1 shifts, the corresponding light beam becomes displaced, and moves along the pixels of the CCD sensor, which are read out from the CCD into a computer for data analysis and interpretation (done by software). Note that there is usually another FBG that generates a reference wavelength lR as shown in Figure 2.50.
Example 2.15.1 Fiber Bragg grating at 1550 nm A silica fiber-based FBG is required to operate at 1550 nm. What should be the periodicity of the grating Λ? If the amplitude of index variation ∆n is 10-4 and total length of the FBG is 10 mm, what is the reflectance at the Bragg wavelength and the spectral width of the reflected light? Assume that the effective refractive index n is 1.450.
Solution We can use lB = 2nΛ, that is, 1550 nm = 2 (1.450)(Λ) so that the grating periodicity is Λ = 534.5 nm The coupling coefficient k is given in Eq. (2.15.2) k = p∆n>l = p(10-4)>(1.550 * 10-9 m) = 202.7 m - 1 Thus, kL = 2.027, so the FBG is a strong grating. The reflectance is R = tanh2(kL) = tanh2(2.027) = 0.933 or 93.3% The spectral width is given by ∆lstrong =
4kl2B 4(202.7)(1.55 * 10-6)2 = = 0.428 nm pn p(1.450)
The reflectance and spectral width values are approximate inasmuch as Eqs. (2.15.2) and (2.15.3) contain a number of assumptions.
Questions and Problems 2.1 Symmetric dielectric slab waveguide Consider two rays such as 1 and 2′ interfering at point P in Figure 2.4. Both are moving with the same incidence angle but have different km wave vectors just before point P. In addition, there is a phase difference between the two due to the different paths taken to reach point P. We can represent the two waves as E1(y, z, t) = E0 cos (vt - kmy - bmz + d) and E2(y, z, t) = E0 cos (vt + kmy - bmz) where the kmy terms have opposite signs indicating that the waves are traveling in opposite directions. d has been used to indicate that the waves have a phase difference and travel different optical paths to reach point P. We also know that km = k1 cos um and bm = k1 sin um, and obviously have the waveguide condition already incorporated into them through um. Show that the superposition of E1 and E2 at P is given by E(y, z, t) = 2E0 cos akmy -
1 1 db cos avt - bmz + db 2 2
What do the two cosine terms represent? The planar waveguide is symmetric, which means that the intensity, E2, must be either maximum (even m) orminimum (odd m) at the center of the guide. Choose suitable d values and plot the relative magnitude of
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers the electric field across the guide for m = 0, 1, and 2 for the following symmetric dielectric planar guide: n1 = 1.4550, n2 = 1.4400, a = 10 om, l = 1.5 om (free space), the first three modes have u1 = 88.84°, u2 = 87.67°, u3 = 86.51°. Scale the field values so that the maximum field is unity for m = 0 at the center of the guide. [Alternatively, you can choose d so that intensity (E2) is the same at the boundaries at y = a and y = - a; it would give the same distribution.] 2.2 Standing waves inside the core of a symmetric slab waveguide Consider a symmetric planar dielectric waveguide. Upward and downward traveling waves inside the core of the planar waveguide set up a standing wave along y. The standing wave can only exist if the wave can be replicated after it has traveled along the y-direction over one round trip. Put differently, a wave starting at A in Figure 2.51 and traveling toward the upper face will travel along y, be reflected at B, travel down, become reflected again at A, and then it would be traveling in the same direction as it started. At this point, it must have an identical phase to its starting phase so that it can replicate and not destroy itself. Given that the wave vector along y is km, derive the waveguide condition.
Figure 2.51 Upward and downward traveling waves along y set up a standing wave. The condition for setting up a standing wave is that the wave must be identical, and able to replicate itself, after one round trip along y. 2.3 Dielectric slab waveguide (a) Consider the two parallel rays 1 and 2 in Figure 2.52. Show that when they meet at C at a distance y above the guide center, the phase difference is Φm = k12(a - y) cos um - fm
Figure 2.52 Rays 1 and 2 are initially in phase as they belong to the same wavefront. Ray 1 experiences total internal reflection at A. 1 and 2 interfere at C. There is a phase difference between the two waves. (For simplicity um is shown as u.) (b) Using the waveguide condition, show that Φm = Φm(y) = mp -
y a
(mp + fm)
(c) The two waves interfering at C can be most simply and conveniently represented as E(y) = A cos (vt) + A cos 3vt + Φm(y)4
Hence find the amplitude of the field variation along y, across the guide. What is your conclusion? 2.4 Slab waveguide Consider an asymmetric planar waveguide with n1 = 2.35 and n2 = 2.25. The width of the waveguide is 2.5 µm, operating at 1300 nm. Calculate the number of TE and TM modes guided by this waveguide. Find out the range of wavelengths for which this waveguide will remain single-mode.
Questions and Problems
2.5 TE and TM Modes in dielectric slab waveguide Consider a planar dielectric guide with a core thickness of 15 µm, n1 = 1.45, n2 = 1.43, and light wavelength of 1.30 µm. Given the waveguide condition, and the expressions for phase changes f and f′ in TIR for the TE and TM modes, respectively,
tan 112 fm2 =
n2 2 1>2 b d n1 cos um
csin 2um - a
and tan 112 f′m2 =
csin2um - a a
n2 2 1>2 b d n1
n2 2 b cos um n1
using a graphical solution find the angle u for the fundamental TE and TM modes and compare their propagation constants along the guide. 2.6 Group velocity We can calculate the group velocity of a given mode as a function of frequency using a convenient math software package. It is assumed that the math software package can carry out symbolic algebra such as partial differentiation (the author used LiveMath by MathMonkeys, though others can also be used). The propagation constant of a given mode is b = k1 sin u, where b and u imply bm and um. The objective is to express b and v in terms of u. Since k1 = n1v>c, the waveguide condition is tan aa
so that
b ≈
b sin u
cos u - m
3sin 2u - (n2 >n1)24 1>2 p b = 2 cos u
tan u 3arctan 1sec u 3 sin2u - (n2 >n1)2 2 + m(p>2)4 = Fm(u) (P2.1) a
where Fm (u) is a function of u at a given m. The frequency v is given by
v =
cb n1 sin u
c F (u) (P2.2) n1 sin u m
Both b and v are now a function of u in Eqs. (P2.1) and (P2.2). Then the group velocity is found by differentiating Eqs. (P2.1) and (P2.2) with respect to u, that is, vg = that is,
dv dv du c F′m(u) cos u 1 = c d * c d = c Fm (u)d * c d db du db n1 sin u F′m (u) sin2u Group
vg =
Fm(u) c c1 - cot u d (P2.3) velocity, planar n1 sin u F′m(u)
where Fm′ = dFm >du is found by differentiating the second term of Eq. (P2.1). For a given m value, Eqs. (P2.2) and (P2.3) can be plotted parametrically, that is, for each u value we can calculate v and vg and plotvg vs. v. Figure 2.11 shows an example for a guide with the characteristics as given in the figure caption. Using a convenient math software package, or by other means, obtain a v vs. bm graph for this waveguide and obtain vg. If v vs. bm is a straight line, point out its significance. Plot vg vs. v. Discuss intermodal dispersion. 2.7 Dielectric slab waveguide Consider a dielectric slab waveguide that has a thin GaAs layer of thickness 0.25µm between two AlGaAs layers. The refractive index of GaAs is 3.6 and that of the AlGaAs layers is 3.4. What is the cutoff wavelength beyond which only a single mode can propagate in the waveguide, assuming that the refractive index does not vary greatly with the wavelength? If a radiation of wavelength 860 nm (corresponding to bandgap radiation) is propagating in the GaAs layer, what is the penetration of the evanescent wave into the AlGaAs layers? What is the mode field width (MFW) of this radiation? Point out the effect of change of radiation wavelength (l) on the MFW 2.8 Dielectric slab waveguide Consider a slab dielectric waveguide that has a core thickness (2a) of 20 om, n1 = 3.00, n2 = 1.50. Solution of the waveguide condition in Eq. (2.1.9) gives the mode angles u0 and u1 for the TE0 and TE1 modes for selected wavelengths as summarized in Table 2.7. For each wavelength calculate v and bm and then plot v vs. bm. On the same plot show the lines with slopes c >n1 and c >n2. Compare your plot with the dispersion diagram in Figure 2.10.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Table 2.7 The solution of the waveguide condition for a = 10 ,m, n1 = 3.00, n2 = 1.50 gives the incidence angles U0 and U1 for modes 0 and 1 at the wavelengths shown
L (,m)
u0° u1°
77.8 65.2
74.52 58.15
71.5 51.6
68.7 45.5
63.9 35.5
61.7 32.02
59.74 30.17
53.2 –
46.4 –
39.9 –
36.45 –
2.9 Dielectric slab waveguide Consider a planar dielectric waveguide with a core thickness of 10 om, n1 = 1.4446, n2 = 1.4440. Calculate the V-number, the mode angle um for m = 0 (use a graphical solution, if necessary), penetration depth, and mode field width, MFW = 2a + 2d, for light wavelengths of 1.0 om and 1.5 om. What is your conclusion? Compare your MFW calculation with 2wo = 2a(V + 1)>V. The mode angle u0 is given as u0 = 88.85° for l = 1 om and u0 = 88.72° for l = 1.5 om for the fundamental mode m = 0. 2.10 A multimode fiber Consider a multimode fiber with a core diameter of 60 µm, core refractive index of1.47, and a cladding refractive index of 1.45, both at 870 nm. Consider operating this fiber at l = 870 nm. (a)Calculate the numerical aperture. (b) Find out the normalized core–cladding index difference. (c) Calculate the V-number for the fiber and estimate the number of guided modes. (d) Calculate the wavelength beyond which the fiber becomes single-mode. (e) Calculate the modal dispersion ∆t and hence estimate the bit rate * distance product. 2.11 A water jet guiding light One of the early demonstrations of the way in which light can be guided along a higher refractive index medium by total internal reflection involved illuminating the starting point of a water jet as it comes out from a water tank. The refractive index of water is 1.330. Consider a water jet of diameter 3mm that is illuminated by green light of wavelength 560 nm. What is the V-number, numerical aperture, total acceptance angle of the jet? How many modes are there? What is the cutoff wavelength? The diameter of the jet increases (slowly) as the jet flows away from the original spout. However, the light is still guided. Why?
Light guided along a thin water jet. A small hole is made in a plastic soda drink bottle full of water to generate a thin water jet. When the hole is illuminated with a laser beam (from a green laser pointer), thelight is guided by total internal reflections along the jet to the tray. Water with air bubbles (produced by shaking the bottle) was used to increase the visibility of light. Air bubbles scatter light and make the guided light visible. First such demonstration has been attributed to Jean-Daniel Colladon, a Swiss scientist, who demonstrated a water jet guiding light in 1841. 2.12 Single-mode fiber Consider a fiber with an SiO2-13.5%GeO2 (i.e. 86.5%SiO2-13.5%GeO2%) core of diameter of 6 µm and refractive index of 1.47 and a cladding refractive index of 1.46, both refractive indices at 1300 nm, where the fiber is to be operated using a laser source with a half maximum width of 2 nm. (a)Calculate the V-number for this fiber. (b) What is the maximum allowed diameter of the core that maintains operations in single-mode? (c) Calculate the wavelength below which the fiber becomes multimode. (d) Calculate the numerical aperture. (e) Calculate the maximum acceptance angle. (f) Obtain the material dispersion and waveguide dispersion and hence estimate the bit rate * distance product (B * L) of the fiber. 2.13 Single-mode fiber Consider a step-index fiber with a core of diameter of 8 µm and refractive index of 1.45 at 1.55 µm and a normalized refractive index difference of 0.25% where the fiber is to be operated using a laser source with a half-maximum width of 3 nm. At 1.55 µm, the material and waveguide dispersion coefficients of this fiber are approximately given by Dm = 12 ps nm - 1 km-1 and Dw = - 6 ps nm-1 km-1 (a) Calculate the V-number for the fiber. Is this a single-mode fiber? (b) Calculate the wavelength below which the fiber becomes multimode. (c) Calculate the numerical aperture. (d) Calculate the maximum total acceptance angle. (e) Calculate the material, waveguide, and chromatic dispersion per kilometer of fiber. (f) Estimate the bit rate * distance product (B * L) of this fiber. (g) What is the mode field diameter? (h) Find out optical and electrical bandwidth for a 10 km link length of this fiber.
Questions and Problems
2.14 Normalized propagation constant b Consider a weakly guiding step-index fiber in which (n1 - n2)>n1 is very small. Show that (a)
b =
(b>k)2 - n22 n21 - n22
(b>k) - n2 n1 - n2
Note: Since ∆ is very small, n2 >n1 ≈ 1 can be assumed were convenient. The first equation can be rearranged as b>k = 3n22 + b(n21 - n22)4 1>2 = n22(1 + x)1>2; x = b(n21 - n22)>n22
where x is small. Taylor’s expansion in x to the first linear term would then provide a linear relationship between b and b. (b) Plot a graph between V value vs. b of the step-index fiber for fundamental and first higher order modes. 2.15 Group velocity of the fundamental mode Reconsider Example 2.3.4, which has a single-mode fiber with core and cladding indices of 1.4480 and 1.4400, core radius of 3 om, operating at 1.5 om. Use the equation b ≈
(b>k) - n2 n1 - n2
; b = n2k 31 + b∆4
to recalculate the propagation constant b. Change the operating wavelength to 1.3 µm, and then recalculate the new propagation constant b. Then determine the group velocity vg of the fundamental mode at 1.55 µm, and the group delay tg over 2 km of fiber. 2.16 A single-mode fiber design The Sellmeier dispersion equation provides n vs. l for pure SiO2 and SiO2-13.5 mol.%GeO2 in Table 1.2 in Chapter 1. The refractive index increases linearly with the addition of GeO2 to SiO2 from 0 to 13.5 mol.%. A single-mode step-index fiber is required to have the following properties: NA = 0.15, core diameter of 8 µm, and a cladding of pure silica, and operate at 1.3 µm and 1.55 µm. What should the core composition be at these wavelengths? 2.17 Material dispersion If Ng is the group refractive index of the core material of a step fiber, then the propagation time (group delay time) of the fundamental mode is t = L>vg = LNg1 >c.
Since Ng will depend on the wavelength, show that the material dispersion coefficient Dm is given approximately by Dm =
dt l d 2n ≈ Ldl c dl2
Using the Sellmeier equation and the constants in Table 1.2 in Chapter 1, evaluate the material dispersion at l = 1.3 and 1.55 µm for pure silica (SiO2) and SiO2-13.5%GeO2 glass. 2.18 Waveguide dispersion Waveguide dispersion arises as a result of the dependence of the propagation constant on the V-number, which depends on the wavelength. It is present even when the refractive index is constant— no material dispersion. Let us suppose that n1 and n2 are wavelength (or k) independent. Suppose that b is the propagation constant of mode lm and k = 2p>l in which l is the free-space wavelength. Then the normalized propagation constant b and propagation constant b are related by b = n2k (1 + b∆ ) (P2.4)
The group velocity is defined and given by vg =
dv dk = c db db
Show that the propagation time, or the group delay time, t of the mode is
t =
Ln2 Ln2 ∆ d(kb) L = + (P2.5) vg c c dk
Given the definition of V and
V = ka 3n21 - n224 1>2 ≈ kan2 (2∆)1>2 (P2.6)
d(Vb) d d = 3bkan2(2∆)1>24 = an2 (2∆)1>2 (bk) (P2.7) dV dV dV
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers Show that Ln2 ∆ d 2(Vb) dt = V (P2.8) dl cl dV 2
and that the waveguide dispersion coefficient is Waveguide dispersion coefficient
Dw =
n2 ∆ d 2(Vb) dt = V (P2.9) Ldl cl dV 2
Figure 2.53 shows the dependence of V 3d2(Vb) >dV24 on the V-number. In the range 1.5 6 V 6 2.4, V
d 2(Vb) dV 2
Figure 2.53 d2(Vb) >dV2 vs. V-number for a step-index fiber. (Source: Data extracted from W. A. Gambling et al., The Radio and Electronics Engineer, 51, 313, 1981.) Show that,
Dw ≈ -
n2 ∆ 1.984 (n1 - n2) 1.984 = (P2.10) cl V 2 cl V2
which simplifies to
Dw ≈ -
1.984 c(2pa)2 2n2
l (P2.11)
that is, Waveguide dispersion coefficient
Dw (ps nm-1 km-1) ≈ -
83.76 l(om)
3a(om)4 2 n2
Consider a fiber with a core of diameter of 8 om and refractive index 1.468 and a cladding refractive index of 1.464, both refractive indices at 1300 nm. Suppose that a 1.3-om laser diode with a spectral linewidth of 2 nm is used to provide the input light pulses. Estimate the waveguide dispersion per kilometer of fiber using Eqs. (P2.9) and (P2.11). 2.19 Profile dispersion Total dispersion in a single-mode, step-index fiber is primarily due to material dispersion and waveguide dispersion. However, there is an additional dispersion mechanism called profile dispersion that arises from the propagation constant b of the fundamental mode also depending on the refractive index difference ∆. Consider a light source with a range of wavelengths dl coupled into a step-index fiber. We can view this as a change dl in the input wavelength l. Suppose that n1, n 2, hence ∆ depends on the wavelength l. The propagation time, or the group delay time, tg per unit length is
tg = 1>vg = db>dv = (1>c)(db>dk) (P2.13)
Questions and Problems
where k is the free-space propagation constant (2p>l), and we used dv = cdk. Since b depends on n1, ∆, and V, consider tg as a function of n1, ∆ (thus n2), and V. A change dl in l will change each of these quantities. Using the partial differential chain rule
dtg dl
0tg 0n1 0n1 0l
0tg 0V 0tg 0∆ + (P2.14) 0V 0l 0∆ 0l
The mathematics turns out to be complicated, but the statement in Eq. (P2.14) is equivalent to
Total dispersion = Material dispersion (due to 0n1 >0l)
+ Waveguide dispersion (due to 0V>0l) + Profile dispersion (due to 0∆ >0l)
in which the last term is due to ∆ depending on l; although small, this is not zero. Even the statement in Eq. (P2.14) above is oversimplified but nonetheless provides an insight into the problem. The total intramode (chromatic) dispersion coefficient Dch is then given by
Dch = Dm + Dw + Dp (P2.15)
in which Dm, Dw, and Dp are material, waveguide, and profile dispersion coefficients, respectively. The waveguide dispersion is given by Eqs. (P2.11) and (P2.12), and the profile dispersion coefficient is (very) approximately,30
Dp ≈ -
Ng1 c
d 2(Vb) dV
Profile d∆ b (P2.16) dispersion dl coefficient
in which b is the normalized propagation constant and Vd2(Vb) >dV2 vs. V is shown in Figure 2.53. We can also use Vd 2(Vb)>dV 2 ≈ 1.984>V 2. Consider a fiber with a core of diameter of 8 om. The refractive and group indices of the core and cladding at l = 1.55 om are n1 = 1.4500, n2 = 1.4444, Ng1 = 1.4680, Ng2 = 1.4628, and d∆ >dl = 232 m-1. Estimate the waveguide and profile dispersion per km of fiber per nm of input light linewidth at this wavelength. (Note: The values given are approximate and for a fiber with silica cladding and 3.6% germania-doped core.) 2.20 Dispersion at zero dispersion coefficient Since the spread in the group delay ∆t along a fiber depends on the ∆l, the linewidth of the source, we can expand ∆t as a Taylor series in ∆l. Consider the expansion at l = l0 where Dch = 0. The first term with ∆l would have d∆t>dl as a coefficient, that is Dch, and at l0 this will be zero; but not the second term with (∆l)2 that has a differential, d 2 ∆t>dl2 or dDch >dl. Thus, the dispersion at l0 would be controlled by the slope S0 of Dch vs. l curve at l0. Show that the chromatic dispersion at l0 is ∆t =
L S (∆l)2 2 0
A single-mode fiber has a zero dispersion at l0 = 1310 nm, dispersion slope S0 = 0.090 ps nm-2 km. What is the dispersion for a laser with ∆l = 1.5 nm? What would control the dispersion in practice? 2.21 Polarization mode dispersion A fiber manufacturer specifies a maximum value of 0.025 ps km-1>2 for the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in its single-mode fiber. What would be the dispersion, maximum bit rate, and the optical bandwidth for this fiber over an optical link that is 400 km long if the only dispersion mechanism was PMD? 2.22 Polarization mode dispersion Consider a particular single-mode fiber (ITU-T G.652 compliant) that has a chromatic dispersion of 18 ps nm-1 km-1. The chromatic dispersion is zero at 1300 nm, and the dispersion slope is 0.092 ps nm-2 km-1. The PMD coefficient is 0.05 ps km-1>2. Calculate the total dispersion over 180 km if the fiber is operated at 1300 nm and the source is a laser diode with a linewidth ∆l = 1 nm. What should be the linewidth of the laser source so that over 180 km the chromatic dispersion is the same as PMD? 2.23 Dispersion compensation Calculate the total dispersion and the overall net dispersion coefficient when a 1000-km transmission fiber with chromatic dispersion Dch = + 20 ps nm-1 km-1 is spliced to a compensating fiber that is 100 km long and has Dch = - 100 ps nm-1 km-1. Assume that the input light spectral width is 1 nm. 2.24 Cladding diameter A comparison of two step-index fibers, one SMF and the other MMF, shows that the SMF has a core diameter of 9 om but a cladding diameter of 125 om, while the MMF has a core diameter of 100 om but a cladding diameter of 125 om. Discuss why the manufacturer has chosen those values. 30 J. Gowar, Optical Communications Systems, 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 1993), Ch. 8 has the derivation of this equation.
Chromatic dispersion at l0
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers
2.25 Graded index fiber Consider an optimal graded index fiber with a core diameter of 20 om and a refractive index of 1.475 at the center of the core and a cladding refractive index of 1.453. What are its NA at the fiber axis, and its effective NA? Calculate the V value and the number of modes at 1300 nm operation for this fiber. Suppose that the fiber is coupled to a laser diode emitter at 1300 nm and a spectral linewidth (FWHM) of 2 nm. The material dispersion coefficient at this wavelength is about - 5 ps nm-1 km-1. Calculate the total dispersion and estimate the bit rate * distance product of the fiber. How does this compare with the performance of a multimode fiber with same core radius, and n1 and n2? What would the total dispersion and maximum bit rate be if an LED source of spectral width (FWHM) ∆t1>2 ≈ 60 nm is used? 2.26 Graded index fiber Consider a graded index fiber with a core diameter of 62.5 om and a refractive index of 1.47 at the center of the core and a cladding refractive index of 1.45 at a wavelength 1550 nm. Suppose that we use a laser diode emitter with a spectral FWHM linewidth of 2 nm to transmit along this fiber at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Calculate the total dispersion and estimate the bit rate * distance product of the fiber. The material dispersion coefficient Dm at 1550 nm is - 20 ps nm-1 km-1. How does this compare with the performance of a multimode fiber with the same core radius, and n1 and n2? 2.27 Graded index fiber A standard graded index fiber from a particular fiber manufacturer has a core diameter of 62.5 µm, cladding diameter of 125 om, a NA of 0.300. The core refractive index n1 is 1.455. The manufacturer quotes minimum optical bandwidth * distance values of 400 MHz # km at 1300 nm and 800 MHz # km at 1550 nm. Assume that a laser is to be used with this fiber and the laser linewidth ∆l = 2 nm. What are the corresponding dispersion values? What type of dispersion do you think dominates? Is the graded index fiber assumed to have the ideal optimum index profile? (State your assumptions.) What is the optical link distance for operation at 2 Gbs-1 at 850 nm and 1550 nm? 2.28 Graded index fiber and optimum dispersion The graded index fiber theory and equations tend to be quite complicated. If g is the profile index then the rms intermodal dispersion is given by31
s =
g g + 2 1>2 4c1c2(g + 1)∆ 16c22 ∆ 2(g + 1)2 1>2 Ln1 ∆ a ba b * cc21 + + d (P2.17) 2c g + 1 3g + 2 2g + 1 (5g + 2)(3g + 2)
where c1 and c2 are given by
c1 =
g - 2 - d g + 2
; c2 =
3g - 2 - 2d 2(g + 2)
; d = - 2a
n1 l d∆ b a b a b (P2.18) Ng1 ∆ dl
where d is a small unitless parameter that represents the change in ∆ with l. The optimum profile coefficient go is
go = 2 + d - ∆
(4 + d)(3 + d) (P2.19) (5 + 2d)
Consider a graded index fiber for use at 850 nm, with n1 = 1.475, Ng1 = 1.489, ∆ = 0.015, d∆ >dl = - 683 m-1. Plot s in ps km-1 vs. g from g = 1.8 to 2.4 and find the minimum. (Consider plotting s on a logarithmic axis.) Compare the minimum s and the optimum g, with the relevant expressions in Section 2.8. Find the percentage change in g for a 10 * increase in s. What is your conclusion? 2.29 GRIN rod lenses Figure 2.32 shows graded index rod lenses. (a) How would you represent Figure 2.32 (a) using two conventional converging lenses. What are O and O′? (b) How would you represent Figure 2.32 (b) using a conventional converging lens. What is O′? (c) Sketch ray paths for a GRIN rod with a pitch between 0.25P and 0.5P starting from O at the face center. Where is O′? (d) What use is 0.23P GRIN rod lens in Figure 2.32 (c)? 2.30 Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs) Explain the lightwave guidance mechanism in solid and hollow core PCFs. Why are PCFs called endlessly single-mode fibers? 2.31 Attenuation Average power launched into a 10 km length of optical fiber is 100 µW and the average optical power at the fiber output is 2 µW. (a) Find the signal attenuation in dB assuming there are no splices. (b) Find the signal attenuation per km for this fiber. (c) Find the overall signal attenuation for a 10 km optical link using the same fiber with splices at 1 km intervals, with splice loss of 1 dB.
R. Olshansky and D. Keck, Appl. Opt., 15, 483, 1976.
Questions and Problems
2.32 Cut-back method of attenuation measurement Cut-back method is a destructive measurement technique for determining the attenuation a of a fiber. The first part of the experiment involves measuring the optical power Pfar coming out from the fiber at the far end as shown in Figure 2.54. Then, in the second part, keeping everything the same, the fiber is cut close to the launch or the source end. The output power Pnear is measured at the near end from the shortcut fiber. The attenuation is then given by a = ( - 10>L) log (Pfar >Pnear)
Figure 2.54 Illustration of the cut-back method for measuring the fiber attenuation. S is an optical source and D is a photodetector. in which L is the separation of the measurement points, the length of the cut fiber, and a is in dB per unit length. The output Pnear from the shortcut fiber in the second measurement is actually the input into the fiber under test in the first experiment. Usually a mode scrambler (mode stripper) is used for multimode fibers before the input. The power output from a particular fiber is measured to be 13 nW. Then, 10 km of fiber is cut out and the power output is measured again and found to be 43 nW. What is the attenuation of the fiber? 2.33 Intrinsic losses (a) Consider a silica-based standard single-mode fiber with a NA of 0.15. What is its attenuation at 1550 nm? How does this compare with the attenuation quotes for the Corning SMF@28e +, 0.1690.19 dB km-1at 1550 nm? (b) Consider a step index fiber n1 = 1.47 and n2 = 1.46, core diameter = 50 µm. Corresponding to the maximum value of the incident angle for which light rays will be guided through this fiber, calculate the number of reflections and the loss that would take place in one kilometre length of the fiber assuming 0.01% loss of power at each reflection. 2.34 Scattering losses and fictive temperature Rayleigh scattering process decreases with wavelength, and as mentioned in Chapter 1, it is inversely proportional to l4. The expression for the attenuation aR in a single component glass such as silica due to Rayleigh scattering is approximately given by two sets of different equations in the literature32 aR ≈
8p3 4
n8p2bT k BTf and aR ≈
8p3 3l4
(n2 - 1)2bT kBTf
in which l is the free-space wavelength, n is the refractive index at the wavelength of interest, bT is the isothermal compressibility (at Tf ) of the glass, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and Tf is a quantity called the fictive temperature (or the glass transition temperature) at which the liquid structure during the cooling of the fiber is frozen to become the glass structure. Fiber is drawn at high temperatures. As the fiber cools, eventually the temperature drops sufficiently for the atomic motions to be so sluggish that the structure becomes essentially “frozen-in” and remains like this even at room temperature. Thus, Tf marks the temperature below which the liquid structure is frozen and hence the density fluctuations are also frozen into the glass structure. Use these two equations and calculate the attenuation in dB km-1 due to Rayleigh scattering at l = 1.55 om given that pure silica (SiO2) has the following properties: Tf ≈ 1180°C; bT ≈ 7 * 10-11 m2 N-1 (athigh temperatures); n = 1.5 at 1.5 om; p = 0.28. The lowest reported attenuation around this wavelength is about 0.14 dB km-1. What is your conclusion? (Note that aB above is in Nepers per meter.) 2.35 Bending loss Bending losses always increase with the mode field diameter. Since the MFD increases fordecreasing V, 2w ≈ 2 * 2.6a>V, smaller V fibers have higher bending losses. How does the bending loss 32
For example, R. Olshansky, Rev. Mod. Phys., 51, 341, 1979.
Chapter 2 • Dielectric Waveguides andOptical Fibers a vs.radius of curvature R behavior look like on a semilogarithmic plot [as in Figure 2.39 (a)] for two values of the V-number V1 and V2 if V2 7 V1? It is found that for a single-mode fiber with a cutoff wavelength lc = 1180 nm, operating at 1300 nm, the microbending loss reaches 1 dB m-1 when the radius of curvature of the bend is roughly 6 mm for ∆ = 0.00825, 12 mm for ∆ = 0.00550, and 35 mm for ∆ = 0.00275. Explain these findings. 2.36 Bend loss reduced fibers Consider the bend loss measurements listed in Table 2.8 for four different types of fiber. The trench fibers have a trench placed in the cladding where the refractive index is lowered as shown in Figure 2.39. The nanoengineered fiber is shown in Figure 2.55. There is a ring of region in the cladding in which there are gas-filled nanoscale voids. (They are introduced during fabrication.) A void in the ring has a circular cross-section but has a length along the fiber that can be a few meters. These voids occupy a volume in the ring that is only 1–10%. Plot the bending loss semilogarithmically (a on a log scale and R on a linear scale) and fit the data to amicobend = A exp ( - R>Rc) and find A and Rc. What is your conclusion? Suppose that we set our maximum acceptable bending loss to 0.1 dB turn-1 in installation (the present goal is to bring the bending loss to below 0.1 dB turn-1). What are the allowed radii of curvature for each turn?
Table 2.8 Bend radius R in mm, A in dB turn−1. Data over 1.55–1.65 ,m range Standard SMFa 1550 nm R (mm) 5.0 7.0 10.0 12.5 16.0 17.5
Trench Fiber 1b 1650 nm
Trench Fiber 2c 1625 nm
A(dB turn-1 ) R (mm) A(dB turn-1 ) R (mm) 15.0 4.00 0.611 0.124 0.0105 0.0040
7.50 10.0 15.0
0.354 0.135 0.020
5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0
Nanoengineered Fibera 1550 nm
A(dB turn-1 ) R (mm) 0.178 0.0619 0.0162 0.00092
5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0
A(dB turn-1 ) 0.031 0.0081 0.0030 0.00018
(Source: Data used from a number of sources: aM. -J. Li et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 27, 376, 2009; bK. Himeno et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 23, 3494, 2005; cL. -A. de Montmorillon, et al. “Bend-Optimized G.652D Compatible Trench-Assisted Single-Mode Fibers,” Proceedings of the 55th IWCS/Focus, pp. 342–347, November, 2006.)
Figure 2.55 Left: The basic structure of bend-insensitive fiber with a nanoengineered ring in the cladding. Right: An SEM picture of the cross-section of a nanoengineered fiber with reduced bending losses. (Courtesy of Ming-Jun Li, Corning Inc. For more information see U.S. Patent 8,055.110, 2011.) 2.37 Microbending loss Microbending loss aB depends on the fiber characteristics and wavelength. We will calculate aB approximately given various fiber parameters using the single-mode fiber microbending loss equation (D. Marcuse, J. Op. Soc. Am., 66, 216, 1976) aB ≈
p1>2k2 2g
V 3K1(ga)4
3>2 2
R-1>2 exp a-
2g 3 3b2
Questions and Problems where R is the bend radius of curvature; a is the fiber radius; b is the propagation constant, determined by b, normalized propagation constant, which is related to V, b = n2k 31 + b∆4 ; k = 2p>l is the free-space wave vector; g = [b2 - n22k 2]1>2; k = [n21k 2 - b2]1>2; and K1(x) is a first-order modified Bessel function, available in math software packages. The normalized propagation constant b can be found from b = (1.1428 - 0.996V -1)2. Consider a single-mode fiber with n1 = 1.450, n2 = 1.446, 2a (diameter) = 3.9 om. Plot aB vs. R for l = 633 nm and 790 nm from R = 2 mm to 15 mm. Figure 2.56 shows the experimental results on an SMF that has the same properties as the fiber above. While the data in Figure 2.56 are for a 10 cm fiber, the equation above gives the attenuation per meter. We need to divide the calculated values by 10 to compare the two sets of data. What is your conclusion? (Note that while the data in Figure 2.56 are for a 10 cm fiber, the equation above gives the attenuation per meter. We need to divide the calculated attenuation values by 10 to compare the two sets of data. You might wish to compare your calculations with the experiments of A. J. Harris and P. F. Castle, IEEE J. Light Wave Technol., LT4, 34, 1986).
Figure 2.56 Measured microbending loss (attenuation) for a 10-cm fiber bent by different amounts of radius of curvature R. Single-mode fiber with a core diameter of 3.9 om, cladding radius of 48 om, ∆ = 0.00275, NA ≈ 0.10, V ≈ 1.67 and 2.08. (Source: Data extracted from A. J. Harris and P. F. Castle, “Bend Loss Measurements on High Aperture Single-Mode Fibers as a Function of Wavelength and Bend Radius,” IEEE J. Light Wave Technol., LT14, 34, 1986, and replotted with a smoothed curve; [see original article for the discussion of peaks in aB vs. R at 790 nm]). 2.38 Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) A silica fiber-based FBG is required to operate at 850 nm. What should be the periodicity of the grating Λ? If the amplitude of the index variation ∆n is 2 * 10-5 and total length of the FBG is 5 mm, what are the maximum reflectance at the Bragg wavelength and the bandwidth of the FBG? Assume that the effective refractive index n is 1.460. What are the reflectance and the bandwidth if ∆n is 2 * 10-4?
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)–based optical strain sensor for monitoring strains in civil structures, for example,bridges, dams, buildings, and tunnels. The fiber is mounted on a steel carrier and maintained stretched. (Courtesy of Micron Optics.) 2.39 Fiber Bragg Grating sensor array Consider a FBG strain sensor array embedded in a silica fiber that is used to measure strain at various locations on an object. Two neighboring sensors have grating periodicities of Λ1 = 534.5 nm and Λ2 = 539.7 nm. The effective refractive index is 1.450 and the photoelastic coefficient is 0.22. What is the maximum strain that can be measured? What would be the main problem with this sensor array? What is the strain at fracture if the fiber fractures roughly at an applied stress of 700 MPa and the elastic modulus is 70 GPa? What is your conclusion?
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)–based optical temperature sensors for use from - 200°C to 250°C. FBGs are mounted in different packages: top left, all dielectric; top right, stainless steel; and bottom, copper. The sensors operate over 1510–1590 nm. (Courtesy of Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc.)
I wanted visible light, because I knew that if I could get red light, other colors would be possible. —Nick Holonyak Jr.
Nick Holonyak Jr. carried out the early work in the development of practical light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible spectrum during the 1960s while working as a consulting research scientist for General Electric Co. in Syracuse. He made his first visible laser-LED in 1962, which emitted red light.1 It served as the basis for the concept of the “ultimate lamp.” Since 1963, he has been at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he currently holds the John Bardeen Endowed Chair. In the February 1963 issue of Readers Digest, Nick Holonyak Jr. suggested that the incandescent light bulb will eventually be replaced by the LED. The above photo was taken around 1970–1975. (Courtesy of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.)
N. Holonyak Jr. and S. F. Bevacqua, “Coherent (Visible) Light Emission from a Ga(AsxP1 - x) Junction,” Appl. Phys. Letts., 1, 82, 1962.
Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
3.1 Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands A. Energy Band Diagrams, Density of States, Fermi–Dirac Function and Metals We know from modern physics that the energy of the electron in an atom is quantized and can only have certain discrete values as illustrated for the Li atom in Figure 3.1. The isolated Li atom has two electrons in the 1s shell and one electron in the 2s subshell. The same concept also applies to the electron energy in a molecule with several atoms. Again the electron energy is quantized. However, when we bring together something like 1023 Li atoms to form the metal crystal, the interatomic interactions result in the formation of electron energy bands. The 2s energy level splits into some 1023 closely spaced energy levels that effectively form an energy band, which is called the 2s band. Similarly other higher energy levels also form bands as illustrated in Figure 3.1. These energy bands overlap to form one continuous energy band which represents the energy band structure of a metal. The 2s energy level in the Li atom is half full (2s subshell needs 2 electrons but has 1) which means that the 2s band in the crystal will also be half full. Metals characteristically have partially filled energy bands. In the case of metals, the energy band diagram is straightforward and essentially one band of energies in which the energy levels from the bottom of the band to a certain level are all filled at zero Kelvin (0 K), as indicated in Figure 3.1. Each energy level in this band corresponds to a wavefunction for the electron inside the crystal, and represents a quantum state for the electron. Thus, the energy levels are often referred to as energy states. In the solid, the bottom of the band is normally taken as the zero of energy so that electrons fill all the states until a certain energy called the Fermi energy, denoted as EF—the highest occupied energy level at 0 K. The states above EF are empty up to the vacuum level. The energy required to remove an electron from the metal is the energy involved in taking an electron from EF to the vacuum level, which is called the work function Φ of the metal. For example, a photon with an energy hy greater than Φ that is incident on a metal can cause an electron at EF to become ejected out from the metal to become free, a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect. The electron is said to be photoemitted. Many photomultiplier tubes in optoelectronics have a cathode material with the right Φ that allows electrons to be photoemitted when light within the desired range of wavelengths is incident on the cathode. 195
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.1 (a) Energy levels in a Li atom are discrete. (b) The energy levels corresponding to outer shells of isolated Li atoms form an energy band inside the crystal—for example, the 2s level forms a 2s band. Energy levels form a quasi-continuum of energy within the energy band. Various energy bands overlap to give a single band of energies that is only partially full of electrons. There are states with energies up to the vacuum level where the electron is free. (c) A simplified energy band diagram for a metal, and the photoelectric effect.
Thephotoemitted electrons are then accelerated by the applied field inside the multiplier tube and are made incident on other electrodes to cause secondary electron emission and hence multiplication. (One incident photon can give rise to 106 collected electrons.) The electrons around EF control many of the properties of metals such as electrical and thermal conductivity. When an electric field E is applied, an electron at EF can gain energy from the external force eE and be able to move to a higher energy state since these are empty and available. Electrical conduction occurs by the drift of electrons at around EF. Many important properties of both metals (and semiconductors below) are described by considering the behavior of electrons within an energy band. In the case of metals, this is called the free electron model; that is, the electrons are free inside the metal and hence electron potential energy is constant. These electrons are what are normally called conduction electrons. There are two important concepts in describing free electrons in an energy band. The density of states (DOS) g(E) represents the number of electronic states (electron wavefunctions) in a band per unit energy per unit volume of the crystal. We can use quantum mechanics to calculate the DOS by considering how many electron wavefunctions there are within a given energy range per unit volume of the crystal. Figure 3.2 (a) shows the energy band diagram of a metal, and (b)shows, in a simplified way, how g(E) depends on the electron energy in the band. According to quantum mechanics, for an electron confined within a three-dimensional potential energy well, as one might expect for a conduction electron in the crystal of a metal, DOS g(E) increases with energy from the bottom of the band and is given by Density of states in a band
g(E) = 4p (2me)3>2 h-3 E 1>2 = AE 1>2 (3.1.1)
where E is the electron energy from the bottom of the band, me is the mass of the electron, h is Planck’s constant, and A is a constant that represents the quantities multiplying E 1>2 in the second term. The DOS gives information on available states, that is, wavefunctions, for the electron and not on their actual occupation.
3.1 • Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands
Figure 3.2 (a) Above 0 K, due to thermal excitation, some of the electrons are at energies above EF. (b)Thedensity of states, g(E) vs. E in the band. (c) The probability of occupancy of a state at an energy E is f (E). The product g(E) f (E) is the number of electrons per unit energy per unit volume or electron concentration per unit energy. The area under the curve with the energy axis is the concentration of electrons in the band, n.
The Fermi–Dirac function f (E) is the probability of finding an electron in a quantum state with energy E (state implies a wavefunction). It is a fundamental property of a collection of interacting electrons in thermal equilibrium. It is given by
f(E) =
1 E - EF (3.1.2) 1 + exp a b kBT
Fermi– Dirac function
where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature (K), and EF is the Fermi energy. Figure 3.2 (c) shows the dependence of f (E) on the energy E. At low energies well below EF, all states are occupied and at high energies, well above EF, the states are empty. At EF, f (EF) = 1>2, half the states are occupied. Changes in f (E) occur around EF over several kBTs of energy, as indicated in Figure 3.2 (c). The higher the temperature, the greater is the reach of f (E) to higher energies, and therefore more electrons at higher energies. Consider the product g(E) f (E), density of states at E * probability of finding an electron in a state at E. The product g(E) f (E) represents the number electrons per unit energy per unit volume, nE (E), in the band which is shown in Figure 3.2 (d). It is essentially the energy distribution of electrons in the band. Thus, nE dE = g(E) f (E)dE is the number of electrons in the energy range E to E + dE. Integrating this from the bottom to the top of the band gives the conduction electron concentration n in the band,
n =
EF + Φ
g(E) f (E)dE (3.1.3)
Equations (3.1.1) and (3.1.2) can be substituted in Eq. (3.1.3) to evaluate the integration. Once integrated, the resulting equation will relate n to the Fermi energy EF at a temperature T. Put differently, EF depends on n, the total number of electrons per unit volume in the band. At 0 K, the Fermi energy EFO is
EFO = a
h 3n ba b 8me p
Fermi energy at 0 K for metals
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
EFO is typically a few electron volts, that is, orders of magnitude greater than kBT. Above 0 K, EF decreases slightly with T, though we ignore this tiny change in using metal band diagrams in optoelectronics. Inasmuch as the electrons in the metal are free, they have kinetic energies only. An electron at the Fermi energy EFO has several eVs of kinetic energy, which is orders of magnitude greater than the classical kinetic theory (roughly 3kBT>2 for a free particle). The reason is that the electrons in the metal must obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which prevents more than two electrons (with spins up and down) from occupying a given energy state. Thus, the electrons must distribute themselves among available states and need to reach higher energies to satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle. B. Energy Band Diagrams of Semiconductors The electron energies in a semiconductor crystal, however, are distinctly different than that for metals. Figure 3.3 (a) shows a simplified two-dimensional view of the silicon crystal which haseach Si atom bonding to four neighbors. All the four valence electrons per atom are used in these bonds. The interactions between the Si atoms and their valence electrons result in the electron energy in the crystal falling into two distinct energy bands called the valence band (VB) andconduction band (CB) that are separated by an energy gap, bandgap (Eg), as shown in Figure 3.3 (b). There are no allowed electron energies in the bandgap; it represents the forbidden electron energies in the crystal. The valence band represents electron wavefunctions in the crystal that correspond to bonds between the atoms. Electrons that occupy these wavefunctions are the valence electrons. Since at absolute zero of temperature all the bonds are occupied by valence electrons (there are no broken bonds), all the energy levels in the VB are normally filled with these electrons. The CB represents electron wavefunctions in the crystal that have higher energies than those in the VB and are normally empty at zero Kelvin. The top of the VB is labeled Ev, bottom of conduction band Ec, so that Eg = Ec - Ev is the bandgap. The width of the CB is called the electron affinity x. An electron placed in the CB is free to move around the crystal and also to respond to an electric field because there are plenty of neighboring empty energy levels. This electron can easily gain energy from the field and move to higher energy levels because these states are
Figure 3.3 (a) A simplified two-dimensional view of a region of the Si crystal showing covalent bonds. (b) The energy band diagram of electrons in the Si crystal at absolute zero of temperature. The bottom of the VB has been assigned a zero of energy.
3.1 • Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands
empty in the CB. Generally we can treat an electron in the CB as if it were free within the crystal by simply assigning an effective mass me* to it. This effective mass is a quantum mechanical quantity, which takes into account that the electron in the CB interacts with a periodic potential energy as it moves through the crystal so that its inertial resistance to acceleration (definition of mass) is not the same as if it were free in vacuum. Since the only empty states are in the CB, the excitation of an electron from the VB requires a minimum energy of Eg. Figure 3.4 illustrates what happens when an incident photon of energy hy 7 Eg interacts with an electron in the VB. This electron absorbs the incident photon and gains sufficient energy to surmount the energy gap Eg and reach the CB. Consequently, a free electron in the CB and a “hole,” corresponding to a missing electron in the VB, are created. In some semiconductors, such as Si and Ge, the photon absorption process also involves lattice vibrations (vibrations of the Si atoms) which we have not shown in Figure 3.4. The empty electronic state, or the missing electron in the bond, is what we call a hole in the valence band. The free electron, which is in the CB, can wander around the crystal and contribute to the electrical conduction when an electric field is applied. The region remaining around the hole in the VB is positively charged because a charge of -e has been removed from an otherwise neutral region of the crystal. This hole, denoted as h+, can also wander around the crystal as if it were “free.” This is because an electron in a neighboring bond can “jump,” that is, tunnel into the hole, to fill the vacant electronic state at this site and thereby create a hole at its original position as illustrated in Figure 3.5. This is effectively equivalent to the hole being displaced in the opposite direction. Thus, conduction in semiconductors occurs by both electrons and holes with charges -e and +e and their own effective masses me* and mh*. When a wandering electron in the CB meets a hole in the VB, it has found an empty electronic state of lower energy and it therefore occupies it. The electron falls from the CB to the VB to fill the hole. This is called recombination, which results in the annihilation of an electron in the CB and a hole in the VB as in Figure 3.5. The excess energy of the electron falling from CB to VB in certain semiconductors such as GaAs and InP is emitted as a photon. In Si and Ge the excess energy is lost as lattice vibrations (heat), that is, as phonons. In the steady state, the thermal generation rate is balanced by the recombination rate so that the electron concentration n in the CB and hole concentration p in the VB remain constant; both n and p depend on the temperature. Although in the specific example in Figure 3.4, a photon of energy hy 7 Eg creates an electron–hole pair, other sources of energy can also lead to an electron–hole pair creation. In fact, in the absence of radiation, there is still an electron and hole pair generation process going on in the sample as a result of thermal generation. Due to thermal energy, the atoms in the crystal
Figure 3.4 (a) A photon with an energy hy greater than Eg can excite an electron from the VB to the CB. (b) Each line with Si-Si atoms is a valence electron in abond. When a photon breaks a Si-Si bond, afree electron and ahole in the Si-Si bond are created. The result is the photogeneration of an electron– hole pair (EHP).
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.5 A pictorial illustration of a hole in the valence band wandering around the crystal due to the tunneling of electrons from neighboring bonds, and its eventual recombination with a wandering electron in the conduction band. A missing electron in a bond represents a hole as in (a). An electron in a neighboring bond can tunnel into this empty state and thereby cause the hole to be displaced as in (a) to (d). The hole is able to wander around in the crystal as if it were free but with a different effective mass than the electron. A wandering electron in the CB meets a hole in the VB in (e), which results in the recombination and the filling of the empty VB state as in (f).
are constantly vibrating which corresponds to the bonds between the Si atoms being periodically deformed with a distribution of energies. Energetic vibrations can rupture bonds and thereby create electron–hole pairs, which correspond to the excitation of electrons from the VB to the CB.
3.2 Semiconductor Statistics Many important properties of semiconductors are described by considering the behavior of electrons in the CB and holes in the VB. We need to consider the density of states (DOS) gCB(E) of electronic states in the CB, gVB(E) in the VB and their occupation statistics. Figure 3.6 (a) shows the energy band diagram of a semiconductor, and (b) shows, in a simplified way, how gCB(E) depends on the electron energy in the CB and VB near the band edges Ec and Ev, respectively. The DOS gCB(E) increases with energy from the CB edge as Density of states near Ec
gCB(E) = 4p (2me*)3>2 h-3 (E - Ec)1>2 (3.2.1)
where (E - Ec) is the electron energy from the bottom of the CB. The DOS curves usually have various peaks at certain energies for crystalline solids, which we have neglected as these are not needed for the present discussion. To find the energy distribution of electrons in the CB, we need the Fermi–Dirac function f (E), the probability of finding an electron in a quantum state with energy E. The behavior of f (E) is shown in Figure 3.6 (c) assuming that the Fermi level EF is located in the bandgap. (Its position
3.2 • Semiconductor Statistics
Figure 3.6 (a) Energy band diagram of a semiconductor, assuming that the Fermi level is near the middle of the bandgap. (b) Density of states (number of states per unit energy per unit volume). (c) Fermi–Dirac probability function (probability of occupancy of a state). (d) The product of g(E) and f (E) is the energy density of electrons in the CB (number of electrons per unit energy per unit volume). The area under nE (E) vs. E is the electron concentration.
in the energy gap is discussed later.) When we multiply g(E) with f(E), we get the number of electrons per unit energy per unit volume at E in the CB, nE (E), which is shown in Figure 3.6 (d). Thus, nEdE = gCB(E) f (E)dE is the number of electrons in the energy range [Figure 3.6 (d)] E to E + dE. Integrating this from the bottom (Ec) to the top (Ec + x) of the CB gives the electron concentration Ec + x
n =
gCB(E) f (E) dE (3.2.2)
Electron concentra tion in CB
Whenever (Ec - EF) W kBT, that is, E F is at least a few k BT below E c, then f (E) ≈ exp 3-(E - EF)>kBT 4 . That is, the Fermi–Dirac statistics can be replaced by Boltzmann statistics. Such semiconductors are called nondegenerate. It implies that the number of electrons in the CB is far less than the number states in this band. For nondegenerate semiconductors, the above integration leads to
n = Nc exp a-
Ec - EF b (3.2.3) kBT
where Nc = 2 32pme*kBT>h24 3>2 is a constant at a given temperature for a given material, called the effective density of states at the CB edge. The result of the integration in Eq. (3.2.3) seems too simple but it is, however, an approximation as it assumes that (Ec - EF) W kBT. We can interpret Eq. (3.2.3) as follows. If we take all the states in the conduction band and replace them with an effective concentration Nc (number of states per unit volume) at Ec and then multiply this simply by the Boltzmann probability function, f (Ec) = exp 3 -(Ec - EF)>kBT4 , we would
Electron concentra tion in CB
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
obtain the concentration of electrons at Ec, that is, in the conduction band. Nc is thus an effective density of states at the CB band edge. We can carry out a similar analysis for the concentration of holes in the VB as illustrated inFigures 3.6 (a)–(d). Multiplying the density of states gVB(E) in the VB with the probability of occupancy by a hole, 31 - f (E)4 , gives pE, the hole concentration per unit energy. Note that the probability of finding a hole, a missing electron, in a state with energy E is 1 - f (E). Integrating pE(E) over the VB gives the hole concentration by assuming that EF is a few kBT above Ev, we obtain Hole concentra tion in VB
p ≈ Nv exp a-
EF - Ev b (3.2.4) kBT
2 3>2 is the effective density of states at the VB edge, and m* is the where Nv = 2 32pm* h kBT>h 4 h effective mass of holes in the VB. There are no specific assumptions in our derivations above, except for EF being a few kBT away from the band edges, which means that Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) are generally valid. It is apparent from Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) that the location of EF determines the electron and hole concentrations. Thus, EF can be viewed as a useful semiconductor property that allows us to represent electron and hole concentrations in the energy band diagram. In an intrinsic semiconductor (a pure crystal), n = p, by using Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) we can show that the Fermi level EFi in the intrinsic crystal is above Ev and located in the bandgap at Fermi level in intrinsic crystal
EFi = Ev +
1 2
Eg -
1 2
kT ln a
Nc b (3.2.5) Nv
Typically Nc and Nv values are comparable and both occur in the logarithmic term so that EFi is approximately in the middle of the bandgap as originally sketched in Figure 3.6. There is a useful semiconductor relation between n and p, called the mass action law. From Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4), the product np is Mass action law
np = Nc Nv exp a-
Eg kBT
b = n2i (3.2.6)
where Eg = Ec - Ev is the bandgap energy and n2i has been defined as Nc Nv exp ( -Eg >kBT). The quantity ni is a material property; for example, it depends on Eg, but not on the position of the Fermi level. It also depends on the temperature. The intrinsic concentration ni corresponds to the concentration of electrons or holes in an undoped (pure) crystal, that is, intrinsic semiconductor. In such a semiconductor n = p = ni, which is therefore called the intrinsic concentration. The mass action law is valid whenever we have thermal equilibrium and the sample is in the dark (without any photogeneration). Equations (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) determine the total concentration of electrons and holes in the CB and VB, respectively. The average energy of the electrons in the CB can be calculated by using nE (E), their energy distribution. The result gives the average energy as (3>2) kBT above Ec. Since the electron in the CB is “free” in the crystal with an effective mass me*, it wanders around the crystal with an average kinetic energy (3>2) kBT, which is the same as the kinetic energy of a free atom in a gas or vapor in a tank. This is not surprising as both particles are wandering freely (without interacting with each other) and obey Boltzmann statistics. If v is the electron velocity and triangular brackets represent an average, then 6 (1>2) me* v 2 7 must be (3>2) kBT. We can thus calculate the root mean square velocity 18 v 2 92 1>2 which is called the thermal velocity (vth) and is typically ∼105 m s-1. The same ideas apply to holes in the VB with an effective hole mass m* h.
3.3 • Extrinsic Semiconductors
It is important to understand what the Fermi energy represents. First, it is a convenient way to represent free carrier concentrations (n in the CB and p in the VB) on the energy band diagram. However, the most useful property of EF is in terms of a change in EF. Any change ∆EF across a material system represents electrical work input or output per electron.2 If V is the potential difference between two points in a material system, then
∆EF = eV (3.2.7)
For a semiconductor system in equilibrium, in the dark, and with no applied voltage or no emf generated, ∆EF = 0 and EF must be uniform across the system.
3.3 Extrinsic Semiconductors A. n-Type and p-Type Semiconductors By introducing small amounts of impurities into an otherwise-pure crystal, it is possible to obtain a semiconductor in which the concentration of carriers of one polarity is much in excess of theother type. Such semiconductors are referred to as extrinsic semiconductors vis-à-vis the intrinsic case of a pure and perfect crystal. For example, by adding pentavalent impurities, such as arsenic, which have a valency one more than Si, we can obtain a semiconductor in which the electron concentration is much larger than the hole concentration. In this case we will have an n-type semiconductor. If we add trivalent impurities, such as boron, which have a valency of one less than four, we then have an excess of holes over electrons—a p-type semiconductor. An arsenic (As) atom has five valence electrons whereas Si has four. When the Si crystal is doped with small amounts of As, each As atom substitutes for one Si atom and is surrounded by four Si atoms. When an As atom bonds with four Si atoms, it has one electron left unbounded. This fifth electron cannot find a bond to go into so it is left orbiting around the As atom, which looks like an As+, as illustrated in Figure 3.7 (a). The As+ ionic center, with an electron e- orbiting
Figure 3.7 (a) The four valence electrons of As allow it to bond just like Si but the fifth electron is left orbiting the As site. The energy required to release to free fifth electron into the CB is very small. (b) Energy band diagram for an n-type Si doped with 1 ppm As. There are donor energy levels just below Ec around As+ sites.
For readers familiar with thermodynamics, its rigorous definition is that EF is the chemical potential per electron, that is, Gibbs free energy per electron. The definition in Eqs. (3.2.7) is in terms of a change in EF.
