My PC freezes when playing League of Legends only in Windows 11 whit AMD Drivers RX6600 (2024)

Here's my version:

When baught my PC it was AMD bottom of the barrel 64bit almost as old as I felt, but it worked for RUST, and a handful of things I played. Warzone waz just just in range to play, though loading would take so long, most of the time my connection timed out before my game could send the "all loaded" smoke signal. also had a ATI (I'm a sucker for punishment, ever since I baught my first pc...).

Needless to say, I aspired to play all the most recent titles, including Escape From Tarkov. That was painful, loading took ages, most of the time my friends already ventured half way to some extract, then only would I drop into the game... Has it's perks, often times there was no one left on the map, just me failing to reach yet another extract. But it worked mostly. Then almost over night, started having issues, restarts required, I can hear audio but no keystroke registers after the moving pictures goes dark.

Then followed time of spending, buying additional cooling, bigger cpu cooler, bigger PSU, bigger GPU, replaced MB, RAM and now I was running Intel (figured in case its AMD heating up in the africa climate). I went from it was working to no play in less than a month, replaced the entire PC piece by piece, handed down to my son piece by piece who still uses all of it the MB, RAM, Old 64bit AMD, ATI card (maybe Radeon 9200). He even took my old PSU, he doesn't have the issues I had... Sometimes his PC will not turn on, but I suspect his cabling needs TLC, but I'm not spoiling the fun of owning and operating PC hardware until he asks me for help... So my old system is still going and he still plays almost anything he wants, not fastest but it works...

I replaced that system in steps: Asus Ranger VII Maximus, I7-4790K CPU and ~1600-1800Mhz 16GB RAM all much faster and 2nd hand, also old, so old I can't install Windows 11 (**bleep** it and all I wanted was more edge and less control...) . On the flip side, on 2023-07-22 I learned things again that I have forgotten... After launching League Of Legends (not a game I prefer, but it's all my brother plays and he lives in the UK, me _africa_... So our pretend having fun was interrupted just 2 min into the ARAM, (see, I'm a sucker), I could hear him talking in discord but I was blind, the moving pictures were gone again in LOL... Keep in mind until my brother came online I had at least 6 hours in Cuberpunk 2077 trying to melt my card, set to 144 refresh rate, Ultra everything and about 500 mods, I was keeping an eye on the temp... didn't go ever 73 even though it also stated GPU usage 100%, memory usage 90% . So lets be clear, my rig can't render 144 frames of Cyberpunk 2077 at ultra, it peaks at around 40-60 fps dependding on the scene, but it can do that for 6 hours and not even stutter. It's noisy cause I run all fans at max, always, africa sucks for PC's and I'll rather have noise than smoke... even though I smoke...
So once a month at least, something sends me enough signals or no signal on screen to realize, fine I'll clean the PC again! I don't even clean my house this often, got family for that...

Through the random no signal, as was mentioned by everyone experiencing similar issues (not even exatly the same) a hard boot required. Windows disabled my GPU once... AMD drivers has more timeouts than <insert some sports reference related to timeouts>, so many timeouts I'm convinced my PC is either being used for crypto mining or does so little, it can't overheat, look I'll prove it by removing CPU heat sink and fans... Oh but AMD drivers only times out when I want to launch something that uses GPU...

Let's see, that is Vivaldi, epic games, steam, xbox game pass, discrod, afterburner, amd adrenalin, riva tuner server, vortex, edge, windows desktop manager that doesn't manage anything, it crashes before writing anything to event logs. dump file analysis sometimes states a display driver wrote me a note in the dump file... Could be my GPU driver, only moving pictures I use, though WINDOWNS in infinite wisdom, replaces my AMD drivers, so my AMD Adrenalin doesn't open, I've tried staying up to date still had no moving pictures on a random timer, and out of date for 3 months allowed no updates to be installed still had issues.

Ironic that windows turns my moving pictures off, but also replaces drivers it has no business updating, I blame edge!.
Also blamed discord and all the other apps i mentioned that wants a bit of gpu... where did all the settings go to disable gpu for unimportant stuff? Discord in it own self fulfiling prophecy always want to share your gaming to everyone, even if you have no friends like me... It has too much GPU... same with anthing WINDOWNS thinks it needs my GPU for, wrong I'm a gamer, and only want to game keep your edge, your office your notepad, your forced 2 factor authentication even though I deliberately turned it off, now they force me to open the gmail account I use to track marketing trends, p3n1s pump prices and whatever google does nowadays... They are losing edge... couldn't even get me RX Vega 56 drivers for windows 8 or 8.1... I wonder if anyone ever told Microsoft to stop making things people don't want. They might actually produce a better browser (not!) if they stopped trying to force everyone to play with their toys/drivers...

Go look in task scheduler on your PC, they launch edge in the background from there to make it look faster than other browsers... I'll rather use the old Netscape integrated this deep into windows 12 than any lie they spew about performance... clearly their OS doesn't know the difference, Cyberpunk 2077 trying to melt my pc is fine, but League of Legends, Rocket League and Ford-nights, even their beloved forced installed solitaire crashes my GPU (not that it's using GPU, it may feel I don't need one for accidentally launching solitaire, once)... (sorry bad ford joke, that was heading for broke back mountain) I'm sure they didn't make the same mistakes as MS.

As consumers we are not protected, they don't care they already have the money for our GPU's... hardware, for all of it... they can't tell us why it happens, but expects us to buy new products while I'm wondering who wears the GPU pants in my pc...

My PC freezes when playing League of Legends only in Windows 11 whit AMD Drivers RX6600 (2024)
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