Fermi energy and electrical work
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
it, resembles a hydrogen atom in a silicon environment. We can easily calculate how much energy is required to free this electron away from the As site, thereby ionizing the As impurity by using our knowledge on the ionization of a hydrogen atom (removing the electron from the H-atom). This energy turns out to be a few hundredths of an electronvolt, that is, ∼0.05 eV, which is comparable to the thermal energy at room temperature (∼kBT = 0.025 eV). Thus, the fifth valence electron can be readily freed by thermal vibrations of the Si lattice. The electron will then be “free” in the semiconductor, or in other words, it will be in the CB. The energy required to excite the electron to the CB is therefore ∼0.05 eV. The addition of As atoms introduces localized electronic states at the As sites because the fifth electron has a localized wavefunction, of the hydrogenic type, around As+. The energy of these states, Ed, is ∼0.05 eV below Ec because this is how much energy is required to take the electron away into the CB. Thermal excitation by lattice vibrations at room temperature is sufficient to ionize the As atom, that is, excite the electron from Ed into the CB. This process creates free electrons; however, the As+ ions remain immobile as shown in the energy band diagram of an n-type semiconductor in Figure 3.7 (b). Because the As atom donates an electron into the CB, it is called a donor impurity. Ed isthe electron energy around the donor atom and it is below Ec by ∼0.05 eV as in Figure 3.7 (b). If Nd is the donor atom concentration in the crystal, provided that Nd W ni, then at room temperature, the electron concentration in the CB will nearly be equal to Nd, that is, n ≈ Nd. The hole concentration will be p = n2i >Nd , which is less than the intrinsic concentration. The reason is that a small fraction of the large number of electrons in the CB recombine with holes in the VB so as to maintain np = n2i . The mass action law must be maintained in equilibrium. The conductivity s of a semiconductor depends on both electrons and holes as both contribute to charge transport. If me and mh are the drift mobilities of the electrons and holes, respectively, then Semi conductor conductivity
s = enme + epmh (3.3.1)
which for an n-type semiconductor becomes, n-type conductivity
s = eNd me + e a
n2i b m ≈ eNd me (3.3.2) Nd h
We should, by similar arguments to the above, anticipate that doping a Si crystal with a trivalent atom (valency of 3) such as B (boron) will result in a p-type Si that has an excess of holes in the crystal. Consider doping Si with small amounts of B as shown in Figure 3.8 (a). Because B has only three valence electrons, when it shares them with four neighboring Si atoms one of the bonds has a missing electron which is of course a “hole.” A nearby electron can tunnel into this hole and displace the hole further away from the B atom. As the hole moves away it gets attracted by the negative charge left behind on the B atom. The binding energy of this hole to the B- ion (a B atom that has accepted an electron) can be calculated using the hydrogenic atom analogy just like in the n-type Si case. This binding energy also turns out to be very small, ∼0.05 eV, so that at room temperature the thermal vibrations of the lattice can free the hole away from the B- site. A free hole, we recall, exists in the VB. The escape of the hole from the B- site involves the B atom accepting an electron from a neighboring Si-Si bond (from the VB) which effectively results in the hole being displaced away, and its eventual escape to freedom in the VB. The B atom introduced into the Si crystal therefore acts as an electron acceptor impurity. The electron accepted by the B atom comes from a nearby bond. On the energy band diagram, an electron leaves the VB and gets accepted by a B atom which becomes negatively charged. This process leaves a hole in the VB which is free to wander away as illustrated in Figure 3.8 (b).
3.3 • Extrinsic Semiconductors
Figure 3.8 (a) Boron-doped Si crystal. B has only three valence electrons. When it substitutes for a Si atom one of its bonds has an electron missing and therefore a hole. (b) Energy band diagram for a p-type Si doped with 1 ppm B. There are acceptor energy levels just above Ev around B- sites. These acceptor levels accept electrons from the VB and therefore create holes in the VB.
It is apparent that doping a silicon crystal with a trivalent impurity results in a p-type aterial. We have many more holes than electrons for electrical conduction since the negatively m charged B atoms are immobile and hence cannot contribute to the conductivity. If the concentration of acceptor impurities Na in the crystal is much greater than the intrinsic concentration ni, then at room temperature all the acceptors would have been ionized and thus p ≈ Na. The electron concentration is then determined by the mass action law, n = n2i >Na, which is much smaller than p, and consequently the conductivity is simply given by s = eNamh, similar to Eq. (3.3.2). Figures 3.9 (a)–(c) show the energy band diagrams of an intrinsic, an n-type, and a p-type semiconductor. The energy distance of EF from Ec and Ev determines the electron and hole concentrations by virtue of Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4). Note the locations of the Fermi level in each case: EFi for intrinsic; EFn for n-type; and EFp for p-type. The position of the Fermi level in the energy band diagram plays an important role in understanding device principles. It is clear from Eqs. (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) that its location in theenergy band diagram acts as a lever in finding the free electron and hole concentrations intheCB and VB, respectively, as highlighted in Figures 3.9 (a)–(c). It represents the electron
Figure 3.9 Energy band diagrams for (a) intrinsic, (b) n-type, and (c) p-type semiconductors. In all cases, np = n2i . Note that donor and acceptor energy levels are not shown. CB = conduction band, VB = valence band, Ec = CB edge, Ev = VB edge, EFi = Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductor, EFn = Fermi level in n-type semiconductor, EFp = Fermi level in p-type semiconductor. x is the electron affinity. Φ, Φn, and Φp are the work functions for the intrinsic, n-type, and p-type semiconductors, respectively.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Table 3.1 Selected typical properties of various semiconductors at 300 K a (nm) Eg (eV) X (eV) Nc(cm−3) Ge (DI) Si (DI) InP (ZB) GaAs (ZB) AlAs (ZB)
0.5650 0.5431 0.5868 0.5653 0.5661
0.66 (I) 1.11 (I) 1.35 (D) 1.42 (D) 2.17 (I)
4.13 4.05 4.50 4.07 3.50
1.04 2.8 5.2 4.7 1.5
* * * * *
1019 1019 1017 1017 1019
Nv (cm−3) 6.0 1.2 1.1 7.0 1.7
* * * * *
1019 1019 1019 1018 1019
ni(cm−3) 2.3 1.0 3.0 2.1
* * * * 10
1013 1010 107 106
Er 16.0 11.8 12.6 13.0 10.1
Me Mh (cm2 V−1 s−1) (cm2 V−1 s−1) 3900 1450 4600 8500 200
1900 490 150 400 100
Notes: Data combined from a number of sources. I and D represent indirect and direct bandgap. DI, diamond crystal; ZB, zinc blend; a, lattice constant. (Note that there are variations in the values of certain properties among books, for example, ni for Si, er for GaAs, etc. Most commonly used or recent values have been selected.)
and hole concentrations in a semiconductor in the energy band diagram. The work function Φ of a semiconductor is defined as the energy distance from the Fermi level to the vacuum level as shown in Figures 3.9 (a)–(c) as Φ, Φn, and Φp for the intrinsic, n-type, and p-type semiconductor, respectively. Although there are no states at EF, the work function nonetheless represents the average energy required to remove an electron from a semiconductor.3 The following definitions and notation are generally used to describe extrinsic semiconductors. Electrons in an n-type semiconductor (n 7 p) are majority carriers whereas holes are minority carriers. The electron, that is, majority carrier, concentration in this n-type semiconductor in equilibrium is nno, where the subscripts refer to the n-type semiconductor and equilibrium (which excludes photoexcitation). The hole, that is, minority carrier, concentration is denoted pno. In this notation, nno = Nd and the mass action law is nno pno = n2i . Similarly, hole or majority carrier concentration in a p-type semiconductor (p 7 n) is ppo and electron, minority carrier, concentration is npo. Further ppo = Na and npo ppo = n2i . Table 3.1 summarizes some of the properties of useful semiconductors, including Si and GaAs, at 300 K. B. Compensation Doping Compensation doping describes the doping of a semiconductor with both donors and acceptors to control the properties. For example, a p-type semiconductor doped with Na acceptors can be converted to an n-type semiconductor by simply adding donors until the concentration Nd exceeds Na. The effect of donors compensates for the effect of acceptors and vice versa. The electron concentration is then given by Nd - Na provided the latter is larger than ni. When both acceptors and donors are present, what essentially happens is that electrons from donors recombine with the holes from the acceptors so that the mass action law np = n2i is obeyed. Remember that we cannot simultaneously increase the electron and hole concentrations because that leads to an increase in the recombination rate which returns the electron and hole concentrations to values that satisfy np = n2i . Suppose that we have more donors than acceptors. When an acceptor atom accepts a valence band electron, a hole is created in the VB. This hole then recombines with an electron from the CB; the electron would have been supplied by a donor. If we take the initial electron concentration as n = Nd then the recombination between the electrons from the donors and Na holes generated by Na acceptors 3 The following intuitive argument may help. The easiest electron to remove from an intrinsic semiconductor needs an energy x. To maintain equilibrium, we must also remove an electron from the VB, which needs an energy Eg + x so that the average energy is 12 Eg + x, which is the work function of the intrinsic semiconductor.
3.3 • Extrinsic Semiconductors
results in the electron concentration reduced by Na to n = Nd - Na. The hole concentration is then p = n2i >(Nd - Na). By a similar argument, if we have more acceptors than donors, the hole concentration becomes p = Na - Nd, with electrons from Nd donors recombining with holes from Na acceptors. The electron concentration is then n = n2i >(Na - Nd). C. Nondegenerate and Degenerate Semiconductors
In nondegenerate semiconductors, the number of states in the CB far exceeds the number of electrons so that the likelihood of two electrons trying to occupy the same state is almost nil. This means that the Pauli exclusion principle can be neglected and the electron statistics can be described by the Boltzmann statistics. Nc is a measure of the density of states in the CB. The Boltzmann expression in Eq. (3.2.3) for n is valid only when n V Nc. Those semiconductors for which n V Nc and p V Nv are termed nondegenerate semiconductors. When the semiconductor has been excessively doped with donors, n may be so large, typically 1019 -1020 cm-3, that it may be comparable to Nc. In that case the Pauli exclusion principle becomes important in the electron statistics and we have to use the Fermi–Dirac statistics. Such a semiconductor exhibits properties that are more metal-like than semiconductor. Semiconductors that have n ≳ Nc or p ≳ Nv are called degenerate semiconductors. For degenerate semiconductors, the Fermi level is inside the band that is involved in electrical conduction. For example, the Fermi level in an n-type degenerate semiconductor is above Ec. The large carrier concentration in a degenerate semiconductor is due to the heavy doping. For example, as the donor concentration in an n-type semiconductor is increased, at sufficiently high doping levels, the donor atoms become so close to each other that their orbitals overlap to form a narrow energy band, which overlaps and becomes part of the conduction band as illustrated in Figure 3.10 (a). This situation is reminiscent to the valence electrons filling overlapping energy bands in a metal. In a degenerate n-type semiconductor, the Fermi level is therefore within the CB, or above Ec just like EF is within the band in a metal. Majority of the states between Ec and EF are full of electrons as indicated in Figure 3.10 (a). Notice that Ec has been pushed down so that the bandgap is narrower in heavily doped semiconductors. The random distribution of a large number of donors in the crystal also introduces a random variation in the potential energy (PE) of the electron; the PE is no longer perfectly periodic. Put differently, there are spatial variations in the density of states in the crystal. Such random fluctuations in the PE give rise to a small tail (an extension) in the density of states g(E) in the bandgap, called band tailing, so that Ec is no longer sharp in heavily doped crystals.
Figure 3.10 (a) Degenerate n-type semiconductor. Large number of donors form a band that overlaps the CB. Ec is pushed down and EFn is within the CB. (b) Degenerate p-type semiconductor.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
In the case of a p-type degenerate semiconductor, the Fermi level lies in the VB below Ev as in Figure 3.10 (b). One cannot simply assume that n = Nd or p = Na in a degenerate semiconductor because the dopant concentration is so large that they interact with each other. Not all dopants are able to become ionized and the carrier concentration eventually reaches a saturation typically around ∼1020 cm-3. Furthermore, the mass action law, np = n2i , is not valid for degenerate semiconductors. D. Energy Band Diagrams in an Applied Field Consider an n-type semiconductor that is connected to a voltage supply of V and is carrying a current as shown in Figure 3.11. From basic electrical conduction we know that there is an electric field E inside the semiconductor that drifts the conduction electrons and hence causes a current flow. Consider now the energy band diagram. The Fermi level EF is above that for the intrinsic case (EFi), closer to Ec than Ev. The applied voltage drops uniformly along the semiconductor so that the electrons in the semiconductor now also have an imposed electrostatic potential energy, which decreases toward the positive terminal as illustrated in Figure 3.11. The whole band structure, the CB and the VB, therefore tilts. When an electron drifts from A toward B, its PE decreases because it is approaching the positive terminal. For a semiconductor system in the dark, in equilibrium and with no applied voltage or no emf generated, EF must be uniform across the system since ∆EF = eV = 0. However, when electrical work is done on the system, for example, when a battery is connected to a semiconductor, EF is not uniform throughout the whole system. A change ∆EF in EF within a material system is equivalent to electrical work per electron or eV. The Fermi level EF therefore follows the electrostatic PE behavior. The change in EF from one end to the other, EF(A) - EF(B), is just eV, the energy needed in taking an electron through the semiconductor as shown in Figure 3.11. The electron concentration in the semiconductor is uniform so that Ec - EF must be constant from one end to the other. Thus the CB, VB, and EF all bend by the same amount.
Figure 3.11 Energy band diagram of an n-type semi conductorconnected to a voltage supply of V volts. The whole energy diagram tilts because the electron now has an electrostatic potential energy as well.
3.3 • Extrinsic Semiconductors
Example 3.3.1 Fermi levels in semiconductors An n-type Si wafer has been doped uniformly with 1016 phosphorus (P) atoms cm-3. Calculate the position of the Fermi energy with respect to the Fermi energy EFi in intrinsic Si. The above n-type Si sample is further doped with 2 * 1017 boron atoms cm-3. Calculate the position of the Fermi energy with respect to the Fermi energy EFi in intrinsic Si at room temperature (300 K), and hence with respect to the Fermi energy in the n-type case above.
Solution P (Group V) gives n-type doping with Nd = 1016 cm-3, and since Nd W ni (=1010 cm-3 from Table 3.1), we have n = Nd = 1016 cm-3. For intrinsic Si
whereas for doped Si,
ni = Nc exp 3- (Ec - EFi)>kBT 4 n = Nc exp 3- (Ec - EFn)>kBT4 = Nd
where EFi and EFn are the Fermi energies in the intrinsic and n-type Si. Dividing the two expressions, Nd >ni = exp 3(EFn - EFi)>kBT4
so that
EFn - EFi = kBT ln (Nd >ni) = (0.0259 eV) ln (1016 >1010) = 0.358 eV
When the wafer is further doped with boron, the acceptor concentration, Na = 2 * 1017 cm-3 7 Nd = 1016 cm-3. The semiconductor is compensation doped and compensation converts the semiconductor to a p-type Si. p = Na - Nd = 2 * 1017 - 1016 = 1.9 * 1017 cm-3. For intrinsic Si
whereas for doped Si
p = ni = Nv exp 3-(EFi - Ev)>kBT 4 , p = Nv exp 3-(EFp - Ev)>kBT4 = Na - Nd
where EFi and EFp are the Fermi energies in the intrinsic and p-type Si, respectively. Dividing the two expressions
so that
p>ni = exp 3-(EFp - EFi)>kBT4
EFp - EFi = - kBT ln (p>ni) = - (0.0259 eV) ln (1.9 * 1017>1.0 * 1010 ) = - 0.434 eV
The negative value indicates that EFp is below EFi.
Example 3.3.2 Conductivity of n-Si Consider a pure intrinsic Si crystal. What would be its intrinsic conductivity at 300 K? What are the electron and hole concentrations in an n-type Si crystal that has been doped with 1016 cm-3 phosphorus (P) donors. What is the conductivity if the drift mobility of electrons is about 1200 cm2 V-1 s-1 at this concentration of dopants?
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Solution The intrinsic concentration ni = 1 * 1010 cm-3, so that the intrinsic conductivity is s = eni(me + mh) = (1.6 * 1010 C)(1 * 1010 cm-3)(1450 + 490 cm2 V-1 s-1) = 3.1 * 10-6 Ω -1 cm-1 or 3.1 * 10-4 Ω -1 m-1 Consider n-type Si. Nd = 1016 cm-3 7 ni ( = 1010 cm-3), the electron concentration n = Nd = 1016 cm-3 and p = n2i >Nd = (1010 cm-3)2 >(1016 cm-3) = 104 cm-3; and negligible compared to n. The conductivity is s = eNd me = (1.6 * 10-19 C) (1 * 1016 cm-3) (1200 cm2 V-1 s-1) = 1.92 Ω -1 cm-1
3.4 Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E–k Diagrams We know from quantum mechanics that when the electron is within an infinite potential energy well of spatial width L, its energy is quantized and given by En =
(hkn)2 2me
where me is the mass of the electron and the electron’s wave vector kn is essentially a quantum number determined by np kn = L where n = 1, 2, 3, c. The energy increases parabolically with the wave vector kn. We also know that the electron momentum is given by hkn. This description can be used to represent the behavior of electrons in a metal within which their average potential energy can roughly be taken to be zero. In other words, we take V(x) = 0 within the metal crystal and V(x) to be large, for example, V(x) = Vo (several electron volts) outside, so that the electron is contained within the metal. This is the nearly free electron model of a metal which has been quite successful in interpreting many of the metallic properties. Indeed, we typically calculate the density of states g(E) based on the three-dimensional potential well problem. However, it is quite obvious that this model is too simple because it does not take into account the actual variation of the electron potential energy in the crystal. The potential energy of the electron depends on its location within the crystal and is periodic due to the regular arrangement of the atoms. How does a periodic potential energy affect the relationship between E and k? It will no longer be simply En = (hkn)2 >2me. To find the energy of the electron in a crystal, we need to solve the Schrödinger equation for a periodic potential energy function in three dimensions. We first consider the hypothetical one-dimensional crystal shown in Figure 3.12. The electron potential energy functions for each atom add to give an overall potential energy function V(x), which is clearly periodic in x with the periodicity of the crystal, a. Thus, V(x) = V(x + a) = V(x + 2a) = c and so on. Our task is therefore to solve the Schrödinger equation for the electron wavefunction c(x),
d 2c dx
2me h2
- V(x)4 c = 0 (3.4.1)
3.4 • Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E–k Diagrams
Figure 3.12 The electron potential energy (PE), V(x), inside the crystal is periodic with the same periodicity as that of the crystal, a. Far away outside the crystal, by choice, V = 0 (the electron is free and PE = 0).
subject to the condition that the potential energy, V(x), is periodic in a, that is, V(x) = V(x + ma); m = 1, 2, 3, c (3.4.2)
Periodic PE in the crystal
The solution of Eq. (3.4.1) will give the electron wavefunction in the crystal and hence the electron energy. Since V(x) is periodic, we should expect, by intuition at least, the solution c(x) to be periodic. It turns out that the solutions to Eq. (3.4.1), which are called Bloch wavefunctions, are of the form
ck(x) = Uk(x) exp (jkx) (3.4.3)
where Uk(x) is a periodic function which depends on V(x) and has the same periodicity a as V(x). The term exp (jkx), of course, represents a traveling wave whose wave vector is k. We should remember that we have to multiply this by exp ( -jEt>h), where E is the energy, to get the overall wavefunction Ψ(x, t). Thus, the electron wavefunction in the crystal is a traveling wave which is modulated by Uk(x). Further, both exp (jkx) and exp (-jkx) are possible and represent left and right traveling waves. There are many such Bloch wavefunction solutions to the one-dimensional crystal, each identified with a particular k value, say kn, which acts as a kind of quantum number. Each ck(x) solution corresponds to a particular kn and represents a state with an energy Ek. The dependence of the energy Ek on the wave vector k is illustrated in what is called an E–k diagram. Figure 3.13 shows a typical E–k diagram for the hypothetical one-dimensional solid for k values in the range -p>a to +p>a. Just as hk is the momentum of a free electron, hk for the Bloch electron is the momentum involved in its interaction with external fields, for example, those involved in the photon absorption processes. Indeed the rate of change of hk is the externally applied force Fext on
Bloch wave in the crystal
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.13 The E–k diagram of a direct bandgap semiconductor such as GaAs. The E–k curve consists of many discrete points with each point corresponding to a possible state, wavefunction ck(x), that is allowed to exist in the crystal. The points are so close that we normally draw the E–k relationship as a continuous curve. In the energy range Ev to Ec there are no points, that is, no ck(x) solutions.
the electron such as that due to an electric field E (i.e., Fext = eE). Thus, for the electron within the crystal, d(hk)>dt = Fext and consequently we call hk the crystal momentum of the electron.4 Inasmuch as the momentum of the electron in the x-direction in the crystal is given by hk, the E–k diagram is an energy vs. crystal momentum plot. The states ck(x) in the lower E–k curve constitute the wavefunctions for the valence electrons and thus correspond to the states in the valence band. Those in the upper E–k curve, on the other hand, correspond to the states in the conduction band since they have higher energies. All the valence electrons at 0 K therefore fill the states (particular kn values) in the lower E–k diagram. It should be emphasized that an E–k curve in the diagram consists of many discrete points, each point corresponding to a possible state, wavefunction ck(x), that is allowed to exist in the crystal. The points are so close that we draw the E–k relationship as a continuous curve. It is clear from the E–k diagram that there is a range of energies, from Ev to Ec, for which there are no solutions to the Schrödinger equation and hence there are no ck(x) with energies in Ev to Ec. Furthermore, we also note that the E–k behavior is not a simple parabolic relationship except near the bottom of the CB and the top of the VB. Above absolute zero of temperature, due to thermal excitation, however, some of the electrons from the top of the valence band will be excited to the bottom of the conduction band. According to the E–k diagram in Figure 3.13, when an electron and hole recombine, the electron simply drops from the bottom of the CB to the top of the VB without any change in its k value so that this transition is quite acceptable in terms of momentum conservation. We should recall that the momentum of the emitted photon is negligible compared with the momentum of the electron. The E–k diagram in Figure 3.13 is therefore for a direct bandgap semiconductor. The minimum of the CB is directly above the maximum of the VB. As shown in Figure 3.13, the electron transition from the bottom of the CB to the top of the VB emits a photon. 4
The actual momentum of the electron, however, is not hk because d(hk)>dt ≠ Fexternal + Finternal. The true momentum pe satisfies dpe >dt = Fexternal + Finternal (all forces on the electron). However, as we are interested in interactions with external forces such as an applied field, we treat hk as if it were the momentum of the electron in the crystal and use the name crystal momentum.
3.4 • Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E–k Diagrams
The simple E–k diagram sketched in Figure 3.13 is for the hypothetical one-dimensional crystal in which each atom simply bonds with two neighbors. In real crystals, we have a three-dimensional arrangement of atoms with V(x, y, z) showing periodicity in more than one direction. The E–k curves are then not as simple as that in Figure 3.13 and often show unusual features. The E–k diagram for GaAs, which is shown in Figure 3.14 (a), as it turns out, has general features thatare quite similar to that sketched in Figure 3.13. The lowest CB minimum is right above the top of the VB at the same k-value. GaAs is therefore a direct bandgap semiconductor in which electron–hole pairs can recombine directly and emit a photon. The majority of light-emitting devices use direct bandgap semiconductors to make use of direct recombination. In the case of Si, the diamond crystal structure leads to an E–k diagram which has the essential features illustrated in Figure 3.14 (b). We notice that the minimum of the CB is not directly above the maximum of the VB, but it is displaced on the k-axis. Such crystals are called indirect bandgap semiconductors. An electron at the bottom of the CB cannot therefore recombine directly with a hole at the top of the VB, because for the electron to fall down to the top of the VB its momentum must change from kCB to kVB, which is not allowed by the law of conservation ofmomentum. Thus, direct electron–hole recombination does not normally take place in Si and Ge. The recombination process in these elemental semiconductors occurs via a recombination center at an energy level Er within the bandgap as illustrated in Figure 3.14 (c). These recombination centers may be crystal defects or impurities. The electron is first captured by the defect at Er. The change in the energy and momentum of the electron by this capture process is transferred to lattice vibrations, that is, to phonons. As much as an electromagnetic radiation is quantized in terms of photons, lattice vibrations in the crystal are quantized in terms of phonons. Lattice vibrations travel in the crystal just like a wave and these waves are called phonons. The captured electron at Er can readily fall down into an empty state at the top of the VB and thereby recombine with a hole as in Figure 3.14 (c). Typically, the electron transition from Er to Ev involves the emission of further lattice vibrations. In some indirect bandgap semiconductors such as GaP, however, the recombination of theelectron with a hole at certain recombination centers results in photon emission. The E–k diagram is similar to that shown in Figure 3.14 (c) except that the recombination centers at Er are generated by the purposeful addition of nitrogen (N) impurities to GaP, written as GaP:N. The electron transition from Er to Ev involves photon emission in the green.
Figure 3.14 (a) In GaAs the minimum of the CB is directly above the maximum of the VB. GaAs is therefore a direct bandgap semiconductor. (b) In Si, the minimum of the CB is displaced from the maximum of the VB and Si is an indirect bandgap semiconductor. (c) Recombination of an electron and a hole in Si involves a recombination center.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
3.5 pn Junction Principles A. Open Circuit Consider what happens when one side of a sample of Si is doped n-type and the other p-type as shown in Figure 3.15 (a). Assume that there is an abrupt discontinuity between the p and n regions which we call the metallurgical junction, M, as indicated in Figure 3.15 (a). There are fixed (immobile) ionized donors and free electrons (in the conduction band, CB) in the n-region and fixed ionized acceptors and holes (in the valence band, VB) in the p-region. Due to the hole concentration gradient from the p = ppo to the n-side where p = pno, holes diffuse toward the right and enter the n-region and recombine with the electrons (majority carriers)
Figure 3.15 Properties of the pn junction. (a) The p- and n-sides of the pn junction before the contact. (b) The pn junction after contact, in equilibrium and in open circuit. (c) Carrier concentrations along the whole device through the pn junction. At all points, npoppo = nnopno = n2i . (d) Net space charge density rnet across the pn junction. (e) The electric field across the pn junction is found by integrating rnet in (d). (f) The potential V(x) across the device. Contact potentials are not shown at the semiconductor–metal contacts. (g) Hole and electron potential energy (PE) across the pn junction. Potential energy is charge * potential = qV.
3.5 • pn Junction Principles
in this region. The n-side near the junction therefore becomes depleted of majority carriers and therefore has exposed positive donor ions (As+) of concentration Nd. Similarly, the electron concentration gradient drives the electrons by diffusion toward the left. Electrons diffusing into the p-side recombine with the holes (majority carriers), which exposes negative acceptor ions (B-) of concentration Na in this region. The regions on both sides of the junction M consequently become depleted of free carriers in comparison with the bulk p- and n-regions far away from the junction. There is therefore a space charge layer (SCL) around M. Figure 3.15 (b) shows the SCL, also known as the depletion region, around M. Figure 3.15 (c) illustrates the hole and electron concentration profiles in which the vertical concentration scale is logarithmic. Note that we must, under equilibrium conditions (e.g., no applied bias or photoexcitation), have pn = n2i everywhere. Thedepletion region extends from about x = -Wpo to x = Wno. (The subscripts indicate the p- or n-side and open circuit.). The total width of the depletion region is Wo = Wpo + Wno. It is clear that there is an internal electric field Eo from positive ions to negative ions, that is, in the -x direction, which tries to drift the holes back into the p-region and electrons back into the n-region. This field drives the holes in the opposite direction to their diffusion. As shown in Figure 3.15 (b), Eo imposes a drift force on holes in the -x direction whereas the hole diffusion flux is in the +x direction. A similar situation also applies for electrons with the electric field attempting to drift the electrons against diffusion from n- to the p-region. It is apparent that as more and more holes diffuse toward the right, and electrons toward the left, the internal field around M will increase until eventually an equilibrium is reached when the rate of holes diffusing toward the right is just balanced by the rates of holes drifting back to the left, driven by the field Eo. The electron diffusion and drift fluxes will also be balanced in equilibrium. For uniformly doped p- and n-regions, thenet space charge density rnet(x) across the semiconductor will be as shown in Figure 3.15 (d). The net space charge density rnet is negative and equal to -eNa in the SCL from x = -Wpo to x = 0 (M is at x = 0) and then positive and equal to +eNd from x = 0 to Wno. The total charge on the left-hand side must equal to that on the right-hand side for overall charge neutrality, so that
NaWpo = NdWno (3.5.1)
Figure 3.15 arbitrarily assumes that the acceptor concentration is greater than the donor concentration, Na 7 Nd. From Eq. (3.5.1) this implies that Wno 7 Wpo, that is, the depletion region penetrates the n-side (lightly doped side) more than the p-side (heavily doped side). Indeed, if Na W Nd, then the depletion region is almost entirely on the n-side. We generally indicate heavily doped regions with the superscript plus sign as p+. The electric field E(x) and the net space charge density rnet(x) at a point are related in electrostatics5 by dE>dx = rnet(x)>e, where e = eoer, is the permittivity of the medium, and eo and er are the absolute permittivity and relative permittivity of the semiconductor material, respectively. We can thus integrate rnet(x) across the device and thus determine the electric field. The variation of the electric field across the pn junction is shown in Figure 3.15 (e). The negative field means that it is in the -x direction. Note that E(x) reaches a maximum magnitude Eo at M. The potential V(x) at any point x can be found by integrating the electric field since by definition E = -dV>dx. Taking the potential on the p-side far away from M as zero (we have no applied voltage), which is an arbitrary reference level, V(x) increases in the depletion region 5 This is called Gauss’s law in point form and comes from Gauss’s law in electrostatics. The integration of the electric field E over a closed surface S is related to the total charge Qenclosed enclosed, 1EdS = Qenclosed >e, where e is the permittivity of the medium.
Depletion region widths
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
toward the n-side as indicated in Figure 3.15 (f). Notice that on the n-side the potential reaches Vo, which is called the built-in potential. In an abrupt pn junction rnet(x) can simply and approximately be described by step functions as displayed in Figure 3.15 (d). Using the step form of rnet(x) in Figure 3.15 (d) and integrating it gives the electric field Eo and the built-in potential Vo, Built-in field
Eo = -
eNaWpo eNdWno = (3.5.2) e e
and Built-in potential
eNaNdW 2o 1 Vo = - EoWo = (3.5.3) 2 2e(Na + Nd)
where e = eoer is the permittivity of the semiconductor medium and Wo = Wno + Wpo is the total width of the depletion region under open circuit. If we know Wo, then Wno or Wpo follows readily from Eq. (3.5.1). Equation (3.5.3) is a relationship between the built-in voltage Vo and the depletion region width Wo. If we know Vo we can calculate Wo. The simplest way to relate Vo to the doping parameters is through Boltzmann statistics. For the system consisting of p- and n-type semiconductors together (forming one system), in equilibrium, the Boltzmann statistics6 demands that the concentrations n1 and n2 of carriers at potential energies E1 and E2 be related by Boltzmann statistics
n2 >n1 = exp 3-(E1 - E2)>kBT4 (3.5.4)
in which E is the potential energy—that is, qV, where q is charge and V voltage. Considering electrons, q = -e, we see from Figure 3.15 (g) that E = 0 on the p-side far away from M where n = npo; and E = -eVo on the n-side away from M where n = nno. Thus,
npo >nno = exp (-eVo >kBT) (3.5.5a)
Equation (3.5.5a) shows that Vo depends on nno and npo and hence on Nd and Na. The corresponding equation for hole concentrations is
pno >ppo = exp (-eVo >kBT) (3.5.5b)
Thus, rearranging Eqs. (3.5.5a) and (3.5.5b) we obtain
Vo = (kBT>e) ln (nno >npo) and Vo = (kBT>e) ln (ppo >pno)
Built-in potential
We can now write ppo and pno in terms of the dopant concentrations inasmuch as ppo = Na, pno = n2i >nno = n2i >Nd, so that Vo becomes
Vo =
Na Nd kBT ln a 2 b (3.5.6) e ni
6 We use Boltzmann statistics, i.e., n(E) ∝ exp ( - E>kBT), because the concentration of electrons in the conduction band whether on the n- or p-side is never so large that the Pauli exclusion principle becomes important. As long as the carrier concentration in the conduction band is much smaller than Nc, we can use Boltzmann statistics.
3.5 • pn Junction Principles
Clearly Vo has been conveniently related to the dopant and parent material properties via Na, Nd, and ni2, which is given by (NcNv) exp ( -Eg >kBT). The built-in voltage (Vo) is the potential across a pn junction, going from p- to n-type semiconductor, in an open circuit. Vo is not the actual voltage across the diode. The voltage across the diode is made up of Vo and the contact potentials at the metal-to-semiconductor junctions at the electrodes. If we add Vo and the contact potentials at the electrode ends, we will find zero. Once we know the built-in potential Vo from Eq. (3.5.6), we can then calculate the width Wo of the depletion region from Eq. (3.5.3). The term kBT>e in Eq. (3.5.6) is called the thermal voltage Vth, and is about 26 mV at 300 K. B. Forward Bias and the Shockley Diode Equation Consider what happens when a battery with a voltage V is connected across a pn junction so that the positive terminal of the battery is attached to the p-side and the negative terminal to the n-side (forward bias). The negative polarity of the supply will reduce the potential barrier Vo by V, as shown in Figure 3.16 (a). The reason is that the bulk regions outside the SCL have high conductivities, due to the plenty of majority carriers in the bulk, in comparison with the depletion region in which there are mainly immobile ions. Thus, the applied voltage drops mostly across the depletion width W. The applied bias V now directly opposes Vo. The potential barrier against diffusion therefore becomes reduced to (Vo - V) as illustrated in Figure 3.16 (b). This has drastic consequences because the probability that a hole in the p-side will surmount this potential barrier and diffuse to the n-side now becomes proportional to exp 3-e(Vo - V)>kBT4 . In other words, the applied voltage effectively reduces the built-in potential and hence the built-in field which acts against diffusion. Consequently, many holes can now diffuse across the depletion region and enter the n-side. This results in the injection of excess minority carriers, that is, holes into the n-region. Similarly, excess electrons can now diffuse toward the p-side and enter this region and thereby become injected minority carriers.
Figure 3.16 Forward-biased pn junction and the injection of minority carriers (a) Carrier concentration profiles across the device under forward bias. (b) The hole potential energy with and without an applied bias. W is the width of the SCL with forward bias.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
The hole concentration pn(0) just outside the depletion region at x′ = 0 (x′ is measured from Wn) in the n-side is very large due to the injection of minority carriers as shown in Figure 3.16 (a). The hole concentration at the end of the neutral n-side at x′ = ln at the negative terminal is always the equilibrium concentration pno, because any additional holes at x′ = ln would be neutralized immediately by electrons flowing from the negative terminal of the battery. It is obvious that there is a very large hole concentration gradient in the n-side as a result of minority carrier injection under forward bias, as shown in Figure 3.16 (a). The hole concentration gradient causes hole diffusion flux toward the negative terminal, and hence gives rise to an electric current. There is a similar electron diffusion flux and hence an electric current in the p-side. These two minority carrier diffusion fluxes constitute the forward bias pn junction current. When holes are injected into the neutral n-side, they draw some electrons from the bulk of n-side (and hence from the battery) so that there is a small increase in the electron concentration. This small increase in the majority carriers is necessary to balance the hole charges and maintain neutrality in the n-side. We now derive the pn junction equation. Consider the hole concentration profile in the n-side. The hole concentration, pn(0) = pn(x′ = 0), just outside the depletion region is due to the excess of holes diffusing through the SCL as a result of the reduction in the built-in potential barrier. This concentration, pn(0), is determined by the probability of surmounting the new potential energy barrier e(Vo - V), Boltzmann statistics and applied voltage
pn(0) = ppo expc -
e(Vo - V) d (3.5.7) kBT
This follows directly from the Boltzmann equation, by virtue of the hole potential energy changing by e(Vo - V) from x = -Wp to x = Wn, as indicated in Figure 3.16 (b), and at the same time the hole concentration falling from ppo to pn(0). By dividing Eq. (3.5.7) by Eq. (3.5.5b), we get the effect of the applied voltage out directly, which shows how the voltage V determines the amount of excess holes diffusing and arriving at the n-region, Law of the junction
pn(0) = pno exp a
eV b (3.5.8) kBT
np(0) = npo exp a
eV b (3.5.9) kBT
which is called the law of the junction. Equation (3.5.8) describes the effect of the applied voltage V on the injected minority carrier concentration just outside the depletion region, pn(0). Obviously, with no applied voltage, V = 0 and pn(0) = pno which is exactly what we expect, Eq. (3.5.5b). Injected holes diffuse in the n-region and eventually recombine with electrons in this region; there are many electrons in the n-side. Those electrons lost by recombination are readily replenished by the negative terminal of the battery connected to this side. The current due to holes diffusing in the n-region can be sustained because more holes can be supplied by the p-region, which itself can be replenished by the positive terminal of the battery. Electrons are similarly injected from the n-side to the p-side. The electron concentration np(0) just outside the depletion region at x = -Wp is given by the equivalent of Eq. (3.5.8) for electrons, that is Law of the junction
3.5 • pn Junction Principles
In the p-region, the injected electrons diffuse toward the positive terminal looking to be collected. As they diffuse, they recombine with some of the many holes in this region. Those holes lost by recombination can be readily replenished by the positive terminal of the battery connected to this side. The current due to the diffusion of electrons in the p-side can be maintained by the supply of electrons from the n-side, which itself can be replenished by the negative terminal of the battery. It is apparent that an electric current can be maintained through a pn junction under forward bias, and that the current flow seems to be due to the diffusion of minority carriers. There is, however, some drift of majority carriers as well. The semiconductor pn junction is a minority carrier device in the sense that minority carriers play an important role. When a hole (minority carrier) is injected into the n-side, it will diffuse in this region inasmuch as there is very little electric field in the neutral n-region to give rise to drift. Eventually the hole will recombine with an electron (majority carrier). The average time it takes for a hole (minority carrier) to recombine with an electron in the n-side is called the minority carrier recombination time or lifetime th. The reciprocal 1>th is the mean probability per unit time that a hole will recombine and disappear. The ability of holes to diffuse in a semiconductor is represented by their diffusion coefficient Dh, which is related the their drift mobility mh through the Einstein relation.7 An average distance a hole diffuses in the n-side before it recombines with an electron is called the diffusion length Lh and is given by L h = (Dhth)1>2. We can interpret the reciprocal 1>Lh in a similar way to 1>th as the probability per unit distance that a hole recombines with an electron in the n-side as it diffuses along x. If the length of the n-region ln is much longer than the minority carrier diffusion length Lh , most (nearly all) injected holes will eventually recombine before they reach the negative electrode. The hole concentration profile pn(x′) vs. x′ therefore decays from pn(0) toward the thermal equilibrium value, pno, as illustrated in Figure 3.16 (a). Consider ∆pn(x′) = pn(x′) - pno, which is the excess carrier concentration, then the change d∆pn in excess concentration over a distance dx due to recombination would depend on ∆pn itself (how many excess holes we have) and also on the probability of recombination (dx′)(1>L h) so that d∆pn = - ∆pn(dx′>L h), which implies an exponential decay,
∆pn(x′) = ∆pn(0) exp ( -x′>L h) (3.5.10)
Equation (3.5.10) can be derived by rigorous means using the Continuity Equation8 rather than the above intuitive arguments. The pn junction in which ln W L h is called a long diode. The hole diffusion current density JD,hole is the hole diffusion flux multiplied by the hole charge,9 JD,hole = -eDh
dpn(x′) d∆pn(x′) = -eDh dx′ dx′
In nondegenerate semiconductors, the diffusion coefficient D and the drift mobility m for a given type of carrier are r elated by D>m = kT>e so that we can easily calculate D from m. The proof is not difficult; see, for example, S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 3rd Edition (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Ch. 5. 8 The intuitive derivation here for Eq. (3.5.10) was actually based on knowing the outcome from the continuity equation and using the fact that we have a very long n-side. In the latter case only, the oversimplified intuitive arguments above do indeed lead to Eq. (3.5.10); but not in a general treatment. One must also consider the change in the diffusion flux (the current). (See, for example, S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006), Ch. 6. 9 The hole diffusion flux is - Dh(dp>dx) = - Dh(d∆p>dx) and the diffusing charge is + e.
Long diode minority carrier profile
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
eDh x′ JD,hole = a b ∆pn(0) exp a- b (3.5.11) Lh Lh
The above equation shows that hole diffusion current depends on location x′ and decreases due to recombination. The total current at any location, however, is the sum of hole and electron contributions. The total current is independent of x′ as indicated in Figure 3.17. The decrease in the minority carrier diffusion current with x′ is made up by the increase in the current due to the drift of the majority carriers as schematically shown in Figure 3.17. The field in the neutral region is not totally zero but a small value, just sufficient to drift the huge number of majority carriers there and maintain a constant current. We can now use the law of the junction to substitute for ∆pn(0) in Eq. (3.5.11) in terms of the applied voltage V in Eq. (3.5.8). Further, we can eliminate pno by pno = n2i >nno = n2i >Nd. Thus, at x′ = 0, just outside the depletion region, from Eq. (3.5.11) the hole diffusion current density is Hole diffusion current
JD,hole = a
eDhn2i eV b c exp a b - 1d (3.5.12) L hNd kBT
There is a similar expression for the electron diffusion current density JD,elec in the p-region. We will assume that the electron and hole currents do not change across the depletion region because, in general, the width of this region is quite narrow (and, for the time being, we neglect the recombination in the SCL). The electron current at x = -Wp is the same as that at x = Wn. The total current density is then simply given by JD,hole + JD,elec, that is, Shockley long diode equation
Shockley long diode equation
J = a
eDe 2 eDh eV + b n cexp a b - 1d (3.5.13a) L hNd L eNa i kBT J = Jso cexp a
eV b - 1d (3.5.13b) kBT
This is the familiar diode equation with Jso = 3(eDh >L hNd) + (eDe >L eNa)4 n2i . It is frequently called the Shockley equation. It represents the diffusion of minority carriers in the neutralregions. The constant Jso depends not only on the doping, Nd, Na, but also on the material
Figure 3.17 The total current anywhere in the device is constant. Just outside the depletion region it is primarily due to the diffusion of minority carriers and near the contacts it is primarily due to the drift of majority carriers.
3.5 • pn Junction Principles
via ni, Dh, De, Lh, Le. It is known as the reverse saturation current density, because if we apply a reverse bias V = -Vr greater than the thermal voltage kBT>e (25 mV), Eq. (3.5.13b) becomes J = -Jso. We note that since the applied voltage drops across the depletion region, the built-in field is reduced by the applied field imposed by the bias, that is, the field at the junction becomes Eo - E, where E is the applied field at the junction. Because the field is reduced, we need less charges on either side of the junction. This can only be accommodated if the depletion regions shrink in width to Wp and Wn on the p- and n-sides, and the new total width W = Wp + Wn is less than Wo. Equation (3.5.1) remains valid in the form NaWp = NdWn. The pn junction in which the neutral regions ln and lp are shorter than the diffusion lengths Lh and Ln, respectively, is called a short diode. Its treatment is much easier than the long diode. There is essentially no time for the injected hole (minority carrier) in the n-side to recombine because it quickly diffuses and reaches the collection (negative) electrode, which is very close in distance. If we are not losing holes by recombination, then there is no reason for the hole diffusion current to decay along x′ in this region as in the long diode where recombination is present. The hole diffusion current would remain constant if the hole concentration gradient is constant, that is, the excess hole concentration profile decreases linearly as shown in Figure 3.18. Thus, the hole diffusion current density JD,hole on the n-side is JD,hole = -eDh
pn(0) - pno pnoeeV>kBT - pno d∆pn(x′) = eDh = eDh dx′ ln ln
so that JD,hole =
eDhn2i eV cexp a b - 1d lnNd kBT
A similar argument applies for JD,elec on the p-side so that the total current density is then
J = a
eDe 2 eDh eV + b n cexp a b - 1d (3.5.14) lnNd lpNa i kBT
Equation (3.5.14) is identical to Eq. (3.5.13a) with diffusion lengths Lh and Le replaced by the widths of the neutral regions ln and lp, respectively. The short diode is a good example of a
Figure 3.18 Minority carrier injection and diffusion in a short diode. Minority recombination in the neutral regions is negligible. pn(0) is theminority carrier concentration just outside the depletion region, and is controlled by the law of the junction, pn(0) = pno exp (eV>kBT).
Shockley short diode equation
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
device in which the current is almost entirely due to the diffusion of minority carriers, and highlights the significant role played by diffusion. C. Minority Carrier Charge Stored in Forward Bias
DC currents
So far we have considered a pn junction with heavier doping on the p-side. The injected minority carriers, holes in this case, represent an injected excess minority carrier charge, Qh, in the neutral region as shown in Figures 3.16 (a) and 3.18. There is, of course, also excess majority carrier charge so the region is neutral; but the excess majority carrier concentration (about the same as pn(0)) is very small compared with the actual majority carrier concentration (nno = Nd). For the long diode, the excess holes in the neutral n-side diffuse and recombine after th seconds—the minority carrier lifetime. The charge Qh should therefore disappear after a time th. It must therefore be replenished at a rate Qh >th if Qh is to be maintained at steady state DC operation. The external current supplies holes at exactly this rate to maintain the steady state DC conduction. Thus, I = Qh >th. In the case of a short diode, a hole that is injected into the n-side must diffuse across the width ln of this neutral region to reach the negative electrode. The time required for holes to diffuse across the width ln of the neutral n-region is called the transit time tt, or the diffusion time. From random walk examples in various materials textbooks,10 tt is given by tt = l 2n >2Dh. To maintain DC operating conditions, the current must replenish holes exactly at a rate Qh >tt to make up for those holes reaching the end of the n-side, that is, I = Qh >tt. We can now generalize the above discussion as follows:
I = Q>t for a long diode and I = Q>tt for a short diode (3.5.15)
where t is the effective minority carrier lifetime, 1>t = 1>th + 1>te, and tt is the effective transit time, that is, 1>tt = 1>tth + 1>tte; subscripts refer to holes and electrons in the neutral n- and p-sides, respectively. Equation (3.5.15) applies under DC conditions only. D. Recombination Current and the Total Current So far we have assumed that, under a forward bias, the minority carriers diffusing and recombining in the neutral regions are supplied by the external current. However, some of the minority carriers will recombine in the depletion region. The external current must therefore also supply the carriers lost in the recombination process in the SCL, as illustrated in Figure 3.19 (a). Consider for simplicity a symmetrical pn junction as in Figure 3.19 (b) under forward bias. At the junction center C, the hole and electron concentrations are pM and nM and are equal. We can find the SCL recombination current by considering electrons recombining in the p-side in Wp and holes recombining in the n-side in Wn as shown by the shaded areas ABC and BCD, respectively, in Figure 3.19 (b). Suppose that the mean hole recombination time in Wn is th and mean electron recombination time in Wp is te. The rate at which the electrons in ABC are recombining is the area ABC (nearly all injected electrons) divided by te. The electrons are replenished by the diode current. Similarly, the rate at which holes in BCD are recombining is the area BCD divided by th. Thus, the recombination current density is Jrecom =
eABC eBCD + te th
The expression for the mean square distance (l2) diffused in a time interval t, l 2 = 2Dt, is derived in S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 3rd Edition (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Ch. 1.
3.5 • pn Junction Principles
Figure 3.19 Forward-biased pn junction, the injection of carriers, and their recombination in the SCL. (a) Recombination of electrons and holes in the depletion region involves the current supplying the carriers. (b) A symmetrical pn junction for calculating the recombination current.
We can evaluate the areas ABC and BCD by taking them as triangles, ABC ≈ (1>2)WpnM, etc., so that
Jrecom =
e12 WpnM te
e12 WnpM (3.5.16) th
Under steady state and equilibrium conditions, assuming a nondegenerate semiconductor, we can use Boltzmann statistics in Eq. (3.5.4) to relate these concentrations to the potential energy. At A, the hole potential energy is zero (V = 0) and at M it is e(Vo - V)>2 so that pM e(Vo - V) = expcd ppo 2kBT
Since Vo depends on dopant concentrations and ni as in Eq. (3.5.6) and further ppo = Na, we can simplify the above to pM = ni exp a
eV b 2kBT
and there is a similar expression for nM. We can substitute for pM and nM in Eq. (3.5.16) to find the recombination current for V 7 kBT>e, that is,
eni Wp Wn eV a + b exp a b (3.5.17a) th 2 te 2kBT
Recombina tion current
Jrecom = Jro 3exp (eV>2kBT) - 14 (3.5.17b)
SCL recombina tion current
Jrecom =
From a better mathematical treatment, the expression for the recombination current can be shown to be11
where Jro is the pre-exponential constant in Eq. (3.5.17a). 11
This is generally proved in advanced texts.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Equation (3.5.17) is the current that supplies the carriers that recombine in the depletion region. It does not stipulate what the recombination process is, but only the carriers recombine in this region. The recombination could be direct (as in high quality GaAs pn junctions) or indirect through defects or impurities in the SCL. In many III–V compound semiconductors, the carriers also recombine at crystal surfaces and interfaces where, usually, there are defects that encourage recombination; or act as recombination centers. The external current also has to supply carriers that are lost through surface recombination. The exact I–V dependence for surface recombination is difficult to derive but has a voltage dependence quite similar to recombination in the SCL in Eq. (3.5.17b). Thus, surface recombination results in a current that can be described by Surface recombina tion current
Isurf = Isro 3exp (eV>2kBT) - 14 (3.5.18)
where Isro is the pre-exponential constant that depends on the surface recombination process, and the surface area involved in the recombination. The total current into the diode will supply carriers for minority carrier diffusion in the neutral regions and recombination in the space charge layer and at the surfaces and interfaces so that it will be the sum of Eqs. (3.5.13b), (3.5.17b), and (3.5.18). Generally the diode current is written as General diode equation
I = Io cexp a
eV b - 1d (3.5.19) hkBT
where Io is a constant and h, called the diode ideality factor, is 1 for diffusion-controlled and 2 for recombination-controlled forward current characteristics. Figure 3.20 shows typical semilogarithmic plots of the forward I–V characteristics of three types of pn junctions based on Ge, Si, and GaAs. The Ge pn junction follows the Shockley model with h = 1 and the current is due to diffusion in the neutral regions. Both Si and GaAs diodes initially follow the recombination model and then the Shockley model. Many Si and GaAs diodes have an h that is between 1 and 2 for the I–V ranges of interest. Notice that, at a given current, say 1 mA, the voltage across a Ge diode is about 0.2 V, it is 0.7 V across the Si diode, and almost 1.1 V across the GaAs diode. The increase in the turn-on
Figure 3.20 Schematic representation of the forward I–V characteristics of three typical pn junctions based on Ge, Si, and GaAs.
3.6 • pn Junction Reverse Current
voltage that results in a significant current from 0.2 V to 1.1 V follows the trend for the increase in the bandgap Eg from Ge (0.66 eV) to Si (1.12 eV) to GaAs (1.42 eV). The pre-exponential factor Io in the diode current equation contains ni, which depends exponentially on the bandgap Eg. As Eg increases, ni falls sharply by Eq. (3.2.6), and results in very small Io values. Thus, a larger applied voltage is needed to bring Io up to any significant current. It is clear that, under a forward bias, the p-side acts to inject holes into the n-side, and the n-side acts to inject electrons into the p-side. The latter concept will become useful in understanding the operation of heterostructures discussed below.
3.6 pn Junction Reverse Current When a pn junction is reverse biased, the reverse current is typically very small. The reverse bias across a pn junction is illustrated in Figure 3.21 (a). The applied voltage drops mainly across the resistive depletion region, which becomes wider. The applied field is in the same direction as the built-in field and adds to it, so that the field at the junction becomes Eo + E, and large, where E is the field imposed by the applied forward bias. There is therefore a larger electric field inside the depletion region due to the reverse bias. To accommodate this larger field, the widths of the depletion region on the p- and the n-side widen to expose more ionized dopants as indicated in Figure 3.21 (a). The movement of electrons in the n-region toward the positive battery terminal cannot be sustained because there is no electron supply to this n-side. The p-side cannot supply electrons to the n-side because it has almost none. However, there is a small reverse current due to two causes. The applied voltage increases the built-in potential barrier, as illustrated in Figure 3.21 (b). The electric field in the SCL is larger than the built-in internal field Eo. The small number of holes on the n-side near the depletion region become extracted and swept by the field across theSCL over to the p-side. This small current can be maintained by the diffusion of holes from the n-side bulk to the SCL boundary. Assume that the reverse bias Vr 7 25 mV = kBT>e. The hole concentration pn(0) just outside the SCL is nearly zero by the law of the junction, Eq. (3.5.8), whereas the hole concentration in the bulk (or near the negative terminal) is the equilibrium
Figure 3.21 Reverse-biased pn junction. (a) Minority carrier profiles and the origin of the reverse current. (b) Hole PE across the junction under reverse bias.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
concentration pno, which is small. There is therefore a small concentration gradient and hence a small hole diffusion current toward the SCL as shown in Figure 3.21 (a). Similarly, there is a small electron diffusion current from the bulk p-side to the SCL. Within the SCL, these carriers are drifted by the field. This minority carrier diffusion is accounted in the Shockley model with V = -Vr. The reverse current is given by Eq. (3.5.13) with a negative voltage which leads to a diode current density of -Jso called the reverse saturation current density. The value of Jso depends only on the material via ni, mh, me, the dopant concentrations, etc., but not on the voltage (Vr 7 kBT>e). Furthermore, as Jso depends on n2i , it is strongly temperature dependent. In some books, it is stated that the thermal generation of minority carriers in the neutral region within a diffusion length to the SCL, the diffusion of these carriers to the SCL, and their subsequent drift through the SCL is the cause of the reverse current. This description, in essence, is identical to the Shockley model, and the description above. The thermal generation of electron–hole pairs in the SCL, as shown in Figure 3.21 (a), can also contribute to the observed reverse current since the internal field in this layer will separate the electron and hole, and drift them toward the neutral regions. This drift will result in an external current in addition to the reverse current due to the diffusion of minority carriers. The theoretical evaluation of SCL generation current involves an in-depth knowledge of the charge carrier generation processes via recombination centers, which is discussed in advanced texts. Suppose that tg is the mean time to generate an electron–hole pair by virtue of thermal vibrations of the lattice; tg is also called the mean thermal generation time. Given tg, the rate of thermal generation per unit volume must be ni >tg because it takes on average tg seconds to create ni number of EHPs per unit volume. Furthermore, since WA, where A is the cross-sectional area, is the volume of the depletion region, the rate of EHP, or charge carrier, generation is (AWni)>tg. Both holes and electrons drift in the depletion region and both contribute to the current. The observed current density must be e(Wni)>tg. Therefore, the reverse current density component due to thermal generation of electron–hole pairs within the SCL should be given by EHP thermal generation in SCL
Jgen =
eWni (3.6.1) tg
The total reverse current density Jrev is the sum of the diffusion and generation components, that is, Total reverse current
Jrev = a
eDe 2 eWni eDh + bn + (3.6.2) tg L hNd L eNa i
which is shown schematically in Figure 3.22 (a). The thermal generation component Jgen in Eq. (3.6.1) increases with the reverse bias Vr because the SCL width W widens with Vr . The terms in the reverse current in Eq. (3.6.2) are predominantly controlled by n2i and ni. Their relative importance depends not only on the semiconductor properties but also on the temperature since ni ∝ exp (-Eg >2kBT). Figure 3.22 (b) shows the reverse current Irev in the dark in a Ge pn junction plotted as ln(Irev) vs. 1/T to highlight the two different processes in Eq. (3.6.2). The measurements in Figure 3.22 (b) show that above 238 K, Irev is controlled by n2i because the slope of ln(Irev) vs. 1>T yields an Eg of approximately 0.63 eV, close to the expected Eg of about 0.66 eV in Ge. Below 238 K, Irev is controlled by ni because the slope of ln(Irev) vs. 1>T is
3.7 • pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitances
Figure 3.22 (a) Schematic illustration of the reverse current of a pn junction and the two contributing factors: diffusion and thermal generation. (The I-axis changes unit for forward and reverse currents.) (b) Reverse diode current in a Ge pn junction as a function of temperature in a ln(Irev) vs. 1 >T plot. Above 238 K, Irev is controlled by n2i , and below 238 K it is controlled by ni. The vertical axis is a logarithmic scale with actual current values. (Source: Data plotted from D. Scansen and S. O. Kasap, Cnd. J. Physics., 70, 1070, 1992.)
equivalent to an Eg >2 of approximately 0.33 eV. In this range, the reverse current is due to EHP generation in the SCL via defects and impurities (recombination centers).
3.7 pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitances A. Depletion Layer Capacitance It is apparent that the depletion region or space charge layer of a pn junction has positive charges in Wn and negative charges in Wp, which have been separated from each other, similar to a parallel plate capacitor as indicated in Figures 3.23 (a) and 3.15 (d). We also know that an applied voltage to the pn junction modifies the width W of the SCL; it increases with the reverse bias. If A is the cross-sectional area, the stored charge in the depletion region is +Q = eNdWnA on the n-side and -Q = -eNaWpA on the p-side. Unlike in the case of a parallel plate capacitor, Q does not depend linearly on the voltage V across the device. It is useful to define an incremental capacitance which relates the incremental change in the charge stored in the depletion region to an incremental voltage change across the pn junction. When the voltage V across a pn junction changes by dV to V + dV, then W also changes and, as a result, the amount of charge in the depletion region becomes Q + dQ. The depletion layer capacitance Cdep is defined by12 Cdep = `
dQ ` (3.7.1) dV
This is actually an incremental capacitance; this is implied by the definition in Eq. (3.7.1).
Depletion layer capacitance
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.23 (a) Depletion region has negative ( - Q) charges in Wp and positive ( + Q) charges in Wn, which are separated as in a capacitor. Under a reverse bias Vr , the charge on the n-side is + Q. When the reverse bias is increased by dVr , the charge Q increases by dQ. (b) Cdep vs. voltage across an abrupt pn junction for three different sets of dopant concentrations. (Note that the vertical scale is logarithmic.)
If the applied voltage is V then the voltage across the depletion layer W is Vo - V and the depletion region width is SCL width and voltage
W = c
2e(Na + Nd)(Vo - V) 1>2 d (3.7.2) eNaNd
The amount of charge (on any one side of the depletion layer) is Q = eNdWnA = eNaWpA and W = Wn + Wp. We can therefore substitute for W in Eq. (3.7.2) in terms of Q and then differentiate it to obtain dQ/dV. The final result for the depletion capacitance is Depletion layer capacitance
Cdep =
ee(NaNd) 1>2 eA A = c d (3.7.3) W (Vo - V)1>2 2(Na + Nd)
We should note that Cdep is given by the same expression as that for the parallel plate capacitor, eA>W, but with W being voltage dependent by virtue of Eq. (3.7.2). Putting a reverse bias V = -Vr in Eq. (3.7.3) shows that Cdep decreases with increasing Vr in a Cdep ∝ 1>Vr1>2 fashion. The reason is that the reverse bias widens W and hence increases the average separation of +Q and -Q. Typically Cdep under reverse bias is in the 10–103 pF mm-2 depending on Na and Nd as shown in Figure 3.23 (b). If Na W Nd as in the case of a p+n junction, then Depletion layer capacitance for p+n
Cdep = Ac
1>2 eeNd d (3.7.4) 2(Vo - V)
which does not depend on the p-side doping. Cdep is present in both forward- and reverse-biased junction.
3.7 • pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitances
B. Dynamic Resistance and Diffusion Capacitance for Small Signals Consider a long pn junction diode in which the p-side is heavily doped. Under forward bias, minority carriers are injected and diffuse through the neutral regions as shown in Figure 3.16 (a). The excess hole concentration profile ∆pn(x) in the n-side due the applied forward bias is shown in Figure 3.24 (a). The injected charge Q is the area under the excess hole concentration profile ∆pn(x). It is called the stored minority carrier charge, which is due to diffusing holes in the n-side. Recall that the hole concentration profile is a steady state profile. If the hole lifetime is th, the recombination rate of the holes in the n-side is determined by Q>th. The current must replenish the holes lost exactly at this rate to maintain a steady state profile. Thus, I = Q>th. Suppose we increase the diode voltage from V to V + dV. (This can also be achieved by increasing the drive current from I to I + dI, which is normally the case in practice.) More holes will be injected into the n-side as a result of the law of the junction as shown in Figure3.24 (a). A change in the diode voltage V to V + dV, as shown in Figure 3.24 (b), results in change in the forward current. For small changes, we can relate the two because the diode current I = Io exp (eV>kBT), which can be differentiated with respect to V. We define the dynamic resistance, also known as the incremental resistance, of the diode as
rd =
Vth dV = (3.7.5) dI I
where Vth = kBT>e is the thermal voltage (26 mV); rd can be quite small, 2.5 Ω at I = 10 mA. The dynamic resistance rd does not represent a true resistance for heat dissipation, but rather a relationship between current and voltage increments imposed by the pn-junction behavior. It represents the diode action as embedded in I = Io exp (eV>kBT). When the diode voltage is increased from V to V + dV, the excess hole concentration just inside the n-side will increase from ∆pn(0) to ∆pn ′(0). Additional charge dQ is injected into the n-side as shown in Figure 3.24 (a). The increase in the minority carrier charge Q due to the increase
Figure 3.24 (a) The forward voltage across a pn junction increases by dV, which leads to further minority carrier injection and a larger forward current, which increases by dI. Additional minority carrier charge dQ is injected into the n-side. The increase dQ in charge stored in the n-side with dV appears as if there is a capacitance across the diode. (b) The increase dV results in an increase dI in the diode current. The dynamic or incremental resistance rd = dV>dI. (c) A simplified equivalent circuit for a forward-biased pn junction for small signals.
Dynamic resistance
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
in the voltage across the pn junction represents a capacitive behavior in the sense it takes time to store the additional charge dQ. The additional stored charge dQ has to be removed when V + dV returns back to the original value V. The excess charge dQ disappears by recombination, which takes time; again capacitance-like behavior. The diffusion or storage capacitance is defined as Cdiff = dQ>dV. We can easily find Cdiff. Given I = Q>th (th being the minority carrier lifetime) under forward bias as in Eq. (3.5.15), we can differentiate Q with respect to V to find Diffusion capacitance
thI th = (3.7.6) rd Vth
Cdiff =
It should be mentioned that although under forward bias, Cdep can be significant (a few hundred pF mm-2) the diffusion or storage capacitance, Cdiff, due to the injection minority carriers that are diffusing in the neutral regions far exceeds Cdep. In fact, Cdiff can be several nF mm-2, and a limiting factor in the speed of pn junction devices operating in the forward bias regime. Wecan easily develop a small signal equivalent circuit for a forward-biased junction carrying a current I. There will be a dynamic resistance rd with two capacitances Cdiff and Cdep in parallel. We should also include a small resistance rs in series as in Figure 3.24 (c) to represent the resistance of the neutral bulk semiconductor regions. The current has to flow through rs, which gives rise to a voltage drop through the bulk semiconductor so that not all of applied V drops across the depletion region. Instead of Vo being reduced by V, it is reduced by V - Irs. It is important to note that Eq. (3.7.6) is grossly simplified. A proper analysis should impose an AC signal of the form dV = Vm cos (vt) on top of the DC operating conditions, where v is the angular frequency of the modulating signal, and derive the signal current dI, and hence the admittance.13 The final result makes rd as above in Eq. (3.7.5), but Cdiff is different by a factor 2, that is, Diffusion capacitance, long diode (AC)
Cdiff =
thI th = (3.7.7) 2Vth 2rd
The lifetime th is the minority carrier lifetime in the lesser doped region (holes in the n-side). Further Eq. (3.7.7) is valid when v 6 1>th. At high frequencies (v 7 1>th), both rd and Cdiff become frequency dependent. For a short diode, rd remains the same. The diffusion capacitance, however, becomes Diffusion capacitance, short diode (AC)
Cdiff =
ttI tt = (3.7.8) rd Vth
where tt is the minority carrier transit (diffusion) time. If we have a short diode as in Figure 3.18, and we decrease the voltage, the excess holes will have to diffuse out. The time it takes for a hole to diffuse across the neutral region width ln is tt, and is given by tt = l 2n >2Dh. For a short diode, Cdiff = tt >rd.
3.8 Recombination Lifetime A. Direct Recombination
Consider the recombination of an electron and hole in a direct bandgap semiconductor, for example, doped GaAs. Recombination involves a direct meeting of an electron and a hole. Suppose that excess electrons and holes have been injected, as would be in a pn-junction under 13
J. Gower, Optical Communications Systems, 2nd Edition (Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 1993), Ch. 15.
3.8 • Recombination Lifetime
forward bias, and that ∆np is the excess electron concentration and ∆pp is the excess hole concentration in the neutral p-side of a GaAs pn junction. Injected electron and hole concentrations would be the same to maintain charge neutrality, that is, ∆np = ∆pp. Thus, at any instant np = npo + ∆np = instantaneous minority carrier concentration and pp = ppo + ∆np = instantaneous majority carrier concentration The instantaneous recombination rate will be proportional to both the electron and hole concentrations at that instant, that is, nppp. Suppose that the thermal generation rate of EHPs is Gthermal. The net rate of change of ∆np is14 d∆np >dt = -Bnppp + Gthermal (3.8.1)
where B is called the direct recombination capture coefficient. In equilibrium d∆np >dt = 0 so that setting Eq. (3.8.1) to zero and using np = npo and pp = ppo, where the subscript o refers to thermal equilibrium concentrations, we find Gthermal = Bnpoppo. Thus, the rate of change in ∆np is d∆np >dt = -B(nppp - npoppo) (3.8.2)
In many instances the rate of change d∆np >dt is proportional to ∆np. It is therefore useful to define an excess minority carrier recombination time (lifetime) te by
d∆np >dt = - ∆np >te (3.8.3)
Excess carrier rate of change due to recombi nation
Recombina tion time definition
Consider two practical cases where injected excess minority carrier concentration ∆np is either much less than the actual equilibrium majority carrier concentration ppo, or greater. The two cases correspond to weak and strong injection based on ∆np compared with ppo. In weak injection, ∆np V ppo. Then np ≈ ∆np and pp ≈ ppo + ∆pp ≈ ppo = Na, that is, the acceptor concentration. Therefore with these approximations in Eq. (3.8.2) we obtain
d∆np >dt = -BNa ∆np (3.8.4)
Thus, comparing with Eq. (3.8.3), we find the lifetime to be
te = 1>BNa (3.8.5)
Weak injection lifetime
and is constant under weak injection conditions as here. In strong injection, ∆np W ppo. It is easy to show that with this condition, Eq. (3.8.2), becomes which gives
d∆np >dt = -B∆pp ∆np = B(∆np)2 (3.8.6) te = 1>B∆np = 1>Bnp (3.8.7)
14 Normally partial derivatives ∂>∂t would be used since the excess concentration can also depend on x. We ignore this dependence for now to derive the expressions we need for the recombination lifetime.
Strong injection lifetime
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
so that under high-level injection conditions, the lifetime te is inversely proportional to the injected carrier concentration. When a light-emitting diode (LED) is modulated under high injection levels, for example, the lifetime of the minority carriers is therefore not constant, which in turn leads to the distortion of the modulated light output. B. Indirect Recombination Consider the recombination of minority carriers such as electrons in an extrinsic indirect bandgap semiconductor such as Si or Ge that have been doped p-type. In an indirect bandgap semiconductor, the recombination mechanism involves a recombination center at an energy Er in Figure 3.14 (c). Such centers are usually crystal defects or impurities in the crystal. The center acts as a third body in the electron and hole recombination process to satisfy the requirements of conservation of momentum. We can view the recombination process as follows. Recombination occurs when an electron is captured by the recombination center at the energy level Er . As soon as the electron is captured, it will recombine with a hole because holes are abundant in a p-type semiconductor. In other words, since there are many majority carriers, the limitation on the rate of recombination is the actual capture of the minority carrier by the center. Suppose that te isthe electron recombination time or lifetime, an average time it takes for an electron to recombine. Then, 1>te is the rate of capture per electron. Since the injected electrons will have to be captured by the centers, 1>te is proportional to the capture (recombination) cross-section Sr of the center, the concentration of centers Nr, and also the mean speed of the electron vth (approximately its thermal velocity) all of which increase the rate of capture. Thus, Indirect recombina tion via centers
te =
1 (3.8.8) SrNrvth
where Eq. (3.8.8) is valid under small injection conditions, that is, np 6 ppo. There is a more general treatment of indirect recombination called the Shockley-Read-Hall model of indirect recombination and generation, which is treated in more advanced semiconductor physics textbooks; that theory eventually arrives at Eq. (3.8.8) for low-level injection conditions.
Example 3.8.1 A direct bandgap pn junction Consider a symmetrical GaAs pn junction which has the following properties. Na (p@side doping) = Nd (n@side doping) = 1017 cm-3 (or 1023 m-3), direct recombination coefficient 15 B ≈ 2 * 10-16 m3 s-1, cross-sectional area A = 1 mm2. Suppose that the forward voltage V across the diode is 0.80 V. What is the diode current due to minority carrier diffusion at 27°C (300 K) assuming direct recombination? If the mean minority carrier lifetime in the depletion region were to be the same as this lifetime, what would be the recombination component of the diode current? What are the two contributions at V = 1.05 V? What is your conclusion? Note that at 300 K, GaAs has an intrinsic concentration (ni) of 2.1 * 106 cm-3 and a relative permittivity (er) of 13.0. The hole drift mobility (mh) in the n-side is 250 cm2 V-1 s-1 and electron drift mobility (me) in the p-side is 5000 cm2 V-1 s-1 (these are at the doping levels given).
The direct recombination coefficient B at room temperature is typically of the order 1010 cm3 s-1 for many III–V direct bandgap semiconductors; see, for example, E. F. Schubert, Light-Emitting Diodes, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2006), Table 3.1.
3.8 • Recombination Lifetime
Solution Assuming weak injection, we can calculate the recombination times te and th for electrons and holes recombining in the neutral p- and n-regions, respectively. Using S.I. units throughout, taking kBT>e = 0.02585 V, and since this is a symmetric device, th = te ≈
1 1 = 5.00 * 10-8 s or 50.0 ns = BNa (2.0 * 10-16 m3 s-1)(1 * 1023 m-3)
To find the Shockley current we need the diffusion coefficients and lengths. The Einstein relation7 gives the diffusion coefficients as Dh = mhkBT>e = (0.02585)(250 * 10-4) = 6.46 * 10-4 m2 s-1
De = mekBT>e = (0.02585)(5000 * 10-4) = 1.29 * 10-2 m2 s-1 where kBT>e was taken as 0.02585 V. The diffusion lengths are easily calculated as L h = (Dhth)1>2 = 3(6.46 * 10-4 m2 s-1)(50.0 * 10- 9 s)41>2 = 5.69 * 10-6 m
L e = (Dete)1>2 = 3(1.29 * 10-2 m2 s-1)(50.0 * 10- 9 s)4 1>2 = 2.54 * 10-5 m
Notice that the electrons diffuse much further in the p-side. The reverse saturation current due to diffusion in the neutral regions is
Iso = Aa
De Dh + ben2i L hNd L eNa
= (10-6) c
1.29 * 10-2 6.46 * 10-4 + d (1.6 * 10-19)(2.1 * 1012)2 -6 23 (5.69 * 10 )(10 ) (2.54 * 10-5)(1023)
≈ 4.4 * 10-21 A
Thus, the forward diffusion current at V = 0.80 V is
Idiff = Iso exp a
eV b kBT
0.80 V = (4.4 * 10-21 A) exp a b = 1.2 * 10-7 A or 0.12 oA 0.02585 V
Recombination component of the current is quite difficult to calculate because we need to know the mean electron and hole recombination times in the SCL. Suppose that, as a first order, we assume that these recombination times are as above. The built-in voltage Vo is Vo =
NaNd kBT 10231023 d = 1.27 V ln a 2 b = (0.02585) ln c e ni (2.1 * 1012)2
Depletion layer width W is
W = c
= c
2e(Na + Nd)(Vo - V) 1>2 d eNaNd
2(13)(8.85 * 10-12 F m-1)(1023 + 1023 m-3)(1.27 - 0.80 V)
= 1.16 * 10
(1.6 * 10
C)(10 m )(10 m )
m or 0.116 om
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes As this is a symmetric diode, Wp = Wn = W>2. The pre-exponential Iro is
Iro = =
Aeni Wp Wn Aeni W a + b = a b te th te 2 2
(10-6)(1.6 * 10-19)(2.1 * 1012) 1.16 * 10-7 a b ≈ 3.9 * 10-13 A 2 5.00 * 10-8
so that at V = 0.80 V,
Irecom ≈ Iro exp a
eV b 2kBT
≈ (3.9 * 10-13 A) expc
0.8 V d = 2.0 * 10-6 A or 2.0 oA 2(0.02585 V)
The recombination current is more than an order of magnitude greater than the diffusion current. If we repeat the calculation for a voltage of 1.05 V across the device, then we would find Idiff = 1.9 mA and Irecom = 0.18 mA, where Idiff dominates the current. Thus, as the voltage increases across a GaAs pn junction, the ideality factor h is initially 2 but then becomes 1 as shown in Figure 3.20. The EHP recombination that occurs in the SCL and the neutral regions in this GaAs pn junction case would result in photon emission, with a photon energy that is approximately Eg. This direct recombination of injected minority carriers and the resulting emission of photons represent the principle of operation of the light-emitting diode (LED).
3.9 pn Junction Band Diagram A. Open Circuit Consider a p-type and an n-type semiconductor from the same material (e.g., Si) that are isolated from each other as in Figure 3.25 (a). The vacuum level, where the electron is free and has zero poten tial energy, is also shown and is common to both. The bandgap Eg and the electron affinity x are
Figure 3.25 (a) Consider p- and n-type semiconductor (same material) before the formation of the pn junction, separated from each other and not interacting. (b) After the formation of the pn junction, there is a built-in voltage across the junction.
3.9 • pn Junction Band Diagram
material properties, and obviously the same for both semiconductors. The Fermi level EFp on the p-side is close to Ev, and EFn on the n-side is close to Ec. The Fermi level is not continuous since the semiconductors are isolated. The work functions Φp and Φn are also shown. When we bring the p-side and the n-side in contact to form the pn junction, we form one material system. Equilibrium in the dark in this one-material system requires that the Fermi level be uniform through the two sides of the junction, as illustrated in Figure 3.25 (b). Any change in the Fermi level across the device is equivalent to electrical work done, which must be zero in an open circuit inasmuch as the device is not generating any work and neither is there a voltage applied across it. Consider what happens when we bring the two sides together to form a pn junction. Far away from the metallurgical junction M, in the bulk of the n-type semiconductor we should still have an n-type semiconductor, and Ec - EFn should be the same as in the isolated n-type material. Similarly, EFp - Ev far away from M inside the p-type material should also be the same as in the isolated p-type material. These features are sketched in Figure 3.25 (b) by keeping EFp and EFn the same through the whole system and, of course, keeping the bandgap, Ec - Ev, the same. Clearly, to draw the energy band diagram we have to bend the bands, Ec and Ev, near the junction at M because Ec on the n-side is close to EFn, whereas on the p-side it is far away from EFp. The instant the two semiconductors are brought together to form the junction, electrons diffuse from the n-side to the p-side and as they do so they deplete the n-side near the junction. Thus, Ec must move away from EFn as we move toward M which is exactly what is sketched in Figure 3.25 (b). Holes diffuse from the p-side to the n-side and the loss of holes in the p-type material near the junction means that Ev moves away from EFp as we move toward M as in Figure 3.25 (b). Furthermore, as electrons and holes diffuse toward each other most of them recombine and disappear around M, which leads to the formation of a space charge layer as we saw in Figure 3.15 (b). The SCL zone around the metallurgical junction has therefore been depleted of carriers compared with the bulk. The bending of bands Ec and Ev around M accounts for this depletion. An electron in the n-side at Ec must overcome a potential energy (PE) barrier to go over to Ec in the p-side. This PE barrier is eVo where Vo is the built-in potential, the maximum extent Ec has been bent to line up the Fermi levels. Band bending around M therefore accounts not only for the variation of electron and hole concentrations in this region but also for the effect of the built-in potential (and hence the built-in field, as the two are related). The diffusion of CB electrons from n-side to p-side is prevented by the built-in PE barrier eVo. This barrier also prevents holes from diffusing from the p- to the n-side. The bending in Ec in the SCL in Figure 3.25 (b) represents the changes in the PE of the electron through this region; and hence it represents the electric field in this region. In fact 0 dEc >dx 0 would be the magnitude of the external force eE on the electron in the SCL. Note that, in the SCL region, the Fermi level is neither close to Ec nor Ev, compared with the bulk or neutral semiconductor regions. This means that both n and p in this zone are much less than their bulk values nno and ppo. The metallurgical junction zone has been depleted of carriers compared with the bulk. Any applied voltage must therefore drop across the SCL. The extent of band bending depends on how much we need to line up EFp and EFn, that is, Φp - Φn, as apparent when we compare Figure 3.25 (a) with (b). (Φp - Φn is the EFn - EFp difference before the contact.) The built-in potential energy eVo is therefore Φp - Φn. The careful reader will notice that the vacuum level is no longer uniform through the whole device. This is indeed the case and represents the fact that the removal of an electron from the n-side will also need some additional work against the fringing electric field. (The exact analysis is quite complicated.)
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
B. Forward and Reverse Bias Figure 3.26 (a) shows the energy band diagram of a pn junction in open circuit based on the above description (Figure 3.25). We ignored the vacuum level as this is not needed in the following discussion. When the pn junction is forward biased, the majority of the applied voltage drops across the depletion region so that the applied voltage is in opposition to the built-in potential, Vo . Figure 3.26 (b) shows the effect of forward bias which is to reduce the PE barrier from eVo to e(Vo - V). The electrons at Ec in the n-side can now readily overcome the PE barrier and diffuse to the p-side. The diffusing electrons from the n-side can be easily replenished by the negative terminal of the battery connected to this side. Similarly holes can now diffuse from the p- to n-side.
Figure 3.26 Energy band diagrams for a pn junction under (a) open circuit, (b) forward bias, and (c) and (d) reverse bias conditions. The reverse current in (c) is very small, usually negligible, since it depends on the diffusion of minority carriers to the depletion region. (d) Thermal generation of electron–hole pairs in the depletion region results in a small reverse current that is usually greater than the reverse current in (c).
3.9 • pn Junction Band Diagram
The positive terminal of the battery can replenish those holes diffusing from the p- to the n-side. Therefore, a current flows through the junction and around the circuit. The probability that an electron at Ec in the n-side overcomes the new PE barrier and diffuses to Ec in the p-side is now proportional to the Boltzmann factor exp 3-e(Vo - V)>kBT4. The latter increases enormously even for small forward voltages. Thus, there is a net diffusion of electrons from the n- to p-side. Similar ideas also apply to holes at Ev in the p-side which also overcome the barrier e(Vo - V) to diffuse into the n-side. Since the forward current is due to the number of electrons and holes overcoming the barrier, it is also proportional to exp 3-e(Vo - V)>kBT4 or exp (eV>kBT). When a reverse bias, V = -Vr , is applied to the pn junction, the voltage again drops across the SCL. In this case, however, Vr adds to the built-in potential Vo so that the PE barrier becomes e(Vo + Vr), as shown in Figure 3.26 (c). The field in the SCL at M increases to Eo + E where E is the applied field (it is not simply V>W). The Shockley model predicts a small reverse saturation current due to the diffusion of minority carriers in neutral regions to the depletion region. Once they reach the depletion region, they will be drifted across by the large field and then collected by the battery. In the energy band diagram in Figure 3.26 (c), an electron in the p-side, within a diffusion length (Le) to the depletion region, can diffuse to the SCL and then fall down the PEhill along Ec, over to the n-side where it will be collected by the battery. The process of falling down a PE hill is the same process as being driven by a field, in this case by Eo + E. The electron lost from the p-side is replenished from the negative terminal of the battery (or by thermal generation) to maintain the small reverse current. The same idea applies to the hole in the n-side within a diffusion length (Lh) to the SCL. Such minority carrier diffusion is the essence of the Shockley model. The reverse current magnitude is Iso. The measured reverse current in Ge diodes at room temperature follow the Shockley model as can be seen in Figure 3.22 (b). In the case of many semiconductors, however, there is a more significant contribution to the reverse current arising from the thermal generation of electron–hole pairs in the SCL, as shown in Figure 3.26 (d), where the field here separates the pair. The electron falls down the PE hill, down Ec, to the n-side to be collected by the battery. Similarly the hole falls down its own PE hill (energy increases downwards for holes) to make it to the p-side.
Example 3.9.1 The built-in voltage from the band diagram Derive the expression for the built-in voltage Vo using the energy band diagram in Figure 3.25.
Solution The extent of band bending, going from (a) to (b) in Figure 3.25, gives the PE barrier eVo, thus eVo = Φp - Φn = EFn - EFp (before contact) Before the contact, on the n-side we have
so that On the p-side
n = Nc exp 3- (Ec - EFn)>kBT 4 = Nd
Ec - EFn = -kBT ln (Nd >Nc) (3.9.1)
n = Nc exp 3-(Ec - EFp)>kBT 4 = n2i >Na
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes so that
Ec - EFp = -kBT ln 3n2i >(NaNc)4 (3.9.2)
Thus, subtracting Eq. (3.9.2) from (3.9.1) gives Built-in potential Vo
eVo = EFn - EFp = kBT ln 3(NaNd)>n2i 4 (3.9.3)
3.10 Heterojunctions The pn junction with the band diagram in Figure 3.25 is a junction within the same crystal (Si), and hence the bandgap does not change along the device; it represents a homojunction. A heterojunction is a junction between two different semiconductor crystals with different bandgaps Eg1 and Eg2, for example, between GaAs and AlxGa 1 - x As ternary alloys. Inasmuch as the bandgaps are now different, their alignment becomes important. If the bandgap difference is ∆Eg = Eg2 - Eg1, then this difference is taken up by a difference ∆Ec (= Ec2 - Ec1) in the CB edges, and ∆Ev (= Ev1 - Ev2) in the VB edges. The energy discontinuities in ∆Ec and ∆Ev are called band offsets and play an important role in heterojunction devices. The terms heterojunction and heterostructure are frequently used interchangeably, though a heterostructure usually has more than one heterojunction. There may or may not be a change in the doping across the heterojucntion. The doping in the wider bandgap semiconductor isusually denoted with a capital letter N or P, and that in the narrower bandgap semiconductor with lower case n or p. There are two cases of particular importance, called Type I and Type II heterojunctions. In a Type I straddled bandgap alignment heterojunction, as illustrated in Figure3.27 (a), the smaller bandgap material offers the lowest energy for both electrons and holes as in GaAs>AlxGa 1 - xAs heterostructures in which GaAs has a smaller bandgap than AlxGa 1 - xAs. Tpe I is the most common heterostructure in optoelectronic devices, for example, Ga xIn1 - xAs>InP, GaAs>Ga xIn1 - xP. In a Type II staggered lineup heterojunction, as illustrated
Figure 3.27 Two types of heterojunction and the definitions of band offsets Type I and Type II between two semiconductor crystals 1 and 2. Crystal 1 has a narrower bandgap Eg1 than Eg2 for crystal 2. Note that the semiconductors are not in contact so that the Fermi level in each is different. In the Type I example, crystal 1 (GaAs) is p-type and crystal 2 (AlGaAs) is N-type. (Note that the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to semiconductors on the left and right respectively.)
3.10 • Heterojunctions
in Figure 3.27 (b), minimum energies for holes and electrons are in the different materials. Ga xIn1 - xAs> GaAsySb 1 - y heterojunctions over wide compositions follow the Type II behavior. The band edge profiles for a given heterostructure are determined by the doping levels, carrier transport, and recombination around the junction, as they are for a simple pn-homojunction. The open-circuit heterojunction band diagrams are straightforward based on the principle that the Fermi level must be uniform once a contact is made, and we know how ∆Eg is shared between ∆Ec and ∆Ev. Figure 3.28 (a) shows the energy band diagram of an Np heterojunction between n-type AlGaAs and p-type GaAs. First, notice that EF is uniform through the device as an equilibrium requirement. Far away from the junction on the N-side, we have an n-type wide bandgap AlGaAs with EF close to Ec. Far away from the junction on the right, we have a p-type narrower bandgap GaAs with EF close to Ev. In the depletion regions, around the junction, Ec and Ev must bend because there is an internal field, as we know from the ordinary pn junction. Ec1 and Ev1 of AlGaAs bend upwards and Ec2 and Ev2 of GaAs bend downwards as in the normal pn junction. We need to join Ev1 to Ev2 but also need to account for ∆Ev, which is easily done by putting ∆Ev between Ev1 and Ev2 at the junction as shown in Figure 3.28 (a). Similarly, we need to join Ec1 to Ec2 but also need to account for ∆Ec. In this case, we can only join Ec1 and Ec2 by having a narrow “spike” whose height must be ∆Ec at the junction as shown in Figure 3.28 (a). One obvious conclusion is that the potential barrier for hole injection, (Ev2 - Ev1), from p to N is greater than the barrier (Ec2 - Ec1) for electron injection from N to p. Under forward bias, the current will be dominated by the injection of electrons from the N-side into the p-side. ∆Ev has increased the potential barrier against holes and ∆Ec has decreased the potential barrier against electrons. The energy band diagram for a pP-type heterojunction is shown in Figure 3.28 (b). The basic principle for drawing the diagram is the same as before. In this case, there is a small spike
Figure 3.28 (a) nP and (b)pP heterojunctions and theirenergy band diagrams (schematic only to illustrate general features). Under open circuit and equilibrium conditions, the Fermi level EF must be uniform, that is, continuous throughout the device. If EF is close to the conduction band edge, Ec, it results in an n-type, and if it is close to the valence band edge, Ev, it results in a p-type semiconductor. There is a discontinuity ∆Ec as in Ec, and ∆Ev in Ev, right at the junction.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
in Ev at the junction. ∆Ec increases the potential barrier from Ec1 to Ec2. An electron in the CB in the p-side cannot simply overcome this barrier and enter the P-side. Holes in the VB of p- and P-sides can easily cross through the spike by tunneling. Both the Np and pP heterojunctions are used extensively in LED and semiconductor laser diode heterostructures.
3.11 Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles A. Homojunction LEDs A light-emitting diode is essentially a pn junction diode typically made from a direct bandgap semiconductor, for example, GaAs, in which the electron–hole pair recombination results in the emission of a photon. The emitted photon energy is therefore approximately equal to the bandgap energy, hy ≈ Eg. Figure 3.29 (a) shows the energy band diagram of an unbiased pn+ junction device in which the n-side is more heavily doped than the p-side. The band diagram is drawn to keep the Fermi level, EFp and EFn on the p- and n-sides, uniform through the device which is a requirement of equilibrium with no applied bias. The depletion region in a pn+ device extends mainly into the p-side. There is a potential energy (PE) barrier eVo from Ec on the n-side to Ec on the p-side, that is, ∆Ec = eVo, where Vo is the built-in voltage. The higher concentration of conduction (free) electrons in the n-side encourages the diffusion of these electrons from the n- to the p-side. This net electron diffusion, however, is prevented by the electron PE barrier eVo. As soon as a forward bias V is applied, this voltage drops almost entirely across the depletion region since this is the most resistive part of the device. Consequently, the built-in potential Vo is reduced to Vo - V, which then allows the electrons from the n+ side to diffuse, or become injected, into the p-side as illustrated in Figure 3.29 (b). The hole injection component from p into the n+ side is much smaller than the electron injection component from the n+ to p-side. Therecombination of injected electrons in the depletion region as well as in the neutral p-side results in the spontaneous emission of photons. Recombination primarily occurs within the depletion region and within a volume extending over the diffusion length Le of the electrons in the p-side. (Electron injection is preferred over hole injection in GaAs LEDs because electrons haveahigher mobility and hence a larger diffusion coefficient.) This recombination zone is
Figure 3.29 (a) The energy band diagram of a pn+ (heavily n-type doped) junction without any bias. Built-in potential Vo prevents electrons from diffusing from n+ to p-side. (b) The applied bias potential V reduces Vo and thereby allows electrons to diffuse, be injected, into the p-side. Recombination around the junction and within the diffusion length of the electrons in the p-side leads to spontaneous photon emission. (c) Quasi-Fermi levels EFp and EFn for holes and electrons across a forward-biased pn-junction.
3.11 • Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles
frequently called the active region.16 The phenomenon of light emission from EHP recombination as a result of minority carrier injection, as in this case, is called injection electroluminescence.17 Because of the statistical nature of the natural recombination process between electrons and holes, the emitted photons are in random directions; such randomly emitted radiation is called spontaneous emission. The LED structure has to be such that the emitted photons can escape the device without being reabsorbed by the semiconductor material. This means the p-side has to be sufficiently narrow, or we have to use heterostructure devices as discussed below. Further, the rate of recombination depends on the product np, which must be increased to enhance the emitted photon flux. We need to confine the carriers and increase the carrier concentration, again achievable by using heterostructures. Notice that in Figure 3.29 (b), under forward bias, EFn and EFp are separated by eV inasmuch as the electrical work done per electron, eV, must be ∆EF or EFn - EFp. Also notice that EFn and EFp extend into the depletion region, where there are now two Fermi levels as highlighted in Figure 3.29 (c). We can use EFn to represent the electron concentration through the general expression n = Nc exp 3-(Ec - EFn)>kBT4 , not only on the n-side but also in the depletion region, and even in the p-side; EFn is then called a quasi-Fermi level for electrons. Similarly, we can use EFp as a quasi-Fermi level for holes and use p = Nv exp 3-(EFp - Ev)>kBT4 to represent the hole concentration.18 In the depletion region, EFn and EFp are separated within the same spatial region so that np 7 n2i , which is expected given that we are injecting minority carriers and have non-equilibrium. Figure 3.29 (c) shows the variation of EFp and EFn across a biased pn junction. Such variation in EFp and EFn will result in p(x) and n(x) profiles across the device that match the sketch in Figure 3.16 (a) for a pn+ junction; we have effectively represented carrier concentration profiles in terms of EFp and EFn on the energy band diagram. Notice that EFn on the p-side slopes down, away from Ec, to represent the decrease in the electron concentration inthe neutral p-side, due to recombination of injected electrons with the majority carriers (holes). EFn reaches EFp over a distance that is very roughly the diffusion length of injected electrons. The region where EFn and EFp have merged and are the same represents the neutral bulk p-side. Similar arguments apply to holes injected into the n-side. EFp slopes and merges with EFn over a distance that is roughly the hole diffusion length (shorter than the electron diffusion length). It is clear that the emission of photons in the LED involves the direct recombination of electrons and holes; that is, an electron makes a radiative transition from the bottom of the CB to the top of the VB, where there is an empty state (a hole) as in Figure 3.14 (a). It may therefore be thought that one should avoid using indirect semiconductors in LEDs. However, this is not entirely true because it is possible to introduce impurities into certain indirect semiconductors and thereby enable radiative transitions through these impurities. A good example is GaP doped with N, that is, GaP:N, which are used in inexpensive green LEDs in numerous indicator and display applications in consumer optoelectronics. GaP is an indirect bandgap semiconductor with Eg of 2.26 eV (corresponding to green light at 550 nm). When N is added, N substitutes for P,
The “active region” term is probably more appropriate for laser diodes in which there is photon amplification in this region. However, the term is also used in LED discussions. 17 In 1907, Henry Round, working for Guglielmo Marconi in England, observed yellow light emission when a current was passed through a metal-SiC (silicon carbide or corborandum) crystal rectifier. Oleg Losev in the former USSR carried out a number of experiments on the emission of light upon passing a current through such metal-SiC rectifiers during the mid-1970s. He reported his systematic experiments in a number of journals, called the effect the “inverse photoelectric effect,” and proposed that emission frequency is y = eV>h. (See Nikolay Zheludev, Nat. Photonics, 1, 189, 2007.) 18 Clearly, quasi-Fermi levels provide a convenient and useful means of representing carrier concentrations on the energy diagram.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
and is called an isoelectronic dopant. However, N dopants create recombination centers that have a localized energy level at Er, roughly 0.1 - 0.2 eV below the CB as shown in Figure 3.14 (c). An electron at the bottom of the CB can easily fall into Er during which phonons are emitted to make up for the change in the momentum from kCB to kVB. The electron at Er can then drop down to the top of the VB and emit a photon hy = Er - Ev, with hy slightly below Eg. Since hy is less than Eg, there is less likelihood of reabsorbing the photon in the bulk of GaP, especially if N doping is introduced in the junction (recombination) region only. B. Heterostructure High Intensity LEDs The pn-junction LED shown in Figure 3.29 suffers from a number of drawbacks and has a low efficiency. The p-region must be narrow to allow the photons to escape without much reabsorption. When the p-side is narrow, some of the injected electrons in the p-side reach the surface by diffusion and recombine through crystal defects near the surface. This radiationless recombination process decreases the light output. In addition, if the recombination occurs over a relatively large volume (or distance), due to long electron diffusion lengths, then the chances of reabsorption of emitted photons becomes higher; the amount of reabsorption increases with the material volume. On the other hand, heterostructure LEDs can have exceptionally high efficiencies along with a number of other advantages; most modern LEDs are heterostructure devices (HDs). First, we note that the refractive index of a semiconductor material depends on its bandgap. A wider bandgap semiconductor has a lower refractive index. This means that by constructing LEDs from heterostructures, we can engineer a dielectric waveguide within the device and thereby channel photons out from the recombination region. LED constructions for increasing the intensity of the output light make use of the double heterostructure (DH) structure. Figure 3.30 (a) shows a double-heterostructure (DH) device based on two heterojunctions between different semiconductor crystals with different bandgaps. In this case the semiconductors are AlGaAs (AlxGa 1 - xAs) with Eg ≈ 2 eV and GaAs with Eg ≈ 1.4 eV. The double heterostructure in Figure 3.30 (a) has an N +p heterojunction between N + -AlGaAs and p-GaAs. There is another heterojunction between p-GaAs and P-AlGaAs. The p-GaAs region is a thin layer, typically a fraction of a micron and it is lightly doped. The reader would have noticed that this HD device is made of the heterojunctions in Figure 3.28 (a) and (b) one after the other to form an N-p-P device. The simplified energy band diagram for the whole device in the absence of an applied voltage is shown in Figure 3.30 (b). The Fermi-level EF is continuous through the whole structure. There is a potential energy barrier eVo for electrons in the CB of N + -AlGaAs against diffusion into p-GaAs. The spike in Ec at the junction, as in Figure 3.28 (a), is ignored in this simplified sketch. There is a bandgap change at the junction between p-GaAs and P-AlGaAs which results in a step change ∆Ec in Ec between the two CBs of p-GaAs and P-AlGaAs as in Figure 3.28 (b). This step change, ∆Ec, is effectively a potential energy barrier that prevents any electron in the CB in p-GaAs passing into the CB of P-AlGaAs. When a forward bias is applied, the majority of this voltage drops between the N + -AlGaAs and p-GaAs (i.e., across the depletion region) and reduces the potential energy barrier eVo, just as in the normal pn junction diode. This allows electrons in the CB of N + -AlGaAs to be injected (by diffusion) into p-GaAs as shown in Figure 3.30 (c). These electrons, however, are confined to the CB of p-GaAs since there is a barrier ∆Ec between p-GaAs and P-AlGaAs (see Figure 3.28 (b)). The wide bandgap AlGaAs layer therefore acts as a confining layer that restricts injected electrons to the p-GaAs layer. The recombination of injected electrons with the holes present in
3.11 • Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles
Figure 3.30 The double heterostructure AlGaAs>GaAs>AlGaAs LED structure (highly simplified schematic). Herbert Kroemer (left), along with Zhores Alferov (Chapter 4 opening photo), played a key role in the development of semiconductor heterostructures that are widely used in modern optoelectronics.19 Herbert Kroemer was also well-recognized for his experimental work on the fabrication of heterostructures by using an atomic layer-by-layer crystal growth technique called Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)—the equipment shown behind Professor Kroemer in the photo. Since 1976, Professor Kroemer has been with the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he continues his research. Herbert Kroemer and Zhores Alferov shared the Nobel Prize in Physics (2000) with Jack Kilby. Their Nobel citation is “for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics.” (Courtesy of Herbert Kroemer, University of California, Santa Barbara.)
See H. Kroemer, Rev. Mod. Phys., 73, 783, 2001.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
this p-GaAs layer results in spontaneous photon emission. Since the bandgap Eg of AlGaAs is greater than that of GaAs, the emitted photons do not get reabsorbed as they escape the active region and can reach the surface of the device as illustrated in Figure 3.30 (d). Since light is also not absorbed in P-AlGaAs, it can be reflected to increase the light output, by, for example, using a dielectric mirror at the end of P-AlGaAs. Another advantage of the AlGaAs>GaAs heterojunction is that there is only a small lattice mismatch between the two crystal structures and hence negligible strain induced interfacial defects (e.g., dislocations) in the device compared with the defects at the surface of the semiconductor in conventional homojunction LED structure. The DH LED is much more efficient than the homojunction LED. C. Output Spectrum The energy of an emitted photon from an LED is not simply equal to the bandgap energy Eg because electrons in the conduction band are distributed in energy and so are the holes in the valence band. Suppose that the active region is p-type, and excess electrons have been injected by forward bias. Figure 3.31 (a) and (b) illustrates the energy band diagram and the energy distributions of electrons and holes in the CB and VB, respectively, for a p-type semiconductor. The electron concentration as a function of energy in the CB is given by g(E) f (E), where g(E) is the density of states in the CB and f (E) is the Fermi–Dirac function (probability of finding an electron in a state with energy E). The product g(E) f (E) represents the electron concentration per unit energy, nE(E), and is plotted along the horizontal axis in Figure 3.31 (b). There is a similar energy distribution for holes, pE, in the VB but pE is enormously larger than nE. The E–k diagram for a typical direct bandgap semiconductor (such as GaAs) is shown in Figure 3.31 (c). Since the hole concentration is very large, we can assume that the rate of recombination will depend primarily on the concentration of injected electrons.20 The electron concentration in the CB
Figure 3.31 (a) Energy band diagram with possible recombination paths. (b) Energy distribution of electrons in the CB and holes in the VB. The highest electron concentration is (1>2) kBT above Ec. (c) A simplified E–k (equivalent to energy vs. momentum) diagram and direct recombination paths in which k (i.e., momentum) is conserved. (d) The relative light intensity as a function of photon energy based on (b) and (c).
20 We also need to consider the quantum mechanical transition probability from an occupied state in the CB to an empty state in the VB but, for simplicity, we will take this to be constant, that is, we will ignore it.
3.11 • Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles
as a function of energy is asymmetrical, and has a peak at 12 kBT above Ec. The energy spread of these electrons is about 1.8kBT between the half-maximum points, as in Figure 3.31 (b), or roughly ∼2kBT. When an electron at Ec recombines with a hole at Ev, shown as the transition 1 in Figure 3.31 (a), a photon is emitted with an energy hy1 = Ec - Ev = Eg. Since there are not many electrons and holes at the band edges, this type of recombination does not occur frequently, and the emitted light intensity from a type 1 transition is small. The transition that involves the largest electron concentration (the peak in nE) is shown as 2 in Figure 3.31 (a), and emits a photon with hy2 7 hy1. Such transitions occur frequently (large nE), and hence the emitted intensity from type 2 transitions is much larger than that for type 1. Similarly, the transition marked 3, corresponding to hy3 7 hy2, involves an electron quite high up in the CB where nE is very small. Such type 3 transitions are infrequent and lead to a small emission intensity. The emission intensity therefore rises to a maximum and then falls with hy as shown in Figure 3.31 (d). One might conclude that the highest emitted intensity should intuitively correspond to the transition from the peak in nE to the peak in pE in Figure 3.31 (b) that emits hy = Eg + kBT. However, we also need to consider the conservation of momentum, and hence the E–k diagram in Figure 3.31 (c). The momentum of the emitted photon is negligibly small, so that an electron falls straight down in the E–k diagram without changing its k-vector, that is, the electron momentum hk is conserved. The E–k curvatures are different in the CB and the VB. The electron at Ec + 12 kBT cannot just recombine with the hole at Ev + 12 kBT because that transition does not satisfy the hk-conservation. As shown in Figure 3.31 (c), direct recombination involves energetic electrons spreading over several kBT in the CB, more than the holes in the VB, because the E–k curvature is narrower in the CB and broader in the VB. It is apparent that the emission spectrum in this case is determined by nE, the energy spread in the electrons in the CB, so that the emission has a peak at roughly Eg + 12 kBT. Further the spread ∆(hy) in the emitted photon energies should be roughly the spread in nE, that is, ∆(hy) ≈ 1.8kBT. The intuitive relative light intensity vs. photon energy characteristic of the output spectrum based on nE and the E–k diagram is shown in Figure 3.31 (d) and represents an important LED characteristic. Given the spectrum in Figure 3.31 (d), we can also obtain the relative light intensity vs. wavelength characteristic since l = c>y, which would look like Figure 3.31 (d) flipped horizontally. The linewidth of the output spectrum, ∆y or ∆l, is defined as the width between half-intensity points as illustrated in Figure 3.31 (d). The experimentally observed output spectrum, that is, the relative intensity vs. wavelength characteristics, from an LED depends not only on the semiconductor material, including dopant concentrations, but also on the structure of the pn junction diode. The spectrum in Figure 3.31 (d) represents a highly idealized spectrum without including the effects of heavy doping on the energy bands. For a heavily doped n-type semiconductor there are so many donors that the electron wavefunctions at these donors overlap to generate a narrow impurity band centered at Ed but extending into the conduction band. Thus, the donor impurity band overlaps the conduction band and hence effectively lowers Ec as in Figure 3.10 (a). The minimum emitted photon energy from heavily doped semiconductors is therefore less than Eg and depends on the amount of doping. Typical output spectrum from an AlGaAs IR LED is shown in Figure 3.32 (a). Notice that the spectrum exhibits significantly less asymmetry than the idealized spectrum in Figure 3.31 (d). The width of the spectrum is about 40 nm, which corresponds to a width of about 2.9kBT in the energy distribution of the emitted photons, more than the expected 1.8kBT. The reasons for not observing the theoretical spectrum in Figure 3.31 (d) are essentially twofold. First, higher energy photons become reabsorbed in the material and photogenerate electrons and holes.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.32 (a) A typical output spectrum (relative intensity vs. wavelength) from an IR (infrared) AlGaAs LED. (b) The output spectrum of the LED in (a) at three temperatures: 25°C, - 40°C, and 85°C. Values normalized to peak emission at 25°C. The spectral widths are FWHM.
LED spectrum in frequency
Varshni bandgap equation
Theseelectrons and holes thermalize and end up recombining to emit photons with lower energies, closer to Eg. Thus photons become redistributed. Secondly, the band edges Ec and Ev are not sharp in heavily doped semiconductors, which leads to the smearing of the well-defined Eg for the emission onset. The peak emission frequency yo and the spectral width ∆y in photon energy in LEDs with a direct bandgap active region are normally described by
hyo ≈ Eg +
1 2
kBT and h∆y = mkBT (3.11.1)
where m is a numerical factor that is typically between 1.5 and 3.5, though for many LEDs, m ≈ 3 is a good value (see Question 3.23). The corresponding peak wavelength lo and the spectral width ∆l can be easily found from Eq. (3.11.1) as in Example 3.11.1. Further, the actual position of the peak is likely to be somewhat more than 12 kBT in Eq. (3.11.1), given a broader observed spread than 1.8kBT expected from the theory. As the temperature increases, the change in hyo in Eq. (3.11.1) is due mainly to the decrease in the bandgap Eg with temperature. The peak emission wavelength lo, corresponding to yo, therefore increases with temperature as shown Figure 3.32 (b). In addition, the linewidth ∆l becomes longer at higher temperatures as electrons are distributed further into the CB. Thus, a wider spectrum of photon energies are emitted upon EHP recombination. The variation of the bandgap Eg with temperature is commonly represented by the Varshni equation
Eg = Ego -
AT 2 (3.11.2) B + T
where Ego is the bandgap at T = 0 K, and A and B are material-specific constants that are listed in various semiconductor handbooks. Equation (3.11.1) does not apply to an indirect bandgap semiconductor in which a recombination center is involved in the radiative transition, such as GaP:N. The electron localized at the recombination center would have a significant uncertainty in its momentum ∆p and hence an uncertainty ∆E in its energy (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, ∆p∆x ∼ h). The emitted photon spectrum depends on this ∆E, and is wider than 3kBT that is involved in the direct recombination process in Figure 3.31.
3.11 • Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles
Figure 3.33 (a) Forward-biased degenerately doped pn junction. The bandgap Eg′ is narrower than that in the undoped bulk crystal. The quasi-Fermi levels EFn and EFp overlap around the junction. (b) The transitions involved in a degenerately doped pn junction.
For degenerately doped junctions, the Fermi level EFn on the n-side and EFp on the p-side will be in the CB and VB, respectively. Under a large forward bias, the active region can have EFn in the CB, EFp in the VB around the junction as shown in Figure 3.33 (a). The bandgap E′g is narrower than Eg in the undoped crystal (see Figure 3.10 (a) and (b)). As shown in the E–k diagram in Figure 3.33 (b), electrons occupy states from the CB edge Ec up to about ∼1.5kBT above EFn. The emission spectrum will extend from hy ≈ Eg to about Eg + EFn + 1.5kBT so the width is roughly EFn + 1.5kBT.
Example 3.11.1 LED spectral linewidth We know that a spread in the output wavelengths is related to a spread in the emitted photon energies as illustrated in Figure 3.31. The emitted photon energy hy = hc>l. Assume that the spread in the photon energies ∆(hy) ≈ 3kT between the half intensity points. Show that the corresponding linewidth ∆l between the half intensity points in the output spectrum is ∆l = l2o
3kT (3.11.3) hc
where lo is the peak wavelength. What is the spectral linewidth of an optical communications LED operating at 1310 nm and at 300 K?
Solution First consider the relationship between the photon frequency y and l, l =
c hc = y hy
in which hy is the photon energy. We can differentiate this
hc l2 dl = = - (3.11.4) 2 d(hy) hc (hy)
The negative sign implies that increasing the photon energy decreases the wavelength. We are only interested in changes or spreads, thus ∆l> ∆(hy) ≈ dl>d(hy), and this spread should be around l = lo, so that Eq. (3.11.4) gives ∆l =
l2o 3kT ∆(hy) = l2o hc hc
LED spectral linewidth
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes where we used ∆(hy) = 3kT. We can substitute l = 1310 nm and T = 300 K to calculate the linewidth of the 1310 nm LED ∆l = l2
3(1.38 * 10-23)(300) 3kT = 1.07 * 10-7 m or 107 nm = (1310 * 10-9)2 hc (6.626 * 10-34)(3 * 108)
The spectral linewidth of an LED output is due to the spread in the photon energies, which is fundamentally about 3kT. The only option for decreasing ∆l at a given wavelength is to reduce the temperature. The output spectrum of a laser, on the other hand, has a much narrower linewidth.
Example 3.11.2 LED spectral width Consider the three experimental points in Figure 3.32 (b) as a function of temperature. By a suitable plot find m and verify Eq. (3.11.3).
Solution From Example 3.11.1, we can use Eq. (3.11.3) with m instead of 3 as follows LED line width and temperature
∆l mk = a bT (3.11.5) 2 hc lo
and plot ∆l>l2o vs. T. The slope of the best line forced through zero should give mk>hc and hence m. Using the three lo and ∆l values in the inset of Figure 3.32 (b), we obtain the graph in Figure 3.34. The best line is forced through zero to follow Eq. (3.11.5), and gives a slope of 1.95 * 10-7 nm-1 K-1 or 195 m-1 K-1. Thus, Slope = 195 m K-1 =
m(1.38 * 10-23 J K-1) (6.626 * 10-34 J s)(3 * 108 m s-1)
so that
m = 2.81
Figure 3.34 The plot of ∆l>l2o vs. T for an AlGaAs infrared LED, using the peak wavelength lo and spectral width ∆l at three different temperatures, using the data shown in Figure 3.32 (b).
Infrared LEDs are widely used in various remote controls.
3.12 • Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs
Example 3.11.3 Dependence of the emission peak and linewidth on temperature Using the Varshni equation, Eq. (3.11.2), find the shift in the peak wavelength (lo) emitted from a GaAs LED when it is cooled from 25°C to - 25°C. The Varshni constants for GaAs are Ego = 1.519 eV, A = 5.41 * 10-4 eV K-1, B = 204 K.
Solution At T = 298 K, using the Varshni equation Eg = Ego - AT 2 >(B + T)
= 1.519 eV - (5.41 * 10-4 eV K-1)(298 K)2>(204 K + 298 K) = 1.423 eV
At 298 K, (1>2) kBT = 0.0128 eV. The peak emission is at hyo ≈ Eg + (1>2) kBT. Using yo = c>lo, we get lo =
ch (Eg +
1 2
(3 * 108 m s-1)(6.626 * 10-34 J s)>(1.602 * 10-19 eV J -1) (1.4223 eV + 0.0128 eV)
= 864.2 nm
At -25°C, or 248 K, (1>2) kBT = 0.0107 eV, repeating the above calculation Eg = 1.519 eV - (5.41 * 10-4 eV K-1)(248 K)2 >(204 K + 248 K) = 1.445 eV
and the new peak emission wavelength lo′ is lo′ =
(3 * 108 m s-1)(6.626 * 10-34 J s)>(1.602 * 10-19 eV J -1) (1.445 eV + 0.0107 eV)
= 852.4 nm
The change ∆l = lo - lo′ = 864.2 - 852.4 = 11.8 nm over 50°C, or 0.24 nm >°C. The examination of Figure 3.32 (b) shows that the change in the peak wavelength per unit temperature in the range -40°C to 85°C is roughly the same. Because of the small change, we kept four significant figures in Eg and lo calculations.
3.12 Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs A typical quantum well (QW) device has an ultra-thin, typically less than 50 nm, narrow bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap Eg1 sandwiched between two wider bandgap semiconductors with a bandgap Eg2, as illustrated in Figure 3.35 (a). For example, this could be a thin GaAs (Eg1) layer sandwiched between two AlxGa 1 - xAs (Eg2) layers. The wide bandgap layers are called confining layers. We assume that the two semiconductors are lattice matched in the sense that they have the same crystal structure and lattice parameter a. This means that interface defects due to the mismatch of crystal dimensions between the two semiconductor crystals are minimal; and neglected. Since the bandgap, Eg, changes at the interface, there are discontinuities in Ec and Ev at the interfaces as before; these discontinuities, ∆Ec and ∆Ev, are shown in Figure 3.35 (b) and depend on the semiconductor properties.21 Because of the potential energy barrier, ∆Ec, conduction electrons in the thin Eg1-layer are confined in the x-direction. This confinement length d, the width of the thin Eg1-semiconductor, is so small that we can treat the electron as 21 In the case of GaAs>AlGaAs heterostructure, ∆Ec is greater than ∆Ev. Very approximately, the change from the wider Eg2 to narrower Eg1 is proportioned 60% to ∆Ec and 40% to ∆Ev.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.35 (a) A single quantum well (SQW) of a smaller bandgap material (Eg1) of thickness d along x surrounded by a thicker material of wider bandgap (Eg2). (b) The electron energy levels associated with motion along x are quantized as E1, E2, E3, etc. Each level is characterized by a quantum number n. (c) The density of states for a bulk semiconductor and a QW.
in a one-dimensional (1D) potential energy (PE) well in the x-direction but as if it were free in theyz plane. The energy of the electron in the QW must reflect its 1D quantization in the x-direction, and its freedom in the yz plane. If En is the electron energy in the well, then Energy in a 1D quantum well
En = E c +
h2k 2y h2k 2z h2n2 + + (3.12.1) 2me* 2me* 8me*d 2
where n is a quantum number having the values 1, 2, 3, . . . , and ky and kz are the wave vectors of the electron along y- and z-directions. The reason for the Ec in Eq. (3.12.1) is that the potential energy barriers are defined with respect to Ec. These PE barriers are ∆Ec along x and electron affinity (energy required to take the electron from Ec to vacuum) along y and z. The second term is the energy of an electron in an infinite PE well, whereas we have a finite PE well of depth ∆Ec. Thus, the second term is only an approximation. The minimum energy E1 corresponds to n = 1 and is above Ec of the Eg1-semiconductor as shown in Figure 3.35 (b). For any given n value, we have a sub-band of energies due to ky and kz terms in Eq. (3.12.1). The separation between the energy levels associated with motion in the yz plane in a sub-band is so small that the electron is free to move in the yz plane as if it were in the bulk semiconductor; we assume a continuum of energy as shown in Figure 3.36. We therefore have a two-dimensional electron gas which is confined in the x-direction. The holes in the valence band are confined by the potential energy barrier ∆Ev (hole energy is in the opposite direction to electron energy) and behave similarly asillustrated in Figure 3.35 (b). They are characterized by the quantum number n′ = 1, 2, etc. corresponding to the levels E1′, E2′, etc. [only E1′ is marked in Figure 3.35 (b)]. The density of electronic states for the two-dimensional electron system is not the same as that for the bulk semiconductor. For a given electron concentration n, the density of states g(E), the number of quantum states per unit energy per unit volume, is constant and does not depend on the electron energy. The density of states for the confined electron and that in the bulk semiconductor are shown schematically in Figure 3.35 (c). g(E) is constant at E1 until E2, where it increases as a step and remains constant until E3, where again it increases as a step by the same amount and at every value of En. Density of states in the valence band behaves similarly as shown in Figure 3.35 (c). Since the electron is free in the yz plane within the well, its kinetic energy will increase parabolically and continuously with the wave vector kyz in this plane as
3.12 • Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs
Figure 3.36 A QW structure that shows the energy levels in the wells and how charge carriers that are brought in by the current fall into the lowest energy level in the well and then recombine, emitting a photon. The electrons at a particular energy level also have kinetic energies in the yz plane, which is not quantized. The electrons are therefore spread in energy above En as shown. The same notion also applies to holes in the ∆Ev well.
shown in Figure 3.36. One has to account for this small kinetic energy, which is shown by shading the region above E1, E2, etc., in Figure 3.36. Since at E1 there is a finite and substantial density of states, the electrons in the conduction band do not have to spread as far in energy as in the bulk to find states. In the bulk semiconductor, on the other hand, the density of states at Ec is zero and increases slowly with energy (as E 1>2), which means that the electrons are spread more deeply into the conduction band in search for states. A large concentration of electrons can easily occur near E1 whereas this is not the case in the bulk semiconductor. Similarly, the majority of holes in the valence band will be around E1′ since there are sufficient states at this energy. Under a forward bias, as indicated in Figure 3.36, electrons are injected into the conduction band of the Eg1-layer, which serves as the active layer. The injected electrons readily populate the ample number of states at E1 which means that the electron concentration at E1 increases rapidly with the current. The direct recombination rate, that is, the radiative recombination rate, which determines the rate of photon emission, depends on the product np, the concentration of electrons and holes. Thus, the radiative transitions occur much more readily in the quantum well for the same current as in the bulk device. The quantum mechanical radiative recombination probability is also enhanced because the electrons and holes in the well are brought into close proximity. (However, there are still certain selection rules as there are for photon emission in the H-atom.) Furthermore, since the majority of electrons are spread around E1 and holes around E1′, the range of emitted photon energies can be narrower than the emission spectrum in the corresponding bulk device; unless the well has been flooded with electrons at large currents as explained below. The loss of energy as the electron drops from n = 3 to 2 to 1, etc., to lower levels inside the well occurs by the emission of phonons (lattice vibrations) and is very rapid. The transition from n = 1 to n′ = 1 emits a photon of energy hy ≈ E1 - E1′. (An approximate sign is used since the electron and the hole can have kinetic energies in the yz plane). The radiative transition in a QW must obey a selection rule, which requires the initial and final quantum numbers, n and n′, to be the same.22 The transition from n = 1 to n′ = 1 is allowed and emits a photon, as well as that from n = 2 to n′ = 2. 22 Quantum mechanical selection rules for radiative transitions are nothing unusual; they also occur in radiative transitions in atoms. A very readable derivation can be found in M. Fox, Optical Properties of Solids, 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, 2010), Ch. 6.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.37 A schematic illustration of the comparison of light power output vs. current characteristics for an SQW and an MQW LED.
The main problem with the single quantum well (SQW) heterostructure LEDs is that, under a sufficiently large current, the well can be flooded with charge carriers and can overflow. For example, electrons can flood the QW ∆Ec and the well will overflow. The advantages of the QW action (such as confinement that increases the electron concentration n) would be lost. The light output will no longer increase proportionally to the current, and will fall behind the increase in the current as indicated in Figure 3.37 (a). This problem can be resolved by using multiple quantum wells (MQWs), in which electrons are shared by a number of quantum wells as in Figure 3.37 (b). Not only is the overflow problem alleviated but more photon flux is generated due to more wells as shown in Figure 3.37 (a). Modern high intensity UV, violet, and blue LEDs use MQW heterostructures. They use a thin InxGa 1 - xN (Eg1) QW layer that is sandwiched between GaN (Eg2) layers. GaN has a large bandgap of 3.4 eV, and the composition and hence the bandgap of InGaN is chosen for the application, for example, for blue, Eg1 = 2.7 eV. The heterostructure has a number of MQWs to improve the efficiency but the number of QWs is not many, which is limited by the fabrication process.
Example 3.12.1 Energy levels in the quantum well Consider a GaAs QW sandwiched between two Al0.40Ga0.60As layers. Suppose that the barrier height ∆Ec is 0.30 eV, the electron effective mass in the well is 0.067me, and the width of the QW (d) is 12 nm. Calculate the energy levels E1 and E2 from the bottom of the well (Ec) assuming an infinite PE well as in Eq. (3.12.1). Compare these with the calculations for a finite PE well that give 0.022 eV, 0.088, and 0.186 for n = 1, 2, and 3.
Solution We use Eq. (3.12.1) with me* = 0.067me, d = 12 * 10-9 nm, so that for n = 1 ∆En = En - Ec =
(6.624 * 10-34 J s)2(1)2 >(1.602 * 10-19 J eV -1) h2n2 = = 0.039 eV 8me*d 2 8(0.067 * 9.1 * 10-31 kg )(12 * 10-9 m )2
We can repeat the above calculation for n = 2 and 3 to find ∆E2 = 0.156 eV and ∆E3 = 0.351 eV. The third level will be above the well depth (∆Ec = 0.3 eV). Clearly, the infinite QW predicts higher energy levels, by a factor of 1.8, and puts the third level inside the well, not outside. The finite QW calculation is not simple, and involves a numerical solution.23
A similar example is solved for the finite well in M. Fox, Optical Properties of Solids, 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 149–152. (This is a highly recommended text on optical properties.)
3.13 • LED Materials and Structures
3.13 LED Materials and Structures A. LED Materials There are various direct bandgap semiconductor materials that can be readily doped to make commercial pn junction LEDs which emit radiation in the red and infrared range of wavelengths. The fabrication of an actual LED would require that the doped crystal layers with the required bandgap can be grown on a suitable substrate crystal. The substrate crystal and the LED material will have to be lattice matched, that is, they must have the same crystal structure and very close lattice parameters (a) to avoid creating dislocations at the interface. (Dislocations and other defects provide a nonradiative recombination path.) Lattice matching is not always perfect and often dictates what material compositions can be used. An important class of commercial semiconductor materials that cover the visible spectrum is the III–V ternary alloys based on alloying GaAs and GaP, which are denoted as GaAs1 - yPy. In this compound, As and P atoms from group V are distributed randomly at normal As sites in the GaAs crystal structure. When y 6 0.45, the alloy GaAs1 - yPy is a direct bandgap semiconductor and hence the EHP recombination process is direct and efficient. The emitted wavelengths range from about 630 nm, red, for y = 0.45 (GaAs0.55P0.45) to 870 nm for y = 0, GaAs. GaAs1 - yPy alloys (which includes GaP) with y 7 0.45 are indirect bandgap semiconductors. The EHP recombination processes occur through recombination centers and involve lattice vibrations rather than photon emission. As mentioned above, however, if we add isoelectronic impurities such as nitrogen into the semiconductor crystal then the N-dopants can act as recombination centers. An electron is first captured by the N-center, the excess energy is lost to phonons, and then while at the N-center, it recombines with a hole in a radiative transition. The emitted photon energy is only slightly less than Eg. Nitrogen-doped indirect bandgap GaAs1 - yPy alloys are widely used in inexpensive green, yellow, and orange LEDs. There are various commercially important direct bandgap semiconductor materials that emit in the red and infrared wavelengths which are typically ternary (containing three elements) and quaternary (four elements) alloys based on Group III and V elements, so-called III–V alloys. For example, GaAs with a bandgap of about 1.42 eV emits radiation at around 870 nm in the infrared. But ternary alloys based on Al1 - xGa xAs where x 6 0.43 are direct bandgap semiconductors. The composition can be varied to adjust the bandgap and hence the emitted radiation from about 640–870 nm, from deep red light to infrared. AlGaInP is a quaternary III–V alloy (In, Ga, Al from III, and P from V) that has a direct bandgap variation with composition over the visible range. It can be lattice-matched to GaAs substrates for compositions (AlxGa 1 - x)0.5In0.5P where x 6 0.53, that is, Ga0.50In0.50P (Eg = 1.89 eV, red) to Al 0.265 Ga 0.235In 0.50 P (2.33 eV, green). Many brands of high-intensity LEDs have been based on this material, which is likely to continue to be used in the high-intensity visible LED range, especially for the red, amber, and yellow. The bandgap of quaternary alloys In1 - xGa xAs1 - y Py can be varied with composition (x and y) to span wavelengths from 870 nm (GaAs) to 3.5 om (InAs) which includes the optical communication wavelengths of 1.3 om and 1.55 om. Figure 3.38 summarizes some typical wavelengths that can be emitted for a few selected semiconductor materials over the range from 0.3 om to 1.7 om, or from the UV to IR. GaN is a direct bandgap semiconductor with an Eg of 3.4 eV. The blue GaN LEDs actually use the GaN alloy InGaN with a bandgap of about 2.7 eV, which corresponds to blue emission. One of the most important technological advances in the last two decades has been the development of various III-Nitride LEDs that can emit with high intensities from the UV to green. The alloys
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.38 Free-space wavelength coverage by different LED materials from the visible spectrum to the infrared, including wavelengths used in optical communications. Grey region and dashed lines are indirect Eg materials. Only material compositions of importance have been shown.
of GaN (Eg = 3.4 eV) with InN (Eg = 0.77 eV), InxGa 1 - xN spans wavelengths from the UV up to the IR, though they are currently not used beyond the green wavelength as other semiconductors such as AlGaInP provide better efficiencies. The alloys of AlN (Eg = 6.2 eV) andGaN (Eg = 3.4 eV), AlGaN, provide for wavelengths in the UV. GaN can be doped n-type (e.g., with Si or Ge) and p-type (e.g., with Mg), and the GaN LEDs are generally MQW heterostructures. B. LED Structures In its simplest technological form, LEDs are typically fabricated by epitaxially growing doped semiconductor layers on a suitable substrate (e.g., GaAs or GaP) as illustrated for a simple homojunction pn junction LED in Figure 3.39 (a). This type of planar pn junction is formed bythe epitaxial growth of first the n-layer and then the p-layer. The substrate is essentially a mechanical support for the pn junction device (the layers) and can be of different crystal. The p-side is on the surface from which light is emitted and is therefore made narrow (a few microns)
Figure 3.39 A schematic illustration of various typical LED structures. (a) A planar surface-emitting homojunction green GaP:N LED. (b) AlGaInP high-intensity heterostructure LED. (c) III-Nitride-based (GaN >InGaN) MQW LED for emission from the UV to green.
3.13 • LED Materials and Structures
to allow the photons to escape without being reabsorbed. To ensure that most of the recombination takes place in the p-side, the n-side is heavily doped (n+). Those photons that are emitted toward the n-side become either absorbed or reflected back at the substrate interface depending on the substrate thickness and the exact structure of the LED. The use of a segmented back electrode as in Figure 3.39 (a) will encourage reflections from the semiconductor–air interface. If the epitaxial layer and the substrate crystals have different crystal lattice parameters, then there is a lattice mismatch between the two crystal structures. This causes lattice strain in the LED layer and hence leads to crystal defects. Such crystal defects encourage radiationless EHP recombinations. That is, a defect acts as a recombination center. Such defects are reduced by lattice matching the LED epitaxial layer to the substrate crystal. It is therefore important to lattice-match the LED layers to the substrate crystal. For example, AlxGa 1 - xAs alloys with x 6 0.43 are direct bandgap semiconductors that have a bandgap corresponding to the IR to the red emission region (Figure 3.38). AlxGa 1 - xAs layers can be grown on GaAs substrates with excellent lattice match, which results in high-efficiency LED devices. Figure 3.39 (b) shows the structure of a high-intensity AlGaInP heterostructure LED. The layers are grown epitaxially on an n-GaAs substrate. There are at least four layers. The active layer is a thin AlGaInP (e.g., Al0.35Ga0.15In0.5P), which is lightly doped. This layer is sandwiched by confining layers that are p-type and n-type AlInP (e.g., Al0.5In0.5P) on the positive and negative terminal sides, respectively. AlInP has a wider bandgap than AlGaInP, and the band offsets confine the carriers to the active region. Remember that under forward bias the p-AlInP injects holes and n-AlInP injects electrons into the active layer. The top layer is p-GaP and serves to spread out the current to regions outside the top contact. Thus, radiative recombinations are avoided right under the top contact from which photons cannot be extracted. Put differently, EHP recombination is spread into regions outside the zone directly under the top contact. Figure 3.39 (c) shows a simplified III-Nitride-based MQW LED that can be used for emission in the blue as well as green.24 With some modification to compositions, it can also emit in the UV. The p-GaN (doped with Mg) is the required p-layer used for the injection of holes. The QWs are formed between the narrower Eg InGaN and wider Eg GaN as described above, which are undoped. There is a p-AlGaN layer that is called a buffer layer. The bandgap of AlGaN is wider than InGaAs, so it confines the injected electrons in the QW-region. The n-GaN layer isthe electron injecting n-type semiconductor from which electrons are injected into the MQWs. It is difficult to find a matching crystal substrate for GaN. A sapphire crystal is the most commonly used substrate, though the mismatch is roughly 12% (significant). Special growth techniques have been developed to keep the defects (dislocations) to the initial GaN growth region near the sapphire–GaN interface, away from actual LED heterostructure. Notice that the negative terminal is on high-quality n-GaN, away from the defective region. Not all light rays reaching the semiconductor–air interface, however, can escape because of total internal reflection (TIR). Those rays with angles of incidence greater than the critical angle uc become reflected as illustrated in Figure 3.40 (a). For the GaAs–air interface, for e xample, uc is only 17°, which means that much of the light suffers TIR. It is possible to shape the surface of the semiconductor into a dome, or hemisphere, so that light rays strike the surface at angles less than uc and therefore do not experience TIR. The main drawback, however, is the additional difficult
24 III-Nitride MQW LEDs are currently the most efficient commercial LEDs in the blue, violet, and the UV. An extensive review can be found in Hadis Morkoç, Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices, Vol. 3 (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008), Ch. 1.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.40 (a) Some of the internally generated light suffers total internal reflection (TIR) at the semiconductor–air interface and cannot be emitted into the outside. (b) A simple structure that overcomes the TIR problem by placing the LED chip at the centre of a hemispherical plastic dome. The epoxy is refractive index matched to the semiconductor and the rays reaching the dome’s surface do not suffer TIR. (c) An example of atextured surface that allows light to escape after a couple of (or more) reflections (highly exaggerated sketch). (d) A distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) under the confining layer (below the active region in grey) acts as a dielectric mirror, and increases the extraction ratio. (e)An RCLED is an LED with an optical resonant cavity (RC) formed by two DBRs has a narrower emission spectrum.
process in fabricating such domed LEDs and the associated increase in expense. An inexpensive and common procedure that reduces TIR is the encapsulation of the semiconductor junction within a transparent plastic medium (an epoxy) which has a higher refractive index than air and, further, also has a domed surface on the emission side of the LED chip as shown in Figure 3.40 (b). Many individual LEDs are sold in similar types of plastic bodies.
Shuji Nakamura obtained his PhD from the University of Tokushima in Japan, and is currently a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara and the director of Solid State Lighting and Energy Center. He has been credited with the pioneering work that has led to the development of GaN and InxGa 1 - xN-based blue and violet light–emitting diodes and laser diodes. He discovered how III-Nitrides could be doped p-type,which opened the way to fabricating various UV, violet, blue, and green LEDs. He is holding a blue laser diode that is turned on. (Courtesy of Shuji Nakamura, University of California, Santa Barbara.)
3.13 • LED Materials and Structures
Another example of a device structure that improves the light extraction ratio is shown in Figure 3.40 (c). The surface has been textured or nanostructured. Such a textured surface allows light to escape after one or two reflections. The extraction ratio can be greatly improved if the rays traveling toward the substrate could be somehow reflected back toward the exit window. In some LEDs, a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), that is a dielectric mirror, under the confining layer (below the active region) acts as a dielectric mirror at the wavelength of the LED light, and increases the extraction ratio, as shown in Figure 3.40 (d). Another possible design is to use a resonant cavity for the light generated by the active region as shown in Figure 3.40 (e). An RCLED (resonant cavity LED) is an LED with an optical resonant cavity (RC) formed by two DBRs. The optical cavity is obviously wavelength-selective since only those special modes of the optical cavity that fall into the spontaneous emission spectrum can be supported or excited. The width of the emitted spectrum is significantly narrower, as much as ten times, than a conventional LED. The reason is that the light from the active region can only escape if it is a mode of the resonant cavity. The spectral width of this light is determined by the resonant cavity losses rather than the emission spectrum from the active region.
Example 3.13.1 Light extraction from a bare LED chip As shown in Figure 3.40 (a), due to total internal reflection (TIR) at the semiconductor–air surface, only a fraction of the emitted light can escape from the chip. The critical angle uc is determined by sin uc = na >ns where na and ns are the refractive indices of the ambient (e.g., for air, na = 1) and the semiconductor, respectively. The light within the escape cone defined by uc can escape into the ambient without TIR as indicated in Figure 3.40 (a). To find the fraction of light within the escape cone we need to consider solid angles, which leads to (1>2)(1 - cos uc). Further, suppose that T is the average light transmittance of the ns 9na interface for those rays within the escape cone, then for a simple bare chip,25 Light extraction ratio ≈ (1>2)(1 - cos uc) * T (3.13.1)
Estimate the extraction ratio for a GaAs chip with ns = 3.4 and air as ambient (na = 1) and then with an epoxy dome with na = 1.8.
Solution First, note that uc = arcsin (na >ns) = arcsin (1>3.4) = 17.1°. For T we will assume near-normal incidence (somewhat justified since the angle 17.1° is not too large) so that from Chapter 1, Using Eq. (3.13.1)
T = 4nsna >(ns + na)2 = 4(3.4)(1)>(3.4 + 1)2 = 0.702
Light extraction ratio ≈ (1>2)(1 - cos uc) * T = (1>2) 31 - cos (17.1°)4 * 0.702 ≈ 0.0155 or 1.6%
It is clear that only 1.6% of the generated light power is extracted from a bare chip, which is d isappointingly small. The technological drive is therefore to improve light extraction as much as possible. If we now repeat the calculation for na = 1.8, we would find, uc = 32°, and 6.9% light extraction.
25 An extensive treatise on various LED structures and light extraction techniques can be found in E. F. Schubert, LightEmitting Diodes, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Equation (3.13.1) is an approximation inasmuch as we should average the transmittance.
Light extraction ratio
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
3.14 LED Efficiencies and Luminous Flux The comparison of different LED materials and device structures requires that we define internal and external quantum efficiency. Further, we also need to meaningfully compare the output power and brightness of different light-emitting devices per unit electrical energy input. The internal quantum efficiency (IQE) hIQE gauges what fraction of electron hole recombinations in the forward-biased pn junction are radiative and therefore lead to photon emission. Nonradiative transitions are those in which an electron and a hole recombine through a recombination center such as a crystal defect or an impurity and emit phonons (lattice vibrations). Suppose that tr is the mean lifetime of a minority carrier before it recombines radiatively and tnr is the mean lifetime before it recombines via a recombination center (or a defect) without emitting a photon. By definition, Internal quantum efficiency
hIQE =
Rate of radiative recombination (3.14.1) Total rate of recombination (radiative and nonradiative)
or Internal quantum efficiency
hIQE =
tr-1 -1 tr-1 + tnr
The rate of nonradiative recombination rate (1>tnr) would also include the recombination of injected carriers at the interfaces of heterostructures between different crystals: an important loss mechanism that would reduce hIQE. The total current I is determined by the total rate of recombinations whereas the number of photons emitted per second, the photon flux Φph, is determined by the rate of radiative recombinations. Internal quantum efficiency
hIQE =
Φph Po(int) >hy Photons emitted per second = = (3.14.3) Total carriers lost per second I>e I>e
where Po(int) is the optical power generated internally (not yet extracted). The external quantum efficiency (EQE) hEQE of an LED represents the efficiency of conversion from electrical quanta, i.e., electrons, that flow into the LED to optical quanta, i.e., photons, that are emitted into the outside world. It incorporates the “internal” efficiency of the radiative recombination process [embedded in Eq. (3.14.1)] and the subsequent e fficiency of photon extraction from the device. Suppose that the actual optical power emitted to the ambient, called the radiant flux, is Po. (Φe is also used in the literature.) Po >hy is the number of emitted photons per second. Since the number of electrons flowing into the LED is I>e, we have External quantum efficiency
hEQE =
Po >hy I>e
Thus, we should use external QE to meaningfully compare different LED efficiencies and internal QE in comparing different LED materials. For indirect bandgap semiconductors hEQE are generally less than 1% whereas for direct bandgap semiconductors with the right device structure, hEQE can be substantial, for example, 30–40%.
3.14 • LED Efficiencies and Luminous Flux
The light extraction ratio was introduced in Example 3.13.1. We can now define this more formally. The light extraction ratio, or the extraction efficiency (EE), hEE, is the fraction of light that is extracted to the ambient from the internally generated light, that is,
hEE =
Photons emitted externally from the device (3.14.5) Photons generated internally by recombination
Extraction efficiency
Using Eqs. (3.14.1), (3.14.3) and (3.14.5), the emitted optical output power, the radiant flux, is
Po = hEEPo(int) = hyhEEhIQE(I>e) (3.14.6)
Emitted optical power
The power conversion efficiency (PCE), hPCE, or simply the power efficiency, gauges the overall efficiency of conversion from the input of electrical power to the output of optical power, i.e.,
hPCE =
Eg Optical output power Po = ≈ hEQE a b (3.14.7) Electrical input power IV eV
Power efficiency
If we wish to compare the brightness of light-emitting devices per unit electrical power input then we need to examine the luminous flux emitted. The visual “brightness” of a source as observed by an average daylight-adapted eye is proportional to the radiation (optical) power emitted, that is, the radiant flux, and the efficiency of the eye to detect the spectrum of the emitted radiation. While the eye can see a red color source, it cannot see an infrared source and the brightness of the infrared source would be zero. The luminous flux Φy is a measure of visual brightness, in lumens (lm), and is defined by
Φy = Po * (633 lm W-1) * V(l) (3.14.8)
where Po is the radiant flux or the radiation power emitted (in watts) and V(l) is the relative l uminous efficiency (or the relative sensitivity) of an average light-adapted (photopic) eye, which depends on the wavelength and hence l in parenthesis. The function V(l) is also called the luminosity function and the visibility function. V(l) is a Gaussian-like function with a peak of unity at 555nm as shown in Figure 3.41. One lumen of luminous flux, or brightness, is obtained from a 1.58 mW light source emitting at a single wavelength of 555 nm (green). A typical 60 W incandescent lamp provides roughly 900 lm (or 15 lm W-1). When we buy a light bulb, we are buying lumens.
Figure 3.41 The luminous efficiencyV(l) of the light-adapted (photopic) eye as a functionof wavelength. The solid curve is the Judd-Vos modification of the CIE 1924 photopic photosensitivity curve of theeye. The dashed line shows the modified region of the original CIE 1924 curve to account for its deficiency in the blue-violet region. (The vertical axis is logarithmic.)
Luminous flux
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.42 Typical (a) external quantum efficiency and (b) luminous efficacy of various selected LEDs, and how they stand against other light sources such as the fluorescent tube, arc, and gas discharge lamps and the incandescent lamp.
The luminous efficacy26 of a light source (such as a lamp) as commonly used in lighting applications is the efficiency with which an electrical light source converts the input electric power (watts) into an emitted luminous flux (lumens). Luminous efficacy (efficiency)
hLE =
Φv (3.14.9) IV
A 100 W light bulb producing 1700 lumens has an efficacy of 17 lumens watt-1 (lm W-1). Recent technological advances have led to LEDs with efficacies that are comparabale to standard fluorescent tubes—efficacies around 100 lm W-1. LEDs as solid state lamps have much longer lifetimes and much higher reliability, and hence are expected to be more economical than incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Figure 3.42 (a) and (b) show some typical external efficiency and luminous efficacy values of various selected LEDs. The advantages of III-Nitrides (e.g., InGaN) are clearly obvious. It is also important to note that in some cases, as in InGaN based LEDs, the high EQE and hence luminous efficacy cannot be maintained as the current is increased to obtain higher luminous flux (more lumens) because the output flux is not directly proportional to the input current, especially at high currents, as apparent in Figure 3.37 (a).
Example 3.14.1 LED efficiencies A particular 870 nm IR LED for use in optical links and instrumentation has a GaAs chip. Active layer that has been doped p-type with 2 * 1017 cm-3 of acceptors and the nonradiative lifetime is about 100 ns. At a forward current of 30 mA, the voltage across it is 1.35 V, and the emitted optical power is 6.5 mW. Calculate the IQE, EQE, and PCE, and estimate the light extraction ratio. For GaAs, B ≈ 2 * 10-16 m2 s-1. 26
Some authors use the term luminous efficiency but the latter, strictly, needs the output and input quantities to have the same units so that the efficiency can be expressed as a percentage, which is not the case here. Efficacy would be a better term.
3.15 • Basic LED Characteristics
Solution The radiative lifetime tr = 1>BNa = 1> 3(2 * 10-16 m3 s-1)(2 * 1023 m-23)4 = 2.5 * 10-8 s or 25 ns. IQE is, hIQE =
-1 tnr
(25 ns)-1
(25 ns)
+ (100 ns)-1
= 0.80 or 80%
The emitted photon energy hy = hc>l ≈ 1.43 eV. Thus the EQE is
hEQE = (Po >hy)>(I>e)
= 3(6.5 * 10-3 W)>(1.43 eV * 1.6 * 10-19 J eV-1)4 > 3(30 * 10-3 A)>(1.6 * 10-19 C)4
= 0.15 or 15%
The PCE is simply Po >IV or (6.5 mW)> 3(30 mA)(1.35 V )4 , that is, 0.16, i.e., 16%. From Eq. (3.14.6), using Po = hyhEEhIQE(I>e),
6.5 * 10-3 W = (1.43 eV * 1.6 * 10-19 J eV -1)hEE(0.80)(30 * 10-3 A>1.6 * 10-19 C)
solving the above gives hEE = 0.19 or 19%.
Example 3.14.2 LED brightness Consider two LEDs, one red, with an optical output power (radiant flux) of 10 mW, emitting at 650 nm, and the other, a weaker 5 mW green LED, emitting at 532 nm. Find the luminous flux emitted by each LED.
Solution For the red LED, at l = 650 nm, Figure 3.41 gives V ≈ 0.10 so that from Eq. (3.14.8) Φy = Po * (633 lm W-1) * V = (10 * 10-3 W)(633 lm W-1)(0.10) = 0.63 lm For the green LED, l = 532 nm, Figure 3.41 gives V ≈ 0.87 so that from Eq. (3.14.8) Φy = Po * (633 lm W-1) * V = (5 * 10-3 W)(633 lm W-1)(0.87) = 2.8 lm Clearly the green LED at half the optical power is 4 times brighter than the red LED.
3.15 Basic LED Characteristics The I–V characteristics of LEDs depend on the device structure, including the material properties of the semiconductors used in the LED. The DC current generally increases steeply with the voltage, as shown in Figure 3.43 (a). The I–V characteristics do not always follow an exact exponential behavior that is often seen for a simple forward-biased pn junction. Most modern LEDs are heterostructure devices, with several layers of differently doped semiconductors. The current increases sharply over a narrow voltage range, as in Figure 3.43 (a), where it can be seen that there is an apparent turn-on or a cut-in voltage beyond which the current increases very sharply with voltage. Most LED manufacturers, however, quote the forward voltage VF when the LED is operating fully; for example, the manufacturer of one type of red AlGaInP-based LED quotes VF = 2.0 V at I = 20 mA, at 40% rated maximum current. VF depends on both the semiconductor material and the device structure. There is an overall trend in which VF tends to increase with decreasing wavelength, that is, with increasing photon energy or roughly the bandgap Eg of the active region. However, the device structure is also very important, and can skew this
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.43 (a) Current-voltage characteristics of a few LEDs emitting at different wavelengths from the IR to blue. (b) Log-log plot of the emitted optical output power vs. DC current for three commercial devices emitting at IR (890 nm), red and green. The vertical scale is in arbitrary units and the curves have been shifted to show the dependence of Po on I. The ideal linear behavior Po ∝ I is also shown.
observation. MQW InGaN LEDs have a higher VF than corresponding AlGaInP heterojunction LEDs, that is, they operate at a higher voltage across the device as apparent for the two green LEDs in Figure 3.43 (a). Indeed, InGaN green to violet LEDs all have very similar VF. Typical optical output power (Po) vs. current (I) characteristics of LEDs are shown in Figure 3.43 (b) on a log-log plot for three cases. For comparison, the expected linear relationship, Po ∝ I, has been also shown for each device. In general, at high currents, Po vs. I relationship curves down from the expected linear, Po ∝ I, behavior. The worst case is for InGaN MQW LEDs in which there is significant deviation from the expected linear relationship almost from the start, that is, Po cannot keep up linearly with the current and droops as the current increases. This droop represents a drop in the quantum efficiency of the MQW InGaN device, and is currently a topical area of research. The Po-I characteristics for standard AlGaInP and AlGaAs heterojunction LEDs deviate from linearity mainly at high currents, exhibiting an extensive range of reasonable linearly. While a non-linear Po-I behavior is not a serious problem in digital communications, it can create distortion in analog modulation, especially under large signals.
3.16 LEDs for Optical Fiber Communications The type of light source suitable for optical communications depends not only on the communication distance but also on the bandwidth requirement. For short-haul applications, for example, local networks, LEDs are preferred as they are simpler to drive, more economic, have a longer lifetime, and provide the necessary output power even though their output spectrum is much wider than that of a laser diode. LEDs are frequently used with graded index fibers inasmuch as typically dispersion in a graded index fiber is primarily due to intermodal dispersion rather than intramodal dispersion. (For example, at 1310 nm communications, the material and hence chromatic dispersion in a graded index fiber is usually much smaller than intermodal dispersion.) For long-haul and wide-bandwidth communications, invariably laser diodes are used because of their narrow linewidth, high output power, and higher signal bandwidth capability.
3.16 • LEDs for Optical Fiber Communications
Figure 3.44 A surface-emitting and an edge-emitting LED.
There are essentially two types of LED devices which are illustrated in Figure 3.44. If the emitted radiation emerges from an area in the plane of the recombination layer as in (a) then the device is a surface-emitting LED (SLED). If the emitted radiation emerges from an area on an edge of the crystal as in (b), that is, from an area on a crystal face perpendicular to the active layer, then the LED is an edge-emitting LED (ELED). The simplest method of coupling the radiation from a surface-emitting LED into an optical fiber is to etch a well in the planar LED structure and lower the fiber into the well as close as possible to the active region where emission occurs. This type of structure, as shown in Figure 3.45 (a), is called a Burrus-type device (after its originator). An epoxy resin is used to bond the fiber and provide refractive index matching between the glass fiber and the LED material to capture as much of the light rays as possible. Note that in the double heterostructure LED used in this way, the photons emitted from the active region, with a smaller bandgap, do not get absorbed by the neighboring layer, which has a wider bandgap. Another method is to use a truncated spherical lens (a microlens) with a high refractive index (n = 1.9 - 2) to focus the light into the fiber as shown in Figure 3.45 (b). The lens is bonded to the LED with a refractive index– matching cement and, in addition, the fiber can be bonded to the lens with a similar cement. Edge-emitting LEDs provide a greater intensity light and also a beam that is more collimated than the surface-emitting LEDs. Figure 3.46 shows the structure of a typical edge-emitting LED for operation at ∼1.5 om. The light is guided to the edge of the crystal by a dielectric waveguide formed by wider bandgap semiconductors surrounding a double heterostructure. The recombination of injected carriers occurs in the InGaAs active region which has a bandgap Eg ≈ 0.83 eV. Recombination is confined to this layer because the surrounding InGaAsP layers, confining layers, have a wider bandgap (Eg ≈ 1 eV) and the InGaAsP>InGaAs>InGaAsP layers form a
Figure 3.45 Coupling of light from surface-emitting LEDs into optical fibers. (a) Light is coupled from a surface-emitting LED into a multimode fiber using an index matching epoxy. The fiber is bonded to the LED structure. (b) A microlens focuses diverging light from a surface-emitting LED into a multimode optical fiber.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Figure 3.46 Schematic illustration of the structure of a double heterojunction stripe contact edge-emitting LED. (Upper case notation for a wider bandgap semiconductor is not used as there are several layers with different bandgaps.)
double heterostructure. The light emitted in the active region (InGaAs) spreads into the neighboring layers (InGaAsP) which guide it along the crystal to the edge. InP has a wider bandgap (Eg ≈ 1.35 eV) and thus a lower refractive index than InGaAsP. The two InP layers adjoining the InGaAsP layers therefore act as cladding layers and thereby confine the light to the DH structure. Generally some kind of lens system is used to conveniently couple the emitted radiation from an ELED into a fiber. For example, in Figure 3.47 (a), a hemispherical lens attached to the fiber end is used for collimating the beam into the fiber. A graded index (GRIN) rod lens is a glass rod that has a parabolic refractive index profile across its cross-section with the maximum index on the rod axis. It is like a large diameter short length graded index “fiber” (typical diameters are 0.5–2 mm). A GRIN rod lens can be used to focus the light from an ELED into a fiber as illustrated in Figure 3.47 (b). This coupling is particularly useful for single mode fibers inasmuch as their core diameters are typically ∼10 om. The output spectra from surface and edge-emitting LEDs using the same semiconductor material are not necessarily the same. The first reason is that the active layers have different doping levels. The second is the self-absorption of some of the photons guided along the active layer as in the ELED. Typically the linewidth of the output spectrum from an ELED is less than that from a SLED. For example, in a particular set of experiments on an InGaAsP ELED operating near 1300 nm, the emission linewidth was reported as 75 nm whereas the corresponding SLED at the same wavelength had a linewidth of 125 nm, which is significantly wider.
Figure 3.47 Light from an edge-emitting LED is coupled into a fiber typically by using a lens or a GRIN rod lens.
3.17 • Phosphors and White LEDs
3.17 Phosphors and White LEDs Photoluminescence is the emission of light by a material, called a phosphor, that has been first excited by light of higher frequency; higher energy photons are first absorbed, and then lower energy photons are emitted. Typically the emission of light occurs from certain dopants, impurities, or even defects, called luminescent or luminescence centers, purposefully introduced into a host matrix, which may be a crystal or glass. The luminescent center is also called an activator. Many phosphors are based on activators doped into a host matrix; for example, Eu3+ (europium ion) in a Y2O3 (yttrium oxide) matrix is a widely used modern phosphor. When excited by UV radiation, it provides an efficient luminescence emission in the red (around 613 nm). It is used as the red-emitting phosphor in color TV tubes and in modern tricolor fluorescent lamps. Another important phosphor is Ce3+ in Y3Al5O12 (YAG), written as Y3Al5O12:Ce3+, which is used in white LEDs. YAG:Ce3+ can absorb blue radiation and emit yellow light. In very general terms, we can represent the energy of an activator in a host matrix by the highly simplified energy diagram in Figure 3.48 (a). We can take this figure to very roughly represent the energy of Ce3+ in YAG. Although it looks complicated, there are actually two manifolds of energies involved in blue absorption and yellow emission. There is a manifold of energies, labeled E1, starting at E1′, which represents the ground energy of the activator. There is a higher manifold of energies, labeled E2, starting at E2′. A manifold such as E1 has a number of energy levels that are closely spaced. The energy levels within the E1- and E2-manifolds represent the vibrational energies of the Ce3+-ion in the host (YAG).27 The slight horizontal shifts in the energy levels in a manifold in Figure 3.48 (a) indicate the relative position (or the tiny little displacement) of the Ce3+ ion in the host. Radiative transitions (absorption or emission of a photon) occur quickly compared with the time scale of vibrations of the Ce3+-ion so that, during the radiative transition, the Ce3+ ion is essentially stationary. Thus, these radiative transitions are vertical lines in the activator energy diagram in Figure 3.48 (a); this rule is called the Franck–Condon principle.
Figure 3.48 (a) A simplified energy diagram to explain the principle of photoluminescence. The activator is pumped from E1′ to E2″. It decays nonradiately down to E2′. The transition from E2′ down to E1″ emits a photon with a lower energy than the excitation photon. (b) Schematic structure of a blue chip yellow phosphor white LED (c) The spectral distribution of light emitted by a white LED. Blue luminescence is emitted by GaInN chip and “yellow” phosphorescence is produced by phosphor. The combined spectrum looks “white.”
The energy diagram in Figure 3.48 (a) is still oversimplified. The vibrations of the Ce3+ ion is quantized and these energy levels are added to the usual electronic energy levels. However, there is also a dependence on the position of the Ce3+ ion, which has been simplified and represented as slightly shifted energy levels along the horizontal direction.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Upon excitation by an incident radiation of suitable energy hyex, the activator becomes excited to E2″ in the E2-manifold; a vertical transition. From this energy level, it decays, or relaxes, down relatively quickly (on a time scale of the order of picoseconds) to an energy level E2′ by emitting phonons or lattice vibrations. This type of decay is called radiationless or nonradiative decay. The Ce3+ ion becomes slightly displaced as shown in Figure 3.48 (a). From E2′, the activator decays down to E1′ in the E1-manifold by emitting a photon by spontaneous emission, which is the emitted luminescent radiation. This is a vertical transition (Franck–Condon principle). The emitted photon energy is hyem, which is less than the excitation photon energy hyex. The return from E1′ to the ground E1 state involves phonon emissions. In some activators, the higher levels may form multilevel narrow energy “bands.” In this example, the activator absorbed the incident radiation, and was directly excited, which is known as activator excitation. The Ce3+ ions in Y2Al5O12:Ce3+ can be excited directly by blue light, and would then emit in the yellow region as discussed below. It is apparent from Figure 3.48 (a) that the emitted radiation (hyem) has a longer wavelength than the exciting radiation (hyex), that is, hyem 6 hyex. The downshift in the light frequency from absorbed to emitted radiation is called the Stokes shift. It should be emphasized that the energy levels of the activator also depend on the host, because the internal electric fields within the host crystal act on the activator, and shift these levels up and down. The emission characteristics depend firstly on the activator, and secondly on the host. Commercially available and popular white LEDs can provide bright light at a fraction of input electric power compared with conventional tungsten-based incandescent lights. In a ddition, the white LED has an extremely long lifetime. Most common white LEDs use a chip emitting at a short wavelength (blue or violet) and a phosphor, which absorbs some of the light from the blue diode and undergoes secondary luminescence emissions at a longer wavelength (yellow) as illustrated in Figure 3.48 (b). The mixture of blue light from the chip and yellow light from the phosphor results in an overall spectrum, shown in Figure 3.48 (c), that appears white to the eye. The quality and spectral characteristics of the combined emission in Figure 3.48 (c) vary with different white LED designs, for example, chip and phosphor combination. Typically, a phosphor is composed of an inorganic host substance that contains optically active dopants; the dopants are the atoms that emit the lower energy photons, that is, the activators. Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) is a common host material. For white LED applications, it is usually doped with one of the rare-earth elements or a rare-earth compound. Cerium (Ce) is a common dopant element in YAG phosphors designed for white light–emitting diodes in
LUXEON Rebel ES white-emitting LED. (Courtesy of Philips Lumileds.)
Snap LED emitting in the amber for automotive signaling applications. The lamp includes the driver under the LED. (Courtesy of Philips Lumileds.)
The Audi A8 uses LEDs for nearly all its lighting, including headlights. (Used with permission of Audi of America, Inc.)
3.18 • LED Electronics
so-called blue chip and yellow phosphor white LEDs. White LEDs are now challenging the existing incandescent sources for general lighting. In applications requiring a full spectrum of colors from a single point source, red, green, and blue (RGB)–emitting chips in a single package are used, which allows the generation of white light or any of 256 colors by utilizing circuits that drive the three diodes independently.
Additional Topics 3.18 LED Electronics The electronics involved in driving LEDs depends on the application, which generally falls into three categories: (a) DC operation, (b) modulation of the LED output light intensity about some DC value in analog applications, and (c) pulsed operation in digital applications, including optical communications. In DC operation, the LED is driven by providing the necessary current for the required optical output. The I–V characteristics is such that large changes in the current correspond to small voltage changes across the LED as in Figure 3.43 (a), and for a given LED, VF does not vary very much. The simplest circuit is shown in Figure 3.49 (a), where a DC voltage V (7 VF) provides the current, which is determined by IF = (V - VF)>R. The problem is that keeping IF constant depends on keeping V constant. Most LEDs have low reverse breakdown voltages and usually another diode, such as D, is used in parallel to shunt the LED when a reverse voltage is accidently applied to the LED. A better circuit than that in Figure 3.49 (a) should provide the necessary drive current IF to the LED, with some convenient way of controlling IF. Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are commonly used in many applications as convenient current sources. Figure 3.49 (b) is shown as an example in which the LED is in the collector circuit of the BJT, which is driven by the output of an op amp A. The resistor RF in the emitter of the BJT provides feedback, IFRF, to the negative input of A, which stabilizes the circuit. It is straightforward to show that IF ≈ V>RF, that is, the circuit provides a linear control of IF by the input voltage V. There are many ICs available that will perform the function of providing the necessary constant current under a wide range of input
Figure 3.49 (a) The simplest circuit to drive an LED involves connecting it to a voltage supply (V) through a resistor R. (b). Bipolar junction transistors are well suited for supplying a constant current. Using an IC and negative feedback, the current is linearly controlled by V. (c) There are various commercial LED driver modules that can be easily configured to drive a number of LEDs in parallel and >or series. The example has a module driving four LEDs, a dimmer (R), and an on >off switch.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
voltages, and temperature variations. Without a proper control of the current, the temperature variations can cause substantial changes in the current and hence the light output. Figure 3.49 (c) uses one of several LED driver modules available in the market, which can drive more than one LED in various parallel and series combinations, provided the maximum current rating is satisfied. The current can be externally and easily controlled, for example, by an external variable resistor, or a microprocessor. The LED drive circuit shown in Figure 3.49 (b) can also be used in modulating the output of the LED as well since the current is proportional to the input voltage as in Figure 3.50 (a). One can, of course, design faster drive circuits, but the bottleneck will eventually be in the speed of response of the LED. An AC signal of frequency f on top of a DC voltage is used to drive the LED in Figure 3.50 (a). The frequency dependence of the output light power Po(f) with respect to its DC value Po(0) is shown in Figure 3.50 (b). There is a clear roll-off at high frequencies. The cutoff frequency fc is defined as the frequency at which the normalized power drops by a factor of 21>2, that is, at f = fc, Po(fc) = 0.707Po(0). Any modulation of the LED current would result in modulating the minority carrier injection profile as shown in Figure 3.24 (a). The small signal equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3.24 (c) is usually sufficient to understand the frequency response of the LED but we have to be careful inasmuch as rd and Cdiff also depend on the frequency at high frequencies. First, consider very low frequencies, that is, almost DC. The capacitances are negligible. The diode action embedded in I = Io exp (eV>kBT) and hence the optical power output Po, depend on the current in rd. At high frequencies, the capacitances shunt away this current from rd and decrease the optical output power. The characteristic time constant t should be rdCdiff (Cdiff is greater than the depletion layer capacitance Cdep), that is, the net minority carrier recombination time. A more rigorous treatise arrives at the same conclusion and gives the output optical power Po(v) at frequency v as LED optical power output
Optical bandwidth of an LED
Po(v)>Po(0) = 1> 31 + (vt)2 41 2 (3.18.1)
At the critical frequency fc = 1>(2pt) in Eq. (3.18.1), the relative output power is 0.707 as shown in Figure 3.50 (b). The optical bandwidth fop is defined as the frequency at which Po(fop)>Po(0) = 1>2, and occurs when fop = 13fc, that is,
fop = 13>(2pt) (3.18.2)
Figure 3.50 (a) Sinusoidal modulation of an LED. (b) The frequency response where fc is the cutoff frequency at which Po( f )>Po(0) is 0.707. (c) The electrical power output from the detector as a function of frequency. At f c, 3Iph( f )>Iph(0)4 2 is 0.5. However, it is 0.707 at a lower frequency than fc.
3.18 • LED Electronics
where t is the effective or net recombination time that is, 1>t = 1>tr + tnr , where tr and tnr are the radiative and nonradiative recombination lifetimes. Recombination centers in the semiconductor reduce tnr and hence t, which would widen the bandwidth. However, the IQE is also reduced, so that the optical output power is diminished as well, which is normally undesirable. If we feed the output from the LED to a photodetector, then the detector photocurrent Iph will be proportional to Po and the electrical power delivered by the detector will be proportional to Iph2 or Po2. At the frequency fc, the detector’s electrical output power will be proportional to 30.707Po(0)4 2 or 0.5Po(0)2. Thus, fc represents a cutoff frequency (a bandwidth) at which the electrical power available from the detector has fallen to half its unmodulated value ( f = 0 value), as illustrated in Figure 3.50 (c); fc is called the electrical bandwidth. The turning on and off of an LED in digital applications involves pumping the minority carriers into the active region and then removing them when the LED is turned off. In principle, the minority carrier lifetime t should also play a key role in this pulsed operation. Figure 3.51 shows a simplified diagram for driving the LED digitally, for example, from a logic gate. The light output pulse should have an exponential rise and fall portions that delay the full turn-on and turn-off of the LED. The characteristic time constant for the rise and fall portions of the pulse should be the net recombination time t. In practice, exponential rise and fall only serve as approximations to the switching behavior of the output light pulse. The net recombination time t itself can depend on the current, and hence we should not expect a perfect exponential rise and fall. Most LED data sheets quote the rise and fall times tR and tF for LEDs that have been pulsed. tR is the rise time from 10% to 90% of the final pulse height as shown in Figure 3.51. Similarly the fall time tF is the time it takes for the pulse to drop from its 90% to 10% value before the turn-off was triggered. If we approximate the rise and fall portions as exponentials as mentioned above, then, tR = tF = 2.2t. It is possible to shape the output pulse by intruding a pulse shaping capacitor C across the resistor R as shown in Figure 3.51. Upon triggering, the capacitor can provide the initial large current to pump (inject) the minority carriers in and hence turn on the device more quickly. Similarly, the capacitor would allow a large turn-off current to take out the minority carriers. Thus tR and tF can be shortened. The RC time constant must match the net recombination time in the LED for best reduction in the rise and fall times.
Figure 3.51 An LED in a digital circuit is turned on and off by a logic gate, assumed to have a buffered output as shown, to avoid being loaded. A BJT can be used after the logic gate to drive the LED as well (not shown). Definitions of rise and fall times are shown in the light output pulse.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
Questions and Problems 3.1 Metals and work function The metal sodium (Na) has an atomic concentration of 2.54 * 1022 cm-3. Each Na atom in isolation has one outer valence electron in an unfilled 3s-subshell. Once the solid is formed, the outer valence electrons from all Na atoms are shared in the crystal by all Na+ ions, that is, these valence electrons find themselves in an unfilled energy band as in Figure 3.1 (c). Since each Na atom donates one electron to the energy band, the electron concentration is the same as the atomic concentration. Calculate the Fermi energy at 0 K. What is the speed of the electrons at EF? What should be the speed at 300 K if the electrons could be treated classically in terms of the kinetic molecular theory as if they were free, similar to the atoms in a gas? 3.2 Photocathode and work function The photocathode of a photomultiplier tube has a multi-alkaline (Sb-NaK-Cs) metal with a work function (Φ) of 1.55 eV. What is the longest wavelength that will cause photoemission? What is the kinetic energy of a photoemitted electron if the incident light wavelength is 450 nm (blue)? The quantum efficiency (QE) of a photocathode is defined by Quantum efficiency =
Number of photoemitted electrons Number of incident photons
The QE is 100% if each incident photon ejects one electron. Suppose that blue light of wavelength 450 nm with an intensity of 1 oW cm-2 is incident on this photocathode with an area of 50 mm2. If the emitted electrons are collected by applying a positive bias voltage to an anode, and the photocathode has a QE of 25%, what will be the photocurrent? (Normally the photoemitted electron is accelerated by a suitable applied field and impacts another electrode, a dynode, where it causes secondary electron emission, and so on, until the current is multiplied by orders of magnitude.) 3.3 Refractive index and bandgap Diamond, silicon, and germanium all have the same diamond unit cell. All three are covalently bonded solids. Their refractive indices (n) and energy bandgaps (Eg) are shown in Table 3.2. (a) Plot n vs. Eg and (b) Plot also n4 vs. 1 >Eg. What is your conclusion? According to Moss’s rule, roughly, n4Eg ≈ K, a constant. What is the value of K?
Table 3.2 The refractive index n and the bandgap Eg of diamond, Ge, and Si, all of which have the same crystal structure Material S Bandgap, Eg (eV) n
5 2.4
1.1 3.46
0.66 4.0
3.4 Electrons in the CB of a nondegenerate semiconductor (a) Consider the energy distribution of electrons nE(E) in the conduction band. Assuming that the density of state gCB(E) ∝ (E - Ec)1>2 and using Boltzmann statistics f (E) ≈ exp 3- (E - EF)>kBT4, show that the energy distribution of the electrons in the CB can be written as nx(x) = Cx1>2 exp ( - x)
where x = (E - Ec)>kBT is the electron energy in terms of kBT measured from Ec and C is a constant at a given temperature (independent of E). (b) Setting arbitrarily C = 1, plot nx(x) vs. x. Where is the maximum and what is the FWHM (full width at half maximum, that is, between half maximum points)? Is the use of 1.8kBT for the half-maximum width correct? (c) Show that the average electron energy in the CB is (3>2) kBT, by using the definition of average, ∞
xaverage =
xnxdx> nxdx L0 L0
where the integration is from x = 0 (Ec) to say x = 10 (far away from Ec where nx S 0). You need to use a numerical integration. (d) Show that the maximum in the energy distribution is at x = (1>2) or at Emax = (1>2) kBT.
Questions and Problems
3.5 Intrinsic and doped GaAs The properties of GaAs are shown in Table 3.1. Calculate the intrinsic concentration and the intrinsic resistivity at room temperature (take as 300 K). Where is the Fermi level? Assuming the Nc and Nv scale as T 3>2, what would be the intrinsic concentration at 100°C? If this GaAs crystal is doped with 1017 donors cm-3 (such as Te), where is the new Fermi level and what is the resistivity of the sample? The drift motilities in GaAs are shown in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Ionized dopant impurities scatter carriers and reduce the drift mobility. The dependence of Me for electrons and Mh for holes on the total ionized dopant concentration Dopant concentration (cm−3 ) GaAs, me (cm2 V-1 s-1) GaAs, mh (cm2 V-1 s-1) Si, me (cm2 V-1 s-1) Si, mh (cm2 V-1 s-1)
8500 400 1450 490
– – 1420 485
8000 380 1370 478
7000 310 1200 444
5000 250 730 328
2400 160 280 157
3.6 Electrons in GaAs Given that the electron effective mass m *e for the GaAs is 0.067me, calculate the thermal velocity of the electrons in the CB of a nondegenerately doped GaAs at room temperature (300 K). If me is the drift mobility of the electrons and te the mean free time between electron scattering events (between elec2 -1 -1 trons and lattice vibrations) and if me = ete >m*, e calculate te, given me = 8500 cm V s . Calculate the drift velocity vd = me E of the CB electrons in an applied field E of 105 V m-1. What is your conclusion? 3.7 Extrinsic n-GaAs An n-type GaAs crystal is doped with 1016 donors cm-3 (such as Te), what are the electron and hole concentrations, and the conductivity? (See Table 3.3.) 3.8 Extrinsic n-Si A Si crystal has been doped n-type with 1 * 1017 cm-3 phosphorus (P) donors. The electron drift mobility me depends on the total concentration of ionized dopants Ndopant, as in Table 3.3, inasmuch as these ionized dopants scatter the electrons and thereby decrease their drift mobility. What is the conductivity of the sample? Where is the Fermi level with respect to the intrinsic crystal? 3.9 Compensation doping in n-type Si An n-type Si sample has been doped with 1016 phosphorus (P) atoms cm-3. (a) What are the electron and hole concentrations? (b) Calculate the room temperature conductivity of the sample. (c) Where is the Fermi level with respect to EFi? (d) If we now dope the crystal with 1017 boron acceptors, what will be the electron and hole concentrations? (e) Where is the Fermi level with respect to EFi? 3.10 Free carrier absorption in semiconductors The attenuation of light due to the optical field drifting the free carriers is called free carrier absorption. As the free electrons in a semiconductor crystal are accelerated by the optical field, they eventually become scattered by lattice vibrations or impurities, and pass the energy absorbed from the radiation to lattice vibrations. In such cases, er″ and the AC conductivity s at the same frequency are related by er″ = s>eov (P3.1)
We consider a semiconductor in which the free carriers are electrons (an n-type semiconductor). The AC conductivity s in general is given by s = so >(1 + jvte) (P3.2)
where so is the DC conductivity, v is the angular frequency of light, and te is the scattering time of the conduction electrons. s decreases with frequency in Eq. (P3.2). Consider an n-type semiconductor. The free carriers are the electrons in the CB. If the drift mobility of the electrons is me, then me = ete >m*, e where m* e is the effective mass of the electrons in the CB of the semiconductor.28 The DC conductivity so = enme, where n is the concentration of CB electrons. Show that the absorption coefficient due to free carrier absorption (due to the conductivity) when v 7 1>t is given by
a = a
so 1 e3n ba b = a 2 3 b l2 (P3.3) nceot2 v2 4p nc eom*e 2me
28 As we know, conduction in an n-type semiconductor occurs by the drift of free electrons inside the semiconductor crystal. The dopants donate electrons to the crystal, which are free within the crystal.
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes where n is the refractive index. What would you expect if you plotted a vs. l2? Consider a Si crystal doped with 1015 cm-3 donors. Estimate the free carrier absorption (in m-1 and dB m-1) at 1.55 and at 5 om. What is your conclusion? [Although Eq. (P3.3) is a highly simplified approximation to describing free carrier absorption, it nonetheless provides a rough estimate of its magnitude.] 3.11 GaAs pn junction Consider a GaAs pn junction that has the following properties: Na = 1016 cm-3 (p-side); Nd = 1018 cm-3 (n-side); B = 2.0 * 10-16 m3 s-1; cross-sectional area A = 1.5 mm * 1.5 mm. Assume a long diode. What is the diode current due to diffusion in the neutral regions and recombination in the SCL at 300 K when the forward voltage across the diode is 0.8 V and then 1.1 V? (Use the drift motilities in Table 3.3 for calculating the diffusion coefficients through the Einstein relation.) 3.12 InP pn junction Consider an InP pn junction that has the following properties: Na = 1015 cm-3 (p-side); Nd = 1017 cm-3 (n-side); using B ≈ 4 * 10-16 m3 s-1; cross-sectional area A = 1 mm * 1 mm. Assume a long diode. What is the diode current due to diffusion in the neutral regions and recombination in the SCL at 300 K when the forward voltage across the diode is 0.70 and 0.9 V? The electron mobility in the p-side is about ∼6000 cm2 s-1 and the hole mobility on the n-side is roughly ∼100 cm2 s-1. (See also Table 3.1 for ni and er.) Comment on the ideality factor of this InP pn junction. 3.13 Si pn junction Consider a long pn junction diode with an acceptor doping Na of 1018 cm-3 on the p-side and donor concentration of Nd on the n-side. The diode is forward biased and has a voltage of 0.6 V across it. The diode cross-sectional area is 1 mm2. The minority carrier recombination time, t, depends on the total dopant concentration, Ndopant (cm-3), through the following approximate empirical relation t ≈ (5 * 10-7)>(1 + 2 * 10-17Ndopant) where t is in seconds. (a) Suppose that Nd = 1015 cm-3. Then the depletion layer extends essentially into the n-side and we have to consider minority carrier recombination time, th, in this region. Calculate the diffusion and recombination contributions to the total diode current given Na = 1018 cm-3 and Nd = 1015 cm-3. Use Table 3.3 for me and mh. What is your conclusion? (b) Suppose that Nd = Na. Then W extends equally to both sides and, further, te = th. Calculate the diffusion and recombination contributions to the diode current given Na = 1018 cm-3 and Nd = 1018 cm-3. Use Table 3.3 for me and mh. What is your conclusion? 3.14 Injected minority carrier charge Consider a pn junction with heavier doping on the p-side. The injected minority carriers (holes) represent an injected excess minority carrier charge Qh in the neutral region as shown in Figure 3.24 (a). (There is also excess majority carrier charge so the region is neutral.) Show that Q = Ith for a long diode and Q = Itt for a short diode in which th is the hole lifetime and tt is the diffusion time, or the transit time of holes across the width of the neutral n-region, that is, tt = l 2n >2Dh. What is your conclusion? 3.15 High injection condition The Shockley equation for a pn junction under forward bias, as shown in Figure 3.16 (a), was derived by assuming low (weak) injection conditions, that is pn(0) ≈ ∆pn(0) V nno or Nd on the n-side. Show that when the injection is no longer weak, that is when pn(0) ≈ nno = Nd, the applied voltage V reaches VSI (strong injection) given by VSI = Vo - Vth ln (Na >Nd)
where Vth is the thermal voltage (kBT>e). Calculate Vo and VSI for a Si pn junction that has Na = 1018 cm-3 and Nd = 1016 cm-3. Can you use the Shockley equation when V 7 VSI? What happens when Na = Nd ? What is your conclusion? 3.16 Heterostructure Consider a Type I heterostructure as shown in Figure 3.27. (a) If Eg1 6 Eg2 and if x1 and x2 are the electron affinities of each semicondcutor, show that ∆Ec = x1 - x2 and
∆Ev = Eg2 - Eg1 - ∆Ec
(b) Using the data in Table 3.1, draw the energy band diagram of an nP junction between an n-type Ge and P-GaAs. Under forward bias, is it easier to inject electrons or holes? (c) Draw the energy band diagram for a pN junction between p-type Ge and N-GaAs. Under forward bias, is it easier to inject electrons or holes? 3.17 Heterojunction I–V characteristics We use some of the data reported by Womac and Rediker (J. Appl. Phys., 43, 4130, 1972) for AlGaAs>GaAs pn heterojunction at 298 K (25°C). Sample A is an N + p and sample B is a P + n junction. The I–V data of interest are listed in Table 3.4. By a suitable plot find the ideality factor for each. What is your conclusion?
Questions and Problems
Table 3.4 I–V data on two heterojunctions. First set is N + p and the second set is a P + n junction A: Heterojunction N + p V 0.206 V 0.244 0.290 I 1.03 nA 2.07 5.20
0.322 10.3
0.362 20.7
0.412 52.8
0.453 105
0.485 192
0.537 515
B: Heterojunction P + n V 0.310 V 0.364 0.402 I 2.01 nA 4.91 9.79
0.433 19.0
0.485 49.5
0.521 96.1
0.561 194
0.608 466
0.682 1.96 o A
0.576 1.02 oA 0.726 5.02
0.612 2.03
0.662 4.89
0.708 10.1
0.764 9.75
0.807 19.5
0.859 50.6
3.18 AlGaAs LED emitter An AlGaAs LED emitter for in a local optical fiber network has the output spectrum shown in Figure 3.32 (b). It is designed for peak emission at about 822 nm at 25°C. (a) Why does the peak emission wavelength increase with temperature? (b) What is the bandgap of AlGaAs in this LED? (c) The bandgap, Eg, of the ternary AlxGa 1 - xAs alloys follows the empirical expression, Eg(eV) = 1.424 + 1.266x + 0.266x2. What is the composition of the AlxGa 1 - xAs in this LED? 3.19 III–V compound semiconductors in optoelectronics Figure 3.52 represents the bandgap Eg and the lattice parameter a in a quaternary III–V alloy system. A line joining two points represents the changes in Eg and a with composition in a ternary alloy composed of the compounds at the ends of that line. For example, starting at GaAs point, Eg = 1.42 eV and a = 0.565 nm, Eg decreases and a increases as GaAs is alloyed with InAs, as we move
Figure 3.52 Bandgap energy Eg and lattice constant a for various III–V alloys of GaP, GaAs, InP, and InAs. A line represents a ternary alloy formed with compounds from the end points of the line. Solid lines are for direct bandgap alloys whereas dashed lines for indirect bandgap alloys. Regions between lines represent quaternary alloys. The line from X to InP represents quaternary alloys In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy made from In0.53Ga0.47As andInP, which are lattice-matched to InP.
InGaAsP 1300 nm LED emitters, each pigtailed to an optical fiber for use in optical communication modems and lower speed data>analog transmission systems. (Courtesy of OSI Laser Diode, Inc.)
0.885 99.5
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes along the line joining GaAs to InAs. Eventually at InAs, Eg = 0.35 eV and a = 0.606 nm. Point X in Figure 3.52 is composed of InAs and GaAs and it is the ternary alloy In1 - xGa xAs. At X, In0.53Ga0.47As (often called “in-gas” in telecom) has Eg = 0.73 eV and a = 0.587 nm, which is the same a as that for InP. In1 - xGa xAs at X is therefore lattice-matched to InP and can hence be grown on an InP substrate without creating defects at the interface. Further, In1 - xGa x As at X can be alloyed with InP to obtain a quaternary alloy29 In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy whose properties lie on the line joining X and InP and therefore all have the same lattice parameter as InP but different bandgap. Layers of In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy with composition between X and InP can be grown epitaxially on an InP substrate by various techniques such as liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The grey shaded area between the solid lines represents the possible values of Eg and a for the quaternary III–V alloy system in which the bandgap is direct and hence suitable for direct recombination. The compositions of the quaternary alloy lattice matched to InP follow the line from X to InP. (a) Given that the In1 - xGa x As at X is In0.53Ga0.47As show that quaternary alloys In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy are lattice matched to InP when y = 1 - 2.13x. (b) The bandgap energy Eg, in eV for In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy lattice-matched to InP is given by the empirical relation, Eg (eV) = 0.75 + 0.46y + 0.14 y2. Find the composition of the quaternary alloy suitable for an LED emitter operating at 1.30 om. 3.20 Varshni equation and the change in the bandgap with temperature The Varshni equation describes the change in the energy bandgap Eg of a semiconductor with temperature T as given by Eq. (3.11.2) that is Eg = Ego - AT 2 >(B + T)
where Ego is Eg at 0 K, and A and B are constants. Show that dEg dT
= -
AT(T + 2B) (B + T)
= -
(Ego - Eg) T + 2B a b T T + B
For GaAs, Ego = 1.519 eV, A = 5.41 * 10-4 eV K-1, B = 204 K. What is dEg >dT for GaAs? Find the shift in the emitted wavelength from a GaAs LED per 1°C change at room temperature (300 K). Find the emission wavelength at 27°C and - 30°C. 3.21 Dependence on the emission peak and linewidth on temperature Using the Varshni equation find the peak emission wavelength and the linewidth of the emission spectrum from an In0.47Ga0.53As LED when it is cooled from 25°C to - 25°C. You can use Eqs. (3.3.1) and (3.3.2). The Varshni constants for In0.47Ga0.53As are Ego = 0.814 eV, A = 4.906 * 10-4 eV K-1, B = 301 K. 3.22 LED Output Spectrum Given that the width of the relative light intensity vs. photon energy spectrum of an LED is typically around ∼3 kBT, calculate the spectral width in wavelength (nm) of LED emitters operating at 850 nm, 1310 nm, and 1550 nm? 3.23 Linewidth of LEDs Experiments carried out on various direct bandgap semiconductor LEDs give the output spectral linewidth (between half intensity points as listed in Table 3.5). From Figure 3.31 we know that a spread in the wavelength is related to a spread in the photon energy, ∆l ≈ (hc>E 2ph)∆Eph where Eph = hy is the photon energy. Suppose that we write Eph = hc>l and ∆Eph = ∆(hy) ≈ mkBT where m is a numerical constant. Therefore, ∆l ≈ (mkBT>hc)l2 (P3.4)
By appropriately plotting the data in Table 3.5, and assuming T = 300 K, find m.
Table 3.5 Linewidth 𝚫L1,2 between half points in the output spectrum (spectral intensity vs. wavelength) of eight LEDs using direct bandgap semiconductors
Material (Direct Eg) Peak wavelength of emission (l) nm
∆l1>2 nm
Some books have other formats for the chemical composition for example, Ga xIn1 - xAsyP1 - y. The present notation In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy was chosen to reflect the common vernacular for InGaAs (pronounced “in-gas”).
Questions and Problems
Table 3.6 gives the linewidth ∆l1>2 for various visible LEDs based on GaAsP. Radiative recombination is obtained by appropriately doping the material. Using m = 3.0 in Eq. (P3.4), T = 300 K, calculate the expected spectral width for each and compare with the experimental value. What is your conclusion?
Table 3.6 Linewidth 𝚫L1,2 between half points in the output spectrum (intensity vs. wavelength) of various visible LEDs using GaAsP Peak wavelength of emission (l) nm ∆l1>2 nm Color Material
565 28 Green GaP(N)
583 36 Yellow GaAsP(N)
600 40 Orange GaAs (N)
635 40 Red GaAsP
3.24 Quantum wells We will consider a quantum well in a semiconductor heterostructure, and assume, for simplicity, an infinite potential energy quantum well with dimensions d along x, and Dy and Dz along y and z directions. The energy of an electron with respect to the bottom of the well is then given by ∆E =
h2n2 2 8m*d e
h2n2y 2 8m*D e y
(P3.5) in a 2
8m*D e z
where n, ny, and nz are quantum numbers having the values 1, 2, 3, … Consider a well that has d = 10 nm, Dx = Dy = 2 om, and m*e = 0.067me. (a) Calculate the minimum energy. Which is the most significant contributing term in Eq. (P3.5) to the lowest energy? (b) What would ny need to be to get the same energy as the first term? (c) What is the separation dE between the energy levels for motion in the y and z plane? What is your conclusion? 3.25 Energy levels in a quantum well Consider a GaAs QW sandwiched between two Al0.40Ga0.60As layers. The barrier height ∆Ec is approximately 0.30 eV, the electron effective mass in the well is 0.067me , and the width of the QW (d) is 8 nm. Calculate the energy levels ∆E1 and ∆E2 from the bottom of Ec, assuming an infinite PE well. Compare these with the calculations for a finite PE well that give ∆E1 = 0.050 eV and ∆E2 = 0.197 eV. What is your conclusion? 3.26 QW LED Linewidth Consider the QW-based InGaN (green to blue) and AlGaN (UV) LEDs whose peak emission wavelengths (lo) and linewidths (between half intensity points, ∆l) are listed in Table 3.7. For each LED, apply the linewidth equation ∆l ≈ (mkBT>hc)l2o at 300 K, and find m. Do you think this formula can be used for QW LEDs?
Table 3.7 Avago ASMT 1W series of InGaN green, cyan, blue, and royal blue LEDs and SETi AlGaN UV LED LED lo ∆l
Green 519 31.25
Cyan 497 29
Blue 454 22.5
Royal blue 450 20
UV 270 12
UV emitting LEDs (Courtesy of Sensor Electronic)
quantum well
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes 3.27 External conversion efficiency The total light output power, called the radiant flux, from a number of commercial LEDs is listed in Table 3.8. The table also lists the emitted peak wavelength and the measured linewidth for each LED. For each device calculate the external quantum efficiency (%), EQE, and m in ∆l ≈ (mkBT>hc)l2. What is your conclusion?
Table 3.8 Characteristics of selected commercial LEDs covering the IR, blue, and UV IR, IR, IR, IR, IR, UV, UVTOP Super Vishay Hamamatsu Hamamatsu Hamamatsu Osram Blue, Cree 315, SETi L1909 SFH406 TSAL6100 L10822 L10823 (InGaN) (InGaN) (InGaAs) (GaAs) (GaAlAs) (AlGaAs) (InGaAs) VF (V) IF (mA) Po (mW) lo (nm) ∆l (nm)
0.9 50 2 1650 120
1.1 50 3.1 1300 90
1.25 40 7 950 55
1.35 100 35 940 50
1.4 50 10 870 80
3.8 30 1.15 466 65
5.5 20 0.6 315 11
3.28 Light extraction efficiency of LEDs Extraction efficiency or ratio depends on the LED structure and the means that have been used to manipulate light to escape from the chip. (a) Figure 3.53 (a) shows a bare LED chip in which the light from the active region is incident on the semiconductor–air interface. The refractive indices of the semiconductor and ambient are ns and na respectively. Assume a GaN crystal for the semiconductor with a refractive index of 2.5. For normal incidence, what is the transmittance T from the semiconductor to the air? What is the critical angle uc at this interface? The fraction of output light from the active region within the emission cone defined by the critical angle uc has been evaluated to be (1>2)[1 - cos uc]. Taking into account T as well, estimate the extraction efficiency (EE) if the ambient is air, na = 1.
Figure 3.53 (a) Total internal reflection results in poor light extraction (b) Improvement in the light extraction by the use of a domed epoxy. (c) A two-dimensional diffraction grating (a photonic crystal) based surface enhances the extraction of light through Bragg diffraction. (b) Figure 3.53 (b) shows an epoxy dome placed on top of the semiconductor. Suppose that the refractive index of the epoxy is 1.8. Calculate the new critical angle at the semiconductor–epoxy interface and estimate the new EE. What is the critical angle for light rays at the epoxy–air interface? How critical is it to have an exactly hemispherical surface? (c) Figure 3.53 (c) shows an LED chip whose surface has been patterned to form a two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal, which is a periodic modulation of the refractive index. With the right periodicity Λ, the photonic crystal will leak out the light trapped in the crystal. We will take a highly simplified view and treat the periodic variation as a grating. If ui is the angle of incidence, there is a diffracted beam at an angle um, which satisfies the Bragg diffraction condition that involves two different media that is, Λ(ns sin ui - na sin um) = ml
Questions and Problems
where l is the free-space wavelength, m is the diffraction order. Suppose that ns ≈ 2.5 (GaN), na = 1 (air), l = 500 nm, Λ = 300 nm, find the critical angle and the first-order diffracted beams when ui = 60°. What is your conclusion? 3.29 LED efficiencies A particular 890 nm IR LED for use in instrumentation has a AlGaAs chip. The active region has been doped p-type with 4 * 1017 cm-3 of acceptors and the nonradiative lifetime is about 60 ns. At a forward current of 50 mA, the voltage across it is 1.4 V, and the emitted optical power is 10 mW. Calculate the PCE, IQE, and EQE, and estimate the light extraction ratio. For AlGaAs, B ≈ 1 * 10-16 m3 s-1. 3.30 LED luminous flux (a) Consider a particular green LED based on InGaN MQW active region. The emission wavelength is 528 nm. At an LED current of 350 mA, the forward voltage is 3.4 V. The emitted luminous flux is 92 lm. Find the power conversion efficiency, external quantum efficiency, luminous efficacy, and the emitted optical power (radiant flux)? (Data for Osram LT CPDP.) (b) A red LED emits 320 mW of optical power at 656 nm when the current is 400 mA and the forward voltage is 2.15 V. Calculate the power conversion efficiency, external efficiency and the luminous efficacy. (Data for thin film InGaAlP Osram LH W5AM LED.) (c) A deep blue LED emits at an optical power of 710 mW at 455 nm when the current is 350 mA and the forward voltage is 3.2 V. Calculate the power conversion efficiency, external efficiency, and luminous efficacy. (Data for a GaN Osram LD W5AM LED.) 3.31 SLEDs and ELEDs Experiments carried out on an AlGaAs SLED (surface-emitting LED) and an ELED (edge-emitting LED) give the light output power vs. current data in Table 3.9. (a) Show that the output light power vs. current characteristics are not linear. (b) By plotting the optical power output (Po) vs. current (I) data on a log-log plot show that Po ∝ I n. Find n for each LED.
Table 3.9 Light output power vs. DC current for surface- and edge-emitting LEDs SLED I (mA) SLED Light output power, Po (mW) ELED I (mA) ELED Light output power (mW) Po
25 1.04 25 0.46
50 2.07 50 0.88
75 3.1 75 1.28
100 4.06 100 1.66
150 5.8 150 2.32
200 7.6 200 2.87
250 9.0 250 3.39
300 10.2 300 3.84
3.32 LED-Fiber coupling Efficiency (a) It is found that approximately 200 oW is coupled into a multimode step index fiber from a surface-emitting LED when the current is 75 mA and the voltage across the LED is about 1.5 V. What is the overall efficiency of operation? (b) Experiments are carried out on coupling light from a 1310 nm ELED (edge-emitting LED) into multimode and single-mode fibers. (i) At room temperature, when the ELED current is 120 mA, the voltage is 1.3 V and light power coupled into a 50 om multimode fiber with NA (numerical aperture) of 0.2 is 48 oW. What is the overall efficiency? (ii) At room temperature, when the ELED current is 120 mA, the voltage is 1.3 V and light power coupled into a 9 om single mode fiber is 7 oW. What is the overall efficiency? 3.33 Internal optical power For a particular AlGaAs LED emitting at 850 nm, the nonradiative recombination lifetime is tnr = 50 ns. The recombination occurs in the active region, which has been doped with acceptors of concentration 1017 cm-3, and the direct recombination coefficient B is 2 * 10-16 cm3 s-1. What is the internal optical power generated at a current of 100 mA? 3.34 Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and bandwidth product Show that IQE and the bandwidth fc product is hIQE fc =
1 2ptr
What is your conclusion? Consider an LED in which the radiative and nonradiative lifetimes are approximately 10 ns and 50 ns, respectively. What are the IQE and the possible bandwidth f c? What happens if defects cause tnr to be 25 ns? What other factors do you think would reduce the bandwidth? 3.35 Bandwidth and rise and fall time (a) Suppose the rise tR for an LED is given, and the rise and fall times are the same. Show that its AC modulation bandwidth fc (the cutoff frequency) is given by fc = 0.35>tR
Chapter 3 • Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes (b) The specifications for a particular 1300 nm InGaAs ELED (PE13W series) pigtailed to a fiber has rise and fall times given by 2.5 ns. Calculate the bandwidth fc. How does that compare with the quoted value 150 MHz? (c) At large currents, that is, when the minority injection is strong, the radiative recombination time tr is no longer constant, but given by Eq. (3.8.7), tr = 1>B∆n, where ∆n is the injected concentration of carriers. The injected carriers (∆n) into the active region are brought in by the current (J) and then they recombine and emit photons, that is, ∆n is proportional to the current density J. How would this affect the bandwidth? 3.36 LED electronic drive circuits Figures 3.49 (b) shows one possible way to drive an LED. Assume that VCC is large and that the base-emitter voltage of the BJT is 0.7 V, show that IF ≈ V /RF. How large should VCC be? Consider a red LED that has VF = 2 V at IF = 20 mA and Imax = 50 mA. If the input control voltage range is from 0 to 5V, what would you recommend for RF, RB, and VCC? 3.37 LED electronic drive circuit design Figures 3.54 (a)–(c) shows three possible circuits that can be used to drive a high-current LED from CMOS or similar low-current logic circuits. A bipolar junction transistor (Q1) is commonly used for this task.
Figure 3.54 (a) A CMOS logic circuit (or a gate) drives an LED through a BJT Q1. (b) The logic gate drives Q1, which shunts the current from the LED and switches it off. (c) A combination of (a) and (b) with speeding capacitors CB and C1 to turn the LED on and off more quickly. In all three cases, the inputs to the logic circuit are the same. (a) Consider Figure 3.54 (a), if the input is high (5 V), Q1 is fully turned on and VCE = 0.25 V (saturated CE voltage), and VBE = 0.7 V. What is the current IF through the LED? If the LED needs IF = 50 mA and VF = 2 V, and VCC = 5V, what is RC? Suppose that Q1 has a minimum b (or hFE) of 70, what is RB? Is there an advantage in using higher VCC voltages? (b) Consider Figure 3.54 (b). Show that the LED is turned off when the input is high (5 V) [as opposed to (a) above]. For the same LED as in (a) with IF = 50 mA, VF = 2 V, and VCC = 5V, find RC and RB. (c) The circuit Figure 3.54 (c) has been designed to drive an LED that has IF = 25 mA and VF = 2 V. The resistors are RB = 5.6 kΩ, RC = 100 Ω, R1 = 22 Ω, and R2 = 820 Ω. Explain how the circuit works, assuming first Q1 is off and then it is on (VCE = 0.25 V). Is IF close to 25 mA when Q1 is off? The capacitors CB and C1 across RB and R1 speed up the circuit. What do you think CBRB and C1R1 should be? What are the requirement on Q1?
This multichip LED from Osram is used in microprojectors. It is based on thin-film GaN technology. (Courtesy of OSRAM Opto Semi conductors, Germany.)
A handheld microprojector MPro120 from 3M for projecting photos and videos on a wall uses LEDs for its projection light. (Courtesy of 3M.)
Questions and Problems
LEDs have now widely replaced the incandescent light bulbs in traffic lights.
This LED-based light bulb for use in chandeliers uses a few watts of electric power (2.5W) to generate 135 lumens of light. There are 18 LED chips each with a yellow phosphor to generate the white light.
We thought it [the laser] might have some communications and scientific uses, but we had no application in mind. If we had, it might have hampered us and not worked out as well. —Arthur Schawlow1
Zhores Alferov (on the right) with Valery Kuzmin (technician) in 1971 at the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, discussing their experiments on heterostructures. Zhores Alferov carried out some of the early pioneering work on heterostructure semiconductor devices that led to the development of a number of important optoelectronic devices, including the heterostructure laser. Zhores Alferov and Herbert Kroemer shared the Nobel Prize in Physics (2000) with Jack Kilby. Their Nobel citation is “for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics.” (Courtesy of Professor Zhores Alferov, Ioffe Physical Technical Institute.)
Arthur Schawlow (1921–1999; Nobel Laureate, 1981) talking about the invention of the laser.
Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
4.1 Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers A. Stimulated Emission and Population Inversion An electron in an atom can be excited from an energy level E 1 to a higher energy level E2 by the absorption of a photon of energy hy = E2 - E1 as shown inFigure4.1 (a). When an electron at a higher energy level transits down in energy to an unoccupied energy level, it emits a photon. There are essentially twopossibilities for the emission process. The electron can undergo the downward transition by itself quite spontaneously, or it can be induced to do so by another photon. In spontaneous emission, the electron falls down in energy from level E2 to E1 and emits a photon of energy hy = E2 - E1 in a random direction as indicated in Figure 4.1 (b). The transition is spontaneous provided that the state with energy E1 is empty, i.e., not already occupied by another electron. In classical physics, when a charge accelerates and decelerates as in an oscillatory motion with a frequency y it emits an electromagnetic radiation also of frequency y. The emission process during the transition of the electron from E2 to E1 can be classically thought of as if the electron is oscillating with a frequency y. In stimulated emission2, an incoming photon of energy hy = E2 - E1 stimulates the whole emission process by inducing the electron at E 2 to transit down to E1. The emitted photon has the same energy, since hy = E2 - E1, it is in phase with the incoming photon, it is in the same direction, and it has the same polarization, that is, the optical field oscillations in the emitted and in the incoming photon are in the same direction, as illustrated in Figure 4.1 (c). To get a feel of what is happening during stimulated emission one can think of the electric field of the incoming photon coupling to the electron and thereby driving it with the same frequency as the incoming photon. The forced oscillation of the electron at a frequency y = (E2 - E1)>h causes it to emit electromagnetic radiation whose electric field is in total phase with that of the stimulating radiation. When the incoming photon leaves the site, the electron has returned to E 1 because it has emitted a photon of energy hy = E2 - E1 . Although we considered the 2
Also called induced emission.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.1 Absorption, spontaneous (random photon) emission, and stimulated emission.
transitions of an electron in an atom, we could have just well described photon absorption, and spontaneous and stimulated emission in Figure 4.1 in terms of energy transitions of the atom itself, in which case E1 and E2 represent the energy levels of the atom. Stimulated emission is the basis for obtaining photon amplification since one incoming photon results in two outgoing photons which are in phase. How does one achieve a practical light amplifying device based on this phenomenon? It should be quite apparent from Figure 4.1 (c) that to obtain stimulated emission, the incoming photon should not be absorbed by another atom at E1. When we are considering a collection of atoms to amplify light, we must therefore have the majority of the atoms at the energy level E2. If this were not the case, the incoming photons would be absorbed by the atoms at E1. When there are more atoms at E2 than at E1, we have what is called a population inversion. Under normal equilibrium conditions, as a result of Boltzmann statistics, most of the atoms would be at E1, and very few at E2. We therefore need to excite the atoms, cause population inversion, to obtain stimulated emission. It should be apparent that with only two energy levels, we can never achieve population at E2 greater than that at E1 because, in the steady state, the incoming photon flux will cause as many upward excitations as downward stimulated emissions. We need at least three energy levels as shown below in Section B. B. Photon Amplification and Laser Principles Let us consider the three-energy-level system shown in Figure 4.2 (a), with levels at E1, E2, and E3. There are, of course, other energy levels but they are not involved in the following processes. The present example will roughly represent what happens in a ruby laser. The energy levels
Figure 4.2 The principle of the laser, using a ruby laser as an example. (a) The ions (Cr3 + ) in the ground state are pumped up to the energy level E3 by photons from an optical excitation source. (b) Ions at E3 rapidly decay to the long-lived state at the energy level E2 by emitting lattice vibrations (phonons). (c) As the states at E2 are long-lived, they quickly become populated and there is a population inversion between E2 and E1. (d) A random photon (from spontaneous decay) of energy hy21 = E2 - E1 can initiate stimulated emission. Photons from this stimulated emission can themselves further stimulate emissions, leading to an avalanche of stimulated emissions and hence coherent photons being emitted.
4.1 • Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers
E1, E2, and E3 correspond to the energies of the chromium ions (Cr3 + ) in a crystal of Al2O3 (a corundum crystal); E1 is the ground energy of the Cr3 + ion. Suppose that an external optical excitation causes the Cr3 + ions in the crystal to become excited to the energy level E3. This is called the pump energy level, and the process of exciting the Cr3 + ions to E3 is called pumping. In the present case, optical pumping is used, and we need a pump source with a photon energy of hy13 = E3 - E1. From E3, the Cr3 + ions decay rapidly to an energy level E2 by emitting phonons,3 that is, lattice vibrations (heat), as shown in Figure 4.2 (b). Thus, the transition from E3 to E2 is a radiationless transition. The energy level E2 happens to correspond to a state that does not rapidly and spontaneously decay to the lower-energy state E1. In other words, the state at E2 is a long-lived state.4 (The characteristic transition time constant from E2 to E1 is about 3 ms, which is very long in the atomic world.) Since the Cr3 + ions cannot decay rapidly from E2 to E1, they accumulate at this energy level. With ample pumping, we can accumulate sufficient Cr3 + ions at E2 to cause a population inversion between E2 and E1, as pumping takes more and more Cr3 + ions to E3 and hence E2. Population inversion is shown in Figure 4.2 (c). When a Cr3 + ion at E2 decays spontaneously, it emits a photon (a “random photon”) which can go on to a neighboring Cr3 + ion and cause that to execute stimulated emission. The photons from the latter can go on to the next Cr3 + ion at E2 and cause that to emit by stimulated emission and so on. The result is an avalanche of stimulated emission processes with all the photons in phase, in the same direction, and with the same polarization, so that the light output is a large collection of coherent photons as in Figure 4.2 (d). This is the basic principle of the ruby laser, and hence the three-level laser. At the end of the avalanche of stimulated emission processes, the Cr3 + ions at E2 would have dropped to E1 and can be pumped again to repeat the stimulated emission cycle. The emission from E2 to E1 is called the lasing emission.5 The system we have just described for photon amplification is a laser, an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.6 A more realistic energy diagram for the Cr3 + ion in the ruby crystal is shown in Figure 4.3 (a), which is typical of three-level laser systems that involve ions in crystals or glasses. The main difference from the simple schematic in Figure 4.2 is that the higher energy level E3 is actually a band of energy levels. There is another band of energies around E′3. The Cr3 + ion can be excited by green light to E3 and by blue light to E3′. (The ruby crystal is “pink” because it absorbs green and blue light.7) Pumping is achieved by using an intense xenon flash light. The ions become excited to the E3 and E3′ bands and then decay quickly from these bands by emitting phonons. They populate the E2-level as described above. Once more than half the ions at E1 have been pumped, there is population inversion between E1 and E2 and consequently the pumped medium (the ruby crystal) exhibits optical gain, or photon amplification. 3
A phonon is a quantum of lattice vibrational energy, just as a photon is a quantum of electromagnetic energy.
We will not examine what causes certain states to be long-lived, but simply accept that these states do not decay rapidly by spontaneous emission to lower-energy states. Put differently, the decay time is very long (typically in milliseconds) on the atomic scale. 5 Arthur Schawlow, one of the coinventors of the laser, was well-known for his humor and has, apparently, said that “Anything will lase if you hit it hard enough.” In 1971, Schawlow and Ted Hänsch were able to develop the first edible laser made from Jell-O. (T. Hansch, M. Pernier, A. Schawlow, “Laser Action of Dyes in Gelation,” IEEE J. Quantum Elect., 7, 45, 1971.) 6 Although it is indeed an acronym, it is now commonly used as a noun that implies a device that emits coherent radiation. 7 The ruby crystal appears red if the Cr3 + ions concentration is large. For the Cr3 + concentrations used in the ruby laser, the crystal appears pink.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.3 (a) A more realistic energy diagram for the Cr3 + ion in the ruby crystal (Al2O3), showing the optical pumping levels and the stimulated emission. (b) The laser action needs an optical cavity to reflect the stimulated radiation back and forth to build up the total radiation within the cavity, which encourages further stimulated emissions. (c) A typical construction for a ruby laser, which uses an elliptical reflector, and has the ruby crystal at one focus and the pump light at the other focus.
To get coherent lasing radiation out from the ruby laser, we need to do more, not just amplify the radiation along the ruby crystal. We can increase stimulated emissions by increasing the number of photons, i.e., the radiation intensity, within the crystal inasmuch as more photons cause more stimulated emissions. The ends of the ruby crystal, which is normally a rod, are silvered to reflect back and forward the stimulated radiation, that is, to form an optical cavity with mirrors at the ends, as shown Figure 4.3 (b). As the stimulated photons are reflected back into the crystal, the radiation intensity buildsup inside the crystal, in much the same way we build up voltage oscillations in an electrical oscillator circuit by feedback. The buildup of coherent radiation in the cavity encourages further stimulated emissions, until a large avalanche of stimulated transitions occur and takes most of the ions at E2 down to E1. One of the mirrors is partially silvered to allow some of this radiation to be tapped out. What comes out is a pulse of highly coherent radiation that has a high intensity as illustrated in Figure 4.3 (b). The coherency and the well-defined wavelength of the emitted radiation from a laser are attributes that make it distinctly different from a random stream of different wavelength photons emitted from a tungsten bulb, or randomly phased photons from an LED. The reader might have noticed that the photon energy emitted from the laser system is less than the photon energy we used to pump it, that is, excite it; hy21 6 hy13. However, we only needed incoherent radiation to pump the system, and we obtained a fully coherent radiation as output. Practical ruby lasers need efficient optical pumping, which can be obtained by using an elliptical reflector with the ruby crystal rod at one focus, and the pump light, a xenon flash, at the other focus as shown in Figure 4.3 (c). The early ruby lasers used a helical xenon flash tube surrounding the ruby rod. The lasing emission from the ruby laser is a light pulse, whose duration and intensity depend on the laser construction, and the xenon flash. Ruby lasers are frequently used in interferometry, holography, and hair and tattoo removal, among other applications.
4.1 • Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers
Theodore Harold Maiman was born in 1927 in Los Angeles, son of an electrical engineer. He studied engineering physics at Colorado University, while repairing electrical appliances to pay for college, and then obtained a Ph.D. from Stanford. Theodore Maiman constructed this first laser in 1960 while working at Hughes Research Laboratories (T.H. Maiman, “Stimulated optical radiation in ruby lasers”, Nature, 187, 493, 1960). There is a vertical chromium ion doped ruby rod in the center of a helical xenon flash tube. The ruby rod has mirrored ends. The xenon flash provides optical pumping of the chromium ions in the ruby rod. The output is a pulse of red laser light. (Courtesy of HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, California.)
C. Four-Level Laser System The problem with the three-level laser system in Figure 4.2 (a) is that to achieve population inversion, we must pump at least half the Cr3 + ions at the ground level E1 to E2. It would be much better if we could achieve population inversion as soon as we begin exciting the ions at E1 to E3 to E2. We can quickly and easily achieve population inversion if we use a four-level system as in Figure 4.4, where the ground energy is E0. Figure 4.4 roughly represents the energy levels of Nd3 + ions in a Y3Al5O11 (yttrium aluminate garnate, YAG) crystal, usually written as Nd3 +: YAG. In equilibrium, the population of the ions at these energy levels follow the Boltzmann distribution; and nearly all the ions are at E0 whereas E1, E2, and E3 are mostly empty. The ions at E0 are excited by optical pumping to the energy level E3. In many cases, this is a band of energy levels and is called the pump band. From E3, the ions decay rapidly by phonon emission to E2, which is a long-lived state with a lifetime in the milliseconds, i.e., the spontaneous decay from E2 to E1 is slow. Clearly, as soon as ions begin to populate E2 we have population inversion between the level E1 and E2 inasmuch as E1 is initially nearly empty. The lasing emission takes place by stimulated emission as ions drop from E2 to E1. From E1, the ions return back to E0 by the emission of phonons (or spontaneous photons in some cases). We also need the ions at E1 to decay quickly back to E0 so that a buildup of ions at E1 is avoided, and the ions are quickly returned back to E0 for repumping. In cases where E1 is within only a few kBT to E0, the four-level system behaves almost like the three-level system in Figure 4.2. The four-level laser system in Figure 4.4 serves as an excellent way to explain the majority of practical lasers. Indeed, most modern lasers are based on a four-level system, or its equivalent. For example, in the Nd3 +: YAG laser, the Nd3 + ions are excited by using a flash tube or a laser diode (LD) to E3 and hence to E2, which is the upper laser level. The lifetime of the ions at E2 is about 230 os. The lower laser level is E1. The lasing emission from E2 to E1 is in the infrared at 1064 nm. The Nd3 + :YAG can be operated in the pulsed mode as well as in CW mode. In contrast, the ruby laser is operated in the pulsed mode because of the large power required for pumping the ruby crystal.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.4 A four-energy-level laser system. Highly simplified representation of Nd3 + :YAG laser.
4.2 Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section A. Stimulated Emission and Einstein Coefficients A useful laser medium must have a higher efficiency of stimulated emission compared with the efficiencies of spontaneous emission and absorption. We need to determine the controlling factors for the rates of stimulated emission, spontaneous emission, and absorption. Consider a medium as in Figure 4.5 that has N1 atoms per unit volume at the energy E1 and N2 atoms per unit volume at the energy E2. Then the rate of upward transitions from E1 to E2 by photon absorption will be proportional to the concentration of atoms N1, and also to the number of photons per unit volume with energy hy = E2 - E1. Put differently, this rate will depend on the energy density in the radiation. Thus, the upward transition rate R12 is Upward transitions
R12 = B12N1r(y) (4.2.1)
where B12 is a proportionality constant termed the Einstein B12 coefficient, and r(y) is the photon energy density per unit frequency,8 that is, the energy in the radiation per unit volume
Figure 4.5 Absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission. 8
Using r(y) defined in this way simplifies the evaluation of the proportionality constants in this section. Further, in the simplified treatise here, we neglected the degeneracy of the energy levels, which introduces numerical factors that multiply N1 and N2.
4.2 • Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section
per unit frequency due to photons with energy hy = E2 - E1. The rate of downward transitions from E2 to E1 involves spontaneous and stimulated emission. The spontaneous emission rate depends on the concentration N2 of atoms at E2. The stimulated emission rate depends on both N2 and the photon concentration r(y) with energy hy (= E2 - E1). Thus, the total downward transition rate is R21 = A21N2 + B21N2r(y) (4.2.2)
Downward transitions
where the first term is due to spontaneous emission [does not depend on the photon energy density r(y) to drive it] and the second term is due to stimulated emission, which requires photons to drive it. A21 and B21 are the proportionality constants termed the Einstein coefficients for spontaneous and stimulated emissions, respectively. To find the coefficients A21, B12, and B21, we consider the events in equilibrium, that is, the medium in thermal equilibrium (no external excitation). There is no net change with time in the populations at E1 and E2 which means R12 = R21 (4.2.3)
Furthermore, in thermal equilibrium, Boltzmann statistics demands that N2 >N1 = exp 3-(E2 - E1)>kBT 4 (4.2.4)
Boltzmann statistics in equilibrium
where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. Now in thermal equilibrium, in the collection of atoms we are considering, radiation from the atoms must give rise to an equilibrium photon energy density, req(y), that is given by Planck’s black body radiation distribution law9
req(y) =
8phy3 hy 3 c cexpa b - 1d kBT
It is important to emphasize that Planck’s law in Eq. (4.2.5) applies only in thermal equilibrium; we are using this equilibrium condition to determine the Einstein coefficients. During the laser operation, of course, r(y) is not described by Eq. (4.2.5); in fact it is much larger. From Eqs. (4.2.1) to (4.2.5) we can readily show that B12 = B21 (4.2.6)
A21 >B21 = 8phy3>c3 (4.2.7)
Now consider the ratio of stimulated to spontaneous emission
B21N2r(y) B21r(y) R21(stim) = = (4.2.8) R21(spon) A21N2 A21
See, for example, any modern physics textbook.
Planck’s black body radiation in equilibrium
Absorption and stimula ted emission coefficients Spontaneous and stimula ted emission coefficients
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
which, by Eq. (4.2.7), can be written as Stimulated to spontaneous emission
R21(stim) c3 = r(y) (4.2.9) R21(spon) 8phy3 In addition, the ratio of stimulated emission to absorption is
Stimulated to absorption
Spontaneous decay lifetime
R21(stim) N2 = (4.2.10) R12(absorp) N1
There are two important conclusions. For stimulated photon emission to exceed photon absorption, by Eq. (4.2.10), we need to achieve population inversion, that is, N2 7 N1. For stimulated emission to far exceed spontaneous emission, by Eq. (4.2.9) we must have a large photon concentration, which is achieved by building an optical cavity to contain the photons. The rate R12 represents the rate at which N1 is decreasing by absorption, thus, R12 = -dN1 >dt. The rate R21 represents the rate at which N2 is decreasing by spontaneous and stimulated emission, thus, R21 = -dN2 >dt. Further, the rate at which N2 changes by spontaneous emission can be written as
dN2 >dt = -A21N2 = -N2 >tsp (4.2.11)
where, by definition, tsp = 1>A21, and is termed the spontaneous decay time, or more commonly called the lifetime of level E2. It is important to point out that the population inversion requirement N2 7 N1 means that we depart from thermal equilibrium. According to Boltzmann statistics in Eq. (4.2.4), N2 7 N1 implies a negative temperature! The laser principle is based on non-thermal equilibrium.10 The number of states an ion or an atom has at a given energy level is called its degeneracy g. We assumed that the degeneracy g1 and g2 of E1 and E2 are the same. We can, of course, redo the treatment above by including g1 and g2. The final result is equivalent to replacing N1 by N1(g2 >g1).
Example 4.2.1 Minimum pumping power for three-level laser systems
Minimum pumping for population inversion for three-level laser
Consider the three-level system as shown in Figure 4.2 (a). Assuming that the transitions from E3 to E2 are fast, and the spontaneous decay time from E2 to E1 is tsp, show that the minimum pumping power Ppmin that must be absorbed by the laser medium per unit volume for population inversion (N2 7 N1) is
Pp min >V = (N0 >2)hy13 >tsp (4.2.12)
where V is the volume, N0 is the concentration of ions in the medium, and hence at E0 before pumping. Consider a ruby laser in which the concentration of Cr3 + ions is 1019 cm - 3, the ruby crystal rod is 10 cm long and 1 cm in diameter. The lifetime of Cr3 + at E2 is 3 ms. Assume the pump takes the Cr3 + ions to the E3-band in Figure 4.3 (a), which is about 2.2 eV above E0. Estimate the minimum power that must be provided to this ruby laser to achieve population inversion.
10 “But I thought, now wait a minute! The second law of thermodynamics assumes thermal equilibrium. We don’t have that!” Charles D. Townes (born 1915; Nobel Laureate, 1964). The laser idea occurred to Charles Townes, apparently, while he was taking a walk one early morning in Franklin Park in Washington, DC, while attending a scientific committee meeting. Non-thermal equilibrium (population inversion) is critical to the principle of the laser.
4.2 • Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section
Solution Consider the three-level system in Figure 4.2 (a). To achieve population inversion we need to get half the ions at E1 to level E2 so that N2 = N1 = N0 >2, since N0 is the total concentration of Cr3 + ions all initially at E1. We will need 3(N0 >2)hy13 * volume4 amount of energy to pump to the E3-band. The ions decay quickly from E3 to E2. We must provide this pump energy before the ions decay from E2 to E1, that is, before tsp. Thus, the minimum power the ruby needs to absorb is
which is Eq. (4.2.12). For the ruby laser
Ppmin = V(N0 >2)hy13 >tsp
Ppmin = 3p(0.5 cm)2(10 cm)43(1019 cm - 3)>243(2.2 eV)(1.6 * 10 - 19 J/eV)4>(0.003 s) = 4.6 kW
The total pump energy that must be provided in less than 3 ms is 13.8 J.
B. Emission and Absorption Cross-Sections In many photonic applications, we need to describe absorption and emission in terms of crosssections. Consider a medium that has been doped with ions, perhaps Nd3 + ions in YAG or glass, and consider two energy levels E1 and E2, as in Figure 4.6 (a). Suppose that there is a flux of photons Φph passing through the medium along a particular direction (x), and the photon energy hy = E2 - E1. The flux is the number of photons flowing per unit area along a certain direction so that Φph = I>hy, where I is the intensity of the beam11 (radiation energy flow per unit area per unit time). The absorption of radiation, that is, photons, in the medium depends on two factors. First is the number of ions per unit volume, N1; higher concentration N1 will mean more absorption. Second is the nature of the interaction of the photon with an individual ion, and is related to the properties of the ion in the medium. The interaction of a photon with an individual ion can be intuitively visualized as the ion having a certain cross-sectional area, sab, and if the photon
Figure 4.6 (a) Absorption of photons by ions in a medium, and the illustration of the absorption cross-section sab. (b) Stimulated emission of photons by the same ions in the medium, and the illustration of the emission cross-section sem. (c) Upper and lower manifolds of energy. Each manifold has numerous closely spaced sublevels. Absorption and emission can involve the same or different levels.
I (san-serif font) is used for the light intensity (optical power flow per unit area, W m - 2) and I for the current in thischapter.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
crosses this area, it becomes absorbed, as illustrated in Figure 4.6 (a). The optical power absorbed by a single ion depends on the light intensity incident and the ion’s absorption cross-section, i.e., Definition of absorption cross-section
Optical power absorbed by an ion = Light intensity * Absorption cross@section of ion = Isab (4.2.13) which defines the absorption cross-section sab. For the collection of N1 ions per unit volume, the total power absorbed per unit volume is IsabN1. Consider a small volume A∆x of the medium, as in Figure 4.6 (a), where A is the cross- sectional area and the radiation propagates along x. The total optical power ∆Po absorbed in this volume is then (IsabN1)(A∆x). Suppose that ∆I is the change (negative if absorption) in the intensity of the propagating radiation over the distance ∆x. Then A∆I = -Total power absorbed in A∆x = -(IsabN1)(A∆x) i.e.,
Absorption cross-section sab and coefficient a
∆I = sabN1 = a (4.2.14) I∆x
where the left-hand side is the fractional change in the light intensity per unit distance, and therefore represents a, the absorption coefficient of the medium, due to the absorption of radiation by ions at E1, which reach E2. Clearly, a = sabN1. We could have easily used the latter as the definition of sab and derived Eq. (4.2.13) instead. The stimulated emission case, shown in Figure 4.6 (b), is similar. We can define an emission cross-section sem such that if an incident photon crosses the area sem, it stimulates the ion to emit a photon as shown in Figure 4.6 (b). In a similar way to Eq. (4.2.13) Definition of emission cross-section
Stimulated optical power emitted by an ion = Light intensity * Emission cross@section of ion = Isem (4.2.15) As the radiation propagates along x, its intensity I increases due to stimulated emissions from E2 to E1. Since only ions at E2 with a concentration N2 can be stimulated to emit, the equivalent of Eq. (4.2.14) for the fractional increase in the intensity per unit distance is
Emission cross-section sam and optical gain
∆I = semN2 (4.2.16) I∆x
The net fractional increase in the intensity I per unit distance is defined as the gain coefficient g of the medium, so that, in the presence of stimulated emission and absorption Net optical gain coefficient
g = c
∆I d = semN2 - sabN1 (4.2.17) I∆x net
In the presence of just two discrete energy levels, as in Figure 4.6 (a) and (b), we know that B12 = B21, and similarly, sab = sem. However, in many practical cases, the two energy levels are actually two manifolds of energies, that is, each manifold consists of narrowly spaced sublevels, as illustrated in Figure 4.6 (c). The lower E1-manifold has sublevels that cover the range ∆E1, as in Figure 4.6 (c), and the higher E2-manifold has sublevels that are within ∆E2. Suppose we excite the ions with photons of energy hyo that are absorbed and take some of ions from the E1- to the E2-manifold. Three of the
4.2 • Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section
possibilities for absorption are shown in Figure 4.6 (c) that take ions from different sublevels in ∆E1 and put them at various sublevels in ∆E2 in which hyo is the same for all. However, the downward transitions are more selective because the end level in the E1-manifold must be empty, and only the higher levels in this manifold (top of ∆E1) are less populated. Thus, there are less chances for the downward transitions that emit the same hyo as shown in Figure 4.6 (c). In addition, the excited ions in the E2-manifold decay rapidly by emitting lattice vibrations (they thermalize) to the lower levels in E2 and then emit photons with hyo′ 6 hyo. Clearly, the net effect is that emission at yo is less likely than absorption at the same frequency. Consequently, sem and sab are then not the same at yo; and sab is larger than sem in this example. We can consider other photon energies besides hyo in Figure 4.6 (c), and hence consider sab and sem at other frequencies. We must therefore generalize Eq. (4.2.17) and write sab and sem as frequency dependent, i.e., g(y) = sem(y)N2 - sab(y)N1 (4.2.18)
Optical gain coefficient
Although Eq. (4.2.18) has been derived in terms of y as a variable, it could have just as well be written in terms of l. When the net gain in Eq. (4.2.18) is zero, the medium becomes transparent to the incoming radiation, which is neither absorbed nor amplified. The transparency condition is sem(y)N2 - sab(y)N1 = 0 (4.2.19)
Transparency condition
To find the overall optical power (or intensity) gain G through a medium that has been pumped or excited, we need to integrate Eq. (4.2.17) along the length of the medium, from x = 0 to x = L. If N2 and N1 remain the same over L and hence g is constant along L, then G = I(L)>I(0) is given by
G = exp (gL) (4.2.20)
Henceforth we will use the above equations in describing optical amplifiers.
Example 4.2.2 Gain coefficient in a Nd3+-doped glass fiber Consider a Nd3 + -doped silica-based glass fiber. Suppose we want to use this fiber as an optical amplifier. The Nd3 + concentration in the fiber core is 1 * 1019 cm - 3. The Nd3 + ions can be pumped from E0 to E3 in Figure 4.4 from which they decay rapidly down to E2, and the population inversion between E2 and E1 gives optical amplification. The E2 to E1 emission is approximately at 1.05 om, and the emission crosssection is about 3 * 10 - 20 cm2. Estimate the maximum gain coefficient with this amount of doping if we could pump all the Nd3 + ions. What is gain G in dB if the fiber is 20 cm long?
Solution The maximum gain will be achieved when all Nd3 + ions have been pumped to E2. From Eq. (4.2.17) g = semN2 = (3 * 10 - 20 cm2)(1 * 1019 cm - 3) = 0.3 cm - 1 or 30 m - 1 This gain increases with the Nd3 + concentration. The maximum theoretical gain Gmax for a 20 cm fiber is G = exp(gL) = exp 3(0.3 cm - 1) * (20 cm)4 = 403.4 or 26.1 dB
Net optical power gain
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
4.3 Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers A. Principle of Operation and Amplifier Configurations A light signal that is traveling along an optical fiber over a long distance suffers marked attenuation. It becomes necessary to regenerate the light signal at certain intervals for long-haul communications over several thousand kilometers. Instead of regenerating the optical signal by photodetection, conversion to an electrical signal, amplification, and then conversion back from electrical to light energy by a laser diode, it becomes practical to amplify the signal directly by using an optical amplifier. One practical optical amplifier is based on the erbium (Er 3+ ion)-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA).12 The core region of an optical fiber is doped with Er3 + ions. The host fiber core material is a glass based on silica-aluminate (SiO3-Al2O3) or silica-germania (SiO3-GeO2), or both; other glass hosts have also been used. It is easily fused to a single-mode long-distance optical fiber by a technique called splicing. When the Er3 + ion is implanted in the host glass material it has the energy levels indicated in Figure 4.7 (a), which appears as though it is a three-level system, but actually mimics a pseudo four-level system.13 The energies of the Er3 + ion in the glass actually fall into manifolds of energy levels, which are shown as 1, 2, and 3. Each manifold has several closely spaced energy levels, which are themselves broadened. When an isolated Er3 + ion is placed in a glass structure, it finds itself interacting with neighboring host ions. The electric field from these neighboring ions splits the Er3 + energy levels in much the same way an applied magnetic field splits the energy levels in the H-atom. In the present case, the energy splitting is due to the local electric field from the ions
Figure 4.7 (a) Energy diagram for the Er3 + ion in the glass fiber medium and light amplification by stimulated emission from E2 to E1 (features are highly exaggerated). Dashed arrows indicate radiationless transitions (energy emission by lattice vibrations). The pump is a 980-nm laser diode. (b) EDFA can also be pumped with a1480-nm laser diode.
12 EDFA was first reported in 1987 by E. Desurvire, J. R. Simpson, and P. C. Becker, and in 1994 AT&T began deploying EDFA repeaters in long-haul fiber communications. 13 The operation of the Er3 + -doped glass fiber laser can be easily explained by using the three-level laser system in Figure 4.2 (a) since the spread between E1 and E0 is comparable to kBT; but a somewhat better explanation would be to treat it as a quasi four-level system as in Figure 4.4. The nonradiative transitions within a manifold are very fast; these are thermalization processes that take typically a few picoseconds.
4.3 • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
surrounding the Er3 + , and the energy splitting is called the Stark effect. Further, the environment of each Er3 + ion in the glass is not identical since the glass, unlike a crystal, does not have a welldefined periodic structure; there are local variations in composition and density. The Stark energy levels are therefore broadened as well. The positions and spreads of actual energy levels within a manifold depend on the glass host. The E1-manifold is the lowest manifold of energies and is labeled 1 in Figure 4.7 (a); it spreads from E0 to E1, and represents the lowest energy levels possible for the Er3 + ion.14 Although most Er3 + ions are at E0, from Boltzmann statistics, there are also Er3 + ions at higher levels in this manifold since the manifold is quite narrow, typically about 0.03–0.04 eV (comparable to kBT at room temperature); the population ratio depends on the spread E1 - E0 but is very roughly 1 to 4. There is a higher energy manifold, shown as 3, of narrowly spaced energy levels labeled E3, as shown in Figure 4.7 (a), that is approximately 1.27 eV above the ground E1-manifold. The Er3 + ions are optically pumped, usually from a laser diode, to excite them from the ground energy manifold 1 to 3. The wavelength for this pumping is about 980 nm. The Er3 + ions then rapidly and nonradiatively decay from E3 to a long-lived energy level E2 within the manifold 2 of energies in Figure 4.7 (a). The decay from E3 to E2 involves energy losses by the emission of phonons, and is very rapid. The Er3 + ions at E2 have a long lifetime ∼10 ms. Thus, more and more Er3 + ions accumulate at E2, which is roughly 0.80 eV above the energy level E1 at the top of the manifold 1. The accumulation of Er3 + ions at E2 eventually leads to a population inversion between E2 and E1 inasmuch as E1 is sparsely populated. Signal photons around 1550 nm have an energy of 0.80 eV, or E2 - E1, and give rise to stimulated transitions of Er3 + ions from E2 to E1. The transition from E1 to E0 is by phonon emission and occurs rapidly (over picoseconds); it corresponds to the thermalization of Er3 + ions in this manifold which is narrow. Without pumping, there will be some Er3 + ions at E1 that will absorb the incoming 1550 nm photons and reach E2. To achieve light amplification we must therefore have stimulated emission exceeding absorption. This is only possible if there are more Er3 + ions at E2 than at E1; that is, if we have population inversion. (As explained below we also need to consider absorption and emission cross-sections.) It is also possible to pump the Er3 + ions to the top of the manifold 2 in Figure 4.7 (a), which is shown in Figure 4.7 (b). Notice that the top of this manifold now acts like a E3-level, and is labeled E3′ . The pump wavelength is 1480 nm. The Er3 + ions decays rapidly by emitting phonons to E2, and then by stimulated emission down to E1. Pumping at 980 nm is more efficient than pumping at 1480 nm. To understand the basic operation of the EDFA we need to consider the absorption and emission cross-sections sab and sem and their spectral dependence, which are shown in Figure 4.8 (a).15 The net gain g(l) at l in Eq. (4.2.18) depends on semN2 - sabN1. Under strong pumping, there will be more Er3 + in the E2-manifold than in the E1-manifold, the emission term semN2 will dominate over sabN1 (N2 W N1) and hence the net gain coefficient will be g(l) ≈ sem(l)N2 ≈ sem(l)N0, where N0 is the Er3 + concentration in the core of the fiber. Thus, sem vs. l also represents the
14 The valence electrons of the Er3 + ion are arranged to satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, and this arrangement has the energies lying between E0 and E1. 15 If this were a simple two energy level system, sem = sab inasmuch as B12 = B21. It would be impossible to optically pump from E1 to E2 and achieve net gain. However, the E1 and E2 are manifolds of energy levels. In each manifold we have many levels that have been broadened and overlap.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.8 (a) Typical absorption and emission cross-sections, sab and sem, respectively, for Er3 + in a silica glass fiber doped with alumina (SiO2-Al2O3). (Cross-section values for the plots were extracted from B. Pedersen et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 9, 1105, 1991.) (b) The spectral characteristics of gain, G in dB, for a typical commercial EDF, available from Fibercore as IsoGain™ fiber. Forward pumped at 115 mW and at 977 nm. The insertion losses are 0.45 dB for the isolator, 0.9 dB for the pump coupler and splices.
spectral dependence of the gain coefficient under strong pumping. Clearly, the EDFA response is not “flat”; there is a peak around 1530 nm. The absolute maximum gain with nearly full inversion would be G = exp(semN0L). We can quickly estimate the maximum possible gain at 1550 nm. For an Er3 + concentration (N0) of 1019 cm - 3, at 1550 nm, using sem ≈ 3.2 * 10 - 21 cm2 from Figure 4.8 (a), g ≈ semN0 = 3.2 m - 1, and the optical gain G for a fiber length of 1 m is 24.5 or 13.9 dB. If, on the other hand, the EDFA is left unpumped, the Er3 + ions would be in the ground state, and the signal will be absorbed with an attenuation coefficient a = sabN0 as in Eq. (4.2.14). From Figure 4.8 (a), sab ≈ 2.4 * 10 - 21 cm2 and hence a = sabN0 = 2.4 m - 1 or 10.4 dB m - 1. Over the length of the EDFA, ∼10 m, this would significantly extinguish the signal. Thus, the EDFA must be pumped at all times. The spectral shapes of sab and sem in Figure 4.8 (a) depend on the host glass composition and vary significantly between host glasses. It is possible to broaden the bandwidth of the gain curve (i.e., sem vs. l) by appropriately choosing the glass composition. Figure 4.8 (b) shows typical spectral characteristics of gain, G in dB, for a commercial erbium-doped fiber that has been pumped with a laser diode at 980 nm with 115 mW. The spectrum is not flat and is normally flattened to obtain uniform gain over the band of wavelengths used in multi channel communications; this is described below. In practice, the erbium-doped fiber is inserted into the fiber communications line by splicing as shown in the simplified schematic diagram in Figure 4.9, and it is pumped from a laser diode through a coupling fiber arrangement which allows only the pumping wavelength to be coupled; it is a wavelength-selective coupler. Some of the Er3 + ions at E2 will decay spontaneously from E2 to E1, which will give rise to unwanted noise in the amplified light signal. Further, if the EDFA is not pumped at any time, it will act as an attenuator as the 1550 nm photons will be absorbed by Er3 + ions, which will become excited from the ground energy manifold 1 to the E2-manifold. In returning back to ground energy by spontaneous emission, they will emit 1550 nm photons randomly, which generates noise in the optical link. Optical isolators inserted at the entry and exit end of the amplifier allow only the optical signals at 1550 nm to pass in one direction and prevent the 980 pump light from propagating back or forward into the communication system.
4.3 • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
Figure 4.9 A simplified schematic illustration of an EDFA (optical amplifier). The Er3 + -doped fiber is pumped by feeding the light from a laser pump diode, through a coupler, into the erbium ion-doped fiber. Forward or codirectional pump configuration.
EDFA (Strand Mounted Optical Amplifier, Prisma 1550) for optical amplification at 1550 nm. This model can be used underground to extend the reach of networks, and operates over - 40 °C to + 65°C. The output can be as high as 24 dBm. (Courtesy of Cisco.)
EDFAs (LambdaDriver® Optical Amplifier Modules) with low noise figure and flat gain (to within {1 dB) for use in DWDM over 1528–1563 nm. These amplifiers can be used for booster, in-line, and preamplifier applications. (Courtesy of MRV Communications, Inc.)
The pumping configuration shown in Figure 4.9 feeds the pump light at A. A simplified fiber optic diagram of this configuration is shown in Figure 4.10 (a). Since the pump light and the signal travel in the same direction, this particular configuration is called codirectional or forward pumping. Alternatively, one can feed the pump light at B in Figure 4.9, as in Figure 4.10 (b), in which the pump light propagates in the opposite direction to the signal. This configuration is
Figure 4.10 (a) Codirectional or forward pumping. (b) Counterdirectional or backward pumping. (c) Bidirectional pumping. OI, optical isolator, WSC, wavelength-selective coupler.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.11 EDFAs are widely used in telecommunications as a power booster, after the transmitter, in-line amplifier within the optical link, and preamplifier before the receiver. The symbol shown for the EDFA is widely used.
called counterdirectional or backward pumping. In bidirectional pumping, also called dual pumping, there are two pump diodes coupled to the EDF at A and B as shown in Figure 4.10 (c). In addition, there is usually a photodetector system coupled to monitor the pump power or the EDFA output power. These are not shown in Figure 4.9 nor in Figure 4.10. Typically EDFAs are used in three types of applications in optical communications. As a power booster, the EDFA is placed after the transmitter to boost the signal power fed into the optical network as shown in Figure4.11. Quite often the signal from a transmitter needs to be boosted if the signal is to be split into N channels through an optical splitter. Booster EDFAs are designed so that the output signal does not easily saturate for large input signals. As an in-line amplifier, the EDFA is placed within the optical transmission link, as shown in Figure 4.11, where the signal has become weak and needs to be amplified. The in-line EDFA should have a large gain and add very little noise into the fiber. The noise in the EDFA comes from the amplification of spontaneously (and randomly) emitted photons in the direction of the fiber. As a preamplifier, it is placed before the receiver to amplify the signal fed into the detector as illustrated in Figure 4.11. The preamplifier EDFA is designed to provide good gain with low noise. B. EDFA Characteristics, Efficiency, and Gain Saturation The gain of an EDFA depends on the launched pump power from the pump diode. The gain coefficient g depends on semN2 - sabN1, and as more pump power is fed into the core of the EDFA, N2 increases and N1 decreases given that N1 + N2 = N0, the Er3 + concentration in the fiber. Figure 4.12 (a) shows typical characteristics of EDFA gain, G, in dB vs. launched pump
Figure 4.12 (a) Typical characteristics of EDFA small signal gain in dB vs. launched pump power for two different types of fibers pumped at 980 nm. The fibers have different core compositions and core diameter, and different lengths (L 1 = 19.9 m and L 2 = 13.6 m). (b) Typical dependence of small signal gain G on the fiber length L at different launched pump powers. There is an optimum fiber length Lp. (c) Typical dependence of gain on the output signal strength for different launched pump powers. At high output powers, the output signal saturates, i.e., the gain drops. (Source: Figures were constructed by using typical data from C. R. Jiles et al., IEEE Photon. Technol. Letts., 3, 363, 1991; and C. R. Jiles et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 9, 271, 1991.)
4.3 • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
power Pp for two different types of fibers. As expected, G first increases sharply with Pp. At high pump powers, further increases in N2 and hence G become constrained due to the diminishing population N1 with increasing pump power. The gain G shown in Figure 4.12 (a) is for small signals, that is, for signal optical powers that do not themselves significantly depopulate N2 by encouraging stimulated emissions, and hence decrease G. Since the gain G is given by exp(gL), G increases with the fiber length L as shown in Figure 4.12 (b) for a given fiber at different pump power levels. However, we cannot indefinitely increase the gain by using a longer fiber. As shown in Figure 4.12 (b), initially G increases with L but then drops with L for long fiber lengths. Put differently, there is an optimum fiber length or pump length that maximizes the gain at a given launched pump power. Beyond this optimum length, the pump power in the core decreases with length so much that it is unable to maintain the required gain coefficient g. Moreover, further along the fiber, the pump becomes too weak, the gain disappears and the fiber attenuates the signal, which is highly undesirable. Thus, it is important to design the EDFA with a length that is not longer than the optimum length. The optimum fiber length is longer for higher launched pump powers as can be seen from Figure 4.12 (b). One very important characteristic of an EDFA is the saturation of its output signal power, that is, the fall in the gain, under large signals. As the signal is amplified, the optical power at 1550 nm in the fiber core increases, which itself encourages further stimulated emission and thereby depopulates the population N2; and hence the gain drops. The gain shown in Figures 4.12 (a) and (b) is for small signals, that is, the signal power is much less than the pump power in the core. Normally manufacturers quote the output power that saturates the amplifier, which is the output signal at which the gain drops by 3 dB below its constant small signal value as shown in Figure 4.12 (c). It is simply called the maximum output power and is quoted in dBm. In commercial high power booster EDFAs, the saturated output power is typically around 22–25 dBm (160–300 mW) but at the expense of gain; the corresponding small signal gain is around 10–15 dB (or 10–30). In contrast, small in-line EDFAs typically have a saturation power of 15–20 dBm (30–100 mW) and a small signal gain of 20–30 dB or higher. The gain efficiency of an EDFA is the maximum optical gain achievable per unit optical pumping power and is quoted in dB mW - 1 . Typical gain efficiencies are around 8-10 dB mW - 1 at 980 nm pumping. A 30 dB or 103 gain is easily attainable with a few tens of milliwatts of pumping at 980 nm, depending on the fiber core doping and the coupling of the pump into the fiber. The power conversion efficiency (PCE), hPCE, of an EDFA represents the efficiency with which the amplifier is able to convert power from the pump to the signal. Suppose that Ppin is the pump power into the EDFA as shown in Figure 4.13 (a), where Psin and Psout are the input and output powers, respectively. Then
hPCE =
Psout - Psin Psout ≈ (4.3.1) Ppin Ppin
Power conversion efficiency
Suppose that the flux of photons from the pump is Φpin and the signal input and output photon fluxes are Φsin and Φsout. Since optical power is proportional to photon flux * hc>l where hc>l is the photon energy, we can write Eq. (4.3.1) as
hPCE ≈
lp Φsout * (4.3.2) Φpin ls
Power conversion efficiency
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.13 (a) The EDFA is pumped by Ppin. The power from the pump is converted into the output signal power Psout. (b) The Psout vs. Psin behavior is initially linear but saturates at high input signal powers. (c) The output becomes saturated. The gain G drops in the saturation region.
where lp and ls are the pump and signal wavelengths. Equation (4.3.2) shows that hPCE has a maximum value of lp >ls, which corresponds to each pump photon yielding one additional signal output photon. Thus, maximum PCE is 63% for 980 nm pumping. The gain can be defined and written as EDFA gain
G =
Ppin Psout = 1 + hPCE a b (4.3.3) Psin Psin
in which we used Eq. (4.3.1) to substitute for Psout. The maximum gain Gmax is for hPCE = lp >ls so that G 6 Gmax implies or, rearranging, the input signal is EDFA gain and input signal power
G 6 1 + (lp >ls)(Ppin >Psin) Psin 6 (lp >ls)Ppin >(G - 1) (4.3.4)
The importance of this equation is that it specifies the range of input signals, that is, the maximum input signal power, beyond which the output signal power begins to saturate as indicated in Figure 4.13 (b). Consequently, the gain drops with the input signal power as in Figure 4.13 (c). This phenomenon is called gain saturation or compression. For example, for an EDFA that has a small signal gain of 30 dB (or 103), Ppin = 100 mW, 980 nm pumping, we can use Eq. (4.3.4) to find Psin must be less than 60 oW, or the output must be less than 60 mW. Thus, for outputs beyond 60 mW, the EDFA will saturate. For a given pump level Pp, there is a maximum fiber length Lp beyond which the gain is lost rapidly with length, and the fiber attenuates the signal. To find the length of fiber Lp required to absorb the pump radiation, we note that under strong pumping, N1 is very small. There are very few ions in the E1-manifold. The absorbed pump power is primarily taken by those excited ions that have spontaneously decayed from E2 to E1, because these have to be pumped back up to E3 and hence E2. The characteristic time of this natural decay from the E2 to E1 is the spontaneous emission lifetime tsp (= 1>A21). Thus, Absorbed pump power = Absorbed energy per unit time ≈ (Volume)(N2)(Pump photon energy)>(Decay time) = (AL p)(N2)(hyp)>tsp
4.3 • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
where A is the cross-sectional area of the fiber core that has the Er3 + dopants, and Lp is the length of fiber needed to absorb the necessary pump radiation, yp is the pump frequency. Thus, the absorbed pump power Pp is 3+
Pp ≈ AN0hypL p >tsp (4.3.5)
where N2 ≈ N0, the Er concentration in the core. Equation (4.3.5) essentially determines (very approximately) the maximum fiber length allowed for a given amount of pumping. The actual fiber length L needs to be shorter than Lp for the following reason. If L is longer than Lp, then beyond Lp, the gain will be lost and the signal will become absorbed since this region will have unpumped Er3+ ions. We assumed a small signal in our derivation that did not significantly upset the population of theupper level. If the pumping is not strong and/or the signal is not small, then N1 cannot be neglected. Hence, the actual L is usually less than Lp in Eq. (4.3.5). Further, not all the pump radiation will be confined to the fiber core, whereas we assumed it was. Only some fraction Γ, called the confinement factor, of the pump radiation will be guided within the core and hence pump the Er3 + ions. Γ is typically 0.6–0.8. Thus, we need to use ΓPp instead of Pp in Eq. (4.3.5), i.e., ΓPp ≈ AN0 hypL p >tsp (4.3.6)
Given the fiber length L (6 L p), the small signal gain G is easily found from
G = exp (gL) (4.3.7)
Strong absorption and pump length of EDFA
Strong absorption and pump length of EDFA Small signal gain
which is maximum for a fiber length L = L p.
Example 4.3.1 An erbium-doped fiber amplifier Consider a 3-m EDFA that has a core diameter of 5 om, Er3 + doping concentration of 1 * 1019 cm - 3, and tsp (the spontaneous decay time from E2 to E1) is 10 ms. The fiber is pumped at 980 nm from a laser diode. The pump power coupled into the EDFA fiber is 25 mW. Assuming that the confinement factor Γ is 70%, what is the fiber length that will absorb the pump radiation? Find the small signal gain at 1550 nm for two cases corresponding to full population inversion and 90% inversion.
Solution The pump photon energy hy = hc>l = (6.626 * 10 - 34)(3 * 108)>(980 * 10 - 9) = 2.03 * 10 - 19 J (or 1.27 eV). Rearranging Eq. (4.3.6), we get
L p ≈ ΓPptsp >ANhyp
L p ≈ (0.70)(25 * 10 - 3 W)(10 * 10 - 3 s)> 3p(2.5 * 10 - 4 cm)2(1 * 1019 cm - 3)(2.03 * 10 - 19 J)4 = 4.4 m
which is the maximum allowed length. The small signal gain can be rewritten as
g = semN2 - sabN1 = 3sem(N2 >N0) - sab(N1 >N0)4 N0
where N1 + N2 = N0 is the total Er3 + concentration. Let x = N2 >N0, then 1 - x = N1 >N0 where x represents the extent of pumping from 0 to 1, 1 being 100%. Thus, the above equation becomes g = 3semx - sab(1 - x)4 N0
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers For 100% pumping, x = 1,
g = 3(3.2 * 10 - 21 cm2)(1) - 0 4 (1 * 1019 cm - 3) = 3.2 m - 1
G = exp(gL) = exp 3(3.2 m - 1)(3 m)4 = 14,765 or 41.7 dB
For x = 0.9 (90% pumping), we have
g = 3(3.2 * 10 - 21 cm2)(0.9) - (2.4 * 10 - 21 cm2)(0.1)4 (1 * 1019 cm - 3) = 2.64 m - 1 G = exp(gL) = exp 3(2.64 m - 1)(3 m)4 = 2751 or 34.4 dB
Even at 90% pumping the gain is significantly reduced. At 70% pumping, the gain is 19.8 dB. In actual operation, it is unlikely that 100% population inversion can be achieved; 41.7 dB is a good indicator of the upper ceiling to the gain.
C. Gain-Flattened EDFAs and Noise Figure The gain spectrum of an EDFA refers to the dependence of the small signal gain G on the wavelength within the communications band of interest. Figure 4.8 (b) shows how the gain varies as a function of wavelength for an EDFA that has not had its gain flattened. In wavelength division multiplexing, it is essential to have the gain as flat as possible over all the channels, i.e., the signal wavelengths, that are used. Many gain-flattened commercial EDFA for DWDM have their gain variations within {0.5 dB. Figure 4.14 (a) shows typical gain spectra for a commercial EDFA for use in DWDM in the C-band. For small input signals (which do not cause any saturation) the gain is reasonably flat. The gain decreases at high input signals and, in addition, the gain becomes “less” flat. The simplest way to flatten the gain spectrum is to use a filter (or a series of filters) after the EDFA that has an attenuation or a transmission spectrum such that it attenuates
Figure 4.14 (a) The gain spectrum of one type of commercial gain-flattened EDFA. The gain variation is very small over the spectrum, but the gain decreases as the input signal power increases due to saturation effects. (Note: The corresponding input signal power levels are 0.031, 0.13, and 0.32 mW.) (b) Schematic illustration of gain equalization by using long period fiber Bragg grating filters in series that attenuate the high gain regions to equalize the gain over the spectrum. (An idealized example.)
4.3 • Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
the higher gain region of the spectrum and not the lower gain region. The high gain regions are attenuated by the right amount to bring these regions down to the same level as the low gain region, as shown for an idealized case in Figure 4.14 (b). The filter equalizes the gain. The combination of this filter with the EDFA will then result in a gain spectrum that has been equalized. The effect is to attenuate the high gain region more than the low gain region, and hence achieve gain equalization. Typically long period gratings (LPGs) are used for the filter part. If the period Λ of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is much longer (e.g., by 100* ) than the wavelength, then the diffraction occurs into the cladding for those wavelengths that satisfy the Bragg diffraction condition. Thus, by choosing the period Λ correctly we can diffract some of the signal in the high gain region into the cladding and hence suppress the signal in this gain region, i.e., equalize the gain. Normally at least two or more properly designed LPGs are needed in series to usefully equalize the gain, as should be apparent from Figure 4.14 (b) where one would bring the gain in the l1-region down and the other lowers the gain in the l2-region. LPGs have a periodicity (Λ) that is of the order of 100 om and hence are easier to manufacture than regular FBGs. In addition, the diffracted wave is not simply reflected but is fed into the cladding where it is attenuated and lost; hence the back reflection is low. Commercially available LPGs can equalize the gain down to about {0.5 dB. Good gain equalization requires the filter transmission spectrum to have a shape that is the inverse of the shape of the gain spectrum of the EDFA. Some manufacturers also provide the transmission spectrum of the filter in their data sheets. It is also possible to obtain gain equalization by using a regular FBG in which the periodicity Λ is not fixed, but adjusted along the fiber length, e.g., becomes shorter along the fiber, so that the transmission spectrum can be tailored to the need, and can be made to be an almost exact inverse of the EDFA’s gain spectrum to yield a flat net gain spectrum. Such FBGs in which the period changes along the fiber are called chirped FBGs. Most commercial chirped FBGs can provide a gain flatness down to {0.25 dB, which is better than {0.5 dB for LPGs; research shows that one can, in fact, do better, down to {0.1 dB. Chirped FBGs suffer from high back reflections (attenuated signals are actually back reflected) but they are more stable to temperature variations compared to LPGs. Most commercial gain-flattened EDFAs have more than just a series of filters placed after the EDFA. Usually a multistage EDFA design is used. A simple broadband gainflattened two-stage EDFA configuration is shown in Figure 4.15 (a) as reported by Lucent researchers.16 A 980-nm laser diode is used to forward pump the EDFA1, whose output is passed through a well-designed long period grating for gain flattening. There is a second stage, EDFA2, that is forward pumped from a 1480-nm laser diode. The small signal, that is unsaturated, gain spectrum from such a two-stage gain-flattened EDFA is shown in Figure 4.15 (b), where it can be seen that over a broadband (40 nm), the gain variation is less than 1 dB; or put differently, less than {0.5 dB about the mean. By using more stages and filters, excellent gain flattening can be easily obtained. Table 4.1 summarizes the properties of a particular commercial EDFA that has been gain flattened and designed for DWDM applications. Like all amplifiers, EDFAs also generate noise in addition to the amplification they provide. The noise in an EDFA arises from amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), which is the
16 See P. F. Wysocki et al., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 9, 1343, 1997; Y. Sun et al., Bell Labs Tech. J., 4, 187, 1999; and R. P. Espindola and P. F. Wysocki, U.S. Patent 5,920,424, June 6, 1999.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.15 (a) A gain-flattened EDFA reported by Lucent Technologies17 uses two EDFAs and a long period grating between the two stages. (A simplified diagram.) The two EDFAs are pumped at 980 nm and 1480 nm. (b) The resulting gain spectrum for small signals is flat to better than 1 dB over a broad spectrum, 40 nm. The length of EDFA1 is 14 m, and that of EDFA2 is 15 m. Pump 1 (980 nm) and Pump 2 (1480 nm) diodes were operated at most at power levels 76 mW and 74.5 mW, respectively. EDFA2 can also be pumped counterdirectionally.
amplification of randomly emitted photons from the upper E2-manifold to the lower E1-manifold. This spontaneous emission generates random photons, and as these photos travel along the fiber, they become amplified. Thus, the output from an EDFA not only has the signal but also noise from the ASE as shown in Figure 4.16 (a). The ratio of the signal power (Ps) to the noise power (Pn) present at the input or at the output of an amplifier is called the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). At the input and the output, the SNR would be designated by SNRin and SNRout, respectively. An ideal amplifier should not add any noise while amplifying the signal so that the SNRout should be the same as SNRin because both the signal and noise at the input would be amplified by the same amount, gain G (and no additional noise would be added). Noise characteristics of amplifiers are generally quantified by their noise figure (NF), defined by Noise figure definition
NF =
SNRin SNRout
or NF(dB) = 10 log a
SNRin b (4.3.8) SNRout
where the second term gives NF in the units of dB, the most commonly used units for NF. For a noiseless amplifier, NF = 0 dB (or 1). Table 4.1 shows a value of 5 dB for the NF for the particular EDFA listed in the table. This value is quite typical for EDFAs in the unsaturated region, but increases in the saturation region, i.e., high input (or output) power levels.
Table 4.1 Specifications for a typical gain-flattened EDFA for DWDM (dense
wavelength division multiplexing) applications Operating wavelength (nm)
Output power (dBm)
Number of pump lasers (nm)
Input signal for flat gain (dBm)
Max gain (dB channel−1)
2 * 980 2 * 1480
- 15 to - 7
Note: Optilab EDFA-GI series EDFA.
See footnote number 15.
Flatness NF (dB) (dB) {0.5
4.4 • Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser
Figure 4.16 (a) Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise in the output spectrum and the amplified signal. (b) The dependence of NF and gain (G) on the input signal power level (Psin) for an EDFA under forward (codirectional) pumping. (Source: Data for the plots were selectively extracted from G. R. Walker et al., J. Light Wave Technol., 9, 182, 1991.)
As shown in Figure 4.16 (b), the NF is initially independent of the input signal power Psin level, but at sufficiently high Psin, it increases with Psin; or put differently, NF increases with falling gain.
4.4 Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser With the He-Ne laser one has to confess that the actual explanation is by no means simple since we have to know such things as the energy states of the whole atom. We will consider only the lasing emission at 632.8 nm which gives the well-known red color to the He-Ne laser light. The actual stimulated emission occurs from the Ne atoms. He atoms are used to excite the Ne atoms by atomic collisions. Overall, the He-Ne gas laser is like a four-level laser system (Figure 4.4). Ne is an inert gas with a ground state (1s22s22p6) which will be represented as (2p6) by ignoring the inner closed 1s and 2s subshells. If one of the electrons from the 2p orbital is excited to a 5s-orbital, then the excited configuration (2p55s1) is a state of the Ne atom that has higher energy. Similarly, He is also an inert gas which has the ground state configuration of (1s2). The state of He when one electron is excited to a 2s-orbital can be represented as (1s12s1) and has higher energy than the ground state. The He-Ne laser consists of a gaseous mixture of He and Ne atoms in a gas discharge tube, as sketched schematically in Figure 4.17. The ends of the tube are mirrored to reflect the stimulated radiation and build up intensity within the cavity. In other words, an optical cavity is
Figure 4.17 A schematic illustration of the principle of the He-Ne laser.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
formed by the end mirrors so that reflection of photons back into the lasing medium builds up the photon concentration in the cavity, a requirement of an efficient stimulated emission process as discussed above. By using DC or RF high voltage, an electrical discharge is obtained within the tube which causes the He atoms to become excited by collisions with those energetic electrons that have been accelerated by the field. Thus, He + e - S He* + e where He* is an excited He atom. The excitation of the He atom by an electron collision puts the second electron in He into a 2s state, so that the excited He atom, He*, has the configuration (1s12s1), which is metastable (that is, a long-lasting state) with respect to the (1s2) state as shown schematically in Figure 4.18. He* cannot spontaneously emit a photon and decay down to the (1s2) ground state because the orbital quantum number / of the electron must change by {1, i.e., ∆/ must be {1 for any photon emission or absorption process. Thus a large number of He* atoms build up during the electrical discharge because they are not allowed to simply decay back to ground state. When an excited He atom collides with a Ne atom, it transfers its energy to the Ne atom by resonance energy exchange because, by good fortune, Ne happens to have an empty energy level, corresponding to the (2p55s1) configuration, matching that of (1s12s1) of He*. Thus the collision process excites theNe atom and de-excites He* down to its ground energy, i.e., He* + Ne S He + Ne* With many He*-Ne collisions in the gaseous discharge, we end up with a large number of Ne* atoms and a population inversion between (2p55s1) and (2p53p1) states of the Ne atom as indicated in Figure 4.18. A spontaneous emission of a photon from one Ne* atom falling from 5s to 3p gives rise to an avalanche of stimulated emission processes which leads to a lasing emission with a wavelength of 632.8 nm in the red. There are a few interesting facts about the He-Ne laser, some of which are quite subtle. First, the (2p55s1) and (2p53p1) electronic configurations of the Ne atom actually have a spread of energies. For example, for Ne(2p55s1), there are four closely spaced energy levels. Similarly for Ne(2p53p1) there are ten closely separated energies. We see that we can achieve population
Figure 4.18 The principle of operation of the He-Ne laser and the He-Ne laser energy levels involved for 632.8 nm emission.
4.4 • Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser
inversion with respect to a number of energy levels and, as a result, the lasing emissions from the He-Ne laser contain a variety of wavelengths. The two lasing emissions in the visible spectrum at 632.8 nm and 543 nm can be used to build a red or a green He-Ne laser. Further, we should note that the energy of the state Ne(2p54p1) (not shown) is above Ne(2p53p1) but below Ne(2p55s1). There will therefore also be stimulated transitions from Ne(2p55s1) to Ne(2p54p1) and hence a lasing emission at a wavelength of ∼3.39 om (infrared). To suppress lasing emissions at the unwanted wavelengths and to obtain lasing only at the wavelength of interest, the reflecting mirrors can be made wavelength selective. This way, the optical cavity builds up optical oscillations at the selected wavelength. From the (2p53p1) energy levels, the Ne atoms decay rapidly to the (2p53s1) energy levels by spontaneous emission. Most of Ne atoms with the (2p53s1) configuration, however, cannot simply return to the ground state 2p6 by photon emission because the return of the electron in 3s requires that its spin is flipped to close the 2p-subshell. An electromagnetic radiation cannot change the electron spin. Thus, the Ne(2p53s1) energy levels are metastable states. The only possible return to the ground state (and become pumped again) is by collisions with the walls of the laser tube. We cannot therefore increase the power obtainable from a He-Ne laser by simply increasing the laser tube diameter because that will accumulate more Ne atoms at the metastable (2p53s1) states. A typical He-Ne laser, as illustrated in Figure 4.17, consists of a narrow glass tube which contains the He and Ne gas mixture—typically He to Ne ratio of 10 to 1 and a pressure of ∼1 torr. (The optimum pressure depends on the tube diameter.) The lasing emission intensity increases with the tube length since there are more Ne atoms used in stimulated emissions. The intensity decreases with increasing tube diameter since Ne atoms in the (2p53s1) states can only return to the ground state by collisions with the walls of the tube. The ends of the tube are generally sealed with a flat mirror (99.9% reflecting) at one end and, for easy alignment, a concave mirror (99% reflecting) at the other end to obtain an optical cavity within the tube. The outer surface of the concave mirror is shaped like a convergent lens to compensate for the divergence in the beam arising from reflections from the concave mirror. The output radiation from the tube is typically a beam of diameter 0.5–1 mm and a divergence of a few milliradians at a power of few milliwatts. In high power He-Ne lasers, the mirrors are external to the tube. In addition, Brewster windows are typically used at the ends of the laser tube to allow only polarized light to be transmitted and amplified within the cavity so that the output radiation is polarized (has electric field oscillations in one plane). Even though we can try to get as parallel a beam as possible by lining up the mirrors perfectly, we will still be faced with diffraction effects at the output. When the output laser beam hits the end of the laser tube it becomes diffracted so that the emerging beam is necessarily divergent. Simple diffraction theory can readily predict the divergence angle. Further, typically one or both of the reflecting mirrors in many gas lasers are made concave for a more efficient containment of the lasing radiation within the active medium and for easier alignment. The beam within the cavity and hence the emerging radiation is approximately a Gaussian beam. As mentioned in Chapter 1, a Gaussian beam diverges as it propagates in free space. Optical cavity engineering is an important part of laser design and there are various advanced texts on the subject. Due to their relatively simple construction, He-Ne lasers are widely used in numerous applications such as interferometry, accurately measuring distances or flatness of an object, laser printing, holography, and various pointing and alignment applications (such as in civil engineering).
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Ali Javan and his associates, William Bennett Jr. and Donald Herriott at Bell Labs, were the first to successfully demonstrate a continuous wave (CW) helium-neon laser operation (1960–1962). (Reprinted with permission of Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.)
A modern He-Ne laser with its power supply. This unit provides a linearly polarized TE00 output at 633 nm (red) at a power of 10 mW. The beam diameter is 0.68 mm and the divergence is 1.2 mrd. The longitudinal mode separation is 320 MHz. (Courtesy of Thorlabs.)
Example 4.4.1 Efficiency of the He-Ne laser A typical low-power, 5-mW He-Ne laser tube operates at a DC voltage of 2000 V and carries a current of 7 mA. What is the efficiency of the laser?
Solution From the definition of efficiency, Efficiency =
Output Light Power 5 * 10 - 3 W = Input Electrical Power (7 * 10 - 3 A)(2000 V)
= 0.036% Typically He-Ne efficiencies are less than 0.1%. What is important is the highly coherent output radiation. Note that 5 mW over a beam diameter of 1 mm is 6.4 kW m - 2.
4.5 The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser The output radiation from a gas laser is not actually at one single well-defined wavelength corresponding to the lasing transition, but covers a spectrum of wavelengths with a central peak. This is not a simple consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but a direct result of the broadening of the emitted spectrum by the Doppler effect. We recall from the kinetic molecular theory that gas atoms are in random motion with an average kinetic energy of (3>2)kBT. Suppose that these gas atoms emit radiation of frequency yo, which we label as the source frequency.
4.5 • The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser
Then, due to the Doppler effect, when a gas atom is moving away from an observer, the latter detects a lower frequency y1 given by
y1 = yo a1 -
vx b (4.5.1) c
y2 = yo a1 +
vx b (4.5.2) c
where vx is the relative velocity of the atom along the laser tube (x-axis) with respect to the observer and c is the speed of light. When the atom is moving toward the observer, the detected frequency y2 is higher and corresponds to
Since the atoms are in random motion the observer will detect a range of frequencies due to this Doppler effect. As a result, the frequency or wavelength of the output radiation from a gas laser will have a “linewidth” ∆y = y2 - y1. This is what we mean by a Doppler broadened linewidth of a laser radiation. There are other mechanisms that also broaden the output spectrum but we will ignore these in the present case of gas lasers. From the kinetic molecular theory we know that the velocities of gas atoms obey the Maxwell distribution. Consequently, the stimulated emission wavelengths in the lasing medium must exhibit a distribution about a central wavelength lo = c>yo . Stated differently, the lasing medium therefore has an optical gain (or a photon gain) that has a distribution around lo = c>yo as shown in Figure 4.19 (a). The variation in the optical gain with the wavelength is called the optical gain lineshape. For the Doppler broadening case, this lineshape turns out to be a Gaussian function. For many gas lasers this spread in the frequencies from y1 to y2 is 1–5 GHz (for the He-Ne laser the corresponding wavelength spread is ∼0.002 nm).
Figure 4.19 (a) Optical gain vs. wavelength characteristics (called the optical gain curve) of the lasing medium. (b) Allowed modes and their wavelengths due to stationary EM waves within the optical cavity. (c) The output spectrum (relative intensity vs. wavelength) is determined by satisfying (a) and (b) simultaneously, assuming no cavity losses.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
When we consider the Maxwell velocity distribution of the gas atoms in the laser tube, we find that the linewidth ∆y1>2 between the half-intensity points (full width at half maximum—FWHM) in the output intensity vs. frequency spectrum is given by Frequency linewidth (FWHM)
∆y1>2 = 2yo
2kBT ln (2)
where M is the mass of the lasing atom or molecule (Ne in the He-Ne laser). The FWHM width ∆y1>2 is about 18% different than simply taking the difference y2 - y1 from Eqs. (4.5.1) and (4.5.2) and using a root-mean-square effective velocity along x, that is, using vx in 12 Mv 2x = 12 kBT. Equation (4.5.3) can be taken to be the FWHM width ∆y1>2 of the optical gain curve of most gas lasers. It does not apply to solid state lasers in which other broadening mechanisms operate. Suppose that, for simplicity, we consider an optical cavity of length L with parallel end mirrors as shown in Figure 4.19 (b). Such an optical cavity is called a Fabry–Perot optical resonator. The reflections from the end mirrors of a laser give rise to traveling waves in opposite directions within the cavity. These oppositely traveling waves interfere constructively to set up a standing wave, that is, stationary electromagnetic (EM) oscillations as in Figure 4.19 (b). Some of the energy in these oscillations is tapped out by the 99% reflecting mirror to get an output, the same way we tap out the energy from an oscillating field in an LC circuit by attaching an antenna to it. Only standing waves with certain wavelengths, however, can be maintained within the optical cavity just as only certain acoustic wavelengths can be obtained from musical instruments. Any standing wave in the cavity must have an integer number of half-wavelengths, l>2, that fit into the cavity length L Laser cavity modes in a gas laser
l ma b = L (4.5.4) 2
where m is an integer that is called the longitudinal mode number of the standing wave. The wavelength l in Eq. (4.5.4) is that within the cavity medium, but for gas lasers the refractive index is nearly unity and l is the same as the free-space wavelength. Only certain wavelengths will satisfy Eq. (4.5.4), and for each m there will be an EM wave with a certain wavelength lm that satisfies Eq. (4.5.4). Each possible standing wave within the laser tube (cavity) satisfying Eq. (4.5.4) is called a cavity mode. The cavity modes, as determined by Eq. (4.5.4), are shown in Figure 4.19 (b). Modes that exist along the cavity axis are called axial or longitudinal modes. Other types of modes, that is, stationary EM oscillations, are possible when the end mirrors are not flat. An example of an optical cavity formed by confocal spherical mirrors is shown in Figure 1.54 (Chapter 1). The EM radiation within such a cavity is a Gaussian beam. The laser output thus has a broad spectrum with peaks at certain wavelengths corresponding to various cavity modes existing within the Doppler broadened optical gain curve as indicated in Figure 4.19 (c). At wavelengths satisfying Eq. (4.5.4), that is, representing certain cavity modes, we have spikes of intensity in the output. The net envelope of the output spectrum is a Gaussian distribution which is essentially due to the Doppler broadened linewidth. Notice that there is a finite width to the individual intensity spikes within the spectrum which is primarily due to nonidealities of the optical cavity, such as acoustic and thermal fluctuations of the cavity length L and nonideal end mirrors (less than 100% reflection). Typically, the frequency width of an individual spike in a He-Ne gas laser is ∼1 MHz.
4.5 • The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser
It is important to realize that even if the laser medium has an optical gain, the optical cavity will always have some losses inasmuch as some radiation will be transmitted through the mirrors, and there will be various losses such as scattering within the cavity. Only those modes that have an optical gain that can make up for the radiation losses from the cavity can exist in the output spectrum (as discussed later in Section 4.6).
Example 4.5.1 Doppler broadened linewidth Calculate the Doppler broadened linewidths ∆y and ∆l (end-to-end of spectrum) for the He-Ne laser transition for lo = 632.8 nm if the gas discharge temperature is about 127°C. The atomic mass of Ne is 20.2 (g mol - 1). The laser tube length is 40 cm. What is the linewidth in the output wavelength spectrum? What is mode number m of the central wavelength, the separation between two consecutive modes, and how many modes do you expect within the linewidth ∆l1>2 of the optical gain curve?
Solution Due to the Doppler effect arising from the random motions of the gas atoms, the laser radiation from gaslasers is broadened around a central frequency yo. The central yo corresponds to the source frequency. Higher frequencies detected will be due to radiations emitted from atoms moving toward the observer, whereas lower frequency will be result of the emissions from atoms moving away from the observer. We will first calculate the frequency width using two approaches, one approximate and the other more accurate. Suppose that vx is the root-mean-square (rms) velocity along the x-direction. We can intuitively expect the frequency width ∆yrms between rms points of the Gaussian output frequency spectrum to be18 ∆yrms = yo a1 +
2yovx vx vx b - yo a1 - b = (4.5.5) c c c
We need to know the rms velocity vx along x which is given by the kinetic molecular theory as Mv 2x = 12 kBT, where M is the mass of the atom. We can therefore calculate vx. For the He-Ne laser, it is the Ne atoms that lase, so M = (20.2 * 10 - 3 kg mol - 1)>(6.02 * 1023 mol - 1) = 3.35 * 10 - 26 kg. Thus, 1 2
vx = 3(1.38 * 10 - 23 J K - 1)(127 + 273 K)>(3.35 * 10 - 26 kg)4 1> 2 = 405.9 m s - 1
The central frequency is
yo = c>lo = (3 * 108 m s - 1)>(632.8 * 10 - 9 m) = 4.74 * 1014 s - 1
The rms frequency linewidth is approximately ∆yrms ≈ (2yovx)>c = 2(4.74 * 1014 s - 1)(405.9 m s - 1)>(3 * 108 m s - 1) = 1.28 GHz The FWHM width ∆y1>2 of the output frequency spectrum will be given by Eq. (4.4.3) ∆y1>2 = 2yo
2kBT ln(2)
= 1.51 GHz
= 2(4.74 * 1014)
2(1.38 * 10 - 23)(400) ln(2)
C (3.35 * 10 - 26)(3 * 108)2
which is about 18% wider than the estimate from Eq. (4.5.5). 18 The fact that this is the width between the rms points of the Gaussian output spectrum can be shown from detailed mathematics.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers To get FWHM wavelength width ∆l1>2, differentiate l = c>y dl c l = - 2 = - (4.5.6) y dy y
so that
∆l1>2 ≈ ∆y1>2 - l>y = (1.51 * 109 Hz)(632.8 * 10 - 9 m)>(4.74 * 1014 s - 1) or ∆l1>2 ≈ 2.02 * 10 - 12 m or 2.02 pm This width is between the half-points of the spectrum. The rms linewidth would be 0.0017 nm. Each mode in the cavity satisfies m(l>2) = L and since L is some 4.7 * 105 times greater than l, the mode number m must be very large. For l = lo = 632.8 nm, the corresponding mode number mo is mo = 2L>lo = (2 * 0.4 m)>(632.8 * 10 - 9 m) = 1,264,222.5 and actual mo has to be the closest integer value, that is, 1,264,222 or 1,264,223. The separation ∆lm between two consecutive modes (m and m + 1) is ∆lm = lm - lm + 1 =
2L 2L 2L ≈ 2 m m + 1 m
or Separation between modes
∆lm ≈
lent to Frequency of a mode
l2o (4.5.7) 2L
Substituting the values, we find ∆lm = (632.8 * 10 - 9)2 >(2 * 0.4) = 5.01 * 10 - 13 m or 0.501 pm. We can also find the separation of the modes by noting that Eq. (4.5.4), in which l = c>y, is equiva
y =
mc (4.5.8) 2L
so that the separation of modes in frequency, ∆ym, is simply Frequency separation of modes
∆ym =
c (4.5.9) 2L
Substituting L = 0.40 m in Eq. (4.5.9), we find ∆ym = 375 MHz. (A typical value for a He-Ne laser.) The number of modes, i.e., the number of m values, within the linewidth, that is, between the halfintensity points, will depend on how the cavity modes and the optical gain curve coincide, for example, whether there is a cavity mode right at the peak of the optical gain curve as illustrated in Figure 4.20. Suppose that we try to estimate the number of modes by using,
Figure 4.20 Number of laser modes depends on how the cavity modes intersect the optical gain curve. In this case we are looking at modes within the linewidth ∆l1>2.
4.6 • Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth Modes =
∆l1>2 Linewidth of spectrum 2.02 pm ≈ = = 4.03 Separation of two modes ∆lm 0.501 pm
We should expect at most 4 to 5 modes within the linewidth of the output as shown in Figure 4.20. We neglected the cavity losses.
4.6 Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth A. Optical Gain Coefficient g Consider a general laser medium that has an optical gain for coherent radiation along some direction x as shown in Figure 4.21 (a). This means that the medium is appropriately pumped. Consider an electromagnetic wave propagating in the medium along the x-direction. As it propagates, its power (energy flow per unit time) increases due to greater stimulated emissions over spontaneous emissions and absorption across the same two energy levels E2 - E1 as in Figure 4.21 (a). If the light intensity were decreasing, we would have used a factor exp (-ax), where a is the attenuation coefficient, to represent the power loss along the distance x. Similarly, we represent the power increase along x by using a factor exp (gx), where g is a coefficient called the optical gain coefficient of the medium. The gain coefficient g is defined as the fractional increase in the light power (or intensity) per unit distance along the direction of propagation. We have already encountered g in Eq. (4.2.17). Optical power along x at any point is proportional to the concentration of coherent photons Nph and the photon energy hy. These coherent photons travel with a velocity c/n, where n is the refractive index.19 Thus, in time dt they travel a distance dx = (c>n)dt in the tube. The optical power P is proportional to Nph so that the fractional increase in P per unit distance, which is the gain coefficient g, is given by
g =
dNph dP n dNph = = (4.6.1) Pdx Nphdx cNph dt
The gain coefficient g describes the increase in intensity of the lasing radiation in the cavity per unit length due to stimulated emission transitions from E2 to E1 exceeding photon
Figure 4.21 (a) A laser medium with an optical gain. (b) The optical gain curve of the medium. The dashed line is the approximate derivation in the text.
19 In semiconductor-related chapters, n is the electron concentration and n is the refractive index; E is the energy and E is the electric field.
Optical gain coefficient
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
absorption across the same two energy levels. We know that the difference between stimulated emission and absorption rates [see Eqs. (4.2.1) and (4.2.2)] gives the net rate of change in the coherent photon concentration, that is, dNph
= Net rate of stimulated photon emission = N2B21r(y) - N1B21r(y) = (N2 - N1)B21r(y) (4.6.2)
It is now straightforward to obtain the optical gain by using Eq. (4.6.2) in Eq. (4.6.1) with certain assumptions. As we are interested in the amplification of coherent waves traveling along a defined direction (x) in Figure 4.21 (a), we can neglect spontaneous emissions which are in random directions and do not, on average, contribute to the directional wave. The reader should have noticed the similarity between Eq. (4.6.2) and Eq. (4.2.18). Normally, the emission and absorption processes occur not at a discrete photon energy hy, but they would be distributed in photon energy or frequency over some frequency interval ∆y. The spread ∆y, for example, can be due to Doppler broadening or broadening of the energy levels E2 and E1. There may be other broadening processes. In any event, this means that the optical gain will reflect this distribution, that is, g = g(y) as illustrated in Figure 4.21 (b). The spectral shape of the gain curve is called the lineshape function. We can express r(y) in terms of Nph by noting that r(y) is defined as the radiation energy density per unit frequency so that at yo r(yo) ≈
General optical gain coefficient
Nphhyo ∆y
We can now substitute for dNph >dt in Eq. (4.6.1) from Eq. (4.6.2) and use Eq. (4.6.3) to obtain the optical gain coefficient g(yo) ≈ (N2 - N1)
B21nhyo (4.6.4) c∆y
Equation (4.6.4) gives the optical gain of the medium at the center frequency yo. A more rigorous derivation would have found the optical gain curve as a function of frequency, shown as g(y) in Figure 4.21 (b), and would derive g(yo) from this lineshape.20 B. Threshold Gain Coefficient gth and Output Power Consider an optical cavity with mirrors at the ends, such as the Fabry–Perot (FP) optical cavity shown in Figure 4.22. The cavity contains a laser medium so that lasing emissions build up to a steady state, that is, there is continuous operation. We effectively assume that we have stationary electromagnetic (EM) oscillations in the cavity and that we have reached steady state. The optical cavity acts as an optical resonator. Consider an EM wave with an initial optical power Pi starting at some point in the cavity and traveling toward the cavity face 1 as shown in Figure4.22. It will travel the length of the cavity, become reflected at face 1, travel back the length of the cavity to face 2, become reflected at 2, and arrive at the starting point with a final optical power Pf . Under steady state conditions, oscillations do not build up and do not 20
Commonly known as Füchtbauer–Ladenburg relation, and described in more advanced textbooks.
4.6 • Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth
Figure 4.22 An optical cavity resonator, and thederivation ofthe threshold gain condition.
die out, which means that Pf must be the same as Pi. Thus, there should be no optical power loss in the round trip, which means that the net round-trip optical gain Gop must be unity,
Gop =
Pf Pi
= 1 (4.6.5)
Power conditionfor maintaining oscillations
Reflections at the faces 1 and 2 reduce the optical power in the cavity by the reflectances R1 and R2 of the faces. There are other losses such as some absorption and scattering during propagation in the medium. All these losses have to be made up by stimulated emissions in the optical cavity which effectively provides an optical gain in the medium. As the wave propagates, its power increases as exp(gx). However, there are a number of losses in the cavity medium acting against the stimulated emission gain such as light scattering at defects and inhomogenities, absorption by impurities, absorption by free carriers (important in semiconductors) and other loss phenomena. These internal cavity losses decrease the power as exp(-asx) where as is the attenuation or loss coefficient of the medium, also called the internal cavity loss coefficient. as represents all losses in the cavity and its walls, except light transmission losses though the end mirrors and absorption across the energy levels involved in stimulated emissions (E1 and E2), which is incorporated into g.21 The power Pf of the EM radiation after one round trip of path length 2L (Figure 4.22) is given by
Pf = Pi R1R2 exp 3g(2L)4 exp 3-as(2L)4 (4.6.6)
For steady state oscillations, Eq. (4.6.5) must be satisfied, and the value of the gain coefficient g that makes Pf >Pi = 1 is called the threshold gain coefficient gth. From Eq. (4.6.6)
gth = as +
1 1 ln a b = at (4.6.7) 2L R 1R 2
where at is the total loss coefficient that represents all the losses in the second term. Equation (4.6.7) gives the optical gain needed in the medium to achieve a continuous wave lasing emission. The right-hand side of Eq. (4.6.7) represents all the losses, that is, the internal cavity losses, as, and end losses in (1>2L) ln (R1R2) - 1. Threshold gain coefficient gth is that value of the optical gain coefficient that just overcomes all losses, gth = at. 21
as should not be confused with the natural absorption coefficient a. The latter represents the absorption from E1 to E2 and is already incorporated into g. Note also that some authors use g for g and some use g for as.
Threshold optical gain coefficient
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
The necessary gth as required by Eq. (4.6.3), that is, the threshold gain, has to be obtained by suitably pumping the medium so that N2 is sufficiently greater than N1. This corresponds to a threshold population inversion or N2 - N1 = (N2 - N1)th. From Eq. (4.6.4) Threshold population inversion
(N2 - N1)th ≈ gth
c∆y (4.6.8) B21nhyo
We can now substitute for B21 in terms of A21 (which can be determined experimentally) from Eq. (4.2.7), i.e., A21 >B21 = 8phy3 >c3, and also use A21 = 1>tsp, where tsp is the spontaneous decay time Threshold population inversion
(N2 - N1)th ≈ gth
8pn2y2otsp ∆y c2
Initially the medium must have a gain coefficient g greater than gth. This allows the oscillations to build up in the cavity until a steady state is reached when g = gth. By analogy, an electrical oscillator circuit has an overall gain (loop gain) of unity once a steady state is reached and oscillations are maintained. Initially, however, when the circuit is just switched on, the overall gain is greater than unity. The oscillations start from a small noise voltage and become amplified, that is built-up, until the overall round-trip (or loop) gain becomes unity and a steady state operation is reached. The reflectance of the mirrors R1 and R2 are important in determining the threshold population inversion as they control gth in Eq. (4.6.9). It should be apparent that the laser device emitting coherent emission is actually a laser oscillator. The examination of the steady state continuous wave (CW) coherent radiation output power Po and the population difference (N2 - N1) in a laser as a function of the pump rate would reveal the highly simplified behavior shown in Figure 4.23. Until the pump rate can bring (N2 - N1) to the threshold value (N2 - N1)th, there would be no coherent radiation output. When the pumping rate exceeds the threshold value, then (N2 - N1) remains clamped at (N2 - N1)th because this controls the optical gain g, which must remain at gth. Additional pumping increases the rate of stimulated transitions and hence increases the photon concentration and the optical output power Po. Also note that we have not considered how pumping actually modifies N1 and N2, except that (N2 - N1) is proportional to the pumping rate as in Figure 4.23.22 Further, the characteristics shown in Figure 4.23 refer to plotting values under steady state or CW operation, and exclude the fact that initially (N2 - N1) must be greater than (N2 - N1)th for the oscillations to build-up.
Figure 4.23 A simplified description of a laser oscillator. (N2 - N1) and coherent output power (Po) vs. pump rate under continuous wave steady state operation. 22
To relate N1 and N2 to the pumping rate we have to consider the actual energy levels involved in the laser operation (three or four levels) and develop rate equations to describe the transitions in the system; see, for example, J. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, Optoelectronics: An Introduction, 3rd Edition (Prentice-Hall, Pearson Education, 1998), Ch. 5.
4.6 • Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth
Example 4.6.1 Threshold population inversion for the He-Ne laser Consider a He-Ne gas laser operating at the wavelength 632.8 nm (equivalent to yo = 473.8 THz). The tube length L = 40 cm and mirror reflectances are approximately 95% and 100%. The linewidth ∆y is 1.5 GHz, the loss coefficient as is 0.05 m - 1, the spontaneous decay time constant tsp is roughly 100 ns, and n ≈ 1. What are the threshold gain coefficient and threshold population inversion?
Solution The threshold gain coefficient from Eq. (4.6.7) is gth = as +
1 1 1 1 ln a b = (0.05 m - 1) + ln c d = 0.114 m - 1 2L R1R2 2(0.4 m) (0.95)(1)
The threshold population inversion from Eq. (4.6.9) is ∆Nth ≈ gth
8pn2y2otsp ∆y c2
= (0.114 m - 1)
8p(1)2(473.8 * 1012 s - 1)2(100 * 10 - 9 s)(1.5 * 109 s - 1) (3 * 108 m s - 1)2
= 1.1 * 1015 m - 3 Note that this is the threshold population inversion for Ne atoms in configurations 2p55s1 and 2p 3p . The spontaneous decay time tsp is the natural decay time of Ne atoms from E2 (2p55s1) to E1 (2p53p1). This time must be much longer than the spontaneous decay from E 1 to lower levels to allow a population inversion to be built up between E2 and E1, which is the case in the He-Ne laser. Equation (4.6.8) was a simplified derivation that used two energy levels: E2 and E1. The He-Ne case is actually more complicated because the excited Ne atom can decay from E2 not only to E1 but to other lower levels as well. While the He-Ne is lasing, the optical cavity ensures that the photon density in cavity promotes the E2 to E1 transitions to maintain the lasing operation. 5
C. Output Power and Photon Lifetime in the Cavity Consider the laser cavity shown in Figure 4.24 that has been pumped so that it is operating under steady state, and emitting CW radiation. Under steady state lasing operation, the coherent photon concentration Nph would neither decay with distance nor with time inside the cavity,
Figure 4.24 A pictorial visualization of photons inside a laser optical cavity bouncing back and forth between the cavity ends with some being transmitted. Nph is the photon concentration inside thecavity. Φph + is the photon flux in the + x direction. (Schematic illustration only. In reality, the photons in the cavity are much longer.)
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
inasmuch as gth just balances the total loss at. Further, there will be a coherent photon flux along the +x direction Φph + and another flux Φph - along -x. In the small elemental volume Adx shown in Figure 4.24, half of Nph(A dx) is moving toward the +x direction with a velocity c>n. The time dt it takes for photons to travel dx is dt = ndx>c. The photon flux Φph + is therefore (1>2) Nph(A dx)>(A dt) or Photon flux in + x direction
Φph + =
1 Nph(c>n) (4.6.10) 2
The power flowing toward the +x direction is simply hyoAΦph + . A fraction (1 - R1) will be transmitted at the right-hand-side mirror so that the output power is Output power
Po ≈
1 A(1 - R1)hyoNph(c>n) (4.6.11) 2
Thus, the output power, as expected, depends on the photon concentration Nph in the cavity, and the latter depends on the rate of stimulated transitions. The total cavity loss coefficient at = as + (1>2L) ln (R1R2) - 1 has two parts, in which as is the internal loss coefficient and (1>2L) ln (R1R2) - 1 represents the end losses. These losses would cause the photon concentration Nph to decay exponentially with time with a characteristic time constant, called the photon cavity lifetime tph, that depends inversely on at . Consider the photon flux Φph + shown in Figure 4.24 that starts at x and is traveling toward the +x direction. It becomes reflected at R 1 and then at R2, and then it returns back to x with a smaller magnitude as we are considering just the effect of all losses represented by at . The round-trip time interval dt = 2nL>c. The attenuated photon flux after one round trip is ΦphR1R2 exp(-2asL) and the change dΦph + is -Φph 31 - R1R2 exp(-2asL)4, where the negative sign indicates a decrease. Further, we can eliminate as and R1R2 by using the total attenuation coefficient at so that dΦph + = -Φph 31 - exp(-2atL)4
The fractional change in the photon concentration per unit time is then Photon cavity lifetime
dNph Nphdt
dΦph + Φph + dt
= -
1 - exp( -2atL) 1 = - (4.6.12) tph 2Ln>c
Clearly, if we ignore the gain of the medium, the above equation shows that losses would cause the photon concentration Nph to decay exponentially with time as Nph(t) = Nph(0)exp( - t>tph).23 Assuming small losses, we can expand exp( -2at L) ≈ 1 - 2at L so that the photon cavity lifetime is given by Photon cavity lifetime
tph ≈ n>cat (4.6.13)
Thus, the total attenuation in the optical cavity, as represented by the coefficient at, is equivalent to a cavity photon concentration that decays exponentially with time with a time constant tph given by Eq. (4.6.13). 23
If the change dNph is small over the time dt, then we can use differentials for changes. Further, most books simply use tph = n>cat for the photon cavity lifetime.
4.6 • Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth
Example 4.6.2 Output power and photon cavity lifetime tph Consider the He-Ne laser in Example 4.6.1 that has a tube length of 40 cm and R1 = 0.95 and R2 = 1. Suppose that the tube diameter is 0.8 mm, and the output power is 2.5 mW. What are the photon cavity lifetime and the photon concentration inside the cavity? (The emission frequency yo is 474 THz.)
Solution Using L = 40 cm, R1 = 0.95, R2 = 1, as = 0.05 m - 1 gives at = as + (1>2L) ln (R1R2) - 1 = 0.05 m - 1 + 32(0.4 m)4 - 1 ln 3(0.95 * 1)4 - 1 = 0.114 m - 1
and hence from Eq. (4.6.12),
tph = 3(2)(1)(0.4)4 > 3(3 * 108)(1 - e - 2 * 0.114 * 0.4)4 = 30.6 ns
If we use Eq. (4.6.13) we would find 29.2 ns. To find the photon concentration, we use Eq. (4.6.11), Po = (0.0025 W) ≈ =
1 A(1 - R1)hyoNphc>n 2
1 3p(8 * 10 - 3 >2)24 (1 - 0.95)(6.62 * 10 - 34)(474 * 1012)Nph(3 * 108)>(1) 2
which gives Nph ≈ 2.1 * 1015 photons m-3.
D. Optical Cavity, Phase Condition, Laser Modes The laser oscillation condition stated in Eq. (4.6.5) which leads to the threshold gain gth in Eq. (4.6.7) considers only the intensity of the radiation inside the cavity. The examination of Figure 4.22 reveals that the initial wave Ei with power Pi attains a power Po after one round trip when the wave has arrived back exactly at the same position as Ef, as shown in Figure 4.22. Unless the total phase change after one round trip from Ei to Ef is a multiple of 2p, the wave Ef cannot be identical to the initial wave Ei. We therefore need the additional condition that the round-trip phase change ∆f round@trip must be a multiple of 360°
∆f round@trip = m(2p) (4.6.14)
where m is an integer, 1, 2, …. This condition ensures self-replication rather than self-destruction. There are various factors that complicate any calculation from the phase condition in Eq. (4.6.14). The refractive index n of the medium in general will depend on pumping (especially so in semiconductors), and the end-reflectors can also introduce phase changes. In the simplest case, we can assume that n is constant and neglect phase changes at the mirrors. If k = 2p>l is the free-space propagation constant, only those special k-values, denoted as km, that satisfy Eq. (4.6.14) can exit as radiation in the cavity, i.e., for propagation along the cavity axis
nkm(2L) = m(2p) (4.6.15)
which leads to the usual mode condition
lm b = L (4.6.16) 2n
Phase condition for laser oscillations
Laser cavity modes
Wavelengths of laser cavity modes
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Thus, our intuitive representation of modes as standing waves, as originally described by Eq. (4.5.4) and again by Eq. (4.6.16), is a simplified conclusion from the general phase condition in Eq. (4.6.14). Furthermore, the modes in Eq. (4.6.16) are controlled by the length L of the optical cavity along its axis and are called longitudinal axial modes. We can also write the modes in terms of their frequencies ym inasmuch as lm = c>ym Frequencies of laser cavity modes
ym =
mc (4.6.17) 2nL
and the separation of modes can be found from Eq. (4.6.17), ∆ym = c>2nL. In the discussions of threshold gain and phase conditions, we referred to Figure 4.22 and tacitly assumed plane EM waves traveling inside the cavity between two perfectly flat and aligned mirrors. A plane wave is an idealization as it has an infinite extent over the plane normal to the direction of propagation. All practical laser cavities have a finite transverse size, that is, perpendicular to the cavity axis. Furthermore, not all cavities have flat reflectors at the ends. In gas lasers, one or both mirrors at the tube ends may be spherical to allow a better mirror alignment as illustrated in Figures 4.25 (a) and (b). One can easily visualize off-axis self-replicating rays that can travel off the axis as shown in one example in Figure 4.25 (a). Such a mode would be non-axial. Its properties would be determined not only by the off-axis round-trip distance, but also by the transverse size of the cavity. The greater the transverse size, the more of these off-axis modes can exist. Further, notice that the ray in Figure 4.25 (a) traverses the tube length almost four times before it completes a true round trip, whereas the total round-trip path was 2L in the case of flat mirrors. A better way of thinking about modes is to realize that a mode represents a particular electric field pattern in the cavity that can replicate itself after one round trip. Figure 4.25 (b) shows how a wavefront of a particular mode starts parallel to the surface of one of the mirrors, and after one round trip, it replicates itself. The wavefront curvature changes as the radiation propagates in the cavity and it is parallel to mirror surfaces at the end mirrors. Such a mode has similarities to the Gaussian beam discussed in Chapter 1. Indeed, in many applications, laser beams are modeled by assuming they are Gaussian beams. More generally, whether we have flat or spherical end mirrors, we can find all possible allowed modes by considering what spatial field patterns at one mirror can self-replicate
Figure 4.25 Laser modes. (a) An off-axis transverse mode is able to self-replicate after one round trip. (b) Wavefronts in a self-replicating wave. (c) Four low-order transverse cavity modes and their fields. (d) Intensity patterns in the modes of (c).
4.7 • Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth
after one round trip24 through the cavity to the other mirror and back as in the example in Figure 4.25 (b). A mode is a certain field pattern at a reflector that can propagate to the other reflector and back again and return the same field pattern. All these modes can be represented by fields E and B that are nearly normal to the cavity axis; they are referred to as transverse modes or transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) modes.25 Each allowed mode corresponds to a distinct spatial field distribution at a reflector. These modal field patterns at a reflector can be described by three integers, p, q, and m, and designated by TEMpqm. The integers p, q represent the number of nodes in the field distribution along the transverse directions y and z to the cavity axis x (put differently, across the beam cross-section). The integer m is the number of nodes along the cavity axis x and is the usual longitudinal mode number. Figures 4.25 (c) and (d) shows the field patterns for four TEM modes and the corresponding intensity patterns for four example TEM modes. Each transverse mode with a given p, q has a set of longitudinal modes (m values) but usually m is very large (∼106 in gas lasers) and is not written, though understood. Thus, transverse modes are written as TEMpq and each has a set of longitudinal modes (m = 1, 2, c). Moreover, two different transverse modes may not necessarily have the same longitudinal frequencies implied by Eq. (4.6.7). (For example, n may not be spatially uniform and different TEM modes have different spatial field distributions.) Transverse modes depend on the optical cavity dimensions, reflector sizes, and other size-limiting apertures that may be present in the cavity. The modes either have Cartesian (rectangular) or polar (circular) symmetry about the cavity axis. Cartesian symmetry arises whenever a feature of the optical cavity imposes a more favorable field direction; otherwise, the patterns exhibit circular symmetry. The examples in Figures 4.25 (c) and (d) possess rectangular symmetry and would arise, for example, if polarizing Brewster windows are present at the ends of the cavity. The lowest order mode TEM00 has an intensity distribution that is radially symmetric about the cavity axis, and has a Gaussian intensity distribution across the beam cross-section everywhere inside and outside cavity. It also has the lowest divergence angle. These properties render the TEM00 mode highly desirable, and many laser designs optimize on TEM00 while suppressing other modes. Such lasers usually require restrictions in the transverse size of the cavity.
4.7 Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth If the upper and lower energy levels E2 and E1 in laser transitions were truly discrete levels, we might think that we would get a stimulated emission at one frequency only at hyo = E2 - E1, and the optical gain curve would be a delta function, a narrow line at yo. At least in terms of modern physics, we know that this would be impossible based on the Uncertainty Principle alone. Suppose that we wish to measure the energy E2 by some perfectly designed instrument. Suppose, further, that lifetime of the atom in this E2-state is t2 after which it ends up at E1. Then, according to the Uncertainty Principle, if ∆E2 is the uncertainty in E2, we must obey ∆E2t2 7 h, which clearly shows that we cannot think of E2 as a well-defined discrete single-valued energy level. Consequently the emitted radiation will have this finite minimum spectral width h∆y = ∆E2.
24 We actually have to solve Maxwell’s equations with the boundary conditions of the cavity to determine what EM wave patterns are allowed. Further we have to incorporate optical gain into these equations (not a trivial task). 25 Or, transverse electromagnetic modes.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Exactly the same Uncertainty Principle argument applies to E1, and if t1 is the lifetime of the atom in a state at E1, from which it decays to another lower energy state, then we must obey ∆E1t1 7 h. Thus, the emission spectrum involves transitions from a small region ∆E2 around E2 to a small region ∆E1 around E1, and consequently has a finite spectral width determined by t2 and t1. This type of broadening of the emission spectrum, and hence the optical gain curve (its lineshape), is called lifetime broadening. In lifetime broadening, all atoms in the medium will exhibit the same broadening. They will all have the same central frequency yo and spectral width ∆y, as shown in Figure 4.26 (a). This type of spectral broadening in which all the atoms in a medium generate the same emission curve with the same yo and subjected to the same broadening mechanism is called homogeneous broadening. The shape of the emission curve is called a Lorentzian lineshape, and its mathematical form is well-known in photonics. (See Question 4.18.) The spectral width due to lifetime broadening is known as the natural linewidth, which is the minimum linewidth exhibited by all atoms. Another homogeneous broadening mechanism that is of particular practical importance is the emission from ions embedded in crystals, for example, in a laser based on Nd3 + ions in a YAG crystal, or Ti3 + ions in an Al2O3 (sapphire) crystal. The Nd3 + ions in the YAG crystal (Y3Al5O12) will be situated at well-defined sites, and their emission characteristics would be well-defined in the absence of any interruptions. However, lattice vibrations, i.e., phonons, will interact, that is collide, with the Nd3 + ions (phonons will “jolt” the Nd3 + ions) and interrupt the emission process. Phonon collisions suddenly change the phase of the EM wave during emission. This type of broadening mechanism is called collision broadening, which is also homogeneous, because all Nd3 + ions experience the same broadening. Phonons interact with all the ions in the same way. Collision broadening is much stronger than lifetime broadening. The spectral width of the Nd3 + :YAG laser is 120 GHz and is due to phonon collision broadening. Homogeneous collision broadening can also take place in gas lasers in which the atoms collide with each other and interrupt the radiation emission process, either terminate it or suddenly change the phase of the emitted radiation. In the case of gas lasers, collision broadening is usually called pressure broadening because the broadening increases with the gas pressure as more and more atoms collide with each other. While for the He-Ne laser, pressure broadening is negligible compared with Doppler broadening, it is nonetheless a contributing factor in certain gas lasers such as the CO2 laser. We saw that in the He-Ne laser, individual Ne atoms emitted at different frequencies due to the Doppler effect as illustrated in Figure 4.26 (b). If they were all stationary they would all have the same emission characteristic, i.e., a homogeneously broadened lineshape centered at yo; but, they move around randomly in the gas. The Doppler effect shifts the emission curve of each Ne atom an amount that depends on the velocity of the Ne atom and its direction. Since the atoms are
Figure 4.26 Lineshapes for (a) homogeneous and (b) inhomogeneous broadening. The lineshape is L orentzian for homogeneous and Gaussian for inhomogeneous broadening.
4.7 • Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth
moving randomly, the shift can be considered to be random. With a large number of Ne atoms, these different randomly shifted emission curves add to produce an overall emission lineshape that is a Gaussian. (The Gaussian lineshape is not unexpected since we have a very large collection of “random processes.”) This type of broadening in which each atom emits at a slightly different central frequency is called inhomogeneous broadening. The overall spectral width is obviously much wider than the homogeneous broadening inherent in individual atomic emissions as indicated in Figure 4.26 (b). In the case of 632.8 nm emission, homogeneous lifetime broadening is only 14 MHz, whereas inhomogeneous Doppler broadening is 1.5 GHz, two orders of magnitude wider. Inhomogeneous broadening also occurs in solid state glass lasers, for example, in Nd3 + : glass lasers. Each isolated Nd3 + ion outside the glass structure would emit the same spectrum. However, within the glass structure, the Nd3 + ions find themselves in different local environments, with different neighboring ions. These neighboring ions are not always the same and always exactly at the same place for each Nd3 + ion. These variations in the local environment from site to site in the glass result in the energy levels of the Nd3 + ion becoming spread. The overall emission characteristic is a Gaussian lineshape because the variations from one Nd3 + site to another are random. This type of inhomogeneous broadening is often termed amorphous structure broadening. The spectral broadening in Nd3 +:glass lasers are typically 5–7 THz, which is much wider than that for Nd3 + :YAG above. Table 4.2 summarizes the basic characteristics of homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening and provides simple examples.26 The optical gain lineshape and its width are key parameters in laser design, especially so in mode-locked lasers described in the next section. The lasing radiation output from a perfect homogeneously broadened laser medium is normally a single mode. On the other hand, the lasing output from an inhomogeneously broadened medium can be multimode or single mode, depending on the overlap of the gain curve with the cavity modes. Suppose that we manage to pump a homogeneously broadened gain medium above threshold gain gth for an instant as shown in Figure 4.27 (a). Suppose that there are three modes of the cavity that are allowed under the gain curve above gth, marked at yo, y1, and y1′ in Figure 4.27 (a). Table 4.2 Comparison of homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms
on the emission spectrum, or the optical gain curve Main characteristics
Examples of lasers
Homogeneous broadening
All atoms emit the same spectrum with the same center frequency yo Single-mode lasing output
Lorentzian function
Nd3 + :YAG; phonon collision broadening Pressure broadening in CO2 lasers
Inhomogeneous broadening
Different atoms emit at slightly differing central frequencies, due to random processes shifting the peak emission frequency Multimode or single-mode lasing output
Gaussian function
He-Ne lasers; Doppler broadening Nd3 +: glass lasers; amorphous structure broadening
There are also many practical examples in which the lineshape is neither exactly Lorentzian nor Gaussian, but a combination of the two. When the two functions are suitably combined, the result is a Voigt lineshape.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.27 (a) An ideal homogeneously broadened gain medium that has been pumped above threshold for an instant. The mode at y0 is the most intense and de-excites atoms by stimulated emission and reduces the population inversion for all the modes, which reduces the gain. (b) The gain g(y) is reduced until the threshold is reached, and only the y0 mode can oscillate. (c) The output spectrum is a single mode. (d) An ideal inhomogeneously broadened gain medium that has been pumped above threshold. The atoms behave independently and each has its own gaincurve. The de-excitation of atoms by stimulated radiation at y0 does not affect the atoms at y1 and y1′. (e) The gain g(y) must be reduced at y0, y1, and y1′ until threshold is reached to sustain steady state oscillations. The gain spectrum thus has dips at y0, y1, and y1′. (f) The output spectrum has three modes at y0, y1, and y1′.
The y0-mode has the highest intensity, and the y0-radiation de-excites (by stimulated emission) a much greater number of atoms than y1- and y1′-radiation. Remember that all the atoms have the same gain curve, which means that the y0-radiation removes a large number of excited atoms from interacting with y1- or y1′-radiation. The emissions stimulated by the y0-radiation cause even more atoms to become de-excited, leaving very little number of atoms for the y1- and y1′-radiation. Put differently, the stimulated emissions induced by the highest intensity y0-radiation reduce the population inversion N2 - N1 and hence the gain for all, as illustrated by the vertical downward arrows in Figure 4.27 (a). The modes at y1 and y1′, however, are affected very badly since their gains were already less than that of y0. As the gain curve is reduced, in the end, as shown in Figure 4.27 (b), only the y0-radiation can sustain itself. The output spectrum is a single mode as shown in Figure 4.27 (c). Consider now a laser gain medium that has inhomogeneous broadening and suppose that the gain curve has three modes with gains above gth as shown in Figure 4.27 (d). In this case, each atom behaves independently with its own gain curve that is centered away from the others as in Figure 4.26 (b). Consequently, the y0-mode radiation only interacts with those atoms that have their individual gain curves overlapping the y0-radiation. Similarly, y1-radiation interacts
4.8 • Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking
only with those atoms that have their individual gain curves overlapping the y1-radiation. When the y0-radiation de-excites atoms, it does not de-excite those that are at frequencies y1 and y1′. We know that stimulated emissions de-excite atoms and reduce the population inversion and hence the gain. Consequently, under steady state operation, the gain for the y0-mode is reduced from its peak g0 down to gth, which is the required gain for maintaining steady state oscillations. Similarly, the gain for y1-mode is reduced from g1 down to gth, as shown in Figure 4.27 (e). To maintain steady state laser oscillations, g(y) must have dipped regions at y0, y1, and y1′ where g(y) becomes gth. The dip in g(y) at a mode is called spectral hole burning. It might seem as though all three modes should have the same intensity as they all have g = gth, but this is not the case. Consider the y0- and y1-modes. The reduction of the gain from its peak at g0 to gth, and its maintenance at gth involves stimulated emissions for de-excitation. More stimulated emissions are needed to reduce g0 to gth than for reducing g1 to gth. Thus y0-mode has greater stimulated emissions and more optical power than the y1-mode. The output spectrum is illustrated in Figure 4.27 (f). (As one might have surmised, for simplicity only, the mode y0 was made coincident with the peak of the gain curve.)
4.8 Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking A. Q-Switching The Q-factor of an optical resonant cavity, like its finesse, is a measure of the cavity’s frequency selectiveness. The higher the Q-factor, the more selective the resonator is, or the narrower the spectral width. It is also a measure of the energy stored in the resonator per unit energy dissipated, e.g., losses at the reflecting surfaces or scattering in the cavity, per cycle of oscillation.27 Q-switching refers to a laser whose optical resonant cavity is switched from a low Q to a high Q to generate an intense laser pulse, as described below. A laser operation needs a good optical resonant cavity with low losses, that is, a high Q-factor, to allow the gain to reach the threshold gain. The large radiation intensity within the cavity stimulates further emissions. However, by temporarily removing one of the reflectors as in Figure 4.28 (a), we can switch the Q-factor of the cavity to some low value. While the optical
Figure 4.28 (a) The optical cavity has a low Q so that pumping takes the atoms to a very high degree of population inversion; lasing is prevented by not having a right-hand mirror. (b) The right mirror is “flung” to make an optical resonator, Q is switched to a high value which immediately encourages lasing emissions. There is an intense pulse of lasing emission which brings down the excess population inversion.
See Section 1.11 in Chapter 1. All optical resonators have a Q-factor, which is another way of expressing their finesse.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
cavity has low Q, the lasing is suppressed. Without the reflections from the mirrors, the photon energy density in the cavity is small, and the active medium can be pumped to achieve a large population inversion, greater than what would have normally been achieved had the mirrors been in place. When the Q of the optical cavity is switched to a high value, as in Figure 4.28 (b), an intense lasing emission is generated. While the Q is low, the pumped lasing medium is effectively a very high gain photon amplifier. There is too much loss in the optical resonator (i.e., no optical feedback) to achieve a lasing oscillation. As soon as the Q is switched to a high value, the low loss in the optical resonator allows lasing oscillations to occur, which deplete the population inversion and decrease the gain until the population inversion falls below the threshold value and lasing oscillations cease. The sequence of events involved in Q-switching a laser is illustrated in Figure 4.29. The pump, a flash tube in many cases, that provides optical excitation, is triggered at time t1 as shown in Figure 4.29 (a). It must have sufficient intensity to quickly build up (N2 -N1) to well above the normal threshold value (N2 - N1)th as indicated in Figure 4.29 (b). The pumping power needed must be provided before excited ions (or atoms) in the medium can spontaneously decay to the lower laser energy level. The optical cavity’s Q is switched at time t2, before the excited ions decay spontaneously to the lower laser level, as shown in Figure 4.29 (c). The result is a nearly sudden formation of an optical cavity, which enables lasing radiation to be quickly built up inside the cavity from t2 to t3 in Figures 4.29 (c)–(d). The radiation buildup from t2 to t3 is of the order of nanoseconds and starts with stray photons as in normal CW laser operation. Eventually, the rapid build-up of radiation in the cavity stimulates lasing transitions, and acts as positive feedback, yielding a pulse of coherent radiation as output as in Figure 4.29 (d). The duration of the lasing emission (the width of the output pulse) depends on both the Q-switching time, and the photon cavity lifetime, i.e., how long photons are in the cavity before they leave. The Q-switching speed must be faster than the rate of oscillation buildup; otherwise the lasing oscillation builds up slowly. Table 4.3 summarizes the properties of two commercial Q-switched Nd3 + :YAG lasers. Notice that the Q-switched pulses are a few
Figure 4.29 A simplified schematic of Q-switching in the generation of short laser pulses. (a) The pump profile, i.e., the flash tube output. (b) The evolution of the population difference N2 - N1 with time. (c) The switching of the optical cavity Q during the pumping procedure while the population inversion is very large and greater than the normal threshold population. (d)The output light pulse.
4.8 • Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking Table 4.3 Selected typical characteristics of two commercial Q-switched Nd3+:YAG
lasers Property Emission wavelength (nm) Output pulse energy (mJ) Pulse width (ns) Repetition rate (Hz) Peak power (kW) Q-switch Output beam Output beam M2 Beam divergence (mrad) Beam diameter (mm)
Nd3+ :YAG NL220 by EKSPLA
Nd3+ :YAG P-1064-150-HE by Alphalas
1064 10 7 1000 ∼1400 EO TEM00 6 1.5 6 1.5 2.5
1064 1.5 1.1 100 ∼1400 Passive TEM00 – 6 0.3
Note: Usually higher-energy output pulses require operation at a lower repetition frequency.
nanoseconds long, and the actual power in the laser pulse is 1.4–1.8 MW; extremely high compared with CW power levels. There are a number of ways in which Q-switching can be conveniently implemented as illustrated in three examples in Figures 4.30 (a)–(c). The first example uses a rotating reflector, which in this case is a prism. The cavity Q is switched during the rotation of the prism every time a prism face aligns with the cavity axis, which is shown in Figure 4.30 (a). Another technique is to use a saturable absorber, also called a bleachable dye, in the optical cavity as in Figure 4.30 (b). A saturable absorber’s absorption decreases with increasing light intensity so that it becomes transparent only at high intensities. When the absorber becomes transparent under a large radiation intensity, the dye is said to be bleached. Initially the absorber is opaque and keeps the cavity Q low by absorbing the radiation, but as the intensity builds up the absorber becomes transparent, which corresponds to switching the cavity Q to a high value. Another technique that is widely employed is the use of an electro-optic (EO) switch in the optical cavity as illustrated in Figure 4.30 (c). As will be explained in Chapter 6, such an EO switch is essentially an electro-optic (or a piezoelectric) crystal with electrodes, and works in combination with a polarizer. EO switches can be very fast (e.g., less than nanoseconds), which is one of their distinct advantages. For the present purposes it is clear that when the EO switch is turned transparent by the application of a voltage, the cavity Q is switched high, which results in the generation of a lasing pulse.
Figure 4.30 (a) Q-switching by using a rotating prism. (b) Q-switching by using a saturable absorber. (c) Q-switching by using an electro-optic (EO) switch. Normally a polarizer is also needed before or after the switch but this is part of the EO switch in this diagram.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
B. Mode Locking Mode locking is used to generate short and intense laser light pulses at a certain repetition rate that depends on the laser construction. A mode-locked laser is a laser that has been constructed to have one transverse mode and many (N) longitudinal modes, as in Figure 4.31 (a), that have the same phase. The N longitudinal modes then reinforce each other to generate an intense pulse of lasing emission at fixed time intervals as illustrated in Figure 4.31 (b). The repetition rate depends on the laser cavity length L and the speed of light in the lasing medium, c, assuming that the refractive index n is nearly 1 (e.g., we have a gas laser). Normally, the longitudinal modes of a laser cavity would be “independent” with random relative phases. In such a case, the output intensity from the laser would simply be the sum of the individual mode intensities, i.e., I1 + I2 + c + IN. If, on the other hand, the modes have been forced to have the same phase, then these mode oscillations would reinforce each other, the optical fields would add, in such a way that they generate an intense optical pulse at a certain repetition rate. In this mode-locked case, the intensity in a pulse is proportional to (E1 + E2 + c + EN)2, and can be enormously larger than the case when the modes are not locked, as indicated in Figure 4.31 (b) where the horizontal dashed line, CW, represents the intensity in the unlocked laser. The repetition rate in a mode-locked laser is the reciprocal of the round-trip time of a light pulse in the optical cavity. Suppose that T = 2L>c is the round-trip time of a light pulse in the optical resonator shown in Figure 4.31 (c), where L is the cavity length and c is the velocity of light. The pulse repeats itself every T = 2L>c seconds. The situation is analogous to taking a fixed number of sine waves with multiple frequencies, adjusting their phases so that one can obtain the maximum amplitude from their summation. The achievement of such an intense light pulse at every T seconds requires that the “modes are locked,” that is, the relative phases of the modes have been correctly adjusted and fixed to yield the required maximum output intensity. When modes have been locked, there must be an optical pulse in the resonator that is traveling between the mirrors with exactly the required round-trip time of T = 2L>c. (If the refractive index n is not unity, we need to use c>n instead of c.) The width ∆t of an individual light pulse depends on the frequency width ∆y of the laser optical gain curve; normally ∆y is taken as the full width half maximum width. We know that ∆y also determines how many modes N are there in the output. The pulse width ∆t ≈ 1>∆y ≈ T>N. In practice, it is not very difficult to obtain mode locking since the required output must correspond
Figure 4.31 (a) A mode-locked laser has its N modes all in phase so that the modes add correctly to generate a short laser pulse every T seconds. ∆y is the full width at half maximum. (b) The output light intensity from a mode-locked laser is a periodic series of short intense optical pulses that are separated in time by T = 2L>c, the round-trip time for the pulse in the resonator. (c) A laser can be mode-locked by using an EO switch in the optical cavity that becomes transparent exactly at the right time, every T seconds. Each time the pulse in the resonator impinges on the left mirror, every T = 2L>c seconds, a portion of it is transmitted, which constitutes the output from a mode-locked laser.
4.9 • Principle of the Laser Diode
to an intense pulse train of repetition rate 1>T. This output itself corresponds to a single optical pulse in the resonator bouncing back and forward between the mirrors with a round-trip time T. Each time this pulse impinges on a partially reflecting mirror, a portion of it is transmitted as an output pulse as in Figure 4.31 (c). Suppose that we insert an electro-optic switch that is switched to be made transparent at every T seconds (as we did for Q-switching). The switch is on to be transparent only when the pulse is there and only for the duration of the pulse. Then, the only possible situation is where a single optical pulse can bounce back and forward in the resonator and this corresponds to locking the modes. This is an example of active mode locking. The difference from the electro-optically Q-switched laser is that in mode locking, the EO switch must be turned on every T seconds for a very short time, so the timing in sequence is critical. Another possibility is passive mode locking where a saturable absorber is used in the optical cavity (again, similar to Q-switching). The optical cavity is lossy for low light intensities. Such an absorber would only allow a high intensity light pulse to exist in the cavity since it is only transparent at high intensities. The latter would correspond to various modes having the right phases to yield an intense pulse, that is, mode locking. The difference from the Q-switching case is that the absorber in a mode-locked laser must be able to respond faster than the time T. The output pulses from a mode-locked laser are spatially separated by 2L because the pulses come out at every T seconds from the output mirror and Tc is 2L. A mode-locked He-Ne laser typically has a pulse width of roughly 600 ps whereas it is 150 fs for a mode-locked Nd3 + : glass laser. It might be thought that we have generated a more powerful output laser beam, a stream of high intensity pulses, than the CW (unlocked) case, but this is not true. The peak power in an individual mode-locked pulse, roughly the energy in the pulse divided by the pulse width ∆t, can be extremely high, often in megawatts, but the time-averaged power (over many pulses) is the same as that in the CW unlocked laser.
4.9 Principle of the Laser Diode28 Consider a degenerately doped direct bandgap semiconductor pn junction whose band diagram is shown in Figure 4.32 (a). By degenerate doping we mean that the Fermi level EFp in the p-side is in the valence band (VB) and EFn in the n-side is in the conduction band (CB). All energy levels up to the Fermi level can be taken to be occupied by electrons as in Figure 4.32 (a). In the absence of an applied voltage, the Fermi level is continuous across the diode, EFp = EFn. The depletion region or the space charge layer (SCL) in such a pn junction is very narrow. There is a built-in voltage Vo that gives rise to a potential energy barrier eVo that prevents electrons in the CB of n + -side diffusing into the CB of the p + -side.29 There is a similar barrier stopping the hole diffusion from p + -side to n + -side. Recall that when a voltage is applied to a pn junction device, the change in the Fermi level from end-to-end is the electrical work done by the applied voltage, that is, ∆EF = eV. Suppose 28 The first semiconductor lasers used GaAs pn junctions, as reported by the American researchers Robert N. Hall et al. (General Electric Research, Schenectady), Marshall I. Nathan et al. (IBM, Thomas J. Watson Research Center), and Robert H. Rediker et al. (MIT), in 1962. Nick Holonyak (General Electric at Syracuse), also in 1962, reported a laser diode based on the compound GaAsP, which emitted in the visible (red). 29 The potential energy barrier eVo in a nondegerate pn junction is normally taken as the energy required for an electron to move from Ec on the n-side to Ec on the p-side since electrons are near the bottom of the CB at Ec. In the present case, electrons occupy states from Ec up to EFn. The exact analysis of the problem is therefore more complicated; however EFn - Ec is small compared to eVo.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.32 (a) The energy band diagram of a degenerately doped pn with no bias. eVo is the potential energy barrier against electron diffusion from the n+ -side to the p+ -side. Note that (EFn - Ec) and (Ev - EFp) are small compared with eVo. (The diagram is exaggerated.) (b) Band diagram with a sufficiently large forward bias to cause population inversion and hence stimulated emission. (As before, filled black circles are electrons and empty circles are holes. Only electrons flow in the external circuit.)
that this degenerately doped pn junction is forward biased by a voltage V greater than the bandgap voltage; eV 7 Eg as shown in Figure 4.32 (b). The separation between EFn and EFp is now the applied potential energy or eV. The applied voltage diminishes the built-in potential barrier to almost zero, which means that electrons flow into the SCL and flow over to the p + -side to constitute the diode current. There is a similar reduction in the potential barrier for holes from p + - to n + -side. The final result is that electrons from n + -side and holes from p + -side flow into the SCL, and this SCL region is no longer depleted, as apparent in Figure 4.32 (b). If we draw the energy band diagram with EFn - EFp = eV 7 Eg this conclusion is apparent. In this region, there are more electrons in the conduction band at energies near Ec than electrons in the valence band near Ev as illustrated by density of states diagram for the junction region in Figure 4.33 (a). In other words, there is a population inversion between energies near Ec and those near Ev around the junction. This population inversion region is a layer along the junction and is called the inversion layer or the active region. An incoming photon with an energy of (Ec - Ev) cannot excite an
Figure 4.33 (a) The density of states and energy distribution of electrons and holes in the conduction and valence bands, respectively, in the SCL under forward bias such that EFn - EFp 7 Eg. Holes in the VB are empty states. (b) Gain vs. photon energy (hy). The effect of temperature is also shown.
4.9 • Principle of the Laser Diode
electron from Ev to Ec as there are almost none near Ev. It can, however, stimulate an electron to fall down from Ec to Ev as shown in Figure 4.32 (b). Put differently, the incoming photon stimulates direct recombination. The region where there is population inversion and hence more stimulated emission than absorption, or the active region, has an optical gain because an incoming photon is more likely to cause stimulated emission than being absorbed. The optical gain depends on the photon energy (and hence on the wavelength) as apparent by the energy distributions of electrons and holes in the conduction and valence bands in the active layer in Figure 4.33 (a). At low temperatures (T ≈ 0 K), the states between Ec and EFn are filled with electrons and those between EFp and Ev are empty. Photons with energy greater than Eg but less than EFn - EFp cause stimulated emissions, whereas those photons with energies greater than EFn - EFp become absorbed. Figure 4.33 (b) shows the expected dependence of optical gain and absorption on the photon energy at low temperatures (T ≈ 0 K). As the temperature increases, the Fermi–Dirac function spreads the energy distribution of electrons in the CB to above EFn and holes below EFp in the VB. Put differently, electrons from below EFn are spread to energies above EFn. The result is a reduction and also some smearing of the optical gain curve as indicated in Figure 4.33 (b). The optical gain depends on EFn - EFp, which depends on the applied voltage, and hence on the diode current. It is apparent that population inversion between energies near Ec and those near Ev is achieved by the injection of carriers across the junction under a sufficiently large forward bias. The pumping mechanism is therefore the forward diode current and the pumping energy is supplied by the external battery. This type of pumping is called injection pumping. In addition to population inversion we also need to have an optical cavity to implement a laser oscillator, that is, to build up the intensity of stimulated emissions by means of an optical resonator. This would provide a continuous coherent radiation as output from the device. Figure 4.34 shows schematically the structure of a homojunction laser diode. The pn junction uses the same direct bandgap semiconductor material throughout, for example GaAs, and hence has the name homojunction. The ends of the crystal are cleaved to be flat and optically polished to provide reflection and hence form an optical cavity. Photons that are reflected from the cleaved surfaces stimulate more photons of the same frequency and so on. This process builds up the intensity of the radiation in the cavity. The wavelength of the radiation that can build up in the cavity is determined by the length L of the cavity because
Figure 4.34 A schematic illustration of a GaAs homojunction laser diode. The cleaved surfaces act as reflecting mirrors.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Robert Hall and his colleagues, while working at General Electric’s Research and Development Center in Schenectady, New York, were among the first groups of researchers to report a working semiconductor laser diode in 1962. He obtained a U.S. patent in 1967, entitled “Semiconductor junction laser diode” for his invention. When Robert Hall retired from GE in 1987, he had been awarded more than 40 patents. (R. N. Hall et al., Phys. Rev. Letts., 9, 366, 1962; Courtesy of GE.)
only multiples of the half-wavelengths can exist in such an optical cavity as explained in Section 4.6D, i.e., Modes in an optical cavity
l = L (4.9.1) 2n
where, as before, m is an integer, called a mode number, n is the refractive index of the semiconductor, and l is the free-space wavelength. Each radiation pattern satisfying the above relationship is essentially a resonant frequency of the cavity, that is, a mode of the cavity. The separation between possible modes of the cavity (or separation between allowed wavelengths) ∆lm can be readily found from Eq. (4.9.1) as in the case of the He-Ne gas laser previously. The dependence of the optical gain of the medium on the wavelength of radiation can be deduced from the energy distribution of the electrons in the CB and holes in the VB around the junction as in Figures 4.33 (a) and (b). The exact output spectrum from the laser diode depends both on the nature of the optical cavity and the optical gain vs. wavelength characteristics. Lasing radiation is only obtained when the optical gain in the medium can overcome the photon losses from the cavity, which requires the diode current I to exceed a certain threshold value Ith. (This is similar to the condition we had for gas lasers where pumping must exceed some threshold pumping required for the threshold gain.) Below Ith, the light from the device is due to spontaneous emission and not stimulated emission. The light output is then composed of incoherent photons that are emitted randomly and the device behaves like an LED. For diode currents above Ith, the device emits coherent lasing emission. We can identify two critical diode currents. First is the diode current that provides just sufficient injection to lead to stimulated emissions just balancing absorption. This is called the transparency current IT inasmuch as there is then no net photon absorption; the medium is perfectly transparent. Above IT there is optical gain in the medium though the optical output is not yet a continuous wave coherent radiation. Lasing oscillations occur only when the optical gain in the medium can overcome the photon losses from the cavity, that is, when the optical gain g reaches the threshold gain gth. This occurs at the threshold current Ith. Those cavity resonant frequencies that experience the threshold optical gain can resonate within the cavity. Some of this cavity radiation is transmitted out from the cleaved ends as these are not perfectly reflecting (typically about
4.10 • Heterostructure Laser Diodes
Figure 4.35 Typical output optical power vs. diode current (I) characteristics and the corresponding output spectrum of a laser diode. Ith is the threshold current and corresponds to the extension of the coherent radiation output characteristic onto the I-axis.
32% reflecting without any antireflection coating). Figure 4.35 shows the output light intensity as a function of diode current. Below the threshold current Ith, the light output is incoherent radiation due to the spontaneous recombination of injected electrons and holes. Above Ith, the light output becomes coherent radiation consisting of cavity wavelengths (or modes); and the output intensity increases steeply with the current. The number of modes in the output spectrum and their relative strengths depend on the diode current as illustrated in Figure 4.35. Notice that as the current increases, one of the intense modes becomes prominent at the expense of less intense modes. The prominent mode has so much intensity that it ends up using most of the injected electrons; there are insufficient electrons left for other modes to satisfy the threshold gain condition at those frequencies. The main problem with the homojunction laser diode is that the threshold current density Jth is too high for practical uses. For example, the threshold current density is of the order of ∼500 A mm- 2 for GaAs pn junctions at room temperature, which means that the GaAs homojunction laser can be operated continuously only at very low temperatures. However, Jth can be reduced by orders of magnitude by using heterostructure semiconductor laser diodes.
4.10 Heterostructure Laser Diodes The reduction of the threshold current Ith to a practical value requires improving the rate of stimulated emission and also improving the efficiency of the optical cavity. First, we can confine the injected electrons and holes to a narrow region around the junction. This narrowing of the active region means that less current is needed to establish the necessary concentration of carriers for population inversion. Second, we can build a dielectric waveguide around the optical gain region to increase the photon concentration and hence the probability of stimulated emission. This way we can reduce the loss of photons traveling off the cavity axis. We therefore need both carrier confinement and photon or optical confinement. Both of these requirements are readily achieved in modern laser diodes by the use of heterostructured devices as in the case of high-intensity double heterostructure LEDs. However, in the case of laser diodes, there is an additional requirement for maintaining a good optical cavity that will increase stimulated emission over spontaneous emission. Figure 4.36 (a) shows a double heterostructure (DH) device based on two junctions between different semiconductor materials with different bandgaps. In this case, the semiconductors are Al1 - xGa xAs (or simply AlGaAs) with Eg ≈ 2 eV and GaAs with Eg ≈ 1.4 eV. The p-GaAs region is a thin layer, typically about 0.1 om, and constitutes the active layer in which
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Izuo Hayashi (left) and Morton Panish (1971) at Bell Labs were able to design the first semiconductor laser that operated continuously at room temperature. The need for semiconductor heterostructures for efficient laser diode operation was put forward by Herbert Kroemer in the United States and Zhores Alferov in Russia in 1963. (Notice the similarity of the energy band diagram on the chalkboard with that in Figure 4.36.) (Reprinted with permission of Alcatel–Lucent USA Inc.)
lasing recombination takes place. Both p-GaAs and p-AlGaAs are heavily p-type doped and are degenerate with EF in the valence band. When a sufficiently large forward bias is applied, E c of n-AlGaAs moves above Ec of p-GaAs, which leads to a large injection of electrons from the CB of n-AlGaAs into the CB of p-GaAs as shown in Figure 4.36 (b). These electrons, however, are confined to the CB of p-GaAs since there is a potential barrier ∆Ec between p-GaAs and p-AlGaAs due to the change in the bandgap (there is also a small change in Ev but we ignore this). Inasmuch as p-GaAs is a thin layer, the concentration of injected electrons in the p-GaAs layer can be increased quickly even with moderate increases in forward current. This effectively reduces the threshold current for population inversion or optical gain. Thus, even moderate forward currents can inject sufficient number of electrons into the CB of p-GaAs to establish the necessary electron concentration for population inversion in this layer.
Figure 4.36 The basic principle of operation of a double heterostructure laser.
4.10 • Heterostructure Laser Diodes
A wider bandgap semiconductor generally has a lower refractive index. AlGaAs has a lower refractive index than that of GaAs. The change in the refractive index defines an optical dielectric waveguide, as illustrated in Figure 4.36 (c), that confines the photons to the active region of the optical cavity and thereby increases the photon concentration. The photon concentration across the device is shown in Figure 4.36 (d). This increase in the photon concentration increases the rate of stimulated emissions. Thus, both carrier and optical confinement lead to a reduction in the threshold current density. Without double heterostructure devices we would not have practical solid state lasers that can be operated continuously at room temperature. A typical structure of a double heterostructure laser diode is similar to a double heterostructure LED and is shown schematically in Figure 4.37. The doped layers are grown epitaxially on a crystalline substrate which in this case is n-GaAs. The double heterostructure described above consists of the first layer on the substrate, n-AlGaAs, the active p-GaAs layer, and the p-AlGaAs layer. There is an additional p-GaAs layer, called contacting layer, next to p-AlGaAs. It can be seen that the electrodes are attached to the GaAs semiconductor rather than AlGaAs. This choice allows for better contacting, that is, smaller contact resistance. The p- and n-AlGaAs layers provide carrier and optical confinement in the vertical direction by forming heterojunctions with p-GaAs. The active layer is p-GaAs, which means that the lasing emission will be in the range 870–900 nm depending on the doping level. This layer can also be made to be AlyGa 1 - yAs but of different composition than the confining AlxGa 1 - xAs layers, and still preserve heterojunction properties. By modifying the composition of the active layer, we can control the wavelength of the lasing emission over 650–900 nm. The advantage of AlGaAs >GaAs heterojunction is that there is only a small lattice mismatch between the two crystal structures and hence negligible strain induced interfacial defects (e.g., dislocations) in the device. Such defects invariably act as nonradiative recombination centers and hence reduce the rate of radiative transitions. An important feature of this laser diode is the stripe geometry, or stripe contact on p-GaAs. The current density J from the stripe contact is not uniform laterally. J is greatest
Figure 4.37 Schematic illustration of the structure of a double heterojunction stripe contact laser diode.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
along the central path, 1, and decreases away from path 1, toward 2 or 3. The current is confined to flow within paths 2 and 3. The current density paths through the active layer where J is greater than the threshold value Jth, as shown in Figure 4.37, define the active region where population inversion and hence optical gain takes place. The lasing emission emerges from this active region. The width of the active region, or the optical gain region, is therefore defined by the current density from the stripe contact. Optical gain is highest where the currentdensity is greatest. Such lasers are called gain guided. There are two advantages to using a stripe geometry. First, the reduced contact area also reduces the threshold current Ith. Second, the reduced emission area makes light coupling to optical fibers easier. Typical stripe widths (W) may be as small as a few microns leading to typical threshold currents that may be tens of milliamperes. The simple double heterostructure laser diode structure in Figure 4.37 has an optical cavity defined by the end surfaces, i.e., the facets, of the crystal. The lasing emission emerges from one of the crystal facets, that is, from an area on a crystal face perpendicular to the active layer. The radiation is emitted from the edge of the crystal. These DH devices are usually marketed as Fabry–Perot cavity, edge emitting laser diodes, or simply FP laser diodes, and edge emission is implied. Since the refractive index of GaAs is about 3.6, the reflectance is 0.32 (or 32%). The laser efficiency can therefore be further improved and the finesse of the FP cavity enhanced by reducing the reflection losses from the crystal facets by, for example, suitably coating the end surfaces. Further, by fabricating a dielectric mirror (as explained in Chapter 1) at the rear facet, that is, a mirror consisting of a number of quarter-wavelength semiconductor layers of different refractive index, it is possible to bring the reflectance close to unity and thereby improve the optical gain of the cavity. This corresponds to a reduction in the threshold current. The width, or the lateral extent, of the optical gain region in the stripe geometry DH laser in Figure 4.37 is defined by the current density, and changes with the current. More importantly, the lateral optical confinement of photons to the active region is poor because there is no marked change in the refractive index laterally. It would be advantageous to laterally confine the photons to the active region to increase the rate of stimulated emissions. This can be achieved by shaping the refractive index profile in the same way the vertical confinement was defined by the heterostructure. Figure 4.38 illustrates schematically the structure of such a DH laser diode where the active layer, p-GaAs, is bound both vertically and laterally by a wider bandgap semiconductor, AlGaAs, which has lower refractive index. The active layer (GaAs) is effectively buried within a wider bandgap material (AlGaAs) and the structure is hence called a buried double heterostructure laser diode. Since the active layer is surrounded by a lower index material (AlGaAs), it behaves as a dielectric waveguide and ensures
Figure 4.38 A simplified schematic diagram of a double heterostructure semiconductor laser device that has its active region (p-GaAs) buried within the device in such away that it is surrounded by a low refractive index material (AlGaAs) rendering the active region as a waveguide.
4.10 • Heterostructure Laser Diodes
that the photons are confined to the active or optical gain region. The photon confinement increases the rate of stimulated emission and hence the efficiency of the diode. Inasmuch as the optical power is confined to the waveguide defined by the refractive index variation, these diodes are called index guided. Further, if the buried heterostructure has the right lateral dimensions compared with the wavelength of the radiation, then only the fundamental lateral mode can exist in this waveguide structure as in the case of dielectric waveguides. There may, however, be several longitudinal modes. A laser diode in which the lasing emission occurs only in one mode, both longitudinally and laterally, is called a single-mode laser diode. Lateral confinement, and hence a single lateral mode (i.e., TE00) can be easily obtained in buried DH laser diodes by ensuring that the buried active layer has a sufficiently small lateral size, e.g., a few microns. In the stripe geometry LDs, a single lateral mode can be obtained by keeping the width of the stripe (W) narrow in Figure 4.37. On the other hand, operation at a single longitudinal mode, as shown in Example 4.10.1, typically needs the cavity length to be sufficiently short to allow only one mode to exit within the optical gain bandwidth. There are several techniques for generating single-mode lasers. One commonly used technique is to restrict the allowed wavelengths in the optical cavity by using wavelength-selective reflectors, as discussed later in Section 4.14. The laser diode heterostructures based on Al1 - xGa x As alloys are suitable for emissions from about 680 nm (red) to about 900 nm (IR). For operation in the optical communication wavelengths of 1.3 om and 1.55 om, typical heterostructures are based on InGaAsP (In1 - xGa xAs1 - yPy) alloys grown on InP substrates. InGaAsP quaternary alloys have a narrower bandgap than InP, and a greater refractive index. The composition of the InGaAsP alloy is adjusted to obtain the required bandgap for the active and confining layers. Figure 4.39 shows a highly simplified schematic structure of a buried (index guided) DH LD laser diode for use in optical communications. The active layer (InGaAsP) is surrounded by wider bandgap, lower refractive index InP. Notice that the active layer with the right InGaAsP composition is surrounded by lower refractive index, higher bandgap InP both horizontally and vertically. Layers are grown on an InP substrate. The contact covers the whole surface so that the current must be limited to the central active layer region. The latter is achieved by using InP np junctions around the active layer that are reverse biased and therefore prevent the current flow outside the central active region. There is a p-InGaAs layer between the electrode and the p-InP that serves as a contacting layer; that is, this layer facilitates current injection into the p-InP by reducing the contact resistance.
Figure 4.39 A highly simplified schematic sketch of a buried heterostructure laser diode for telecom applications. The active layer (InGaAsP) is surrounded by the wider bandgap, lower refractive index InP material. Layers are grown on an InP substrate. The InP np junction is reverse biased and prevents the current flow outside the central active region.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Left: High power (0.5–7 W) CW laser diodes with emission at 805 nm and a spectral width of 2.5 nm. Applications include medical systems, diode pumped lasers, analytical equipment, illuminators, reprographics, laser initiated ordnance, etc. Center: Typical pigtailed laser diodes for telecom. These are Fabry–Perot laser diodes operating at peak wavelengths of 1310 nm and 1550 nm with spectral widths of 2 nm and 1.3 nm, respectively. The threshold currents are 6 mA and 10 mA, and they can deliver 2 mW of optical power into a single-mode fiber. Right: High power 850 nm and 905 nm pulsed laser diodes for use in range finders, ceilometers, weapon simulation, optical fuses, surveying equipment, etc. (Courtesy of OSI Laser Diode Inc.)
Example 4.10.1 Modes in a semiconductor laser and the optical cavity length Consider an AlGaAs-based heterostructure laser diode that has an optical cavity of length 200 om. The peak radiation is at 870 nm and the refractive index of GaAs is about 3.6. What is the mode integer m of the peak radiation and the separation between the modes of the cavity? If the optical gain vs. wavelength characteristics has a FWHM wavelength width of about 6 nm, how many modes are there within this bandwidth? How many modes are there if the cavity length is 20 om?
Solution Figure 4.19 schematically illustrates the cavity modes, the optical gain characteristics, and a typical output spectrum from a laser. The wavelength l of a cavity mode and length L are related by Eq. (4.9.1), m
l = L 2n
where n is the refractive index of the semiconductor medium, so that m =
2(3.6) (200 * 10 - 6) 2nL = 1655.1 or 1655 (integer) = l (870 * 10 - 9)
The wavelength separation ∆lm between the adjacent cavity modes m and (m + 1) in Figure 4.19 is ∆lm =
2nL 2nL 2nL l2 ≈ 2 = m m + 1 2nL m
where we assumed that the refractive index n does not change significantly with wavelength from one mode to another. Thus, the separation between the modes for a given peak wavelength increases with decreasing L. When L = 200 om ∆lm =
(870 * 10 - 9)2 2(3.6)(200 * 10 - 6)
= 5.26 * 10 - 10 m or 0.526 nm
If the optical gain has a bandwidth of ∆l1>2, then there will be ∆l1>2 >∆lm number of modes, or (6 nm)>(0.526 nm), that is, 11 modes. When L = 20 om, the separation between the modes becomes ∆lm =
(870 * 10 - 9)2 2(3.6) (20 * 10 - 6)
= 5.26 nm
4.11 • Quantum Well Devices
Then (∆l1>2)>∆lm = 1.14 and there will be one mode that corresponds to about 870 nm. In fact, m must be an integer so that choosing the nearest integer, m = 166, gives l = 867.5 nm (choosing m = 165 gives 872.7 nm). It is apparent that reducing the cavity length suppresses higher modes. Note that the optical bandwidth depends on the diode current.
4.11 Quantum Well Devices As in the case of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), quantum wells (QWs) are also widely used in modern laser diodes. A typical quantum well-based laser is essentially a heterostructure device, as in Figure 4.36, in which the thin GaAs layer becomes ultrathin, typically less than 20 nm. We now have an ultrathin narrow bandgap GaAs sandwiched between two wider bandgap semiconductors, which results in a QW as illustrated in Figure 4.40 (a). The confinement length d, the size of the QW, is so small that we can treat the electron as in a one-dimensional potential energy (PE) well in the x-direction and as if it were free in the yz plane. The energy of the electron in the QW is quantized along the x-direction of confinement, which is shown in Figure 4.40 (b) as E1, E2, …, corresponding to the quantum number n being 1, 2, …, respectively. Similarly, the hole energy is also quantized as E1′, E2′, etc., with a corresponding quantum number n′ being 1, 2, etc., respectively. The electron is free in the yz plane (along y and z), which means that we must add this kinetic energy to the quantized energy levels. The electrons in the conduction band (CB) form a 2D (two-dimensional) free electron gas. As explained in Chapter 3,
Figure 4.40 (a) A single quantum well of bandgap Eg1 sandwiched between two semiconductors of wider bandgap Eg2. (b) The electron energy levels, and stimulated emission. The electrons and holes are injected from n-AlGaAs and p-AlGaAs, respectively. The refractive index variation tries to confine the radiation to GaAs but d is too thin, and most of the radiation is in the AlGaAs layers rather than within d. (c) The density of sates g(E) is a step-like function, and is finite at E1 and E1′. The E1 sub-band for electrons and E1′ sub-band for holes are also shown. The electrons in the E1 sub-band have kinetic energies in the yz plane.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
the density of states g(E)30 for a 2D electron gas is a step-like function with energy as shown in Figure 4.40 (c). Notice that the region between E1 and E2 has been hatched in Figure 4.40 (c) to indicate that the energies between E1 and E2 are due to the kinetic energy of the electron in the yz plane (and almost continuous). We can therefore identify a sub-band of energies starting at E1 and another sub-band starting at E2, and so on. The density of states at E1, and up to E2, is g1, which is large and finite. Similarly for holes, the density of states at E1′ is g1′, large and finite. A single quantum well (SQW) device has only one quantum well surrounded by wider bandgap semiconductors as shown in Figures 4.40 (a) and (b) for a thin GaAs layer (thickness d) sandwiched between two thick AlGaAs layers. Usually the QW layer is undoped, whereas the AlGaAs confining layers are heavily doped. Under a sufficient forward bias, the electrons will be injected from n-AlGaAs, and holes from p-AlGaAs into the QW’s CB and VB, respectively. These injected electrons very quickly thermalize and start filling states at and near E1. Since at E1 there is a finite and substantial density of states (g1), the electrons in the conduction band do not have to spread far in energy to find states. In the bulk semiconductor on the other hand, the density of states at the bottom of the band (at Ec) is zero and increases slowly with energy (as E 1>2), which means that the electrons are spread more deeply into the conduction band in search for states. Thus, in a QW, a large concentration of electrons can easily occur at E1, whereas this is not the case in the bulk semiconductor at Ec. Similarly, the majority of holes in the valence band will be around E1′ since there are sufficient states at this energy. Thus, under a forward bias, the injected electrons readily populate the ample number of states at E1, which means that the electron concentration at E1 increases rapidly with the current and hence, population inversion occurs quickly without the need for a large current to bring in a great number of electrons. Stimulated transitions of electrons from E1 to E1′ leads to a lasing emission as illustrated in Figure 4.40 (b). In practice, we should also include the kinetic energy of the electron before and after the transition, which means that the radiative transitions occur from the E1 sub-band to the E1′ sub-band. When the injected electron concentration is high (under a large current), E2 and E2′ sub-bands will also be involved. There are two distinct advantages to a QW laser diode. First is that the threshold current for population inversion and hence lasing emission should be markedly reduced with respect to that for bulk semiconductor devices. Second, since the majority of the electrons are at or near E1 and holes are at or near E1′, the range of emitted photon energies should be very close to E1 - E1′. Consequently, the optical gain curve, and hence the bandwidth, in a SQW laser diode is narrower than its bulk counterpart. We note that the allowed radiative transitions in a QW follow a selection rule that requires ∆n = n - n′ to be zero. Thus, the transition E1 to E1′ is allowed, as is E2 to E2′, but E1 to E2′ has a very low probability. It is clear that the SQW provides a higher probability of radiative transitions due to the large densities of states at E1 and E1′, and the confinement of the electrons and holes: a distinct advantage. However, the SQW can still be further improved. The radiation is not well confined to the QW region because the QW is too thin as shown in Figure 4.40 (b); the radiation spreads out into the neighboring layers in a similar fashion to the spread of radiation into the cladding in an optical fiber that has a very thin core (a very small V-number). The optical confinement can be improved by having optical confinement layers, or cladding layers, surrounding the QW. The second problem is that at high currents, the QW can be flooded with electrons and lose its function as a QW. The above two problems with the SQW are easily overcome by using multiple quantum wells (MQWs) as shown Figure 4.41. In MQW lasers, the structure has alternating 30
Since g (san serif) is used for optical gain, g (times roman) is used for the density of states function in this chapter.
4.11 • Quantum Well Devices
Figure 4.41 A simplified schematic diagram of multiple quantum well heterostructure laser diode. Electrons are injected by the forward current into quantum wells. The light intensity distribution is also shown. Most of the light is in the active region.
ultrathin layers of wide and narrow bandgap semiconductors as schematically sketched in Figure 4.41. The smaller bandgap layers are the individual QWs where electron confinement and lasing transitions take place, whereas the wider bandgap layers are the barrier layers. The active region now has multiple quantum wells. The active layer is cladded by two optical confinement layers, labeled as inner and outer cladding layers, with wider bandgaps, hence lower refractive indices. Most of the radiation is now within the active region containing the QWs as shown in Figure 4.41, which is the desired goal for increasing the stimulated emission rate. QW flooding is eliminated because the injected electrons are shared by the QWs. The only drawback is that the design must ensure that all the QWs are injected with sufficient electrons to exhibit optical gain. The green, blue, and violet laser diodes in the market are based on MQWs using InxGa 1 - xN (Eg1) and GaN (Eg2) thin semiconductor layers. The overall LD structure is similar to the blue LEDs described in Chapter 3 [see Figure 3.39 (c)], but there is an optical cavity in the present case to ensure lasing operation. As in the case of LEDs, there are major advantages to incorporating QWs into the laser diode structure. First, the threshold current can be lowered. Second is the overall higher efficiency of the device. Third, the optical gain curve is narrower, which should allow single-mode operation to be achieved more readily. Although the optical gain curve is narrower than the corresponding bulk device, the output spectrum from a quantum well device is not necessarily a single mode. The number of modes depends on the individual widths of the quantum wells. It is, of course, possible to combine an MQW design with an optical cavity using dielectric mirrors (i.e., wavelength-selective reflectors) to generate only one mode. Many commercially available LDs are currently MQW devices.
Example 4.11.1 A GaAs quantum well Consider a very thin GaAs quantum well sandwiched between two wider bandgap semiconductor layers of AlGaAs (Al0.33Ga0.67As in the present case). The QW depths from Ec and Ev are approximately 0.28 eV and 0.16 eV, respectively. Effective mass me* of a conduction electron in GaAs is approximately 0.07me, where me is the electron mass in vacuum. Calculate the first two electron energy levels for a quantum well of thickness 10 nm. What is the hole energy in the QW above Ev of GaAs if the hole
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers effective mass mh* ≈ 0.50me? What is the change in the emission wavelength with respect to bulk GaAs, for which Eg = 1.42 eV? Assume infinite QW depths for the calculations.
Solution As we saw in Chapter 3 (Section 3.12), the electron energy levels in the QW are with respect to the CB edge Ec in GaAs. Suppose that en is the electron energy with respect to Ec in GaAs, or en = En - Ec in Figure 4.40 (b). Then, the energy of an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential energy well is en =
(6.626 * 10 - 34)2(1)2 h2n2 = = 8.62 * 10 - 21 J or 0.0538 eV 8m*e d 2 8(0.07 * 9.1 * 10 - 31)(10 * 10 - 9)2
where n is a quantum number, 1, 2, …, and we have used d = 10 * 10 - 9 m, me* = 0.07me, and n = 1 to find e1 = 0.054 eV. The next level from the same calculation with n = 2 is e2 = 0.215 eV. The hole energy levels below Ev in Figure 4.40 (b) are given by en′ =
h2n′2 8mh* d 2
where n′ is the quantum number for the hole energy levels above Ev. Using d = 10 * 10 - 9 m, mh* ≈ 0.5me, and n′ = 1, we find e1′ = 0.0075 eV. The wavelength of emission from bulk GaAs with Eg = 1.42 eV is lg =
(6.626 * 10 - 34)(3 * 108) hc = 874 * 10 - 9 m (874 nm) = Eg (1.42)(1.602 * 10 - 19)
In the case of QWs, we must obey the selection rule that the radiative transition must have ∆n = n′ - n = 0. Thus, the radiative transition is from e1 to e1′ so that the emitted wavelength is lQW =
(6.626 * 10 - 34)(3 * 108) hc = Eg + e1 + e1′ (1.42 + 0.0538 + 0.0075)(1.602 * 10 - 19)
= 838 * 10 - 9 m (838 nm) The difference is lg - lQW = 36 nm. We note that we assumed an infinite PE well. If we actually solve the problem properly by using a finite well depth,31 then we would find e1 ≈ 0.031 eV, e2 ≈ 0.121 eV, e1′ ≈ 0.007 eV. The emitted photon wavelength is 848 nm and lg - lQW = 26 nm.
4.12 Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics The output spectrum from a laser diode depends on two factors: the nature of the optical resonator used to build the laser oscillations and the optical gain curve (lineshape) of the active medium. The optical resonator is essentially a Fabry–Perot cavity as illustrated in Figure 4.42 (a) which can be assigned a length L, width W, and height H. The height is the same as the layer thickness d of the active layer in the heterostructure LD as shown in Figure 4.36 (a). The length L determines the longitudinal mode separation, whereas the width W and height H determine the transverse modes, or lateral modes in LD nomenclature. If the transverse dimensions (W and H) are sufficiently small, only the lowest transverse mode, TEM00 mode, will exit. This TEM00 mode, however, will have longitudinal modes whose separation depends on L. Figure 4.42 (a) 31 Clear explanations and the proper calculations for QWs can be found in Mark Fox, Optical Properties of Solids, 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, 2010), Ch. 6.
4.12 • Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics
Figure 4.42 (a) The laser cavity definitions and the output laser beam characteristics. (b) Laser diode output beam astigmatism. The beam is elliptical, and is characterized by two angles, u # and u//.
also shows that the emerging laser beam exhibits divergence. This is due to the diffraction of the waves at the cavity ends. The smallest aperture (W in the figure) causes the greatest diffraction. The emerging beam from an edge emitting LD has an elliptical cross-section and exhibits astigmatism as shown in Figure 4.42 (b). The angular spread in the vertical (y) and horizontal (x) directions (perpendicular or parallel to the plane of the diode junction) are not the same which leads to a nearly elliptical beam cross-section. Typically, the active layer cavity height H is smaller than the cavity width W. Since the angular spread of the emerging laser beam is diffraction controlled by the emission aperture, smaller the diffracting height H, the wider is the diffracted output beam in the vertical direction. The vertical angular spread u# is more than the horizontal spread u// as illustrated in Figure 4.42 (b). The far field intensity distributions (far from the crystal facet) in the y and x directions are nearly Gaussian in the angular displacements uy and ux. The spreads u# and u// refer to the angular separation of the e - 2 points on the Gaussian curve as indicated in Figure 4.42 (b). In some specifications, u# and u// refer to the angular separation of half-intensity points (full width at half maximum, FWHM); the two are related by u(e - 2) = 1.7u (FWHM). The output divergence is normally quoted as u# * u//. The output beam from the LD in most applications is either put through a lens-prism system to collimate the beam, or it is coupled, using a suitable (an anamorphic) lens, into a fiber. The manipulation of the LD output beam through optics into a well-defined collimated beam with a circular cross-section (u# = u//) is usually referred to as the collimation and circularization of the output beam. (Circularization should not be confused with circularly polarized light.) The collimation and circularization can be quite complicated depending on the exact requirements and space available for the optics. The actual modes that exist in the output spectrum of a LD will depend on the optical gain these modes will experience. The term output spectrum strictly refers to the spectral power vs. l characteristic of the emitted radiation. The spectral power Pol is defined as dPo >dl, that is, optical power emitted per unit wavelength. A typical example is shown in Figure 4.43 for an index guided LD. The area under the Pol vs. l spectrum curve represents the total power Po emitted. The spectrum, is either multimode or single mode depending on the optical resonator structure and the pumping current level. As apparent from Figure 4.43, there is a shift in the peak emission wavelength with the current. In most LDs, the shift in the peak wavelength is due to the Joule heating of the semiconductor
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.43 Output spectra (spectral power density) of lasing emission from an index-guided edge emitting LD. At sufficiently high diode currents corresponding to high optical power, the operation becomes single mode. (Note: Relative spectral power scale applies to each spectrum individually and not between spectra.)
at high currents, which changes the properties of the semiconductor and the laser cavity. High stability LDs have a thermoelectric cooler to maintain the temperature at the desired level. The multimode spectrum at low output power typically becomes single mode at high output powers. The shift in the peak wavelength is partly due to the Joule heating of the semiconductor at high currents. In contrast, the output spectrum of most gain-guided LDs tends to remain multimode even at high diode currents. For many applications such as optical communications, the LD has to be designed so that the emission is single mode and the shift in the emission wavelength with increasing output power is small. The LD output characteristics are temperature sensitive. Figure 4.44 shows the changes in the optical output power vs. diode current characteristics with the case temperature. As the temperature increases, the threshold current increases steeply, typically as the exponential of the absolute temperature, that is, Threshold current and temperature
Ith = A exp (T>To) (4.12.1)
where A and To are constants that have the units of current (A) and temperature (K), respectively; To is sometimes called the characteristic temperature for the Ith vs. T dependence. The output spectrum also changes with the temperature. In the case of a single-mode LD, the peak emission wavelength lo exhibits jumps at certain temperatures as apparent in Figures 4.45 (a) and (b). A jump corresponds to a mode hop in the output. That is, at the new
Figure 4.44 Output optical power vs. diode current at three different temperatures. The threshold current shifts to higher temperatures.
4.12 • Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics
Figure 4.45 Peak wavelength lo vs. case temperature characteristics. (a) Mode hops in the output spectrum of a single-mode LD. (b) Restricted mode hops and none over the temperature range of interest (20 - 40°C). (c) Output spectrum from a multimode LD.
operating temperature, another mode fulfills the laser oscillation condition, which means a discrete change in the laser oscillation wavelength. Between mode hops, lo increases slowly with the temperature due to the slight increase in the refractive index n (and also the cavity length) with temperature. If mode hops are undesirable, then the device structure must be such to keep the modes sufficiently separated. In contrast, the output spectrum of a gain-guided laser has many modes, so that lo vs. T behavior tends to follow the changes in the bandgap (the optical gain curve) rather than the cavity properties as illustrated in Figure 4.45 (c). Highly stabilized LDs are usually marketed with thermoelectric coolers integrated into the diode package to control the device temperature. Many high power laser diodes have a photodetector within the packaging to monitor the output intensity. The output from this photodetector is called the monitoring current, whose value (a fraction of a milliamp) is specified by the manufacturer for a given output optical power from the laser diode. One commonly stated important and useful laser diode parameter is the slope efficiency, which determines the optical power Po in the lasing emission in terms of the diode current I above the threshold current Ith. The slope efficiency (SE) hslope is the slope of Po vs. I above threshold hslope = a
∆Po Po b ≈ (4.12.2) ∆I above threshold I - Ith
Slope efficiency
and is measured in W A- 1 or mW mA- 1. The slope efficiency depends on the LD structure as well as the semiconductor packaging, and typical values for commonly available LDs are close to 1 W>A. There are several laser diode efficiency definitions as follows: The external quantum efficiency hEQE of a laser diode is defined as hEQE =
Po >hy Number of output photons from the diode per second ePo = ≈ (4.12.3) Number of injected electrons into the diode per second I>e EgI
The term differential is normally used to identify efficiencies related to changes above the threshold. The external differential quantum efficiency hEDQE is defined for operation above threshold as
Increase in number of output photons from diode per second (4.12.4a) Increase in number of injected electrons into diode per second
External quantum efficiency
External differential quantum efficiency
344 External differential quantum efficiency
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
∆Po >hy ∆I>e
= hslope
Po e e ≈ a b (4.12.4b) hy Eg I - Ith
The internal quantum efficiency (IQE) hIQE, as in the case of LEDs, measures what fraction of injected electrons recombines radiatively. If tr is the radiative recombination time and tnr is the nonradiative recombination time, then Internal quantum efficiency
hIQE =
1>tr Rate of radiative recombination = (4.12.5) Rate of all recombination processes 1>tr + 1>tnr
Equivalently, we could have defined IQE as the number of generated photons divided by the number of injected electrons. The internal differential quantum efficiency (IDQE) represents the increase in the number of photons generated inside the gain medium per unit increase in the injected electrons, i.e., the current, above threshold. Thus, above threshold, Internal differential quantum efficiency
Increase in number of photons generated internally per second (4.12.6) Increase in number of injected electrons into diode per second
Put differently, if the current increases by ∆I above threshold, increase in the injected electrons is ∆I>e. The increase in the number of photons generated internally is then hIDQE * ∆I>e. However, these photons have to escape the cavity into the output for which we would need the extraction efficiency (EE) hEE. Suppose that we are interested in the output from one of the mirrors, say R1. The loss at R1 is the transmitted output. If there were no losses at the other mirror (R2 = 1) and no internal losses (as = 0), then the radiation in the cavity would eventually be coupled out from R1 and the EE efficiency hEE would be unity. Thus, what is important is the relative ratio of the loss due to R1 to all losses in the cavity. The extraction efficiency is defined as the ratio of loss coefficient due to R1 to that due to total losses, at,
Extraction efficiency =
Loss from the exit cavity end (4.12.7) Total loss
i.e., Extraction efficiency
hEE = (1>2L) ln (1>R1)>at where at = as + (1>2L) ln (1>R1) + (1>2L) ln (1>R2) is the total loss. The power conversion efficiency, hPCE, or the external power efficiency, gauges the overall efficiency of the conversion from the input of electrical power to the output of optical power, i.e.,
External power efficiency
hPCE =
Eg Optical output power Po = ≈ hEQE a b (4.12.8) Electrical input power IV eV
Although this is not generally quoted in data sheets, it can be easily determined from the output power at the operating diode current and voltage. In some modern LDs this may be as high as 30%.
4.12 • Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics
The expressions on the right-hand side of Eqs. (4.12.2) to (4.12.4) and (4.12.8) give the corresponding formulas in terms of Po, I, V, and Eg for each definition and are approximate due to the assumptions used in deriving these equations. It is left as an exercise to show that these equations follow directly from the definitions. (Assume hy ≈ Eg.) Table 4.4 shows the main characteristics of a few commercial laser diodes emitting in the red (639-670 nm) and violet (405 nm) from low to high output powers. All are MQW laser diodes. The violet emission uses InGaN>GaN MQWs, whereas the red LDs are based on AlGaInP>GaInP alloys. Higher output power diodes have larger geometries and require larger threshold currents as can be seen from the table. Power conversion efficiencies of the LDs in the table are in the range 6–30%, which are typical values. Figure 4.46 shows typical values for the threshold current Ith, slope efficiency, and power conversion efficiency for a selection of commercial red LDs (36) with different optical output powers from 3 mW to 500 mW. The figure also highlights that there can be significant variations in Ith even at a given power level between different LDs, as can be seen for the 10-mW output. The trend in higher threshold current for higher output power, however, is quite clear. The hslope values in Table 4.4 range from 0.9 to 1.7, which are typical for commercial LDs.
Table 4.4 Typical characteristics for a few selected red and violet commercial laser
diodes. All LDs are MQW structures and have FP cavities LD Red Red Red Red Violet Violet Violet
Po (mW) 500 100 50 10 400 120 10
l (nm)
Ith (mA)
I (mA)
V (V)
Hslope (W A- 1)
670 660 660 639 405 405 405
400 75 60 30 160 45 26
700 180 115 40 390 120 35
2.4 2.5 2.3 2.3 5.0 5.0 4.8
21° 18° 17° 21° 45° 17° 19°
10° 9° 10° 8° 15° 8° 8.5°
1.0 1.0 0.90 1.0 1.7 1.6 1.1
HPCE (%) 30 22 19 11 21 20 6
Note: Violet lasers are based on InGaN >GaN MQW, and red LEDs use mainly AlGaInP >GaInP MQW.
Figure 4.46 Typical values for the threshold current Ith, slope efficiency (hslope), and power conversion efficiency (hPCE) for 36 commercial red LDs with different optical output powers from 3 mW to 500 mW.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
A red emitting (642 nm) high power laser diode that can provide CW laser beam at 150 mW. The threshold current is 110 mA, operating current and voltage are 280 mA and 2.6 V respectively, for 150 mW output power. The device structure is based on AlGaInP MQWs. (Opnext-Hitachi laser diode. Courtesy of Thorlabs.)
Example 4.12.1 Laser output wavelength variation with temperature The refractive index n of GaAs is approximately 3.6 and it has a temperature dependence dn>dT ≈ 2.0 * 10 - 4 K - 1. Estimate the change in the emitted wavelength at around 870 nm per degree change in the temperature for a given mode.
Solution Consider a particular given mode with wavelength lm, ma
If we differentiate lm with respect to temperature,
lm b = L 2n
dlm d 2 2L dn = c nL d ≈ m dT dT dT m
where we neglected the change in the cavity length with temperature. Substituting for L>m in terms of lm, dlm lm dn 870 nm = = (2 * 10 - 4 K - 1) = 0.048 nm K - 1 dT n dT 3.6 Note that we have used n for a passive cavity, whereas n above should be the effective refractive index of the active cavity which will also depend on the optical gain of the medium, and hence its temperature dependence is likely to be somewhat higher than the dn>dT value we used. It is left as an exercise to show that the changes in lm due to the expansion of the cavity length with temperature is much less than that arising from dn>dT. The linear expansion coefficient of GaAs is 6 * 10 - 6 K - 1.
Example 4.12.2 Laser diode efficiencies for a sky-blue LD Consider a 60-mW blue LD (Nichia SkyBlue NDS4113), emitting at a peak wavelength of 488 nm. The threshold current is 30 mA. At a forward current of 100 mA and a voltage of 5.6 V, the output power is 60 mW. Find the slope efficiency, PCE, EQE, and EDQE.
Solution From the definition in Eq. (4.12.2), hslope = Po >(I - Ith) = (60 mW)>(100 - 30 mA) = 0.86 mW mA-1
4.12 • Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics
From Eq. (4.12.8), PCE is hPCE = Po >IV = (60 mW)> 3(100 mA)(5.6 V)4 = 0.11 or 11%
We can find the EQE from Eq. (4.12.3) but we need hy, which is hc>l. In eV,
hy (eV) = 1.24>l (om) = 1.24>0.488 = 2.54 eV EQE is given by Eq. (4.12.3) hEQE = (Po >hy)>(I>e) = 3(60 * 10 - 3)>(2.54 * 1.6 * 10 - 19)4 > 3(100 * 10 - 3)>(1.6 * 10 - 19)4 = 0.24 or 24%
Similarly, hEDQE is given by Eq. (4.12.4b) above threshold, hEDQE = (∆Po >hy)>(∆I>e) ≈ (Po >hy)> 3(I - Ith)>e4
= 3(60 * 10 - 3)>(2.54 * 1.6 * 10 - 19)4 > 3(100 * 10 - 3 - 30 * 10 - 3)>(1.6 * 10 - 19)4 = 0.34 or 34%
The EDQE is higher than the EQE because most injected electrons above I th are used in stimulated recombinations. EQE gauges the total conversion efficiency from all the injected electrons brought by the current to coherent output photons. But, a portion of the current is used in pumping the gain medium.
Example 4.12.3 Laser diode efficiencies Consider an InGaAs FP semiconductor laser diode that emits CW radiation at 1310 nm. The cavity length (L) is 200 om. The internal loss coefficient as = 20 cm - 1, R1 = R3 ≈ 0.33 (cleaved ends). Assume that the internal differential quantum efficiency, IDQE, is close to 1. The threshold current is 5 mA. What is the output power Po at I = 20 mA? The forward voltage is about 1.3 V. What are the EDQE and conversion efficiency?
Solution From the definition of IDQE in Eq. (4.12.6), the number of internal coherent photons generated per second above threshold is hIDQE(I - Ith)>e. Thus, Internal optical power generated = hy * hIDQE(I - Ith)>e The extraction efficiency hEE then couples a portion of this optical power into the output radiation. The output power Po is then hEE * hy * hIDQE(I - Ith)>e. Thus,
Po = hEEhIDQEhy(I - Ith)>e (4.12.9)
Output power vs. current
The slope efficiency from Eq. (4.12.2) is
hslope = ∆Po >∆I = hEEhIDQE(hy>e) (4.12.10)
Further, from the definition of EDQE and Eq. (4.12.9) is
hEDQE = (∆Po>hy)>(∆I>e) = (Po >hy)> 3(I - Ith)>e4 = hEEhIDQE (4.12.11)
We can now calculate the quantities needed. The total loss coefficient is
at = as + (1>2L) ln (1>R1R2) = 2000 + (2 * 200 * 10 - 6) - 1 ln (0.33 * 0.33) - 1 = 7543 m-1
Slope efficiency External differential quantum efficiency
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers The extraction efficiency is hEE = (1>2L) ln (1>R1)>at = (2 * 200 * 10-6)-1 ln (1>0.33)>(7543) = 0.37 or 37% Thus, using I = 20 mA and hy = hc>l in Eq. (4.12.9), Po = (0.37)(1) 3 (6.62 * 10 - 34)(3 * 108)>(1310 * 10 - 9)4 3(0.02 - 0.005)>(1.6 * 10 - 19)4 = 5.2 mW
The slope efficiency from Eq. (4.12.10) is
hslope = ∆Po > ∆I = (5.2 mW - 0)>(20 mA - 5 mA) = 0.35 mW mA-1
The EDQE from Eq. (4.12.11) is
hEDQE = hEEhIDQE = 0.37 or 37% The power conversion efficiency hPCE = Po >IV = 5.2 mW>(20 mA * 1.3 V) = 0.20 or 20%.
4.13 Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation A. Laser Diode Equation Consider a double heterostructure lLD under forward bias as in Figures 4.47 (a) and (b). The current I injects electrons into the active region d and the radiative recombination of these electrons with holes in this layer generates the coherent radiation in the cavity. Suppose that n is the injected electron concentration and Nph is the coherent photon concentration in the active layer. We have to be careful since not all the coherent radiation will be within the active region as illustrated in Figure 4.47 (c) and in Figure 4.36 (d), even if there is a waveguide formed by the refractive index profile between the active layer and the neighboring confining layers as shown in Figure 4.36 (c). A radiation confinement factor Γ is used to represent the fraction of the
Figure 4.47 A highly simplified and idealized description of a semiconductor laser diode for deriving the LD equation. (a) The heterostructure laser diode structure. (b) The current I injects electrons in the conduction band, and these electrons recombine radiatively with the holes in the active region. (c) The coherent radiation intensity across the device; only a fraction Γ is within the active region where there is optical gain. (d) Injected electron concentration n and coherent radiation output power Po vs. diode current I. The current represents the pump rate.
4.13 • Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation
coherent radiation within the active layer, which is unity for perfect optical confinement. In the following we simply assume Γ = 1. The current carries the electrons into the active layer where they recombine with holes radiatively as indicated in Figure 4.47 (b). Under steady state operation, the rate of electron injection into the active layer by the current I is equal to their rate of recombination by spontaneous emission and stimulated emission (neglecting nonradiative recombinations). Thus, Rate of electron injection by current I = Rate of spontaneous emissions + Rate of stimulated emissions Thus, per unit volume, we have
I n = + CnNph (4.13.1) tr eLWd
where tr is the average time for spontaneous radiative recombination, simply called the radiative lifetime, and C is a proportionality constant for stimulated emissions (a bit like B21) that, among other factors, includes the probability per unit time that a photon stimulates an electron to undergo a radiative transition. The second term on the right represents the stimulated emission rate, which depends on the concentration of electrons in the conduction band, n, and the coherent photon concentration Nph in the active layer. Nph includes only those coherent photons encouraged by the optical cavity, that is, a mode of the cavity. As the current increases and provides more pumping, Nph increases (helped by the optical cavity), and eventually the stimulated term dominates the spontaneous term (as illustrated in Figure 4.35). The output light power Po is proportional to Nph. Consider the coherent photon concentration Nph in the cavity. Under steady state conditions, Rate of coherent photon loss in the cavity = Rate of stimulated emissions that is,
Nph tph
= CnNph (4.13.2)
where tph is the average time for a photon to be lost from the cavity due to transmission through the end-faces, and also by absorption and scattering in the semiconductor cavity. It is the photon cavity lifetime as calculated in Example 4.6.2. If at is the total attenuation coefficient representing all these loss mechanisms, inside the cavity and also at the ends of the cavity, then the power in a light wave, in the absence of amplification, decreases as exp (-atx), which is equivalent to a decay in time as exp (-t>tph), where tph = n>(cat) and n is the refractive index. In semiconductor laser science, the threshold electron concentration nth and threshold current Ith refer to that condition when the stimulated emission just overcomes the spontaneous emission and the total loss mechanisms inherent in tph. This occurs when the injected electron concentration n reaches nth, the threshold electron concentration. From Eq. (4.13.2), this is when
nth =
1 (4.13.3) Ctph
This is the point when coherent radiation gain in the active layer by stimulated emission just balances all the cavity losses (represented by tph) plus losses by spontaneous emission which
Threshold concentration
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
is random. When the current exceeds Ith, the output optical power increases sharply with the current as apparent in Figure 4.35, so we can just as well take Nph ≈ 0 when I = Ith in Eq. (4.13.1), which gives Threshold current
Ith =
ntheLWd (4.13.4) tr
Clearly the threshold current decreases with d, L, and W which explains the reasons for the heterostructure and stripe geometry lasers and the avoidance of the homojunction laser. Further, tph can be made longer, and hence nth and Ith smaller, by reducing the cavity losses. When the current exceeds the threshold current, the excess carriers above nth brought in by the current recombine by stimulated emission. The reason is that above threshold, the active layer has optical gain and therefore builds up coherent radiation quickly, and stimulated emission rate depends on Nph. The steady state electron concentration remains constant at nth, though the rates of carrier injection and stimulated recombination have increased. Above threshold, we therefore have n = nth in Eq. (4.13.1), and we can substitute for nth >tr from Eq. (4.13.4) nth I = + CnthNph (4.13.5) tr eLWd
which shows that above threshold, increasing I, as expected, increases Nph. We can tidy up Eq. (4.13.5) by first substituting for C from Eq. (4.13.3) and then substituting for nth from Eq. (4.13.4) to find Coherent photon concentration
Nph =
tph eLWd
(I - Ith) (4.13.6)
To find the optical output power Po, consider the following. It takes ∆t = nL>c seconds for photons to cross the laser cavity length L. Only half of the photons, 1>2 Nph, in the cavity would be moving toward the output face of the crystal at any instant. Only a fraction (1 - R) of the radiation power will escape. Thus, the output optical power Po is Po =
112 Nph2 (Cavity Volume)(Photon energy) ∆t
(1 - R)
and using Nph from Eq. (4.13.6), we finally obtain the laser diode equation Laser diode equation
Laser diode equation
Po = c
hc2tph(1 - R) 2enlL
d (I - Ith) (4.13.7)
We can also express Eq. (4.13.7) in terms of the output coherent radiation intensity Io (= Po >Wd) and the current densities J (= I>WL) and Jth (= Ith >WL),
Io = c
hc2tph(1 - R) 2enld
d (J - Jth) (4.13.8)
We neglected the small spontaneous radiation that will also be present in the output in Eq. (4.13.7) in our derivation. This spontaneous radiation in a laser operating above the threshold would be small.
4.13 • Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation
Equation (4.13.7) represents a linear coherent light output power vs. diode current behavior as illustrated in Figure 4.47 (d). Note the similarity between the case for semiconductors and that for gas lasers in Figure 4.23. The plot in Figure 4.47 (d) represents steady state operation. When the current is above Ith, the injected electrons rapidly recombine and emit coherent photons, and nth does not change. n becomes clamped at n = nth for I 7 Ith. The coherent radiation appears as output only when I 7 Ith. At a given current level above the threshold, upon applying the bias, initially the gain in the active regions is actually more than the threshold gain, and n exceeds the threshold concentration nth until oscillations are built and steady state is reached; at that point n = nth and g = gth. The semiquantitative steady state approach above is a special case of the more general semiconductor rate equations described in more advanced textbooks where the time response of the laser diode is also analyzed. B. Optical Gain Curve, Threshold, and Transparency Conditions The simple rate equation analysis above does not allow us to determine nth and hence Jth without knowing the threshold gain. We know that the threshold population inversion is determined by the threshold gain as in Eq. (4.6.8). The latter equation was derived for a two-level system, and we need its corresponding equation applicable for semiconductors; this can be found in more advanced textbooks. There is one further modification. The threshold gain gth must be modified to account for the less than 100% confinement of radiation into the active region. This is easily done by rewriting the gth-condition as
Γgth = at = as +
1 1 ln a b (4.13.9) 2L R 1R 2
where Γ represents the fraction of the coherent optical radiation within the active region. The gain g works on the radiation within the cavity, which means that we must multiply g with Γ to account for less than perfect optical confinement. In Eq. (4.13.9), as represents various losses in the semiconductor active region as well as the cladding.32 The right-hand term in Eq. (4.13.9) represents the total losses inside and at the ends of the cavity. The as losses in semiconductor lasers are free carrier absorption in the active region, scattering in both the active and cladding regions, and absorption in the cladding (which has no net optical gain). As Γ decreases, resulting in less coherent radiation confinement, gth has to be larger so that Eq. (4.13.9) can be satisfied and the gain Γgth can make up for the losses on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.13.9). The active region formed by the heterostructure is normally sufficiently small (d ∼ 0.1 om) that there is only one mode (i.e., a single lateral mode) and this mode has a mode field diameter that can substantially penetrate the confining (cladding) layers. The optical confinement factor Γ can easily be as low as 0.2. The optical gain spectrum g(y) under sufficiently large forward bias has a frequency dependence that is sketched in Figure 4.33 (b), when the LD has been forward biased to place the quasi-Fermi levels EFn in the CB and EFp in the VB as in Figure 4.33 (a). To find the optical gain curve g(y) we need to consider the density of states in the CB and the VB, their occupation statistics through the Fermi–Dirac function, and positions of EFn and EFP; the latter depend on the injected carrier concentrations n. Figure 4.48 (a) shows the optical gain curve g(y) as a function
In the case of semiconductors, some books use ai to represent internal losses, instead of as, but the meaning is the same. at in Eq. (4.13.9) is an effective distributed attenuation coefficient through the cavity length that represents all losses, that is, both internal and end losses.
Threshold optical gain
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Figure 4.48 (a) Optical gain g vs. photon energy for an InGaAsP active layer (in a 1500-nm LD) as a function of injected carrier concentration n from 1 * 1018 cm - 3 to 3 * 1018 cm - 3. (The model described in Leuthold et al., J. Appl. Phys., 87, 618, 2000, was used to find the gain spectra at different carrier concentrations.) (b) The dependence of the peak gain coefficient (maximum g) on the injected carrier concentration n for GaAs (860 nm), In0.72Ga0.28As0.6P0.4 (1300 nm), and In0.60Ga0.40As0.85P0.15 (1500 nm) active layers. (Source: Data combined from J. Singh, Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures, Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 390; N. K. Dutta, J. Appl. Phys., 51, 6095, 1980; J. Leuthold et al., J. Appl. Phys., 87, 618, 2000.)
of photon energy for an In0.60Ga0.40As0.85P0.15 (1500 nm) active layer with different amounts of injected carrier concentration n. Notice also the shift in the peak frequency (where the gain is maximum) and the increase in the bandwidth with increasing injection. What is important is the injected carrier concentration that makes the gain g equal to the threshold gain gth, which would allow laser oscillations to be maintained in the cavity. As the LD current and hence the injected carrier concentration n increase, the peak gain becomes larger as shown in Figure 4.48 (b) aIn0.60Ga0.40As0.85P0.15 (1500 nm). The optical gain in InGaAsP alloys is greater than that in GaAs. There is one further definition of importance in laser diode engineering. The threshold current and carrier concentration Ith and nth correspond to the gain coefficient gth just balancing all the cavity losses, including end losses, i.e., gth = at, so that a steady state laser oscillation can be maintained. Transparency, on the other hand, refers to the condition that makes the gain just balance the absorption within the active medium so that the net optical gain is unity within the active medium. Thus, the active medium provides no net gain, and neither does it attenuate so that it becomes transparent to the radiation through it. The diode current and the injected carrier concentration for attaining transparency are denoted by IT and nT, which are lower than the threshold Ith and nth.
Example 4.13.1 Threshold current and optical output power from a Fabry–Perot heterostructure laser diode Consider GaAs DH laser diode that lases at 860 nm. It has an active layer (cavity) length L of 250 om. The active layer thickness d is 0.15 om and the width W is 5 om. The refractive index is 3.6, and the attenuation coefficient as inside the cavity is 103 m - 1. The required threshold gain gth corresponds to a threshold carrier concentration nth ≈ 2 * 1018 cm - 3. The radiative lifetime tr in the active region can
4.13 • Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation
be found (at least approximately) by using tr = 1>Bnth, where B is the direct recombination coefficient, and assuming strong injection as will be the case for laser diodes [see Eq. (3.8.7) in Chapter 3]. For GaAs, B ≈ 2 * 10 - 16 m3 s - 1. What are the threshold current density and threshold current? Find the output optical power at I = 1.5Ith, and the external slope efficiency hslope. How would Γ = 0.5 affect the calculations?
Solution The reflectances at the each end are the same (we assume no other thin film coating on the ends of the cavity) so that R = (n - 1)2 >(n + 1)2 = 0.32. The total attenuation coefficient at and hence the threshold gain gth, assuming Γ = 1 in Eq. (4.13.9), is gth = at = (10 cm - 1) +
1 1 ln c d = 55.6 cm - 1 -4 (0.32)(0.32) (2 * 250 * 10 cm)
From Figure 4.48 (b), at this gain of 56 cm - 1, nth ≈ 2 * 1018 cm - 3. This is the threshold carrier concentration that gives the right gain under ideal optical confinement, with Γ = 1. The radiative lifetime tr = 1>Bnth = 1> 3(2 * 10 - 16 m3 s - 1)(2 * 1024 m - 3)4 = 2.5 ns
Since J = I>WL, the threshold current density from Eq. (4.13.4) is Jth =
nthed (2 * 1024 m - 3)(1.6 * 10 - 19 C)(0.15 * 10 - 6 m) = tr (2.5 * 10 - 9 s)
= 1.9 * 107 A m - 2 or 1.9 kA cm - 2 or 19 A mm−2 The threshold current itself is
Ith = (WL)Jth = (5 * 10 - 6 m)(250 * 10 - 6 m)(1.9 * 107 A m - 2) = 0.024 A or 24 mA The photon cavity lifetime depends on at, and is given by tph = n>(cat) = 3.6> 3(3 * 108 m s-1)(5.56 * 103 m-1)4 = 2.16 ps
The laser diode output power is Po = c
that is,
hc2tph(1 - R) 2enlL
d (I - Ith) =
(6.626 * 10 - 34)(3 * 108 )2(2.16 * 10 - 12)(1 - 0.32) 2(1.6 * 10 - 19 )(3.6 )(860 * 10 - 9 )(250 * 10 - 6 )
(I - Ith)
Po = (0.35 W A- 1)(I - Ith) = (0.35 mW mA- 1)(I - 24 mA) When I = 1.5Ith = 36 mA, Po = (0.35 mW mA- 1)(36 mA - 24 mA) = 4.2 mW. The slope efficiency is the slope of the Po vs. I characteristic above Ith, thus, hslope =
hc2tph(1 - R) ∆Po = c d = 0.35 mW mA- 1 ∆I 2enlL
We can now repeat the problem, say for Γ = 0.5, which would give Γgth = at , so that gth = 55.6 cm - 1 >0.5 = 111 cm - 1. From Figure 4.48 (b), at this gain of 111 cm - 1, nth ≈ 2.5 * 1018 cm - 3. The new radiative lifetime tr = 1>Bnth = 1> 3(2.0 * 10 - 16 m3 s - 1)(2.5 * 1024 m - 3)4 = 2.0 ns. The corresponding threshold current density is Jth = nthed>tr = (2.5 * 1024 m - 3)(1.6 * 10 - 19 C)(0.15 * 10 - 6 m)>(2.0 * 10 - 9 s) = 30 A mm - 2
and the corresponding threshold current Ith is 37.5 mA.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers There are several important notes to this problem. First, the threshold concentration nth ≈ 2 * 1018 cm - 3 was obtained graphically from Figure 4.48 (b) by using the gth value we need. Second is that, at best, the calculations represent rough values since we also need to know how the mode spreads into the cladding where there is no gain but absorption and, in addition, what fraction of the current is lost to nonradiative recombination processes. We can increase as to account for absorption in the cladding, which would result in a higher gth, larger nth, and greater Ith. If tnr is the nonra-1 diative lifetime, we can replace tr by an effective recombination time t such that t - 1 = tr- 1 + tnr , which means that the threshold current will again be larger. We would also need to reduce the optical output power since some of the injected electrons are now used in nonradiative transitions. Third is the low slope efficiency compared with commercial LDs. hslope depends on tph, the photon cavity lifetime, which can be greatly improved by using better reflectors at the cavity ends, e.g., by using thin film coating on the crystal facets to increase R.
4.14 Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers A. Distributed Bragg Reflector LDs Ideally, the output spectrum from a laser device should be as narrow as possible, which generally means that we have to allow only a single mode to exist in the cavity. There are a number of device structures that operate with an output spectrum that has high modal purity and hence a very narrow spectral width. Such LDs are often called single frequency lasers, even though it would be, in principle, impossible to get a perfect single frequency. (Obviously, a single-mode operation is implied.) One method of ensuring a single mode of radiation in the laser cavity is to use frequency selective dielectric mirrors at the cleaved surfaces of the semiconductor. The distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), as shown in Figure 4.49 (a), is a mirror that has been designed like a reflectiontype diffraction grating; it has a periodic corrugated structure at the end of the active region. Intuitively, partial reflections of waves from the corrugations interfere constructively (i.e., they reinforce each other) to give a reflected wave only when the wavelength inside the medium corresponds to twice the corrugation period as illustrated in Figure 4.49 (b). For simplicity, the corrugations have been approximated by step changes in the refractive index from n1 to n2 to n1 and so on. For example, two partially reflected waves at two n1 >n2 interfaces in Figure 4.49 (b) such as A and B have an optical path difference of 2Λ, where Λ is the corrugation period. They can only interfere constructively if 2Λ is a multiple of the wavelength within the medium.
Figure 4.49 (a) The basic principle of the distributed Bragg reflection (DBR) laser. (b) Partially reflected waves at the corrugations can constitute a reflected wave only when the wavelength satisfies the Bragg condition. Reflected waves A and B interfere constructively when q(lB >n) = 2Λ. (c) Typical output spectrum. SMSR is the side mode suppression ratio.
4.14 • Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers
Each of these wavelengths is called a Bragg wavelength lB and given by the familiar condition for in-phase interference33
lB = 2Λ (4.14.1) n
where n is the effective refractive index of the corrugated medium (explained below) and q = 1, 2, c is an integer called the diffraction order. The DBR therefore has a high reflectance around lB but low reflectance away from lB. The result is that only the particular optical cavity mode that is closest to the Bragg wavelength in Eq. (4.14.1), within the optical gain curve, can lase and exist in the output. The refractive index n in Eq. (4.14.1) must be viewed as an effective or average refractive index of the corrugated medium. The waves A and B in Figure 4.49 (b) involve reflections from n1 >n2 interfaces, but there are also reflections from n2 >n1 interfaces. If we do a proper interference accounting of all the reflections from the DBR under normal incidence, then the result would be the familiar diffraction condition in Eq. (4.14.1), but with n representing an effective or average index given by nav = (n1d1 + n2d2)>Λ, where d1 and d2 are the thicknesses of the n1 and n2 regions in the grating. The effective index nav would be different if the refractive index variation profile is different than that shown. (Exact calculations of the mode frequency is beyond the scope of this book.) Moreover, while the simplest DBR laser shown in Figure 4.49 (a) has a grating only at one end of the cavity, it is possible to have a grating at both ends to enhance the spectral selectivity and radiation intensity in the cavity; the latter would result in a lower threshold current. The output spectrum from a typical DBR laser is a very narrow mode centered at (or very close to) lB as indicated in Figure 4.49 (c). The spectral width, depending on the design, can be less than 1 MHz. Table 4.5 summarizes some of the important properties of a commercial DBR LD. There are various modifications and improvements to the basic DBR design illustrated in Figure 4.49 (a) that can be found in more advanced texts. There is one important quantity, called the side mode suppression ratio (SMSR), that quantifies the intensity of the single-mode peak emission with respect to that of suppressed modes, which are all away from lB as illustrated in Figure 4.49 (d). SMSR is normally measured in dB, and typically reported values are usually 45 dB, that is, a suppression ratio of 3 * 104. B. Distributed Feedback LDs In a simple Fabry–Perot cavity-type laser, the crystal facets provide the necessary optical feedback into the cavity to build up the photon concentration. In the distributed feedback (DFB) laser, as shown in Figure 4.50 (a), there is a corrugated layer, called the guiding layer, next to the active layer; radiation spreads from the active layer to the guiding layer. The mode field diameter of the radiation in the active layer is such that it covers the guiding layer. (Remember that the thickness d of the active layer is small.) These corrugations in the refractive index act as optical feedback over the length of the cavity by producing partial reflections. Thus optical feedback is distributed over the cavity length. Intuitively, we might infer that only those Bragg wavelengths lB related to the corrugation periodicity Λ as in Eq. (4.14.1) can interfere constructively and thereby exist in the “cavity” in a similar fashion to that illustrated in Figure 4.49 (b). 33 We saw in Chapter 1 that the reflectance from alternating layers of high and low refractive index structures (as in a dielectric mirror) is maximum when the free-space wavelength is lB, where lB is given by Eq. (4.14.1) in which n is an effective (average) index given by nav = (n1d1 + n2d2)>Λ if the modulation consists of periodic step changes in the refractive index from n1 to n2 to n1, etc.
Bragg wavelength
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Table 4.5 Selected properties of DBR, DFB, and external cavity (EC) laser diodes SMSR (dB)
Po (mW)
I (mA)
2 MHz, 8 fm
2 MHz, 8 fm
10 MHz, 0.08 pm
0.1 nm
50 kHz, 0.4 fm
Lo (nm)
Hslope (mA) Comment GaAs DBR LD for spectroscopy and metrology, includes monitor current, TEC, and thermistor. GaAs DFB LD for spectroscopy and metrology, includes monitor current, TEC, and thermistor. Pigtailed to a fiber, includes monitor current, TEC, and thermistor. CW output for external modulation. For use in longhaul DWDM. Pigtailed to a single-mode fiber, includes monitor current, TEC, and thermistor. Mainly for fiber optic sensing. Pigtailed. Tunable over ∆y = 3 GHz. Mainly for communications.
Notes: lo is the peak emission wavelength (lo for the DFB LD); I is typical operating current; fm is 10 - 15 s; dy and dl are spectral widths; SMSR is the side mode suppression ratio; TEC is thermoelectric cooler. aEagleyard, EYP-DBR-1080-00080-2000-TOC03-0000; b Eagleyard, EYP-DFB-1083-00080-1500-TOC03-0000; cFurukawa-Fitel, FOL15DCWD; dInPhenix, IPDFD1602; eCovega SFL1550S, marketed by Thorlabs.
However, the operating principle of the DFB laser is totally different. Radiation is fed from the active into the guiding layer along the whole cavity length, so that the corrugated medium can be thought of as possessing an optical gain. Partially reflected waves experience gain, and we cannot simply add these without considering the optical gain and also possible phase changes [Eq. (4.14.1) assumes normal incidence and ignores any phase change on reflection]. A lefttraveling wave in the guiding layer experiences partial reflections, and these reflected waves are optically amplified by the medium to constitute a right-going wave. In a Fabry–Perot cavity, a wave that is traveling toward the right becomes reflected to travel toward the left. At any point in the cavity, as a resulting of end-reflections, we therefore have these right- and left-traveling waves interfering, or being “coupled.” These oppositely traveling waves, assuming equal amplitudes, can only set up a standing wave, a mode, if they are coherently coupled, which requires that the round-trip phase change is 2p. In the DFB structure,
Figure 4.50 (a) Distributed feedback laser structure. The mode field diameter is normally larger than the active layer thickness and the radiation spreads into the guiding layer. (b) There are left and right propagating waves, partial reflections from the corrugation, and optical amplification within the cavity, which has both the active layer and the guiding layer. (c) Ideal lasing emission output has two primary peaks above and below lB. (d) Typical output spectrum from a DFB laser has a single narrow peak with a dl typically very narrow and much less than 0.1 nm.
4.14 • Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers
traveling waves are reflected partially and periodically as they propagate in the cavity as illustrated in Figure 4.50 (b). The left- and right-traveling waves can only coherently couple to set up a mode if their frequency is related to the spatial corrugation period Λ, taking into account that the medium alters the wave-amplitudes via optical gain.34 The allowed DFB modes are not exactly at Bragg wavelengths but are symmetrically placed about lB. If lm is an allowed DFB lasing mode then
lm = lB {
l2B (m + 1) (4.14.2) 2nL
where m is a mode integer, 0, 1, 2, …, and L is the effective length of the diffraction grating, corrugation length (same as the cavity length in this very simple example). The index n in Eq. (4.14.2) is again the effective refractive index. The relative threshold gain for higher modes is so large that only the m = 0 mode effectively lases. A perfectly symmetric device has two equally spaced modes, at l0 and l0′, placed around lB as in Figure 4.50 (c), corresponding to m = 0. In reality, either inevitable asymmetry introduced by the fabrication process, or asymmetry introduced on purpose, leads to only one of the modes to appear as shown in Figure 4.50 (d). Further, typically the corrugation length L is so much larger than the period Λ that the second term in Eq. (4.14.2) is very small and the lasing wavelength is very close to lB. Commercial DFB lasers also have thin optical coatings at the ends of the crystal facets to modify the reflectance, i.e., the transmittance. For example, the facet for the radiation output would have an antireflection coating to encourage the transmission of the lasing cavity mode through this facet, and the other facet would have an optical coating to increase the reflectance. There are numerous commercially available single-mode DFB lasers in the market for various applications such as telecom, instrumentation, metrology, interferometry, and spectroscopy. Typically the spectral widths of telecom DFB LDs are less than 0.1 nm at the communications channel of 1.55 om. There are high-end DFB LDs that have exceptionally narrow spectral widths, a few MHz (corresponding to a few femtometers of linewidth dl in wavelength), and can be used in various spectroscopic applications where spectral purity is important. Table 4.5 highlights the properties of a few commercial DFB lasers. One technical drawback of using DFB LDs in instrumentation is the shift of the peak wavelength l0 with small changes in the temperature, that is, dl0 >dT; both Λ and n change with temperature. The increase in l0 is ∼0.1 nm °C - 1. Most DFB LDs come with thermoelectric coolers (TEC) that control the temperature and limit dl0 >dT below certain acceptable limits. Some DFB diode manufacturers, in fact, use the dl0 >dT shift as a means to tune the laser output over a range of wavelengths, usually a few nanometers; obviously the temperature has to be very closely controlled. When the DFB LD is modulated by its current, as in optical communications, the frequency of the optical field in the output optical pulse should remain the same at the operating frequency v0 throughout the optical pulse duration. However, in practice, the light pulse exhibits what is called a frequency chirp, that is, the frequency of the optical field changes over the time duration of the optical pulse. The reason is that the refractive index n depends on the gain of the active medium, which depends on the electron concentration, n. But, n depends on the current 34 These partially reflected waves travel in a medium that has the refractive index modulated periodically (with periodicity Λ). We have to consider how left- and right-propagating waves in this corrugated structure are coupled. The rigorous theory is beyond the scope of this book and is called “Coupled Mode Theory.”
DFB laser wavelengths
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
(increases n) and coherent radiation intensity (decreases n through stimulated emissions).35 Any change in n causes a phase change, say ∆f, in the emitted radiation. The rate of change of this phase change during modulation, i.e., d∆f>dt, is equivalent to an instantaneous frequency shift ∆v, which is the frequency chirp defined above. Further, the increase in the current during modulation would also result in some additional Joule heating of the semiconductor. However, the TEC is not sufficiently fast to maintain the temperature constant, and hence prevent the shift in v0. The narrow spectral widths quoted in MHz (or less) normally refer to instantaneous spectral widths inasmuch as fluctuations during operation will cause small shifts in l0, and these shifts would appear as though dl is broader. Some manufacturers use an effective dl to account for the latter effect. The output spectrum would appear as though broadened, which would not be the same spectral width under stabilized CW operation. C. External Cavity LDs The main problem with the DFB laser is that the output radiation suffers from frequency chirping. It would be highly desirable to have LDs that are immune to frequency chirping and also possess stability against any drift. By having the optical cavity external to the laser diode, in so-called external cavity diode lasers (ECDL), these problems can be overcome, though at the expense of size. In addition, one can increase the photon cavity lifetime (tph) and narrow the spectral width further. The basic idea involved in ECDLs is quite simple. The light from one of the facets of the LD is coupled into an external optical resonator, and a wavelength-selective component, such as a diffraction grating or an interference filter, is used within the external cavity to select the wavelength of interest (lo), within the gain bandwidth of the LD. Figure 4.51 is a schematic diagram of one of the many types of ECDL that are available commercially. The radiation from the left facet B of the LD is collected, expanded, and collimated by the lens L2. The collimated beam passes through an angled interference filter (IF).
Figure 4.51 A simplified diagram of an external cavity diode laser (ECDL), which uses an angled interference filter (IF) to select the wavelength lo (depends on the tilt angle of the IF), and the optical cavity has a GRIN rod lens with one end coated for full reflection back to the LD. The output is taken from the left facet of the LD.
35 It might be thought that the electron concentration should be clamped at nth, but this is only true under CW operation. We need to solve the full rate equations to obtain the transient response, which is normally done in advanced textbooks, e.g., see A. Yariv and P. Yeh, Photonics, 6th Edition (Oxford University Press, 2007), Ch. 15.
4.14 • Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers
A commercial external cavity diode laser using the basic principle shown in Figure 4.51 (U.S. Patent 6,556,599, Bookham Technology). The output is a single mode at 785 nm ({1.5 pm) with a linewidth less than 200 kHz, and coupled into a fiber. The output power is 35 mW, and the SMSR is 50 dB. (ECDL, SWL-7513-P. Courtesy of Newport, USA.)
The latter has excellent transmittance T at one particular wavelength lo , within the gain bandwidth of the LD, with a very narrow spectral width dl. It is somewhat similar to a dielectric mirror, but the alternating dielectric layers are chosen in such a way to transmit at one wavelength rather than reflect. The transmitted wavelength lo depends on the angle of the IF to the incident radiation. Further, IFs need the incident light to be collimated for the full utilization of their properties (such as wavelength selectivity and a narrow dl). The radiation that passes the IF is at lo and enters a GRIN rod lens (a graded index glass rod that acts like a lens) whose end C has been coated to obtain high reflectance, R2. The light reflected from the right face C of the GRIN rod travels back, passes through the IF again, and is fed back into the LD by the lens L2. The outside surface of the LD’s facet B is coated with an antireflection (AR) coating to prevent any of this light being reflected; we need to couple the light from the external cavity back into the LD. The light then propagates along the active region of the LD, experiences optical gain, and becomes reflected at the left facet A of the LD (reflectance R1) to complete a round trip. Some of the light, (1 – R1) fraction, escaping from the left end A is collected by the lens L1, and fed into a fiber, or collimated as an output beam. The true optical cavity is actually between A and C. The external cavity is between B and C, and much longer than the LD’s cavity AB. The AR coating on the LD’s facet B suppresses the role of LD’s cavity AB. Since the optical path AC is much longer than the path AB, perturbations to the optical path due, for example, to changes in the refractive index in the active region along AB, do not cause shifts in the wavelength. Properly designed ECDLs do not suffer from frequency chirping, which is their advantage. Further, by using a highly wavelength-selective element in the external cavity, such as an interference filter or a suitable diffracting grating, the output radiation can be made to have very narrow spectral width dy, e.g., less than 200 kHz for the ECDL in Figure 4.51. Many ECDLs are tunable lasers over a range of wavelengths; that is, the center emission wavelength lo can be varied over the gain bandwidth of the LD. Tuning is done most easily by changing the transmission wavelength (lo) through the wavelength-selective element in the external cavity. In Figure 4.51, one can change the tilt angle of the IF to tune the external cavity. There are several other types of ECDLs, most of which use a diffraction grating. If we were to replace the IF in Figure 4.51 by a tilted reflection-type diffraction grating, and eliminate the GRIN rod, we would obtain what is called a Littrow configuration ECDL. The EC would be between the grating and the LD’s facet B. The orientation of the diffraction grating would select the output wavelength. The Littrow grating-based ECDLs are widely used since they are quite simple to construct. As shown in Table 4.5, ECDLs can have very narrow linewidths and high SMSRs.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
Example 4.14.1 DFB LD wavelength Consider a DFB laser that has a corrugation period Λ of 0.22 om and a grating length of 400 om. Suppose that the effective refractive index of the medium is 3.5. Assuming a first-order grating, calculate the Bragg wavelength, the mode wavelengths, and their separation.
Solution The Bragg wavelength from Eq. (4.14.1) is lB =
2(0.22 om)(3.5) 2Λn = 1.5400 om = q 1
and the symmetric mode wavelengths about lB are lm = lB {
(1.5400 om)2 l2B (m + 1) = 1.5400 { (0 + 1) 2nL 2(3.5)(400 om)
so that the m = 0 mode wavelengths are
l0 = 1.53915 or 1.54085 om
The two are separated by 0.0017 om or 1.7 nm. Due to a design asymmetry, only one mode will appear in the output and for most practical purposes the mode wavelength can be taken as lB. Note: The wavelength calculation was kept to five decimal places because lm is very close to lB.
4.15 Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers36 Figure 4.52 shows the basic concept of the vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL). A VCSEL has the optical cavity axis along the direction of current flow rather than perpendicular to the current flow, as in conventional laser diodes. The active region length is very short compared with the lateral dimensions so that the radiation emerges from the “surface” of the cavity rather than from its edge. The reflectors at the ends of the cavity are dielectric mirrors, that is, distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) made from alternating high and low refractive index quarter-wave thick multilayers. Such dielectric mirrors provide a high degree of wavelengthselective reflectance at the required free-space wavelength l. If the thicknesses of alternating layers are d1 and d2 with refractive indices n1 and n2, then the condition
n1d1 + n2d2 =
1 l (4.15.1) 2
leads to the constructive interference of all partially reflected waves at the interfaces, and the alternating layers function as a dielectric mirror (as explained in Chapter 1). Since the wave is reflected because of a periodic variation in the refractive index, as in a grating, the dielectric mirror is essentially a distributed Bragg reflector. Equation (4.15.1) is equivalent to the Eq. (4.14.1) for the distributed Bragg reflector in which the effective index n is (n1d1 + n2d2)>Λ.
36 The VCSEL was conceived by Kenichi Iga (Tokyo Institute of Technology) in 1977, and proposed at a conference in 1978 with the first device implementation in 1979. (See K. Iga, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47, 1, 2008.)
4.15 • Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
This VCSEL diode provides a single transverse mode emission 795 nm. The spectral width is less than 100 MHz, and the output power is 0.15 mW at 2 mA. (Courtesy of Vixar Inc.)
Sketch of the VCSEL in Kenichi Iga’s laboratory book (1997). Professor Iga was at the Tokyo Institute of Technology at the time. (See K. Iga, Jpn J. Appl. Phys., 47, 1, 2008; Courtesy of Kenichi Iga.)
Kenichi Iga, currently (2012) the President of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, was first to conceive the VCSEL, and played a pioneering role in the development of VCSELs. (Courtesy of Kenichi Iga.)
The wavelength in Eq. (4.15.1), that is, the Bragg wavelength lB, is chosen to lie within the optical gain of the active layer. High reflectance end mirrors are needed because the short cavity length L reduces the optical gain of the active layer inasmuch as the optical gain is proportional to exp (gL), where g is the optical gain coefficient. There may be 30–60 or so pairs of layers in the dielectric mirrors to obtain the required reflectances; roughly ∼99% for the bottom and ∼95% for the top
Figure 4.52 A simplified schematic illustration of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser. The cross-section is circular.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
emitting side. The whole optical cavity in Figure 4.52 looks “vertical” if we keep the current flow the same as in a conventional laser diode cavity. The active layer is generally very thin (6 0.1 om) and is likely to be a multiple quantum well for reduced threshold current. The active layer is sandwiched between two confinement layers. There is a thin insulating oxide layer that covers the region outside the central part, and hence confines the current flow to the central region to increase the current density flowing into the active region, and lower the threshold current for lasing. The required semiconductor layers are grown by epitaxial growth on a suitable substrate. The emission can be through the top dielectric mirror, as in Figure 4.52, or, as in some VCSELs, through the GaAs substrate. The latter are called substrate or bottom emitting VCSELs. For example, a 980-nm emitting VCSEL device has InGaAs as the active layer to provide the 980-nm emission, and a GaAs crystal is used as a substrate which is transparent at 980 nm. The dielectric mirrors are then alternating layers of AlGaAs with different compositions and hence different bandgaps and refractive indices. In practice, the current flowing through the dielectric mirrors give rise to an undesirable voltage drop and methods are used to feed the current into the active region more directly, for example, by depositing “peripheral” contacts close to the active region. There are various sophisticated VCSEL structures, and Figure 4.52 is only one very simplified example. The vertical cavity is generally circular in its cross-section so that the emitted beam has a circular cross-section, which is a distinct advantage. The height of the vertical cavity may be as small as several microns. Therefore, the longitudinal mode separation is sufficiently large to allow only one longitudinal mode to operate. However, there may be one or more lateral or transverse modes depending on the lateral size of the cavity. In practice there is only one single transverse mode (STM) (and hence one mode) in the output spectrum for cavity diameters less than ∼10 om. The spectral line width from a VCSEL that has single transverse mode is typically much less than 0.1 nm. Specially designed VCSELs can have spectral widths (∆y) as low as 100 MHz, that is, a linewidth (∆l) of 0.2 pm. Many VCSELs in the market have several lateral modes, and the spectral width is about ∼0.5 nm, significantly less than a conventional
Left: A packaged addressable VCSEL array with 8 * 8 individually addressable laser devices. The chip is 3 mm * 3 mm. Right: A closer view of the chip. (Courtesy of Princeton Optronics, USA.)
4.15 • Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
longitudinal multimode Fabry–Perot (FP) laser diode. There is, however, a shift in the emission wavelength with temperature as in the case of DFB and DBR LDs. For VCSELs, the wavelength increases by about 0.05 nm per 1°C increase, which is slightly better than typical values quoted for DBR LDs (0.06-0.1 nm °C - 1). Table 4.6 summarizes some of the properties of selected single and multi-transverse mode VCSELs. Compared to conventional FP and DBR LDs, two features should be immediately apparent. First is the lower threshold current; and hence a lower overall operating current. Second is the lower optical power emitted. However, we should compare emitted intensities, power emitted per unit area, which is ∼1 kW cm - 2, and higher than edge emitting FP LDs. With cavity dimensions in the microns range, such a VCSEL laser is referred to as a microlaser. One of the most significant advantages of microlasers is that they can be arrayed to construct a matrix emitter that is a broad area surface emitting laser source. Such laser arrays have important potential applications in optical interconnect and optical computing technologies. Further, such laser arrays can provide a higher optical power than that available from a single conventional laser diode. Powers reaching a few watts are easily obtained from such matrix lasers. VCSELs are used in many diverse applications such as short-haul optical communications (local area networks, data communications up to 10 Gb s - 1), sensors, encoders, bar code readers, printing, optical mice, spectroscopy, and smart cables. Graded index fibers have now widely replaced multimode step index fibers in short-haul communications. These graded index fibers need narrow linewidth emitters to avoid the material dispersion (which is significant at 850 nm) overwhelming the intrinsic (and optimized) intermode dispersion of the fiber37; VCSELs are highly suitable for such use in gigabit Ethernet (e.g., 2.5-10 Gb s - 1). When many VCSELs are integrated onto a single chip as arrays, the emission power from the chip can be quite large. There are commercial array chips, and modules with several chips, that can easily emit 100 W or more. In addition, there are chips with VCSEL arrays that are addressable so that each VCSEL diode on the array can be externally controlled. VCSELs offer a number of distinct advantages in terms of much easier manufacturability (with high yield and volume), testing, packaging, coupling into optical fibers, and
Table 4.6 Selected characteristics of a few commercial VCSELs l (nm) ∆l (nm) 680 680 850 850
60.1 0.5 0.0002 60.65
dl>d T (nm K−1)
Ith (mA)
I (mA)
V (V)
Po (mW)
hslope (mW mA−1)
0.046 0.04 0.06 0.06
21° 15° 17° 26°
0.4 2.5 0.5 1
3 8 2 6
2.8 2.3 2.2 1.9
0.95 4 0.75 2
0.32 0.7 0.5 0.4
Notes: STM and MTM refer to single transverse mode and multi-transverse mode devices. aVixar, 680-000-x001, single- and multimode devices; bLaser Components (ULM Photonics) ULM775-03-TN; cOclaro, 850 nm 8.5 Gb/s Multimode VCSEL Chip. I and V are typical operating current and voltage values.
The material dispersion is quite significant at 850 nm, so that, unless a very narrow linewidth light source is used (e.g., a VCSEL), the material dispersion would be greater than the intermodal dispersion characteristic of the graded index fiber.
Chapter 4 • Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
the implementation of 2D arrays, which can be addressable as well. Advances on VCSELs are likely to make this laser diode technology one of the leaders in photonics over the next decade.38
4.16 Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers A semiconductor laser structure can also be used as an optical amplifier that amplifies light waves passing through its active region as illustrated in Figure 4.53 (a). The wavelength of radiation to be amplified must fall within the optical gain bandwidth of the laser. Such a device would not be a laser oscillator, emitting lasing emission without an input, but an optical amplifier with input and output ports for light entry and exit. In the traveling wave (TW) semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), the ends of the optical cavity have antireflection (AR) coatings so that the optical cavity does not act as an efficient optical resonator, a condition for laser oscillations. Laser oscillations are therefore prevented. Light, for example, from an optical fiber, is coupled into the active region of the laser structure. As the radiation propagates through the active layer, optically guided by this layer, it becomes amplified by the induced stimulated emissions, and leaves the optical cavity with a higher intensity. Obviously the device must be pumped to achieve optical gain (population inversion) in the active layer. Random spontaneous emissions in the active layer feed “noise” into the signal and broaden the spectral width of the passing radiation. This can be overcome by using an optical filter at the output to allow the original light wavelength to pass through. Typically, such laser amplifiers are buried heterostructure devices and have optical gains of ∼20 dB depending on the efficiency of the AR coating. The Fabry–Perot semiconductor optical amplifier, as shown in Figure 4.53 (b), is similar to the conventional laser oscillator, but is operated below the threshold current for lasing oscillations. The active region has an optical gain but not sufficient to sustain a self-lasing output, i.e., the gain coefficient g is below the threshold gain gth. Light passing through such an active region will be amplified by stimulated emissions but, because of the presence of an optical resonator, there will be internal multiple reflections as indicated in Figure 4.53 (b). These multiple reflections lead to the gain being highest at the resonant frequencies ym of the cavity within the optical gain bandwidth of the active region material. Optical frequencies around the cavity resonant
Figure 4.53 (a) Traveling wave (TW). (b) Fabry–Perot semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). (c) Gain vs. output power for a 1500-nm TW SOA (GaInAsP). SOAs exhibit saturation at high output powers; saturation lowers the gain. Higher gain (25 dB) is achieved by passing a higher current through the SOA. (Source: Selected data used from T. Saitoh and T. Mukai, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., QE23, 1010, 1987.)
See, for example, the excellent review by J. S. Harris et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol., 26, 1, 2011.
4.16 • Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
frequencies will experience higher gain than those away from resonant frequencies. The FP SOA is basically a regenerative amplifier in which positive feedback (reflections back into the cavity from the end mirrors) has been used to boost the overall gain. Although the FP amplifier can have a higher gain than the TW amplifier, due to the positive feed